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how do you think souls/spirits look like? Anonymous 8977

Ever since I got rid of my ex's mementos and memories, my vision of him has slowly deteriorated until the only thing I could remember was a body of water. Similar to Chaos or that guy from Terminator. All that remained is a human being made of water. He hugs me and cuddles me, but I don't see hair, nor skin, nor a face in it.
And I wonder, my mother used to say she was very spiritual and that she could see spirits because she went to many spiritual locations, and she did say that these spirits would be like a body of water. I went to search on the internet but there seems to be no real consensus on how these spirits/souls look like.
Anyhow, how do you think spirits/souls look like?

Anonymous 8978

and what do you think manifests or leads someone to believe certain kind of beings have to be made of a certain material?

Anonymous 8984


i think my soul definitely looks like a little bird

Anonymous 8999

I feel like my soul looks like a blue blob i’ve always imagined it this way i dont know about others

Anonymous 9001

I think my just is. Like air. It’s the same way I would describe God, a conscious being you can’t see. I also believe that there is no hell. When we die, we are sent to the spirit lobby, where we choose our new life, family, and experiences.

Anonymous 9002


Anonymous 9018

>choose our experiences
Yeah I didn't choose to experience this.

Anonymous 9294

I took a bunch of mushrooms years ago and really internalized the Buddhist doctrine of non-self, so I don't think there are souls (or alternatively that my soul just looks like reality itself)

Anonymous 10056

I don't think souls and spirits reflect any photons for us to see

But they probably look cute, probabbly little kitten ghosts or bird ghosts, or little soft dango blobs, maybe even cat-eared dango blobs

Anonymous 10057


Haro evurinyan, hou aru you?
Fai, sankyu!

Ai wish ai waa a bardo.

Anonymous 10403


If you can see a spirit, it's someone who hasn't fully moved on from their worldly attachments!
If you fully move on and rejoin the All, you lose your individuality for a bit .. to be one with Everything.
A spirit with a full body is held back by something.

Anonymous 10417

>lose your individuality
on my way

Anonymous 10528

Spirits are formless. They don't "look" like anything because they are beyond the field of vision. If you are to imagine a spirit, imagine a thin layer of silk spread evenly over the entirety of space time. Spirits exist everywhere at all times. They're neither here nor there. Spirits are immaterial; they aren't tied to the physical realm. Your mother was right in that spirits appear like bodies of water; meaning, like liquids, they take the shape of the containers that hold them. When there is no containers, they overflow across the material realm. Spirits can appropriate the forms that they have seen in life, but those are like crass impersonations and don't hold weight. In your mind, imagine a great big ocean, but the ocean has no borders nor landmasses, it's just endless water. Now imagine all that has existed and all that will exist is held within the confines of that ocean. That is what the spirit is.

Anonymous 11006


I always imagined them as just light orbs that can take on any shape or form they desire. Unless there is some kind of metaphysical gender for them but I doubt it

Karlyn Borysenko in picrel vibes, new age/new thought is so weird. And kinda nihilistic when you really get into it.

Mormons and new agers/thoughters believe you do because pre-birth/post-death you’re infinitely smarter and do it for a higher spiritual purpose. It walks a line between “ok that kinda makes sense” and spiritual bypassing, idk if I believe it cuz there’s so many NDEs that say its true and technically any finite suffering doesn’t mean anything for an eternal existence, I hope it’s not true though, it’s so nihilistic.

You can just say you think they’re omnipresent, sounds a lot like Nirvana is what you’re describing imo

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