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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


lolcow bunker #12 Anonymous 278937

Anonymous 278941

the last bunker thread is a prime example for why I hate all-purpose chat threads, so many posts could be cool threads if anyone bothered to use the rest of the site and the boards lc doesn't have but instead it gets buried, you are lazy bitches who don't care about the imageboard format <////3 newfag mindset! change it!

Anonymous 278942

I have two husbands right now that won’t leave me alone, It’s not unhinged like inanimate objects or fucking Allen from TAWOG but It’s two I’ve gotten shit for in the past.
I would suck the skin off of Trevor Goodchild’s cock though.

Anonymous 278944

so can i finally say i fucking hate the jannies

Anonymous 278945

Azealia Banks Jillfag nitpicker, please nitpick her with me. She's a fat, dry, dehydrated, wrinkly bitch with BOD and she's fucking a proto-troon.

Anonymous 278950

Okay so I guess this is the one

Anonymous 278951


Anonymous 278953

Kek is the weed in the sandwich??

I used to bake and sell edibles a few years ago. It's really gross making edibles because it stinks sooo bad I always had to run extension cords to my balcony and cook it out there. My best selling items were white chocolate & macadamia nut cookies with 250mg THC and I'd drizzle CBD infused chocolate over the tops.

Anonymous 278954

I hate anons that think they are so unique and quirky for having ugly husbandos.

Anonymous 278955

I was answering the n0nnie who said all lesbians should be converted into straights. That like of thinking is so moid-like. It's a legit fetish for them. Plus, I love all the lesbian n0nnies and envy them because they don't need to deal with scrotes when dating

Anonymous 278956

with that logic you could have posted this in /meta/

Anonymous 278958

I have friends coming over for a movie night tomorrow so I'm gonna use my lack of lolcow to clean the apartment thoroughly and make an unholy amount of treats. Maybe I'll play some video games. And maybe even study.
Simply be a boring, productive person that pretends that she has a life kek but I will be screaming on the inside the entire time because I just want lolcor back
Glad I copied my post from the other thread just in case kek

Anonymous 278959

>so many posts could be cool threads if anyone bothered to use the rest of the site and the boards lc doesn't have but instead it gets buried
I think because all of us know we are not staying here once lc is back up so we don't want to bother opening a bunch of threads and searching around the catalog for other n0nnies when we are going to dip the second lc is back, sorry

Anonymous 278960

I don't get why so many s are so mad at lesbians. They get true love, we get friends who won't complain about their boyfriends everytime we meet and we have more decent moids leftover for us.

Anonymous 278961

It's the psyop, nona. I hate because I feel like they are wasting the very own purpose husbandos have: why choose an ugly or weird character when you can have the man of your dreams. My husbando is handsome, young, athletic smart and will never age

Anonymous 278962

then you don't deserve to have a bunker </3 have some guest manners

Anonymous 278963

wouldnt guest manners include staying in the containment thread instead of infecting the whole ib

Anonymous 278964

I thought it was considerate of them not to shit up other threads. Not calling these bunkers shit just saying.

Anonymous 278965

the pickmes are evolving… we have each other lesbian n0nnies

Anonymous 278966

Same. I mean good for them if they like some old gumball machine but why shit on women who want sexy bishie husbandos. This isnt a competition to see who has the weirdest husbando.

Anonymous 278967


im staying in this thread as a courtesy to miners who don't need to see my retardation all over their board

Anonymous 278968

if you admit that you only post low-quality shit then I guess you made your point

Anonymous 278969

I've been trying to be productive and get things done but I'm bad at it, I'm going to try to set up my tv stand and get some other stuff on my to do list done. I also need to make a to do list so it's not all randomly scattered throughout multiple dayplanners, bookmarks, notes and loose papers. I also have a bunch of cocoa powder that's about to expire so I want to make brownies or chocolate cupcakes or something.

But isn't the point of the bunker so we don't shit up the rest of the site? The cc n0nnas used to tell us to stay in the bunker so we don't ruin the chill vibe they have going here

Anonymous 278970

images (28).jpeg

What are you listening to nonechkas?

Anonymous 278971

High nonas, I once got so high that everything I felt (physically) was delayed and recurred; say if I licked my lips, I would first see myself licking them, then a few seconds later I would feel it, and then after the first time feeling it I would feel it multiple times. I also thought the wind outside of the car I was in was whispering something to me. I was 17 and so were my friends and they were driving recklessly at 50mph+ on the motorway whilst high and I thought I was about to die kek. We were listening to this song. Was it spice (synthetic cannabis) or did I just get insanely high (I had 0 tolerance)? I am a britbong so no controlled dispensary weed.

Good times

Clearly you don't remember the wonderful chaos of the 2022 bunker threads..

Anonymous 278972

Anonymous 278973

Why do lesbians liking fictional lesbians cause so much seething and scrotefoiling?

Anonymous 278974

Oh I fucked the tag up, sorry

Anonymous 278975

Approx how much did it take for you to feel like this. Would like to replicate over the long weekend.

Anonymous 278976

bach cello suites

Anonymous 278977


I was replying right when the thread was deleted!! I’ll just copypaste here, idk the post number anymore I’m high sorry

I mixed ABV flower with chili oil and put that on my sandwich with butter, parmesan, cold cuts, salad and cucumber slices. Oh and black pepper and chili herb salt mix too!

Your edibles sound heavenly!! I wish I could try some. I’ve only tried proper edibles a few times since they are hard to get where I live, so I just make do with my goblin tier ABV edibles lmao

Also you can rip the Shayna-esque weed girl bratz aesthetic out of my cold dead hands

Anonymous 278978

Some of those anons feel like they’re too ugly to have some handsome bishy bf and their brain can’t do mental gymnastics like that. I don’t get it because I’m not an uggo with autism but I think that’s why some gravitate to weird shit.

Anonymous 278979

Anonymous 278980

This is the song that was in my cache on lolcow for like months and I would always forget to clear it, so anytime I made a post with a YouTube link it would automatically post this song

Anonymous 278981

This pic is so unbelievably based

Anonymous 278982

Orbital 2 by Orbital

Anonymous 278983

People have been unconventionally attractive since the dawn of time. Those people had sex and had children. It’s normal for some of them to like slightly ugly men.

Anonymous 278984

Does any other nonas have weird thoughts when reading books? I am reading Great Gatsby and started wondering how he would smell like, especially his hair, and then moved up on how all the moids in that era would smell like. Would they smell better or worse than modern moids?

Anonymous 278985

i found that song thanks to you and your cache'd posts, thanks

Anonymous 278986

>slightly ugly men
That’s totally not what I’m talking about kek

Anonymous 278987

I am a major uggo and still love handsome husbandos, n0nnie

Anonymous 278988

because I like guys who are just like me fr, and those beautiful anime men don't tend to have personalities or quirks that are just like me fr

Anonymous 278989

i dont think its weird at all i think quasihallucinating during reading is quite normal and part of the experience. also i think they would smell better

Anonymous 278990

its not normal to like ugly men. Whenever i see an ugly man i want to throw up.

Anonymous 278991

I said some anons, not all

Anonymous 278992



Anonymous 278993

am I unbanned

Anonymous 278994

Some of my husbandos are unconventional and some are very run of the mill bishies. I find the unconventional ones attractive in my own way. It's not that deep

Anonymous 278995

Anonymous 278996

FUCK YEAH I AM. tranny jannies fuck u for doing it in the first place, whether it was shayfags hate or pedo Cartmans moobs I didn't deserve it

Anonymous 278997

I have a reading comprehension issue, my mistake.

Anonymous 278998

About 2/3 of an average-sized joint (again, I had 0 tolerance). They didn't want the roach and I felt bad about wasting it kek

Anonymous 278999

people who smoke weed are so cringe my beloved bratz dolls do NOT smoke weed they are sober queens.

Anonymous 279000

Anonymous 279001

i wish we had a hethate thread on lc, honestly even nonas can be “milky” sometimes kek, i laugh at them but whenever i mention straight women on there the jannies ban me

Anonymous 279002

So do I, I won’t hold it against you n0nnie

Anonymous 279003

Anonymous 279004

You're a loser for shaming other women for living their chillest lives. I couldn't imagine having such a sandy vagina.

Anonymous 279005

I need the unconventionally attractive moids AND the attractive moids thread shut down. It's so weirdly contradictory to have the ugly man psyops thread and then have mfs thirsting over fucking reviewbrah of all people

Anonymous 279006

Anonymous 279007

It's sad that we can't test that theory

Anonymous 279008

This game seems so charming and fun but I HATE the name with a passion. It's so bad that it's been putting me off playing it at all. is there fujo potential though? That might make me get over the stupid name…

Anonymous 279009

Same, but you know within the hour one of the unhinged hetties would make a dyke hate thread.

Anonymous 279010

Excellent choice rino

Anonymous 279011

i was addicted to weed and smoked every day for 7 years and all it did was ruin my life. literally caused me psychotic episodes. i don't have a sandy vagina i just think being addicted to drugs is cringe and don't want my innocent dolls to be portrayed doing it.

Anonymous 279012


pretend picrel says lolcor not treat
I’m going to work on my homework and seethe the entire time, fuck this bingo bongo world

Anonymous 279013

fucking n0nnarino jfc this site

Anonymous 279014


Anonymous 279015


You're missing out. Massive potential. P is handsome and a cutie, I highly recommend it

Anonymous 279016

Anonymous 279017

i welcome it, we may have a war. so long as i can post the cringe moidfuckers. and they’d have to let us post de/g/enerates, absolutely

Anonymous 279018

Yeah but it would die so easily because of the lack of milk

Anonymous 279019

lesnonas, we should migrate to the lesbian thread on /feels

Anonymous 279020

>n0nnies getting upset over reviewbrah when there were n0nnies thirsting over SAM HYDE
I mean, I am a bit of reviewbrahfag. He is cute in a very, very unusual way, think those bear plushies with dark and somber themes, unsettling, but cute.

Anonymous 279021

Anonymous 279022

Are CC users genuinely called miners kek

Anonymous 279023

no, it's actually minors

Anonymous 279025

ty nonushka

Anonymous 279026

gave me a psychotic episode too. sober 4eva

Anonymous 279027

newfag to both lc and cc yeesh

Anonymous 279028

NO!!! Cant you see the hetties are trying to break us apart!!!! All lolcor anons need to congregate here so we are at our most powerful.STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!

Anonymous 279029

sober sisters

Anonymous 279030

kek right, makes me lose respect for all that manifesto-tier enlightenment they still reduce to begging for ugly scrote cock

Anonymous 279031

Thread theme:

Anonymous 279032

n0nas thirsting over an even uglier scrote doesn't make your cringe attachment to that anorexic child corpse looking thing any better

Anonymous 279033

Wont lie a LOT of weed is cut in UK. Usually they cut it with other substances to make it weigh more

Anonymous 279034

autism eyes?.png

Feel like shit just want to go back to my Lolcor

Anonymous 279035

Based mountain goats enjoyer

Anonymous 279036


God I regret so much waiting til the weekend to reply to the kind anon who had replied to my question in the birthchart thread, work was rough this week and I wanted to be as thorough in verifying each thing as she was.

Anonymous 279037

people moralfagging or nitpicking husbandos 2D or 3DPD are the reason why the threads are so shit now and were never there for the real hornyposting beginnings

Anonymous 279038

That's cringe sorry, most women on lc are straight and doing het vs lesbian wars is so tumblr, I'm not going to lie. Obsessing over sexualities is pathetic

Anonymous 279039

blue lagoon….

Anonymous 279041

Anonymous 279042

We're watching a movie, join in! It's not blocked in any country

Anonymous 279043

Anonymous 279044

hi Yuripedo

Anonymous 279046

collapse into dust…

Anonymous 279047

Although I agree with the idea the Ugly man Psyop thread is a cancer that ruined lolcow

Anonymous 279049


I really wish I was a flapper in the roaring 20s

Anonymous 279051

But I don’t write out manifestos about scrotes.
I just want my ugly fake men.

Anonymous 279052

>why choose an ugly or weird character
I understand ugly characters, cause what the fuck. However, if it's a weird and unconventional then I don't mind because it means it comes from a place of genuine love and autism. however, they shouldn't think they're better than anyone for wanting to fuck something that doesn't look like a human.

Anonymous 279053

It was fun for the first two or three threads but then it just got filled with /fit/ creeps and people defending uggos.

Anonymous 279054

>talk about wanting to rape moids
>thirst over shotas
>thirst over fantasies of being impregnated
but they’re FUNNY. do not divert me from this untapped milk source

Anonymous 279055

s aren't a monolith, we should be allowed to have contradictory threads or opinions on lolcow

Anonymous 279056


i <3 yaoi

Anonymous 279057

I agree with this nona

Anonymous 279058

Anonymous 279059

I want the fashion history and lolita fashion threads to be revived…

Anonymous 279060

Those women in that thread really tried to convince everyone that this chick was beautiful. Fucking kek

Anonymous 279061

i wish we had a dykehate thread on lc, honestly even nonas can be “milky” sometimes kek, i laugh at them but whenever i mention dykes on there the jannies ban me

Anonymous 279062

That's one of the worst anons on LC and deleted my post just to not have my waifu associated with that freak

Anonymous 279064

i wish we had a footfaghate thread on lc, honestly even nonas can be “milky” sometimes kek, i laugh at them but whenever i mention footfags on there the jannies ban me

Anonymous 279065

Me too

Anonymous 279067


tysm n0na, blessed be those who take mercy on mobilefags

Anonymous 279068

Anonymous 279069

shayna had a fleshlight of her puss made but i'm not gonna post it here because i don't want a screenshot of that on my laptop and i also don't want to subject any non shaynafags to that

Anonymous 279070

fake, all the homophobe s are unpunished and you know it

Anonymous 279071


Seeing the woman I love the most in 10 days it's like I'm in limbo just counting down the days until I see her perfect face. I need to work but keep getting distracted by thoughts of her

Anonymous 279072

I partially agree, I'm a hetty myself but many straight women (especially on LC) are very milky retarded pickmes, like the ones who go on random threads to blog about eating nigel ass or loving anal. I think the issue arises when people start going
>omg tHe HeTs!!!! LUL!!!1
>[clearly just a moid emotionally and/or physically abusing a woman]
like that's not a "the hets" issue, that's moids. including gay moids many lesbians have as their personal Nigels they defend to death despite being just as bad

Anonymous 279073

I finally found a way to make my hair stay up all day, I don't know why I never thought of putting clips along with an elastic but I finally figured it out. Now I can color coordinate them with my outfits too, how cute!

Anonymous 279074

Nigelfag cringe thread when LC comes back

Anonymous 279076

that's not enough, we should be celebrated

Anonymous 279077

lol what are you talking about, homphobia never gets redtexted

Anonymous 279078


Need lolcor

Anonymous 279080


Celebricows thread I miss you

Anonymous 279081

no, no woman should be "allowed" to openly thirst for those creatures. keep your mental illness to yourself

Anonymous 279084

Got any more of these stoney bratz pics or similar? I honestly love them.

Anonymous 279085

Why the fuck are cuntboi fics so fucking misogynistic, like way fucking more than your regular M/F fics. I found a fanfic for one of my favorite ships and it the most grossest, misogynistic piece of shipfic imagineable, and the fact that it's my favorite ship and favorite character makes me want to puke.
Gratitude by Oingo Boingo.

Anonymous 279086

I still don't understand the reason behind this media fabricated hate against Blake Lively

Anonymous 279087

Same. It was one of the few ways I was able to keep up with what’s going on in pedowood

Anonymous 279088

The woman in your pic is straight

Anonymous 279090

the covert tradfag who went around for weeks talking about how pregnancy is beautiful and it’s our biological imperative as women to fuck scrotes and birth their babies really annoyed me because nobody called them out. it didn’t surprise me because there’s a bunch of nasty het bitches on there who cry about their shitty boyfriend or husband

Anonymous 279091

tardscribes, what does any of this mean? @tardscribes

Anonymous 279092

how do you do it without your head hurting after 25 minutes tops?

Anonymous 279094

you‘re one of the reasons why lolcor is shit now, congratrs

Anonymous 279095

it's not really moralfagging to point out they're ugly and cringe and reek of underage users. I don't really see the point of the thread besides autism considering only n0nas who share husbandos have anything in common, but then again I don't understand the point of most threads (like the AI images one… why the fuck do we need that?)

Anonymous 279096

bunker thread 13.g…

Okay I made the next thread pic what do you all think

Anonymous 279097

Anonymous 279098

Aren't all those from the shameful fetishes thread? It's supposed to be cringe
But defending shotcon wtf

Anonymous 279099

thank you, I will continue to make it shittier and shittier for retarded reviewfags. get better taste

Anonymous 279100


Anonymous 279101

I approve

Anonymous 279103

She was chosen to be the designated hated woman of the month. I don't think there's a bigger reason to it.

Anonymous 279104

i wish i could block her name from my browser if i never read her name again i would be so happy (this might be possible but im not a techfag)

Anonymous 279105

reviewbrah is ugly as hell, we should start bullying the people who are stupid enough to find him attractive

Anonymous 279106

nta but she clearly meant Natasha lyone kek also are you autistic or just fall for blatant bait all the time?

Anonymous 279107

cringe as usual, all of your blingees are bad

Anonymous 279108

I hope the tradthot thread on /snow/ is reopened or a new thread is made. I also hope the ricecel one comes back but on /snow/

Anonymous 279110

Thank you

Anonymous 279111

You can't call them out or you're scrotefoiling or infighting

Anonymous 279112

until you stay there all by yourself screaming into the void.

Anonymous 279113

Damn, that site STILL isn't back up? I used to think anons were kinda exaggerating when talking about inept admins but damn, I take it back.

Anonymous 279114

Fuck you anon, blingees are the shit

Anonymous 279115

I know right? It’s been 22 hours now

Anonymous 279116

nah the blingee threadpics sucked on lc and they suck here

Anonymous 279117

anonimas I will be going to a concert tonight by myself and I’m excited and nervous.

Anonymous 279118

As it gets later and later in Friday I'm starting to think we're gonna have a weekend without lolcor….

Anonymous 279120

It's gonna be down for atleast 24 hours
There are browser extensions that do that!

Anonymous 279121


Anonymous 279122

kill yourself

Anonymous 279123

The danofag era is gone, not it's the reviewfags era, we will resist, n0nnie, we will resist
The asian moids on reddit are insane, reading their stupid takes on the taeil case was legit self harm

Anonymous 279124

Kek it's how I feel right now it's a very personal picmix honestly there's a lot of love in there.

Anonymous 279125

i'm trying to have to courage to do things like this too one day. i hope you have fun, nona

Anonymous 279126

that’s a picture from the movie retard, jesus christ put down the fucking chinese cartoons and then you’ll know what real cinema is anon

Anonymous 279127


They are fucking PICMIXES you uncultured beasts. Blingee is no longer in service.

Anonymous 279128

Where does lolcoR come from? I'm 99% sure I know and was even there the first time it was used, but I want to make sure I don't get my lore mixed up

Anonymous 279129

How i feel right now. beautiful

Anonymous 279130


Who remembers

Anonymous 279131


Anonymous 279132

But most of the nitpicking is just shitting on bishies or unconventional husbandos. If someone made a conventional 2D husbando thread it’ll run into the same infights happening or end up being a dead thread because no one would qualify from anons nitpicking. The same people shitting on the threads aren’t the ones replying in them or even sticking to their usual postings unless everyone follows suit

Anonymous 279135

samefagging to say that instant post was so fucking sexy after getting used to LC's shit ass 30 second delay after pressing post

Anonymous 279136

It's from the great blackout of February '21

Anonymous 279137


Anonymous 279138

in a bunker thread just like this one

Anonymous 279139


mfw lolcor is still down

Anonymous 279140

I love picmixes as threadpics, they're fun and much better than the American Dad shit that's going on. Don't listen to the haters nonners

Anonymous 279141

>asian moids on reddit are insane
That’s why I hope it’s allowed. The hotep and trve Vikings thread is allowed.

Anonymous 279142

Speaking of Taeil case, can we get another k-crit thread where we can talk about disgusting Kpop moids like him?

Anonymous 279143

You fucking liar

Anonymous 279145

I hate you

Anonymous 279146


Anonymous 279147

Nice then it was exactly what I thought. Can't believe I was there to witness herstory being made

Anonymous 279148

there were american dad picmix threadpics too. they were just too many of them at the same time

Anonymous 279149

densha otoko film …

When i'm bored i imagine a genderbent version of the Densha Otoko J-drama, with lolcow users as 2chan supporters. I like to try and picture different types of anons, fujofags, 2Dfags drowning under merch, /w/ cosplayers with really cute rooms, nerdy STEM anons, schizo anons living in filthy rooms etc etc. All rooting for the MC's romantic quest (a waifu/husbandofag KHHV sperg)

Anonymous 279151


Anonymous 279155

Awee that's really cute none

Anonymous 279156

Do not spam this fugly creature in this place retard.

Anonymous 279157

The kpop critical heyday was iconic, I miss n0nnies calling that one BTS guy for Autismo. Kpop discourse in 2024 is a thousand times worse than it was in the late 2010s. You could check if heolkek has a thread about it

Anonymous 279158

because thats a fag

Anonymous 279159

yes bc it's ugly and retarded twitterfaggotry

Anonymous 279160

cheese>fish any DAY

Anonymous 279161

no please

Anonymous 279164

and the other memes in here isn’t twitter/tumblrfaggotry???? kek

Anonymous 279165

you could just hide the threads if heterosexual women bother you this much

Anonymous 279166

kiss me

Anonymous 279167

xdddd yoursoooo random gurl

Anonymous 279168

i miss the tinfoil thread. and what's with all the retards in here ughhhh

Anonymous 279169

i heard this somewhere before…

Anonymous 279170


Why did you get so angry about Reviewbrah s particularly ? We have a /g/ thread dedicated to brad dourif ffs, calm down kek

Anonymous 279171

can cc mods shoot yuripedo already no one likes her

Anonymous 279173

I miss my lolcor I need to post random shit about me being a lesbo on the lesbian thread and having a bunch of anons call me a bihet … come back to me lolcor

Anonymous 279174

Regardless, the american dad stuff was never that funny to begin with and has been beaten to death for months now. My pet peeve is when a n0nnie makes a thread and chooses the most retarded pic ever. Like the new confession thread pic that didn't stick to the nun theme - if the n0nnie who chose that pic sees this I hope you have a terrible day

Anonymous 279175

im sad because ill never have a boyfriend as cute as rodrick heffley

Anonymous 279176

Thank you.
What key words or pages do you use to find them? I'm gonna go ahead and look for more

Anonymous 279177

Which one? Kek

Anonymous 279178

thank you ! yes it’s hard but this will be my second concert. i don’t have friends because Im mega awkward and I have problems but I want to not let how I feel about myself get in the way of enjoying things. I hope you do go someday too! You can do it!!

Anonymous 279179

I miss the dano threads

Anonymous 279180

One thing I love about CC is they don't fuck around with bait or infights. It's deleted and posters are banned. CC has way harsher permanent bans too, and I'm pretty sure they device ban. Why doesn't LC have range bans yet? Fuck Cerbmin

Anonymous 279181



Anonymous 279182


Anonymous 279183

Anonymous 279187

pretty sure it was the same newfag retard that broke the nun theme a few threads ago too

Anonymous 279188

what if cute asian twinks had sex with eachother

Anonymous 279189

I always root for s to have the best lives they can have. When I try my hand on manifestation, I will manifest that

Anonymous 279190



Anonymous 279191


Mfw cerbmin

Anonymous 279192

yaoi irl…

Anonymous 279193

What does this mean?

Anonymous 279194


Anonymous 279195

n0nnies, forgot to censor

Anonymous 279197

from what i’ve learnt yuripedo is a conglomerate entity made up of an amalgamation of people including myself. the nucelus is yuripedo herself

Anonymous 279198


Anonymous 279199

Crazy how excited you are about limiting the last islands of people‘s internet freedoms

Anonymous 279200

>muh nun theme
get over it it’s just a thread on the internet, it comes and goes just like our fleeting little lives.

Anonymous 279201

Are you a newfag?

Anonymous 279202

Yeah I live in a free country so when I want freedom I just exist in the physical realm sorry for your loss though

Anonymous 279203

They don't device or range ban kek, keep bootlicking though weirdo. It's all fine and good before you break some arbitrary rule.

Anonymous 279204


Anonymous 279206

there's no range bans here idk where you guys got that from

Anonymous 279207

im not sure what youre implying, but i havent been involved with this infight. i just scroll past every time because its so fucking retarded but i understand why youre pissed off with all the homophobia posting on lolcow lately, i swear it didnt used to be like this.

Anonymous 279208

From my head when I made it up

Anonymous 279209


>desperately need to focus on project with impending deadline
>waste time on lcf instead
>lcf crashes
>maybe now I will focus
>waste even more time in the bunker thread

Anonymous 279212

Amerifags thread would be much better on CC tbh. Wouldn’t get hour long in fights about /pol/tard topics

Anonymous 279213


>mfw that same ugly crusty bitch laughing at me getting banned goes into the vent thread crying because her nigel leaves dirty dishes in the cabinets

Anonymous 279214

I've been accused of being yuripedo several times and it doesn't help the case of the seething anons look less schizo kek

Anonymous 279216

wow your art sucks, i would rope myself if i were you

Anonymous 279218

I love that gif

Anonymous 279219


this guy. i must say, the kpop critical threads resulted in some of the best home made lolcow memes. if the admins are desperate for site traffic up they should allow kpop critical containment threads

Anonymous 279220

My things is IDK why they even fight about it. It's politics. On an anonymous imageboard. Kek it just makes me laugh.

Anonymous 279224

They made yaoi a real thing, crazy

Anonymous 279225

Modern science is crazy!!!

Anonymous 279226

>You aren't special for wanting dick.
>You aren't special for wanting pussy.
>Neither is inherently good or bad.
>You shouldn't obsess over or let yourself be defined by what you want to fuck and spend your life with.
>The media you watch, or what you ship doesn't define your sexuality.
>Don't create schizophrenic headcanons about someone for liking pussy like believing all lesbians are perverts who are the exact same as coomer males who will abuse their girlfriends or wives and will succumb to dead bedroom.
>Don't create schizophrenic headcanons about someone for liking dick such as all heteros are pickme retards secretly desire abuse from their moid masters and will become retarded if they have one child.
>Exercise at least once a week.

Anonymous 279230

You don't understand n0nnie, the consistency of the nun threadpics is the only think predicable i have in my life.

Anonymous 279231

I hate the 30 second limit plz move it down to 10 seconds I have so much to say and so little time

Anonymous 279232

I like this message. Nice to see amongst all this negativity

Anonymous 279233


Yaoi will be real in 5 seconds

Anonymous 279235

Based and true, love you nona

Anonymous 279236

da da do do m just dance

Anonymous 279237

>haven't heard of ladyalt69

Anonymous 279238


Anonymous 279239

I remember there was this huge ass infight in the american thread because these retards we’re baiting about moids “providing” for them and like hours into it these retarded nigelfags started talking about how trad they are and how their moid lifts up their skirts and shit like bro.

Anonymous 279241

am i going crazy or is cocksuckerchan itt

Anonymous 279242

Kkkk n0nnie I love Taehyung
I thought they were talking about Hoseok

Anonymous 279243

Who’s that?

Anonymous 279244

based drarrysister

Anonymous 279246

of course n0nnies were all kpopfags all along
>Don't create schizophrenic headcanons about someone for liking dick such as all heteros are pickme retards secretly desire abuse from their moid masters and will become retarded if they have one child.
Well one of these things is true….

Anonymous 279247

>I love Taehyung
smells like shit in here suddenly

Anonymous 279248

Wonder what nigganon is up to

Anonymous 279250

worst bunker thread ever

Anonymous 279251

Make a request for the next movie to be streamed and I'll do my best to accommodate!

Anonymous 279253

Just keep reporting the infighter. It's annoying but he'll get bored soon.

Anonymous 279254

Reading translated drarry fics at 12 was how i discovered i love yaoi. i printed that shit out on the family printer

Anonymous 279255


Anonymous 279256

actually i think i get banned less on lc. you can kind of be the biggest prick you want on there so long as you’re “integrated” about it. maybe i need to be schizo once in a while

Anonymous 279257

How has the site been down for like 24 hours already, this reminds me of the dark days we had to hide in bunkers for like a week because shaymin changed the entire structure of the site…

Anonymous 279258

kill bill

Anonymous 279259

It's only been 22 and a half.

Anonymous 279260

I miss Addy and Lillee Jean’s threads. I bet they miss their own threads too.

Anonymous 279261

some insane schizo who comes here and on lc and constantly writes screeds about women sucking dick and hating straight women lol

Anonymous 279262

anyone who believes this will last less than a week is a certified newfag

Anonymous 279263

the duality of women

Anonymous 279264

something i love about lolcow is the picsmix shit. I’m not talking about the threadpics. I mean like the glitter text under some bans, the banners. I miss when they had fake ads about the cows it was so cute lol if u guys know what i’m talking about

Anonymous 279265

This thread is hell, I hope your admin abandons you for good

Anonymous 279266

Oooh great choice

Anonymous 279267

Yeah it's either coming back Wednesday or Thursday

Anonymous 279268

Run Lola Run

Anonymous 279269

I love the new Addy threadpic kek

Anonymous 279270

I did this but with Twilight

Anonymous 279271

jackie brown

Anonymous 279272

The end of lolcor is nigh.

Anonymous 279273

Hope you have a great time! What genre of music?

Anonymous 279275

Plz the site survived shaymin's crazy antics

Anonymous 279277

kek those were the days. before i had internet at home i had my mum print out silmarillion slash fic at work. no one there could read english lol

Anonymous 279279

My inner fujo awakened at 12 when I thought I was reading a Rin x Kaito vocaloid fic, but it was actually Kaito x Len

Anonymous 279280

do you guys go on any other ibs besides lolcow and this one

Anonymous 279284

i don’t know any other moidless ones so no

Anonymous 279286

The ONLY reason the site went down is because all the farmhands have Labour Day plans and they couldn't be there to moderate it for this weekend.

Anonymous 279287

Whenever my sister send me a link to a 4ch thread, but that’s about it

Anonymous 279288

Used to go to 4chan's /vg/ and /toy/, sometimes /v/. I also used our local one but it's full of the worst moids, and they paywalled it

Anonymous 279289

Ingrid Goes West!

Anonymous 279290

The other ones are about like kpop and fujofaggotry, i don’t care about either at all

Anonymous 279291

i lurk fujochan sometimes

Anonymous 279294

As much as I hate kpop, I wish I could at least shit on it on lolcow. On twitter, people are either in a cult or edgy and not funny. Somehow heolkek is even more boring and horrible than kpop twitter. I think I'm going to start posting my fav on lolcow since he is no longer an idol but an actor. I need to scream somewhere about this cute failed man.

Anonymous 279295

why is heolkek… like that

Anonymous 279296

I used to be on choachan before it shut down, I sometimes check heolkek but it's dead.

KEK they paywalled it? Please elaborate

Anonymous 279297

Occasionally lurk lainchan and a few 4chan generals. Otherwise no

Anonymous 279298

I just don't get the big fight. No matter how much you cry you're never going to stop lesbians from wanting women. No matter how much you cry you're never going to stop heteros from wanting men. I just don't get the point. I think people have become way too obsessed with their own individuality and take offense at the slightest thing.

Anonymous 279299

what general?

Anonymous 279300


iam emp he
le kek

Anonymous 279301

Oh is the kpop ib not that great? I was thinking about getting into K-pop just to be a part of the fun

Anonymous 279302

i like lainchan it's pretty chill

Anonymous 279303

what else is there to the internet if you can’t bait/infight/troll?

Anonymous 279304

eh most of it is baiters. i love my straight friends, but i would still want a hetmilk thread because it would be funny. love you girls though

Anonymous 279305

I wish yuripedo wasn't permab& on lolcow because she's funny and can be right at times when she's not baiting

Anonymous 279306

I don’t either. I wish everynona just collectively agreed to disagree and leave it at that. But I’m fairly certain there’s a few personalityfags that love baiting the topics

Anonymous 279307

no, it's a shithole. don't bother.

Anonymous 279308

I need an lc cc blend where we can be chill but also have a little spar now and then as an exercise to flex my keyboard warrior muscles and reduce my sensitivity

Anonymous 279309

Because they are all illiterate personalityfags with horrible taste in men. They don't even post the good looking ones. The website is full of Stray Kids, Ateez and ZB1's fans. Those groups are all full of ugly males. The only pretty ones in those groups are walled, Lee Know is balding and Jiwoong is botched.

Anonymous 279310

so trve

Anonymous 279311

shut up moralfag, stop talking like you’re in a movie this is the internet

Anonymous 279312

i personally think they’re weird even for femcels

Anonymous 279313

Hoelkek isn't dead kek, just today alone there have been over 4000 posts

Anonymous 279314

>KEK they paywalled it? Please elaborate
You can't see posts that are over 24 hrs old. There's paywalled boards and features that make the site basically unusable without a paid account. It costs 90€ per year lol.

Anonymous 279316

hetmilk has potential for sure but the infighting will inevitably be dragged into other threads

Anonymous 279317

>t. yuripedo

Anonymous 279319

I always sing troll the janitor, fuck the janitor instead of the chorus because of that post

Anonymous 279320

No real lesbian would be this much angry over a woman liking drawn lesbian, just saying.

Anonymous 279321

Please go take a jog fatass.

Anonymous 279322

i had a schizo moment and got permabanned despite it being justified due to anons being complete cunts for no reason. luckily permabans are easy to evade

Anonymous 279323

We used to have the tradthot thread which is pretty much exactly what a hetmilk thread would be, but it got locked. I checked a while back and saw that racebaiting was redtexted on a shit ton of the last messages of the thread.

Anonymous 279324

What kind of woman is an imageboard-using k-pop fan? I want a mental image

Anonymous 279325

You must carry the spirit of yuripedo within you as you sperge about about how fujoshis are all secretly straight and masturbating to loli hentai doesn't make you a pedophile.

Anonymous 279326

Get into k-pop but the REAL k-pop produced by liberated Korea centred in Pyongyang. Don't bother with the southern groups composed of traitors, capitalists, and other evil anti-Juche ideologues.

Anonymous 279327


well you’re right about one thing

Anonymous 279328

I love this song so much. The smiths should have been fronted by her.

Anonymous 279329

90€? for retarded moid takes? I have even more questions now kek

Yeah but most of those are just shitposts, most of the actual kpop threads are dead

Anonymous 279330

nah if you can look at male crime stats and realize your nigel is pornsick as all modern men are and you still get with him you’re retarded

Anonymous 279331

yeah what the fuck do they look like even. i can’t imagine it. also if a woman told me she used heolkek irl i would be very scared of her

Anonymous 279332

If looking at loli makes you a pedo, then why does reading yaoi not make you a bishit?

Anonymous 279333

Oh the pain and suffering

Anonymous 279334

is lainchan german

Anonymous 279335

i wish we could post other n0nnies as milk, like a de/g/enerate hall of fame

Anonymous 279336

iirc it got looked because “NEETS” and “careerstacies” were infighting because of the thread pic lol how stupid. I wish tradthot thread was back

Anonymous 279337

why isn’t it back yet

Anonymous 279338

heolkek is gossiping about you guys btw

Anonymous 279339

25% of them are probably just your average fujos who are obsessed with rpf, the other 75% however…

Anonymous 279340

I'm convinced everyone can recognize each other now on heolkek, no one even bothers to stay anonymous kek

Anonymous 279341

"lesbian" fujos, plz try using your brain

Anonymous 279342

how would liking 2 guys fucking make you bisexual as a woman

Anonymous 279343

the worst part of bunker threads is that we're forced to share a space with these retards because there's no containment thread for them

Anonymous 279344

>90€? for retarded moid takes? I have even more questions now kek
It's actually the most popular discussion forum in the country

Anonymous 279345

What is it???

Anonymous 279346

Ah shoot I totally forgot CC exists, lol.

Anonymous 279347

kill yourself

Anonymous 279348

Yay an EN farmer. I love blixa bargeld.

Anonymous 279349

Anonymous 279350

>2 guys
>um im still a lesbian

Anonymous 279351


Anonymous 279352

So real. I wanna see more posts about lolcor and not infights from containment threads

Anonymous 279353


I'm going to sleep now. If I don't wake up to LC being back tomorrow I will explode. Good night n0nnies have fun infighting

Anonymous 279354

no but there's probably german lainanons

Anonymous 279355

i didnt realize we were talking about lesbians my bad

Anonymous 279356

it’s funny

Anonymous 279357

Well, don't leave me hanging, what's it called?


kek this is why no one takes that site seriously, how do you even gossip about lolcor users seeking refuge on cc? other than calling us retarded, which i agree with, what else can you say? same thing goes for that one kiwifarms thread about lolcow.

Anonymous 279358

Anonymous 279359

i (gulu gulu).jpg

I want a board for vkei men so I can sperg and gossip about them

Anonymous 279360

good night nonner

Anonymous 279361

Omg kek that's so funny

Anonymous 279362

Samefag sorry I meant to reply to the post you replied to not you

Anonymous 279363

night n0nna hope to see you on lc when you wake up

Anonymous 279364

Are they milky? I wouldn’t mind lurking a thread about that

Anonymous 279365

I love oingo boingo but not Danny elfman

Anonymous 279366

half this thread alone has been lesbiancels flinging shit and calling other anons cocksucking hetties unironically and you cant think of any other reason why someone might make fun of farmers? kek

Anonymous 279367


ah the fandom/fujo discourse thread retards have arrived. do you people never get bored of circular arguments?

Anonymous 279368

the threads yesterday were a lot comfier without them, it was like a cozy chatroom. now i'm just groaning at every post

Anonymous 279369

someone recreate the art thread so that anon who keeps ban evading to post her ugly coomer art can come here and be our court jester for the lolcow bunker dinner party

Anonymous 279370

isnt that the anime with loli in it

Anonymous 279371

it’s kikuo! also, i’m gonna show how much of a normalfag I am but I only know one song and nothing else (sorry!)

Anonymous 279372

how hard is it to just make an ib. like surely we can just make more female-only ones

Anonymous 279373

Retarded newfag

Anonymous 279374

I wonder what the kek bitch is doing.

Anonymous 279375

ugh…of all threads..why them

Anonymous 279378

Nah, I don't like him either but I can't deny a good fuckin' beat when I hear it.

Anonymous 279379

im in hell

Anonymous 279380

i think that's just one schizo who isn't even lesbian

Anonymous 279382

Anonymous 279383

They are very milky and have whole 2chan thread called Tanuki dedicated to them, wish I could understand Japanese to read gossip about bandsmen I like

Anonymous 279384

I hope that’s the case

Anonymous 279385

lmaoooo i forgot i was using a german vpn so when i googled it everything was in german im retarded

Anonymous 279386

It's not that it's hard to make, but that it's hard to moderate. Think of all the gore and gross posts scrotes make on lc when they raid.

Anonymous 279387

who is kekbitch

Anonymous 279389

Here's a drawing board. Enjoy.

Anonymous 279390

can’t be any worse than here right

Anonymous 279391

She's that one personalityfag that uses her fake made up word all the time. IDEK what the hell it means because she never says

Anonymous 279392

I love suburban lawns. Su Tissue, please come out of hiding!

Anonymous 279394

I don't wanna log in with my email to draw stuff

Anonymous 279395

you… dont know what kek means?

Anonymous 279398

Why I need an email to join?

Anonymous 279399

Anonymous 279400

I meant as a person. I like his solo work too.

Anonymous 279401

I just can’t imagine worshipping korean men, even if they are somewhat attractive. How do they get over the fact that south korean men are some of the worst on the planet or even listen to Kpop? it’s all so watered down and bland kek

Anonymous 279402


every problem with lolcor is really just one sperg and all the other nonnniez cute littol terfbeans

Anonymous 279403

low quality bait

Anonymous 279404

yes, and it's obviously a genuine schizo who keeps doing it. this kind of shit happens in the 2X threads all the time kek. still, what's there to gossip about? like yes, she is retarded. i just don't get what else you can say about the retardation of lolcow users, you know? the anonymity kind of prevents that, it'd be much easier to gossip about kiwifags as they actually have usernames, but no one gaf to the point of doing that, as they should

Anonymous 279405


i love going on ao3 and reading the synopses for rpf fanfics

Anonymous 279406

I think they're hot when I see pictures of them but it ends there.

Anonymous 279407

Why? Are they unhinged as fuck or something?

Anonymous 279408

Plz post screenshots of your fave synopses

Anonymous 279410

Sorry I was joking around not baiting I guess I should have said jk at the end my bad

Anonymous 279411

wtf I take a 2 week sabbatical from playing magic awakened on my phone, finally decide to log back in and the game’s fucking shutting down in everywhere but Asia?!?!? 1st lolcow then tumblr’s fucking up on me and now the kawaii Harry Potter app!!! Why am I being punished!!!!

Anonymous 279412

Seconding this, pls

Anonymous 279413

Wait. It's shutting down? What happened? It was so much cuter than Hogwarts Mystery.

Anonymous 279414

Anonymous 279415

Malfoy looked really good in that top pic and then he hit the wall at full speed

Anonymous 279416

it's over.jpeg

It's been 23 hours already i can't do this anymore

Anonymous 279417

Who else is rolling another one

Anonymous 279418

i forgive you baby

Anonymous 279419

Young me thought he was so hot in GoF, after that, it was all downhill

Anonymous 279420

This song. Sounds like Depeche Mode.

Anonymous 279421

this reminds me that animal crossing pocket camp app is going offline. i feel your pain bad

Anonymous 279423

im a coward I take edibles and will take one right after work

Anonymous 279424

he was like 14 here kek

Anonymous 279426

It’s called expanding baby head syndrome

Anonymous 279427

WB never explained why! But everyone’s guessing it’s because the servers were too expensive, not enough players were actually paying to play - like moi~ if the app says it’s free to play then I shall play it freely nonadonna

Anonymous 279428

No anon don't say that you're still brave. You just love your lungs a little more than me.

Anonymous 279429

I still can't beli

Anonymous 279430

Kekk s I had a crush on him when I was 9 okay that's how old I was when the movie came out, I'm just stating my 9 year old self's thoughts

Anonymous 279431


i really hope they come through with that new app they promised. pocket camp without the cisntant in app purchases would be so great

Anonymous 279433


My favorite post

Anonymous 279434


Anonymous 279435

What perfume do you use as your go-to?

I use Black Opium but I need to find a new perfume because this has been my signature scent for years and I wanna change it up for when I move. I like mysterious perfumes that have a little edge to them.

Anonymous 279436

It's so depressing how online games will always have this fate. I hope gamedevs stop making online only games for good one day.

Anonymous 279437

I am don't worry

Anonymous 279438

Tell me about your personal cows nona

Anonymous 279439


Anonymous 279441

I'm out of weed, wahh

Anonymous 279442

what theme do you guys use when browsing cc

Anonymous 279443

I'm a tutti frutti scent type of woman

Anonymous 279444

I'm a bit of a perfume consoomer, but I love these notes
>licorice root
>iso E
I've been really into trick or treat by alkemia and hexed by lovesick witchery.

Anonymous 279445

I'm just mad that new horizon didn't get any of the cute stuff pocket camp had, and im mad new horizon didn't even get half the cute stuff from past games. new horizon sucked

Anonymous 279446

the crystal shade of green is like my favourite colour ever so crystal

Anonymous 279447



Anonymous 279449

Anonymous 279450

the green and pink one that's like watermelon candy

Anonymous 279452

why are you posting this again

Anonymous 279453

I'm using halloween. I feel so edgy

Anonymous 279454

Nonnee you should try The Only One by D&G its really good and has that edgy vibe to it

Anonymous 279455

boysmells rose load it's not strong enough though
rihanna's crush is good too

Anonymous 279456


keekweek. yes i have bpd

Anonymous 279457


Anonymous 279458


yeah pocket camp has soooo much amazing themed furniture. it has so many little details and shit. love the latest summer house stuff

Anonymous 279460

She said cc nona not lc… You miss lc so bad you see it everywhere… I feel a kinship with you

Anonymous 279461

was keekweek that yellow theme or that galaxy looking one

Anonymous 279462



Anonymous 279463

Black opium smells good. I’m looking for a scent that is masculine but not stinky like most colognes. It can be unisex but I hate florals and immature smells. Nothing that smells like hand sanitizer or gasoline either. Leather notes are fine but not ones that make your nose hairs fall off. Is there such a scent?

Anonymous 279465

Girltalk makes me think about LC

Anonymous 279468

I wish the theme carried over to the catalog. My eyes hurt when I leave threadview mode.

Anonymous 279469

Ikr, it's like I came to the dark side of the moon I had no idea about. It's so surreal, probably because I rarely venture outside of cow boards.

Anonymous 279470

>likes black opium
>doesn't like "immature" smells
Well damn anon make up your mind.

Anonymous 279471


Crystal. It's really pretty

Anonymous 279472

it should though, no? It does for me

Anonymous 279473

Ew, pass.

Anonymous 279474

Bananas was the yellow theme, keekweek was the iridescent one.

Anonymous 279475

omg you are right. everything reminds me of her…

Anonymous 279476

Hi Chantel.

Anonymous 279477

dark crystal (old) so my eyes don't explode at night

Anonymous 279478

It smells good on other women. I wouldn’t wear it. I’m looking for a scent for myself.

Anonymous 279479

Nonee try ''under the stars'' by Margiela maybe?

Anonymous 279480

All I get when I go to catalog is the default crystal theme.

Anonymous 279481


Anonymous 279482

Nayrt, but I use darkcow and the theme never carries onto the catalogue.

Anonymous 279483

chicken dances

Anonymous 279484

>graphic birth

Anonymous 279485

Okay? No one asked.

Anonymous 279487

Neither did I.

Anonymous 279488

I have no idea who that even is so I, too, am a normalfag lol

Anonymous 279489

Kek, I can't believe there are people that are into Gordon Ramsey enough to write self-insert fanfic.

Anonymous 279490

I can’t ever look at Ghost the same since a poster said he sounds like Gordon Ramsey.

Anonymous 279491


I wonder if lolcow being down for a few days might chase off some of the trannies and moids that have invested the site? We all know they only crave instant gratification and they might be convinced they managed to kill it without checking back later? Maybe? Maybe?

Anonymous 279492

I stopped at Gordon Ramsay.

Anonymous 279493

>86k words
>Gordon Ramsay
>Gordon Ramsay's family
>graphic birth

KEK, thank you so much for coming through n0nna. Please post more this is killing me in so many ways

Anonymous 279494

It does for me in firefox but not any chrome based browser. There are a lot of differences between how the LC site software behaves between firefox and chrome. It loads faster in chrome for example.

Anonymous 279495

perfumenonas if I like tommy girl what edts should i look into for fall/winter

Anonymous 279496

Anon. Lighten up.

Anonymous 279497


Remember her?

Anonymous 279499

My natural umami pussy musk

Anonymous 279500


Thank you to the anon who humanized Benson Dunwoody in the ai art thread and gave me a proper husbando to think about slapping and hitting and biting and etc. Going to be chewing on his gumballs and he will NOT like it.

Anonymous 279501

do you dab it behind the ears

Anonymous 279502


>opens /media/
>entire thread arguing in favor of legalizing incest
get me out of this tranny hell

Anonymous 279503

Anonymous 279504

Which major retailer is it sold at?

Anonymous 279505

Would benson really be noorwooding?

Anonymous 279506

I'm hoping it'll chase off the users who absolutely refuse to integrate like the skirby poster

Anonymous 279507


Hopefully all the moids, newfags, twittards, trannies, tumblrtards and tiktokfags think the site is gone for good and find somewhere else.

Anonymous 279508

It's a widow's peak, my husbando does NOT norwood. Fuck you.

Anonymous 279509

It's hard to reach will you help me
It's homegrown like moonshine

Anonymous 279510

The gendies in /w/ won't leave because they're probably still stuck reloading the page like the shitty tranny cockroaches they are.

Anonymous 279511

That’s not a widow’s peak…

Anonymous 279512

read the rules earlier today & i may be wrong but i don't think we're allowed to talk about cows or drama here

Anonymous 279513

I'm guessing you like fresh fruity scents a you should try J'adore Dior

Anonymous 279514

Leave her alone her husbando is a literal sentient gumball machine. She has enough problems on her plate as it is.

Anonymous 279515

oh my bad, I was reading another thread and they posted Shayna so I thought we were allowed. Don't ban me mods!!!

Anonymous 279516

I will be physically and sexually abusing him now that you've pissed me off. Thanks anon. I will be beating him with a golf club.

Anonymous 279518

they might come here but luckily there hasn't been a raid in a while

Anonymous 279519

I wasn’t trying to upset her. I thought benson was hot when I was a kid. I’m on her team.

Anonymous 279520

who is he? also artist?

Anonymous 279521

sometimes i switch to keekweek
I think all the themes need to be retooled (aside from those two). Some of them are completely unreadable.

Anonymous 279522

Do you imagine yourself in the Regular Show universe when you daydream about him? Are you a human or a candy machine, too? Benson with a Gacha machine girlfriend sounds cute.

Anonymous 279523

This is so cute. I bought a switch and new horizons because of insane fomo but I've been thinking of selling it. But I love playing wheel of fortune too much.

Anonymous 279525

And I applaud you for that.

Anonymous 279526

some of the culture here is interestingly very different from lc. i checked out /hb/ and an 18-year-old was asking for advice to look younger and i check the thread expecting to see ridicule but they answered genuinely kek. on lc she would have been flamed to no end

Anonymous 279527


>134k words

Anonymous 279528

This thread is becoming more and more deranged as time passes I need LC now

Anonymous 279529

I also bought the switch just for ACNH kek. I even got the limited AC one. I was so disappointed in ACNH sadly.

Anonymous 279530


The Andy and Leyley thread? I opened it out of morbid curiosity and immediately closed it when I saw people justifying cousin incest.

Anonymous 279532

No, I try to imagine Benson as a sexy run down slightly older guy. I can't imagine myself as a gumball machine wanting to fuck another gumball machine. If I was my younger and more autistic self I could, but alas.

Anonymous 279533


Sorry if it's a bit early I don't know exactly when the thread locks on CC? I think after 500 right?

Anonymous 279534


Anonymous 279535

I wonder if some ladies wrote erotic slow burn porn of the leaders in WWI and WWII

Anonymous 279536

this looks nothing like benson what

Anonymous 279539


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