
crystal dream diary. Anonymous 3081
whenever you remember a dream, log it here.
picture used is tako otoko from yume 2kki.
Anonymous 3082
just had (or remembered) my first nightmare since a few months ago. something about dousing sheep, though they were christened something else in the dream, with blood. the sheep were trapped in a circular pen and the blood was being messily spouted over them by this huge rusty tube.
Anonymous 3083
I had a real scary dream the other night. I lost all my loved ones because someone wanted to destroy any type of happiness I had.
Anonymous 3084

>tfw had the chainsaw murderer dream again
Anonymous 3085

>dreamed that I was Bayonetta and was jumping from rooftop to rooftop while carrying Luka in my arms, bridal style
>one of my weirdest dreams was when I was dreaming I was in a lecture at college, the lecturer was Trump and he started yelling at me because I was eating extraterrestrial bright green cookies in the middle of the lecture, saying it was illegal and I was helping aliens taking over Earth. We ended up beating each other because I thought he wanted to confiscate my cookies and secretly eat them.
>scariest one was when something was tearing my body apart from the inside and I was dying and being revived and dying again, etc. It was really gory and my whole body hurt when I woke up.
>another weird one was when I was playing FE Awakening non-stop, so much that I was dreaming I was walking just like the characters, on a grid. Kind of like the Tetris effect. Shit was weird.
What does that mean.
Anonymous 3086
Had a dream I was sleeping with some girl but I just couldn't eat her out. I touched her clit but eating her out was… unappealing. Sorry, dream girl.
It's interesting I had this dream because I was questioning my sexuality for a while and then my subconscious decided to show me I may not actually be bisexual.
Anonymous 3087

>>3081>tfw had the school shooting dream again>tfw was the shooter>tfw first time in a long time i actually felt alive Anonymous 3088
i had a dream last night that i inherited a green hat from my grandparents.
Anonymous 3089

Had a dream last night that my abusive grandfather came to kill me while i was at my home, i hid in my bathroom and moved slowly through my house and rooms until i reached a phone.
I called the police while hiding from him and they were incompetent to the point of bullshit, as in, laughing at me for being scared of someone wanting to kill me and telling me to get over it.
Then, i decided to call the GP so maybe she could help me (?) and she told me to go to her clinic, going there i ended up in my towns plaza where there was the queen of my country just walking casually and a bunch of people on some kind of attraction, i distinctly remember it had something to do with a park. To go to my GP i had to go through a big door that was guarded by 2 guards in each side that did not let me pass "for the moment".
Suddenly people started deteriorating, having their skin melt off while screaming like sirens and turning into awful monsters and zombies, grabbed a lose stick and started beating the shit out of them while running away.
Don't remember much else but wew what a fuckin trip.
Anonymous 3090
I remember I had a dream once where I was in a terrorist attack. I have never experienced anything like that but just remembering how it felt in that dream to be running as much as you can and surrounded completely by gunfire and peoples scream.. it was terrifying. It was the most horrible feeling I have ever felt within a dream. I was running with my friend, pushing her along with me, as she had been shot in the leg. It felt so real and when I woke up my heart was being incredibly fast. I hope something like that never happens to me, or anyone else I know.
Anonymous 3091

>>3086Lmao something similar happened to me once in a dream. I was under a girl eating her out and then I suddenly felt really grossed out mostly because of her asshole being so close to where I was. Not sure if this would correlate into rl though because when I get in the mood, I get dirty. Domming a girl without licking her in another dream was nice though.
>>3085>Dreamt you were BayonettaWhat a blessing.
Anonymous 3092
I have had a bunch of dreams where I'm forced to have sex with my dad, either by him or by other people (mostly family)
Whenever I have one of those I'm uncomfortable for the entire day.
Anonymous 3093
>>3092me too, but with my brother and eldest sister.
he sexually abused me for years, so it's logical. it fucks me up hard, though. my elder sister, i have no idea why - when i was little i worshiped her but as i aged i realized what a cunt she is.
Anonymous 3094
>>3093I'm sorry you went through this anon, sounds horrible :(
Anonymous 3095
Does anyone else wake up within serveal dreams and when you finally wake up you don’t know if you’re dreaming or not since I just experienced this.
Anonymous 3096

>>3081Last night I dreamt (the first time in a long while) that I was on a camp with…other fellows and right in that place I was going through a cold, vividly lit avenue such as those from Vegas and reached our residence in the forest after marching the whole rainy night. There was a party over there and we missed it. Appearantly everybody was tidying the place, packing up and trying to delete every trace. I remember some wallpapers too. When I got there I saw my ex-friend and greeted her. She wasn't helping, only there to chill and to banter. We talked for 5 minutes or so, until a group of her friends came and she left me behind. I tried to get in and ask something, but she replied "Can't you even realize that you're fucking NULL?", to which one of her friends added "Yeah, is your name X or anything?". I was expecting that. I just went back into my room and cried. There was a camp competition (not gonna tell what it was) I got placed before them. Just when I had to leave and get away from the camp, she came back at me and said "hey, aren't you gonna tell us goodbye?", not even with malice, mockery, or because I won that shit, but as if it was expected of me to do it. I mumbled a "y-you too" and left as fast as I could.
It's quite likely that it wasn't even a dream and I was just half-awake (couldn't sleep too well last night), and thinking about what happened 4 years ago as well as (exactly) one year ago. Even though I gave up long ago on my desires of ever belonging to a community, I still want that feeling of love and acceptance. I fucking hate you, normies, tell me why am I never good enough for you? Honestly I don't even want to be a part of that "something" anymore, I only wish that one day you'll come by my side, remorsefully apologize, and swear that you will never hurt me again.
Anonymous 3097
>>3095Yes, especially when they're mundane dreams that closely mimic when Im awake
Anonymous 3098

I had a wonderful dream that I had shiba inu… sigh wish if it's real
Anonymous 3099
>>3098cute dream! I wish it was mine
Anonymous 3100

i once dreamt that i flew to mercury on a pegasus with sonic the hedgehog and as soon as my foot touched mercury's surface it broke into a million pieces and made the weird ring-sound sonic makes when he gets hurt in the game
yea . … safe to say i was playing lots of sanic the night before. it was fucking weird
Anonymous 3101
a god was toying with me and a few other people. the universe created to play its games was a series of themed rooms, all stapled together. they were in the guise of a gym.
for a day, it took on the form of a man and killed us over and over again, chasing us through the universe. when we died, we got sent to the 'reset place', where we had to get past a much weaker version of it and place four golden hearts from the wall into a box meant for us.
Anonymous 3102
I had a dream I was cleaning the floor of the job I got fired from recently saying I didn't want money just enjoyed helping and hoped I was appreciated. maybe I'll be a janitor one day
Anonymous 3103
>>3081I dreamed that I answered a post from crystal.cafe
not worth bumping for this little
Anonymous 3104
I was laying in a field, the sun was setting eternally. Some person next to me was whispering, but my brain registered their words as unimportant.
Anonymous 3105
My dreams lately have been fairly sweet, despite me being completely stressed out and depressed.
A few nights ago I had a dream where me and this guy I used to like hung out late at night together and went to McDonalds. Everything was really cute and we had a pretty wholesome time together i havent seen him in 6months cries
Afterwards we ended up running into my sister and this guy who used to like me but nothing was awkward, I felt really happy the whole time.
My other dream I had recently was of me just playing a game of soccer. I don't have the time or skill I used to have when I would actively play so being able to even feel as if I was playing a little bit like how I used to felt really good and fun.
Anonymous 3106

I vaguely remember a dream I had, I owned an alpaca farm in some Latin American country. I remember the people hated us because we were not native, but we had some cute alpacas.
Anonymous 3107
Dreamed of my ex, yet again. This is like the 3rd time this week even though I haven't thought about him at all (except for the dreams of course). I heard once that that means that the person you're dreaming of is thinking about you? Meh. Even though he was my first love we broke up yeaaaaaars ago so I hate dreaming about him.
Anonymous 3108

>be dream me in a big city
>dressed in some iteration of a ghostbusters costume
>trying to warn two asian chicks called Fan and Tan,
to be careful of a new type of deadly mosquito
>the cling to me for protection from the mosquites and i feel special
>we enter a building
>the whole building is one giant public toilet room
>each cubicle has a different label/title on the door such as 'Colonel' 'Princess' 'demi Princess'
>and finally, 'Top Leader'
>this one cubicle seems to tower above the rest for some reason
>really need to go to the bathroom, and they're all full but some one just evacuated the Top Leader shitter
>people cheer as she leaves
>quietly enter the cubicle
>its a huge room with a single toilet in the corner and a window right next to it
>i sit upon my throne
>a mosquito slinks through a crack in the window and fucking dive bombs my arm
>for some reason i cannot lift myself off the toilet
>i am paralyzed
> notice a digital timer in the corner
>they time how long you last in the toilet
>excruciating pain and body horror nightmare ensues including mosquitos going in my mouth and into my skin
>blood everywhere, skin is sloughing off
>what seems like hours later it stops and i can move
>leave the bathroom stall
>everyone is screaming wildly crying to hold on to me, throwing flowers
>i've done it
>i am the Top Leader
Anonymous 3109
i wish i'd posted here or written it down when i first woke up because it's pretty much slipped my mind, but essentially
i was some sort of modern day witch in an organization that rode dragons? fuck i honestly can't remember but i felt cool and powerful
in another dream i was a fire elemental stuck in the desert, it was getting late and i was tired. my footsteps caused the sand to go up in purple flames.
Anonymous 3110
The only real dreams I have had in the last couple of years are psychedelic dreams where I hear colors and taste sound ect.
These have been diagnosed as night-terrors but they don't really fit the symptoms.
Anonymous 3111
so i was in some sort of high-school, member of this club whose responsibility was to fight these monster pests that'd pop up every now & then. i get the feeling we were pretty bad at it, but anyway.
the dream started when we were young. i was totally idiotic, this one girl acted like a typical onee-sama,and our first ever battle was in a purple field of flowers, against these dogs with letters for heads. the guy that led us there said the field was a miracle.
fast forward a few years and we've all changed. still extrodanarily shit at our jobs tho. and me & the girl have grown kinda close. i recall telling a member of the club about it after a job, before a fence near the edge of the school. you could see a field and a small stream, beyond that the city. it was like, night. maybe he was going to confess? i got those vibes.
but basically to him, i said something along the lines of, "i don't mean to brag but, i'm closer to her than anyone else…we were made first…we rubbed off on eachother…" stuff like that.
it may be interesting to note that this world started off as an h-game i tried to port on my phone, and wanted to stop playing since it lagged like hell.
Anonymous 3112
I dreamt that I got a trimmed crafting cape in Runescape. I hate crafting.
Anonymous 3113
>watching a mockumentary movie called 'it gets worse'
>movie takes place on a space station in flashbacks
>it's about a female astronaut who gets pregnant with her second child
>while she's pregnant, her first child goes missing.
>they find the green dress and shoes she was wearing that day under a dumpster near their house.
>miscarries from stress, goes to space to cope
>movie shows the astronaut lady at the premiere of the documentary in some kind of state of shock
>we don't finish the movie but the title makes me think it's going to end with a big reveal of how she or her husband secretly murdered their daughter.
>dream-camera pans out
>be at a beach resort hotel with my sister
>she gets up and goes on a run every morning on the beach, then swims in the ocean
>suggests that i swim with her
>can't even get waist-deep in the water, waves keep knocking me back and down
>she suggests that i'm just not trying hard enough
>fine, we'll bond over movies instead of exercise
>go to a redbox near the hotel
>selection is only movies about animals and a 3D animated feature about an onion assassin that is trying to kill the president of france
>wake up from sheer confusion at that one
spent about thirty minutes last night lying awake trying to figure out how an onion would kill someone and how many puns could you come up with about peeling away his layers and revealing his heart of gold or making people cry.
Anonymous 3114
also another dream i had last night involved an elaborate music video by Queen where all the other members of the band got to eat fancy vegan grilled dinners onstage but freddie mercury was given a bowl of dry cat food because he had to sing with his mouth instead of put things in it.
Anonymous 3115
>>3114send me the contact info of your drug dealer, that is wild. love it.
Anonymous 3116

Last night I dreamt I got a huge dildo from the mail and my mom opened the box. Might be because I am always afraid she will go through my stuff and find the one I already own.
Anonymous 3117
last night i had a dream where there was a huge round-a-bout right outside my house and i could see it from my room's window that a guy friend i haven't spoken to in a while was sitting around with a bunch of people. for some reason he dyed his hair black and was wearing punk clothes, which I know is definitely not his style lol. Anyway i went outside to meet him, he disappeared, then suddenly reappeared riding a bicycle so we could have dinner at a shop in the middle of the road. we then proceeded to come back to my room and make out, and I went to turn off the lights and take his shirt off but then he started crying that I didn't ask him if he wanted to so he ran off, and I just sat there confused as hell. I still am lmao
Anonymous 3118

i dreamt that someone shipped a rescued tiger cub to me after i jokingly sent an email to the animal rescuers and it arrived on my bed while i was asleep in a clothing hamper filled with dirty clothes.
Anonymous 3119
>>3118protect this beauty, b'aww
Anonymous 3120
I don't usually remember full scenes, only moments that have me waking up ???
>A week ago
Bf and I are at the grocery store and he's being pushy about buying the larger container of cream cheese because it's "more economical!"
>A few days ago
I was taking a shit and couldn't seem to pinch it off, so I was pooping a crazy tube.
Anonymous 3121
some cute cannibal was obsessed me
Anonymous 3122
I had a dream last night that I was playing Fortnite. I've never played Fortnite before. I don't even play video games :/
Anonymous 3123
gf was wearing fuzzy pajamas. comfy cuddle.
Anonymous 3124
Had a dream I was comforting a made-up dream boyfriend who was insecure about being skinny by snuggling him in a gas station.
>tfw no qt lanklet bf to hug irl
>unconscious brain tortures me by having the physical touch imagined almost perfectly in my mind
Anonymous 3125
Working in a carnival for my uncle with this cute Roma guy and his two brothers doing a sideshow act.
Roma boy and I start to get romantic but another girl at the carnival decides I'm her rival and pits her female relatives against me telling them that I'm a filthy whore and all that.
For some reason there was also a lolita/vintage clothing booth at this carnival and I really wanted to buy this embroidered lace collar there, but I spent so long fighting with the gypsy in-laws that by the time i got back to the booth, it was closed.
roma boy and his brothers were super cute tho. RIP dream boyfriend.
Anonymous 3126
June 6th, 2018
The dream starts as another fades: I’m trying to escape out the window of my childhood home- police are there, rounding everyone up. We are all children in diapers. I escape out the window and go into the yard, then the dream shifts.
I found a lunchbox under a tree outside my house. Inside, there was some notes and my old cell phone. I turned it on, not expecting it to work because it had broken a few years ago, but it did, and it was fully charged. I called my two friends over, a boy and a girl, and I we started down the sidewalk, a friend on each side of me. I pulled out the phone and told them that something strange was happening. I turned the phone on to show that it worked, and explained that it shouldn’t work because it had been previously broken. Someone had repaired the broken battery. I took off the battery cover and found a small note hidden inside the phone, along with several others. I showed the notes to my friends as proof that someone was trying to communicate with me.
I then noticed three people walking incredibly close behind us, and my two friends and I changed direction to walk through the park. The park had a lot of people, all walking the same direction as us. The grass was green and every now and then I’d stop to pick up a roll of washi tape, while my friends led farther and farther ahead.
One of the notes from inside the phone said to keep walking forward for 300 meters, so we followed it and end up on a small street. There's was a ton of people around, walking with us, and I was nervous they were overhearing what I was saying to my friends. I didn’t want other people to overhear my clues so we tried to whisper.
The street was covered in matches and bits of fireworks. My friends and I started walking down the street, as did the other people, all the time looking for more instructions and stepping on the matches. While we're going down the street, the matches start to light themselves and everyone started running. I ran off to the side of the street, up onto the driveways, while others aren't so lucky and end up running through the flames. All around me, people scream while they run through the flames.
At the end of the street there's a note saying: "What time is The Lazy Day?" and people everyone looks around for what it means while other are try to take care of their burned feet. There’s less than half of the people remaining. Up ahead I see a black truck with white writing that says The Lazy Day, and it headed over close to us. Two men are in the front and we realize it's a BBQ food truck. I ask what time they're stopping/where and they say they will serve at a market nearby. They gave everyone a free sample of ribs and drove away.
The group of people follow the direction of the truck, heading toward the market, while eating the meat off the rib bones. It' a race, we all know it's a competition although I don't know what for. In order to get to the other side, we have to go through a building and there's brownies in pans everywhere. The building is set up like the kitchen remodel center at a hardware store, with these sample kitchens everywhere.
I found a note on the counter and it says 'dont touch the brownies' and I take my hand back, but they smell so good. The whole room is just full of the smell of chocolate brownies, making my mouth water. Everywhere I look, there’s a pan of brownies. I manage to keep on walking but others don't listen to the note. Those that eat the brownies fall over, dead.
Another note ahead reads "+2 points for every bone you drop on the floor. -10 points per bone on the floor for Christie." and people started throwing their rib bones onto the floor. A girl started running around trying to clean all of them up so she wouldn’t lose the points.
Outside the building was the market. The Lazy Day food truck was set up, and serving food. We all started eating while looking around for what to do next. Then I noticed there's blue paper notes everywhere with AUT written on it. I talk to my teammates trying to figure out what AUT means. At first I think it's something like Australia United Telecom and we ask the meat-sellers what phone providers they have, but its not AUT. Then I realize AUT means 'out' in another language, and I ask the rib sellers how many more portions of meat they have left. They reply that there's 37 more portions left. I think it means we will only get the next clue when the sellers are sold out. Other people that overheard me start buying more and more servings of food. I comment to two boys sitting at a table stacked with food that it reminds me of the scene from Spirited Away when the parents are eating the mounts of food and the two boys pat their stomachs, smiling, enjoying the feast. I’m too busy looking around for clues to eat, there is something weird, and I don’t know why it’s taken so long for the next one. I doubt I’m right about aut meaning out.
My boy teammate pulls me off to the side, he's impatient that we haven't found a clue yet and he starts pressuring me to do better. I start looking around the market for more notes from whoever is leading this weird scavenger hunt. I have this weird feeling that whoever it is, they’re on my side. They want ME to do well, it’s this feeling like they’re looking out for me.
Eventually I turn around and the AUT notes have been replaced with different signs. How could they have swapped them without me noticing? Or anyone noticing? Everyone was too busy eating to notice and I was looking somewhere else when the signs changed.
The signs are above a market stall that’s selling Japanese food and as I read across the signs, someone starts counting from 1-10 in french, screaming it. I get to the last sign and it says "Count to 10 in french as loud as you can, cover your ears and shout if you need to." A television comes on and its a woman counting in french and the entire room starts screaming along. The next line on the paper is written in Chinese and we sing along as well as we can to this Chinese song. The last line says to ask the Japanese man for a job. We all turn to the Japanese food vendor at once and scream “can I have a job?"
The man smiles and laughs and points and I thin he’s pointing at me, but he’s actually pointing at a Chinese boy wearing some kind of traditional dress. The Japanese man tells the boy that he's hired.
Everyone is looking around for what to do next, but many assume that the Chinese boy just won because he got chosen for the job. But won what? People died, is that really the end? I walk up and down the nearby fence, staring at all the posters people have put up. The posters advertise bands, events, all kinds of things. Scribbled on the edges of posters are some notes that I can barely read.
Someone comes up to me and says "looking for the local news?" and I reply that I'm looking for more clues, it can't be over yet. The boy leads me over to a small room, and my friend/teammate is sitting at a table, arms folded.
"What's going on?" I said, looking around.
"It's over, it didn't work,"he said.
"What didn't work?"
"I hoped that the puzzles would engage your thinking a bit, but it didn't work."
"What are you talking about?"
"The critical thinking during the puzzles, looking for clues, the danger of death. I thought it would engage your mind enough to wake you up, but it's over, it didn't work," he said, frowning. Two other people enter the room and stand behind me.
"You're asleep, you've been in a coma for a long time and I thought this might reach you, but it didn't. You didn't win."
I'm extremely confused and starting to get upset. The two people on either side grab my arms, and start pulling me backwards. My teammate in front of me just starts shouting WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP over and over, eyes wide and empty, in a voice that sounds too loud to be human, while the two others drag me backward through the door.
Then I woke up.
Anonymous 3127

My last dream: I watched the behind the scenes of a rat (that looked like a person) who was a specialist in fabric and things like that travel the world. Yeah. He had a small TV crew with him at all times and he even talked to other rats who had lost their family members to humans kek.
That night was really odd. It's like I had several long dreams, like, really long. I even wake up to pee but I went back to dreaming as soon as I got in bed.
Anonymous 3128
i was supposed to take care of a husky pupper that was sick in a ski resort and a bunch of people who used the ski resort died because of how treacherous the routes were. there was this boxer puppy that kept on trying to kill the the husky.
Anonymous 3129
The first part of the dream was nice.
I has just moved into a new apartment and I invited this guy who I used to date a few years ago over to see it. The apartment I was renting was part of a duplex, and my ex lived in the other half, but we had a shared attic space. When we went exploring in the attic, we started finding these odd little constructions of paper houses clumped in odd spots–like in a loft area, a window niche, and on the roof, and a bunch of old kid's toys and books which had been made/left there apparently by the last child who'd been in this apartment complex. It was sort of enchanting to explore that space and try to imagine what sort of personality he had and what games he'd played up there, while also wondering why he hadn't taken any of his toys or paper houses with him when he left.
The second part of the dream, I was shopping with my sister, and we were walking along the sidewalk of a strip mall when this car with three dudes in it slowed down along the street across from the parking lot and started shooting in a seemingly random pattern at civilians. I dropped to the ground and hid behind a vendor's display but my sister started running. after they passed, i went to look for her and found her in a stairwell leading up to housing above the stores. I didn't notice at first, but then a little girl and her friend ran into the stairwell after us. The little girl was asking for us to help her friend because she'd been shot and her leg was bleeding, but my sister (who's a doctor IRL) said she couldn't help because she'd been shot, too, and then she opened her hand and three of her fingers were missing.
We made a bandage from clothing and put it around the little girl's leg and my sister's hand, and by that time one of the ladies who lived in the housing above the store had come down and offered to give us a place to hide. After we entered her apartment, though, we looked out the window and realized that the drive-by shooters had come back, and they were circling the parking lot waiting for people to come out. They were looking for someone specific and they were yelling that they wouldn't leave until they found (and presumably killed) whoever it was. So we decided to make a run for it and try to get to a car in the parking lot so we could leave. That's where the dream tapered off. I think some more people got shot while we were trying to get to a van. When a dream ends during an exciting part like that, I always assume I died in the dream.
Anonymous 3130
Dream analysis is my jam too bad you can't do it over an imageboard
Anonymous 3131
>>3130same! i always wake up like 'what the fuck is my brain trying to tell me'
i think you could probably do it over an imageboard but the people sharing the dreams would have to feel comfortable sharing some details of their personal lives.
like i'm
>>3129 and i think the first half of my dream is about wanting to move out (i'm living with my sister right now) and get some personal space and rediscover some of my creative passions that i had when i was a kid, because right now i'm being really unproductive and have kind of been depressed. maybe something to do with also feeling like my current bf doesn't recognize the achievements/talents that i'm proud of, or used to be proud of, anyways.
the second part of the dream is definitely about my sister going back to work and being afraid that she's not going to be able to do her job when she starts again in about a week. she works at a big hospital and oftentimes they have victims of gang violence come into the ward, and it's a very stressful environment. the thing that she
actually has to worry about is having another nervous breakdown but in my dream that translated to her being physically impaired, I think.
Anonymous 3132

Dreamed that my grandpa hallucinated ghosts and everyone called him senile and delusional.
Anonymous 3133
>>3131what I find often is that dreams often have some linguistic pun attached to them. Like for example I had a dream about a girl named Cest that I know but I figured out that Cest -> Sister- in other words the entire dream was actually about my sister
Or if you dream about a pickle and it is a metaphorical pickle, like that sort of thing
Anonymous 3135
>>3133It's all just VR training, most of the time. Nobody's a hunter-gatherer anymore, though, so they're just really abstractly based on modern life, now. For instance, the classic "forgot my pants" or "back to school" dreams.
Anonymous 3136
Had a dream yesterday where Korea won against Germany.
Korea actually wins. Nice!
Anonymous 3137
>>3135true true but sometimes I think they can be metaphorical and say a lot bout ur mental state
Anonymous 3138
>>3137They do, literally. If you're thinking about being lost in the woods, you'll dream it. Big test. Dream it.
Anonymous 3139
Dreamt about living in a world where robots had fortune telling as a hobby. Some guy led me to a small grey room and there was this huge metal spider hanging from the ceiling. It ran one of it's legs ( hands? ) across my palm and started to create predictions for me in a web.
I don't remember what it told me, but I think my number was 23?
Anonymous 3140
I dreamt about sleeping with my boss. It started with me walking into his office because he told me he wanted to discuss something. He then closed the door and said “How do you deal with all this sexual tension?” while taking his clothes off. He was so matter of fact about it. He pointed to his lap and was like “take a seat here” and we started from there. I woke up really horny that morning.
Anonymous 3142
>>3141Average looking though even then I don’t have a type physically because I like guys based on how I feel around them. What’s weird is sometimes find myself having a crush on a guy I don’t even like physically because there’s something about their character I admire and hope to emulate.
Anonymous 3143
I vaguely remember my dream from last night. I was in this all magic girls school and one of my classmates was explaining to me how this magic book worked.
Anonymous 3144

Anyone else have cuddle dreams? Where you cuddle with someone and your brain somehow reproduces how it feels to have someone elses bodily warmth pressed up against you
I’ve had these a couple times and they’re the best. Had one a couple months ago where I was in prison for some reason and this boy cuddled me to make me feel better. It felt amazing, he looked like Nikolas Cruz though
Anonymous 3145
I dreamed about getting raped by my stillborn brother over and over last night. It was rather spooky, he was all deformed and enraged at me for being alive, screaming about how he should been my mother's first born.
he was kind of qt tho
Anonymous 3146
The first dream I had, I was losing my teeth. One at a time, as I "slept" I would wake up with another tooth missing. One of them ended up turning to powder in my fingers as I picked it up.
In my second dream, I was part of a space exploration or space tourism flight. Just minutes after we (there were a couple other people I didn't recognize with me) were in orbit, the earth was destroyed, split into chunks by an explosion. The rest of the dream was spent mourning the earth and trying to figure out how to prolong the lives of the other survivors.
Maybe my anxiety is affecting my dreams…
Anonymous 3147
>>3145If this was a horror movie, I'd watch it.
Anonymous 3148
>>3146yes I think usually if you dream of losing your teeth it means you are very anxious
Anonymous 3150
>>3147it kind of does, it's called The Unborn
Anonymous 3151
I dreamt I was playing league of legends and I teleported to my turret, then the turret started attacking me and a Jayce tried to hit me but I didn't let him and got executed. Then I got back but I was only level 1 and everyone else was like 12. Suddenly my perspective shifted from topdown videogame to first person irl, and I was sitting in class with my team. I said something like "we can win this they're all beaners".
Everyone went completely silent and left the room, then 4 guys who worked for Riot Games entered the room and started scolding me for saying beaner, and they gave me an ultimatum; either I had to become less toxic or I had to give up and go back to my studying, when they showed me my application to an AI programming school (I don't even program, I just think AI is fascinating). But then I realized I was actually dreaming so within my dream I contacted my best friend on discord and told him what I just dreamt about.
Still in my dream, I woke up in my bed and for some reason wanted to go shopping but it was midnight, so I went outside but I was still in my underwear and I only brought my belt when I meant to bring my keys. Then I remembered I was dreaming so I "reset" myself (kinda like a quickload) from when I was in bed so I could get dressed and bring my keys, but then I woke up
Anonymous 3152
Had a dream that I went into the Trader Joe's near my work for the first time. Not only was it incredibly tiny on the inside (three aisles and two coolers) the food was outrageously expensive, and the clerk and his manager were both dicks. luckily me and the ICE KING downloaded a weird Minecraft mod where you could delete IRL people through a drop-down menu and replace them with new ones that you customized yourself, so we deleted the dick clerk and his manager and replaced them both with friendly and cute ladies.
dreamologists, what the fuck does this mean
Anonymous 3153
>>3152Not a dreamologist but how dare your dreams slander Trader Joe's like that.
Maybe it's something about being unexpectedly disillusioned or disappointed about something new and finding a solution to that.
Anonymous 3154

I was a stranger in a place that appeared like a small Midwestern town long ago struck by poverty, which had since recovered only to the degree that the intolerable conditions were accepted among the populace as a normal standard of living. There were no streets but potholes continuously streaming through deceitful cracks, like a deranged network of man-sucking tarmac. I arrived at one of the schools. They sat in their desk-chairs and did not speak. There was no teacher. They were waiting for me to say something but I did not know what. They looked at me and they knew I was stranger, and they could sense from my vestige that I would live a different life and that I could not be one of them. They thought I was there to teach them, but I had no such training.
A couple of tots were playing in what appeared to be a corridor, until you realized there were no walls; at every end were heaps of miscellany, and if you stared long enough you could find a crevice to creep through and be free, or you would think, and then slipping through, you would find another such "room." A tweaker, presumably their mother, peered suspiciously through one of these crevices, wondering if I were some sort of danger to her tots, and came swooping down to collect them. She looked into my eyes like I were a child molester.
I turn to my comic books as a reminder of a way of life that does not exist here. I am reading an unfamiliar story about a young man. My mother appears and tells me to stop looking at comics and to face reality.
I am in one of their coffee shops, which may have doubled as a living room. It was in the basement and there were no doors, only three little pale blue windows. I did not know how I appeared in the room but I was there. A fire broke out, and no one moved at all. I stuffed the children through the window, then tried to push a woman through. I myself climbed out, but I could not fit through the window. I flexed my arms and the wooden frame broke off, allowing me to pass through.
I was preparing to leave. I went to the nearest airport-maze and walked along signless spirals hoping to arrive somewhere else. My father and brother came along and stopped me. "He's here!" I ceased by fleeing and saw a space had opened up for me in the crowds. I sat along one of the airport-trenches and waited. He sat on a chariot rushing down the line, and his hair was flamboyant like the Goblin King Jareth but refined like a 70s businessman. Trump peered down at me and I felt that I was looking into the face of a much higher being. All around me the crowds felt ecstasy in unison, smiling, cheering, and I was no exception. There was a wholeness there in sharing an icon-god. The image fades to the sound of sweet raindrops which harshly dissolve into the whirring of my air conditioning unit.
Anonymous 3155
I dreamed that I was at a birthday party. My roommate had invited the person having a birthday (a pretty red-haired girl) and several of their other friends over to play Mario Kart and have cake and get drunk, and I was sitting in the living room with them. The birthday girl was obviously wanting to mack on my roommate and was uncomfortable that I lived there with him and was sitting at his side just hanging out. At first she tried to say stuff like 'oh we only have four controllers, there's no need for you to be here' and 'oh isn't this boring for you', but I was like, 'I don't mind just watching' and everyone else was fine with that. Eventually I picked up the game case and started reading the back of it, and she looked over and interrupted me with a 'No.'
I was confused, but then she continued, 'You make me uncomfortable. You need to leave.'
Everyone else agreed because, while there was no logical reason for me to leave my own apartment, it was 'making her uncomfortable', and I couldn't invalidate her feelings, and it was her birthday after all so she got to make the rules.
So I went outside and walked around and met Destiny's Child and Beyonce cursed the entire city.
Anonymous 3156
>>3155>So I went outside and walked around and met Destiny's Child and Beyonce cursed the entire city.whoah
that escalated quickly
Anonymous 3157
So in today's dream I was on the hill where my garden is. I took a stroll inside the forest that's close to my garden (not in real life, just in my dream) and then came back in my garden, probably to take a book and come back home. Between the forest and the garden I saw my crush, he was going into the forest just as I left. When I got out of my smol cabin I saw a huge green bird (green means mutated because of toxic compounds as in toons, right?), of about 1 m, exophtalmia (I think that's the fault of the tarsier anon from the sing along thread kek), her whole body was covered in green shiny wax and such a long beak it must have been 3/4 of her size, like 2 times a crocodile's muzzle. Anyways I watched that bird flying anywhere but in my own garden and at some point she metamorphosized into a green reindeer and started eating grass. I was simply amazed that this happened. Then a bit later she metamorphosized back into a bird and flew high. When she came back to the soil she became a human (and again started to eat grass). She came back to the soil once again, turning back into a reindeer. Whatever. At some point I left the garden and told to a friend of my crush and her bf "Guys there is a huge green bird in my garden which metamorphosized into a human being" to which they laughed, of course, and went on. Didn't expect otherwise. As I went down from the hill I had to go through some stairs which were made of books and I messed up some of them after which I put them back in place and came back home.
Being awake I noticed 2 things:
1. Having a giant bird which transforms into whatever it wants is actually fucking terrifying but in my dream it was extremely pleasant to look at such a beauty.
2. That dude wasn't my friend's crush's bf, more like bff but they should be together anyways.
Anonymous 3158
A few days ago I had a nightmare, when I woke up I was shaking, that never happened to me before. I remember only the end, it was like this: there was a circle of kids kicking one little girl so hard she was flying a meter high in the air, and when she fell to the floor her head was so bruised, she looked like 10 cars hit her, so I picked her up and asked frantically "are you ok?! Where are your parents? We need to call an ambulance" and she said totally normally "yeah I'm ok" so as I was carrying her around looking for help we saw my neighbor and the girl says "oh that's my friend" and we approached him but he was acting very odd and he pushed his finger into the girl's eye but she was acting like nothing happened and I was terrified and carried her away but then I woke up and as I said I was shaking. It was like a horror movie.
But today I had a nicer dream, I think I was in a videogame but it was like completely immersive (like you're just living normally but somehow it's a game) and I saw a guy that I like and he wanted to buy something but he had just started the game so he had no money and I took his hand and said "it's ok, I'll help you earn the money" it was nice holding his hand even if it was a dream.
Anonymous 3159

Dreamt they caught me smoking weed at work (illegal AND i'm in the military), everyone was looking down on me & i was sent to jail & my life was over lmao
Anonymous 3160
I had a dream where i was desperately making an oreo cheescake. I don't know why tho and now i really want to bake something sweet.
Anonymous 3161
I had a dream about the guy I'm interested in right now, which I always do before I plan to approach them. It must be a stress thing.
Anyway, in my dream he turned out to be French (he's definitely not irl lmao) and a bisexual (maybe he is?) weeaboo (probably not), which I found out through searching him up on facebook. Dream-him was very eager to be my friend and he even came over to my house that very day to meet my mom. In the end I decided to not pursue him because he was a weeb and I've outgrown that (lmao).
Anyway, it was certainly an improvement from last time where I forced the guy to vomit by feeding him an egg (and he rejected me later irl). I don't really believe in premonitions, but part of me wants this to be a good sign.
Anonymous 3162
I had a dream where I was on a tropical island. The water was blue, palm trees everywhere, and all the people were Samoan(except me). My grandma was alive but I never saw her, instead she just left weed and tobacco for me on this cabinet that I smoked throughout the day. I'm straight edge but was constantly smoking and drinking alcohol the entire dream.
I got involved in some initiation ritual where I ate this turquois and white striped fruit, it looked like a one of the LGBT pride flag sub category variants or something. It tasted like icecream.
We went swimming a lot. I was swimming in what seemed like a tiled pool but suddenly it turned into ocean and someone called out "careful it's deep over there", I screamed a question back asking if there were sharks and they assured me there weren't. I got back on land after that anyway.
At the end of the dream I cooked a frozen pizza and ate it. There's a lot of conversation, games, and swimming I am not remembering, but overall it was a paradise dream.
Anonymous 3163
I was in this modern styled apartment, but I think it was actually a dorm since it was so massive; it was for a debate team, I think, and it was shades of dark blue, with metallic walls and a lush blue carpet. There were drapes over some of the entrances.
I remember like, 7 beautiful girls in there with me and I guess they were on my team. Can't remember much else sadly but I woke up feeling so satisfied.
Anonymous 3164
>>3163that sounds really nice
I remember seeing Jolyne Kujo in my dream today, I dream of jojos too often
Anonymous 3165
I was house-shopping with some random guy, I went into the bathroom and it was like surrounded by an underwater scene with fish swimming around, I guess it was in a pond or lake or something. Somehow I started swimming in this underwater area, there was a lot of fish and some scary things like eels which was really unpleasant. I went back and showed the guy the shower. It was cool but also kind of scary. There was more to the dream but that was the only part I remember clearly.
Anonymous 3166
Today I dreamed of my high school crush and he was playing some new pokemon game but the battles weren't turn based, they were more real time. And I snuggled up to him and watched him play, it was nice.
Lately I've been dreaming of snuggling with guys (I'm lonely), yesterday it was with some guy I never even talked to lol and my dead friend was there too, I was catching up with her because I hadn't seen her in a long time
Anonymous 3167
Yesterday I dreamed that I was hanging out with Steven Wilson in his huge beautiful mansion and he added me as a friend in a mobile game and I felt so honored that we became friends.
Today I dreamed that all men and women in the world killed each other so there was only me and 2 other girls and 3 men but the men were disgusting neets so we killed them as well. weird
Anonymous 3168
>>3167The Steven Wilson dream was cool, but I dunno about the other one.
I recently had a super mundane dream about being at the grocery store and my bf was passionately explaining how whipped cream cheese is superior.
Anonymous 3169
I dreamt I was on the way to a foreign continent via plane, but with a long layover at an airport. I went to get some food, but then realized I don't have any money, so I ordered anyway, and then dine and dashed. The food was really bad, so I tried to justify it to myself with that, but a few hours later, while still at the airport, a waitress chased me down and confronted me, and she cried.
I also realized I would be on vacation with absolutely no money, not even to get around with public transit. My old classmates from middle school were there too and talking about all the plans they had for the trip. Felt bad.
Anonymous 3170
>>3081I had a dream that I went to a pawn store and bought a bootleg copy of Pokemon ruby lol
Anonymous 3171
I had a dream that the government turned into some handmaiden's tale shit and my ex owned me as a slave. I killed him.
Anonymous 3172
I dreamt I was meeting up with an ex gf, who was living in America (we live in Europe irl) and I was going to watch her dog for a while while she was traveling, but we were really close and holding hands and all that. As soon as she left, I discovered huge, shiny, black beetles in her apartment, and tried to protect the puppy from them by putting a tupperware container over them, but then I saw that I had also trapped other, smaller animals, and tried to let them out without letting the beetles out, and it was stressful and dumb
Anonymous 3173
i was a baker-author, which meant i extracted my thoughts via this thing that looked like a gramophone (i think that's what they're called) and my thoughts become a white liquid. i poured this liquid into a mixing bowl, and dressed it up with various things (i can't remember what these things were), then to "bake" it i poured it into a empty book casing; the pages just sort of magically appeared as i poured.
really wishing i actually read what was there (since i feel the book was an actual stream of consciousness type deal!) but after taking in a few lines (terracotta bitter-sweet [something]) i woke up
Anonymous 3174
Graphic, so I spoilered.
i was a big breasted hentai lass that wanted to experiment so i visited a theme park full of other hentai girls and it was meant for lesbian sex or something (the dream was in 2d, like an anime)
anyway i met this hs girl and she took advantage of me being a thirsty office woman
it was honestly kinda hot and i have no fucking idea how it ended in me transporting (idr the transition) into a weird neighborhood, fucking one of my baby goats (don't own one irl this happened in the dream) and cutting off its legs.
this wasn't a nightmare, i just felt so damn guilty. and i was thinking "well is fucking a goat and cutting of its legs a sin??" literal weirdest dream I've ever had
Anonymous 3175
Inattentive puzzle…

I often have dreams where I'm handcuffed or tied up or just can't move in anyway while snakes or spiders attack me. Does that mean anything and can I stop this?
Anonymous 3176
>was in some kind of classroom
>sit at desk next to this guy i met on tinder (in the dream)
>he's nice to me at first, clearly likes me, i like him, very cute and sweet
>then say i don't want to have kids
>he goes insane saying i wasted his time and deceived him, just blows up and is shouting and throwing things and going nuts
>he smacks me
>i jump on him and beat the crap out of him, just hold him down and keep punching him in the face
in general i used to have nightmares every night, then at one point i screamed out "screw you" (IRL shouted while asleep) and since then I just started beating the crap out of people antagonizing me in dreams. now all my dreams are me just going hog wild and pummeling them. it's probably unhealthy but I kind of like it.
Anonymous 3178
>>3176(Oops hit reply too quickly.)
I Always lose fights in my dream, i dreamt that a girl punched me in the eyball and i felt it when i woke up
Anonymous 3179

>had a dream where crush was watching friends
>find out irl one of his favorite shows is friends
make your dreams come true
Anonymous 3180
>>3179That's scary anon. You should watch out for enemy stand users.
Anonymous 3181
had a dream where i accidentally put a spoonful of salt/sugar in my ramen while cooking it
i woke up and then put spoonful of chilli powder in my ramen, no worries haha
Anonymous 3263
I had a dream I murdered someone. Washed their boots with water. Went through their phone. It was weeeiiird and felt bad.
Anonymous 3264
it's kicking in.pn…

Now that I've seen this thread, I'm going to blog in it every time I have a strange dream. I have a lot of them. This morning/afternoon I had one, but all I remember is a single fragment about a naked woman who was very small and had no legs. There were kind of stump ends right at the very base of her pelvis. I thought how lovely she looked because her arms were substantially longer than her body and "overhung" the rest of her.
Anonymous 3265
Me and my mom went to broadway. She was putting her card into some machine there to buy something, and as she was punching in her pin number this guy was looking over her shoulder to try and see what it was. I called him out on it and called him a scumbag and he got thrown out.
Anonymous 3267
had this dream the night i was in my grandmother's burial
i was in the hospital hallway near what i thought was her room , relatives pointed me in, i go inside and find her body naked,cut into bits and the bits are stitched together, her belly was open and i could see her guts
a cousin handed me a soup pot with some parts of her guts inside
i took a bit and placed it gently inside her open belly
the end.
what the fuck did i experience
Anonymous 3268
ive been having a ton of dreams that take place in hotels, especially beach resorts
what does it mean?
Anonymous 3270
I keep on dreaming of a huge Harry Potter-like boarding school. I try to get to class but I meet all of these people on the way there and it makes me feel so nice and loved. All of them are sweet and they trust me with their stupid little teenager secrets. I've never had many friends and these dreams make me feel better… The darkish academia aesthetic is also super cozy, so I always feel bittersweet upon waking up.
Anonymous 3301
>>3270i want to have dreams like yours :(
>>3081 i dreamt of having a pet rock i found in a dark forest, i drew a face on it and held it close until it became warm with love. It was a dark forest with a mansion on a cliff overlooking it all.
Then I was in the school bathroom with a niqab on, but I looked under the niqab and I was an old friend I had recently spoken with, put it back on and went to class like nothing was wrong.
Anonymous 3366
I had scrolls lodged in my nasal cavity and pulled them out. They came out looking like intestines and were soaked in blood and had manifested as tissue. I hid them in an attic so nobody would think I killed somebody.
Anonymous 3367
I was laying on a blanked on the floor with my dad and sister standing over me. They had a green, robotic maid dancing towards me. I got closer to it and then it clamped down on me and electrocuted me. As I fell back, my sister and dad stood over me, and I woke up irl, in physical pain.
Anonymous 3368
I saw three dogs feeding each other. Ones muzzle was distorted and drooping and looked toothless – I then realized the skin had been ripped off of the bone but was hanging there. The other dog was feeding it with a rusty scalpel. The dogs had human teeth and unblinking white eyes. I asked somebody if the dogs would kill me before flaying my skin off with the scalpel, and they said yes, because it would be too painful to live through it.
Anonymous 3369
I was under an overpass that was dilapidated and abandoned. Two people were there. A husky that had been cut apart and missing skin started shambling towards me. I realized the people were going to do the same thing to me. I escaped and turned into a bird.
Anonymous 3370
I was in an endless hallway. The hallway was massive and the floor was made of what looked like giant, dusty accordions. There were two endless drop offs on each side. You could only see ten feet ahead of you as the hallway had no lights or windows. The ceilings were very high and the hallway was almost more like a large tunnel. A large creature was crawling on the sides of the drop offs – it had a huge black body like a bug and a white face like a distorted human with a huge mouth.
Anonymous 3371
I was lying in bed with my mom and the room was pitch black. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see into the doorway and there was a very tall man standing there who looked to be about eight or nine feet tall. He was obese and had a very long neck. I couldn't see any of his features as he was just a silhouette. My mom then turned to me and said "can you see that as well?" and I woke up.
Anonymous 3372
I was in my living room watching tv. I was the only one home and there was nothing comprehensible on the tv. It was evening but it was unusually dark. Nobody was outside and the lighting in the house was turning very red. The walls were convulsing and I couldn't move.
Anonymous 3373
Sorry for dumping. I really, really hate my dreams and needed to vent about them.
Anonymous 3834
This prostitute had a shed full of these 12 packs of soda, and she offered me sex if I took all the soda out for her.
Anonymous 3927
I could skate backwards like Tonya Harding but with roller skates. It felt so natural and easy.
Anonymous 3940
Last night, I had a dream that I was trying to solve a murder covered up as a suicide. The young man had left clues in his personal belongings, and I had somehow inherited his apartment… but so had Kailyn Marie Wilcher. ForeverKailyn was my bumbling sidekick, and around the time she released the black cat that had a key clue hung around its neck, to be chased away by dogs, I turned and violently slapped her, one-two, making her jowls jiggle mightily, and then woke up feeling extremely annoyed.
Anonymous 4049
I was living in a male robot (literal robot made in a lab) body and I had to do tasks to get my real body back. I was given a new identity as a human and had to live a normal human life as a test.
There was some weird time manipulation stuff too. I could do it but it was tricky.
Anonymous 4051
I was in a huge airport with multiple stories, and I found myself on one of them which was basically a huge and very colorful, lit-up, almost futuristic mall. It looked like how I imagine malls in Japan might look like, but Western. sort of sensory overload. I moved by gliding very fast across the shiny floor. There were some cool shops I wanted to go into but once I passed them I could never find my way back.
Anonymous 4067
There was this massive, endless hotel. I've had dreams in similar giant hotels before – the colors are rich and dark (with a vintage feel) and they distort reality and usually have really wide hallways. In on memorable variation of this hotel there was a huge tank built into the hotel with whales in it, and a giant "wall" went up several stories letting visitors view the whales as they slowly swam around. This one seemed to take influence from the Harry Potter universe. Some of the employees at the hotel were capable of magic and the hotel was obviously infused with magic. In the dream, I was a normie/squib. The dream started in the morning with me returning to my room only to find myself unable to enter my room. I think somebody else was staying in it now? From that point on the rest of the dream was spent wandering around trying to find staff to help me get a new room. For whatever reason, the luggage I left in the room wasn't a priority (maybe I was travelling really light). Because I couldn't rest, bathe, etc. I felt really stressed. I found a concierge who took me to a woman wearing a witch hat and she started to help me. Then I woke up.
Anonymous 4081
I keep having dreams with really good songs in them lately. Sometimes I remember to record them as soon as I wake up, but sometimes I don't. Two recent dream songs I forgot to record: a new song by Dolly Parton. The song sounded folksy and bright, with uplifting lyrics. She sang it while playing the guitar, so it was obviously the type of song that sounds good with sparse accompaniment. Last night, I had another song dream. This song was called "Sour" and it was a jazzy, sad vocal song by Red Light-era Amber from F(x). In the context of the dream, Sour was her solo on the Red Light album.
Anonymous 4088

>be me
>wandering around places like random neighborhoods and abandoned amusement parks
>find a person
>i fucking murder them
>halfway through that i have a vision of some man doing the exact same thing as me
>rinse and repeat until i murder about 20 people
>im sitting in front of a computer
>next to me is the man i mentioned
>i recognize him and start boasting about how many people i killed and how much i enjoyed it
>i look forward at the computer and a Zoom call is open
>the microphone is unmuted
>man tells me to relax
>nobody on the Zoom call cares
>in fact they tell me that they'll protect me so nobody finds out
>everyone is conversing happily
>im not paying attention
>instead im playing with Vocaloid figurines that have mismatched limbs
>all-knowing Dream Brain tells me that the figures symbolize all of the people i killed
i was going to say "wtf did my brain mean by this" but i think it's just a mix of elements of the video games i've been playing
Anonymous 4092

i fucked an ugly moid in the ass with a really huge curved strap-on dildo, even came a little when i woke up. i would never touch a male with a ten foot pole IRL but this was good
Anonymous 4101
I lived in a house with about seven roommates. The house sat on top of a desolate hill. The sky was always dark. The house was otherwise mundane. It was tall and skinny and looked modern/the walls were white, that sort of thing. There were a few cool features but nothing spectacular - like in one part of the dream I walked up and down a small hallway over and over again because at the perfect angle the end of the hallway looked like a face. I showed it to my roommate and she thought it was pretty cool.
One night (day? I don't know, like I said, it was always dark) I realized nobody else was home. I ran outside, only to find all of my roommates dressed in white, holding hands, circling the outside of the house. Apparently they had, at some point, gone full cult. They had decided they needed to "consume" the house. I wanted nothing to do with it. The housemates sicced our two dogs on me, two super-short-haired dogs that looked like crossed between pitbulls and greyhounds, and I started running.
There was a forest below the hill and most of the rest of the dream was spent running through the forest, listening for the dogs barking, evading the dogs. I kept telling myself I just needed run faster, harder, than the dogs. (I also think I was wearing someone else's clothing, which helped with the scent.) It was panic-inducing/pure nightmare. I rested occasionally but my ears were always alert for the sounds of dogs and I couldn't sleep. Eventually I came upon a wide open clearing with a Medieval looking walled city on the opposite side.
I entered the city and met the woman who founded/ran the town. She was putting on some sort of public event in the village green. A play, a guest speaker, something like that, idk. In any case I asked her about her town and she said they were a suburb of London that banned animals. (Me, internally - fistpump) Weirdly, despite banning animals, they had tame lions chilling in the village green. I asked if they had an inn and she pointed across the green. The dream ended with me in in the inn getting a room, but the whole time I was wondering what would happen when the dogs arrived at the city walls - because I knew they would. They were basically familiars/thralls to my roommates, so they wouldn't stop. I knew that but hoped I could find protection here.
Anonymous 4200
I had a dream I was watching 2 men kidnap a little girl, give her sleeping drugs, and mutilate her while she was unconscious.
Somebody came looking for them and caught them, and when they caught the 2 men, the one man stabbed and killed the little girl violently. The rest of the dream was them rushing to clean up the scene and avoiding capture.
I felt the adrenaline they felt as they committed this crime and tried to cover it up, it was like I was one of them, but I was more in the background. I just watched.
Anonymous 4201

>>3081 i had a dream i was playing this game where it was basically this archive of somebodys chat logs ( mostly real ) for five years in this chatroom with these two girls and it was programmed in a way that you could say anything and in those chatrooms you could move around like in ponytown there were other people in there too but i never talked to them and you could get different endings because you could either end up with girl 1 who was sweet and fluttershy-like i think or girl 2 who was like asuka lol at some point i think girl 2 killed herself or something idk i dont remember but i think i never got to finish the game and now that i think about it this game is kind of like emily is away only you could say whatever you wanted it felt so real and natural i was sad to wake up because i really felt like i had friends even if they were just robots
Anonymous 4222
wombat hug.jpg

I dreamt that I was part of a crime solving mystery television show and after a very long and hard case that I participated in and sometimes watched on a television, we finally got the guys and they went to trial. I was in the court and also now the court was set in 1780's France. The guy got off and everyone in the court ran after the jury to beat them up before they got to the safe room, as was our honored tradition. The jury all wore tall beaver fur pelt hats and ridiculous Dutch clown shoes. As we chased them, mostly unsuccessfully, gradually the halls of the court became a somewhat derelict elementary school and I grabbed a plastic mop to beat at their back legs with the rest of my riotous mob. Eventually, the jury was about to dash into their safe room, adjacent to the daycare, but all of the mob also manages to dash in, expect me. No matter how I beat the door with my mop, I couldn't get in. Also, that hallway was flooded with vibrant green light. So, I left it behind and walked out into the school hallway and a tired male and female janitor told me since I didn't catch the jury in time, I will be in trouble. No longer a rebel, I didn't want to fight it and resigned myself to my fate. I asked the male janitor where the principal's office was and he didn't tell me. Then I very respectfully asked the female janitor and she started to give me difficult directions before elected to take me there herself. As we walked, we passed a carpeted hallway ringed with arcade machines. Then I wondered what time it was and decided to wake up to check my watch and I woke up and it was noon.
Anonymous 4249

I dreamt that myself and an un-identified person which I knew well in the dream got into an argument. I felt that it was going to get bad so I started running away from them. Another person who I knew in the dream also started running away from them but the person we were running away from pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. I then thought distinctly "Its my dream, no way Im dying. I never die in these"
They fired the gun and I could feel it in my back like an expanding black hole.
So I guess I can die
pic unrelated but thats the first thing i saw after waking up and it was the funniest thing
Anonymous 4322
I rarely see long and consistent dreams, so this is pretty interesting.
In that dream, the society collapsed, and I had to leave with my family. We lived in the wilderness, starving sick and cold, for years without meeting anyone else but each other. Building huts from cardboard boxes and tree branches.
Some kind of creature was after us. The creature first appeared when we settled into a cave, It visited sometimes, to scratch the cardboard and silently screech from the other side while we were sleeping.
I were walking ontop of that cave with my brother, and stepped on a covered sinkhole and fell into a deep dark section full of glowing web-like fungus. Brother was freaking out, but couldn’t reach my hand. I felt the presence of the creature, and wanted to die rather than face it.
Then I woke up. It was kinda scary lol.
Anonymous 4595
Me and some random faceless people were lined up against a wall preparing to be shot down. I was really scared at first, but with each person executed I calmed down, and when it was my turn I closed my eyes before falling down with a hole in my stomach. Somehow dying felt really good, my whole body was relaxed and it was blissful, I didn't feel any pain or such.
The bad/nightmare-ish part is when my soul was transported to the sky and then I fell back on Earth to be reincarnated. I screamed "NO, NOT AGAIN" the whole time and then I woke up.
Anonymous 4599
Had a really weird dream that there were these North Korean exiles on the loose and that they were trying to kill a bunch of people. For some reason I was living with my parents in our old house and the whole time they were looking for metal to slip under the frontdoor to "stop" them or something. In the dream I kept asking why can't we just leave the house before the North Koreans come and my mom kept saying "because of the acetone". I also asked my parents where were the cops/swats/feds etc and they just laughed in my face and said "do you really expect them to do anything?". In the dream I also kept watching the news (it was basically a count down until they found our apartment, according to my dream-dad) and they had driven all the way from like Texas? after they decided to go on a killing spree. Anyway, the whole time I'm very nonchalant and don't help my parents at all as they look for like, metal to put under the door. The end of the dream was the most vivid, which is really weird since I never have vivid dreams. Basically, I decided to take a shower for some reason, and as I get out I hear the North Koreans begin to enter my apartment and kill my family. The whole time I'm pushing against my bathroom door and trying to figure out ways to hide from them (inside the cabinet etc). I ultimately give up and then I woke up. The dream was so vivid though that I had to look up news about North Korea because it felt so real.
Anonymous 4604
>>4595i want to go back to that feeling.
i really hope i have this dream again (i'm too much of a pussy to actually kms), it was the most pleasant feeling i've ever experienced in my life, even now as i'm typing this i feel like i'm being dissolved into blissful static and i love it but it's not even remotely comparable to that feeling in my dream
i shall fall asleep to claustration I again and if it doesn't work i'll go back to mastering lucid dreaming
Anonymous 4622
>>4604I love lucid dreaming, it's probably my number 1 hobby. Here's a great book for beginners: Are You Dreaming? by Daniel Love
One of my top tips is to invest in a good sleeping mask, when you wake up you will remember dreams more easily because you wake up in the dark rather than with the bright, sharp morning sun.
Anonymous 5110
I had a dream Kate Bush released some demos from the 90's. One was from the POV of a woman doing work on her computer into the night. The woman reminded me of Scully from X-Files. The next one was from the POV of Franz Kafka, about a locket he kept. In the song he was asking to turn someone into a locket? The final one was sadly from the POV of a cheese pizza investigator who is contemplating suicide. They sang the song to a child they encountered in the videos, called Jennie.
Anonymous 5216
does anyone remember fandom!secrets… i had a dream i was browsing it. all of the fandoms were made up but the secrets were extremely detailed and i was having a blast reading through them. some of the fandoms:
>a new sherlock holmes book series (there are a lot of series like this, since sherlock holmes is public domain)
a lot of people were enjoying the series because the mysteries were dense and interesting, and it was a refreshingly historically accurate depiction of the victorian era. at the same time, some people were upset because the characterization of holmes was oddly mean/cruel. some people thought he actually came off as a villain.
>a video game centered around an owl character
to be honest i skimmed over these ones but the art was really cute, it looked like a professor layton-esque puzzle game but with animal characters.
>a harry potter mmporg video game that took place before the statue of secrecy
people could play as wizards and witches in ancient garb, engaging in battles and inventing new spells and potions along the way. a lot of the secrets involved people's attitude towards jkr and wondering if zoomer's attitude towards hp was unfairly turning people away from a great gaming experience. a lot of people were afraid to admit how much they loved the video game in their fandom circles. (to be honest the game looked crazy cool, i wish it was real so i could play it.)
Anonymous 5217
>>5216>a new sherlock holmes book series (there are a lot of series like this, since sherlock holmes is public domain)>a lot of people were enjoying the series because the mysteries were dense and interesting, and it was a refreshingly historically accurate depiction of the victorian era. at the same time, some people were upset because the characterization of holmes was oddly mean/cruel. some people thought he actually came off as a villain. This actually sounds like a good read.
>a lot of the secrets involved people's attitude towards jkr and wondering if zoomer's attitude towards hp was unfairly turning people away from a great gaming experience. FS is still up and sadly very woke these days. They would probably hate any new JKR related thing.
Anonymous 5248
i’ve started opening the voice memos app as soon as i wake up to record everything i can remember because i heard it can help with learning to lucid dream. here’s some of my favorites:
>my sister and i randomly met eminem. we confronted him about using footage of our dead mother in an anti-drug psa he made. he started crying and told us he only did it because he relates to her so much.
>i went to a meeting for the improv club i’m part of and in one of the games, i was told to play an asian woman who just got cheated on. i don’t think they would like that irl but in my dream they loved it so much that they asked to share it on their instagram page.
>my sister and i were hanging out with kurt cobain and decided to go to an aquarium. we saw my grandma smoking a cigarette and when i asked why she was smoking she told me she wasn’t.
>i was hanging out with my ex-best friend and we were looking at each other’s most listened artists on last.fm, my fourth most listened artists was the trolls from that trolls movie that came out in 2016 or something.
>the first one i recorded was about giant rats. i was in my sisters room and suddenly a bunch of HUGE rats started crawling around so i called her to kill them. then i stared at the tv for a minute and realized i was dreaming…but that woke me up.
i wonder if i’ll ever be able to lucid dream. anyone got some tips?
Anonymous 5257
i keep seeing the same street in my dreams that i've never seen in my life
Anonymous 5261
>>5257Is it a peaceful place?
I love to revisit dream locations
Why are they exist and how are they planned?
Fascinating how our brains are architecting place we never saw
I love my dream locations more than any real ones. So I think brain makes them to feel itself happier, I guess. Sad thing is I can’t dream them by my own will
Anonymous 5856
I was in a room full of computer bookmarks. They were like shiny, sparkly holograms that you could touch in order to open them. The room's existence was a secret, but I was let in because I had connections. When you opened a link/bookmark, you teleported to another world. I clicked on a link called symbran-hybrid56.com. The site was run by a young woman. I saw her but she didn't speak. You could also access the site on the internet on a computer (without teleporting) but you needed a password. The site had a black background with white text and hot pink links.
Anonymous 5916
>>3154>Trump peered down at me and I felt that I was looking into the face of a much higher being. KEK
Anonymous 5920
>>3081Weird dream about following some notes in a forest and then an abandoned house, obviously left for people to find. Thought it was some puzzle, was with 5 other people (all "strangers", I was not myself in the dream). Then we get trapped in an apartment because really it was some ugly siamese twin mutant man who was lonely and sick of talking to himself and wanted friends. Fed us good food and gave us lots of things to do but obviously nobody wants to live like a pet forever. Had to convince him that real freedom is to choose whether or not you don't want to be free, but we all wanted to be free. I think we ended up convincing him and we left. But not after being there for presumably weeks.
Anonymous 5981
I had a dream where i was in the cinema with a bunch of friends that my mind made up, one of them was a girl with a condition that makes her look like a wormy tentacle creature and fat. She wrapped her tentacles around me and the tentacles sucked out my fat while i was engrossed in the movie. Went out the cinema looking skinny like a model then all these other people who were my friends asked her to suck their fat out too lol. Strangest fucking dream yet since i started taking antidepressants
Anonymous 5982
burger woman.jpg

i dreamed i was searching something on google. i typed in, "dani danson is…" and looked through the search suggestions that came up. one was, "dani danson is secretly burger people."
if google appears in one of your next dreams, type in someone's name and see what comes up.
Anonymous 5983
I had a dream last night where cc made a rule that you couldn’t sperg about stuff unless you did it in this new place called /sperg/
Some of people I knew also planned on visiting cc in the dream and they seemed absolutely not like the type of people to be on the site. Some of them were guys, and some of them were just girls who would rather be on twitter. They also dressed up in disguises where they wouldn’t show their face so as they posted on the site they wouldn’t know who is doing what. It was pretty stupid.
I also had a dream where there was a new Steven Universe episode and the muppets were there. They were in a gym too, it was weird.
I also remember singing this song about like, coincidences at the end of the dream. I actually remember how it went, but I can’t remember the words other then “heeeeeeey”
So yeah fucking weird dream…
Anonymous 5984
i had a dream that i met a girl and we were kissing and hugging but then she told me shes just a people pleaser and was ignoring me the rest of the dream and had a boyfriend… but the two did xanax and got some for everyone in a group i was hanging out with i left them after i got mine and i found a grassy felid by a street and i was running on it and singing songs with perfect punk screams it came out so easy i had found the technique! i just couldn't pronounce some letters. im sure i would have looked so crazy but i didnt care when people walked by or cars drove by me.
Anonymous 6012

I had a dream where I found someone’s workplace address on a website and I was trying to find their real address but woke up before I could. It was a weird website. It had little boxes that you could click on to join a gc with them too, like lots of them. It was and old friend I don’t really see that often anymore and have some beef with so I was hesitant. Also, it looked very old school, and there were things in the back you could click on to find out more about them, like dirty laundry and stuff.
They were an accountant at Chevy btw, which is definitely not the job they have irl.
Anonymous 6013

I had a dream Adam Sandler is a pedophile.
Anonymous 6034
I dreamt that i found a bunch of kittens in a cage somewhere in some abandoned shed that has a screen that displays a jumpscreen to scare the kittens when you try to open it, there was a dude in there who came out of no where and threatened to rape me and murder me if i took them out then i pulled a gun from god knows where and shot him dead. It was so vivid i was panicking and wondering how to get rid of his body lol
Anonymous 6071
I dreamt last night that I became friends with Bella Hadid. She was really kind and down to earth.
Then I woke up and remembered I have no friends.
Anonymous 6176

>>3081This is one that I had a few months ago that I wrote down on my phone and just found the note from:
Mom, [my younger brother], [my younger sister] and I are on a giant gold catamaran that is sailing on an endless deep blue ocean. In the sky there are rings and twinkling gems/stars(?). On the boat there is a society of blonde elves all wearing gold clothing, the men look like Legolas aside from an old leader who looks like an old Mads Mikkelsen.
The elves are taking us to their yearly ritual where their god gives them all the resources they need to survive on the ocean, like God giving the Hebrews manna to eat in the desert. We arrive at a small island with a group of other catamarans. On the island there is a great big gold pyramid with a ruby on top. We enter the pyramid into a large open hall covered in gold and the elf men+my brother chant prayers while the elf women+me+mom+sister play tambourines.
A bright light fills the hall and the god says they have completed the prayers properly. Suddenly gold objects begin to be flung down from the ceiling and I get and have to put on a gold watch that is huge and weighs down my whole arm.
After that the elves get visited by aliens who take me to Las Vegas. In Las Vegas I go into a large retro indoor pool with a glass ceiling and walls. Me and my sister are getting changed, and I put on my normal swimsuit but when my sisters goes to put on her swimsuit she only has a boy's swimtrunks, and the staff of the pool have already burned(?) her clothes and are now making us go into the main pool.
When we get to the pool I dive into the deep end and find a hearing aid at the bottom and throw it to my sister. However, a lifeguard saw and tells me I'm banned from the pool for violating the rule against throwing. I have to walk out the door and down the stairs from the pool to the sidewalk in my swimsuit, and these stairs are the Lincoln Memorial and old Chinese ladies point at me and yell at me for being in my swimsuit. I realize I'm in a dream and tell them they can't be mean to me in my own dream. They tell me thats its no longer my dreams so I get upset with them for lying and make a big casino building collapse.
Anonymous 6177
i dreamt that i was in my apartment and i heard bullets outside and then i saw someone shooting outside, i was scared shitless and it jerked me awake
Anonymous 6313
I’ve never seen such a detailed and vivid nightmare before.
>intelligent androids have taken over
>not like terminators, instead, each one has their own personal goal, and they go around destroying each other in addition to us humies
>they look like mannequins, except wires and stuff poking out, and they have no faces
>they move in a disturbing way, making random jerks and twitches once in a while, and they’re faster than humies
>I have a hideout in a sewer that I share with some people that I have grown close with, whom I couldn’t remember after waking up
>for some reason, I become blind
>my friends make me to undergo a crude surgery that replaces my eyes with a device that is basically VR goggles, except heavier and made from porcelain, and it makes a clicking sound
>it sends data to my brain, after processing it to images, through echolocation
>it helps me to see the androids in the pitch black darkness of the deeper sewer levels, where I’m forced to venture alone, for some reason
>welp, androids find me because I breathe loudly, but they start fighting each other too
>this is the part where I wake up
Anonymous 6354
Last night I had this dream where Percy Jackson’s parents weren’t Poseidon and Sally but this other couple I forgot the names of. The mom was blonde and an optometrist though. Anyways I’m hanging out with Percy in NYC and the parents die in some sort of fight. I forgot what. Then I have to go on this bus to this camp for some reason, and there’s a bunch of little girls on the bus. I meet a little girl named Jo. Now we’re all walking along this cliff type thing, and we’re talking. Then Jo pushes me off, pulls me back up, and injects this stuff into my leg to make me die immediately. Then I wake up.
Anonymous 6355
>>5982One time I had a dream that urged me to look up my crush’s girlfriend’s name. When I woke up, I did it out of curiosity and actually found some pretty shitty things she did awhile back that I didn’t know about. I’m convinced it was a sign.
Anonymous 6410
my mom started drinking heavily and became psychotic. she mistook me for her pet a couple times and every time i even sat down next to a man she would walk in acting upset, tell me to put my shirt on, make a disgusted face, yell at me for having sex in front of her, tell me i was pregnant and then tell me i was a bad mother for 'losing the baby' all within the span of a couple minutes.
in the same dream, i explored an abandoned building around sunset. i was ~8ft tall and the bones in my legs were soft. when i went to use the bathroom, i saw that i was covered in bruises and scrapes along my back. i guess i took too long because the last thing i remember before waking up was being found out by the woman who worked at (or maybe owned) the building.
also this is the only time i can remember peeing in a dream without peeing irl
Anonymous 6411

I had dream in which I was in room which lead to a bathroom which then lead to another bathroom and once you entered one you couldn't go back because the other door would lead to a new bathroom, they all looked exactly the same except the layout would differ, it was in orange, white, grey and black in this weird round early 2000s style.
Eventually one of the doors lead me to a secret room with two (cute) guys sitting in front a pc. One of those old, boxy, white ones. The entire room had a 90s hacker movie feel to it. They invited me over to them and one of the guys showed me a song he made. I said (word for word) that it
>sounds jazzy and drum and bass-y
and that the beat reminded me of a vocaloid song I listened to in high school and decided to search for it to show them but it wouldn't show on youtube (I thought it was Phantom F but then when I woke up I checked and it actually sounded more like Crazy Night, anyway).
Then the other guy started talking to me and said that most humans aren't lucid enough and when they die it's all blank and over. Nothingness. However those with stronger wills and more awareness can exist in a dream like state after death and basically create their own little world to 'live' in.
I had this dream last week and have been trying to return to it (I often go back to my old dreams on accident). I think the guy in my dream was basically telling me to become lucid and I've been trying to have a lucid dream for a while now. Ik the techniques. What do you think anons? I hope to dream of them again soon, it felt like I was someone important the way it went down.
Anonymous 8879
i was on a road trip with my mom, we stopped in a small diner. a woman came in and held onto the hostess and we quickly realized the woman was holding a gun behind her back. she walked to each of us holding the gun to our faces and saying some cringe villain dialogue about oooh who should she choose~ before getting to a pregnant woman and holding her gun to her stomach. at this time my mom realized the gun was fake and said sarcastically "oh noo don't shoot". the woman fake-shot at the pregnant woman's belly five times then revealed she was an anti-abortion activist. and i was like bitch you achieved nothing but traumatizing us and making me fear for that woman's life, whether she was pregnant or not.
Anonymous 8912
a few days ago I dreamt that my ex (a male) had a pair of boobs and I would touch them while big spooning him, but like, in a kind of erotic way, but at the same time it was very affectionate. that was disturbing for some reason and I’m still thinking about it. I haven’t spoken to this ex in like 2 months ever since we had an abrupt break up, but I thought about contacting him after the dream because I couldn’t stop thinking about him.
I have a big interest in psychoanalysis and dream interpretation, as freudian theory says, every dream is a wish fulfillment. I wish I knew what exactly means to dream that my ex had boobs and I touched them, what kind of obscure desire I was fulfilling (I honestly don’t think it’s nothing obvious and simple like I actually like girls or I wish HE was girl, or something like this, but who knows).
Anonymous 8913

Whenever I dream about my dead mom, she's always still alive she just doesn't want to be with me or my family anymore. She lives somewhere else and never visits or answers calls. Sometimes she has a new family entirely. In last night's dream, instead of dying, she somehow faked her death just to get away from having to raise me.
Anonymous 8915
>>8913Everytime I dream of my family I'm always alone in the old house I grew up in, nobody is there but me catching geckos at night in the backyard. Hardly any lights on in the house. I always go looking for my family but I can't find them.
I sure as hell would not have kids. I really don't blame my mother because she was trapped in it when she had three kids. She was NOT prepared for 3 all at once. Having kids is god awful.
Anonymous 8926
Had a nightmare about a former teacher. Scares he’s going to get me. I’m so convinced he is part of so dark, shadow underbelly side of the world but I have no proof. There is no way his teaching job (actually doesn’t pay that much!) bought him his house. I am 100% convinced he’s an assassin on the dark web.
Anonymous 8966
I fell asleep to someone playing façade & dreamed about it. This person I was watching was flirting with Grace a lot so I also flirted with Grace in my dream, but Trip got too furious & punched my face. I can't remember my dream much after that other than I also contaminated a city's water with my period blood, so there was a huge stream of red period water.
Anonymous 8979
All I know is that if I dreamt it before then I probably dreamt it again. - -
Anonymous 9187
>>3144Those dreams are the best and the worst. I love them so much. In the arm of a men, cuddling lovingly, saying sweets nothing, feeling the warmth of both of our bodies, the closeness… And then I wake up fucking depressed
Anonymous 9213
Tonight in my dream I was still dating my exboyfriend. I think we were teenagers, although we met/dated in uni, so that's weird. We were walking around a fictional area which was a mix of my old high school area and the coastal suburb of the city we studied. There was a barbie-like abandoned castle (yellow cream stone and bubblegum pink pointy rooftops) where I wanted to go into but he did not care. Also, crossing the road to get from another building to that castle was hard as fuck because the road had like 6 tracks or something. As it is customary on my unpleasant dreams, the main action repeated itself in a loop, which I was completely aware of and made everything even more distressful to me, more than being by his side again. The first time we reached the castle there was no way I could get in, but the second or third time I saw that a big rivet was missing from the main wooden door and I could now easily sneak into the pitch dark hall. When I pointed out that, he dismissed completely the idea of invading the castle (a fucking castle in the middle of the suburbs, with climbing plants and all!!). And so I was carried on forwards as if an invisible strong wind, invoked by him, had hit me. The worst is that I was seeing the entire dream like if my head was bent to a side, so it was trippy walking around.
I guess this is what you get for breaking up with a guy obssessed with Kafka.
Anonymous 9219

Had a sexy dream about Paul Dano-Riddler. Sucks because I barely remember what happened in it, but as usual it filled the void in my heart until I woke up. I even slept in an extra hour because it was such a nice dream. Actually one bit I do remember was that he was trying to tie my wrists to the headboard but my hands kept slipping through lol. I’m not even a huge Danofag, but I do remember watching the movie and thinking the Riddler was hot. Maybe I’ll rewatch the movie sometime.
Anonymous 9307
I had a dream that I walked past my mother's room, and she was talking on the phone. I think it was 3 AM in the dream, anyway it was night. I overheard her saying "my daughter is so ugly, that I hate her as a person" and she was crying loudly.
Anonymous 9308
I looked at some photos of Tom Hiddleston and then had a dream about him that night. He has a nice presence (very prince-ly) but I'm not into him that much.
>On holiday with a friend exploring.
>Walk into a small shop Tom Hiddleston is know for visiting (in the dream).
>Look through the aisles and pick up and look at some of the stuff.
>Suddenly Tom appears and gets annoyed at us touching private intimate things only meant for him to buy (not sure what they were).
>He leaves.
>I catch up with him and apologise, telling him that we hadn't didn't know we shouldn't have done that and hadn't expected him to be there.
>I explain that when you admire someone so much, just being where they have stood, seen what their eyes have seen, has a sort of intimacy, if not physically so.
>He turns to leave.
>I stop him and say in a low voice "Would you have fucked me?"
>He looks me straight in the eyes.
>Leaves and goes to join his wife and baby sitting nearby.
Anonymous 9311
How do you trigger the dreaming state? I haven't really dreamed since I've entered the work force.
Anonymous 9312
>>9311Don’t know if this works for everyone but I find that if I have an alarm a couple of hours before I would normally get up and then turn it off, when I go back to sleep I will have a vivid dream.
Not looking at screens and doing new things during the day helps too.
Anonymous 9329
>>9312I've also heard this, but I've never been able to fall back asleep after I wake up. even if I've only been asleep for a few hours, I have to wait like another five before I can sleep again.
Anonymous 9333
>>9321I am so sorry, that just sounded so bizarre to me, of course it's a dream. it may be indicative of some psychological problems though. your mom loves you and i promise you you're not that ugly.
Anonymous 9345
I've had a series of religious dreams since last year. The first one went like so: I'm on a boat looking for my deceased cat, it's storming and all I can find are lions. I come across four naked bird women at separate points in my dream, they all say that they will help me find my way. I never find my cat and I wake up as the boat tips over. In my second dream I'm in a desert. I'm trying to find something in the sand but it's to windy. I finally find some stone and start to dig, but then red liquid starts to seep up from the stone and red liquid starts to rain from the sky. The stone turns out to be an inverted ziggurat. I go inside and see the burney relief. I hear a womans voice but I can't make out what she says. I wake up. In my third dream I meet Inanna and she takes me through the ziggurat towards the "bottom" it's dark and only the star above her head illuminates the way. She doesn't speak and drops me off at the last stop. She opens the door and I'm in a long hallway that leads to a throne. Around the throne are four bird women and a red version of Inanna. I recognize that she's Satan and wake up. My first two dreams left me feeling dread when I woke up but the third made me feel very calm. I might take this a sign to start a strange brand of devil-goddess worship.
Anonymous 9386
>Every night i go to sleep I wake in my dreams to my "other world" where i am always taking metro trains, flights on private jets and eating at fancy restaurants.
> In my "other world" stores are all closed for me, food is free because everyone recognises me, I'm always at the beach beside a futuristic city or ancient ruins or inside a forest with the same layout each time.
> My dream self has a daily life very unlike mine. During dreams I'm not lucid I cannot control "her" I just see through "her" eyes.
>Recently it got freaky when I went to a new city for the first time and saw a building and street from my dream- exactly as I've dreamed it many times.
Am i going crazy or can something cause this? Do I need a C02 monitor or meds? Has anyone else experienced this?
Anonymous 9540

>>3081Had a dream that stuck with me for years. I was in a small traditional wooden home , there was a big window in the room and there was a goat staring at me . When i went left he he went left and always stared at me. My mum and my aunt were in beds next to the window. I then went into a weird peach room that was small and looked like it had small pipes over some places that were painted peach too. There was a small hairless monkey in the centre of the room which reminds me of the toy story monkey (nightwatch monkey ) . I get out of the room and my mum wakes up and says `` aww , how cute.`` she then gets some blue bowl and goes somewhere , the monkey starts to rip off the small hair from my hands and rips out my nails. I then go back into the room and suddenly there is the satanic sigil shit on the wall written in blood , i then felt a evil surge of power come through me and i became evil and went out of the house and into the forest and starting killing anyone who i saw , i then saw some people in a carvarn and got them to join and they became evil too and started killing , i then saw a door floating and i opened it and went inside and dream ended.
A dream where bunch of school kids went into the buckingham palace and there was a bell ringing , everyone went inside it and people were hiding it was like a maze and it was very fancy. It was dark. People start going out but then a few come back in and then i went back inside , i see 2 people i know irl and they were with me hiding with me and then suddenly we see a guard he locks the door and sees us and carries us somewhere and there is a fuck ton of old torture devices , they carried some weird spear and the chamber looked old and it was made out of some mossy stone and there were spikes on the floor and there would be a place where they put us underneath the floor and had an opening to poke us with sharp shit. I remember i got tortured the most. It felt traumatising to hear anybody mention the british royal family after that. It felt real..
My most recent nightmare was were i was in a pale small room again surronded by wood or something( i feel like this is the same location as the first nightmare mentioned) and there is backrooms-like wallpaper and there is a blood stain on the wall too. A humanoid creature that his head is literally white light is next to the door. I ask why there are torture devices and ask him something else i dont remember. He explains to me in a unknown language ( this connects to when i heard this deep unknown voice in my room that spoke some strange language) that i will needd to be tortured to become something( i think he said messiah or something) something and then i start to cry and hyperventilate.
why in all of my nightmares i get tortured? what do these odd dreams mean?
Anonymous 9675

I've had a dream I went to the store to buy a pack of highlighters. I ended up not buying any because they were all ugly. For example, there were a few that were "forest themed" and all the colors were brown, dark muddy green and yellow. Another was "Pokemon themed" and it was all ugly yellows.
Anonymous 9789
Dream I had where I went to heaven:
I was in the middle of a dream where there was a guy who was offering free coffee at his dance club in the jungle and he was getting in trouble for being financially irresponsible. I suddenly realized I was dreaming and I was like "I'm done with this dream, I want to go to heaven." I had the mental intention of wanting to go to heaven and leave earth, then I started flying by flapping my arms like a bird imagining pushing air below me. I got to an extremely high altitude and got a little scared and thought "if I kept going in real life I couldn't breathe, but this is a dream and my body is alive, I will keep breathing normally and keep flying higher"
Then I got into low orbit where I could see the earth below me and got a little scared again but kept going in one big push with my arms to keep flying higher.
Then I got into an "outer darkness" area where it was completely black all around me and got a little scared again, but this area was also extremely calm and peaceful and restful feeling. I felt a kind of allure like I could have stayed here if I wanted but I really wanted to go to heaven so I flapped my arms again with the intention of going higher in one big push, and then all of a sudden I was standing in what looked like a large log cabin hotel/resort in the mountains. There were many rooms in this building and several other people here.
A woman said said "we have a visitor" to someone else not in the room with me and I said yes, I was very happy to be there. A human (I say this because they were not angels, but they were in an authority role you might expect an angel to be in) male and female couple entered the room from outside the building and came to greet me, they looked very familiar and we both recognized each other. In their behavior and dress they were like "camp counselors."
The woman was shocked to see me and asked me "how did you get here?"
I told them I was dreaming and I just wanted to go to heaven. I got the impression there were many layers/levels of heaven and the area I was in was the lowest possible level of heaven. I could have tried flying again to go to a higher level of heaven but I didn't want to because I felt like that that would be wrong, like I really should not be on those higher levels because I didn't earn it and I'm just a regular earth person flying around, and this area was very nice anyway and everyone was really friendly so I wanted to stay. I have had dreams where I really felt like the area I was in was a specific amd static "place" I could return to like when I dream I'm in Mallworld but I realized this area was an ephemeral dream in my own consciousness mixed with my own memories and a place for healing when the couple told me they knew me from "Crunchyroll" and they asked me if I was "La'ezel" aged 33 (a character I have a mental association with of being a zombie because she has green skin) and I said no I was (my name) aged (my age.) They were excited and happy at my response and said I could stay a week. I was very excited like "oh boy a whole week! Like with days and going to sleep?"
That was my initial impression but this was left unanswered definitively. I was happy crying when they said I could stay and I said "I noticed I'm having a lot of strong emotions, normally in a dream by now I would wake up"
The woman said "That's the fun of dreaming, you can get into all kinds of trouble" (the subtle implication of this being that I could possibly go to higher levels of heaven and interact with other people here). I also sensed some discomfort in her response and got the vibe that maybe she suspected something had happened to my earth body for me to be fully conscious here but she didn't want to vocalize this thought to me.
The woman then warned me and told me to be careful because there are zombies here. I was shocked and asked "there are zombies here??" And the woman just said "oh yeah" in reaponse and didn't elaborate. When I am awake and analyzing this dream now I realize when they asked me if I was Lae'zel that this was some kind of a test to see if I was a zombie. The concept of zombie in this context means people who are barely conscious amd actively comitting sin whose bodies are present in a higher level of consciousness than is appropriate to their body's physical state. Instead of going to heaven intentionally from a dream which is a permitted way to get to heaven you could just appear there while being on drugs. The "camp counselors" kick people like that out. Now I am kind of concerned why she asked if I was 33 years old when she tested me to see if I was a zombie, if something will happen to me at that age, but I also have mental associations of the number 33 being tied to the occult so perhaps all that means is that you can also get into this layer of heaven through occult rituals.
There were uncomfortable feelings in this dream of what was supposed to be heaven which surprised me, because I thought there would be no more sadness or brokenness at all and no more discomfort in heaven, but this was also the lowest possible level of heaven. There is no more hate here, everyone is truly loving from their heart, but there are other things people have to heal from like for example the physical healing of their spiritual bodies which was the next thing I would see.
I went up to a group of young women around my age and talked to one who seemed chatty and cheerful, the other two were physically not able to talk, and I realized they were doing motor skills rehab and working on coloring sheets so they could learn how to control a pencil. These women were people whose self image was so connected to their physical suffering/earthly disability that they needed to heal this part of their soul in low heaven before they went to a higher level of heaven with fully healed spiritual bodies.
Around this point in my dream I gradually stopped being extremely mentally alert and started forgetting how I came to be present in heaven. I wanted to know where my family was, I was asking everyone I encountered if they knew anyone in my family, but no one did.
I walked by a table with a bunch of elastic beaded bracelets in a plastic bucket that a baby was playing with that I recognized as being particular ones that my daughter had ripped apart and exploded, and I joked to a very elderly old woman sitting nearby that "these were the one that had died and went to heaven." The old woman said to me very kindly "Everything you do with your body on earth, when you're laying in the water for the glory of God, will be here." The phrase "when you're laying in the water" had personal significance to her as meaning a place of suffering, I got the impression that was how she waited for death to take her and also how she gave birth to her children.
Then I woke up.
Anonymous 9790
I dreamt my mom was dying in the hospital after a car accident. I got the call and was panicking trying to get to her before she died. When I got there she was already dead.
Anonymous 9795
and yet.PNG

I have really vivid dreams that feel very real to me and I fucking hate them. I don't even get wet dreams to balance this out, I just get nightmares and it makes me wish sleeping was not a necessity sometimes. I rarely dream that I'm myself too, 9/10 I'm someone else than myself, (I've had multiple dreams where I've been a man), and I wake up feeling like I'm not real, it fucking sucks. Could be my fault for getting so easily engrossed in dreams though.
Here's one I had recently that wasn't technically a nightmare.
I was with my mother at a high school that wasn’t my alma mater school. I recognized it as a high school, but it seemed to be a strange mix of all of the schools, including high schools, middle schools, and colleges, that I had attended and visited over the years. We had just left a teacher meeting and my mom stayed back to talk to some teacher. I wasn’t feeling well, either sick or just really hungry. I saw five older students having a club meeting in another room and I peeked in through the window. From here the POV shifts into went into the POV of one of the students who was kinda just pacing around the classroom, a girl. I could see the real me looking through the window, which was really weird. They didn't let me in, just ignored me. I also ignored me too. My thoughts and actions weren't my own choice either, it was as if I was spectating a player in a game but deeper? A random voice then started talking. I’m not sure if whoever I was "spectating" could hear them but I certainly could. "In this classroom, after some testing was finished on a few students, these people are about to experience the side effects," The voice says. My eyes panned over to this dark-haired large-bearded student, and honestly, I think these guys were college students more than anything. (they were too tall to be high schoolers) As I was looking at this blonde girl on her laptop, the voice says, "Two wolves in this classroom, ravenous and eyeing their prey." We were both just staring at this blondie on her laptop with headphones in. The bearded dude suggested we all go outside onto the balcony. It's essentially like a flat roof with a metal fence, but it was kinda reminiscent of a college balcony I remember exploring with a friend irl. After going out here, some blonde boy just fucking snaps the neck of some short-haired girl with neon highlights. The beard dude says, “Hey, what the fuck are you doing?!” I remember also cursing and shouting “What the fuck is wrong with you?” His response was "I got bored. I kinda wanna know what her blood tastes like." Beard dude replies, "But, god fuck, look we know something fucking happened that night, but at least me and Jane and can control ourselves you fucking ass.” I am yelling too because I agree with beard dude. He goes over to the blondie on her laptop and snaps her neck too and this little white-haired student hides behind the bearded dude. She's just utterly terrified, standing there and clinging to him. Beard dude just tries to reassure her and tell her it's gonna be ok, that we are all going to be just fine.
The POV shifts back and I’m myself again, and I’m super worried. “If something is wrong with them, what if something is wrong with me?” I thought. I bolted out of the school as fast I could and I started floating off the ground and desperately clawed at the air to get back down to the ground. I traveled very far through some streets and no one cared, no one even questioned me as I passed through the air. I finally stopped floating and rested under a dead tree. I felt exhausted and could barely move. There was a brownish hawk in the tree with a dead mouse. I asked it if I could have a piece, and it laughed, “What, you can’t hunt?” After its amusement, it dropped the mouse on my lap and I took a small bite. I tossed it back to it and I tried to get more comfortable under the tree. I still felt miserably exhausted and after closing my eyes I woke up from my dream.
I doubt it means anything but who knows. picunrel
Anonymous 9834
>>9795Sounds like a revelation of the archetypal 'good and bad cop duo' where they're doing what the other needs to gain control over the situation, while appearing to be in opposition to each other, at least in method. They gained the attention (attraction) of the other students and you through creating a spectacle.
This relates to hunting or trapping prey
Anonymous 9841
In my dream I'm climbing stairs with mom, I think we were moving to new house in the dream, the stairway is all white and the stairs are designed like it's someones abstract art exhibit or obstacle course.
Metallic rails half inside the steps, getting narrower out of nowhere and weird turns with weird metallic hand rails.
I wish I could remember better because I remember taking a weird shortcut but can't explain it.
In a dream I comment how bringing up the groceries is going to be pain in the ass.
We arrive to the floor where the stairs lead, there are people but I don't recognize anyone of them.
The room is all messy in a sense that the next stairs don't start in any logical place and you can't tell where the apartments start.
It doesn't seem like a hallway, it's also white with metallic railings.
The people there are doing their own things, I don't know what but they help us out to find button under wooden knob that opens the way to our apartment.
Inside it's already decorated, my late grandpa is there watching TV for some reason.
The room is dimly lit but from the window you can see that it's day time outside.
Mom goes to talk with grandpa and I look around.
There's corner with lot's cabinets, they're open but all of them have locks and keys with them.
There's books and elephant decor there that I found cute looking. There's a dark pathway behind the cabinets that I assume goes to the another room but I decide not to go there.
From the window I see them take down the tip of the house across ours in very cartoony manner, mom says something but I don't remember what. The sky is blue.
Mom makes a comment about it being easy to live with grandpa while she's away because he has no desire.
That's about all I can remember.
Anonymous 9847
>>9834Interesting interpretation, I may share my dreams more often here then.
Though, I haven't had any recently (that I feel comfortable sharing) and I don't wanna be the only one shitting up this thread.
Anonymous 9850
If I didn't consume so much THC I would have dreams. I miss them. I enjoy tolerance breaks for that reason
Anonymous 9851
>>9850Wait, does THC make you not have dreams?
Anonymous 9852
>>9851it affects REM sleep, so even if you fall asleep faster, it prevents you from deeply sleeping.
Anonymous 9951

last week i dreamed that i woke up and got ready for work, but instead of my usual office clothes i found my old high school uniform, neatly folded on my desktop's chair. i just shrugged it off and put everything on. then i had an itchy sensation on my face and started scratching it (and it felt very real in the dream, to the point i think i actually scratched while sleeping). it felt as if i had monstruous acne. but when i looked at it in the mirror, my skin was fully covered in little colored dot stickers. it felt like i was a goddamn kusama art installation. so i spent all morning trying to peel off the stickers. my supervisor called asking why was i late. i woke up before i could finish explaining the sticker situation.
Anonymous 9958
>>5981update: at the start of the year i started a diet and lost 10 kilos and am actually normal weight now. also at the time of this post i had 0 friends and npw i have a couple which i have been to the cinema many times with. idk how to feel about it but thank you wormy tentacle girl ig
Anonymous 10025

>>9795Hey so, it's the nona from the replied post here. I was going through my logs of dreams and I noticed I tend to consistently dream on the 15th of each month. I've lately had a lot of gaps of not dreaming due to stress and sleep deprivation so I went to reread some old dreams and noticed that pattern of a lot of most vivid ones falling on the 15th of the month. Anyone with any idea as to why? Is it just due to some cycle in my brain or hormonal cycle I'm just unaware of or something else? picunrel
Anonymous 10026
>>10025Maybe a schedule thing. Is your life maybe less hectic around the 15th and you can sleep more/better?
Anonymous 10041

Recent dreams from my journal
>Dream where I met a lady dressed in white in a strange VR museum who explained what she was wearing was based off all the pictures on my computer
>Dream where I went to a hospital, not an abandoned one, for ghost-hunting with a cute streamer dude and ended up spontaneously turning into a acidic slimeboy thing after getting captured by robots that were going to dissect me
>Dream about a guy who figures out that the space elf waitress in this bar is a human in disguise and she recruits him into a secret rebellion against the buglike aliens that go around hunting humans (not demi-humans, hence the disguise). This dream led me to eventually rediscovering Titan AE after I shared it with a friend.
Anonymous 10058
I had a dream that my ldr bf was fake and started blackmailing me. I felt so heartbroken until I woke up and remembered I've seen him on video. Just trauma from past experiences cropping up I guess. Also I'm scared of him leaving me.
Anonymous 10065

>>10026I honestly couldn't tell you. As of late stress and life has been bad enough as it is. The closest relation I have to the date is that my period cycle used begin on or around the 15th (but that changed due to stress and other issues years ago).
Anonymous 10330
I had a nightmare I was a child that was abducted by Dylan Mulvaney. He was pretending to be my mother, had all these creepy pedo friends, and was holding me hostage. I managed to escape in the end.
>I think that dream was telling me that part of the reason they're promoting that weirdo is probably because he's apart of some pedo ring with high profile People hollyweird people.
Anonymous 10331
>>10330that is a scary one nona. Just thinking about Dylan Mulvaney makes me shudder
Anonymous 10341
Last night I had a dream I was dating this guy from elementary school. I never even had a crush on him. And he was so clingy and I think we were sooo in love? I still don't have feelings for him though when I woke up.
Anonymous 10342

I had a dream there was a massive windstorm in my area that knocked two trees down onto a powerline.
It's probably cause there was a freak windstorm in my area around this time a year or two ago that took out two trees behind my house but it freaked me out when I woke up cause I thought it actually happened that night lol
Anonymous 10437
2024-05-05 15_35_2…

I had a really long dream about some actor/director/manager guy in this comfy worn-down city between some mountains, the sunlight was always nice. He was a funny guy, a scumbag, a jerk, an asshole, probably a rapist and murderer, etc. He spent the whole dream walking around town, meeting friends, having meetings, arranging gigs, going to parties, etc. He went up in the air in a blimp made by a genius kid who was doing props for a set. He offered to make the kid rich, he was rly generous with people. Then I think he was going to go to a sex party or something.
At the end of the dream, before the party, NOT at the party, I was showed up. We talked. He made it clear that this dream was a view of his life, his real life somewhere else, and was not about me, there was nothing here about me. I appreciated that clarification, so as dream-controller, right before I phased out, I "snapped my fingers" and made sure he had a really great sex party and got a couple hot twink boyfriends and made some extra good business deals or whatever.
I feel like someone drew a sigil and it happened to connect to me, like I was a demon in some other reality for five minutes once. I've been watching too many silly spiritual videos on yt.
The city was really nice though, very real feel. It had that nostalgic feeling, like it was worse than before, but still somehow as good as when you were a kid. Always sunset, sunrise, the roads and buildings were old, but plants always grew in the cracks. Th mountains really hugged the town. Idk. Strangely pleasant dream for how evil some of it was.
Anonymous 10438
2023-06-03 05_58_0…

>>10437> I was showed up.Godddddd I hate how I jump around when I type anything long.
Anonymous 10863
I heard a voice saying "Hey, health obsessed girl." I paused and then replied "Who, me?" The voice responded "No, you're white trash girl." Then I woke up.
Anonymous 10866
Super weird one from a few nights ago actually, this one had me wake up in a cold sweat
>Sitting in livingroom of my apartment, talking on my phone to I believe my sister
>"Can a loved one fall for a skinwalker's voice?" I ask her, to which she responds with, "They are almost exactly like you from far away but the closer you get to them, the more you can see that something is just not right."
>a few moments later
>I hear my own voice coming from my son's room
>It is me cooing or baby-talking my 4 year old son, the door is open but I cannot bring myself to look in,
>I can tell that something is not right
>I peek in, the skinwalker or mimic or whatever doesn't see or hear me.
>my son is asleep but it looks exactly like my mom except bald
>it is still talking to him like he is awake and playing it's very bizarre, he is just lying there.
for context, I could tell the thing in my dream was not a future me or my mom it was just some sort of malevolent entity that was horribly imitating me and looked like my mom
In real life my mother is a drug addict who horribly abused me, I thought maybe this dream was my fears of becoming like her manifested in a weird nightmare.
Anonymous 10989

had a dream where me and a friend were gonna go to an event in our local big city where they were having an Ensemble Stars event at a local café. I thought it was cool… but when we stepped into the café, we didn't see a single character from enstars at the event. Instead, it was ran by a lot of realistic furries that kinda looked like picrel. I was thinking in my head "maybe they're enstars furries!" in the dream, while my friend was so disappointed at what we ended up finding. Idk shit about shit about enstars, that's more of my friend's thing, but I just thought it was really funny.