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Introductory reading:
There was some discussion on /ot/ in one of the conspiracy threads.
What is Project GATE?
>Gifted education (also known as gifted and talented education (GATE), talented and gifted programs (TAG), or G&T education) is a sort of education used for children who have been identified as gifted or talented.
>Students are assessed and can be pulled out of regular classes between 2nd and 5th grade. A Google search for "what is project gate education" will show multiple school districts' website pages on their gifted program.
Former students of such programs report odd experiences such as:
>gaps in memory
>being in windowless rooms or having the windows covered and lights all off
>Zener cards
>having birth complications
>near death experiences
>odd experiences when going out such as being followed or abducted
>above average intuition
What are your experiences in GATE?

Anonymous 10762

Plot twist would be this was why lolcow was taken down lol. Anyways by Near Death Experience do you mean like nearly getting killed or those weird stories where they’re dead and come back later on and saw some weird shit.

Whether or not I think this is real is something I’m skeptical of, it seems to have origins on 4Chan which is always a red flag. I think this will be a pretty big conspiracy sooner or later though, anything to do with MKUltra will become a meme like the OG was.

Assuming it is real though it wouldn’t shock me. We live in an era of rapidly evolving technology and where being a “gifted kid” is something held up and cherished so some kind of cult experience going on here wouldn’t shock me at all

Anonymous 10767

Interesting, quite a few things on the list check out for me in the agoraroad link.
In 2nd or 3rd grade I remember being pulled from my normal reading class and having to go to a very small room, no windows, and the lights were dim. The only thing I remember from being in there was awkward silence, the table we sat at, and that the other kids in there were older than me by a few years (so fourth graders probably). I remember reading (don't remember which books or if they were given to us) but that's about it as far as my memory goes.

Anonymous 10769

I don't know why, but reading people describe their experiences creeps me out so bad and makes me paranoid and freaked out to the point of tearing up. Even if it's all bullshit, what if it's not?
>Students working in brightly lit classrooms tend to get better grades than those working in dimly lit environments. This makes sense because our eyes and brain require sufficient light to effectively gather and process visual data.
I wonder if it were to test psychic ability with minimal visual stimulus interfering? To engage the subconscious?

Anonymous 10770

Okay, that's kind of freaky… Getting creeped out too now. Were you in the program as well?

Anonymous 10772

Yeah I agree with you. I’m that way with many conspiracies and similar ideals too. Spiritual psychosis is honestly just a bitch and a half to deal with

Anyways in relation to your main point I think that’s more evidence against it, you’d think if light helps us out they would be using blinding amounts of it on them or using some kind of brain stimulation. The idea of “engaging with the subconscious” sounds like some kind of hypnosis type of stuff and keep in mind those practices are very dubious so I’m not sure if I believe this. It honestly sucks being so anxious and I really wish we had an answer for sure, this is what sucks about being so open minded

Anonymous 10782

I remember a similar discussion about this on lolcow. Some mentioned being given a minty liquid to drink. I was in the program but they never gave me anything minty, just stuff with a normal bad medicine taste.

Anonymous 10783

Do you think it could’ve been like…chloroform or some memory erasion thing?

Anyways do you think there’s any possibility this is connected to other CIA conspiracies besides MKUltra? I’ve read up on “The Gateway Process Tapes”, astral projection and other out of body / remote viewing research being done by the CIA. It may have just been psyops and such but I do think it’s very odd still. Also American Dad did an episode about astral projection and some other new age stuff and I gotta say it is one of AD’s most relevant knowing how big the new age stuff is nowadays lol

Anonymous 10790


well i just bingeread most of these links including the /pol/ threads (barf) and im heavily disappointed, it really is just schizo drivel. i feel like project monarch/mkultra conspiracy theories are funny as hell to read but this is just a repaint of that for white incel failmales.
picrel the “high IQ” takes you can expect to see in those threads
the funny thing is for women, burned out gifted kids just turn into tumblrinas, there's a whole genre of post about how gifted classes were ridiculous, mixed with self-pitying “why can’t i live up to my potential” kek i prefer that to this weird aryan mkultra subplot. men are out of touch.
the conspiracy nut in me thinks the few posts mentioning “they drugged GATE kids,” “we astral projected constantly,” “aliens and the CIA are constantly keeping tabs on us” is interesting. can i dream for a moment here? i wish former gifted kid tumblr would post like this i think it’d be funny.
ontopic as well, i meet most of these qualifications and was in GATE from 1st-5th grade. i think all the synchronicities are confirmation bias along with mostly autist NEET traits or overidentification with ESP features due to autist NEETism…

Anonymous 10791

GATE is a conspiracy variation of the lazy smart myth some people keep going for themselves to cope that they are mediocre

Anonymous 10793

All conspiracy theories tend to attract the type that wants to feel smarter than other people. However, I don't think MKULTRA is over just because we aren't hearing about it anymore. Highly intelligent and influential people are connected to MKULTRA. Think of how insane partaking in those experiments must have been. I don't think it's far-fetched to think GATE could be a continuation of those projects. What if "gate" is a codeword like "Naomi" and "Artichoke"? Has anyone ever tried reaching out to teachers at schools with these programs and asking about them?

Anonymous 10797

Honestly I get suckered into this a lot by fear. Just all the unknowns makes stuff like this seem so possible. The astral projection shit is probably a lie. They usually bring back no verifiable information beyond some vague philosophy from the “astral realm” (aka their own imagination). Maybe the out of body experience / remote viewing part of it has something to it but I’m yet to see it be properly tested and people just assume it as real because it’s in some CIA docs. They may very well have been drugged but some people are willing to do whatever they can to make kids stop complaining, plus if this was so infamous on 4Chan and if now that we got a bunch of lolcow users here I think there’s likely many trolls, then again maybe you’re just a psyop who got mind blocked and mind controlled to deny their own experiences because all people who criticize conspiracies are
Yeah exactly, it brings in a bunch of people who wanna believe that they discovered some dark secret when really it’s clear they’re trying to make themself feel special for writing fanfics. The Tila Tequilas of the modern world
>Highly intelligent and influential people are connected to MKULTRA
Like who? Or is it just an Illuminati/reptilian/NWO thing where every slightly famous person ever is a member?
>Has anyone ever tried reaching out to teachers at schools with these programs and asking about them?
It’s unlikely they’d confirm it, if it was true they’d probably just lie and say no. Even if they’re honest when they say no people will just say they’re lying to save their own asses and keep their seats at the CIA. I wasn’t a gifted kid but I do remember I used to do physical therapy in dimly lit rooms and such where they would my head, I was around elementary-middle school age when this happened so maybe this was similiar?

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