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I believe in reality shifting Anonymous 5265

And I will do it

Anonymous 5279

What are you hoping to gain out of it? Is your life really bad?

I should warn you about putting that much emphasis on trying to better your life through reality shifting. You can get some results but it'll never be enough. You'll hate your own powerlessness as you desperately chase a dream that is just out of reach.

Anonymous 5283

It's not out of reach, though

Anonymous 5322

Are you following a steady diet of cheese already?

Anonymous 5340

Thats not true actually, the closer you get to feeling aligned, the calmer, and more at peace you feel. For me its like a place I am supposed to go and I incrementally get closer to the thing everyday, especially with the help of a journal.

For me it is mostly this fascination with creative process and using automatic writing, to get better alignments than I had before. It is a gradual process though and you will forget the kind of "wishing for it" you used to know, that drove you crazy, which is a good thing. But at the same time, its wierd when you get there in a gradual way. Because in a way you can't appreciate it the way you used to have. Old you would have lost her mind over it and present you will be like "hmmmm yup I'm not really surprised i did this at this point though"

Anonymous 5425

how do you shift

Anonymous 5426

Press shift on your keyboard

Anonymous 5440

ur dumb

Anonymous 5441

Fuck did you just say? Shut your mouth

Anonymous 5445

im sorry.

Anonymous 5446

Im not forgiving you. die die die die die DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE I HATE YOU DIE

Anonymous 5447

no you die die die die die die die die dieeeeeeeeee

Anonymous 5448


Stop fighting… We’re supposed to look out for each other. The whole world is against us.

Anonymous 5461

I'm gonna tear your fucking heart out with my bare hands

Anonymous 5480

Anonymous 5511

I believe in astral projection but not reality shifting, that's just too farfetched for me.

video from 4chan /x/ /apg/ that I like, but I'm only partway through it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQjAIlFZWWc

Anonymous 8572

based brainlet poster.

you keep on shifting

Anonymous 8588


ive always wondered if you could "group shift" like shifting with multiple people ive heard the term but ive never done any futher research on it

i wanna do it with my gf, does anyone have any resources?

Anonymous 8697

me too, except i also believe in forced reincarnation (respawning). I tried multiple times for the past two years and got pretty close, except I chickened out since my heart pain was getting intense. I originally wanted to respawn via a heart attack but decided that I would just erase my existence instead. I've been taking a break from it for a while since I started school again. Unfortunatly, I'm still experiencing the heart pain … but it's alright since at least I know I'm getting somewhere.

Anonymous 8704



But I have to transfer my soul before I die! The death part comes after.

On another note, I really want to shift back in time, preferably to the precambrian era. Maybe even see dinosaurs and early hominids.

Anonymous 10089

It is 2024, I still keep my hopes high for reality shifting and reincarnation. I am planning on going back in time to when I was in fourth grade so I can relive life in a perfect world. I wrote a script for how this world would be like, I wrote basic changes that would make it a better place. I wanted to know if you nonas had any ideas on what I should add to benefit woman.

Anonymous 10090

I feel the same and also wanna shift and time travel and genuinely believe in it I believe in a lot of woo woo things even physical healing and found spiritual people who do claim it's possible and happened before lol

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