>>3316 All the things you mentioned are things that get you more social clout which is usually why people do it. Like that one person who pretended to have aids and be PoC for woke cred
>>3317 I can sort of understand the appeal of repeatedly maintaining the same story like a munchie would but the posts I mean are one time replies in threads without many hits. For example, if I randomly said that I have a Lamborghini on page 30 of a thread not related to cars and then never brought it up again or if deep in a reddit comment chain I said how much high school bullying trauma affected me and then never mentioned it again. It's not part of a building up a bigger character either, just a lot of disconnected lies sprinkled in for no apparent reason.
>>3318 Are you talking about psuedoanonymous sites? I feel like if someone is lying is a post that won't get much attention it's either a spur of the moment thing or they're aren't good enough at social media to leverage their lie into attention
>>3320 >psuedoanonymous sites I've not heard that term before but I think that's what I mean. >they're aren't good enough at social media to leverage their lie into attention I don't know if you mean they aren't good enough on sites connected to their identity or if they aren't good at building up a whole new fake identity, but both ideas are interesting to consider. Maybe they aren't committed enough to lie about this to people who know them IRL or maybe they are too unfocused to maintain one consistent fake identity.
>>3322 As in they lie in ways that are supposed to make them look good but they aren't committed to it and it shows in the fact that they're aren't trying to systematically build up a fake identity
>>3324 Most people aren't particularly good at things they do on impulse like this. If they're doing something like this to create a consistent false identity they're better at it just as a byproduct of the commitment
My bet is on propaganda, for lack of a better word.
Your opinion is more important in certain places if it comes from certain demographics. So you have places like Reddit where white men are the authority, and SJW circles where disabled PoC trannies dominate. You don't a consistent online identity for that. Maybe one person found your Lamborghini comment on page 30 and thought your opinion is 'valid' because of it, but would have ignored it if you didn't mention the car.
That being said, it's a waste of time, you have to be mentally ill to care about this enough to start lying.
I think the answer to this is compulsive lying. People like that can't help but lie, even if there is no reason to and they have nothing to gain from it. I guess it's hard to make sense of other people's mental problems.
i used to when i was a teenager, i'd make up a whole new identity and catfish using someone elses pictures and type out my darkest and cringiest thoughts to people. just to test the waters on what is acceptable vs not. i'm sorry pretty random girl from instagram for stealing ur pictures
i wish i was better at lying online just for fun. i think it would be fun to troll an entire community and then drop the ball at the last minute and bounce, leaving everyone in disarray. i've seen people do this all the time, especially when message boards were more popular. i wish i had that kind of maliciousness in my bones but i am too fucking honest to a fault. on the other hand, sometimes i think it's stupid how people online won't believe you when you are actually telling the truth because of god knows what reason, but then someone comes along with this obviously shitty lie and everyone just laps it up like candy.
I used to lie all the time. I would go on places with lonely men, and larp as their preferred women based on what they would say about their lack of a love life. I would casually talk to them, let things escalate with the male flirting with me, and then I would give them something like a rejection letter before ghosting them. Rejecting them would be even more entertaining if they had already shared their deepest insecurities.
Lying online is fun, its like acting or playing pretend, it's an imaginative exercise. Its fun to see peoples reactions to certain things (in some ways this manifests as "trolling"). I constantly play "what if" situations in my head, and the best way to test some situations is just by lying. Its just fun. I guess if you wanted to get really analytical you could say a bully pretending to be a victim secretly feels bad or just wants attention. You could call it an attempt to cope with deep seeded wrongs in their lives, but that is all explanations non-liars come up with because they can't accept that lying is just fun.
i used to lie a lot online when i was a teenager, and a lot of it was stupid small things no one cared about either way. i don't even know why i did it, i kind of just did it because i could.