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For everything creepy, morbid, or occult

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 8710

where should I start as a normie if I want to know what happens in the afterlife, particularly if it's bad and avoidable. Ideally I don't want to be immortal

Anonymous 8711

u could start with the classics like the old testament, bible, torah, koran, kitab i aqdas etc
visit ur local library/bookstore and check out their spiritual section

Anonymous 8720

What do you mean start “as a normie” this isn’t a collective idea that a niche group online possesses. No one knows

Anonymous 8721

Good news. You're not immortal. Eventually, you'll die
Just read the bible

Anonymous 8752

Your atoms will be recycled to make another babby, or maybe a tree. And eventually all our atoms will be recycled to make another big bang. You might die but your energy is forever.

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