Anonymous 9964
I'm not sure if this belongs on /b/ or here but why is it that the vast majority of spiritual leaders (e.g. Jiddu Krishnamurti, Osho, Mooji etc.) are moids but the vast majority of people who are seriously into religious or spiritual practices (e.g. meditation, yoga, respect for nature or animals etc.) on the ground are women? I've never met a moid who wasn't either an atheist or religious for exclusively pragmatic reasons (e.g. securing a subdued woman).
Anonymous 9965

This was touched upon by males themselves, actually! Particularly, Jung. In Jungian psychological distinction, males have spirits, and females have souls. Soul is perceived as a connectivity - that's the actual spirituality, where you are in tune with yourself and with others, meaning you are in tune with God. Whereas spirit is a narrow self-assertion. So, when men are being "spiritual", they are just acting out their testosterone in a certain way. When men are placed at high levels of civilization, they must assert themselves as "intellectuals", not as the savages that they are acknowledged by Jung to be, which results in the male's pseudo spirituality. Males are pedantic for this reason, too. That's why you get shit like hoarding used as a mating strategy. Males are truly, at their core, incomplete. This observation is not to demean them, but to finally wake women up to male nature so that men no longer have to suppress it so hard (to the point of mass suicide rates worldwide). I don't know if I am justified in saying this, and it might sound a bit goofy, but I think that males are spiritually constipated, if not incapable of it altogether.
Obviously, Jung is not the authority on life, but this has been subtly and not so subtly repeated by males throughout virtually all periods of history. On one page of their booklets they discuss whether women are human or animals, and on the other they proclaim that "we men are truly animalistic by nature". The constant cognitive dissonance, the denial and the self-betrayal that males live with…
The heart of humanity was, is and always will be women. This is a fact constantly acknowledged by males, sometimes by covertly slipping through misogynistic mental gymnastics, but sometimes rather overtly and directly. Even in places and historical times with mass repressions for women, they are still the beating, living heart. The soul.
My personal favorites were always Atatürk's words about women. When he said "Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women.", he knew.
If this is something that truly interests you anon, I recommend checking out Princella's interview with Previn Karian. I attached the video. It's quite lengthy, but it's eye opening and interesting.
Anonymous 9967
>>9964Men create, women maintain. Women are traditionally the most devout and lifelong proclaimers of their religion. This point of view has existed for milennia. Read the Book of Ruth.
(YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US) Anonymous 9969
>>9964All teachings in the Christian church tradition (circumcision, crucifying the flesh, patience and love for the young) are taught to keep risk-taking and impulsive masculine vocation from reigning supreme– The time wherein the Antichrist will Arise. Paul's hermeneutics on women are the inverse of this, and teach women how to be faithful maintainers & wives in their Earthly dwelling.
Anonymous 9970
>>996425 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
The Church is made for Man, not Man for the church. The Church maintains Man. The Church is a woman. Christ is her bridegroom.
Anonymous 9977
>>9965>I don't know if I am justified in saying this, and it might sound a bit goofy, but I think that males are spiritually constipated, if not incapable of it altogether.I think this sounds entirely plausible to me. Could you elaborate on what you mean by spiritually constipated? I often see an almost irrational, faith-based reluctance to engage seriously in spiritual pursuits (and by that I don't mean mechanistic religious rituals but stuff like meditation, for instance). They also seem to lack a kind of sensitivity to the sorts of experiences that spark curiosity and commitment to these pursuits in the first place - like I've never met a man who took a serious interest in just walking in nature or appreciating beauty for its own sake. I wonder to what extent they spend their time absorbed in their own delusional thoughts, rather than paying attention to the world, relative to women.
Anonymous 9982
>>9977I'd interpret to mean someone who's spirituality is only a tradition, just repeating whatever authoritative figures tell them to believe without any personal, subjective input.
Moids can feel everything we do, they just aren't likely to express feelings verbally