>>5768I know you're joking, but The iconic image of a bigfoot caught mid-stride while looking at the camera comes from a frame captured by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin in 1967. The story behind the Patterson-Gimlin Film is pretty interesting – Patterson was obviously in on the hoax, while his friend, Gimlin, had no idea what they were going to encounter in the woods that day.
One thing I think is hilarious about the Patterson-Gimlin film is that I've seen dozens of analyses focusing on the actor's walk cycle, and how realistic their arm and leg movements are… and absolutely zero questioning why the creature's boobs (as this is supposed to be a female bigfoot) are bolted to its chest and hard as concrete. Like, if this was a real mammal with boobs of that size those things would be swinging. Nevermind that there are very few (if any? that I know of) female mammals that have thick hair completely covering their nipples.