Anonymous 149
Alright! Now that crystal cafe is open, I think it's time we decide a very important thing!
What name are we going to use to refer to our fellow anons? Anons? Gems? Miners? Post suggestions!
Anonymous 160
Miners is hilarious but I doubt that'd stick
Anonymous 161
gems sounds cringey imo. Miners is just perfect.
Anonymous 162
>>151Cute gif anon, but I agree with the other…miners kek
Anonymous 164
meth heads (jk im sorry). miners sounds the best
Anonymous 165
Haha yeah I don't wanna be a crystal.cafe gem. Steven Universe and all. I can't come up with a better idea though. I'm with miners for now.
Anonymous 173
Miners is good because the crystal cafe is where we come to show off and talk about the crystals we've found.
I just made myself sick with how twee that is but it's the first thing i thought of
Anonymous 174
>>165Yeah, I liked gem but its association with that mess of a show, just… no.
I like miners
Anonymous 176
Miners > Gems. Anons too, although I'm sure that'd be interchangeable.
Anonymous 182
ss (2017-04-19 at …

Miners is undoubtedly the best option.
Anonymous 189
My vote is in for miners.
Anonymous 197
I vote for miners too
Anonymous 215

As opposed to farmers…? It's funny and not supposed to be feminine. Not everything has to be 100% girly all the time.
Who says miners can't be cute?
Anonymous 220
How about a happy medium everyone: Mineral Droplets
(We clog your pores and we don't leave!)
Anonymous 250
>>220That feels kind of long, though.
Anonymous 263
Why not just sisters? It's cute and neutral. Everything related to crystals sounds tacky and forced, and I say that as someone who voted for crystal.cafe.
Anonymous 264
>>263sisters sounds too sorority-ish
Anonymous 266
>>263sister could be used along with "anon" in the place of the usual "bro"
Anonymous 267
I like the idea of 'miners' but in practice it sounds similar to 'minors' so I'd rather just stick with anons.
Anonymous 269
>>267I think the fact that it sounds like minors is why it's funny. But yeah, I'll probably call everyone anon no matter what we choose. Or sugartits.
Anonymous 277
>>269I like sugartits, I'll use that too
Anonymous 380
>>290Fourthing (??) sugartits
Anonymous 411
i mean miners is cute and all, but… cmon, sugartits
Anonymous 452
I'm warming up to sugartits honestly
Anonymous 453
Anonymous 475
>>166Samefagging to change my vote to Sugartits. It's too good, my babes.
Anonymous 476
I've had way too many creepy old 60 year old men call me Sugartits for me to like it. lol
Anonymous 477
>>476Time to ~*reclaim this slur*~
Anonymous 482
>>453ooooooo~~ I like this anon erm - SUGARTITS MASTERRACE
Anonymous 496
honestly i don't like sugartits at all :( can we go back to miners?
Anonymous 497
>>496agreed. sugartits sounds gross but also lame and tryhard to "reclaim" a word that disgusting old men use. miners is fun and cute.
Anonymous 503
>>269. I use sugartits as a term of endearment for a singular person, but I don't think it really works for a group name, mostly just because wtf is the plural form of sugartits?
Jewels is one I haven't seen posted yet. Also, just crystals. Miners is still my favorite tho.
Anonymous 505
>>497Same. I'd prefer miners or something like that too.
Anonymous 512
> anon makes shitty posts
ok sugartits
> i make a new post
Okay miners, how do you feel about ____?
Who says we can't use both?
Anonymous 513
>>512Friend, the first 2/3 of your post is almost incoherent. I have no idea who you are, what you posted, or what anons you're referring to.
You can use whatever name you desire.
Anonymous 516
>>513She means that if an anon is shitposting or makes a bad post, you call them sugartits as a sort of insult, but in general everyone is referred to as miners
Anonymous 527
Sugartits is good but how about glittertits?
Anonymous 531
I'm really glad you're here to translate for me cuz I'm semi retarded, apparently. Thanks.
Not sarcasm in case it sounds that way.
Anonymous 532
>>531dw. i had no idea wtf they were trying to say either. ty based translator anon
Anonymous 533
>>516I kinda like that idea tbh
Anonymous 557
>>215>>266>>476>>496>>497>>512I echo all of these sentiments. Sugartits can be used in the case of OP/another anon being dense, etc.
Anonymous 684
Am I the only one who didn't think of miners when I first heard of crystal cafe? I literally pictured a sunny, sparkling cafe where the chairs and tables are made of Swarovski crystal.
I don't know how to turn that into a name for us though :/
Anonymous 685
>>684I didn't vote for the name so I don't know which were the options and what atmosphere they were supposed to convey, but as someone who's played way too much harvest moon/rune factory/stardew valley it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the name
Anonymous 804
I was thinking tea party, samuel adams, adams family, idk I'm high, but anyway. Miners? What are we mining? How about "gems"?
Anonymous 814
>>804mining through the dark and creepy depths of male dominated image boards for the crystal cafe where the gems are our experiences here and anything nice or generally positive we get out of coming and posting here?
I'm not even high, just sappy.
Anonymous 840
>>814I like this idea
It's quite appropriate, too
Anonymous 845
>>814This is too cute, I'm dying
Anonymous 846
>>814To expand:
I imagined miners, dirtied and tired from slowly picking away at the unforgiving dark walls of male dominant imageboards and websites, determined to find something worth relating to. She picks and picks away, some parts of the earth less difficult than others, some parts having been already dug through by faceless predecessors. Still she picks, sweat on her brow, until a small light beams through the borne hole.
She continues to pick away at the hole, and finds others, who have come from separate directions, yet share a common purpose. To pick at the hole, until the hole becomes larger and larger and.
The crystal cafe is visible, a sparkle only discernible by the light of their torches. The counter tops and tables a translucent shimmer in the dim light. The owner smiles, and brightly requests all torches to be hung for lighting and all boots to be removed for cleaning. No need to muddy this cafe, one mutters, following suit.
The miners awkwardly sit around dim torches and glass stools. Who are you, one asks. Is this what I hope it will be? another wonders, quietly, to herself. Are we called miners? How about sugartits!? Chatter rises.
As each lonely miner comes, she participates. As she participates, she notices the torches burning ever so brighter; her world is becoming ever so broader. This is for you, I believe in you and you deserve this, one miner says to another, while pressing a small, polished gem in her hand. The miner peers at the gem, it is small and easily lost, yet she smiles. Thank you~ she replies, though finds no one in front of her. All she sees are the crystal tables and crystal chairs, occupied by those she knows and those she doesn't. It is a strange feeling for her. She looks for the miner who gifted her the gem. And yet… no face comes to mind. No person or life comes to mind, and yet she feels at ease. Thank you! she calls again, at no one in particular but the ever brighter torches and sparkling interior of the crystal cafe.
I'm drunk this time, and super gay I guess.
Anonymous 860
>>846omg I'm usually never into sappy things but this just made me feel so happy and at ease :')
Anonymous 869
>>846I love this and I love you, anon
Anonymous 872
>>846Idc how gay that was, that's super cute anon ;w;
To expand on this idea: can miner-chan be the official boardtan? She doesn't have to have a specific look (so that she can embody any of us) as long as she's holding a pickaxe and wearing a hardhat?
Anonymous 967
this might be lame but i think it would be fun for us to make our own slang as well! like our own form of kek? what do you guys think?
Anonymous 980
>>967I love when fruit/nut names became an insult on cgl. Maybe we could carry some of that over? I believe it started with someone calling someone "a walnut"
Anonymous 986
why should slang be forced? let it develop naturally.
Anonymous 1715

I'm still bitter we can't be Gems because of SU. Maybe Jems like Jem and the Holograms?
Anonymous 1716
This is kind of lame, but I've been fond of "Sister". Cozy female unity and all that.
Anonymous 1863
I'm down for sisters and miners. I was a little hesitant about miners at first because my first thought was Minecraft, but after seeing the cute anime miner girls and
>>846 's post I think it's good.
Anonymous 1898
Sister sounds best to me. It's friendly but doesn't have any strong associations.
Anonymous 1900
pretty comfy w miners already~ been using it and i see it around here a lot. sis/sisters sounds corny as fuck.. especially since where i'm from it's kind of a tacky thing to call someone. kek
Anonymous 1932

as a geologist i'm totally down with miners
Anonymous 2687
Does anyone wanna talk about the design of the new board-tan in here? Or should we make a new thread for it?
Anonymous 2688
>>2687I talked about it in /meta/. Admin considered the idea of opening a contest to draw her, I am very pumped for it because I have a clear design in my mind.
Anonymous 96495
Is it too late to suggest 'senshi'
Anonymous 267163
M*n from bantculture have infiltrated this bread
Anonymous 275894
gemanon, like a play on femanon