
Shoplifting Anonymous 4152
Have you ever shoplifted? Why? Did you regret it or ever get caught?
Anonymous 4154
Don't do it, OP. Unless it is a matter of life or death, and I mean literally. Some people have diseases and they need help. Seek professional help.
Anonymous 4155
>>4152Countless times. I can count 15 stolen things from where I'm sitting right now. I'm not a klepto because I don't take things I don't need. I make more money now so it's gotten better.
Anonymous 4156
>>4154I stole a protein bar a few days go. there's no hope for me, anon. I'm sorry.
Anonymous 4158
>>4157Cooking pan, plate, bowls, cup, sheets, blanket, pillow, shoes, swimsuit, soap, toothpaste, floss, ok done incriminating myself now
Anonymous 4160
When I was young and my father was in the hospital dying, I started to shoplift candy and gum and that sort of thing because one family member would just assume that another family member bought me it. Normally, while my Mom was shopping and we were in line waiting, I'd just slip some of the candy by the checkout into my pocket. I never stole anything but sweet treats, nothing valuable. I think I did this for a few weeks before I got caught. My Mom sent me into the Dollar General to get some candy and I walked all around the store silently stealing some candy and no doubt being incredibly obvious to anyone but myself. I did buy some and when I walked from the checkout, another employee stopped me and held out her hand and said something like "give it to me." I gave her all the candy I had stolen. And I felt a terrible shame and fear that she would step out and talk to my Mom about it, but she was cool and didn't. I ran to the car and screamed inwardly for my Mom to get the fuck out of there. That's it.
I'll still pig out on food in the self-serve bulk food section of some stores without paying. And there were a few times in college where I just ate some of the stuff I was going to buy in the store and decided not to pay. But I haven't done a traditional "slip something in my pocket for later" shoplift since I was caught in the Dollar General. It was too traumatic.
Only ever stole food, which I think is different from a lot of people, but I don't know.
Anonymous 4174
>>4152I would say it's perfectly fine to shoplift as long as you don't try to pretend it's moral to do so. If you're going to be a scoundrel at least be an honest scoundrel.
Anonymous 4203
>>4158ok i understand the way someone would steal a candy bar or whatever but how the fuck do you steal a cooking pan or a bowl? surely those are too hefty to just stow upon your person?
Anonymous 4204

>>4203hahaha perks of being a woman. it's surprising how much fits in my bag. it looks something like picrel
Anonymous 4206
lol I did the same thing when I was 5 except it was water balloons, not earrings. Haven't ever shoplifted aside from that.
Anonymous 4207
how to steal books? ive only stolen one once with my ex bff at barnes n noble. she showed me how to take off the sticker inside the pages so that the alarm wont go off but i'm unsure if books even still have those? lol
Anonymous 4208
>>4207Don't know how to shoplift books, but you can pirate plenty from libgen.
Anonymous 4210
>>4207Barnes and noble is fine, I've done like 10 books at a time there. Just check the pages like you're doing for any stickers. I've never even found one.
Google Play Books is a good ereader too
Anonymous 4213
i shoplift almost everyday. basically everything i own is shoplifted unless its a bigger or big ticket item. i only target large chains and i dont feel bad about it.
i havent been caught in about 4 years because i dont do it brazenly or greedily anymore. when i was caught it wasnt serious. i was polite and they let me go.
Anonymous 4214
>>4203i've done it before after i wrecked my MILs crepe pan and wanted to replace it. wait for the cashier ladies to chat and just walk out with it in hand.
Anonymous 4217
>>4152I first started stealing lighters from gas stations when I was 18/19, then it turned into beauty products and eventually clothes that didn't have those weird plastic tags on them.
I'm older now but occasionally I get the urge, and if the item is small/not a locally owned business/no cameras, I'll just take it.
Anonymous 4234
i probably shoplifted stuff worth thousands of dollars. all while i was younger than 14-15 though. i still have most of the stuff around. the thing that turned me off shoplifting (well other than becoming an adult i suppose) is that i got caught one time. i took a phone case from a big chain book store in a mall and i left the shop. i go on the escalator to the upper floor and i see some security guard coming up and im like oh thats weird but to my horror, he actually came to me. i dont remember what he actually said to me but basically i was told i stole something and that i have to come back to the store. with my 14 year old panic i deny it, but the security just doesnt take my shit, then i just conjure this act where im really sick and i have to go the bathroom. after some guilt tripping he actually escorts me to the bathroom. my grand idea was that i could get rid of the phone case by flushing it down the toilet like a 14 year old drug addict whos about to get a posession charge, then nobody could prove i took it. i do it somehow. hands in mall toilet water style. the security guy makes everyone else evacuate the bathroom as if i was a suicide bomber as im elbow deep in toilet water. he takes me back to the back room of the book store where the manager is. they have this talk about calling the police and then i intervened, begging them not to. then the manager pulls me into another room and we sit and talk. first he asks me to call my parents and i beg against that aswell. it turned into this situation where he started scolding me like a big brother. me crying and making up stories to make him feel bad meanwhile. i also said i was younger than i actually was. i hysterically cried and made up sob stories for around an hour. looking now, the manager was an angel. i didnt have money but honestly i just shoplifted for the thrill. he really didnt know what to do with me. eventually he took me to the register and asked for all the cash i had and that wasnt even the half of the cost. let me go afterwards. even if only my parents knew and nobody took any other action, i would be fucked so this traumatized me for weeks. i got home and stared at a wall blank for a while
Anonymous 4236
>>4234>the manager was an angelthat is a really disgusting ordeal to inflict on a child and traumatise them with over a fucking phonecase. you should've told your parents and had them sue.
i have been caught but i just acted calm, was honest and complied. in the UK they will normally let you go if you're underage, honest and polite.
most of the people who've caught me have been pretty chilled.
just dress nice, don't take more than one item, don't take the piss, don't take the employees for fools, and don't fly too close to the sun. it's best to buy products and lift the most expensive one, as then you have deniability.
Anonymous 4237
>>4236in addition to this, it's best to say that you're 17 if you're under 21/can pass as 17.
i think saying i was 17 when i was actually 18 reason i was let off.
shoplift safely, s
Anonymous 4238
>>4158lol i have taken literally all of the things you've mentioned here.
i once got out of debenhams with 2 king size duvets worth $50 each. god knows how, i used to be way too ballsy.
i also have 7 chanel perfumes shoplifted from various airports & debenhams. i managed Dior sunglasses & 2 dior mascaras from an aiport too. and countless designer makeup.
Anonymous 4239
>>4238also took a Reiss coat from gatwick worth £300 ($500) for my ex i wish he hadnt given it away i wouldve liked it back!!!
Anonymous 4240
>>4236honestly it would be worse if my parents knew about it. maybe youre right but from what i know you dont get let off being caught without a huge hassle in my country. i think it differs in some places.
Anonymous 4244
>>4152Yes. When I was a kid a store in my tiny town got Pokemon cards. I stole like half the boosters out of the box. They never stocked them again, probably because of the money they lost on it. I feel really bad about it today.
Anonymous 4254
>>4152yeah, i usually steal at least one thing from walmart everytime i go through self checkout, just because its so easy. i felt guilty at first for doing it but ive done it so often that i feel extremely guilty and dissappointed in myself if i DONT. i know it sounds weird but i feel bad paying for something that i could easily just steal and it doesnt really hurt anyone, much less a multi billion dollar corporation. Ive never really gotten caught but one time i fake scanned something and the machine caught me, so an employee had to come over and make sure i scanned it correctly. i acted confused like it was a mistake and the old employee believed me, it wasnt really a big deal.
I used to steal makeup and stuff from marshalls and tjmax when i was 13 but one time another shopper caught me and tried to guilt trip me into feeling bad about it.
"i saw what you did with the lipstick. we both know it wasnt right."
honestly i wanted to slap her because it was literally a 50 cent lipstick and she was acting like i stole food from the hand of a starving child. and she wasnt even an employee, why did she take it upon herself to chastise me when it has nothing to so with her and doesnt affect her in any way? she had nothing to gain from doing that. my mom overheard and looked all confused and the lady said "you need to teach your daughter that stealing isnt right." and then kind of hung back to see what she would say. my mom lead me away while telling her to leave us alone, and then when we were far away she felt my pockets and discovered all 8 of the lipsticks/eyeliners i had shoved in there. i cant even remember what she said but she whisper yelled at me for like a full 5 minutes while i tried to get her to believe that i was just holding them there so i could pay for them once we were about to leave. after all that i tried to make her feel bad for not believing me and went to the car but it was ok because the only thing i wanted was this really pretty purple lipstick that i shoved in my bra, but she didnt find it so i got to keep it.
i guess that random strangers little guilt trip worked because my heart dropped whenever i even thought about stealing from marshalls or tjmax again, but i started doing it again after a little while just to spite her.
god, i dont even know why i typed all that out. i might really be fucking autistic.
Anonymous 4255
>>4254wow fuck that bitch lol. stealing from big chains has literally 0 effect, it's called shrink and they literally add it to their margins. I'm pissed at this woman for you tbh, I can't imagine being such a bootlicker
Anonymous 4256
>>4255>wow fuck that bitch lol. stealing from big chains has literally 0 effect, it's called shrink and they literally add it to their margins.If it has 0 effect why do they add it to their margins?
Anonymous 4257
>>4254>honestly i wanted to slap her because it was literally a 50 cent lipstick and she was acting like i stole food from the hand of a starving child. and she wasnt even an employee, why did she take it upon herself to chastise me when it has nothing to so with her and doesnt affect her in any way? she had nothing to gain from doing that.I knew intellectually there were adults with level 2 moral reasoning skills, but it still shocks me a little bit reading that, are you autistic?
>i cant even remember what she said but she whisper yelled at me for like a full 5 minutes while i tried to get her to believe that i was just holding them there so i could pay for them once we were about to leave. after all that i tried to make her feel bad for not believing meIf there's nothing wrong with the behavior why would you have to hide it? Just be honest that you were stealing shit.
>god, i dont even know why i typed all that out. i might really be fucking autistic.That's pretty obvious as you couldn't construct a mental model of someone else's reason for intervention.
Anonymous 4258
>>4256on an individual level it has no effect, big companies operate under the assumption people will steal already.
Anonymous 4259
>>4258>on an individual level it has no effect, big companies operate under the assumption people will steal already.That doesn't mean it has no effect, that means they expect it.
Anonymous 4260
The only thing I hate more than a thief is one that tries to frame it as harming no one, or possibly being a good thing. God damn, if you're going to be an awful person, just be an awful person proudly, no need to create all these explanations for why you're secretly a good person.
Anonymous 4261
>>4259can't tell if you're 12 or autistically pedantic but go on, do you have a point?
Anonymous 4262
>>4260oh there it is lol hope the boot tastes good sis
Anonymous 4263
>>4261My point is stop trying to justify being a thief and just be a scoundrel properly. God.
Anonymous 4264
>>4262I don't give a single fuck about the boot, I pirate shit all the time. I just don't pretend it's a moral thing to do and write a bunch of essays about how it's okay to.
Anonymous 4265

>>4263>stop trying to justify being a thief and just be a scoundrel properly(No one's trying to make it out to be a good thing, this is literally a thread about shoplifting experiences idk what you expected)
Anonymous 4266
>>4265I expected cool and interesting stories about shoplifting not
>oh it doesn't actually hurt anyone>why does anyone else care when I do bad things?>corporations aren't hurt so it's okay to do thisI expected shit like this.
>>4158 Done right impressive to take an entire cooking pan.
Anonymous 4267

>>4266I don't want to be mean anymore cause I'm the cooking pan anon and now I'm flattered, I see your point
Anonymous 4268
>>4236>that is a really disgusting ordeal to inflict on a child and traumatise them with over a fucking phonecase. you should've told your parents and had them sue.I'd really love to see the court case of someone claiming they were so traumatized from a criminal experience gone wrong, because it made them no longer want to commit further criminal activities.
Anonymous 4269
PS4 theft.PNG

Has anyone here tried anything similar?
Anonymous 4270
>>4269I used to steal extra fruits and vegetables by selecting them as something else and putting the wrong number in
Anonymous 4272
I wish I had the guts to shoplift
Anonymous 4274
>>4257lol, found the corporate bootlicker
>I knew intellectually there were adults with level 2 moral reasoning skills, but it still shocks me a little bit reading that, are you autistic?funny how youre calling me autistic when youre literally in the preconventional stage of moral development where you cant think past the notion of "sTeAlInG bAd BeCaUsE sTeAlInG bAd".
youre the one seething and frothing at the mouth because people are talking about shoplifting in a thread about shoplifting.
>If there's nothing wrong with the behavior why would you have to hide it? Just be honest that you were stealing shit. "w-why would you want to hide behavior that could get you in legal trouble and result in punishment from those with more authority than you?????" youre retarded or something? lol.
also, point out where i said there was nothing wrong with stealing. please.
>That's pretty obvious as you couldn't construct a mental model of someone else's reason for intervention.honestly im happy that im not retarded enough to rationalize getting so worked up about a corporation losing 50 cents that i have to take it upon myself to waste my time and energy guilt tripping someone instead of going about my day.
Anonymous 4278
I'm going to attempt to break up this post in hopes that it lets me actually post in the thread somehow.
>funny how youre calling me autistic
You literally self-described as possibly being autistic, why do you take offense at being called autistic?
Anonymous 4279
>when youre literally in the preconventional stage of moral development where you cant think past the notion of "sTeAlInG bAd BeCaUsE sTeAlInG bAd".
Please quote me where I say this.
Anonymous 4280
>"pa the tic" is a banned wordHoly fuck admin what the hell.
>youre the one seething and frothing at the mouth because people are talking about shoplifting in a thread about shoplifting. This was resolved by someone more interesting than you here
>>4266>>4267 Anonymous 4281
>"w-why would you want to hide behavior that could get you in legal trouble and result in punishment from those with more authority than you?????" youre retarded or something? lol.
If your mother would turn over a teenager to the police for the amount of petty theft you performed than I suppose I understand your relationship with authority slightly better.
>also, point out where i said there was nothing wrong with stealing. please.
You brought up this
>i know it sounds weird but i feel bad paying for something that i could easily just steal and it doesnt really hurt anyone, much less a multi billion dollar corporation.
which is blatantly whitewashing your action as at least neutral. I would actually respect you if you stole from corporations because it hurt them, I would think you're stupid, but at least I'd respect you.
>honestly im happy that im not retarded enough to rationalize getting so worked up about a corporation losing 50 cents that i have to take it upon myself to waste my time and energy guilt tripping someone instead of going about my day.
You see this is where poor theory of mind comes into play. There's a group of people out there that get more energy from social interactions. They in fact feel more energetic when they interact with other people, bonus points if it involves helping those other people become better people (and not petty thieves). Unlike you who found the exchange exhausting, it probably made her feel better to try (and fail) to help you be a better person.
Anonymous 4282

If you're poor and lift cheap things from big chains, it's not morally reprehensible to me even if it may affect some exploited staff aswell. it can be tempting sometimes in a sticking it to someone type of way.
that being said I don't think its worth it possibly being held by shop detectives and then going through humiliation and punishment. that is emotional and social self-harm to take on that risk. take care girlies
Anonymous 4316

>>4236>that is a really disgusting ordeal to inflict on a child and traumatise them with over a fucking phonecase. you should've told your parents and had them sue. Anonymous 4317
>>4270ahh classics
I do that all the time
my favourite is counting pistachio nuts as regular peanuts that are approximately 8 times cheaper
I also used to steal anything I could from work but not just simply taking things hidden with me but instead abandon in different, sometimes strange places for some time in case if someone notice the lack and ask for certain item so you have always plan-B as being forgetful
btw think twice before stealing even if nobody is watching and cannot proove anything cuz people will anyway feel suspicious about you
now I don't steal from work cuz the employer treats me well
Anonymous 4405
>>4260I hate this too. Do what you have to do, everyone does something bad or wrong in their lives. But you're not Robin Hood for doing it.
Anonymous 4406
Yes. I haven't done it in a while but i've acquired a hairbrush, deodorant and a few bottles of nail polish because it's one of the few things in the higyene section at walmart without magnetic stickers. Then they started putting a security guard to watch the hygiene isle, so i'll just put stuff in my cart and keep walking, then transfer to my purse or pocket in an emptier isle. From the food section i used to get chocolate bars and such.
One thing I do that ramps up my confidence is going regularly on the supermarket to just act suspicious and look at stuff i'll actually buy in the near future (without stealing anything). Mostly because I like doing supermarket trips even if they don't envolve theft
Anonymous 4409
>>4406>so i'll just put stuff in my cart and keep walking, then transfer to my purse or pocket in an emptier isle.I always did that
>One thing I do that ramps up my confidence is going regularly on the supermarket to just act suspicious and look at stuff i'll actually buy in the near future (without stealing anything). Mostly because I like doing supermarket trips even if they don't envolve theftI did this all the time without even realizing I was suspicious because no one ever approached me. this works especially well if you go to the store regularly so the workers aren't suspicious of you
Anonymous 4471

i used to shoplift a LOT when i was a young teenager. mostly cosmetics, crafting stuff and alcohol. i got caught two times and even though nothing came of it i've become a bit scared of that happening again, so now i very rarely do it. i used to have this huge brown leather H&M bag (similar to pic related), probably stole thousands of euros worth of alcohol using it. never got caught with the alcohol luckily, i pretty much supplied half my school with liquor back in the day
this tbh, i don't see it as a revolutionary act or anything but i don't think it's morally wrong to steal from a big corporation. have never stolen anything from an actual person in my life, though.
Anonymous 4477
>>4152i unironically shoplift everytime i go to walmart
>use self check out>scan half of my items but still bag everything>the workers never notice anything everytime Anonymous 4556
Yeah, I don't think people realize that because major corporations are shit, they often pass this down to the frontline staff. Like yes, they have insurance and can cover those losses, but they still pass the buck. When I worked at Target, they calculated stolen items and then removed the value of those hours from the department they were taken from as an incentive to make people more alert of shoplifters and to try to catch more of them.
Now I still don't care if someone is stealing because they can't afford food or toiletries or whatever, but when people brag about stealing tonnes of shit just because they can, I always wonder if the poor employees are going to get the flack for it.
Anonymous 4557
i don't live in the bleak shithole that is the US, so that's not how it works around here. it's absolutely ridiculous that an employee should have to make up that loss
Anonymous 4571

Yeah, mostly small stuff. No reason for it, i just saw it and wanted it so i took it. Makeup, small jewelry from chain stores, snacks etc. I even shoplifted shit for my friends if they paid me like 5$ for it or just to show off how much i could get away with, though i hated taking them with me because they acted very suspicious. At my worst moments i even stole things FROM my friends, though i used to return it when i could find a chance if i felt bad enough about it. I have no idea why i did that. Might be just bpd (bad person disorder) tbh, but i'm trying to get better. I think i have not shoplifted since i turned 18 and i've gotten pretty good at controlling the impulse of being unecessarily terrible to the people around me.
Anyway, i'm not morally against shoplifting honestly, but i definitely only did it for the hell of it and don't feel proud. I think i just wanted to feel something.
Anonymous 4574
>>4573Yeah maybe so. I have a problem with impulsive behavior, be it stealing or spending too much. I think the nona upthread was right, this is usually the behavior of people who are mentally ill in some way. Thankfully, i'm already getting help.
Anonymous 4579
>>4152When I was a tot, probably until I was 4 I had sticky paws, but ever since I was old enough to know right from wrong? One once, accidentally. I was no older than 10 and I was in a convenience store with my mother, I put a bag of sweeties on the counter along with the rest of my mother's shopping and the cashier didn't scan them. No one noticed until I ate half the bag and mother checked the receipt seeing a lack of bill for those sweets.
I have never lived that moment down since, and haven't lifted anything since
unless you count digital piracy. Anonymous 4580
>>4254almost like honest and paying people get pissed when they see a self entitled brat pocketing things they shouldn't.
Anonymous 4581
>>4557You're a complete idiot. employees getting the brunt is extremely common everywhere, especially in jobs like cabin crew where anything stolen from their cart is deducted from their pay in full.
t. have a stewardess friend who has been burned hard by this multiple times in the past
Anonymous 4583
>>4580People who shoplift are rarely entitled or brats, they're most likely had poor upbringing(be it mentally poor, financially poor, or everything at once). I'm not justifying stealing or shoplifting, but when people get poorer the incentive to steal becomes bigger
t. live in a poor country
Anonymous 4590
>>4583there's a difference between shoplifting to feed yourself and putting 50 cents makeup in your bra to hide it.
Anonymous 4592
>>4583Do you have any data to back this up? Every single shoplifter in this thread has never mentioned anything about being poor and needing food. I have not seen a single god damn post made in this thread that they were "poor and hungry" and stole an apple or loaf of bread.
Anonymous 4597
>>4590Person who I replied to didn't differentiate between those things. And by poor people I don't necessarily mean people on the verge of starving to death, I mean poor as in they steal food to save some money.
>>4592See what I wrote above. I don't use statistics I'm talking about my personal experience, ppl from this thread don't have to be poor or live in a poor country.
Anonymous 4611
>>4597>Person who I replied to didn't differentiate between those things. well they were replying to someone who was complaining about being scalded for stealing the 50 cent makeup
Anonymous 4612
my one "bad" friend and I used to steal stuff from TJMaxx in high school. Nothing big or expensive, just small things so we could feel the thrill and have fun trying to get each other to laugh the whole time.
Anonymous 4618
I sometimes shoplift, mostly food but a few electronics and clothes here and there. A couple of months ago I stole a $200 pair of headphones. I don't consider it morally wrong. These corporations compete with mom and pop shops and force them out of business.
I've been caught a few times but never prosecuted. The first time was a cheap pair of headphones. The security guard confronted me when I returned a few days later. I actually had stolen stuff in my pocket when he confronted me but didn't search me or anything (I was dumb back then). I gave false details in case it was reported but got away with just a store ban in the end.
I'll probably continue, I'm good at it and owning well made headphones/shoes/coats brings me a small amount of happiness in this horrible world.
Anonymous 4621
>>4581i would never steal on an airplane, that's dumb as fuck. and no, that's not what it's like in my country. i have worked in retail, i have friends who work in the stores i have shoplifted at, i know the law, no one gets hurt by me doing this except the corporation (and not even them, really, since an 8 euro nailpolish or whatever is nothing but numbers on a paper to them.)
Anonymous 4623
>>4618>I'll probably continue, I'm good at it and owning well made headphones/shoes/coats brings me a small amount of happiness in this horrible world.Well I suppose if I had to live in a horrible world I would do that too, sounds like a shitty life though.
>>4621>i would never steal on an airplane, that's dumb as fuck.Why? You think it hurts anyone? The corporations just write it off, just gotta get away with it.
Anonymous 4624
>>4621not just airplanes but trains too
Anonymous 4650
>>4623because the likelihood of being caught is much higher when i'm stuck in the air lol? and if i am aware that it has consequences for the staff then i wouldn't do it. but i know for a fact that it does not in the stores i have stolen from. why are you so salty
Anonymous 4651
>>4650Ohhhh, so then all the corporation needs to do to stop you from stealing things is force deductions out of employee paychecks. Okay, thank you for the datapoint.
Anonymous 4654
>>4650>but i know for a fact that it does not in the stores i have stolen fromUnless you know people in management or on payroll, you don't know this.
Anonymous 4659
>>4654it's illegal in my country to make employees pay for what's been stolen.
>>4651i don't really shoplift anymore anyway, but yeah that would stop me from doing it. luckily they legally can't do that where i live. probably wouldn't stop a lot of other people anyway though.
Anonymous 4664
>>4659The idea that because something is illegal, a company wouldn't do it, is so naïve that I just have to assume you're underage or incredibly sheltered.
But also, no one is saying the employees are being made to directly pay for it. Their hours will be cut or people will be let go because of less profit. The company will have no problem passing that problem onto others rather than having their CEO or shareholders lose anything.
Anonymous 4691
I barely shoplifted in my life, never something serious.
But I have reoccuring dreams where I manage to steal a backpack full of candy/snacks or even clothes.
I always get spotted in the end, but not caught. I always manage to escape before I get caught. One dream in particular, I was around 14 and after school went into different stores and stole from them. Somehow my classmates suspected that I was stealing shit and I ran like the fucking wind. It was thrilling.
It feels like finding treasure and being able to have everything for yourself, I think. it's hard to describe. It definitely feels better to do in a dream than in real life. In real life it's just anxiety.
Anonymous 4694
>>4557I don't live in the US either.
Anonymous 4748
Yes. When I was younger I was super obsessed with shoplifting tumblr and would spend hours looking at peoples insane 'hauls'. Some people claimed they stole like hundreds of dollars worth of clothes, makeup, etc. (though they were probably lying) and they would make masterposts of tips for shoplifting. For some reason I really wanted to do that kind of stuff, even though I didn't really need or even want any of those things, just for the thrill of it.
I only shoplifted like 2 separate times, both of the items were small, cheap hairclips from a mall. I was super nervous doing it but it was also kind of fun? I stopped because I knew I wasn't skilled enough to get away with it and also because my parents would notice if I randomly had new things. I don't feel bad about it because they were really small things and I was young.
To be honest I don't care if people shoplift, I know its technically wrong and it can hurt employees but it's not such a big deal to me. I wouldn't call out someone if I saw them stealing unless I worked there because it's none of my business. Also frankly some shops sell stuff that are far too overpriced for its worth and I don't feel bad at all if those get stolen.
Anonymous 4777
>>4592I was hungry so I stole a ps5
Anonymous 4782
>>4152Yes, 4$ eyeliner because I put it in my pocket and
forgot about it. at least that's what I told my bf when we went home from shopping. As to why I did that, I was a student at the time and I dunno, I had enough money for that goddamn eyeliner
Also I stole a candy bar from the supermarket when I was like 3 or 5, they left the hangar door opened so I walked in and felt like a kid in a candy store, I remember feeling really bad and kind of a rebel at the time
Anonymous 4783
I shoplifted a lot in high school, I'd go on the bus and just hit up different stores stealing all day and then go home and post the hauls on tumblr lol. I don't regret it. i was good at it and I never got caught. i stopped as I got older because I don't want that on my permanent criminal record (where I live misdemeanours are hidden as an adult if you committed them as a minor) and because I have more money now so I don't need to. I still steal from my work all the time because it's easy and fun. I don't feel bad about it, it literally harms no one and doesn't matter at all. On the other hand it's kind of an immature thing to do and once the rush is gone it's meh.
Anonymous 4784
>>4783Based. Stealing is fun and it's a victimless crime (mostly). Especially when you steal from businesses. Fuck em they throw out thousands of dollars worth of shit a day which justifies all theft imo.
Anonymous 4786
I feel like for stealing to be worth it to me I'd have to be getting approximately 1000000000$ worth of goods. If it's not impressive I just don't see the point of the exercise. Anyone that was tempted by the "taboo" of stealing a 1$ chocolate bar just feels kind of silly to me.
Anonymous 4791

When I was ~15 I stole from a big chain for a few months straight, weekly. I didn’t hide it whatsoever. I would take a pint of Ben and Jerrys (my usual steal) and literally just walk out the door with it in my hands, in plain sight. After I got confronted by a security guard, I was so freaked out I never did it again. Now the store has a bunch more cameras and always has a security guard by the exit. I also heard they keep a database of shoplifters which makes me paranoid. I still go there though lol.
Anonymous 4800
i shoplifted a LOT. i still do sometimes when im feeling really down. i got caught at a hot topic once (sorry) but just staring going to a different mall kek. i have a job and money now but it makes me feel excited when i do it still
Anonymous 4828
Lol I guess this is technically shoplifting. I remembering being like 5 at school and my friend and I counting our chocolate mice. We miscounted the first time and thought we had 13 when we really had 12. My friend said we should take one from the tuckshop left out and so we did.
I didn't realise it was stealing and mentioned it to my mum at lunch time. She blew up at me in a ridiculous way and wouldn’t let me finish my lunch until I told my dad (who was basically like “ok?”). You would have thought I had schemed for months and stolen a Faberge egg or something.
One of the many examples of her being a terrible parent. She should have just calmly explained it was stealing, recognised I was a good kid, and made me promise not to do it again. It was literally 1p of chocolate, never done it before, wasn’t my idea, nor did I do it.
The kid that was always getting into trouble had blatantly been taking handfuls and nothing happened to him as I guess he had enough sense to keep his mouth shut. Not sure what the school expected leaving a huge box of sweets unattended by a bunch of 5 year olds tbh.
Anonymous 4860
Between 13-18 i would have stolen over $10,000 dollars worth of clothing, makeup, food, alcohol and lingere. I decided to stop once I was 18 and also got a job but I still want to all the time
Anonymous 4862
i dont feel guilty for doing it, its like a distraction whenever i feel shitty
Anonymous 5223
yes i shoplifted often as a teen. well, as a young girl i would steal an occassional lipstick or candy or something. when i was in 5th grade i was suspended for 2 days for stealing one of my teachers stuffed animals. when i was 12 i stole an old phone from my aunts house and convinced my mom that my friend had given it to me, and she actually set me up on her plan with it lol. that was a huge deal i got in so much trouble. then in high school i met a girl who was also klepto and we wrought havoc on our town. thousands and thousands in clothes, shoes, food, make up, etc. we were both into lifting tumblr and would post our hauls. eventually we got caught in a sephora in another town, we were stuck there for three hours while our moms had to drive and come pick us up as we were 17 at the time.
later on after i moved in by myself and had long since stopped stealing, i was ridiculously poor and struggling to pay rent at my first apartment. my room mate and i were friends from highschool who would also lift together a lot. we ended up going back to our old ways just to get groceries. we would hit up one grocery store, fill our bags and inside pockets. by a box of cereal or bag of rice, then empty out in the car and go to the next store. thats the last time i really lifted, was in college when i was too poor for food. i never even went back to stealing make up or anything, just apples and peanut butter and bottles of olive oil. i still take something here and there when shopping with my current boyfriend, nothing really wrong with it in my eyes and were not super rich or anything so it helps our budget when i do, thats about it
Anonymous 5250
there were some broken items in the back of a target that was discounted things and seasonals. i saw some candy there that was broken and unsealed but still looked clean enough, not that i'd care too much at that age, i just ate some of it right there at the store.
Anonymous 5299
>>4254you put lipstick in your bra? how did that shit not melt? one time i put a lipstick in the back of the waistband of my shorts and it was so soft when I took it out I had to leave it alone for fear of smushing it against the case or something
Anonymous 5300
I've shoplifted some beef jerkey in a Tops store once. It was a small store with hardly any cameras. I didn't feel like paying for it
I also used to "steal from amazon" back in 2019. I would buy something off there, recieve the item, and then contact customer service saying it never arrived after 2 days. I'd say it must've gotten stolen and I'd get all my money back. I stole some food and a Kikis delivery service necklace for my mom for Christmas. It's been years since I've done this so idk if it still works.
Anonymous 5513
I used to shoplift a lot. I would wear baggy clothes and a big backpack weighted with a few books and tied up with zip ties. I would then fill a plastic bag with as much expensive food as I can: meat, salmon, fruits, chocolate, cheese, foie gras… when the bag is somewhat full, I find a populated department and swiftly place the bag under my coat, between my back and my backpack. If my backpack is properly weighed, the bag will stay in place. I would then finish my shopping with a few heavy and cheap items (flour, sugar) and go through the cash register.
Using this technique, I have stolen tens of thousands of dollars worth of food from various department stores. But there are a few tricks:
- Do not be a minority. You must look as innocuous as possible. Sorry, but I don't make the rules.
- Only shoplift in big department stores. The bigger the shop, the easier the heist.
- Shoplift at rush hour. More people means less attention from the security guards.
- Do not use any other shoplift technique when doing this. This will only multiply the probability of getting caught.
- And the most important trick: Never Shoplift Anything But Food. If you only shoplift food, even if you get caught, you can simply pay for your stolen goods and things will end right there. Hardware, alcohol, makeup are better guarded and can get you in trouble way faster.
I got caught a few time shoplifting. It was my fault every time. But at worst, I had to pay a few hundred bucks worth of quality food. And with all the money I saved, I was able to buy a computer and a car.
I rarely ever shoplift anymore now. As I became older, it felt like I had more things to lose than to gain from stealing, but I think I might simply have pussied out. I also would rather not steal again from dept stores in which I have already been caught, and it's a hassle to go all the way to another city to do my deed.
Anonymous 5552
Not shoplifting but I started stealing money from my parents. They havent noticed yet, but I feel like I'm on a thin line and I need advice on how to stop. I feel like shit cause I'm broke all the time and I the only reason to go out is if I have some money. I only took small amounts but it's ramping up to be a serious number if I keep doing it and getting away with it. I already got caught a few years ago and i was so anxious and embarrassed about it I couldnt speak to my parents for days, I would get out of my house for several hours a day just so I didnt have to speak to my parents or be near them. I have a job but its gonna be some time before I get my first paycheck.
I have promised myself to only do it once, but I have stolen again, twice in a row this time, and I feel like this time they will notice.
Anonymous 5553
>>5552they might already know but aren't saying anything
Anonymous 5554
>>5553I feel like this is a possibility but we're tight on money so they would take it seriously if I just spend it without asking them first. Every time I ask them for some to buy some food they say how expensive everything is and they dont have much more money left, and I have stolen way more money than they give me in the span of this month (I havent stolen any in years before this)
I know i will stop 100% after I get my paycheck but I need to stop myself before that which is hard even though I know it has more consequences than just my parents being upset, plus, if they do notice I can only pray it will go as smoothly as possible, and it probably wont because my dad is a hothead.
Anonymous 5555
>>5554A lot of people are having trouble affording things these days so I'm not surprised.
Regardless, don't you feel like you're being cruel? It seems like your parents legitimately care for you and this is one of the worst things you could do to them.
It sounds like, subconsciously, you might somewhat enjoy the thrill of it at this point. This sounds like the case since you just can't stop and keep stealing far more than you expected to. Are you sure, when you get your paycheck, that'll be enough for you?
This can't go any way other than terribly. At this point it's a psychological thing and you have to go cold turkey otherwise this will keep happening.
I know it won't be easy but it's the only way to do the right thing.
Anonymous 5556
>>5555Youre right that Im being cruel, but I even feel justified, because theyve been cruel to me countless times and spending their money on alcohol which is expensive and does nothing but bad things to you. I'm trying to cope right now because I know I can stop, i just need to control myself.
Anonymous 5557
>>5556If you want to stop anon then tell them.
Anonymous 5559
>>5556If you feel justified, but also like shit, you probably aren't justified.
Anonymous 5560
>>5559I dont feel justified, I think we both done wrong things to each other in the past. I'm probably never gonna admit to stealing and just get through with it silently because I'm just gonna get screamed at and in my experience screaming never helped with anything.
Anonymous 5561
>Youre right that Im being cruel, but I even feel justified,>>5560>I dont feel justified,Are you this minor?
>>5556>but I even feel justifiedIt's okay if you are, just trying to make sure you're the same person. It's okay to move from "justified" to whatever else. Just felt confusing.
>I'm probably never gonna admit to stealing and just get through with it silently because I'm just gonna get screamed at and in my experience screaming never helped with anything.That's certainly one approach, may even be the right one. Really it's whatever helps you progress forward as a person.
Anonymous 5562
>>5561Oh sorry I'm being dumb. I think i do feel partly justified, but I still feel like I'm crossing the line now.
>That's certainly one approach, may even be the right one. Really it's whatever helps you progress forward as a person.I feel like it's the only one in my scenario.
Anonymous 5577
I’m not struggling financially but i’ve always wanted to shop lift, i can’t fathom why i have to pay for water or whatever else. I once shoplifted by accident by thinking i already paid. So i told the cashier that and gaslighted her and only realized i didn’t actually pay when i opened my wallet and saw the same amount untouched lol. Gave me a power trip and i’ve wanted to do it again, but i’m not a good liar
Anonymous 5824
Yes, and I think it's shitty but I can't deny the borderline erotic feeling I got from it since I was a kid.
Back when I was little my aunt had a massive candy shop. Since my mum worked long hours, I would go there and do my homework after school. Now, my aunt was kind of a bitch and never liked me for some reason, so she never gave me free candy. Hell, she would ask my mum for money to buy me "food" which consisted in tortillas and guacamole or sometimes mayo and string cheese. So I eventually learned to grab small pieces of candy when she wasn't looking. At some point I started hiding whole bags inside my backpack and selling them for profit at school. I eventually got caught and my mum had to stop speaking to my aunt. I won either way.
Around the same time I started shoplifting toys. Mostly Polly Pocket, MLP and Pokemon stuff. I did this for many years, and if it wasn't for online shopping I would still do it. When I turned 18 I got a job at a chain toy store and every time I had to do inventory I would just pick whatever I wanted, mark it as damaged and take it home. Again, I eventually got caught but since my manager had a crush on me he just asked me to resign.
Now, the one time getting caught fucked me up was a couple of years ago. I went on a date with a guy I really, really liked. After eating, watching a movie and overall spending a sweet time we entered a department store just to walk around, we didn't really want to buy anything. He took interest in a video game but said he'd just buy it later. I excused myself, saying I wanted to use the bathroom and went back to quickly put the game inside my bag.
As you know already, I got caught. But I didn't just get caught. When we were leaving, one of the security guys stopped us and asked me to open my bag. The guy I was with instantly jumped to defend me, he said I would never do that and that his accusations were baseless and abusive, but the guard insisted. Then he asked for the manager to be there when they opened my bag, because he was going to file a formal complaint… and well, you can imagine how things went down. He was absolutely red faced, but also looked at me with the kind of disappointment that I've only gotten from my mother. He offered to pay for the item in order to de-escalate things, but it was too late. They banned us from the store and called the police, he was in the process of "convincing" (read: bribing) the officers to let us go while I apologized to the store manager… when my mum came to pick us up. See, I forgot to mention that my mum knew this guy quite well, as he was the son of her best friend from work, so she was going to take us both to his house after the date for dinner.
The funny thing is, the people from the store AND the police thought he had somehow convinced me to shoplift so they offered to let me go. But my mum knew better. She knew I had a history of doing this shit and she also had a pristine image of the guy. To end things quickly, she ended up bribing the officers herself, dropped him at his house and forbid me from ever seeing him again. She would quickly change her mind because she also wanted me to date him, but still. It was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life.
I'd still shoplift if I have a clean chance, tho.
Anonymous 5833
I apologized over text and we talked it out. He felt guilty because I tried to steal something for him.
I started dating an asshole a little after that and I think he mostly lost interest in me because of that. I still check on his social media but we haven't talked in months. I'm considering doing something to grab his attention again, maybe dress goth or upload cosplay pics.
Anonymous 6218
yes, i did it a decent amount when i was younger. when i worked retail i did it too. i only took small things like shirts, makeup, and sometimes drinks that i wanted to have on my lunch. i don't really regret it and i never got caught.
Anonymous 6284

Some of my fondest memories were going out with my friends in middle school and stealing bags full of stuff from the mall. I remember we all had the same justification of it would feel bad to make our parents give us money for retarded merch shit when they work so hard and are already poor. And getting stuff was cool, did get caughtish a few times but never anything official with security or police.
Anonymous 6296
>>4152it was basically rite of passage at my private university to steal food from the whole foods on campus.
not just because it was expensive tho, but because the line would literally go around the entire store and out the door during peak hours. mostly why i stole from there was bc i didn't want to wait in line
Anonymous 6297
>>5824this is kinda cute tbh sorry u got caught
Anonymous 6302
>>4152stole from safeway and trader joes because it's soo easy to steal from those stores
Anonymous 7776
>>4254Based behavior, ignore the corpo bootlickers
Anonymous 7780
I have never shoplifted because it does nothing for me but I will never care about people stealing little things or "forgetting" to scan items at self-checkout. From an employee perspective, getting treated like I was dumb or having crack addicts try to wear me down and force me to authorize no-receipt returns on a package of batteries when I already have a line is what used to piss me off. That and dangerous scrotes breaking glass cases with crowbars and getting glass everywhere while there's families around.
This is kind of an inverse shoplifting story, but one time when I was working at a chain retail store, two guys (regular thieves at our location, which was very high-theft) walked out with two carts full of high ticket items. A guy standing in line to check out said, do you want me to get those back for you? We said no, of course not, don't risk your safety for us. He said he worked at a different retail store and was sick of being forced to allow dangerous career criminals do whatever they want in family environments. He storms out of the store and comes back 45 minutes later, covered in cuts and bruises, dragging BOTH full carts behind him. He dropped them off and left without a word. We were all shocked but it was a very funny story.
Anonymous 7782
I never had the need tp shoplift but I don't consider shoplifting an issue. Many fast fashion companies throw away perfectly usable clothes when it becomes untrendy which is stupid. Not to mention they make their clothes on child labour. So ranger than selling out their items and stocking up on new stuff they keep exploiting foreign factory workers just to create a FOMO.
I don't care that people steal from these types of stores. The only reason I haven't done it myself is because I don't want to risk anything but I have heard stealing from H&M is easy
Anonymous 7874
Retail corporations steal BILLIONS from employee wages every year. It's never ever wrong to steal from a thief.
Anonymous 7961
My crew from mental hospital taught me how to shoplift. I got addicted to the thrill,since I was severely depressed and I just wanted to feel something. I still shoplift makeup and hair dye to this day. I have fuckton of makeup and I have never bought any of it. If makeup is basically a requirement for women to be seen as presentable in this society, why the fuck would I pay for it? Also, I make sure to shoplift from a specific big drugstore chain which doesn't cut from workers' pay for shoplifted items so I see nothing wrong with it.
Anonymous 8060
Mostly when I was 17. I'd drive to a nearby city and hit up all the big box stores. Can't believe half the shit I got away with. I did get caught at 18 (could've just walked away) and had to go through a class. Haven't done it since lol
Anonymous 8064
>>4264I agree, and I am very annoyed by people who act like internet piracy is a moral imperative. I've met multiple people online who tried to say that people who don't pirate are "lazy" and that it shows a moral failing of this generation that it happens less these days.
Anonymous 8472
>>7961I was at the drug store the other day and was browsing their skin care section. After I touched a product, I heard beeping. I think in some stores, touching an item will trigger something that locates where the item is. Even if you seamlessly pocket the item, you already touched it. The alarm + CCTV will give you up. So
>>8401 be careful.
Anonymous 8569

It just makes me laugh every time I remember this thread is in /x/
Anonymous 9272
I want to thank this thread for introducing me to "liftblr" on tumblr. As a result, I am now a pretty nifty lifter, and I've gotten many things like soap, many different books and comics, and some food items. It really saves money when you want the things you dont necessarily need like comics.
Anonymous 9273
Consciously only one time. I have accidentally forgotten to pay things though and it was nice to save the money. But it’s just too high risk for me. I like being safe and I don’t want to get in trouble
Anonymous 9274
>>8401long baggy sleeves, just slip the item in. if you're hungry, just pic up a snack, eat it while shopping around, leave the wrapper on a shelf, and leave the store. a little harder to get away with, but possible
Anonymous 9276
a lolita dress in a reselling used items market that was just thrown in the mist of all weird clothing.
It is really good quality and not even a chinese brand, the only lolita dress I have.
Anonymous 9290
I haven’t shoplifted since I became of age and I’m also sober now, I used to shoplift alcohol most of the time. The silly urge to put knickknacks in my pocket is still strong though & I kind of want to start casually lifting again until I can’t be mistaken for a teen anymore.
Anonymous 9737
Did you sell the cards?
Anonymous 9739
>>9737I did, I sold the pokemon stuff off back before it became a fad again for a little while.
Anonymous 9745
Just a lot of pokemon cards over the years… it's always been from target/walmart so idc and no one cares enough to catch me either
Anonymous 9825
I used to steal constantly but now I think a bit more before starting on a store. there's a national thrift shop brand that I almost make a point of stealing one thing per visit from now. They're purely for profit and make bank off donations because people donate to them thinking profits go to charity but that's not how it works. They actually just work with a charity and the way it works is the charity has to collect a bunch of items to donate then the thrift store gives them a very low lump sum based on weight of all the items, people donating or buying things doesn't give the charity squat as they're paid upfront for their donations. The store got a bunch of backlash cause they heavily implied buying stuff gave to the charity so now they have to plaster "for profit" everywhere. It wouldn't be too bad but the thrift store literally prices things barely under market value, checks for brand names and gives them a huge boost to price, and raises prices every year so most poorer people can't actually shop there anymore. The store is now pretty much filled with the normies and spoiled students in my richer town taking advantage of the mildly discounted clothing to stuff their wardrobes even more. which to add insult to injury, before thrifting became trendy you'd have to hide it totally in the town cause people are judgmental as fuck.
My thefts started mostly with petty electronics cause they reversed their policy that you could get a refund if it didn't work and they removed their tester station too so it's a straight up gamble now. They claim they test before selling but you can literally watch the employees tag things right from the donation bins, at most checking online prices for the item in their loading area. I just walk around with the item in my hand until I can slip it into my purse. There are cameras everywhere so I hide in the clothing racks "looking" at stuff
The manager of my local shop is also a creepy weirdo and trooned out over covid with massive fake breasts so that's what really sparked my one stolen item policy instead of just taking electronics I wanted. fuck him and this franchise too. wouldn't steal from my local goodwill though, they give so much back to the community I'd like this franchise to close and goodwill to take over. sensible prices at goodwill too.
I also don't feel bad about stealing from walmart so if there's something silly I don't want to spend my money or I'm buying bulk on something on I'll take a few instead of paying. Self checkout is one of the better spots to take stuff as the walmart checkouts have a trash sensor and if you "scan" things too fast it doesn't notice and most don't have any weight detectors to tell you the item didn't scan. Just go to the cash, act normal, do the motions a little quickly, and the scanner should miss most things. if it's under 20$ or not a highly stolen item with a tag you should be good and since you bought other stuff I figure if i set anything off I can show them the receipt and be like "oh wow I was in a rush and didn't notice it didn't work for some of these items". pet food doesn't set the alarms off so I've been able to splurge on my cat a bit on some of the fancier stuff since I don't scan about a quarter of my cans at least
On the topic of shoplifting, stores have caught on and started destroying stuff before tossing but you could dumpster dive bookstores and clothing stores quite safely for things. Now the books and clothes might be cut in half but not all stores do this. I wish I had a girl buddy with a car cause I miss dumpster diving for treasures. You can get some good shit you'd otherwise never buy for yourself
Anonymous 9860
I once accidentally brought something I had bought the day before (price still on it) shopping with me. Walked out with it without paying again. So technically not shoplifting, but it felt similar.
I also go to the grocery store with a bag full of groceries from another store pretty often, to get items from certain brands, and have only been questioned a single time (I always carry a receipt to be safe). Most of these things don't have sensor on them, you could get away with a lot
Anonymous 10072
I used to steal small items with my friends at the mall, primarily in middle-early high school. I’ve never gotten caught for it but I’ve stopped a long time ago since I didn’t wanna continue into my mid-late teens. It was usually makeup or small tops, sometimes books or other little things.
Anonymous 10075

i shoplifted in my mid-late teens until getting caught and arrested for it, it literally scared me straight and thank God the legal system had mercy on me but the best part is as a result of that i turned my life around and abandoned that delinquent lifestyle. anyway, prior to my reformation i shoplifted soooo many things you couldn’t imagine including but not limited to: clothes, shoes, books, CDs, soap, perfumes, beauty products, makeup, wallets, purses, electronics including ipods and graphing calculators, even furniture kek
Anonymous 10088
I only mixed better fruits (like apple or tangerines) in a bag with lower price several times
Anonymous 10091
I used to steal a few years when I was ashamed to tell my parents that I spend all my money plus I had binge eating so I stole like a few items every day in a different store each day and it was always around like 15(money). Once I got catched for stealing a fucking diet cola and had to wait for police for an hour in shame
Anonymous 10114
I used to shoplift when I was a younger teen just because I didn’t have money, but I stopped once cameras became more common in stores. However, I used to steal money from the safe at one of my jobs. I wouldn’t ring up really small purchases and would just let the till be over, and then I’d sneak the overage into my sleeve when depositing to the safe. It wasn’t a ton of money, but I needed it pretty bad.
However, right now, I steal from work all the time. I work IT for a smallish university, and the state e-waste rules mean we can’t sell our old pc’s / macs with the hard drive inside. But even then, we just pallet the for-disposal stuff and sell it to a wholesaler. That imo is total bullshit, especially when we have broke students who just want a serviceable laptop to do whatever on. It would be so easy to just wipe the drive, slap some easy-mode Linux distro on it, and sell it for $20 to the students. It makes me really mad… So I steal sometimes. They were getting rid of some surfaces, nothing wrong with them. I stuck one up my jacket and took it home. It works great, no problems. I’ve also stolen one of those little mini pc’s. I use it as a home server for media and junk, works great. They were just gonna gut it and sell it to someone to overcharge for it on eBay. Those are the two biggest things I’ve stolen, but I also have so many Mac magic keyboards, mice, peripherals, whatever. I steal ssds and nvmes when I can, or when I need one. I stole a laptop charger that fits my soldering iron perfectly, so I shoved it in my bag. I know I should stop, and there’s really no explanation for this behavior, but I’m gonna keep doing it.
Anonymous 10124
>>4152>Have you ever shoplifted?i used to shoplift candy as a teen
>Why?i was trying to rebel and act cool. i was concerned with how would that affect the minimum wage store workers but convinced myself it's okay as long as i only steal from big supermarket chains and not small businesses
>Did you regret itnot really but i think that was stupid and annoying of me. teenagers are stupid and annoying and that's just how it manifested in me. it could be worse
>ever get caught?nope
Anonymous 10220
a little bit, shoplifted small things when i was i child for fun
i took cheap things and i did it only a couple times, so the fact i wasn't caught is probably nothing, but i wouldn't do it again, cause it can hurt minimum wage workers and it's just morally wrong
and also because i'm not a stupid edgy kid now (at least not as much)
Anonymous 10287
>>4152I did it for about 6 years from 17-24 because I was saving up for a house and it's fucking impossible to get on the property ladder here. I eventually made it and then stopped because it's not worth losing my career and there are being advancements made to analyse faces.
Anonymous 10290

Used to shoplift a ton as a kid, stopped as soon as I had access to my own money. Would also steal from people’s houses. Probably peaked at about 8 years old and tapered from there.
I usual would steal snacks but sometimes books or cheap toys. Nothing valuable and I would make an effort to return whatever I took (other than food obviously)
I started with food the various people who watched didn’t always feed me so I would feed myself I guess. I was a fat kid so I think they thought they were doing me a favor but I was absolutely insatiable. I’ve gotten better (still fat but I’m no longer a total monster around food) not trying to justify but that’s definitely how it started Once I realized how easy it was, I would usually borrow without asking then return things as I needed. Never money or anything that had real value to the person so if I couldn’t return it wouldn’t be missed. Once when I was 10 I even gave an anonymous “thank you” gift to one girl I “borrowed” from a lot (it was an coat for her doll I made out of felt, glue and staples) She was thrilled (I think she may have been a bit stupid).
>inb4 kleptomania/psychopathy armchair diagnosis
I got no thrill from it. I used everything I got. I would never take anything that valuable or precious and if someone would’ve cried over it I would’ve felt bad but it never happened. I wouldn’t have minded if some child did the same to me back then or even now. I also wouldn’t say shit if I saw someone stealing from a big box store (not just baby formula or bread, even a total luxury) I have no regrets but I also don’t think I was being moral or anything.
Anonymous 10291
I used to when I was young. Like 7-8 years old. One time my older cousin caught me but nobody believed him… kek
Anonymous 10323
Local shitty thrift store has hired a second Troon, shoplifting intensifies.
Thought he was a shopper cause he was in the lingerie/nightgown section trying a few night slips on from a cart he had. Nope! He awkwardly took what he had on off when I stayed in the isle then started hanging shit. He had an employee shirt underneath. Grabbed the thing I wanted and put it in my bag. I'm not paying for the chance some fetishistic Troon put on used women's clothing before putting it up. Obviously I wash everything I get but still didn't want to spend on it. I was worried when the manager trooned out this place was gonna become a haven for them to work there, first hire they get and he's already using work time to try on the clothes before women unknowingly buy them. I hope he's not getting anything extra from them being used but God knows he is.
Anonymous 10324
>>4152The only time I shoplifted was around the age of 10. For a couple of weeks, my friend and I would pocket these cheap packs of candy we loved from the little gas station within walking distance. No one explicitly talked to us but one day when we walked in there there were suddenly new and very visible security cameras. We took that as a sign to stop.
I'm glad I didn't escalate further or get caught. I don't think the law would have done much to me at that age, but still.
Anonymous 10786
For a while I used to fill up my bag with $100+ worth of meats, etc. and pay for a few of the cheap items so as to not arouse suspicion. The bag I use has a compartment at the bottom that I can fit small items into without changing the appearance of the bag, and I always take advantage of that.
I often buy multiples when it comes to products and clothing. If I know I'll easily get away with it, I'll take a reasonable number and only pay for one.
Many years ago I had a Nigel who supported my shoplifting habits, we often stole food together and cooked beautiful meals. When we were together I was more opportunistic and often stole small things like makeup brushes and skincare products from department stores.
I've never been caught. Only people with a shifty/antisocial vibe get caught.
Anonymous 10920
When I was 11 I stole earrings and hair accessories in a mall and tried jumping the counter to get food on the same run. I got the cops called on me. Never stolen since.
Anonymous 10921
I steal ewaste from work all the time because they just throw perfectly good things away whenever. If it can fit in my backpack and it’s on the disposal pile, it’s coming home with me. Not especially expensive items, but some of them have been pretty useful. I have a really ancient spinny 1TB hard drive that I’m using for file backup. I just consider it recycling. You can’t even dumpster dive this stuff because they put it through some kind of grinder, you have to get it before it goes to the grinder. We’re moving to a new building soon and if it has CCTV, I guess I’ll stop.
Anonymous 10965
used to all the time from big stores. loss prevention at most of these places now is wayyyy too serious for me to want to try anymore. not worth becoming a felon for multiple instances of pety theft.
went to the grocery store recently and accidentally put something in the bagging area that i didn't scan at self check out. immediately the machine started beeping and then played a recording from above of me putting the item in the bagging area… along with exactly what item it was. scared me straight for now lol