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Pizzagate discussion Anonymous 4868

I'm not even sure if I should make this thread considering how dark and disturbing the subject is. I wonder how deep the rabbithole goes. I already know some things but I still feel like I'm only at the tip of the iceberg. Do you believe in this conspiracy /x/ ? I do. If my thread gets deleted because of the deeply disturbing subject I can understand.

Anonymous 4871

Please check into a mental institute.

Anonymous 4872

Pizza is too good for pizzagate.

Anonymous 4879

The part about that pizza place seems like a meme to me but I think it goes without saying the elite are involved in a pedo operation. Probably just as customers though. It is a separate criminal ring that kidnaps the kids and produces the child porn. And then there is more money to be made on blackmailing the customers. This is why Epstein got caught, he was deemed a liability either by the other people in his crime ring or by one of the parties he was blackmailing, likely the Clintons or Trump.

Anonymous 4881

what i want to know is why the fuck its called pizzagate

Anonymous 4882


Because the idea that there is a group fo elites with access to extralegal sex with minors (which is true) got conflated and centered around one pizza place due to Clinton email leaks.

Anonymous 5026

What are your thoughts on Isaac Kappy? His dead man's switch? The circumstances in which he died? There's just too much. I'm convinced that it proves the reality of Pizzagate

Anonymous 5031

I think that Pizzagate was made to sound ridiculous on purpose from the start, so that the rich people actually diddling kids could continue to do so in peace.
And this. Pretty sure that someone really famous is scared of getting caught, so he made this thing public in an attempt to get access to the evidence and erase his part in it. Law enforcement cannot be trusted to not to be compliant to him, because he’s so influental, and that’s why so much data ”disappeared”.

Anonymous 5074


This is kind of where the pizza thing started. It’s a weird email for sure, and its proximity to the word MAP put people on edge. But I agree with another anon that the actual pizza bit of the conspiracy is just a meme cooked up to make the real part (the fact that elites love fucking children) seem ridiculous.

Anonymous 5197

I passed by this place many times before the pizzagate "conspiracy" (read:8chan bullshit) came out, there's nothing special about Comet besides selling overpriced artisanal pizza and being located in a gentrified neighborhood. There's no way someone from downtown D.C. (around the White House etc.) would drive twenty minutes to Comet just to conduct a trafficking ring or something. Not to mention that locals would obviously notice because even though it's a residential area, it's located on literally the most used roadway into D.C. (Connecticut Ave). The people who made up the pizzagate conspiracy were malevolent schizos on 8chan who didn't care how many lives they ruined as long as they got internet clout. Same guys who created QAnon. Now their site is gone and their reputation is ruined all for the sake of an internet larp. I saw the shitposting in real time, it really was just a bunch of retards making shit up

Anonymous 8562

The kappy stuff is weird and so is the stuff surrounding his friend, Tracy Twyman. She “committed suicide” and I find when I try to read about it that people’s articles about her get deleted. I wanted to see her online obituary to see if I could visit her grave but the obituary has been deleted, too.

Anonymous 8564

i doubt its real lol

the truth is a lot of powerful men are pedos but they dont suck the blood of children. its just another right wing cope to blame child trafficking on "da joos"

Anonymous 8574

This email is so weird.
I think parts of theory is real, there are a small number of psychopath elites who are responsible for pedo sex rings as well as snuff demand and all kinds of horrid things. Its not really ridiculous, i believe it true excluding the moloch bullshit and age reversing baby blood and all that.

Anonymous 8579


What do anons think of the podesta Brothers art?

Anonymous 8580

Honestly think it's no different that degenerates that buy lolicon pillows or whatever. The dudes who hang this on there walls are pedos, maybe it's not a deep conspiracy but this shit ain't right.

Anonymous 8674


I like Pizza. I don’t order it very often; Nor do I think frozen pizza is good. Often upsets my stomach. Try making your own pizza. Dough isn’t to hard. (Though I’m awful with bread) After that it’s just sauce, cheese and whatever else you want (:

Anonymous 10633

Was it real or fake in the end?

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