
Dark Energy Anonymous 8940
Have you ever come across someone, something, or a particular house/place with a "dark energy" or aura? for some reason, you feel an overwhelming sense that there is something uncanny, malevolent and sinister which emanates from this person/place/object/area etc..
Anonymous 8942
I see her in the mirror
Anonymous 8945
I feel that every time I see a woman stuck trying to handle a bunch of toddlers with her useless husband doing nothing.
Anonymous 8950
Yeah there's some guy at work who gives me evil vibes, like maybe he's a narc. I don't like it when he looks at me, I think he was looking at me from across the building, from the shadows kek. What a weirdo.
Anonymous 8951
>>8950have you interacted with him directly?
Anonymous 8952
>>8951No, also kek I forgot to mention the first time I saw him he was cursing under his breath because an old lady was in his way. He sounded scary.
Anonymous 8955
Not a 'dark energy' per se. But I've definitely met a handful of people who just skeeve me out really bad, and nobody else seems to see it. Like - I don't think these people are any real threat, but they come across as so absurdly dishonest and fake that it raises my hackles nonetheless.
> A little too agreeable
> Compliments you a little too earnestly or too frequently , despite not knowing you well enough to make those comments in the first place
> Uses use a lot of 'nothing-talk' to fill the gap and pretend they're conversing with you. So you're the only one actually saying anything of note. It's like they're trying to collect information on you, without actually wanting to build any equal rapport. It's not an equivalent exchange.
> Uses a lot of unnecessary disclaimers (eg: 'most people' or 'sometimes' or 'so I've been led to believe') when it's not necessary. It comes across like they're trying to always think of their exit strategy in case you don't like what they said.
> Every natural gesture seems oddly choreographed
Honourable mention:
> People who tell you all about the evil people in their lives who hurt them, and try to pretend like they were an angel even though it's obvious from context clues that they're hiding a lot of information. This is especially bad if they're obviously trying to connect with you and be 'on your level' over something genuinely traumatic that you've experienced for yourself.
In short, people who try too hard to make you like them, but are obviously thoroughly dishonest about their approach.
It's likely just a self-preservation technique for people who feel anxious in social situations, but by god, it skeeves me out. It's normal to be self-conscious at times, and it's normal to adjust ourselves a little bit to blend in with a group. But when taken too far, you don't come across like a person - you come across like a fucking skinwalker lmao.
I live with one at the moment, and I absolutely despite him. He particularly directed that shit towards me, to the point where my other flatmate has commented that the guy is weird towards me. Note: The cool flatmate even said "I'm autistic and even [I] noticed that shit. He's weird".
I really want to kick the guy out of the house. I'm thinking of mentioning it to the cool flatmate, but I don't know how to go about it. It's not a crime to skeeve people out.
Anonymous 8975
>>8955Inauthenticity is a huge indicator of malicious energy honestly. I always knew something was off about this girl I knew in high school, idk if I would qualify for as dark energy per se.
She definitely did the “choreographed response” thing you mentioned. I’d often hear her having the exact same conversation with someone else that she had with me and it was almost word-for-word the same.
I guess she had this desire to impress everyone and signal that she’s intelligent, when in actuality, she isn’t.
This highschool was well-known for its academics, because everyone was extremely competent and she wasn’t (it was obvious she was just there because her grandparents are rich) she would make a lot of effort into trying to make herself more relatable?
She would always LARP as poor and it was really irritating and she would often tell fake stories about her childhood to evoke sympathy from others.
a couple of times, she faked panic attacks to get out of exams. This entailed her staring blankly at the table for 10 minutes until she could squeeze out a single tear (she didn’t want to take responsibility for being unprepared)
she started going around telling everyone that she has BPD (which was an obvious lie because no ethnical psychiatrist would diagnose her with that at 16) during the final year of highschool.
Currently, she’s dating this younger guy who she claims is “emotionally manipulating” her (it’s most likely the other way around)
Anonymous 9576

Yes. I have always been weirdly and unsettlingly attuned to “bad energy”, as has my mother. we both recognize it in the same things and people. in highschool i had a friend who was mentally ill and later became addicted to hard drugs. when we first spent time together I knew something was wrong with her: i looked at her and there was something dark about her image. it wasn’t her clothes or makeup or anything, but rather an energy emitting from her. at this point it wasn’t malevolent, just sad and heavy, though personality wise she seemed to perky. as she became more and more addicted to drugs, it became BLACK. darker, heavier, and malevolent. i went to her home and her room was suffocating, dark, like a black hole. i would always leave feeling sticky and gross with her energy. this was before i knew anything about what or how she was doing. since her second bout of rehab it has receded.
another girl my mother and i clocked immediately as having bad energy. it’s like an invisible aura of darkness. i have always had a hard time connecting my emotions to words so i would often ignore this innate warning, but i have always been proven right. when something has a dark energy, BELIEVE IT.
Anonymous 9577
>>9576Do you sense it visually, is it possible to feel it virtually as well or remotely? Is there a spectrum of types of energy? I wonder if I have a dark or light energy.
Anonymous 9578
>>9577it kind of depends. not truly: there isn’t a literal black smudge around them, but they do look “darker”. a light is missing in their eyes. i can’t explain it, i haven’t been around dark energies in a bit (thankfully). it’s mostly non-visual, like a deep understanding you just Know.
I cant recall experiencing it remotely unless it was obvious the person sucked, and then it’s not really an energy. it’s really something you have to be in the presence of to understand. i’ve gotten that feeling of foreboding for future situations, but that feeling is not the same kind of energy as it is for a present reality.
yes there’s absolutely a spectrum. rehab friend went through multiple iterations. first she was just weighed down by a ”dim” energy, then later an actually dark one. i’ve seen (sensed) the spectrum.
i don’t think we can know our own energy (we’re too bogged down with our associations with ourselves). find an older woman, one who has life experience and is open to spirituality. she doesn’t have to be religious (non-religious or religious-curious preferred). my mother and grandmother are into things like numerology, tarot, and such, things i have my doubts it, but that openness to spirituality gives them an accurate insight into energy. let us know what they say!
Anonymous 9595
>>9578how do you improve your energy?
Anonymous 10314
I had a spot in my basement that had a really bad energy coming from it. It used to freak my cat out too late at night. My religious teachings state that the supernatural cannot directly harm us, only trick and manipulate us, so I worked to keep them out of my mind and to let go of any racing thoughts of what to do or not to do and just made myself carry on as normal but avoiding the area just in case.
After a few months the energy dissipated. It felt like it basically dissolved into the air and eventually disappeared entirely. It was a new home I'd just moved into and now it feels all fine.
Don't know if it's related but the previous tenant of the house died soon after I moved in. I think the previous owner of the house (their landlord) had ended his lease for bullshit reasons too. He may have been upset if it was him
Anonymous 10318
Refused to move into a rental home despite a good rate because of this. The energy was appalling. Something was terribly wrong there
Anonymous 10319
>>10314Might want to get it checked for radon.
Anonymous 10398
>>10397nona, are you me? bc same lmao
Anonymous 10401
>>10314>the supernatural cannot directly harm us, only trick and manipulate usThank you anon, this'll definitely help the next time I sense a horrifying entity. Last time it happened the entity was sitting one room over from me no matter where I moved to, taunting me in a way. I was horrified and had no idea what to do except panic.
Anonymous 10432
>>10397>>10398Thirding this… In hind sight, their darkness was also part of the allure, as I'd optimistically interpreted it as sign of strength in resolve of what they'd overcome in life.
Only problem's when you have the lighter aura, it triggers a search for ways to bring down your vibe to match, no matter how kind you've been.
Anonymous 10434
My family came from the jungles of South America. They told me stories of a haunted river where you hear ghosts crying. Also witches that put curses on people. The type that give bad luck, sickness and misfortune.
Anonymous 10521
idk how to format
let me share this - I "dreamt" of demonic beings (fallen angels) at least 4 times. I'll share the two extremes ones i.e the easist to resist / hardest. I was fully conscious both times. I probably slipped out of my body and this allowed them to "interact" with me. Idk what I looked like but i was basically just a set of eyes.
I spawned on a small path that lead to a village dirt road. i was behind a fence and not visible to ppl on the main dirt road, if we faced in the same direction. Two small gipsy-presenting boys (they can shapeshift to whatever race/age), around 5? y.o playing/ joking with each other appeared from behind the fence. They could not see me. Immediately my heart started beating really fast and I was panicking. They stopped and turned around. My body which was already invisible was petrified instantly. It's like the air turned into nails and just held me still. I knew I had to move to cross myself or ask for God but it's like I was sealed. I just had this awareness that I could still move my eyes so I crossed myself with my eyes and the entire scene just burst into nothingness. I woke up.
Anonymous 10522
idk how to start this. I think it's the oldest dream. It happened in HS but it's one of the worst feelings I experienced. I'll keep it short.
In the dream, I was in my hometown at night, sliding very low on the pavement. My body felt like a cloud of gas with two eyes. It was night but I could see everything.Everything was dark but in high contrast so I could perceive everything. I was very close to one of my relative's house and I was looking through the fence at her yard but the objects were strange, like the space was messed up somehow. For example she has an old school water well in her yard but in my dream it was hanging in the air and you had to climb a spiral staircase to reach the fountain and get water. It made no sense, the fountain was disconnected from the ground, how could there be water? I was just standing there, looking at it. And then, two beings came upon me.
First, these dreams are very rare, maybe 3 to 5 years apart or even further. The demons were always male and came in pairs. Once two beautiful blond 17-18? y.o, once two gypsy 5 y.o and once older black men. The two blonde ones actually used glamour to shimmer in the night, but I digress.
The worst ones I encountered were women-like. I don't remember what their features looked like, just the texture of their bodies. I shudder just thinking about it. I don't even know to to express it. It's like they were sculpted from wood, fully dressed, and painted over in color. The cloak of the one in the front was blue, like a sky blue. The one slightly behind her was in darker colors. Thinking back, she must have been lower in the ranking or a follower of some sort. They were dressed like bible people or roman fashion, idk. They moved normally but I knew they were wood because of the cracks in their bodies. Also, i think the paint was chipped here and there and I could see the brown wood underneath. I think the face was chipped also. I can't remember what they were wearing on their head. It must have been a head covering of sort but I think the hair was visible. Sculpted wood hair.
Their faces, as they gazed upon me were so cruel. The smile… not perverted but really corrupt. They weren't taller than average women, but I was looking up at them like they were ski scrapers, that's how big the difference between us were.
There was so much hatred and oppression in their faces, it felt like an entire building fell on my body. I woke up in my studio apartment at that time, bursting into tears, my read body going crazy from fear. I'll never forget it.
Anonymous 10559

>>9595im sorry i never replied to this and it’s probably too late now. rehab friend improved her energy literally through therapy and quitting drugs and time. all i can say is focus on improving yourself. a lot of this energy stuff, as previously mentioned in this thread, is people picking up on the negative emotions, difficult pasts, and insecurities/hatred you are hiding, usually also hiding from yourself. be honest with yourself and help yourself, and you will become lighter.
Anonymous 10577
When I was little and I'd visit my grandparents in the countryside for the summer, there was this one portion of the road that I always hated to go on. I used to throw fits in the car whenever we drove on that one section. I grew out of it, of course, but years later I learned that when they were constructing that road, they built it over a graveyard and neglected to move any of the bodies, only the headstones. Now when I visit, I try to drive very very slowly over that portion of the road because I don't want to disturb anybody beneath it.
Anonymous 10808
I used to faint at this particular place in the town where my grandma lives anytime I went there. It's like a little square and one one side there's a medieval gate into a pakt where's a castle and on the other side there's a mini zoo for injured wildlife. For couple of years anytime I went there I fainted or got close to fainting. Very strange because I never fainted anytime anywhere. Now that I'm an adult I can go there no problem.
I also sometimes sence when I'm outside that there's a dead animal near. Not my the smell lol it's usually more far away to smell it, but it's like something leads me to the dead animal if I don't focus on where I'm going and just wander.
Anonymous 10818
I've always hated going to the cemetery where my great grandmother is buried, even as a child I hated it. I always felt I was being watched. I haven't been in years and I feel guilty for not visiting her resting place but I don't like the energy there. It feels heavy.
I worked at a school that had this oppressive feel over it. A dark cloud. I hated it there and only worked there a year. It was the worst teaching year as well as personal year of my life. Everything about the place was just off.
I had a neighbor who was an energy vampire. She was too overbearing, too much, had crazy, manic eyes. My first few interactions with her just being friendly trying to welcome her absolutely zapped me, so I stopped contact and mentally put on a suit of armor if I HAD to deal with her. She had bad energy, and as an energy vampire she would attempt to take it from anyone. Smothering, overwhelming, demanding. The frigging yard man banged on my door one morning freaked out about her.
As a child I woke up to see a tall dark figure in my doorway. It was broad, had horns, and was nearly as tall as the door. I threw the covers over my head, then peeked out. It had come closer. So like any child, I yelled for my mom.
The next incident was the worst. Again, as a child, my dad was gone somewhere so I was sleeping in their bed with Mom. In my sleep I remember something whispering in my ear, "Hit her." I resisted and didn't, and the whisper told me to again. So in my sleep or twilight sleep I hit her in the stomach. I've never felt so guilty. Ever.
I hope the shadow figure and the whisper were just weird figments of an overactive child's imagination. In my teenage years my dog stood in my doorway and stared and growled at something in my room when I was home alone and in a different room but could see him. I haven't had anymore experiences like that and as I've gotten older and I've
visited their home when they weren't there I have conducted actions and spoken things for protection although I don't feel anything dark there and never have.
I truly believe there is bad, negative energy in places and in people. When it's in places idk if it's a place of bad things have occurred, unresolved anger or trauma, burial grounds, or even some kind of portal or cursed land.
Anonymous 10874
My great grandmother's old dresser, which was kept in the same room where she died. I inherited it and kept it in my spare room. Whenever I looked into its mirrror, I always felt that I was not truly looking at my reflection, but some distorted perversion of it. Nobody in my house felt comfortable around that thing, especially in the dark when someone slept there. We ultimately got rid of it by selling it off.
Anonymous 10899
I get “bad vibes” from people occasionally and it’s usually proven right: energy vampires, narcissism, cheaters, abusive, etc.
I’ve had a feeling of profound terror/fear for no obvious reason twice in my life. First was driving through a small town. The vibes were, as the kids say, absolutely rancid. Even without getting out of the car once, I was scared just being there and wanted to leave asap, which I did.
The second was when I was working a restaurant. A man, about mids 30s, came in to order food. I felt absolute dread the moment he walked in and was deeply afraid of him. He looked like an average dude, was “pleasant” enough in his interactions (maybe a little too charming), didn’t do anything “wrong”. But even my male coworker agreed with me when I said there was something off about him. Long after he left the restaurant, I was creeped out for the rest of the night.