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Anonymous 10880

What's the worst nightmare you ever had?

Anonymous 10881

what's the worst nightmare you've had op?
> teenagers use fireworks to kill crowds of people at an event
> one girl tries to stop them before they do it again
> they take turns stabbing her to death
> i can hear her gurgling on blood

it was a fucked up dream. i think it's because i read an article about a dude that died after his friend lit a firework on his head.

Anonymous 10882

I had the worst nightmare I’ve ever had like 2 nights ago but I don’t want to even bother talking about it because it makes me feel like such a horrible disgusting person. I’m pretty sure it was because of a horrific news story that just recently happened that I read about and it must’ve deeply effected me to the point that its etched into my subconscious.

Anonymous 10883

Me and my family were caught in some horrible natural disaster mixed with road accident, which resulted in me being severely traumatized. I regained consciousness in my grandmother's house, but there was zero of my relatives, only some randos. My body hurt horribly (worst kind of dreams are the ones you feel physically) My ribs were broken, my left leg was broken and mangled, my jaw was dislocated, my right arm was also dislocated and had patches of skin stripped away. There were no bandages of any sort, just gore. I could barely move and was just lying on a couch. But those randos in the house forced me to move around from one room to another, causing extreme pain. I was quitely crying from pain and resentment that nobody helped me, gave me proper medical care and instead forced me to move and experience this pain. At one point, I was near computer and saw on it in news section that no help was provided to victims of that accident followed with photos of my family members' mangled corpses. In shock and anger I closed the computer and was forced to move in different room again. Suddenly, some young woman came to me and offered to amputate my arm and leg with rubber bands to relieve my pain. I eagerly agreed, but those bands weren't strong enough to do so, so instead this woman fixated my arm, leg and jaw in least painful positions, for which I was extremely grateful to her. Then she left and some faggots again forced me to move, dislocating my arm again, but then this woman came again, fixed everything again and told me to be brave and take a look at my injuries. They were somewhat healed, but it still hurt a lot. Finally, I was forced to move final time, I felt how pain in my leg started to disappear and then I woke up.
This was a very shitty dream because of pain

Anonymous 10903


I once fell from the sky through storm clouds into an Aegean sea. I tried to keep my head above water but I wasn't able too as the waves were too much. I knew I was dreaming so I dove down. When I got down 10 feet I saw a naked woman wrapped in translucent gauze floating up from the deep. She looked like an absolute goddess, so serene and at peace. As I swim towards her I realized she is passed out and just barely pregante. I suddenly feel this urge to save her and the baby at any cost. She felt like an Earth Mother Goddess or something.

BUT as I swam closer, she gasped underwater and started to spread eagle, and her womb started to swell. 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester, twins, triples, quads, etc.
Her belly kept expanding at a rapid rate until all I could see was a distended, stretched belly button as she was litterally filled with babies, then exploded into gore with a bright red pop.

My ears were ringing and I panicked as I swam up passed the tattered remains of her corpse. I saw her horrified face, too shocked to even understand what had happened and screamed, one eye hanging out by its optic nerve, the lower part of her ribs exposed and tattered entrails sailing behind her as she went by in the red dark.

I suddenly realized the surface had changed. The sky was clear, the storm and tides gone. When I broke the surface I was pushing away stuff. Like bits of skull, baby arms, baby guts. The entire ocean was nothing but a sea of red gore and aborted baby parts. I breast stroked in that slurry for what seemed like hours trying to wake up or figure out what it means with everything coated in glisting bright blood red.

Anonymous 10904


having dreams that are flashbacks from csa

Anonymous 10908

I was being chased by a tiger

Anonymous 10909

nightmares about being sold into sex slavery, being naked in public, people mocking my body and calling me a whore. Never experienced this kinda trauma but ever so often I have sexually traumatic dreams. Also had a few nightmares about my mom dying.

Anonymous 10912


I feel you, sis. Me too

Anonymous 10917

I’ve had a few bad dreams. I used to have a lot of dreams about school shootings when I was in school, they started maybe when I was 13 or so. As I got older I’d usually just die in them, or respawn like it was some video game. I had a bad dream about waiting in line for food at a restaurant once, and a strange man was in front of me. I said something to him and he became angry, and he turned around and lifted me up by the throat and started to choke me out. I saw his face morph from a stranger to my dad’s face and I woke up soon after that. I’ve also had a dream or two about my dad assaulting me which also made me feel disgusting as soon as I woke up. My dad would never do that to me, those dreams were happening when he was being emotionally and verbally abusive, I was very angry at him and bottled it up so that’s where those dreams came from.

I’m going to just spoiler the rest since it has to do with trauma.
By far the worst dreams I’ve ever had are about CSA. My little sister suffered abuse from family members but I didn’t find out until about two or three years ago and it fucked me up. A little before that I found out my dad also suffered from CSA when he was a child. With my sister it was COCSA from cousins. They were about 4 years old at the time but they still did things to her. When one of them was maybe 9 or 10 years old he tried to touch me too. I was a couple of years older than him (I was probably around 12) but he was on top of me. We haven’t seen them in years and frankly I don’t know what I’d do to them if I ever saw them again. Finding out about that really fucked with me. I still feel kind of guilty even though it wasn’t anyone’s fault. I didn’t know it was happening. I was a child too.

I think that’s when those dreams started. I really don’t want to go into detail but one of them was so bad that I think I became lucid in it. When they happen it’s like the dream is being projected in my brain and I’m forced to watch. I vividly remember begging it to stop, begging myself to wake up and to make the dream stop because I didn’t want to watch. I knew it was a dream, but my brain was forcing me to watch. I ended up waking up, feeling absolutely disgusting. I briefly thought about killing myself. I felt absolutely disgusting. It was incredibly disturbing, and it felt more disturbing since my mind had just made it up. I remember that it was an infant in that dream. In the dreams, they’re never children I know or have seen, and I’m never in them. But they make me sick. The dreams are gory and disturbing and disgusting and it’s almost always children. I’ve had other dreams about regular gore but those aren’t as bad. I think the raids here had have made them worse.

I’m not 100% sure if I have OCD but it’s like intrusive thoughts show up in my dreams. They’re vivid and real. The images pop up like popup ads in a dream, only there for a second or two before going away.

Anonymous 10918

Most of them end up being so horrible that I have to consciously force myself to forget about them and as a result, a lot of the details have been lost but some off the top of my head:
>Raped by family member
>Random dog mauled and dismembered violently in front of me
>Younger sister about to get kidnapped by 2 creepy guys
I can't remember the last time I had a pleasant dream and I hate it

Anonymous 11000

I’ve dreamed about slow and painful ways to die so much. Wonder if it’s past lives or something (tho I don’t rlly know how much I believe in stuff like that)? I also dream about discovering people in my family are incestuous, people/children or animals being sexually abused and that’s gross but they usually leave my head pretty quick but it disturbs me knowing shit like that it actually real and happening out there plus some are so vivid I still remember them

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