>>5369>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag1AKIl_2GM&t=3sHe sums up everything and how to escape. Mental Outlaw also has good videos on going more private, but some of his advice for specific programs is outdated. Do not use duckduckgo or brave as they are spyware. Use searx instead, get linux, get librejs plugin, umatrix plugin, use librewolf (not 100% private more like 90%, get otter browser if you want total privacy), use chromium (multiple browsers is nice), if you get kubuntu or lubuntu (not ubuntu, more spyware pre enabled) delete and disable any spyware. But getting non-ubuntu linux would let you skip this step of disabling spyware, albeit ubuntu based distros are easiest for beginners to learn. I own 6 PCs (I am studying IT) and after 4 years of linux (all 6 PCs have different distros), arch is the least headaches for me due to how easy it is to install any niche program using terminal (I use yay not pacman). But arch based distros like endeavor is fine. PureOS and other GNU website suggestions is for hardcore paranoid privacy people, which I doubt you are the type. VPNs are trash, my ex had every single one of his passwords leaked and got irl address doxxed due to his trash vpn. Just virtual machine tails os albeit vm makes it slightly less private (also to add - i hear allegedly it is not totally private anymore as of late) or live boot it.
This is what I could think off the top of my head. If i do not forget, I will maybe return to this thread again to add more info since I am a privacy freak and a giant Linux + PC nerd. I like people going ''ah shit i need privacy, help'' not enough people give this a try.
That said, here is one of the handiest websites you can try to help guide you: