
Suicide Anonymous 480
How would you do it?
What's the most effective method with minimal pain? I'm a puss.
Anonymous 481
>>480Well, the least painful way is to get help and address the underlying problem, dying from natural causes as a result.
Anonymous 482
>>481Thanks mom.
Tbh I would eithey pay for someone to administer morphine until I die or Ill go to one of the countries were euthanasia is ok.
I have kids now so I would never do it tho Anonymous 484
>>482> 2edgy4reasonI changed my mind - I hear parachuting bleach is the bomb yo.
Anonymous 485
There's a more serious thread on suicide, just look it up in /feels/ if you wanna read people's thoughts on it. Seriously though, there's no such thing as "minimal" pain suicide. Anything that doesn't involve proper doctors and nurses can be very painful and hanging which is poor man's favorite suicide method often fails and the person dies after going through a lot of pain and shitting their own pants. In theory you could get horse anesthetic online and die from it but I've read stories of people doing that and surviving. So yeah. Good luck, op. Shit is tough and I know it.
Anonymous 486
Don't do it!! How am I going to have internet friends if you guys all die? Please stay alive even if it's just to shitpost memes. I like everyone here and I don't want any of you to die.
Anonymous 490
OP here
>>481If you know anyone who can help me feel great about being paraplegic and being emotionally tormented by my family member slash 'caretaker' every single day, who molests me any time my parents are out of the house for more than half an hour, with no opportunity to get out because I live in a shithole third world country, then go ahead, if not then don't patronize me with your little quips, Mom.
Anonymous 496
>>490Anon, if you want to talk about your situation please let's discuss it. I was molested by a "family" member for many years and no one believed me, but I managed to get away from that hell when I was 20 years old. I was a neet, and had no one. I was also born in a crazy, violent country. I think about suicide often but now I see I don't really deserve it. If you don't want to open up, it's ok. Wishing you the best, anon.
Anonymous 573

>>480Painless way to kill yourself would be using helium. Grab a helium tank and a mask and slowly add it. This way, your brain doesn't realize that oxygen is getting replaced by helium. Or shotgun to the face.
The most painful way would be burning alive or harakiri. There were more information about this in wikipedia, believe it or not.
Do you know the most painful way to die besides previously mentioned methods?
Alone Anonymous 577
>>573not OP but this looks easy enough, I just have to save up for the helium ank and the mask. Thanks anon. Hopefully it works
Anonymous 578
>>577Not trying to turn this board into /feels/, but why do you want to die, anon?
Anonymous 579

>>578I'd rather not go into detail. I'm just really tired of everything.
Anonymous 580
When I was suicidal, I never did anything because I realized there's no 100%, painless way to die. Every single method has a chance of failure. You're more likely to end up in a hospital bed alive than dead. The website lostallhope helped me a lot during these times and you can research methods too.
Anonymous 584
If you want to kill yourself go ahead and do it. I've been "pro-choice" my entire life and the only reason people think suicide is bad is because they've been brainwashed to do so. The government can't cope with losing a taxpaying idiot so they made it up to be the worst thing in the world.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with killing yourself. You didn't ask to come into this world. If you want to leave it's all your choice.
Anonymous 629
>>584>a taxpaying idiot lol. There's a disproportionate amount of NEETs here.
Anonymous 1233
I've always known if I was going to do it I would jump off a building. Head first, like a diver. Leave a hideous mess. I'd get to "fly", for once, before I hit the ground.
Anonymous 1284
>>584>The government can't cope with losing a taxpaying idiot I imagine that the majority of suicidal people are a net drain on the budget. The truth is, if you have a society where people just off themselves. It makes everyone else sad. so they ask the government to stop it.
Anonymous 5491

I finally wrote out my suicide note and I'm really gonna go through with it tomorrow morning. I've been preparing for two scenarios: one where I actually die and one where I someone dont overdose successfully and get taken to get psychiatric help. I specifically planned for tomorrow, so that someone will be home to find my body, dead or alive.
I'm tired of being in pain daily. Thanks to anyone for reading.
Anonymous 5494
>>5491please don't, anon. live out of spite. live for people whose lives were taken from them and do some good. there's always a chance to get better and alternative treatments to seek…
Anonymous 5495
>>5491dont do it nona, i was there, and as cliche as it sounds, it gets better. i promise.
Anonymous 5496
>>5491Good luck, I hope you don't accidentally live and have liver damage or something. Overdosing on pills as a form of suicide seems risky so I hope it works out alright for you. See you in the next life.
Anonymous 5497
>>5491Overdose isn't a safe method. A cousin of mine tried it, failed and now she's literally retard.
Anonymous 5498

>>5491this is a bit awkward but i didnt die. im just lethargic and cramping like crazy. i dont think i took enough benadryl to kill me, unfortunately
Anonymous 5499
>>5498For what it’s worth, i’m glad you’re still with us.
Anonymous 5500
>>5491>>5498Overdosing is a classic mistake. It rarely works and, if it does, it sounds like it'd really hurt. Just remember there are fates worse than death out there.
So how are you doing? Did your attempt make you reconsider or are you going to give it another go?
Hell I'm pretty impressed you went through with it, that's more than I can do.
Anonymous 5501
>>5498Damn at least you didn't get hospitalized
Anonymous 5503
>>5500ODing itself is not a mistake. There are many reliable drugs. The problem here was using benadryl.
Anonymous 5505
>>5500not sure where to go from here really
>>5503is there a cocktail of drugs i need that'll either make me comatose? something to shutdown my organs? i can't lie i am afraid of the pain
Anonymous 5507
>>5505Yes, but it's against the law for me to give you advice on how to kill yourself. You could find the information on your own by researching.
Anonymous 5525
>>5523It’s not painful in the way stabbing yourself would be, but you would still feel extreme discomfort as you suffocate.
Anonymous 5529
Not to be crass, but shooting yourself in the brain would not be painful at all. It is also very effective. It can be messy and unsightly thugh if that is a concern. I would not want to survive attempting to poison myself.
Anonymous 5530
>>5529>but shooting yourself in the brain would not be painful at allYou ever tried? Please… i’m tired of people pulling shit out of their ass.
Anonymous 5531
>>5530How moronic. Do think a pulverized brain would be thinking or feeling anything?
Anonymous 5532
>>5529>>5530She's right depending on where the bullet goes and the size of the lesion. There are no pain receptors in the brain itself, only in the surrounding surface tissues, but if the part of the brain which processes pain is destroyed, your cells would be unable to transmit the pain signals that cause the feeling of pain. If you fuck up and shoot the wrong part, you might feel pain from the scalp/periosteum.
Anonymous 5533
>>5532You might even survive it and end up braindead
Anonymous 5534
>>5530>you ever tried… Have you?
Anonymous 5535
>>5534No. But i’m not the one claiming that it’s a perfectly painless method when that’s not necessarily true like
>>5532 said. You have to know how and where to shoot be determined and calculative. I have no time for that when i’m a fidgety scared mess
Anonymous 5536

>>5535A round with sufficient velocity (generally from a rifle) will create a temporary bubble, for lack of a better way to describe it, in soft tissue. Some tissues like muscle can expand with relatively little damage, but others, like the brain, can not be stretched and distorted without being severely compromised. If you look at cranial gunshot wounds you will often see that the skull has essentially popped apart from the forces dissipated though the brain. This is not survivable. People who have survived gunshots to the brain are almost universal shot with lower velocity rounds, typically from a handgun. The picture is a still frame of a coyote being shot. You can see its chest has expanded from the forces driving its organs apart inside. Brains can't survive that king of trauma.
Anonymous 5538
>>5537Fair enough. Sorry if the picture was rude. I wanted a depiction of the tissue expansion without using a dead person and that was what I found.
Anonymous 5540
>>5538No no I'm not upset at you, anon. Just people who hurt animals as a hobby.
Anonymous 5542
>>5540Serious question. Animals are going to get brutalized in the wild either way. Why is hunting considered cruel? If anything, it’s a mercy killing. Dying by bullet isn’t half bad compared to getting torn limb from limb or freezing to death.
Anonymous 5543
>>5542Because it's just not necessary. Unless you're starving in the middle of nowhere.
Anonymous 5544
>>5542Don’t compare brutally shooting animals for fun as a hobby to what animals do to each other in the wild to survive anon. It’s not “mercy killing” if the animal is completely fine and well it’s just selfish and retarded pick a brush or something or hunt animals you can at least eat
Anonymous 5545
>>5542"Why is shooting a toddler considered cruel? Humans often have violent deaths. It's a mercy killing"
Anonymous 5546
>>5542Besides what other anons said, it disrupts natural selection. There's nothing animals can do to compete against a human with a gun, unlike they can with predators (a lot of prey animals can and do fight back against predators). Plus as far as I know at least some predators go straight for the vital parts like the neck to get a faster kill.
Anonymous 5548
>>5543It’s not necessary (to the continuation of life.) which isn’t a good thing.
>>5544Animals torture each other for amusement all the time. Why? Their biology tells them to. Humans are not exempt from this, and that an action is done to fulfill a survival instinct does not make it morally superior.
>>5545Humans do not usually have violent deaths, but as far as murder goes, killing someone relatively painlessly isn’t cruel compared to say burning them to death.
>>5546Humans can’t disrupt natural selection. It just describes a process by which certain traits are selected for in a species. It doesn’t say anything about those traits being good. Plenty of animal species have gone extinct because of humans. I fail to see why this is a bad thing.
Anonymous 5549
A bullet though the lungs, pericardium, etc. often results in a relatively quick death for animals. Sometimes, the chest trauma from a gun shot will cause enough instantaneous disruption to blood pressure and flow to cause an immediate loss of consciousness. If they pass out like this, they typically do not regain consciousness. When this happens they would have no or almost no perception of the event. This is not really a bad way for something to die from the standpoint of experiencing pain and suffering. Personally, I do not feel there is anything wrong with killing animals for food or as part of a scientifically directed population management program. I'm a bumpkin and have been around this sort of stuff since I was little, but I can see why people would view hunting as unsavory and cruel.
More importantly, I'm sorry for the tread derailment from my coyote picture. I did not intend to direct things down this path.
Anonymous 5550
>>5549Don’t apologize you’re not the one who derailed it
Anonymous 5565
I’m in this weird limbo where i want to stay alive and enjoy the aspects of life that i’ve enjoyed before it all went to shit. But also want to set myself on fire for the past situations and current situation i’ve been forced into. Yes— i was forced into them i won’t elaborate. But also i’m too suicidal and dysfunctional to actually do something and days pass by with just me ruminating. But then i decide on taking my life and my desire to fulfill certain wishes best me. Make up your fucking mind, brain. Being certain you want to live or die is something i have always longed for.
Anonymous 5566
Just a gun to my head, no fuss. Whenever I see people talking about how having a gun increases attempt/success in suicides I’m like “yah no shit”. I think once I graduate I’ll do it probably.
Anonymous 5879
Would drinking antifreeze (straight or in tea or something) be a good/effective method of suicide? I heard that it's a good way to murder somebody else but obviously I don't want to murder anybody I just want to die.
Anonymous 5894
>>5889Is it? I wouldn't know. Since I heard it was used for murder I thought it wouldn't be undetectable but is the death painful? I guess it'd be like ingesting any other poison .-.
Anonymous 5904
I just looked it up. Hemlock causes respiratory failure and nightshade causes heart failure
Anonymous 5914
Can i overdose on lexapro? If it’s not lethal what can i mix it with for it to be lethal? Any idea?
Anonymous 5917
Google sodium NITRITE poisoning, its the next best legal thing next to the drugs they use to humanely euthanize people and animals according to self advocacy suicide programs. It can be expensive and hard to source since suppliers have been catching wind of people using it for suicide, and restricting its sales. If you live outside of anglosphere countries, it's much easier to source, or so I've heard. The recommended process of preparing to poison yourself with it (fasting, using anti vomiting drugs) is quite lengthy, so that's why personally I'm kind of wary using it.
I've been studying methods for a while and I can say the most accessible, easiest, and fastest is probably partial hanging IMO. If you're just cruising imageboards for ideas, please don't use drugs to OD with or cutting yourself, getting hospitalized and monitored is much much more painful than either of those lol
>>573Old post but again in case of people cruising threads, don't use helium. Companies are cutting tanks with oxygen to save money and to prevent exactly this. Nitrogen is a better option.
Anonymous 5921
>>5917What do you mean by "partial" hanging
Anonymous 5922
>>5921NTA but it's a known term. It means hanging without completely hovering above the ground (and thus putting all your weight under the rope around your neck). It's pretty common in prisons, they sort of slouch with a rope around their neck from the top bunk.
Anonymous 6083
You know I was feeling really suicidal and took myself to a mental ward. That place is fucking hell on earth, they treated us so terribly and the food was incredibly bad. I explained my experience to a relative who went to prison multiple times, they told me what I explained to them sounded worse than their prison time.
Where else am I supposed to go to now when I'm feeling extremely suicidal now? These wards don't give a shit about us.
Anonymous 6088
>>6083Therapy, unless where you are there are policies that require therapists to send you to a ward “In cASe of EmerGencY” then you can discuss it with a therapist in peace at your own pace. a lot of behavior towards suicidal people is unwarranted, they’re just thoughts, a completely normal reaction to this batshit insane world, don’t think you need to be confined like an animal. We already are anyway lol
Anonymous 6124
>>5922That's how Epstein supposedly killed himself.
Anonymous 6132
>>6083i went through the exact same thing a few years ago. reported suicidal thoughts, got sent to the ward. i went through a lot of abuse in my life, but that one week in the ward was the worst consecutive seven days of my life. the place is legitimately worse than prison, and i'm really sorry you had to go through it, too.
everyone is saying to try therapy and stuff. but for me, even that didn't work. i'm not some "i'm not like other girls" person, but therapists really just didn't understand me. couldn't understand my problems and couldn't help. the gave the worst advice.
so if you're anything like me, my best advice is to just try befriending yourself. be nice to yourself. take yourself out on cafe dates, get involved with enriching hobbies (reading books, learning a new skill, whatever). just, be your own best friend. therapists, psychiatrists, the ward, etc, its all expensive bs. the only ones you really can rely on is yourself and those you love (once you figure out who those people are).
Anonymous 6147
suicide bombing is painless because by the time you can feel anything your brains and organs are already scattered.
Anonymous 6149

>>5505afraid of the pain? Well tough luck sister, because it's going to get worse. You have most likely given yourself permanent kidney damage…FYI you should've had at least 0.5L vodka with those benadryls
Anonymous 6150
In the middle of the night leave my apartment, go to some train tracks, lie down and wait while thinking if I really want to go through with this.
Even if I panic and change my mind I most likely won't be able to dodge an oncoming train so the choice will be made regardless of my input
Anonymous 6172
>>6150naw youll just end up crippled
Anonymous 6173
I used to have a boyfriend who would choke me until I blacked out, without my consent, when he’d get especially mad at me. I’ve seen god before, I think, because my last fleeting memory before I woke back up would always be the same thing. Because of that I’ve always thought that the best way to go would be to hang myself. You don’t need to know how to tie a noose, you don’t need to buy a gun, you just… fade. No more brain time blood flow, baby. I’d take an extension cord and go to the local park at night, call the cops so that nobody else has to find my body, and hang myself from one of the trees by the creek.
I’m not in that headspace anymore, antidepressants may have actually saved my life, but I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone about this before. It’s still my go to ideation when things start getting shitty. One time I called a hotline, and all the woman on the other end did for me was try to refer me to a local therapy office. I was already seeing a psychiatrist, I’d been in therapy before. I just wanted someone to listen to me because I couldn’t talk about it with anyone I knew.
Anonymous 6266

The idea of dying makes me feel both ecstasy and unbearable grief at the same time. The combination is so thrilling that I find myself thinking about it all the time, in bed, at work, in the car. The car is the most dangerous setting because I get way too tempted to crash. The way it makes me feel is almost like being turned on, but it isn't the act that arouses me, it's the concept of leaving everything behind and feeling your consciousness disappear permanently. When I hear of people killing themselves, I have to pretend to be sad but really it makes me feel giddy and manic. It makes me want to laugh too, but I don't know why.
Wanting to commit suicide feels like an itch I cannot scratch and I am becoming obsessed with it. Does anyone have ideas of how to find relief from this and get it out of my system without actually dying? I feel that if this goes on too much longer I will really kill myself. Just typing this up has amplified the craving and it's hard to bear, i want to scratch at my skin but it would make marks.
I know this makes me sound really crazy but I have no one to tell.
Anonymous 6267
>>6266Honestly it sounds like some kind of OCD. When it comes to intrusive or obsessive thoughts, the more you entertain them the stronger they get. Have you tried some meditation where you try and clear your thoughts, or refuse to associate with them? I don't think you're crazy, for the record. I actually sort of get where you're coming from
Anonymous 6268
>>6267That's interesting because my brother has terrible OCD but I don't think that's what this is. It's more like there is always a delicious smelling meal in front of you that you can smell but cannot have. Smelling it makes you hungry, and hunger makes you want to smell it more, etc
I think sometimes i meditate in my own way. i just try to sit and think of nothing which is nice but gets boring. I can't do guided meditation because I get mad and feel violent towards the person telling me what to do. But that's a different issue
Anonymous 6270
Ever since I was a teenager I thought about drowning myself at Howth Pier. It's a seaside village (Dublin, Ireland) that I've been to a million times in my life. The water is cold and black with seals that come up to eat fish people throw in at then
Anonymous 6276
>>6270not to be an enabler but that sounds like such a picturesque way to kys. Drowning really hurts though, so I wouldn't recommend. But the idea is sexy.
Anonymous 6289
I've been keen on dying ever since I died in a dream. it was the best feeling ever.
Anonymous 6598

I’m planning on jumping off a bridge soon and it all seems quite anticlimactic. My mental health has deteriorated a lot and I am turning into a worse person everyday. I’m physically deteriorating too and I find it more taxing and harder to think and perform certain tasks every day. I feel the window of fulfilment has passed me and I’m becoming a bitter pathological liar and degenerate and honestly I’d rather be dead than continue and facing up would be far too painful for no reward. I don’t know what is to blame, whether it’s myself or something out of my control. I tend to blame myself. I haven’t set an exact date I guess because I’m buying time and I want to have some sort of profound experience before I die but I’m just prolonging all the hurt. I still have a wish for miracles and love and beauty but I don’t think that stuff is for the likes of me, I’m quite soulless and horrible and underserving. I worry about how my suicide will affect my family, my younger sister most of all. She’s only 13 and I know it will scar her for life. Every day I stay I just get deeper in lies and self hatred and being a burden and unable to show up for people or myself. It is quite understated but it runs deep, I wouldn’t wish the desire for death on my worst enemy.
Anonymous 7017

>My mental health has deteriorated a lot and I am turning into a worse person everyday.I've been feeling exactly like this for awhile. I broke off a friendship with a horrible person only to make me start feeling like I'm turning into someone just as horrible. My mental health has been getting increasingly poor, as my thoughts feel like they get increasingly erratic. I came the closest to killing myself than I ever have before, several years ago, but life has been getting only worse since then so I live with regret that I didn't. I hate my friend for talking me out of it and I hate myself for just not doing it then. There's only one single thing I'm looking forward to in life at this point but it's still so far away and I don't how I'll endure. Either way, I know why I will anyway. Since if I failed to kill myself even back then there's no way I could at this point. Not doing it is something I can't turn back from anymore.
>I want to have some sort of profound experience before I die but I’m just prolonging all the hurt.I'm waiting for my profound experience as well. It's the only reason I'm dragging myself on the floor of life. Not because of friends (Don't really have much of any anymore) or family (They wouldn't care that much and would even unconsciously welcome their release of the burden that is me). I need to accomplish a certain thing I've told myself I would, regardless of anyone or anything else. My stubborness, for better or worse, is the only thing that keeps me alive. I'm like fucking Poppins from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - the dog that doesn't die no matter what happens. But I don't care how raggedy I come out as long as I accomplish this goal. It's my meaning to life. If you're still here OP, hopefully you can find and accomplish yours as well. In the end, that is meaning of life. Something that only -you- can truly say was well-lived.
>I’m quite soulless and horrible and underserving.I am as well. At the very least it's a consolation that there will always be people worse, like pedos, murderers, and rapists. A kind of horrible that it would take actual effort for most people to reach. If you continue practicing cordiality and sympathy you are already far ahead of most people. I hope this helps and that you continue still being alive and well.
Anonymous 7022
It's funny, every time i have seriously committed to suicide mentally, i get flooded with a warm feeling that makes me not want to do it anymore, like endorphins or something, i'm not sure what it is. Anyway, that is why i think i am not capable of actually doing it. Plus, hearing experiences of people who tried and survived, like jumping off a bridge, they said they instantly regretted it. The thought of hanging and struggling in vain to save to yourself and no one is around to help you, not wanting to die but knowing you are going to and it is final, that's grim. Life is short anyway, why not stick around.
Anonymous 7036
>>7022Its bringing you comfort and temporary relief from whatever issue lies deeper. Thats whats happening here. Hope this helped
Anonymous 8723
Tomorrow I'll go to a trail I like and overdose. I'm not sure if I should leave a note to give my friends some closure. I don't know what to write, maybe saying I love them is enough.
Anonymous 8724
>>7022I've considered trying to hang myself with a hefty pair of scissors in my pocket, so if I change my mind I can hypothetically cut myself down before dying. I do worry that I'd be too busy thrashing to get the right angle and end up stuck, though.
Anonymous 8801
I had an idea of filling a pump-up matress with exhaust fumes, placing it in a small airtight tent and stabbing it with a knife. In theory It should be quick and painless with little room for error or hesitation. I guess I'd find out through research and testing if it ever came to that. Im the kind of person that would do thorough stress tests of many ropes in order to choose the best one to hang myself with.
Realistically however, if I were to finally decide to do that, I think I'd just shoot myself with a gun chambered in calibre big enough that there is no chances of survival. For example I would be scared of using one in .22 as I've heard of rare scenarios where somone was shot in the head with a .22 cal gun and survived. I'm scared that instead of just going out quickly I'll die a painful death or cripple myself for life without dying. 9mmm or .45 ACP should be enough to ensure a relatively painless and certain death if you put it against your temple.
Ideally I don't want to die, ever. It would be best to live a happy and fulfiling life but since I see that as less and less likely. I think I should prepare a good plan on how to do that just in case.
Anonymous 8802
>>8723Are you still here? If so, how did it go?
Anonymous 8844
>>6132Thank you for posting this. When I first read it I felt like someone understood the situation I went through. Sometimes I think back at this post when I'm feeling my lowest. This post really means a lot to me, and I think you should know it.
Thank you kind anon.
Anonymous 9052
>>8802Still here. Went there, took the first 20 pills, cried my eyes out and called my psychiatrist. Spent a month at home under surveillance from my family. Things seemed to be getting better steadily, but as always this contentment is short-lived.
An acquaintance of mine killed himself two weeks ago. Used what is commonly known as a "suicide kit", it's sodium nitrate, antacid and antiemetic. I'm looking into that now, these substances are easy to find and buy. Hopefully this time I'll go through with it and not have to live another year of this hell.
Anonymous 9057
>>9052Correction, it's sodium nitrite. Found some great resources yesterday.
Anonymous 9682
>>6268We seem to be very alike. I got both of these issues as well. Won‘t kill myself for now, because the methods all suck and I’m actually the happiest I have ever been but I’m also obsessed with it
Anonymous 9684
I keep thinking about the charcoal method.
I with we had buttons we could press to die on demand. I hate that I have to be alive. But I'm so afraid; what if the afterlife is even worse? Not Hell, but reality. A worse reality.
I'm so scared. And I'm so sad. Pills and therapy wouldn't help me, my problems are situational. So I guess I'm just damned if I do, damned if I don't.
Anonymous 9685
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Anonymous 9727
does anyone else want to plant a bunch of fake occult bullshit when they kill themselves, so that people make conspiracy theories about it being a satanic cult? if i'm going to die i may as well have fun with it
Anonymous 9733
>>9727that sounds like an iconic way to pass tbh im down
Anonymous 9817
I wonder if a narcotics overdose would be painful? Do you just get so high that you black out and pass while peacefully unaware?
I know alot of drugs overdoses dont kill you immediately, and you instead die a painful long death due to organ failure.
But what if the substance gets you high, and the dosage is high enough to kill you then and there?
Would that be a pain free death? I wonder.
Anonymous 9845
>>9817Narcotics overdoses in themselves aren't painful. You'll probably seizure and choke on your vomit but you won't feel it. What will hurt is if you get found and get naloxone'd (medication that saves people from opiod overdoses) because that forces your body into instant withdrawal as well as saving your life. My sister tried to kill herself via heroin overdose and said it was like going into a peaceful sleep and then being awoken by someone setting you on fire from the inside-out. She is now glad she didn't die but talk about a rude awakening.
Anonymous 9856
>>6598I posted this last year and I'm happy to say I'm doing better. I'm still depressed and probably have undiagnosed bpd but I moved out from my bad family situation, fell in love and have a very stable and supportive happy relationship. I'm broke and very behind but I'm doing a lot better and glad I chose to try.
Anonymous 9857
>>9856That's so cool!
I'm glad you made it out and things are working out. It's impressive that you're able to have a stable and supportive happy relationship with BPD, which itself takes incredible effort.
I think I have undiagnosed BPD and can't even perform basic tasks these days [executive functioning skills] too and… what you've posted earlier is very relatable for me. I'm trying…
Anonymous 9859
>>1233I thought that too until my deeply suicidal ass moved into the top floor of a 17 story building. I wanted to jump so bad and I tried twice, but I just couldn't get myself any farther than crouching in the window. My heart never beat as fast as when I was trying to get myself to let go.
Anonymous 9866
Has anyone ever found some good resources to buy SN? (Nitrite)
I have been trying but since it's seems to be getting impossible to buy or find….
I found one site but I'm not sure if it's legit or not, even looked on the SS website to find something
still a pain in the ass
Anonymous 9916
>>9866Huh, that's weird. It's a common compound, maybe sales are getting restricted to industries now that it got popular as a suicide method. Maybe search for meat curing supplies instead.
Anonymous 10156
I wish i could find a painless way to die. My mind is fucked up from meds and my life is looking bleak (jobless at 23) and my art is taking me no where. Dude i like rejected me too. I genuinely want to leave earth.
Anonymous 10158
>>10156jobless at 23 is honestly not that bad. you can find a job - ask around your neighborhood, see if anyone needs a babysitter, hell you could work at mcdonalds. jobless at like 30 or 40 is an issue but 23 ?? ur gonna be ok nona
Anonymous 10226
Screenshot 2023-09…

>>480do any nonas want to form a pact I'm scared of dying alone
Anonymous 10269
i'd like to do it in a painless way like with a shotgun to the head, but i only have access to ineffective methods (pills) so i gave up.