
Lolcow Bunker Thread 3- We are still waiting edition Anonymous 176545
>>we know less then yesterday
>>we are waiting
Anonymous 176546
I miss LC circa 2018 and earlier. It's gone to shit so badly the past few years. Honestly hoping it's dead and we can start fresh and try to get back what it once was.
Anonymous 176547
Chubby Chasers Josh is streaming right now, he's retarded and can't work computers, dont watch. Hwa having a break down some kiwifarmer made a game and he doesn't know how to work it. He got it to work
Anonymous 176549
Always remember to ignore attention-seeking moids
Anonymous 176550
Ignore the moid in the other thread. He likes to make women feel bad for speaking about shitty men in hopes they'd be too scared to do irl to be shamed. He does the same shit on lolcow and even blamed a woman and accused her of being a moid for her scrote beating her into a miscarriage
>Inb4 we aren't going to coddle her!
Literally no one asked. The entire conversation was tinfoil about suspicious posts, you're the one who decided to be a cunt. If you think the best way to react to someone opening up about being abused is to be bitchy about it under the means of "we aren't coddling" just go back on 4chin with the rest of the rotten moids where you belong
Anonymous 176556
>>176550Post something fucking fun instead of shitty tinfoils, you're fucking
Anonymous 176562
>>176553nta but trannys have been baiting anons for talking about being abused by moids though js
Anonymous 176564
>>176561She's clearly the one seething with her multiple paragraphs of chimping out
Anonymous 176565

Ummm akshully it was your fault. If you were stronger you wouldn't have been groomed. No one cares about your problems fuck off
Anonymous 176567
Let's not coddle her let's coddle me, I've been crying all day without my lolcor
Anonymous 176569
>>176565>groomedAre we even talking about the same post anymore? How old are you? Sorry I don't feel bad that she didn't leave the first time he called her fat.
Anonymous 176572
>>176564The only multi paragraph post was the OG one, which to my recollection, was more of a tinfoil about suspicious posts than a "woe is me" posts, no one really "chimped out" unless you think anons calling out inappropriate reactions to the post was chimping out. Did you just want to be able to say whatever you want and face no consequence or something?
Anonymous 176574
>>176568The clutch is the only one that matters
>>176572Didn't read it, keep clutchin' nona
Anonymous 176576
>>176575Which song?? My favorite is By Your Side
Anonymous 176577
>>176569What post are you talking about? The one I'm referencing the girls bf didn't even call her fat and she said she was a young teenager at the time so definitely grooming. Can you link it?
Anonymous 176579
Shut yo stupid ass up and watch this
Anonymous 176581
Yeah. Anons even warned other anons that moids purposely derail threads to try to villianize abused to make women shut up about being abused by men and anons are still taking the bait
Anonymous 176582

>>176565Omg why don't these dumb femoids just leave the very second their abusive bfs start to be mean to them?? Lol abuse ""victims"" are so stupid and perpetual victims, grooming is fake
Anonymous 176583
>>176572I think you're over compensating for the fact that
you're the moid and you're trying to white knight so hard because you want to fit in
Anonymous 176585
>>176581This 4D chess, you sound like a schizo
Anonymous 176586
I wanna be the very best, that no one ever was, to catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause.
I will travel across the land searching far and wide, to them to understand the Power that's inside
Anonymous 176587
>>176584Yeah because that's definitely a post a moid would link.
Anonymous 176588
>>176583"You don't act like a cunt when someone opens up about being abused as a teenager? You're the moid then whiteknight!!"
Literal neanderthal behavior
Anonymous 176589
Cats are so incredibly based
Anonymous 176590
>>176588It's called bait and it isn't even subtle
Anonymous 176592
>>176581I'll stop entertaining it now because I just remembered these threads are only 500 posts, but I really did get annoyed at the victim blaming. Now he's trying to reverse uno and call everyone who sees through his bullshit the "real" moid lol. Pig lives for women's attention.
Anonymous 176593
I love the in-between posts of chill anons trying to stop the infight with funnies or cute shit, but nonas egos are too big to ignore the obvious bait and interact with their fellow anons
Anonymous 176595
>>176593I miss the anons that would spam art whenever a male came around instead of replying. I guess they left.
Anonymous 176597
>>176595Why the fuck would they come to cc in the first place? The best anons avoid this place like the plague and the loneliest and most bored come here to scream into the void
Anonymous 176599
>>176592Agreed. Anons are missing out on the basic psycho manipulation tactics. It wouldn't surprise me if the same moid posted these things and is now trying to distract us/turn us against each other so we just forget the suspiciousness. They're shitting up this thread now so new anons coming to the thread can't see them blantantly victim blaming and trying to turn attention away from the moids trying to shit up lolcow
Anonymous 176600

>>176595I used to spam kittens all the time during that or something nice, but the past few months of lc were so exhausting that i am happy it's not working at the moment. Seeing obvious racebaiters who would shit up every /ot/ thread and crap that is happening right now made me completely stop using /ot/ and i switched to only media or other weeb threads. I miss lurking cute husbandofag threads.
Anonymous 176602
>>176595they probably have lived and aren’t spending all day on here tbh because they’re stacies (not jabbing at you)
Anonymous 176604
no clue , i only posted taylor swift cats.
Anonymous 176606

>>176554Lolcow needs to come back now NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW
Anonymous 176607
>>176604I don't know what that means
>>176605I'm not baiting I'm serious
Anonymous 176608
Samefag unless you meant the “you whores” moid who would use cute cats and make his usual threads
Anonymous 176609
>>176597And what does that say about you anon?
Anonymous 176610
I only got one song for the cool cat pool party in the last thread and it wasn't even party material. This is bogus.
Anonymous 176612
>>176608this moid started by spamming some random tiktok girl
Anonymous 176616
>>176608I'm really not sure and tbh I think it might have even been here last time LC was down. There was infighting but also a lot of cats being posted and then a few anons started saying the tranny was the cat poster
Anonymous 176618
Fuck victim blaming moids back to the topic
There was a rumor on lolcow that a moid was serial dating multiple farmers. Could this be the dude? All I've heard about him is that he frequently ends sentences with ">"
Anonymous 176619

>>176614omg right off the bat fuck yeah, that's a party song. I have no idea what he's saying though
Anonymous 176620
>>176612Lol sorry linked my video twice. But that certain moid had a phase of using cats for threadpics instead but went back to his 18 yo tiktok girls
Anonymous 176621
>>176618>Fuck victim blaming moids back to the topic>keeps talking about moidsReally sad
Anonymous 176622
This whole time I thought this site had no sage feature, but it's just a box you have to check instead of typing it in like we do on lc
Anonymous 176623
>>176619KEK I’m glad. My conservative catholic Mexican mother loves this song. Idk either I just know it’s a party song and he says “give me more gasoline”
Anonymous 176625
>>176623>(Hard!) Mami, I already know that you won't quit..>(Hard!) What I like is that you allow to be controlled..3>(Hard!) All the weekends she goes out to have fun…>(Hard!) My (female) cat doesn't stop (making the grrr sound of cats) because…KEK anon I'm not so sure about this song
Anonymous 176627

Anons taking bait are what makes me want to close the window and touch grass. Any oldfags remember beck in the day where moid bait posts would be ignored and they would just give up and leave?
Anonymous 176629
I need to husbando sperg. My husbando is one of those characters that looks way older than his age and in depictions of him as older they tend to make him look nearly identical anyway (I guess the design is iconic and they don't want to change it too much). I had the disturbing thought that if they decided to redesign him more drastically if he appears older again it would make me feel gross for ever liking the original design if the new one is closer to my age. This is causing me anxiety and it's completely hypothetical.
Anonymous 176631
>>176625Uh oh what does this say about my mama
Anonymous 176632
>>176628Wait, who's wearing the tranny sign now?
Anonymous 176633
>>176631That she makes the grr sound of cats
Anonymous 176639
Why is n-o-n-n-y filtered?
Anonymous 176640

>>176627Yes. The website is full of obvious trolls and baiters but there are so many idiots who keep taking the bait, making said trolls keep shitting up the threads. It really makes me want to leave lc but at least some of the threads i like are never being about the pickme or racebaits. I feel like there are WAY too many newfags.
Anonymous 176641
>>176639We r not allowed we r evil creatures
Anonymous 176642
>>176640I hope when Admin brings us the new site (the promised land) and we get more staff they can clean up the newfaggotry. But that is a time that is yet to come…
Anonymous 176643
>>176640I've noticed a lot of younger users on the site
Anonymous 176645
>>176639Same reason why it's redtexted on lc, it used to be used by tumblrfags because of anon asks. It has kind of been integrated in lc culture since then though
Anonymous 176646
It's so quiet here, I miss the energy of the first bunker threads on LC. I'm sure that's been said a dozen times by other anons by now but it was such a fun time.
Anonymous 176647
>>176642Hasn't it been a year ever since oldmin departured and gave admin role to Shaynafag admin? Lost /m/ threads never came back either. I don't think anything is going to happen, let alone change, really. I wish they at least would keep an update on their new coding, the Shayfag admin literally does NOTHING and pops out to say something random only when a lot of people complain. And oldmin gives the same old 'we are working on it' only when enough people complain too. I already lost hope, but that doesn't mean I won't give up.
>>176643celebricows and some snow threads are full of them because a lot of the cows have a young audience. imo all of the old milky cows are too boring now and bring nothing, the only ones i look at are Venus and Jill (both threads of which are getting infested with wk newfags too).
Anonymous 176650
>>176647I feel like people would be more inclined to pay for server fees if she showed more updates
Anonymous 176652
>>176647Same, I basically camp in select threads and Jill is the only cow I even check on anymore. I miss the /m/ threads, they said they would be back and that's what pisses me off the most. I'd rather hear nothing than to be told the threads will be restored in a few weeks only for months and months to pass. I mean damn it's going to be a year since the bunker shit in December isn't it??
Anonymous 176654
>>176652I always remember that horrocow artist that would draw children in hospital beds or whatever in one of the nuked /m/ threads
Anonymous 176656
>>176653Omg drop it, no one wants to talk about goddamn
moids can you not read the room?? Get a personality
Anonymous 176657
>>176632The victim blamer is hoping anons will fall for the idea that anyone who gets labeled a tranny, is one, as if anons will mindlessly attack whoever they want just because they said so
Anonymous 176658
I’m dumb as shit and it took me like 12 hours to figure out LC was fucked and not just insanely slow
Anonymous 176659
I love that anon that shits on the roleplayers like hamsterfag if you are here I have a crush on you
Anonymous 176664

>>176640I almost always report those posts instead of telling anons not to take the bait, because then I feel like I'm helping to shit up the thread just as much. But earlier this year I got into an argument with maybe 3-4 newfags about not arguing with moids, and they were actually convinced that they need to "put the moids in their place" and "show them they're not welcome here". The absolute newfaggotry of it all. We need another hellweek on lc soooo bad.
Anonymous 176665
thank you to the farmhand/janitor that updated us atleast.
Anonymous 176666
>>176664tbh id hate to say it but is even worse moderated than lolcow. Like i remember posting here in the past and the moderation sucked balls
Anonymous 176667
>>176664YES I saw that argument happen, it's embarrassing behavior
Anonymous 176668
>>176656They're not just talking about moids kek they're talking about possible reasons lolcow got shit up. Saying "stop talking about moids" defeats the purpose
Anonymous 176669
>>176664When did hellweek last happen by the way?
Anonymous 176670
>>176631conservative Catholic Latinos can have one raunchy song as a treat
Anonymous 176671

Will take actual pics another day, but my girlfriend's boyfriend managed to arrive today even though customs lost him! I have been arguing with the postal for a week until they finally moved their asses and started to actually search for him at the logistics centre….
I'm not a fan of nendoroids, so this is my first one. Also I'm bugging GSC until they re-release the Aigis ones because the proportion difference between the nendo and parfom is too jarring kek Glad they got a request form to ask for re-releasea.
(I got the 15th anniversary miku nendo ordered too, mostly because I want the scale but can't spent +€400 at once. Been obsessed with her since her design was shown, I had to get something..! €110 for a 10cm figure makes me want to kms tho)
Anonymous 176673
>>176668No, she's talking about moids dating farmers. Stop obsessing over boogie men.
Anonymous 176674
>>176659I miss that sperg who kept posting nudes with timetags to prove she wasn't a tranny. She has a great body but is super unhinged.
Anonymous 176675
>>176673>No, she's talking about moids dating farmers. So what?
Anonymous 176676
>>176673The moid who dated farmers are the suspected trolls though. Were you not following along? We aren't gossiping about dates we're trying to figure out what loser dedicates their life to bringing women down.
Anonymous 176679
You're right actually, now I'm not sure anymore…
Anonymous 176680
>>176618thats not a rumor anon, that actually happened.
His name was Steven and there was drama between him and Romanianon (she was one of the farmers he dated) then they were arguing and doxxing each other in this thread and then romanianon made a vendetta thread about him in Snow.
Anonymous 176682
>>176669I don't remember for sure, but it's probably going on 2 years now
Anonymous 176683
>>176676You're obsessing over a moid instead of fucking ignoring it. Is your brain fully developed yet?
Anonymous 176685
>>176675Any moid who has a track record of dating multiple farmers should be exposed kek. Last time they were going to expose his face and all but it got lost. Moids absolutely should pay the price of their actions for preying on girls and women, anyone who tries to stop moids from being exposed/victim blames women is probably a moid themselves
Anonymous 176686
>>176640The racebait is the most embarrassing. It’s so painfully obvious and yet anons respond like it’s nothing. Totally legit femoid was talking about how she went to a makeup counter (first mistake) and was so rudely harassed by a disgusting black man but the european men were always so nice to her.
Anonymous 176687
>>176678You're the one who's dense, the anon tried to explain twice now and you're still not getting it? That's why I said "So what", really ask yourself what you're sperging out over. Better yet, ignore it and post other shit if you're so bothered.
Anonymous 176689
>>176683Do you think any sort of discussion towards a person is "obsessing"???? If that's the case maybe you should stop obsessing over me kek
Anonymous 176691
>>176659That anon sucks and is retarded tbh.
Anonymous 176694
>>176687I agree. The anon is just sperging because they want to protect moids. Continue the discussion and out them. Talk about how shitty moids are and let them get butthurt. Idk why the anon is so defensive and wants people to shut up
Anonymous 176696
>>176680I’ve been weepily sperging about my ex moid for the past month and a half and I would still never do something as pathetic as e-date a scrote I met on an image board.
Anonymous 176697
>>176693>>176680This dude was British, and a small twitch streamer
Anonymous 176698

Anonymous 176699
>>176690These are better than the gummy eggs because they are firmer though
Anonymous 176700
>>176680LC was unbearable at that time. if anyone criticized romanianon she would say it was steven disguised. im glad the romaniachan hate is back again
Anonymous 176702
>>176696What's your point? The anon admitted it was stupid and all but I don't see why the moid shouldn't be held accountable for their actions or should the anon be silenced just because she was stupid.
Anonymous 176704
>>176691Samefag, but anons who can't take jokes and the increase of a "no fun/shitposting allowed" mentality on LC has been making the site (or at least /ot/) awful. I see so many anons getting mad at other anons for jokes, either because they didn't get it or just didn't find it funny.
Anonymous 176705
>>176690is the nerdsfucker anon still around
Anonymous 176706
lets have a whole hour where we don't infight or talk about bullshit, just shit post and have fun
Anonymous 176707
>>176693That really is a shit thread tho.
>persons name>lets make them a cowkek no, take twenty minutes to write a synopsis and tell us why we should care
Anonymous 176708
>>176696KEKK the worst is that even after she knew he was a incel brit /r9k pretending to be a radfem in a imageboard she STILL thought it was save to send her nudes to him
Anonymous 176709
>>176680The best thing was that this all happened on Christmas
Anonymous 176710
Yeah it's not like discussing your moid tin foils wouldn't just be fodder for the trolls you say are always lurking in the background. It's totally worth while to talk about the moids posting on the board because it "outs" them. Right.
Anonymous 176711
>>176696From what I read, he encouraged other women to lurk lolcow so they'll read his racebaity posts and make them feel insecure, even if the woman didn't know about lolcow previously
Anonymous 176713
i like imagining this as all the local farmers having to find somewhere new to stay and choosing the ol' mines where the miners are too polite to refuse them and they all have to avoid disgusting invasive goblin creatures that only become more annoying the more you react to them
Anonymous 176715
>>176696>>176693he actually lied about his gender at first and pretended to be a female in the friend finder thread.
He later admitted he was a moid who posted on lolcow for a long time (i dont think he posts anymore after he got exposed).
Now i think the moids who still post on lc is the schizo troon and the ''why arent you whores this cute'' spammer who also spams porn.
Anonymous 176717
>>176710No1currs all groomers deserved to be outted, even if the victims were stupid underaged girls he met on the internet
Anonymous 176719
>>176704the clutchin' saga was absolutely insane to me. Imagine being so mad over a drawing.
Anonymous 176720
>>176702This exactly. Why the negative fixation on the woman that got abused? Unless it's him or his pickmes raging.
Anonymous 176721
>>176719This made me so sad for the draw room admins. I don’t want to lose that community aspect of lc for schizochans
Anonymous 176723
>>176704Spamming an unrelated thread with 9 larp posts is underage behavior
Anonymous 176725
>>176700I felt like I wasn't reading half of the site back then because I had missed the rise of Romanianon, so I had no idea what was going on and always just scrolled past.
Anonymous 176728

Anonymous 176729
>>176704CC was bad not long ago. I got banned years ago for joking about having a dildo in my purse kek. Sure the joke was stupid and cringe but really?
Anonymous 176731
how can i make 5-10 online right now?
Anonymous 176733
>>176723This. She belongs on gaia if she wants to behave that way
Anonymous 176734
>>176717You're dumb, you're not outing anyone on an anonymous imageboard. Fucking dummy. Fucking idiot.
Anonymous 176735

>>176713Honestly there's a bigger overlap between cc/lc users than you'd think, but most women that lean into lc prefer it because it's faster.
>>176728I'm so dumb because I only got the point of this little image like two weeks ago.
Anonymous 176736
>>176706why does it matter to you if strangers are fighting on a imageboard? if u dont like this type of talk just go to another site tf
Anonymous 176739
>>176720Continuing to online date scrotes who lie to you is retard behavior. I don’t think she should be abused but god she has some agency.
Anonymous 176742
>>176738i wish i was gay. moids are pigs
Anonymous 176743
>>176742>i wish i was gayOmg girl grow up
Anonymous 176744
>>176723>>176733>behave that wayThey were just shitposts and not even spam.
Anonymous 176747
any updates??? or still silence on lc
Anonymous 176748
>>1767449 in a thread that had less than 30 posts at the time? So she was one third of the thread. An unrelated thread.
Anonymous 176750
>>176746im going to kill myself because of this Winnie the poop
Anonymous 176751
>>176702Who silenced her? Some anons were laughing at her that's all.
Anonymous 176752
>>176749I don't want your spicy straight kisses Jillian
Anonymous 176753
>>176750theres a thread of painless ways to do it on /x/ nona
Anonymous 176755

There exists inside each of us an autist in a fedora
Anonymous 176758

Oh my God I missed you crazy bitches. I completely forgot about CC, just checked LC everyday like a sad little loser. Stop fighting and talk me out of expanding my kuromi hoard in scared
Anonymous 176760
>>176746I actually like him, so I am okay with this. I'm taking it as a sign from Winnie the God.
Anonymous 176761
>>176754Have some fucking self respect
Anonymous 176764
>>176755I bet this guy is one of those 4chan Christians nowadays
Anonymous 176765
>>176693what the hell is up with ginger men being misogynist bastards.
Anonymous 176767
>>176758You will NOT consoom.
You will NOT consoom.
You will NOT consoom.
You will NOT consoom.
You will NOT consoom.
You will NOT consoom.
Anonymous 176769

>>176650Exactly, I don't even think shayna admin even really wants to do anything about the lc, we never really gotten an introduction from her either. It's sad.
>>176671I am happy to see you here while the lc is down, Aegisfag. I hope you are well. I love Persona 3 dearly and i can't wait for the pc port to play it over and over again. I hope the game will never have a remake tbh because i don't want p5 newfgags to touch any of that.
Why do you not like nendroids if i may ask? I was puzzled between getting a figma and a nendroid but in the end got figma as it is the most true to the design and I am waiting for the day when I can put her on my table. My item is currently sitting in customs for a day in the NL, hoping things will be okay as I have not been ordering ASL delivery from Japan in about 2 years, or ever in EU (i used to live in a country where we didnt have to pay custom duties from asian countries eu and the us).
>>176686This kind of racebait is the most obvious one, but i am tired of LSA-copycats who are LARPing as women and keep throwing racebait topics, then saying how much they hate x-race women and make up stereotypes about others. I don't want to describe them even more as I don't want this thread to get shit up by these idiots too.
Anonymous 176772
>>176748One day you will realize that not everything needs to be so serious.
Anonymous 176773
I invented the fedora and will spend the rest of my life in deep regret, despair. They were supposed to catch period blood but the diva cup blew up my market and now all the manlets have put them on their head and the beast is out of my control
Anonymous 176775
>>176758anon, everything from amazon and aliexpress is a low quality trash. you would be better off getting a more expensive and official merch with good quality instead of wasting your money like this, if you really want to consoom. regardless i think wasting money on some sanrio character is meh. how old are you
Anonymous 176776
>>176771I have no ears you can't troll me because I can't hear you I have no fucking ears
Anonymous 176780
>>176762Good, tell me Im a poorfags that needs to save to move out. I've been trying to tell myself but I just simply do not listen.
>>176770Wow, this was the most effective form of bullying I've ever received in my life
>>176763No but let's be friends okay
Anonymous 176786
>>176775Too old to be a sanrio consoomer
26 Anonymous 176790
i wonder if the schizo troon is still here or he is on a vpn break kek
Anonymous 176791
>>176780But it’s a dollar ..pull the trigger I say
Anonymous 176792
asking for coherence and sanity from romanianon is the same as asking for delicacy from a pitbull
Anonymous 176794

You little young-ass Minerfuckers
Don't one of you Miners got Nonni3-cell or somethin'?
You're fuckin' with me, Miners
You fuck around and have a panic attack or a heart attack
You better back the fuck up
Before you get smacked the fuck up
This is how we do it on our side
Any of you Miners from MinerYork that wanna bring it, bring it!
But we ain't singin', we bringin' drama
Fuck you and the motherfuckin' Miners
I joke nothing but love
Anonymous 176799
>>176787I like Cardi B. No real reason, don't even like her music but she seems funny.
Anonymous 176800

>>176787… From where? You're giving me the spooks nonita
>>176791Stahp that's how I justified my bullshit last time
Anonymous 176801
>>176799Same I think she's hilarious and that's all my small mind can absorb, therefore I love her
Anonymous 176803
>>176790how to summon the troon.
>post about kiwifarms.>post about your struggles as a woman or bodily functions.>be a man-hating stacy queen.>be a underage boy on discord. Anonymous 176808
>>176805I hope everything comes out okay
Anonymous 176809
>>176773Are there really a race of humanoid females with cervix that big…..holy shit….
Anonymous 176810
>>176807I don't have to prove anything to you, lady
Anonymous 176813

/ot/ down? Time to post Anok.
Anonymous 176817
>>176758 you know you need to save up for a new PC and moving out.
Anonymous 176818
So why's the admin called Snail?
Anonymous 176819
>>176816Who could seethe about this???
Anonymous 176821
>>176813I don’t think the gay males from celebricows are here so I think u should be okay
Anonymous 176824
>>176819the picture ended up becoming a raging bait for retarded twitterfag newfags
Anonymous 176827
>>176824samefag, by that i mean someone jerking off to racebaits and racetalks. it was so damn dumb
Anonymous 176828
Oh I'm in the mood
For dancing, romancing
I'm giving it all tonight!
Anonymous 176829
>>176821im pretty sure it is the gay males or lsa fags who keep posting her
Anonymous 176833
>>176827guys its not racebait to post that you find someone ugly yall sounds like twitterfags
Anonymous 176834
>>176804I think we've had this conversation before. Am I being cyber stalked? I'll call jessi slaughters dad and you'll rue the day I promise
Anonymous 176836
>>176769Maybe Shaymin is an avoidant NEET with social anxiety who is too shy to use her capcode.
Anonymous 176837
>>176723sperging about the posts in three different threads (one being the SHITPOST thread where it truly belonged) is clutching behavior
Anonymous 176842
I miss lolcow from like 2017. I was away most of 2020-2021 and came back to a significantly whinier user base and annoying anons trying to see how many times they could use the terms “scrote” or “moid” in a single post. Sad! I miss laughing at cows and anons not dragging their creepy husbando shit into every /ot/ thread. If it just doesn’t come back idk if I’ll even miss it at this point despite being completely friendless and isolated.
Anonymous 176843
>>176838>wife scowled at me stop posting triggering shayna posts
Anonymous 176844

1200 files in my funny pics folder and not one of them makes me laugh anymore
Anonymous 176845

>>176834Just smoke some weed with me n0nnie it'll all be okay
Anonymous 176847
>>176834you can do whatever joke you want but the jessi slaughter sitation was so fucked up she done bad by everyone around her at a young age id feel shitty to make fun of a child having a breakdown.
Anonymous 176848
>>176838Fattie is probably up to all sorts of bullshit since LC is down and she thinks she can get away with it
Anonymous 176850
>>176838idk if its because im esl but this tweet is unreadable
Anonymous 176851
I need my husbando or im gonna go postal
Anonymous 176853

>>176752Waoo beutiful hairy arms pits natural like very beutiful hairy arms pits super super larges never shaved plis never beutiful beutiful natural hairy arms pits waoo you smell beutiful beutiful natural soy tu fans de tus axilas peludas me encanta
Anonymous 176854

I miss being able to talk about guys we want to fuck.
Anonymous 176856
>>176847wee woo wee woo wee woo wee woo Anonymous 176857
>>176847Girl be calm no one's making fun of her, I'm mocking her scrote dad if anything
>>176845Fuck. You are stalking me
rabbit is that u Anonymous 176858

this popped up on my Facebook timeline drakechan
Anonymous 176860
>>176835I'm glad we could set the record straight on Louis Wain's ooo so spooky cats
Anonymous 176861
>>176838? how would that be taken? Enlighten my ESL ass
Anonymous 176862
>>176850She's saying that she was seated in between a couple (on a plane, I think) and that the guy asked to sit next of his wife. She said "I wouldn't dream of separating you" and didn't realize that it might have come off wrong.
Anonymous 176863

>>176843Come with me!
Hail Shaytaan!,nonni3's run quick, see
What do we have here now?
Do you wanna ride or die?
La la-da-la la la la la
Anonymous 176864

>>176857Who tf is rabbit I'm a fucking baked good bitch
Anonymous 176865
>>176858I just wish she could live her truth
Anonymous 176866
I choose to believe that you husbando retards are partaking in an elaborate inside joke because I can’t wrap my head around it any other way.
Anonymous 176867
>>176842husbando posters are based you're dumb
Anonymous 176869
I guess this is a good time to ask, but why is Shayna the most popular cow now? I followed the Pixyteri stuff back in the day and I get why she was a big deal, but what is so interesting about Shayna? Is she different than the hundreds of other fat OnlyFans girls?
Anonymous 176877
>>176866You don't believe women can be attracted to 2D characters?
Anonymous 176878
>>176862But how would that be be taken wrong, I am confused
Anonymous 176880
>>176861I guess she's saying if she continued to sit in the middle she would be separating them physically and would also totally seduce the old man, his wife seethed and as usual everyone clapped
Anonymous 176881
>>176719That was so embarrassing and a way to bring the mood down on a fun drawboard, can't believe someone tried to continue arguing about it the other day (glad she just got told to shut up…).
>>176769Were you the one who asked about it on the buyfag thread the other day? I was one of the people who replied to it. I think nendoroids are cute, but they're way too chibi for me (that's why Makoto got a tiny doll body instead of his actual body). They're good if you want a small group of 1-4, but more than that and they will start looking same-y in your collection, figmas and prize/scale figures got more design variety. I hope you enjoy your figma!! They're so fun to pose, I don't regret buying mine.
(I want a P3 remake tho, people are already annoying so nothing will change. P3 needs a bit of rework imo, specially on the male route… Where's the Ryoji with him..)
Anonymous 176882

Justin Bieber kind of looks like an FtM. Finally breaking my silence.
Anonymous 176883
>>176857her father was crap but unironically the one good thing he did do was try to defend her when she was getting hate for being raped by the guy from botdf.
He did it in a retarded boomer way but atleast he had good intentions.
Anonymous 176884
>>176866I feel like it would be okay to think some anime guy is cute and obsess over him when moids are real and disturbing
Anonymous 176885
>>176866I hate them. Good to see others weirded out by them too
Anonymous 176886
>>176758i immediately thought this was a luna post, dont do it
Anonymous 176887

>>176864ok so you're my mortal enemy aren't you? How about a nice warm cup of knife tea?
Anonymous 176888
Do you think the internet has done damage to the human sexuality? I can't imagine that it hasn't.
Anonymous 176889
>>176868>flinstones appliance voice>"it's a living" Anonymous 176891
>>176885What is there to be weirded out by exactly?
Anonymous 176892
>>176869Is she the most popular or does she attract the most autists? I'd say at this point it's the latter.
Anonymous 176893

Lord, We Gather Today,
In Your House We Kneel Down And Pray.
We Ask For Your Mercy As We Open Our Hearts
To Receive Your Forgiveness O Lord.
Lord, We Lift To You,
All These Gifts We Offer For Your Glory.
We Will Eat This Living Bread,
We Will Drink This Saving Cup
And Feel Your Presence O Lord.
As We Offer This Bread
And As We Bring You This Wine,
Bless Them Lord Jesus Feed Us Now, Give Us Life.
Send Us Your Spirit The Source Of Our Lives
And Together We Will Serve You With Love.
Anonymous 176894
>>176888ofc it did it made pedophilia normalised
Anonymous 176895
>>176891i know its hard for a chronically online person understand this but its not normal to be obsessed with a 2d character nona…
Anonymous 176896
>>176888i mean people are still using a 10 year old girls trauma/rape as a joke and as a meme so yeah the internet is a moidy shithole.
Anonymous 176901
>>176892Maybe that's it. But why? What's her allure? Is she really that milky?
Anonymous 176902
>>176838I’ve never looked at one of her threads. Should I? Or should I remain ignorant and happy?
Anonymous 176904

>>176887I thought we was besties but we been beasties all along
Anonymous 176907

>>176869It's funny watching her fail and her weight gain is also amusing.
>>176891NTA, I don't care that there's a thread for it on /g/ but I do care that's dragged over to /ot/. It's the same level of cringe as watching men talking about their waifus.
Anonymous 176908
>>176895it is what’s not normal is being obsessed with ugly inside and outside 3D moids
Anonymous 176909
>>176895I once felt the same way and now I mostly frequent the husbando threads. I keep the sperging to those though. All it took was enough shitty real life relationships and stumbling across the right character.
Anonymous 176912

>>176821My friend is a woman and hates ppl obsessing over her
This one's for u bby <3
Anonymous 176914
Ketanona here to shitpost fuck u LC mods for locking my shitpost thread, banning me, then breaking the site the day I got unbanned reply with cursed pics
Anonymous 176915
just a picture.png

>>176858People joke about it but honestly, I feel like people are catching on. There was a viral tweet how someone could "convince" "Drake" "he" is a "woman". It shines through. When I noticed "Drake's" Lipfiller/lip lift, it disgusted me. I hate having to look at his face, despote everything he's a fucking weirdo and a liar. A phony. I had a friend who i spoke to about this and they sent me a face app'd picture of "drake" as a woman. Of course he was NOT a pretty woman, but a tomboyish one. I think he's one of the few FtM's who are rotten inside out. I tend to sympathize with FTM's and dislike TIMS, so thats saying something.
>>176866I don't get why women can't just like their husbando's? Why does it trigger people so much?
Anonymous 176916
Wtf was the clutchin' saga all about?
Anonymous 176919

I see a lot of clutchers in the crib tonight
Anonymous 176921

>>176914Dropped image, messed up spoiler, pretend that didn't happen
Anonymous 176922
>>176888YES to male and female, but mostly men. It's literally turning scrotes gay and limp dicked and turning a small precent of women into bimbo's or thinking they have to eat shit crusted scrote asshole to please their limp dicked scrote.
It's porn and twitter
Anonymous 176924
>>176916People argued whether it was a moid humor or not.
Anonymous 176925
>>176907You post that gif and think husbandofags are weird…
Anonymous 176927
the girls that post their husbando outside of husbando threads is the female version of that guy who has a waifu pillow stained with cum
Anonymous 176928
>>176902no, i say this as a ShayHead/Shayfag. Her threads are an endless sea of the same clothes, same bullshit and dryness. I'm a special type of loser, so I can deal. If you want to keep your head don't
Anonymous 176930
>>176915all of yall retards spreading this drake is gay or female conspiracy are doing free WORK for him.
Because pedo men like Drake love when people make rumors like this about them because it makes it easier for them to get away with shit.
Anonymous 176931
>>176871IMO you all act extremely childish and talk about your fictional characters nonstop. I’m 28 and the only time I’ve ever encountered behavior like this IRL were a few derpy girls in elementary who were overly obsessed with Aaron Carter and older women who had a ton of Jack Sparrow merch when Pirates of a the Caribbean came out. I’m perpetually single but I don’t see how anyone could feel companionship and intimacy with a character that doesn’t actually exist. It’s weird and maladaptive. Obviously what you all do doesn’t affect me in any way and I’m glad you’ve found something that you enjoy but I do find it bizarre.
Anonymous 176932
>>176902Only the first few threads were funny, after a while she gets boring
>>176907>shaynafags calling anyone else cringe Anonymous 176933
>>176928>shayheadlol the shay threads have an interesting vibe to them. I was following shay for a long time but she is just boring and weird. Her karma for being a pedo panderer is coming to her in the form of being phat as hell
Anonymous 176934
>>176925It's a gif of Big Shaynus before she got fat.
Anonymous 176935
>>176901>>176902I've been in her threads for a while and I'm possibly an autistic adult. I like following Shayna because her downfall is so fascinating. As a poorfag, watching her fuck up all the privilege being an upper middle class white girl afforded her for the most pathetic porn you've ever seen is the most irritating thing ever. Yet, when my life is shitty and I feel bad, I can look at Shayna and go "at least I'm not her". and it gives me the strength to carry on. Also shaynons sometimes make funny memes and it's fun to bully an autist online.
>>176904Well now I feel bad I'm sorry we're bffs ok
Anonymous 176937
>>176922>>176888I'd say it damaged both equally, but in a different way; like you said moids become limp dicked but women are groomed into enduring more violence and degrading behaviors during sex because of how normalized it became
Anonymous 176938
>>176842I’ll let them have their fun but I do think it’s funny when they shit on other s for at least trying to have real life relationships kek.
Anonymous 176941

>>176869she’s fun to follow because she’s so bad at her job that she comes across as a parody account. even disregarding the spergs her chicken dancing speaks for itself
Anonymous 176942
>>176930I would'nt DARE post about this outside of our image board. "he" would come out soon enough. It's seen as "jokes' but as you can see, everyone is changing, "drake" is being seen as the asshole he is. His true gender is the least of his issue
Anonymous 176943
How is Anok Yai a twitterfag thing? They rage about her because she doesn't look average or fat like them lol
Anonymous 176944
>>176932>first few threads were funnyYeah? Butthurt coomer moids and seething OF thots everywhere? Soo funny
Anonymous 176947
>>176939Thats why when people were whining about Elon Musty ruining it I was like, GOOD. No hair off my back, Cute off my face. Twitter and Porn is a curse
Anonymous 176948
>>176944>coomer moidsAgain I’m glad males are pretty much banned from lc. Old threads where males were free to post were so cringe. They all sound the same.
>>176927Exactly. They drag that shit into every thread and act like drooling tards about it. Husbandofags are also hyper sensitive and defensive and they make every thread they enter about themselves and their love of cartoon men.
Anonymous 176952
>>176947>Twitter and Porn is a curseone is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than the other
Anonymous 176953
Huh, do you think the dramafags and husbandofags have the least amount of overlap on LC? They really do feel like two totally different areas of the site with two totally different userbases now that I think about it.
Anonymous 176954
So high and mighty, I've never been on twitter in me loife
Anonymous 176955
didnt know you can post while having a brains stroke.
Also overused meme, retarded troon.
Anonymous 176957
>>176952you mean
Worst learn the difference
Anonymous 176960
Anonymous 176961
>>176957lmao what? it's worse, not worst. are you retarded by any chance?
Anonymous 176962
>>176953Honestly yeah. Someone said that some cow threads have the feel of middle aged women posting in them. (Just a generalization obviously) some cow thread posters have a certain vibe to them where they vehemently hate the cow. This isn’t true for all of them though. The JC threads have some of these and so does the H3 threads
Anonymous 176965
Wow, what a moid thing to say
Anonymous 176966
>>176960all my kpop fags you can post here, ha im so happy.
Anonymous 176967
>>176938Anon have you seen the posts from n0nnas who have rl relationships? They're miserable
Anonymous 176968
>>176965they are right though, sometime those radfems border on sounding like moids, did you see the shit they were doing on celebricows.
Anonymous 176969
Radfems are based but twitterfags are cringe. I think lc has a lot of tiktokers and twitterfags now though
Anonymous 176970
>>176967There are plenty of anons in nigel brag thread tbh
Anonymous 176971
>>176932I don't post about Fat Shat in /ot/ or anywhere else where it isn't relevant. My point was that I don't care that anons have husbandos, if that makes them happy then they should be allowed a thread but I think it's cringe and it needs to stay in the dedicated thread.
>>176941The edits in her thread make me laugh. Maybe when LC is back someone could remake the shaynatorium on /manure/
Anonymous 176972
i heard a rumour on the meta thread that even the lc admin hate radfems
Anonymous 176973

Since I don’t have the hate thread to vent in, I HATE the Daisy sour cream commercial, “Do a dollop, do-do a dollop of daisyyy” and the kids are all jazzed about eating sour cream, and the mom is standing at the counter with a bowl of strawberries, and she DIPS A STRAWBERRY IN SOUR CREAM AND EATS IT
Anonymous 176975
I'm radfem adjacent but yeah. Kinda. Everything is a political stance, you can't do anything without being a moidtrannypickme. I understand why people are wary, I am too, but still. It's exhausting.
Anonymous 176978
>>176967I would rather try and fail irl than have the only good things in my life not exist.
Anonymous 176979
>>176962I've seen it said before but the /g/ posters (husbandofags and such) don't use /pt/ and /snow/. The opposite is also true. Personally I haven't used /g/ in years cuz I don't wanna see constant husbando/ ugly men I wanna fuck threads. They invoke a primal level of disgust I don't fully understand.
Anonymous 176980
>>176974you are retarded not everyone who has a different opinion is the tranny, you are the one who sounds like the tranny since you cant handle hearing something different on crystal cafe.
Anonymous 176981
>>176972Wasn’t that Oldmin we know nothing of shaymin
Anonymous 176982
I literally admitted it lol. I'm probably not the only one who sometimes lurks her shit and goes "my life may be shit but at least I'm not Shayna". Life sucks, let me cope.
Anonymous 176984
>>176973Anon sour cream isn't much different than plain yogurt
Anonymous 176985
unpopular opinion: there's no radfem users on LC. women aren't radfem because they hate on trannies and call men moids on an obscure imageboard, but I guess that's just another term the internet has completely made lost any meaning.
Anonymous 176986
Yeah I kind of agree. They bring a lot of "no fun allowed" vibes and kind of kill what could otherwise be fun conversations in an all-female space by poisoning with shame and paranoia.
Anonymous 176988
>>176972I don't know about Shaymin. It was the previous admin that hated radfems because the wouldn't stop shitting up /ot/ with infighting and calling each other moids.
Anonymous 176990
so what i get is that every woman who likes something you all don't has the worse taste and should'nt like it? Can we like anything? or is everything we like automatically seen as the worse?
I think it's natural that some s think, "Well my shit is the worse, but it could be worst, at least i'm not "insert cow here".
Anonymous 176991
>>176985I agree with this. People will see women say something mean about a tranny online and throw the radfems label at her. Like no, she just doesn't think trannies should be considered women and thinks men are shitty assholes.
Anonymous 176994
>>176973>sour cream and strawberriesThis is fucked it's not interchangable with cottage cheese, whipped cream, or yogurt. It's the one fucking thing you shouldn't use with sweet stuff. Also for me it's a psiorasis commercial with a disgusting ginger scrote paired with a beautiful woman it makes me want to scream every time I see it which is constantly on this site I play a game on
Anonymous 176996
>>176984I mean, I get it but I also DO NOT
Anonymous 176999
>>176984It's different enough for the combo to taste bad.
Anonymous 177001
>>176984Only if you're mentally isane in the head.
Anonymous 177002
Saying the word cunt is illegal
Anonymous 177004
>>176970Some who ended up breaking up with their nigels..
>>176978you don't get it, if husbandos existed then they wouldn't be good
Anonymous 177005
>>176997I am losing my mind at this gif my sides hurt
Anonymous 177007

Anonymous 177008
Yes they always end up sperging about the dumbest shit and police every post it’s exhausting.
Anonymous 177011
>>176979Yeah I only use /g/ for the husbando & purse threads, I don't care about most others because they're mostly about irl men, makeup/skincare, weight loss and such.
I visit cow threads from time to time, but I'm mostly on the off-topic ones.
Anonymous 177013
>>176967To be fair, most nonacitas in good relationships (me) don't talk about them online so I think the numbers are skewed. Personally I talk about myself the least when I'm happy and content and I think the same goes for other people.
Anonymous 177014
>>176973>sour cream, strawberriesthis + sugar squashed well together was something I ate EVERY day as a kid in summer. Nowadays I'm a bit lazy to do it, but it's still delicious. Doubters should try!
Anonymous 177015
What if you have a nigel but you think 1 anime guy is kinda cute
Anonymous 177016
>>176943it’s fine to think she’s beautiful, I do too. but people reply to pictures of her like they do to kpop pictures on Twitter, or how they’d comment on a celebrity’s insta. Endless omg she’s beautiful I stan! so perfect!! replies that don’t add anything new to the discussion. On an IB, it shits up the threads, which is why people don’t do that and encouraging them to move the convo to thirst threads in /g/ gets people accused of “sperging” and racism. This is why people don’t like it very much: it doesn’t cohere with board culture
Anonymous 177018

>>176998There's actual coconut heads in the show and he is not one of them.
Anonymous 177019
>>177007i swear this is not a racebait but i cant see why would a woman find this tranny look beautiful
Anonymous 177021
>be a refugee
>tell someone on a site that allowes kpop to go back
Holy mother of retard.
Anonymous 177027
I am proof that women can, in fact, incredibly cringe and autistic.
Anonymous 177028

>What then?
>I'll blubber to my friends and let them say
>By that they mean you
>How rude
>FUCK THEM, right?
>But what should I expect?
wtf was her problem?
Anonymous 177033

>>176973i hate this so much. the first time i noticed it i had to rewind it to make sure of what i saw
Anonymous 177035
>>177026twf is husbando cant dance then what is the point
Anonymous 177036
>>177004I husbandofagged so hard it broke me. My life was at such a low and completely uncontrollable and realizing the only thing that made me happy was a figment of my imagination made me feel an indescribable wave of retardation.
Anonymous 177037
>>177029I got meme'd into finding this attractive and I hate myself for it
Anonymous 177038
>>177016No one has ever made this complaint when self-admitted twitterfags/coquettes posted Anya Taylor Joy kek
Anonymous 177040
Everytime someone criticizes "radfem" farmers, I have literally no idea what they mean. There are very few things that I've seen on LC that I'd call radical feminism, it's not like every supposed radfem prefaces their posts stating they're radfem, so how can we know a poster is one at all in case the post content isn't standard radfem stances?
Anonymous 177041
>>177028She was spitting facts
I miss that era. I'm sad the internet probably won't be like this again Anonymous 177044
>>177029This gif fills me with rage every time
Anonymous 177045

We take the hot butter
Mix it with the ice cream
Freeze it up cool, you can see it on your screen
Put it in your microwave, make it real hot
Like a soup or a dip
We call it Heat 'N' Sip
Anonymous 177050
>>177038>>177016It's kinda true that when it comes to beautiful black women the way people praise them is just… different. It's definitely a praise but because it's different than how people usually praise a beautiful white girl i just feel strange reading it
Anonymous 177052
what if.png

i can't believe posting cartoon men on an imageboard of all places is considered "cringe" now. what has become of us
Anonymous 177055
>>177045Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
Anonymous 177057
I hate it when some retard tries to tone police threads. Like shut up you autist let people meme or so whatever, especially if it's OT or something
Anonymous 177058
>>176595the husbandofags who flood moid threads with big-titty-pectoral fujo art are one of my favorite things about lolcow, hands down
Anonymous 177059
>>177052being bullied for liking weird things makes you remember your school times?
Anonymous 177060
this…take care cc thread
Anonymous 177061
>>177050Kind of disagree, I don't see anything out of the ordinary with it. What I found weird was when some posters would praise Elle Fanning's looks and be almost…angry about it.
Anonymous 177062
>>177052Honestly I don't know why anons care, yes I personally stopped having husbandos at 17 but I still think it's cute when girls like fictional characters and it doesn't bother me one bit.
Anonymous 177063
>>177050Because of how they're praised?>>177038
You know they hate it when anything not white or Asian gets praised.
Anonymous 177065
>>177041Me too, anon. It's over.
>>177050Then how do you compliment a woman who is black? I compliment all women I think is a qt the same way, but could be because I'm into women so I don't see the issue.
Anonymous 177067
>>176833I'm pretty sure the anons being upset about people calling Anok pretty were the ones who first brought up race by saying stuff like "you're being performative!!!" so yeah they were racebaiting (or at least racesperging).
Anonymous 177068
>>176671Omg I love aigis too so happy for you!
I thought my cat was gonna die but she lived! Life is precious I love everyone here except for moids!
Anonymous 177071
>>177060Then go to the other LC thread. Both can exist.
Anonymous 177072

>>177052>be husbandofag>lurk /g/ husbando thread>it's all anime dudes>few times I posted my husbando I got made fun ofyeah well whatever
Anonymous 177074
>>176669what is a hellweek? pls no bully!
Anonymous 177076
No one is saying yaaas slay black kween wtf lmao. All anons were saying is she's pretty.
Anonymous 177079
Both LC and CC have both been infiltrated. It's too late.
Anonymous 177081
>>177065I remember this exact "It's actually WEIRD you guys are praising a black woman's looks" argument before. It turned out one anon was literally (c)rap-chan, and the other was some black anon who was actually just mad that Anok Yai, as a supermodel, doesn't represent the "average black girl" like her, therefore it's somehow wrong or racist to think she's pretty.
All this shit is just racist concern trolling and jealousy, and it never happens when female celebrities of other races are praised. That's why I ignore it. There's nothing wrong with finding a beautiful woman beautiful lmfao
Anonymous 177082
>>177074Week or two event where moderation is strict and everyone who steps out of line gets banned
Anonymous 177083

Anonymous 177084
>>177072Keep posting him. They will have to adapt. Mine is furry-tier and idgaf.
Anonymous 177085
>>177072I thought the husbandofags are usually really nice. Unless he's a certain Kirby character
Anonymous 177086
>>176881Yes, I was. I was so sad that i couldn't figure out which one to choose, but in the end decided to go for the figma, after all the artist's artstyle is one of my big inspirations, despite me already figuring out (as of today) on how she draws the eyes. I thought of even going as far as trying jp proxies to get her artbooks, but realised it's not worth it as i am a poorfag who has to get over 5 (!) gifts this Christmas, thankfully found some of her artbooks pirated on one of the websites. Waiting for the newest one to be leaked even if that's terrible towards the artist's hard work.
I -want- p3 remake only if it would affect the gameplay and graphics, because i think atlus will do a shit job at doing something to the story (i didnt like p5 at all!), and especially considering how bad the p5 fandom is because of twitterfags. These people really are trying to ruin p4 for no damn reason (i think you will guess how).
Also, i hope one day i will be able to get a cute figma/ pop -up parade of mine and my partners favorite youtuber, she is such a cool woman! But EU and the amount of customs we have to pay in my country make me way too anxious to spend money on any more merch atm. Hell, the figma which i ordered is being sold only for 100$+ in european/american anime stores, it's insane, and i bought it for 45!
Anonymous 177087
Idk thinking shit like imageboard culture matters is more cringe than someone avatar-fagging with some black model girl. Like how can y'all seriously type that shit out? We're anons, it doesn't matter just post and go on with your life.
Anonymous 177090
>>177059nah i just think it's weird when people complain about anime on sites for posting anime. i always wonder where they came from.
Anonymous 177091
>>177081I've been wondering why paki/crap-chan talks about black people so much. I wonder if it's just because she's (allegedly) moving to America.
>>177087I don't think anyone was even avatar-fagging tbh.
Anonymous 177093
>>177087then can you please shitting up every /ot/ thread without retarded racebaits thank you very much
you ruined celebricows with your blogposting, it turned into nothing but LSA, please go back there and shut your mouth
Anonymous 177096
>>177072Iktf. I love weird, cartoony husbandos. I will always support you, so don't be discouraged!
Anonymous 177098
>>177090This is also what I don't get. Imageboards are supposed to be for weebs.
Anonymous 177101
Laughing at women for being groomed by online predators when they were teenagers is moid tier behavior
Anonymous 177102
>>177090They're the true Twitterfags tbh. I think the husbandofags are embarrassing and cringe too, but I just ignore their threads they tend to stay pretty well contained. No reason to complain about them imo, it's not like they shit up everything like a moid/Twitterfags/mini mod.
>>177093I'm not even the one posting her. I've used LC since it's inception.
>>177091So what are they even complaining about? Seeing her face too often?
Anonymous 177104
The people spamming Anok are definitely retarded twitterfags or gay fagguettes because they always post pictures of her randomly in celebricows with no context and expect the whole thread to be derailed and just people to reply with compliments for her and then get mad when someone tells them to stop and then accuse that person of being a racist like we are on twitter.
and before any of you start ive seen anons say simple things ''please take your anok spam in g/'' and they were literally called a racebaiter by one of the mouthbreathers.
>>177081your so fucking weird even resorting to calling actual black women racebaiters because they dont want to see performative spam about her.
Ive literally seen more anons racebait whenever they see a asian on lolcow but i guess that not a problem for you, i dont understand how not wanting derailing makes someone a racebaiter.
Anonymous 177105
I HATE PEOPLE WHO CAN'T TAKE A HINT! If you're talking to me in public and I'm turning away from you or walking away, maybe I just don't want to talk. I love southern hospitality but sometimes I wish we were a little more cold like those Europeans
Anonymous 177108
i saw yall in real life but it sounds like, "yaw"
Anonymous 177109
>>177038atj, Elle fanning, Halle Bailey at best get a few posts saying they are cute and at worst get full on wars in the replies: Stans vs. other s calling them overrated and busted. I don’t like that either, but at the very least there is debate. With anok it’s just endless omg bae! Queen! Love! posts that go on and on. It literally is like reading a pop girls Twitter comments
Anonymous 177111
>>177090im guessing its the same type of people who are now complaining of anons being '' evil racists'' for not being okay with derailing about anok on celebricows.
Anonymous 177112
How many times do you people need to be told that southern people in general will use y'all? Not even the chan boards or /cgl/ got this autistic about post policing. Twitterfags for the most part will stay away because we're very anti trans rights over here. It's scary for them. You're just an annoying autist screeching about image board etiquette like log off.
Anonymous 177114
>>177104Paki-chan is not a black woman. I didn't call the black anon racist, but I did imply she was jealous, because her reasoning made absolutely no sense and was bizarrely self-centered. I can smell that you're a twitterfag without even finishing your post, cope and seethe and dilate.
Anonymous 177115
>>177045ily hypnospace outlaw anon. reminds me i have yet to finish the game
Anonymous 177116

>>176907oh my GOD I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS ONE how is this woman ALL BACK she's just BACK ALL THE WAY DOWN she has such a weird body jesus lmao
Anonymous 177117

I'm just chilling on tumblr 'til lolcow gets sorted out
Anonymous 177118
>>177105i moved to Germany last year and I cannot tell you how much I love not having strangers talk to me or even acknowledge me. The downside is that everybody acts indifferent ALL the time, so you get doctors, dentists, retail workers etc treating you like trash.
Anonymous 177122
>>177102>So what are they even complaining about? Seeing her face too often?I honestly don't know. Anok doesn't get posted in that thread often. I think the last time she was posted before the Halloween stuff was the last MET gala (or maybe the one before that? I'm not sure), and obviously those were both on topic. Anons could have just asked for the thirsting to be moved to /g/ and that would have been reasonable, but they had to sperg about how calling someone attractive is performative. The celebcow thread is basically just racesperg central at this point.
Anonymous 177124
>>177114just letting you know that you are the problem and the cancerous part of the userbase who no one likes.
And resorting to calling someone a tranny every time you lose a argument makes it look like you have the intelligence of a 4 year old. (also very shitty thing to do in general considering we actually do have a tranny spammer here)
Anonymous 177125
>>177112I swear it's the autistic, self-hating kpop spergs behind all this shit, kek.
Anonymous 177126
How come I spend so much time on LC and missed all the Anok poster? I had to google her
Anonymous 177128
>>177112I don't usually sperg over this but to be fair, lc in general is very strict over writing styles being uniform. It's what adds to the anonymity and having a writing style that stands out is often the reason why some anon is being made fun of. Whether it be emoticons, esl shit, yall, aave or whatever someone will definitely point it out. It doesn't help that twitterfags use y'all, but imagine if anons with a boston accent started writing like that like Pixie does with her cringy alter. It stands out kek
Personally I don't care but it's something that I have noticed on lc, anons love the style uniformity way more than on 4chan even though 4chan has that rule too. It's just another form of integration that anons need to get used to.
Anonymous 177132
>>177126Because it's solely contained to celebricows, which is quite different from the rest of /ot/, the rest of lc in general.