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Psychic Links Anonymous 4232

Do you believe in them?
I truly do believe I have one with this somewhat obscure celebrity I've been a fan of. Frequently she makes posts that match what I am thinking of at the time and sometimes I think things that don't match my current mood at the time, and I've been wondering if it could be her thoughts getting inserted into my mind.
Expecting to be called a schizo for this post to be honest but I don't believe I am.
I don't plan to pursue a relationship with her or anything because I am fully aware of the fact I'm weird and creepy.

Anonymous 4241

I get this with friends sometimes. Idk how possible it is with someone you've never met tho

Anonymous 4243

Kind of, yes. My boyfriend is deeply connected to me, we understand each other and know what we are thinking like I am a part of him and I his. Our personalities match impeccably. This is the biggest reason I will marry him. Aside from all our thoughts and ideas matching in some way, we also have the tendency to appear exactly when the other one is just done with work or business, like "I was just about to call you!" but happens a lot more often with us.

I don't think it's magical, but it does feel very divine and deep.

Anonymous 4245

i think it makes more sense if it's someone you don't know. if it's someone you're close with then it's just… being close with them. knowing what someone's thinking is hardly impressive when you've had years upon years of interactions to learn their thought patterns lmao. i suppose that also applies if the celeb op's thoughts match is someone she's been following for a while

Anonymous 4248

I did not know my boyfriend for years when that happened. I became his girlfriend because we had that kind of connection immediately, before prior contact or experience. I hardly knew him for a month when I decided that.

Anonymous 4314

ugh i feel like i have one with my cyber stalker. she's a girl but she always changes her bio/posts things that I was literally thinking. stuff I don't even have in my notes app (thought i was hacked for some time). it's so weird. but she hates me, never wanted to actually be my friend just actually BE me. hope that makes sense bc it does freak me out (been ongoing for years)

Anonymous 4315

>it's so weird. but she hates me, never wanted to actually be my friend just actually BE me. hope that makes sense bc it does freak me out (been ongoing for years)
Oh yeah, there's an entire thread devoted to this on this board.

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