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does manifestation actually work Anonymous 10679

have any of yall actually succeeded? like gotten results so specific that it couldnt just be coincidence? or is it complete bs LOL

Anonymous 10680

It only makes sense and seems real in retrospect after you put in a lot of focused work

Anonymous 10681

no unfortunately it doesn’t

Anonymous 10682

It can work. I have 32DD boobs and I definitely was not going to get there naturally. I'm thin, too, so I know it was 100% a blessing instead of a genetic or natural related gift.

Anonymous 10683

I used to be super into all that magick stuff. I used to think I made some stuff happen. Sure it coulda been coincidence but I feel like sometimes it was something more.

Regardless I don't give it much thought anymore. Even if manifestation really is possible, it's so off-and-on that there's not much point in thinking about it.
Honestly I've grown disillusioned with the concept of hoping for miracles and that's all manifestation really is.

Anonymous 10685


i believe that it works for some things and not really as some of these yt shills think it does. If you say "I am beautiful, I am capable" to yourself you will believe that and pursue that. I have succeeded in making affirmations about myself/realistic things and need to get back into it. I shifted my thoughts to be more positive and more sociable/friendly and motivated for a while but my intentions/wants changed. Need to get back into it tbh. Basically, you can manifest things/traits that aren't unrealistic. For example, you can't manifest a text from your crush but you can manifest it so you are more attractive/confident/sociable. hoppe this helps.

Anonymous 10687

gonna be an unpopular take but yes. most major changes ive manifested came after i stopped needing them, but they bettered my life regardless.

it's common for people to think about their wants 24/7 thinking it will manifest, but if you're always thinking about things you want but don't have then it's going to backfire and leave you depressed and demotivated. when you take action, you find more assurance in the thing you're trying to manifest because you're embodying behavior of the type of person that has what you want. people who get the things they want accrediting it to sheer work either struggle through the entire process or acquire it because they're already in an environment that assures them and makes working to get it easier.

manifestation ironically attracts a lot of people who are in tough spots which causes them to doubt themselves, especially if they're lonely and don't have people in their lives to believe in them. but if you're willing to support your belief in yourself by building off of it, it will benefit you so much more than putting what you want on a pedestal and rationalizing it out of the realm of possibility for you.

Anonymous 10693

I want to point out that you have to be very careful about people in the comments of manifestation (esp subliminal)-videos. People use the comments as some sort of affirmation. So someone commenting "OMG this works so well, listened to this twice and I can already see/feel a difference" might actually see/feel a difference or at least think so OR (and that's in most cases) they are trying to manifest it for themselves by affirming they already have it. Commenting that manifestation works is part of the manifestation. Figuring that out took me quite some time even tho it's so obvious or maybe I was just being dumb lmao

That being said manifestation helped me to:
- get an internship I wanted despite me having no prior experience in that field (manifested confidence, social skills in interview)
-getting a good score on my finals (especially me not being too nervous, the topics I got were like made for me)
-pass my driver's license (lots of luck involved imo)
-start fresh in a new city where I didn't know anyone, I became way more outgoing and made lots of friends (confidence again, I became way more bubbly and talkative while being shy before)
-develop more confidence overall
-view myself as prettier (idk if I actually got prettier as I think the pictures from the times where I thought I was ugly aren't too bad either, so maybe my view on it just shifted)
-get a more interesting live (I'm taking more opportunities)

So overall it's really mostly a confidence thing, but having confidence changed my life so much. Especially if you're trying to get a job or something fake it till you make it really works in terms of confidence. I guess loving myself more and caring less about others opinions also made my fashion sense a bit more bold (while my style is still pretty normie) but that might've also contributed to me having a bit of a "glow up". Many of the things that changed in my life happened naturally tho and they might've happened without me manifesting them too, but who knows really. Having a goal in mind really does help you and thinking back maybe I wouldn't be as appreciative of everything if I didn't wish for those things beforehand. Being grateful is such an amazing feeling and manifesting or at least journaling helps with it for sure. While I'm not actively manifesting anything rn, I really think it can make you happier overall.

Anonymous 10698

Wait, so the comments under subliminal videos or those people on tiktok who are saying things like “it’s already working! / I’m manifesting this!”… is that a bad mindset to have? Like will it hinder it?
Also what would you do to manifest something? Is it just kinda faking it till you make it?

Anonymous 10707

The comments won't hinder you at all, I just wanted to point out that when people say "omg xy happened" that doesn't necessarily mean it really already happened to them. It's like their form of manifesting. So sometimes it's hard to tell if a subliminal really works because everyone just comments about how it works for them regardless.
>Is it just kinda faking it till you make it?
For me personally it is. As I said I mostly used it for confidence related things.
I feel like you can already achieve a lot by just setting goals and keep checking them. I like to use visionboards so that I keep seeing what I want to achieve. It also just feels nice to make one every so often and to think about what your next steps in life are going to be. It makes me more motivated to realize said goals. If you're trying to get better at something, managing your time properly could already help a lot. And then besides that I also like to listen to subliminals and while I mostly journal about how I'm feeling and what's already happened, journaling about your future works for some people. Another thing that's important to me personally is to not share my goals before achieving them at least partly.

Anonymous 10785

The law of assumption does work if you take it seriously and work on your self concept.
I recomment doing the Ladder Experiment:
1 get into a comfy position and imagine a ladder, as vividly as you can
2 imagine yourself climbing the ladder. Imagine what it feels, smells, sounds, looks like. Don't think about where it came from, just focus on the experience of climbing a ladder
3 do this before you fall asleep every night for 3 days
4 (optional) leave notes saying "I'm NOT going to climb a ladder" around the house, on your phone etc. I didn't do this step
5 after 3 days, stop doing this and forget about it
Usually in less than a week you will end up in a situation where you have to climb a ladder. It will seem to make perfect sense and most people don't even realize immediately that their imagined scene just came true.
If you find it hard to believe with something as simple as a ladder, feel free to come up with a more weird, outlandish situation, but for your first try you need to pick something you don't really care about (so that it doesn't cause anxiety, doubt, frustration etc). Use your 5 senses and focus on the action, not how it came to be.
After it works, you can move on to things that are more important to you. For example, a while ago I imagined getting 500 dollars. I imagined standing in my room and counting the money, focusing on how it feels, smells, looks like, then putting it in my wallet. In 1-2 weeks I got it as a random gift.
But anyways, try the ladder experiment, it works! Subliminals probably don't though or at least not that well

Anonymous 10788

Did you imagined it in first person?
>4 (optional) leave notes saying "I'm NOT going to climb a ladder" around the house, on your phone etc.
Whats the purpose of this?

Anonymous 10805

I don’t really believe in it but I’ll say I had a weird experience a little over a year ago. I was going through a tough time in late 2023 and decided I wanted to get the year over with as soon as possible so I watched a “speed up time” subliminal. Shortly after I ended up in an existential crisis where it felt like the days were speeding past, and it still feels that way to some extent so I guess be careful what you wish for. I would watch a “slow down time” subliminal but I’m still not doing the best so I’d rather get through what I’m dealing with now before I do that

Anonymous 10807

i'm guessing it's because self doubt is a huge part of manifesting anything, if we wish for something we think is too good to be true our minds will naturally lose hope in bad spots and think things like "maybe this is never going to work out" or "there's no point of thinking this could happen." it's like a way of foolproofing the experiment.

Anonymous 10815

i assumed it is related to that thing people warn against, like if you use negative affirmations like "i am not XYZ", apparently your brain ignores the "not" part. because it still makes you think of what is negated ig. so maybe this step is just an extra experiment to try

Anonymous 10842

did this once and three days later I actually climbed a ladder. Coincidence or not, it freaked me out at the time. It was a couple of years ago and I didn't really try anything else ever since.

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