
Zodiac Signs Anonymous 2895
What are your signs, miners?
I’m a Pisces…
Anonymous 2896
your sister sign, virgo
Anonymous 2897
>>2896I’ve only had one irl Virgo friend. I like you guys a lot.
Anonymous 2898
astrology is a mental illnes.
Piscis! <3
Anonymous 2902
See I'll believe in a lot of things but astrology ain't one of them. I'm supposed to be a Leo which should make me a confident, outgoing leader.
I sit in my room, never leave it, and wince everytime I hear my family walk by because I'm always paranoid.
That's proof enough for me that your birthday doesn't determine what kind of person you are.
Anonymous 2903
Scorpi-hoe, but astrology is honestly dumb. I only got into it to annoy men.
Anonymous 2905
Sun and moon both in Leo and I've let it affect my ego far too much. I do have pretty nice hair though.
Anonymous 2906
It does and does not describe me.
I believe in the theory that horoscopes are only relevant insofar as the first few months of life may slightly affect a baby's disposition.
Anonymous 2908
Libra with the Sun in libra.
Pretty accurate in my case.
Anonymous 2909
>>2895Taurus in sun and rising, Virgo in moon.
I don't think it describes me terribly well, except I'm horny as fuck.
Anonymous 2910
scorpio sun, saggi rising, aries moon. saggi venus, libra mars
even though they all make a lot of sense, my signs are like this complete party lion kinda person but im the complete opposite. it feels like im the "bad alternate universe" version of myself. can anyone help explain why?
>>2897>>2896my best friends were always virgo and i just wanna say i appreciate you guys <3
Anonymous 2911
>>2910might be because of the houses your planets are in/the aspects they have. you might have some 12th house planets or planets in more earthy houses like the 6th or something, or harsh aspects to your planets. which results in a different expression for you rather than how it "typically" is.
Anonymous 2913
virgo sun aries moon scorpio rising libra mecury leo venus sagittariuss mars
Anonymous 2914

virgo sun, cancer moon, leo in venus, and sagittarius rising.
Anonymous 2915
gemini sun,taurus moon,scorpio rising
Anonymous 2916

>>2895Yes, Pisces, nothing's wrong with you
Anonymous 2917

>>2896I'm a virgo with a powerful aries moon and aquarius rising so I'm doomed to love the spotlight but also hate it.
>>2897I feel virgos are like the great equalizer of the signs because we can find a way to get along with anyone even if they hate them. When I check compatibility charts with friends, I'm always the one with the least amount of contention between everyone.
Anonymous 2918
I'm gemini, but i'm nearly the opposite from how they're described. So zodiac's just another bullshit. I even a little pity people who believe in it.
Anonymous 2919
I'm an aquarius, that's all I know
Anonymous 2920
Leo Sun, Scorpio Rising (with pluto conj ascendant in the first house ruled by scorp so hooray for being a massive fucking edgelord), Aquarius moon.
>>2910>Libra marsMe too. I feel your pain, sister.
Anonymous 2922
Are we all gonna ignore the fact that the bitch in op's pic has a super gross filthy feet? Whats up with that, eww.
Anonymous 2924

Anonymous 2925
scorpio sun, gemini moon, pisces rising
Anonymous 2929
>>2895I'm an aries but I constantly feel like a pisces
Anonymous 2930
How do I know zodic sign?
Anonymous 2931
>>2910If a star sign gets traumatized the frequently start showing signs of the diametrically opposite star sign (eg. a libra growing up in an unloving home becomes bellicose and aggressive like aries).
Anonymous 2932

Rate mine please, I'm also intrigued.
Anonymous 2936

I just did one but I have no idea how to even interpret it
Anonymous 6118
I got scared because I didn't believe in astrology, but besides that decided to learn how to interpret birth charts and mine is accurate in very specific ways
Anonymous 6119
>>6118How do you even do that when an aspet appears counter to a sign? Which takes priority?
Anonymous 6121
Horoshop Chart.png

Star sign: Virgo
Moon sign: Aries
Ascendant: Pisces
Sorry the chart is in German. Can one give me a brief interpretation or thoughts on this? I am quite new to Astrology but it is surprising how on point the description of self perception, inner and subconscious feelings and perception from outside is. Especially if you read into the other star signs and see that they do not fit my personality on whatever issue.
Also do you have any recommended reading? I dislike the results you get online when looking for astrology. It is all feel good beauty websites telling how great your sign is or not going into self development and talking about critical points.
Anonymous 6122
>>6119Hmmm, I can't say for sure, since I started to study about it recently. I don't think that there is one that takes a priority. Both of the planets will be the "rulers" of their areas, but each one of them will be affected by this conflict.
Anonymous 6186
snail mammal (2).j…

Sun: Gemini, Ascendant: Cancer and Moon: Scorpio.
I'm glad I have a bunch of water signs in my chart, I feel like they make me more loyal, more in touch with my emotions and more compassionate than normal Geminis.
>>2936They describe it in detail on Cafe Astrology if you scroll down.
Anonymous 6193
I’m a Taurus and I have a no bullshit tolerance
Anonymous 6405
im a gemini sun, aries moon, and leo sun. i have a stellium in my chart, gemini sun, mars, venus, and mercury
Anonymous 6456
I think astrology is underrated and i don’t understand why we make fun of it, maybe cause it commonly attracts women? Or because most of you are familiar with a basic understanding of it where it’s only your sun sign. Taking a “astrology is a stupid superstition” approach doesn’t make you the intellectual you think you are. traditional vedic astrology is terrifying and looking at your whole natal chart is a bizarre experience where you can see how everything in your life ties in together and how we are genuinely souls having a human experience.
I’m a gemini sun btw
Anonymous 6459
>>6405I’m somewhat of a gemini stellium as well. Sun, venus and mars. Cancer moon and mercury though. Kind of a weird mix
Anonymous 6538
I'm a pisces sun, cancer moon, pisces rising. Casey Anthony and I share the same main three.
Anonymous 6540
>>6538Im jealous. Pisces risings are really captivating and artistic
Anonymous 6546
Sun and Moon in Scorpio, Pisces Rising.
Mercury, Venus, Jupiter also in Scorpio. Mars in Sagittarius.
Anonymous 6547
>>2895I'm a Scorpio with a Capricorn rising.
Anonymous 6549
>>6547Hows this karmic lifetime going for you
Anonymous 6604
virgo sun, moon and rising…
Anonymous 6613
Makes sense the first one is prone to grudges and emotional, second is selfish, the other two are prone to anger outbursts. The fifth would do anything to protect their reputation. Of course the placements in their charts matter more
Anonymous 6629
virgo sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
Anonymous 6640

>cancer mom
>sag dad
>a Taurus sister
Anonymous 6643
>cancer #1
>mfw my ex who came out as a TIM is a cancer
guess I'll be seeing his AGP ass on a sex offender registry at some point
Anonymous 6807

Greeting to all farmers.
I'm a
>Taurus Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn
>Cancer Moon and Rising
>Gemini Mars
>Aquarius Neptune and Uranus
>Sagittarius Pluto
What can you tell me about my future? Where does my potential lie? I'm new to this and want to see if I can discover new things about myself
Anonymous 6809
>>6807A lot of s here have the wrong idea, theres no way I could tell anything from a few placements. The chart exists and the chart doesn’t tell you your future either more like what energies work best with you
Anonymous 6810
>>6809Also a cancer rising, you must have an adorable round face
Anonymous 6811
>>6809Yeah, I don't know much about astrology so I must have misunderstood the stuff I read. How can I figure out what my chart means then?
>>6810Maybe so:)
Anonymous 6813
>>6811aspects between planets, the houses each sign and planet fall in, the degrees. post the whole wheel chart.
Anonymous 6816
>>6814First of all, Your potential? Love yourself, focus on yourself, put yourself first, it’s in cancer so… nurture yourself. your soul literally came here to do that. You were probably too focused on healing and nurturing others in the past life (especially partners) or even growing up. Your potential is unlocked when you let yourself be vulnerable and wear your heart on your sleeve and speak your truth despite that being very scary because of the push and pull between your nn and ac, that make you unpopular. You might rub people off the wrong way but remember this life is a test and it doesn’t really matter. BUT BUT! please be careful as well, you have a pure cancer moon in the 12th house, so all of that is difficult. You probably don’t understand your emotions that much yourself and please be wary of who you open up to, you also have an 11th house stellium and that has a lot to do with community, friendships, people, i personally tie those to your life purpose as well. Must be part of the challenge or something. Goddamn. You have self esteem issues with neptune squaring your venus. your communication and way of speaking or even cracking jokes might rub people the wrong way with that uranus and mercury square, i might be wrong but i think you’re an idealist but don’t strike me as aggressive… you might even perceive danger before it even happens… idk about that one (neptune trines mars) uranus squares three of your other planets actually… might be someone who struggles with mood swings or inconsistent surges of energy throughout the day in general or lack there of. Now this is my own interpretation but i think you grew up with a lot of expectations as a child, and i also think your creativity and childhood wonder was stifled very young with that chiron 5th house and virgo IC and also your 6th house lilith is also an indication of responsibility in youth (and a very pessimistic person) That’s three indication of those themes. I think you might have been the golden child or someone who had a lot of expectation on them…. the way to heal and focus on yourself is focusing on that part of your life. I believe creating things and letting your inner child out will bring you some sort of fulfillment and make the path easier. i think art is a good career and a good outlet… take that as you will. You will struggle with your self image, identity and the way you communicate with others in the first half of your life as saturn is in the 11th house. You might feel like you don’t really belong or have a place but It will get better. Saturn makes things difficult but it will get better when it returns in its original place in your natal chart. Probably in your late 20s or early 30s. A lot of us 2000s babies have pluto and chiron in sagittarius so i don’t know if explaining that part really matters since its generational but we struggle with belief. A lot of us were told how to speak and what to think and we are pretty much a generation that is cut off from source, whatever house that falls in the themes of a wounded belief is there. Believe in yourself. Don’t be overconfident or delusional but be there for yourself. I keep rambling on so ill shut up now bc i couldve gotten a lot of wrong. Also cancer rising with a cancer degree you’re definitely a baby face arent you? Wasn’t i right?
Anonymous 6817
>>6816Thank you anon! Firstly, I wanted to say I enjoy your style of writing it has a nice flow to it.
You got a lot right, I've always (and do still) struggled with making real connections with people and was the weird kid and people don't always like my sense of humor (got told a lot that I'm entertaining but too overwhelming growing up).
I do struggle with my own emotions (and mood swings) and use humor to cover them up sometimes. But I'm good at understanding others and offering support. Self esteem issues check out, I was bullied a lot as a kid. Friendships are very important to me but they fall apart quickly.
Definitely idealistic and not aggressive but I am confrontational and speak my mind and I can be naturally assertive when I speak. It sucks because once people only see that image of me they start to act like I have no feelings and are shocked when I deem somehting hurtful… My parents did have high expectations of me which changed once I got older. I was good at art and English and took a lot of extra classes. The part about my late 20s/early 30s sounds hopeful.
And yes you were right I do have a baby face haha
Anonymous 6818
>>6817The reason i say late 20s-30s is because saturn return take 29 years. So that energy continuously affects us throughout our life. Remember that free will is a thing, saturn rewards you if you understand the lessons and challenges it throws at you (like bullying, being perceived negatively by your social circle, and friendships falling apart in your case). Say someone has not been evolving or learning the lesson, you best believe they will see the outcome of their actions and reactions. You’re good at understanding others because you’re a cancer moon. Nurturing and motherly by nature and in the 12th house even more intuitive and aware of other people’s emotions. Really empathetic. I love this placement, i’m a cancer moon too! Tho in the 10th house..
Anonymous 6819
>>6816That's very informative, thank you, nona. I'll read up on cancer in the 12th (and then 10th bc you seem very sweet) house because you made me curious. Saturn as well, I hope it helps me understand things and improve
Anonymous 6823
>>6819I’m glad it resonated! I love astrology, its really comforting for me also i made a mistake earlier:
>>6816Cancer rising with a pisces degree actually* i type too fast kek but the point still stands. Pisces is as feminine and soft. Anon must have beautiful eyes. Very encouraging reassuring person. You will spend this lifetime building thicker skin, you probably already did or in the process of that. OK ILL STOP
Anonymous 6842

i once asked my friend to analyze my chart but she said my chart is weird and difficult so what was that supposed to mean i understand none of this shit
Anonymous 6847
>>6842Why did she think its weird?
Anonymous 6859
>>6847that't the thing i have no idea why
Anonymous 6860
>>6859Its a pretty good chart, lots of harmony between planets. Seem like you need a hug though a blanket and a warm drink
Anonymous 7741
>>7739Makes me sound a lot cooler than i really am
Anonymous 7748
>>7739>in love, I seek affectionno shit lol
Anonymous 7749
libra. its so retarded i hate it and dont relate to it at all. when i was younger i was so envious of my brother and bestfriend because they were both virgos which in my opinion is the most symbolically beautiful whereas mine is trashy. I HATE IT.
Anonymous 7750
>>7749Libra, the scales, ruled by venus. the planet of love and beauty. justice and harmony. a call back to the goddess themis. her and her daughter both symbolize libra and virgo which is why the two zodiacs have a similar energy but different purposes
Anonymous 7881
>>7749Libras are one of the better signs, they are generally fun and interesting. Virgos on the other hand have been some of the most consistently boring people I have ever met
Anonymous 7897
Screenshot 2023-01…

taurus sun, aquarius moon, leo rising. i need to go to a proper astrologer one of these days but here's my chart if anyone wants to look at it.
aspects and planets:
Sun in 28° 15' Taurus
Moon in 5° 42' Aquarius
Mercury in 17° 30' Gemini
Venus in 3° 19' Taurus
Mars in 27° 22' Leo
Jupiter in 12° 6' Sagittarius (r)
Saturn in 22° 55' Pisces
Uranus in 0° 23' Aquarius (r)
Neptune in 25° 25' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 29° 15' Scorpio (r)
North Node in 4° 25' Scorpio (r)
Chiron in 19° 59' Virgo
Ascendant in 0° 28' Leo
MC in 19° 59' Aries
Uranus Opposition Ascendant
orb: 0 °
Uranus Sextile Pluto
orb: 1 °
Moon Square North Node
orb: 1 °
Sun Square Mars
orb: 1 °
Venus Opposition North Node
orb: 1 °
Sun Opposition Pluto
orb: 1 °
Pluto Trine Ascendant
orb: 1 °
Mercury Sextile MC
orb: 2 °
Sun Sextile Ascendant
orb: 2 °
Mars Square Pluto
orb: 2 °
Mercury Square Chiron
orb: 2 °
Moon Square Venus
orb: 2 °
Sun Trine Uranus
orb: 2 °
Saturn Sextile Neptune
orb: 3 °
Venus Square Ascendant
orb: 3 °
Venus Square Uranus
orb: 3 °
Saturn Opposition Chiron
orb: 3 °
Sun Trine Neptune
orb: 3 °
North Node Square Ascendant
orb: 4 °
Uranus Square North Node
orb: 4 °
Mercury Square Saturn
orb: 5 °
Neptune Opposition Ascendant
orb: 5 °
Mercury Opposition Jupiter
orb: 5 °
Moon Opposition Ascendant
orb: 5 °
Uranus Conjunction Neptune
orb: 5 °
Moon Conjunction Uranus
orb: 5 °
Moon Sextile Pluto
orb: 6 °
Sun Sextile Saturn
orb: 6 °
Neptune Square MC
orb: 6 °
Neptune Trine Chiron
orb: 6 °
Venus Trine Mars
orb: 6 °
Jupiter Square Chiron
orb: 7 °
Jupiter Trine MC
orb: 7 °
Sun Trine Moon
orb: 7 °
Saturn Trine Ascendant
orb: 8 °
Mars Trine MC
orb: 8 °
Anonymous 8382

New into astrology. Feel like I get the gist of what my chart means but still feel like such a mess of a person. Too much water and feels makes me such a cry baby and I feel like my perception of reality is so off compared to those around me. Am I doomed to be a lonely loner who cares too much? Also I’m an INFP which I’ve seen quite a few Pisces moons with that type.
I like Libra, Aquarius, Leo, and I am married to a Sagittarius. Scorpio is cool but super intense and I seem to annoy but also intrigue them.
Anonymous 8384
I don't get why men put a special hatred toward astrology. But men will hate on anything women like so I guess they have no rational reason
Anonymous 8385
>>8384Pretty much anything popularized by teenage girls is ridiculed and mocked by all of society, because men hate us that much.
Anonymous 8987

would anyone who knows how to read these have any takes or thoughts on my dynasty chart with my crush? I’m the inner cancer sun in Blue and he’s the outer ring pisces sun in Orange..
note my mercury venus n mars all in gemini.. I am mentally fucking unwell!!!
Anonymous 9023
>>8382im not an expert but pisces moon i assume youre very emotional. Even more so with your cancer mercury.
Anonymous 9026
>>8987Both your south nodes pass over your 5th houses (yours in his 5th house, his in your fifth house as well) this tells me, that hoping for a romantic relationship with this man is useless. But the attraction is there because of a shared past life (we’re talking south node after all) with him. You probably dated in a past life, or had kids together even since both of your south nodes are passing fifth house im pretty sure. Maybe you are meeting in this life to correct some mistakes or stay away from each other. His sun is shining on your seventh house and thats why you’re probably still infatuated with him in that way. And his saturn is in your 12th house so i don’t think he’d be a good man for you in this life, probably the type to look down on you while you hide your resentment elicited by his actions if you ever got together. Your saturn conjuct your south node both in his seventh house is really coming through as a karmic past life connection where there was marriage involved. This is insane like i’m losing my mind anyway thats as far as i can go i cant read synastry transits and im too lazy to keep going and im not an astrologer but thats what i can tell u from what ik
Anonymous 9104

I'm blackpilled on males, but is there a specific sign of male to pursue? I don't know any actual astrology sites that don't seem kind of vapid and hobbyist that give a good explanation, but it seems like cancer men are described as loving, kind, nurturing, and motherly, which is what I've wanted my whole life. I know I know, just date a woman, but my libido has changed for some reason and I want a sweet princely type man. Are there signs that lean that way? Are cancer men something to pursue? I can't get over the idea of a motherly male. I have mommy issues.
Anonymous 9107
>>9104Cancer Sun men are as hit or miss as it gets. Yes, they can be the most loving and nurturing but also they go fucking insane when they feel wronged, all cancers can give in too easily to fantasies of revenge and cruelty when it feels justified by their inner logic, add to that their malebrain and.. there’s a reason the CIA or whatever said that Cancer Suns are the most likely to be dangerous or straight up serial killers or something.
I think what you really want is a man with his moon in Cancer. Their emotions are as motherly as it gets, when they love you they LOVE you, they’re clingy and affectionate and adoring of you and will bend over backwards just to make sure you’re happy. You’ll have to put up with moodyness and they’re prone to being insecure a lot. Make sure he’s not a manchild though, if you meet a cancer anything who comes off as the littlest bit immature, run away immediately and don’t look back they’ll fuck up your life.
Anyway definitely don’t rely only on someone’s sun sign though, your moon, venus, and mars will tell you a lot more about compatibility than sun signs alone.
The most motherly guy I ever dated was a capricorn sun and cancer moon. He was a bit way too much for me and breaking up with him was the most mutually heartbreaking thing I’ve ever been through. Be careful what you wish for!!
Anonymous 9110
>>9104I don't think there is a specific sign that's good for everyone, it depends on the synastry. What are your big 3 + venus sign?
Anonymous 9112
>>9107Okay cancer moon it is. I’m a fire moon sign so will that affect anything?
>>9110I’m virgo sun, aries moon, scorpio rising, and my venus is in libra. Earth, fire, water, air interestingly enough.
Anonymous 9185
Screenshot (84).pn…

Can someone analyse this one for me please? Whatever is on that website is retarded and contradicts itself, in some places it says I'm a very nice and nurturing person (which I'm really not) and in others it says I'm an insane BPD-chan.
Anonymous 9206
>>9185Yeah I took a look at your chart and tl;dr you come off as moody, agressive, criticize and try to micromanage people, think you know better than everyone, have a massive ego, cutthroat, talkative but also shallow as in it's hard to get close to people.
Anonymous 9207
>>9206Makes a lot of sense except the talkative part, I won't talk unless something interests me a lot. Is there any hope for me or should I just slit my wrists already?
Anonymous 9208

Do me next! Does it have to be color coded? I got it from Costar kek.
Anonymous 9210
>>9154why must it be so hard we don’t deserve this