Anonymous 9156
>im a Taurus woman
>a Cancer man likes me
Should I give him a chance?
Anonymous 9157
>a cancer man
That's redundant nona, all men are cancer
Anonymous 9162

Zodiac thread can someone read this chart pls
Anonymous 9163
has anyone else felt like the constellations and the moon has been in Condoleezza rice lately?
Anonymous 9164
you don't actually believe in astrology… right?
Anonymous 9166
>There are measurable differences between winter and summer babies that coincide with claims of astrology.
I tihnk it might be part of the reason why people believe that stuff. One more being that the descriptions of certain signs are very general and can apply to pretty much any normal person. I googled my sign and found
>Libras love being around people, and people love being around Libras.
that's like 90% of normies. And I even found some stuff that is aplicable even to me.
Oh boy, as a matter of fact I do love breathing air! Wow, zodiak wasn't lying, it totally checks out!
I'd like to believe in magic, tarot, zodiak, ghosts, ESP and all sorts of paranormal stuff because it's just cool and makes reality somewhat more fun. But fundamentally I cannot believe in things that cannot be proven by science.
I do think sometimes that It'd be pretty cool to go around haunted places and whatnot and try to prove or disprove any paranormal stuff with scientific approach.
Anonymous 9168
>>9156you're both cancer so yes.
Anonymous 9170

I can't believe people still believe in this stupidity
Anonymous 9178
>>9156There's more to compatibility than birth sign. You would have to look at both of your birth charts. I know a lot of Cancer mars men (mars rules anger/sex) and they're way too emotional and passive-aggressive for me. Very catty men. And I have a scorpio sun & venus.
>>9157 LOL!
Anonymous 9179
>>9162With all that cancer, he probably has a mommy kink. His Leo mars shows passion, his praise kink and his huge eog. All that air creates a know-it-all.
Anonymous 9180
>>9156there's already an astrology thread, learn2read and ask in there
Anonymous 9183
>>9162Sun square moon: tense, emotionally turbulent, sensitive, likes conflict, tension at home/between the parents