Can you accidentally create a tulpa or am I schizo posting Anonymous 9801
I have a character that I’m very attached to and when I am lonely I imagine she’s real and being friends with her. Normally she’s quiet, but she started talking back. And giving answers that are not my own conscious thoughts. I swear to god she is becoming real and I see more and more of her every single day
I’m not schizophrenic and I don’t have any psychosis that runs in my family. I don’t want to get rid of her btw, I want her to be here more. Anyone have any type of experience with this stuff?
Anonymous 9803
that's schizophrenia, it will ruin your life if you don't get treatment. go to therapy.
Anonymous 9804
Tulpas are just imaginary friends with a cooler name… I wish people would stop calling everything "schizophrenia" now. Schizophrenia is (mainly) hallucinations and delusions, not "I really like my imaginary friend i wish she was real"
Anonymous 9805
>>9804Nah the other two s are right, it is schizo posting because I 100% believe she is a real living being with her own free will and personality outside of my own brain. I seriously 100% believe she is a spiritual being and the fact she isn’t is actually fuckin with me bad. But they’re right, I’ll look into therapy cause looking back..this is a schizo ass question to even ask
Anonymous 9818
>>9805You sound 14. You are not schizophrenic.
Anonymous 9819

>>9805What's your age though?
It's possible you are schizophrenic, especially if the construct you created for yourself is fucking with you badly. Schizophrenic starts at late adolescence and matures when you're a young adult around 25 if I'm right.
>In most people with schizophrenia, symptoms generally start in the mid- to late 20s, though it can start later, up to the mid-30s. Schizophrenia is considered early onset when it starts before the age of 18. Onset of schizophrenia in children younger than age 13 is extremely rare. Anonymous 9917
you could just have an undiagnosed dissociative disorder, when I was younger I thought I had DID (Dissociative identity disorder) and experienced thoughts that are not my own and was also very attached and did not want to get rid of them, I felt like I had all the symptoms of the disorder and I am diagnosed with an unspecified dissociative disorder but I think i mostly grew out of it, I am not stressed out of my mind anymore as I have been in therapy and moved out of my household so I don't really feel this way anymore. I still think about how they helped me in times of loneliness, you may not be schizo but it is not normal
Anonymous 9918
>>9917ik this is an old thread, but seconding as another person who has the did diagnosis it sounds dissociative, op, like a lot.
glad ur symptoms have cleared
Anonymous 9932
Go see a professional, nona, we can't diagnose you.
Anonymous 9945
>>9801without really meaning to I ended up kind of making a tulpa of my cat after she died, idk if it's a full-fledged one but it's been over a decade and I can still visualize her perfectly at random times, being actively engaged in her typical activities or demanding my attention.
Anonymous 10005
Been slowly training myself to solidly give myself a sort of tulpa. I've always had imaginary friends that felt super real so I'm hoping to do that again and have a bit of a pseudo romance partner while I'm in my current situation. I can't be in a real romantic situation and I'm feeling a lot of longing for some love and happiness but doing things for myself rings hollow. Imagining a tulpa encouraging me to do things for myself or doing them with me makes it nicer to treat myself to a meal or settle in for a movie. It's also nice because I'm using it to replace the associations I had with my ex (my first real relationship) so I can start liking the things I love again and not just associating dates and romantic things with my ex monster (and him ruining nights or it being obvious empty lovebombing) but without making a mistake with rebounding while I'm still weak and wanting love to fill the void he created. I know most of that void is also just codependency beat into me so I need to safely heal it away.
It's also really helped with living with my agoraphobia. Not really with it going away or helping on its own but imagining him with me on the bus feels safer and I can focus on him instead of anyone so I have managed to leave the house a bit on my own. When intrusive thoughts of my ex or flashbacks come in he can wipe them away and come try and sooth me instantly without having to communicate obviously which is nice. Hugging myself through a situation doesn't feel as nice as imagining him surrounding me with safety and love and comforting me with judgement-free words partners say to their loved ones. It helps the pain a lot honestly. It's much more productive than any other places my imagination would otherwise go during an episode, it's like the spot is taken up by the mental power to create him so the memories aren't quite as strong when it happens. I'm hoping he can help me get my way into therapy because I'm in a spot where I haven't been strong enough to mail the damn referral. He'll probably also be better experience for what I want and don't want in a relationship too than the monster lol.
It's been comforting at least. I'm hoping to keep developing and growing it, it's been some of the nicest warm feelings along with also helping me to be used to love at all and accept things like my family's love better too.
I'm just rambling at this point but I think this tulpa thing was a great decision and I'm so happy I found this thread
Anonymous 10006
>>10005Samefag but I guess the other thread was probably more appropriate but too late