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Women sports as AFAB only spaces? Anonymous 251175

Felt this deserved it's own thread

Now hear me out. You know that trannies invade every space women habituate right?

What if we used female sport spaces where only real women are allowed as kind of a secure circle away from them?

Anonymous 251183

great idea!
we really should start using sport clubs
as a means to exlude TiMs
like intramural groups even with no sport play
just an honest safe haven for women

Anonymous 251188


Also the designated volleyball & tennis thread

Anonymous 251191

Screenshot from 20…

also also reminder that before the scrote boxing matches that are nowdays very popular, there used to be political enemies fighting through sports and this is probably the most famous case of it

(she won btw)

Anonymous 265648


Anonymous 273487


>55-year-old Riggs lost to the 29-year-old King
I regularly play tennis against men and it isn't fair at all, but I can easily beat our coach or the grandpas at community college courts. Compare this specimen to the man tits owner.
In most sports its
men > women > elderly > children
I can usually beat men if they take a 1 month break as they've lost some muscle memory (aka rusty), but after they play for a week it's right back to no chance.

If you put in X amount of time women will on average have less attainment than men, on the other hand you can make the same claim for some gene differences. But women are a social class, so it makes sense to have our own league were we compete, rather than separating each sport into height, weight (fighting sports added this because people were dying rather than just losing), muscle type etc.
Most sports you should just focus on your own improvement and communication in team sports.

Anonymous 274406

Height? How much of a role does size difference play in the desparity in skill between you and the men you play against?

Anonymous 275119

They claim another victim

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