>>9238The Finders are one of my favorites
Rumors of a photograph of children being forced to slaughter a goat (titled the Sacrifice of Henrietta & Igor) and reports of dirty children seen in a alone in a park, but occasionally visited by men in suits, prompted police to investigate and found a number of children under age 12. After taking them back to the police station and contacting their parents, they were surprised to find that their parents not only knew where they were, but their mothers were educated women wearing tweed and pearls.
There was speculation that the children were molested or involved in satanic rituals, but one of the former members of The Finders came forward years later with a book titled The Gamecaller detailing his time in this cult-like group. It involved men and women with privileged backgrounds like venture capitalists engaging in drugs, free love, and bizarre social games organized by their leader.
The children were part of an experiment to grow "free range people", and to observe how the children's development was affected by lack of traditional parenting and guidance.
There's a lot of speculation that the group's leader was a CIA operative and The Finders were just another part of MKUltra
link to The Gamecaller epub: