>>10994Your Reading: Four of Swords (reversed), The Tower, The Fool, Ten of Wands, The World, Page of Wands (reversed), Page of Swords.
Clarification: Seven of Cups, Six of Swords (reversed), Knight of Swords, Seven of Pentacles (reversed).
So, to start, the Four of Swords reversed is a card that means restlessness. I would say you'll get tired of waiting and manifesting (although I don't know how to manifest love. Maybe someone will come into your life? I can do a clarification if you'd like.). This is strengthened by The Tower. This is a violent card that depicts lightning striking a tower and setting it on fire. This card is a violent death of the ego (I do not envy you nona!), but this isn't always a bad thing long term; The short term is a bitch, though. The next card is The Fool, which is a new beginning. Typically this means beginning a whole new big adventure! You're about to fall off a cliff, nona! But in the end you'll be better for it. The next card is the Ten of Wands. This is a card of overabundance. What you're walking into may prove too much for you, and you'll be burdened by it. I would say that on this new adventure you'll learn or experience a lot, and you'll be carrying it with you into the world. I pulled a couple clarifiers and it tells me you're gonna have some options and you'll need to really consider them and what you want. This choice will leave you with some discomfort, you may feel like you've made the wrong one. You're gonna reason yourself into pushing ahead, too fast than you really want and too fast than you really need. In doing so, you spread yourself too thin or push yourself too hard and you end up dissatisfied with your efforts. This then leads to the Ten of Wands, this experience will stay with you. The World of course is the end of the road, and the begining. Anyway, the woman depicted is looking back and moving forward. You are looking back at what you've learned and moving towards the Page of Wands, which is reversed. This means your new beginning will be complicated in some way, perhaps by the wands your carrying. The last card in the spread is the Page of Swords. This card depicts a page holding a sword defensively. He walks forward slowly and cautiously, and he looks back. Now this could describe a person, but I don't think so. The page depicted has much on his mind, and he holds that mind (represented by the sword) tightly, and close. This is a card of defense and detachment.
TL;DR, this has to be the most difficult reading I've done. I might be overthinking it, but I'm having a hell of a time trying to unravel this yarn. So first off, let me tell you what I do know. Disregarding the first two cards, you will begin a new journey. You will be presented with a choice, this choice you should heavily consider and make sure your whole body agrees with it. I'm talking about your mind, your heart, and your gut here; This one's important. The outcome of this decision will leave you uncomfortable, you might have second thoughts. You will push forward regardless, too far and too fast for your own good. This will leave you dissatisfied with the outcome, and it will burden you going forward. Your reaction to whatever comes next will be no doubt influenced by this experience. What you've learned from this will cause some complications relating to a defensive mindset and perhaps some detachment from a new relationship or circumstance. Now, as for the first two cards. I've done some thinking and I've come to a few conclusions. The first is that you will become restless after your period of manifestation, and this will spur you to action that results is a total deconstruction (for this case I would say that the tower falls due to a rejection) and rebuilding of your worldview, which spurs you to begin the fool's journey laid out above. The second is that these first two cards are you now, restless, confused, and at the beginning of something new. In this case the Ten of Wands (and the clarification by extension) would be the steps you take towards finding love that were laid out in the first reading (you choosing to heed my reading which leaves you frustrated and longing for love, you pushing through it, waiting and manifesting anyway and being dissatisfied with your results) The ten of Wands would then be you keeping this time in mind, perhaps you will keep waiting longer than you should leading to complications at the beginning of the new love (the page of wands is looking at his wand, and he holds it close.) At the start you will be on guard and a bit detached, you might have some problems really opening up because of this. No one can enter a fortress if it's gate is closed. The third possibility is that your restlessness will cause you to act hastily, and The Tower is a card that represents the relationship itself. This would mean that everything that happens between the fool and the world is the relationship itself, and the last two cards are what you will be like after. In this scenario you would jump at the first man that comes your way, or the first one you're interested in, what have you. You choose whichever man you want, this leaves you in an uncomfortable relationship that you continue anyway (you will most likely "reason" with yourself, completely disregarding what your heart and gut tell you) and the experience sticks with you and leaves you dissatisfied and regretful, and any new relationship will be stained by this one. You'll be defensive and detached to avoid being hurt again. The last theory is a bit meta, and it came to me while I was writing the three drafts of this tldr. The choice that the Seven of Cups is referring to may be this one, and is you choosing whichever explanation you feel is right, be that the ones I've offered or some secret fourth option that you've come up with.
TL;DR for the TL;DR, no matter how you slice it, what happens next year is gonna stick with you and leave you defensive, for better or worse. I did a third bonus reading asking if everything would turn out well and if you would be in a happy relationship. I got a 9 card spread that I will analyze tomorrow in another post. At first glance, I'm going to say yes, but I'll look into specifics tomorrow. Sorry for the multiple answers nona, I tried my best to give you a good reading despite my inexperience and I hope this helps and that it turns out well for you. The only thing I know for sure from this reading is that I'm glad I'm not you lol. You'll be in my prayers.