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Spell to get pregnant Anonymous 10689

Hello everyone I’m kind of a boomer so sorry if I’m acting like a retard, anyway imasking for help , I need spells to get pregnant please , ( I’m fértil and healthy, but i don’t know why I’m not getting pregnant I’m 30)so any kind of help would be welcome , thank you

Anonymous 10690

you should try using the Berkano and Ingwaz runes. Sing them as you carve them/draw them/paint them(with red paint) into wood/bone/rock to make a charm. Hope this helps!

Anonymous 10691

have u seen an OB-GYN doctor?

Anonymous 10702

I have already and everything it’s fine , but somehow I don’t get pregnant, I’m trying to have sec on my fertile days , and doesn’t seem to work

Anonymous 10703

Thank you so much definitely I’m going to check it out

Anonymous 10705

just relax and focus on eating healthy. there are many women who can't get pregnant for years, and when they finally stop obsessing over it and go with the flow, they become pregnant. you can look for spells that will bring you peace and minimize your stress

Anonymous 10711

if there's nothing wrong with you nona, has your partner been checked & if so are you sure his fertility results are legit? there are lots of cases of men lying about their fertility as an ego thing, and driving their female partners insane thinking something's wrong with them when there isn't. it could also be stress & diet like >>10705 said. making sure you're tracking your cycle accurately could also be beneficial, it's kind of hard to actually tell when you're ovulating from just apps like clue etc so maybe ask your gyno or a sexual health clinic about stuff like that, alongside general pregnancy support. good luck to you, nona!

Anonymous 10718

his sperm is shit, nona, leave him for a better man.

Anonymous 10719

The secret ingredient you are missing is sexual intercourse with a member of the other sex


Thank you so much I’m actually doing that now

Anonymous 10858

Take high-quality omega-3 supplements OP, that's what fixed it for me after 3 years trying

Anonymous 10893

what awful "advice"

Anonymous 10894

If you're fertile and healthy,simply track the ovulation cycle, no spell necessary. Certain teas make you more fertile also

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