Anonymous 2594
Anybody live(d) around paranormal activity?
Anonymous 3223
Yeah my neighbor's house was haunted.
Never had anything happen where I live, though.
Anonymous 3445

I don't really believe in this stuff and I feel like a total retard even typing this out but there's this… thing in my house that likes to play little pranks sometimes. Just little things like opening and closing doors, randomly turning kitchen appliances on and off, knocking shit over, etc. I'm not sure if he's a spirit or a demon or what but I know I'm not going crazy considering both my parents and sister have reported getting fucked with as well or maybe we're all going insane. Again I don't really believe in supernatural stuff and I'm sure there's logical explanations for all of these occurrences but even if it is real I don't really mind. He doesn't seem to be a malicious entity or anything, everything he does is pretty harmless. We even have a little name for him, we call him 'Riggy'. Don't know where the name came from or why we call him that but it's cute I think. It's sort of become an inside joke in our house where whenever some minor inconvenience happens we just say 'oh, that must've been Riggy getting up to no good again.' Kek this is so stupid I apologise.
Anonymous 5014
>>34457 months late but. Anon did you die of carbon monoxide poisoning
Anonymous 5040
>>3445sorry to say your home has a gnome problem, very hard to get rid of once they get established
Anonymous 5041
>>2594My dad's friend Tony lived in a condemned house by the beach that was apparently haunted for a while by a young Victorian girl and even my dad saw her, as well as strangers who came to the house (Tony hosts parties) that didn't even know about the ghost. I wish I could have seen her before Tony's crazy ex-gf apparently chased her away.
Anonymous 5044
>>5041Tony hosted parties in a condemned house?
Anonymous 5045
>>5044 Kek must of had such a rich history
Anonymous 5048
>>5044Yeah the deck was at the brink of collapse but the inside was fine, save for the time it caught on fire.
Anonymous 5080
I moved in with my partner after I became pregnant, to his house that his family has owned and lived in since around 1832, and it is absolutely haunted. Childrens' handprints appear on the old woodburning stove during winter. The sound of chopping wood echoes out at night from the stump at the back of the property where his ancestors cut wood and slaughtered animals. Weeds die and shrivel while fruit and vegetables thrive in the plot that used to be their homestead farm. The old bottling pump rises on its own unless there's a cork loaded into it. Dust never settles on the sword that hangs over the old stove. You can hear whispering near the big rain tank that a neighbour boy drowned inside in the 1930's. Melons sudden grew beneath the deck, and his mother told me about how sitting on the deck in summer and eating cold melon then spitting the seeds into the soil was something no one had done since the 60's. Dishes rattle and move if I don't drain and dry them correctly; something his great grandmother, who died in the house, would give swats on the bum with a switch for not doing correctly. If visitors to the house (me included) don't cross themselves at his great grandmother's carving of Christ on the cross outside of what is now a study, you'll feel sudden pricks over your legs and bum, like she's whipping you with her switch still.
He's completely close-minded and just laughs at it, but I think he doesn't notice any of it because of some kind of blood connection, like it's a spiritual security system to drive out people who don't belong there. I just have to wonder if after the baby's born, the house will accept me as part of the family. Until then I have to follow all the house rules to avoid ghostly anger.