Has anyone else been paying attention to all of the strange things happening around the Ohio train crash?
1.) A train carrying toxic chemicals derails in Ohio
2.) For some reason authorities decide to do a controlled burn on the crash, causing toxic clouds for miles in every direction
3.) A journalist is arrested for asking questions at a press conference
4.) Strangely Netflix made a movie called "White Noise" before the crash, which has a plot that mirrors the real events that followed almost exactly. It even takes place in the same town in Ohio where the real crash happened, some of the extras in the movie even lived through the real event.
5.) The CDC changed the information they had on the chemical the train was carrying just 11 days before the crash, removing information about long term cancerous affects of the chemical. The information was untouched for 17 years before that.
6.) Residents of Ohio were issued with high tech government IDs just months before the crash. These IDs are designed to track long term illnesses in residents.
7.) The government is claiming that the area is safe to return to, and that soil and drinking water is safe. However there are a lot of videos online of toxic clouds in the area, as well as tens of thousands of dead fish in rivers in Ohio. Also supermarkets are pulling any water bottled in Ohio from their shelves.
8.) Since the crash we are seeing a startling number of train crashes, as well as attacks on food processing plants and farms. This Twitter user has been documenting them
https://twitter.com/almost_midnite2https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PdqM9CJ4Q_zIwugBvuWB6ocCYMMPo359Ku7kQCg2K1A9.) Shortly after the derailment we started seeing all of these UFO/weather balloons be shot down by the airforce. These almost completely eclipsed the train derailment in news outlets, causing many people to not know about the train derailment as a result.
There is even more strange irregularities that I didn't cover here. I recommend ParasykeTVs two videos he recently published on the topic for further information.
So what do you all think of this situation? What is going on here? Pure coincidence, some kind of coordinated attack by the Chinese on the US's food supplies? Some kind of government conspiracy?