
eerie/weird thread Anonymous 277
Anonymous 279

Some OC, sorry for potato quality, I shot it on my phone
Anonymous 280
>>279I really like this anon. Where did you take it?
Anonymous 282
>>280I took it during fireworks over a lake. Thank you!
Anonymous 283
>>281This is really cute anon.
Anonymous 285

this is my thread, it was made for me
Anonymous 298
>>277[insert picture of op's mom]
Anonymous 299
>>278Fantastic Planet is so good~
Anonymous 300
>>278>>299The other films by that director, René Laloux, are also really good and really weird as well, although Fantastic Planet is probably the weirdest out of them.
Anonymous 302

Annie Leibovitz, Lily Colins, Andrew Garfield
Anonymous 304
This is one big K-hole.
Anonymous 309
>>297That thing killed its creator
Anonymous 314
>>311 I need this in my life and interior, god it's haunting.
Anonymous 315
>>311these look like an item you'd get from darkseed 2.
Anonymous 715
i don´t want to be a party-pooper, but the majority of the gifs/pictures in this thread would fit right into a edgy grunge blog run by a 13-year old on Tumblr, especially the last chunk. They don´t really scream eerie to me.
Anonymous 716
>>715yet you don't contribute. //
Anonymous 718

Mysterious light phenomenon in Norway most prominent during the 80s.
Anonymous 719

Gas chamber claw marks from the Jews during WWII
Anonymous 720

9/11 Surviving woman waving and standing at the edge on the right amidst the destruction.
Anonymous 724

Imagine being roasted to death within this thing surrounded by hot metal. Medieval torture methods were brutally creepy in their own way. Fuck scaphism, quartering, Judas cradle, and the heretic's fork too.
Anonymous 728
>>725I've seen them in person and it's the most claustrophobic place you can be in.
Anonymous 1446
>>291Reminds me of Twistee Treat