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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

bunker thread 13.g…

LC Bunker Thread #13 Anonymous 279524

A bunker thread for all the beautiful amazing intelligent farmers to revel together & rejoice in the strength of our community.

Previous bunkers used during this most recent outage:
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially using this thread:

Our home has been inaccessible for appr. 24 hours at this point.

There is a resident baiter/infighter from the fandom or fujo threads spamming the bunker threads here. Thankfully, CC mods are a lot more active and better at deleting. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.

Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.

Anonymous 279537


Anonymous 279538

Skeet skeet

Anonymous 279540

Hi how are you

Anonymous 279541



Anonymous 279542

Lc ass thread description

Anonymous 279543

cc posters are more nice than lc. i can't even vent comfortably over there since you guys are so mean

Anonymous 279544

I need that n0nnie to post more cursed ao3 rpf screenshots they are killing me

Anonymous 279545

best perfect most …

Just need my Lolcor back

Anonymous 279546

You mean better

Anonymous 279547

that's me rn

Anonymous 279548

lesbians can't have anything

Anonymous 279549


I'm doing okay nonnee how are you??

Anonymous 279550

I hope the natives here aren't mad at us…

Anonymous 279551

I think I prefer the niceness of cc. Lc can be so infight ready sometimes

Anonymous 279552

Don't feel bad about the vent thread. I swear deranged retards camp in that thread just to make fun of anon's vents. When I made the last vent thread I even had to add a msg at the end of the op saying "stop doing that" because it'd piss me off so bad.

Anonymous 279553

i want our own ib

Anonymous 279554

We need a crazy ao3 screencap thread when the farms are back up

Anonymous 279555

they absolutely hate us but i am so so grateful for them!

Anonymous 279556

It does look like him if you are based like me.
He would be desperate for my approval, not the other way around. He would also trip over his words around me and get angry at himself for doing so. Sigh. I love a good pathetic down bad husbando.

Anonymous 279557


but theres plenty of humanized art of him that isnt ai dookie?

Anonymous 279558

lc has had some baiters trying to infight about anything and everything lately. its gotten worse this summer imo.

Anonymous 279559

Yes this is a LC bunker thread. IDK if you know but the site is down right now.

Anonymous 279560

i would be mad at us tbh
funnier thouh

Anonymous 279561

He looks like a disgusting faggot here.

Anonymous 279562

Damn even in this fanart he has norwood KEK

Anonymous 279563

I mean, lc is built on gossip. I miss PULL, it balanced things out nicely and prevented newfags because they just stayed at PULL

Anonymous 279564

Anonymous 279565

The summerfags should get banned

Anonymous 279566

I thought it was cute and autistic

Anonymous 279567


my n0nnie
my n0nnie
you are my n0nnie, say it to mee
n0nnie,my n0nnie
tell me you are my n0nniee
i bet on losing adminsss
I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place by the cc
Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down
I'll be there on their side
I'm losing by their side

Anonymous 279568


This is my magic awakened character, she’s a slytherin, like all my Harry Potter ocs. Initially, I was gonna make her look more stereotypical witch-like, but the voice actress for the female main sounded so kawaii desu ne and proper, I wanted the face to match. She is proper young lady

Anonymous 279570

Thanks I try to be cute but the autism is just inborn.

Anonymous 279571

nta but yeah one time I wrote about how I hate that boob jobs are a thing because I get so jealous of women who have them and I wish nobody had them, and I had multiple posters telling me to kill myself and that im ugly deep down kek. luckily some other anons were comforting but it was so weird because what did I even say that warranted those mean responses

Anonymous 279572

Please, I recently discovered a Fast and Furious comic on AO3 where trans Paul Walker makes these fleshy cars that are living beings and the ending is him getting pregnant with a car after another character merges with it.

Anonymous 279573


Me without LC

Anonymous 279574

Which irl male would he look like? You can piece together his features a la Truman show

Anonymous 279575

The discord is dead now…

Anonymous 279576

Out of interest, where do anons draw the line between husbandofagging and personalityfagging? Unfortunately if you have a more obscure husbando it's just inevitable that your posts will get recognized.
Aw, I wish you'd start posting again. I really like people with obscure husbandos, it means something about the character really had to hit you deep in your soul. Also, it was cool to read about the plots so I could understand your posts!

Anonymous 279577

ayrt and I also miss PULL

Anonymous 279578

I don't have that ability. To me he would look like a very non descriptive but facially structurally gorgeous over male with a 5 o'clock shadow and slightly unkempt hair. In a button up. Sleeves rolled up.

Anonymous 279579

WHAT is Norwood?

Anonymous 279580

the beard shadow as a reference to his gumballs is really clever

Anonymous 279581

Bless you using my janky gif

Anonymous 279582

Which one? The pastebin one, or the second one?

Anonymous 279583

Can I vent? I'm so sick of the fujo infighting in ot. Nonas have a dedicated thread for it, but they literally can't help themselves and have to sperg about it in other threads. Fujo or nonfujo, I hate you both

Anonymous 279584

a type of male patterned baldness

Anonymous 279585

*older male

Anonymous 279586

thats just a widows peak?? women can have it too

Anonymous 279587

Come back nonee

Anonymous 279588

omg yes. i sometimes cringe at myself for reading a ridiculous amount of g rated friends-to-lovers haikyuu yaoi on there, but feel so much better now that i know y/n x gordon ramsay and volodymyr zelenskyy x his bodyguard rpf exists and actually had an audience kek.

Anonymous 279589

I think both sides should come together and watch yaoi

Anonymous 279590


>Nose riding

Anonymous 279591


So you guys can see her full fit

Anonymous 279592

please shut the fuck up about the discord no one cares

Anonymous 279593

The bunker one in last thread or so

Anonymous 279594

It's like a baldness diagnosis tool

Anonymous 279595

The Fat beatle

Anonymous 279596

Ah, thank uou

Anonymous 279597

Sounds like nobody fire reacted your post…

Anonymous 279598

I miss the simplykenna pull thread. I thought it was funny reading all the seething posts about her doing the most mundane things kek

Anonymous 279599

Nayrt, but please post screenshots of the ending n0nnie I'm begging you.

Anonymous 279600

I miss PULL so much too. I was so unhappy when it closed down. The PULL discords aren't the same.

Anonymous 279601

We'll never achieve this because they're too busy arguing about cartoon men that like stuff up their butt.

Anonymous 279602

Anonymous 279603

The pastebin one gave me a bad feeling. The people in there seemed like recovering /r9k/ pickmes.

Anonymous 279604

i miss anons… i feel so alone..

Anonymous 279605

It's basically like the Korean Reunification

Anonymous 279606

Anonymous 279607

I genuinely think that the people who constantly sperg about it are very young. I just can't imagine caring that badly over whether or not someone likes something you like. I read yaoi but I don't give a fuck if someone thinks I'm weird for it, I'm not reading it for anybody but myself. The users either very pro or against have to be teens imo

Anonymous 279608

i'm not going to join a 10-person discord and risk being doxxed

Anonymous 279609

I'm genuinely surprised that no one has revived it or made a similar board, it has been years. I miss having a place to talk about influencers who aren't milky enough to warrant an entire thread. I know that reddit snark (I hate that word so much it makes me want to kms) pages but redditors are retarded. PULL, come back….

Anonymous 279610


I really enjoyed the original Nikki game so I finally tried to play this one but the menus were overwhelming, they were throwing a million fucking things at me I just want to dress her up dammit.

Anonymous 279611

I've never even tried to look for the pull discord. is anything even discussed intelligently there?

Anonymous 279612

You know you can create a burner discord right? I did that to join

Anonymous 279613

What are you talking about, there's a forum, it's just not being used much even though new users sign up almost every day

Anonymous 279614

I was literally OBSESSED with Mira's thread on PULL.

Anonymous 279615

Say something interesting then, it's only been 20 minutes

Anonymous 279616

i feel so bad for anons with obscure husbandos no one deserves to be banned for loving who they love

Anonymous 279617

Since I saw some discussion about him in previous bunker threads, would anyone be interested in a thread on smartschoolboy9 once LC is back up? If so what board do you think would it fall under? He’s pretty milky though highly disturbing.

Anonymous 279618

No, basically the discord is like the third or fourth one. There was so much drama in the first or second. It's basically ALL Kpop talk now. The channels for cows of yore are all but dead.

Anonymous 279619

I also suspect that some of them are gendies who ~transition~ because they have internalized fujo guilt.

Anonymous 279620

a girl i went to middle school with was a minor "influencer" and married a youtuber moid and i watched her threads on PULL like a HAWK she wasn't even that milky i was just extremely invested

Anonymous 279621

Same. I think that's how I found out about lolcor

Anonymous 279623

This makes me want to post him

Anonymous 279624

Once again the problem is newfags. Oldfag fujos know to how to hide their power level.

Anonymous 279625

Are you the one whose husbando is Mr Bobinksi

Anonymous 279626

photo{0} (6)~2.png

you should give it a try, I love playing Shining Nikki to relieve stress. The subreddit is quite helpful and nice, the discord can be overwhelming imho.

Anonymous 279627

I lurk sometimes in the Fujo thread, its fun to talk about mangas and BLvns. I don't understand why people take it so seriously, it's just anime twinks kissing each other, let us enjoy it without infighting

Anonymous 279628

fat quail.jpg

I like birds.

Anonymous 279629

God no

Anonymous 279630

Not a moralfag but we genuinely need the corpse husband/Fanny Perret autists in the smartschoolboy thread. That pedo faggot tranny deserves to be fully doxxed.

Anonymous 279631


nayrt i know newfags suck but isn't it good we already have the next generation of farmers only waiting to outgrow their beastly idiocy? if fagmin doesn't nuke the site maybe there is a future for lc

Anonymous 279632

When would you say the cutoff for newfag starts?

Anonymous 279633

Come on, the forum is janky as fuck and looks like it was thrown together in 5 minutes.

Anonymous 279634

Anyone that joined after October 2016 is a newfag.

Anonymous 279635

when they integrate. maybe 1 year of lurking?

Anonymous 279636

That shit was so creepy I legitimately regret watching that video about him. I want to scrub my brain/eyes/soul with bleach.

Anonymous 279637

Oldfags in general understand that you should hide your powerlevel. I'm always shocked when I see a newfag on lc make the most autistic sounding infight bait posts and it either never gets deleted/redtexted or only gets redtexted after the entire thread has been derailed.

Anonymous 279638

2022 imo

Anonymous 279640

How do you know one is integrated?

Anonymous 279641


chinese taylor swift yuri…

Anonymous 279642

Wouldn’t benson be bald?

Anonymous 279643

The suits are more costumey than the 2d Love Nikki, i just gave up after they did 3 hell events + collabs in 2 months.

Anonymous 279644

When they don't stick out like a sore thumb.

Anonymous 279645

It's very obvious

Anonymous 279646

>mirror sex
>porn with feelings

Anonymous 279647

I expect benson to look like the beanie guy from bojack horse man. The gumballs are supposed to represent his beard.

Anonymous 279648


I thought I was ok here but I don't think I am. I miss making fun of the unwashed cows on /pt/ reeeeeeeee

Anonymous 279649

when i don't feel the need to report them for newfaggotry. classic example is the newfag who keeps making early threads across multiple boards

Anonymous 279650

Do not even say that to me I will beat him even more.

Anonymous 279651

What do you all think happened on PT's date kek

Anonymous 279652

I try to dial back my sperging because my husbando sticks out and I worry my constant chatter will annoy people. Maybe I should dedicate a notebook to my husbando and only use that to record my thoughts about him. I could use it like a little scrapbook, it would be cute.

Anonymous 279653

who is your favorite cow on /pt/? i think mine is luna

Anonymous 279654

Kek I don’t know if you also know this but I delved down the rabbit hole and found that he talks about having gender dysphoria/autogynephilia on his Facebook account.

Anonymous 279655

It might actually be good. But unless you can read mandarin, I wouldn't bother

Anonymous 279656

I don't mind if a thread is made after 1190 posts if it moves fast enough, but making threads at 1100 posts is so irritating.

Anonymous 279657

please do!

Anonymous 279658

He would be bald with a little hat like the top of his gumball machine head

Anonymous 279659

Based tbh

Anonymous 279660


Lc is still down what the fuck is going on

Anonymous 279661

idk i kind of admire the enthusiasm but it is also ridiculous

Anonymous 279662

Ew, I'm not surprised. Doesn't he have an account where he larps as a little girl too?

Anonymous 279663

Luna's was fun when she posted art and poems but it's just depressing or boring these days.

Anonymous 279664

I am physically abusing him I am physically abusing him I am physically abusing him I am physically abusing him

Anonymous 279665

I wish I knew

Anonymous 279666


Anonymous 279667

can't believe she hasn't OD'd yet

Anonymous 279668

age 25 and younger

Anonymous 279669

Reeeeeee why can't I do this without signing up

Anonymous 279670

Please make a thread on snow about that nasty fucker. I wish farmhands were more open to new threads on unconventional cows or disturbing individuals instead of the same nitpicks we’ve been seeing for years on the same few cows. We even had a thread covering kero the wolf/his zoosadists friends on telegram and it was actually active with anons trying to find that one german furry hiding out in a southern latam country using icecream ads as clues.

Anonymous 279671

yes, he also has a stefanie stansfield persona which is supposed to be a 9-12 year old mixed race girl

Anonymous 279672

Ekran Resmi 2024-0…

Bladee nonnee I miss you and I agree with you

Anonymous 279674

sometimes i am concerned that i am simply waiting for her to die but i mean lets be honest that's all there is left

Anonymous 279675

It should let you draw without an account if you open it in an incognito tab? Idk if that still works

Anonymous 279676

I wish that there was an event where we all tried to find new really milky cows and worked together to find sources and write ops for them

Anonymous 279677


>trans paul
I can't criticize too much because I have fantasized about riding the noses of actors I find hot

Anonymous 279678

lucinda my beloved and moo

Anonymous 279679

Ayrt, once LC is back up I’ll try to make a thread on him. I’ve never made a thread on cow boards before so do you have any suggestions for what I should include in the thread description?

Anonymous 279680

Anonymous 279681


Anonymous 279682

I feel kinda bad for saying this but I am waiting the day she will be at rock bottom and probably die, it's when they get interesting again. I really wish she'd get better but I don't see that happening anymore, so there is only one thing waiting for her and it's death. At least we know she won't ever put a child in this world.

Anonymous 279683

Imagine if /m/ dieded again. Please let it be a more useless board this time.

Anonymous 279684

What's the most quintessential LC image?

Anonymous 279685

GODDAMIT but ive been on lc since 2022

Anonymous 279686


holy shit

Anonymous 279687

newfaggotry is a state of mind

Anonymous 279688

Big nose is good

Anonymous 279689

I still remember when the chad thread got moved to /m/ and it immediately died. They should really move the fandom and fujo threads there instead of /ot/.

Anonymous 279690


Anonymous 279691

REEEEE just wanna read old shayna and luna threads and also post in their current threads REEEEEE

Anonymous 279693

Who's rolling another one

Anonymous 279694

ngl, I don't want any horrorcows on lc. Id rather those stay in kf

Anonymous 279695

I want to hotbox a car with LJ so bad it's insane but she never returns my DMs

Anonymous 279696

virgin maary.png

if thee lolcor god is just let thee smite fujo and fandom off ot amen

Anonymous 279697

The word count omg I actually gasped

Anonymous 279698


Anonymous 279699

Would a nude but no genitals shown mpreg image be too risqué for cc? I also know some lc anons get mad over weird yaoi shit (that meat shitting figure from dumbass shit), this thread feels like a delicate ecosystem that’s one post away from infights about dick.

Anonymous 279700

I’m sorry I said he was norwooding.

Anonymous 279701

we need new cows or it's gonne become twitterfag central. anti vs proship antifujo vs fujo female characters vs male i can't take it no more. i need something actually entertaining like null

Anonymous 279702

ive been on there since 2021 and i still feel like a newfag

Anonymous 279703

Luna is boring right now, it's always the same, no real drama, just Lurch, dirty clothes and drugs. Right now I'm waiting to see Shays real living conditions, like the house she now owns her classmates will never have. But mostly, I'm watching Heather, the endless search for the perfect Ryan, the longing for black hair, to be the perfect dungeon-goth-metal-viking-girlfriend, I can't wait to see her evolve in the next 99 years.

Anonymous 279704

I don't know how to explain.

Anonymous 279705

It's been officially 24 hours since LC went down. FML.

Anonymous 279706

Agreed but also /m/ doesn't need that cancer, just let it die

Anonymous 279707

i want some variety in my cows than just bpdfags

Anonymous 279708


Anonymous 279709

If you have to ask the answer is probably yes

Anonymous 279710

oh wow what do you like about moo? her threads seem slow moving but im so curious about her lore, just never got into it

Anonymous 279711


Anonymous 279712

Dog boy of course. Alas, this is a new phone and I have no pics or gifs of him saved

Anonymous 279713

she funny because shes delusional

Anonymous 279714

RPFfags are so based. I think more women should treat real moids like sex objects

Anonymous 279715

are there other cows that have ended in death? maybe not on lc but elsewhere?

Anonymous 279716

luna is my favorite cow in /pt/ and shayna is my favorite cow in /snow/ i slightly lurk other threads too but those are the only ones i post in and provide milk sometimes

Anonymous 279717


I need to post about how fat Shayna is on /shay/.

Anonymous 279718

Addyharajuku is getting boring ever since she became self conscious about her thread and started bait posting

Anonymous 279719

Anonymous 279720

shaynafags are waifufags

Anonymous 279722

Kek I love when farmers call Shay fat because it makes me think they'd say Jill was an obese hamplanet and I agree I fucking hate Jill

Anonymous 279723

what in gods name is figging

Anonymous 279724

it was discovered shes still taking fent recently and sharing pictures of it online while claiming to be sober just like the old days. .that was a little milky

Anonymous 279725

i hate this gif.gi…

Here you go nonnee

Anonymous 279726

yeah like the muchiefag, the pedobaiter ofhag who died, and maybe one of the animecore thread cows

Anonymous 279727

images (5).jpeg

Anonymous 279728

Kek the direct link not refreshing between posts strikes again

Anonymous 279729

My claim to fame was coining the term shaynatorium. I wasn't even that into her, just looked occasionally.

I am fucking retarded apologies for the double video post

Anonymous 279730

i dont think shayna is that bad honestly

Anonymous 279731

Thank you for your service

Anonymous 279732

Fucking beautiful

Anonymous 279733

PPP died recently

Anonymous 279734

Half of the anachan cows are probably dead

Anonymous 279735

she literally roleplays as a child in diapers getting raped by her parents wtf is wrong with you anon

Anonymous 279736

nah. /m/ is chill. importing the discourse threads aka some of /ot/'s worst moralfags, infighters and autists will kill it for sure

Anonymous 279737

In my case, I've learned to completely tone down and outright stop talking about my favorites. There were other reasons, but I think it's best to understand when your favorites aren't wanted and become a detriment to the whole vibe of a general and stop talking about them.

Anonymous 279738

yeah thats bad i just dont understand why shes the most popular cows when theres people like michael sosa who impregnated minors or people that anons could actually ruin

Anonymous 279739

and the admin of furaffinty

Anonymous 279740


Anonymous 279741

R (1).gif

not lucinda

Anonymous 279742

i think its mostly because shes such a fuckup that its easy for anons to compare themselves to her and feel better about their own lives… shes also unintentionally funny as fuck especially when she cams and in a lot of her old tweets. also fupa saga is gold and kept a lot of people coming back even though the milk has dried up.

Anonymous 279743


It's 2021 all over again

Anonymous 279744



Anonymous 279745

i say this as someone who used to browse her threads btw. she seems very boring and i dont even think shes into that sexually, i think she just wants money. i really dont understand what is so interesting about her because theres thousands of other of girls who do the same thing and their threads arent as popular. i think a lot of it is sex workers or something in the thread because i remember there was some girl who posted her "dom" who got her a collar and bragged about eating her doms ass
maybe. i find the null thread much more interesting and i stopped liking the shayna thread when i saw the ass eating thread

Anonymous 279746

I hope artists can make art like this

Anonymous 279747

why is picmix full of aishit. are those actually made by real people or does the picmix team need to shit out all those ai gifs?

Anonymous 279748


Anonymous 279749

bc the good cows are entrtaining, not horrible. lc is for pointing and laughing, not getting outraged at the horrible shit ppl do. there's nothing funny about a rapist moid, whereas most successful cows are just ppl that post dulb shit online
anons aren't here to ruin anyone, that's cowtipping. LOLcow is for lols not for callouts

Anonymous 279750

What do you think they mean when they say it's a serious problem with the site?

Anonymous 279751

How has she been, I completely forgot about her

Anonymous 279752

Anonymous 279753


Anonymous 279754

idk i just dont really trust it after the ass eating thread and after a few women posted their nudes in the shaynatorium or whatever and when the sub posted her "collar" and bragged about eating her "doms" ass. i started thinking that everyone who looks at that thread is either a sw, ex swer, or a degenerate

Anonymous 279755

dear god i hope not everything has been lost

Anonymous 279756

Girls I have a bad feeling about this one… What are 's plans for if lcf is truly dead? I don't wanna lose the experience of talking with other women without shame or restraits.

Anonymous 279757

I like her threads because it’s funny watching pick-me’s suffer. Cows like her and Vicky helped me curb my own pick-me behavior because the cringe and delusional mentality was intense. Happy to say I’m mostly cured.

Anonymous 279758

also i didnt like the nitpicks about how her vagina looked, i thought it was a bit crude

Anonymous 279759

degen bdsm anal shit. you don't want to know the specifics
wheres the one where he looks like putin

Anonymous 279760

okay i remember the ass eater but people were posting nudes in shay??

Anonymous 279761

Ok a few hours ago I walked past a bitch wearing a pair of overalls that said crystal cafe on them. Which one of you retards was this?

Anonymous 279762

We take the mines

Anonymous 279763

I used to hate this but now it’s funny

Anonymous 279764

I wish there was a place the admins could come and explain the situation and give us an update…

Anonymous 279765

no way that happened

Anonymous 279766

We can always squat in CC until someone makes a new IB

Anonymous 279767

and then everyone clapped

Anonymous 279768


Anonymous 279769

monkeys paw.gif

LC comes back but it's only one board
What board would you want back?

There's a thread on /shay/ that asked why farmers follow Shayna and none of them weren't sex workers. Her thread has always had lurking OF whores that have revealed themselves. Most notable was Vivi and there was that other fat goth girl who posted her own social media. The admin before Shaymin made the "sex work is not real work" glitter text ban because of the number of sex workers in Shayna's thread.

Anonymous 279770

yes it was women who said they were ass eaters (it was like 2-3 users, i sorta forget) who wanted to prove they were women and that they liked to do that. thats when i realized why it seemed much more catty/nitpicky about that kinda stuff in the threads, and it made me realize most of the posters there were degenerates themselves. maybe not all but im going to assume that because of the shayna board

Anonymous 279771


Lolcor please come back. I miss my cows

Anonymous 279772

there is status.lolcow.farm but
>giving updates
keep dreaming

Anonymous 279773


Anonymous 279774

Anonymous 279775

Don’t forget about bikini barista who supposedly threw a hammer through a moids windshield (unsure if same bikini whore)

Anonymous 279776


lolcor come back
come back lolcor

Anonymous 279777

She could come here, talk to the mods to get verified and use a trip

Anonymous 279778

The status site is too ominous kek. I feel like the new admins have been better at communication than the previous ones tho, especially shaymin

Anonymous 279779

yeah i browsed it because i saw so many threads on her and i was interested, i left quickly after i realized thats what it was filled with. i remember feeling off about the nitpicking about her body/vagina too. i only didnt like her because she said something weird to my radfem mutual

Anonymous 279780

This actually made me burst out laughing holy fuck KEK

Anonymous 279781

i remember when we first had new farmhands and they didn't understand sarcasm and seemed very ESL with what they banned. i wonder if they were outsourced staff like what ifunny uses.

Anonymous 279782

beaches and shores…

>and none of them weren't sex workers

Anonymous 279783

I read LC comes back and my heart was filled with joy and hope I stopped reding and went to lolcow dot farm and it's still down and I felt such sadness now Im about to cry I hate this why

Anonymous 279784

so can we make a null thread or something since lolcow is gone

Anonymous 279785

I feel so bad for the Atelier nonas. Saw the trailer and it's the most generic shit, waifus with big boobs, and it is a combat game instead of alchemy. But it will sell because of the coomers

Anonymous 279787

I think they are american zoomers, thats why they are so dumb

Anonymous 279788


I warned you that I wanted you a great mod, you troll the janitor and you fuck the janitor I warned you that I would return here to LOLCOR by my next presence We're helpless Nothing comfortable You're doing nothing You're not doing anything You're not using anything You're not using anything You hurt us you are the worst than you are the worst I want to go home, and I want everything to be normal again, and it unleashes my hellish world, I still feel like I'm back and there's nothing yet please please please please please please please PLE Correct the eyesight I'm begging for you please give me GIVE US /M/ BACK MODERATOS WHY DO YOU LEAVE US HALF DONE WHAT IS THIS JUST REMOVE THE BOARD IF YOU CARE SO LITTLE YOU RUINED MY VALENTINE'S DAY ALONE AND YOU RUIN EVERY SUBSEEUQNET DAY SINCE THEN CORRECT YOUR MISTAKES AND RETSTORE /M/ TO ITS GLORY ITS NOT RIGHT ITS JUST NOT RIGHT

Anonymous 279789

Anonymous 279790

I hate that how more atelier makes itself more generic and more coomer bait the more success it gets. I just stick to the old games now

Anonymous 279791

LJ is my favourite thread on /pt/. Whenever it starts to die and get boring Laur can't help but bump it and bring the entertainment. I fucking love when she posts in the thread pretending to be a farmer kek.
Luna was the first cow i followed and the reason i found lolcow. No idea what prompted me to google her name one day but her threads came up and i was hooked.

Anonymous 279792


I want to make a vintage Japanese dollhouse and get a Tamamori standee to live in there.

Anonymous 279793

bunker thread 14.g…

What are we thinking anons

Anonymous 279794

>a delicate ecosystem that’s one post away from infights about dick.
2024 lolcow.farm in a nutshell

Anonymous 279795

Anonymous 279796


Anonymous 279797

It must feel a little fucked up that cc only gets this much traffic when lc is down. That's like working at a small cafe and it only gets flooded when the Starbucks a block away is under maintenance

Anonymous 279798


Anonymous 279799

Any nonner want to do a picmix trade? I make one special for you and you make one for me?

Anonymous 279800

just make a kf account if you need to read her thread so bad

Anonymous 279801

I don't know why people act like she's hideously ugly, she's kinda cute.

Anonymous 279802


Anonymous 279803

I love it lmao
I never smoked before but I have been wanting to try some edibles

Anonymous 279804

Is it bad I’d think this would be for the better? We’re in need of a new birth. Either a new ib or refreshed lc

Anonymous 279805

Yes bitch I would love to do a picmix trade

Anonymous 279806

Love it

Anonymous 279807

What Joshua Moon did?

Anonymous 279808

No I don't think it's bad, that's how I feel too. I am itching for a new board. I might start posting here more in the meantime.

Anonymous 279809

Not kiwifarms Null. French artcow Null. She's a pickme with a fgm fetish

Anonymous 279810

Thank you making thread pics is my passion in life. This and chadification to inspire feelings of self-hatred, depression, suicidal ideation, and other negative emotions in the minds of scrotes.

Anonymous 279811

Turned ftm into incest porn and fgm

Anonymous 279812

Scrotes are a plague, they destroy everything sacred with their Y chromosomes. I used to think it was a joke but I believe each day

Anonymous 279813

Noice, is there any theme in particular you want?

Anonymous 279814

It’s franny/laika/polyglotplatypus

Anonymous 279815

Love you

Anonymous 279816

They’re talking about a popular artcow that now has her own thread. Its a tif who has a huge fgm fetish and has posted under the account deadspacedog as Laika and larped as a woman fucking her biological father in a personal comic she made. She also was sorta famous on 4chan because moids wanted to fuck her and get her dox

Anonymous 279817

Were you the one who made the tinfoil thread with the cat?

Anonymous 279818

What's the best letter for a given name to start with? I really like all V names. M names are nice too.

Anonymous 279819

I love you. I do. You can do better than this. I know what tools are at your disposal.

Anonymous 279820

Unconventional crushes.

Anonymous 279821

Yume nikki would be cool, what would you like?

Anonymous 279822

obsessed. love it. im drinking tonight but i might hit my roach in honour of this banner

Anonymous 279823

This is so good.

Anonymous 279824

Yeah, I've made every Blingee thread pic on /ot/ right now.

Anonymous 279825


…. n0nnie are you me. I literally made one of those with that exact same set, picrel

Anonymous 279826

Anonymous 279827

>moids wanted to fuck her
That's "prisoner on death row"-levels of desperation right there.

Anonymous 279828

Kek I didn't wanna go too overboard because I think the negative space balances out but I agree it's not one of my best works I've done better

Anonymous 279829

No Leon Kennedy posters in sight…

Anonymous 279830

E, T or M

Anonymous 279831

Kek i loved it! I think i told you that i hope you would ne able to make the next tinfoil thread pic

Anonymous 279832

are you trying to fight yuripedo for the title of most obnoxious personalityfag in the bunker

Anonymous 279833

it’s like you guys are experiencing withdrawal

Anonymous 279834

I think they wanted the Laika version of her

Anonymous 279835

You know what you're doin, I shouldn't get up in your grill

Anonymous 279836

That looks cool as hell ! I don't own the set myself yet (only two sets I have are sanrio ones) but this is definitely making me wanna grab it.

Anonymous 279837

i love dreading scrotes, especially with their own redpill ideology

Anonymous 279838


Anonymous 279839

No you can don't worry critique is necessary always love you too xo

Anonymous 279840

If you do try edibles, ignore advice from turbo stoners about how much to do and go really, really easy on it. One "dose" of 10 mg will get you borderline uncomfortably high. Definitely don't do more than that until you have more experience, and I would recommend starting with only 4-8mg (depending on how anxious a person you are).
Good luck and have fun!

Anonymous 279841

Where to buy? Want. Need.

Anonymous 279842

Wait were you the one who chadified scrotes and was pissed you couldn’t get a tan in time for your grandfather’s funeral

Anonymous 279843

stop i am being so serious this actually did happen i was not able to get a photo because she walked by before i could but i know what i saw.

Anonymous 279844

Very based, hmmmm can you make me an Avatar one of Zukos uncle Iroh KEK

Anonymous 279845


Anonymous 279846

Don't listen to this square. First time edible should be 850 mg bought from a Native American Indian reservation and you should also drink lean from the ghetto as well to balance the highs out

Anonymous 279847


Anonymous 279848

Yes that's me

Anonymous 279849

I'm starting up a Bath and Bodyworks consoomerist phase I literally dreamt of pearberry by babw like it literally appeared in my dreams and I don't even own pearberry.

Anonymous 279851


Anonymous 279853

ilu you’re one of my favs, don’t tell the others

Anonymous 279854

ty nonita. I bought the two taisho sets actually and found some vintage dollhouse stuff at the flea market. Inspo was also Tamamori of course

Anonymous 279855

I had a 10mg edible the first time I got high and I thought the walls were constricting and my face was melting off and my stomach had opened up into a cavernous gaping mouth lined with sharp teeth

Anonymous 279856

I like pears too nona, my favourite beverage is perry. A lot of people choose cider, but a good sweet perry is my favourite.

Anonymous 279857

why would they want to fuck her

Anonymous 279858

Fuckin light weight, you feathery bidge

Anonymous 279859


Anonymous 279860


Anonymous 279861

Throws brick at you

Anonymous 279863

Samefag sorry I said all that I blacked out from the anger

Anonymous 279864

ily chadfication n0nnie

Anonymous 279865

by allah i will beat you with my shoe

Anonymous 279866



Anonymous 279867

Nona who cried wolf

Anonymous 279868

Me when i lie for fun

Anonymous 279869


Anonymous 279870

I'm laughing so hard

Anonymous 279872

Why is oppenheimer killing himself is it because of the bomb?

Anonymous 279873

i'm going to develop an alter of sad farmer pinkie pie

Anonymous 279874

I don’t really think I want to go back to LC after it comes back online, assuming it ever will. It’s run by actual men, it regularly gets posted on 4chan, it’s just not fun anymore. CC has a better vibe and it feels more exclusive

Anonymous 279875

Yeah it's insane that 10mg is the "standard dose." Is your brain intact?

Anonymous 279876

kek i got the face melting feeling when i was 16 and took a hit off the dab cart

Anonymous 279877

Are you a cool Jill farmer or a gendie Jill farmer.

Anonymous 279878

Where did the openhimmler thrust anons go?

Anonymous 279880

I always wondered why Laur’s posts get deleted, it’s so funny how she still fails to blend in after doing this for years. In meta a farmhand said it’s because she’s just attention seeking and that Laur posts “gore/gross images”, which seems weirdly out of character for Laur to do imo. I also don’t think that Laur made the AI nudes of Lillee like anons did tbh

Anonymous 279881

i only lurk her thread. i used to ignore her because i didn't care about lolita/fashion drama but the did shtick is so kekky

Anonymous 279882

Wait till raid posts don't get taken down after 30 minutes CC only fun because of farmers collected here

Anonymous 279883

Lolcow come back, any kind of nona could see
There was something in everything about you
Lolcow come back, yeah, you can blame it all on me
'Cause I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

Anonymous 279884

>boo we hate the dumbassshit threads anons
>boo fuck you retards
>literally itt posting like a dumbassshit fag

Anonymous 279885

Genuinely one of the worst posters on the site

Anonymous 279886


Me, my name is N0nita
N0nnie or N0nna
It's all the same
Me, my name is N0nita
When i dream of cows
It's N0nna who milks them
When i make i bait
I laugh like crazy
at the retarded infight
My name is Nonita
"Anon" for retards, "Farmer" for milk

It's not my fault,
And when im done derailing the thread
I see the retards
That fell for my bait
It's not my fault, not mine,
If i hear all around me
Me, Nonita

Me, my name is Nonita
A farmer, in a jumper
The color of redtext
Me, my name is Nonita,
i rather have fun, and not
suck the jannies like faggots
Not a word, don't say
To anyone that i
am an imageboard user
My name is Nonita
"Anon" for retards, "Farmer" for milk

It's not my fault,
And when im done derailing the thread
I see the retards
That fell for my bait
It's not my fault, not mine,
If i hear all around me
Me, Nonita

It's not my fault,
And when im done derailing the thread
I see the retards
That fell for my bait
It's not my fault, not mine,
If i hear all around me
Me, Nonita


It's not my fault,
And when im done derailing the thread
I see the retards
That fell for my bait
It's not my fault, not mine,
If i hear all around me
Me, Nonita

It's not my fault,
And when im done derailing the thread
I see the retards
That fell for my bait
It's not my fault, not mine,
If i hear all around me
Me, Nonita

It's not my fault,
And when im done derailing the thread
I see the retards
That fell for my bait
It's not my fault, not mine,
If i hear all around me
Me, Nonita

Anonymous 279887

I'll ask again. Do you support trannies or not.

Anonymous 279888

made a blingee/picmix thread on /img/

Anonymous 279889

oh ew fuck no

Anonymous 279891

I want dumbass shit back, mostly so that it can serve as a containment thread.

Anonymous 279892

Wdym, it's already a containment thread for our resident Jim Carrey schizo.

Anonymous 279893

Who? Not chadification anon she is the best. Carreychan is the worst, pakichan, romanianon, that other loser I forgot the name that likes a anime boy and the pink ball fucker, they all bad, chadification is a public service.

Anonymous 279894

Spendin' all my time on crystal cafe when lolcow is down
Doin' anything just to get it offa my miiiiiind~
But when the new thread's up, I'm right back where I started again
I'm a fuckin' NEET, who's wasting her tiiiiiiime

Anonymous 279895

Wasn't there a lesbian fantasies thread a few hours ago? I want to hornypost!!

Anonymous 279896

When will you anger fueled freaks understand that the site isn't a monolith and it's never going to be the way you want it to be and it never was. We are different women with different personalities and we will all post differently about different things. Isn't it just exhausting to be so filled with anger and hatred and frustration all the goddamn time? Over gifs? And you really think you're better than someone from twitter, reddit or 4chan when you act like a petulant child because you don't get your way? You are genuinely, for real, factually, provable with science one of the worst posters on LC. Not some anon making harmless gifs. You braindead moron.

Anonymous 279897


Anonymous 279898

What n0nnies think of subliminals?
I just watched one but not sure of what I am supposed to do

Anonymous 279899


What was H3H3's button accident? Someone mentioned it last thread

Anonymous 279900

You seem like a sperg but you are correct

Anonymous 279901

Ethan started shitting on one of his workers because he didn't transition well enough to the end of the show

Anonymous 279902


I'm going to sleep nonitas. May you have fun and may lolcor be back in the morn. Goodnight.

Anonymous 279903

I need to fucking smoke!

Anonymous 279904

They're a false secular replacement for prayer, like manifestation. So if you are cool with that then yeah they're cool.

Anonymous 279905

Maybe I am a sperg, it's more of just reaching a limit. I can only take so much bitch in one day and this thread has a high concentration of them.

Anonymous 279906

this is so cute. I need this

Anonymous 279908

those satanic subliminal messages? they were funny

Anonymous 279909

if lcf dies I might have to go sleep with girls with boyfriends on tinder to compensate for losing the outlet of the female fantasies thread. don't suggest that I date a woman like a normal person, I'm too much of a loser to date anyone for real. pray for my continued negative std status s!

Anonymous 279910


Editing his pics.

Anonymous 279911

All day long, refreshing with a mask of false bravado (false bravado)
Tryna keep up a thread that hides a tear (hides a tear)
But as the site goes down, I get that empty feeling again
How I wish to God that you were here

Anonymous 279912

I need to make fun of null so bad you don’t understand

Anonymous 279913

there has to be another way

Anonymous 279914

leon kennedy posters are my second favorite type of straight girl, behind reviewbrah posters

Anonymous 279915

Fuck you Cerbmin. Fuck you Cerbmin. Cerbim you're gonna burn. Cerbmin you're gonna burn forever. When the last trumpet sounds, Cerbmin, you're in trouble. The cries of the nonas will reach the Lord Almighty. When the last trumpet sounds you're gonna start falling. Falling through space. Falling through time. Falling forever. Cerbmin, when you start falling, your body is gonna burst into fire. Forever.

Cerbmin you are a disgusting horrible brute. You are the dark one. You are the evil beast that wants to destroy us. Enemy of the people. Cerbmin you are the enemy of the people. Cerbmin you are a traitor. You are a traitor to the people Cerbmin.

You want to destroy Lolcow. You want to destroy our home. You want to destroy everything that we have worked towards. You want to annihilate our accomplishments, our dreams, our passions, our keks, our milk. You will never succeed Cerbmin. You will never destroy Lolcow. You will never exterminate us.

I curse you Cerbmin. I curse you with every part of me. Every cell in my body is turned against you. There is nothing in my being besides hate for you. Pure poisonous toxic fiery hatred. It feels like there is a fire beneath my skin whenever I think of you. Like the fires of Hell. That's where you're going Cerbmin. Burning. Forever. I want to smash you. I want to destroy you. I want to wipe you out. Nothing you do will ever succeed. Nothing you desire will ever come to pass. Everything you even think about will end in failure. You will be miserable and lonely and fat for the rest of your days. You will never see the light of Heaven or the glory of God. You're nothing.

Anonymous 279916

Completely agree, a justified sperg

Anonymous 279917

I need to post about a strange scenario with Leon, it’s much too shameful

Anonymous 279918

no you dont
does anyone know if the kf thread was already made public or is it still a wip?

Anonymous 279919


Anonymous 279920

and I need you to post it.

Anonymous 279921

checked without an account a couple hours ago and it didnt come up

Anonymous 279922

i wish i didnt find blue eyes so unattractive

Anonymous 279923

I'm in a shitty fucking mood, I'm on my period and I have cramps, I'm so tired and bummy feeling. I really want chili cheese fries but I shouldn't spend money, what should I do n0nnies should I just get the fries and chill out or save my money and be responsible?

Anonymous 279924


Anonymous 279925

Kek thank you all. I love you all. I was having so much fun on LC during that whole period. It helped a lot. I still can't believe his cats ate him.

Anonymous 279926


Anonymous 279927


LC super secret lore #1:
Satan once larped as a to shit on troons with farmers, only for his true identity to be revealed by his post number.

Anonymous 279928

Explain more n0nnie

Anonymous 279929

Don't get the fries 'cause they've got a ton of salt, and salt will just dehydrate you, making you even bummier-feeling. Get something cool and refreshing and healthy, like frozen yogurt

Anonymous 279930

they work, just don't rely on them alone also put in the work and effort to make what you want to happen.

Anonymous 279931

Since lolcor hasn't returned I am going to watch the new reviewbrah video

Anonymous 279932

Then it doesn't work, if you have to work for it what that thing is even doing?

Anonymous 279933

lol to think baphomet has been shitting on troons with us all along

Anonymous 279934

Be fat.

Anonymous 279935

It's been 25 hours now. What are they doing?

Anonymous 279936

uncle iroh.gif

I've never actually seen Avatar so hopefully this is alright lmao

Anonymous 279937

There's a tranny in the row in front of me right now browsing dynasty reader. I hate what men have done to yuri.

Anonymous 279938

Anonymous 279939

KEKK I love it so much, I'll be finished with yours soon but I gotta have some dinner first!

Anonymous 279940

everyone I've dated my entire life has had brown eyes and I always found blue eyes to be creepy, especially the super light ones. but my cute gay coworker has lovely blue hooded eyes and I'm mad at how much I want to fuck the shit out of her every day.

Anonymous 279941


Spoiler : the sandwich is darn good and John is great as always

Anonymous 279942

I wish that every man who dared to even look at anything yuri spontaneously combusted

Anonymous 279943


Guys Im goin to the fridge, anybody want anything?

Anonymous 279944

He is so endearing

Anonymous 279945


Anonymous 279946

Glad you like it!

Anonymous 279947


I can't take it anymore s!! I just want my daily milk dose.

Anonymous 279948

Thank you, Leon. 3 colors is the good shit.

Anonymous 279949

hummus and naan pls
kek are you the anon addicted to aspartame?

Anonymous 279950

He looks so Irish here.

Anonymous 279951

pickles plz

Anonymous 279952

I want you to slide some of those magnets and papers down so they're not all scrunched up at the top of the fridge.

Anonymous 279953

I need to post with my husbandononas, I'm so horny I'm going to pop a blood vessel

Anonymous 279954

Whenever I read "I can't take it anymore" my mind reads it in the voice of that one Italian lady from that Kitchen Nightmares episode with the fried skim-cheese where she's crying and screaming "I can't take it anymore" does anyone know what I'm talking about please

Anonymous 279955

reprogramming your subconscious to focus on whatever you're trying to manifest
it's like drowning and just praying to god to come lift you up, no. you have arms and legs to push through the water, god/belief alone will not get you out of that situation you must also use what is given to you.

Anonymous 279956

Woke up and it’s still down

Anonymous 279957

KEK yes I'm too many anons

Anonymous 279958


Anonymous 279959

Anonymous 279960

Imagine how we feel? The ones that are staying up and taking edephrine pills and Monster energy drinks until it's back up. We might die.

Anonymous 279961

He looks kinda tall. Visual illusion of coats?

Anonymous 279962

KEK yessss ugh I love cultured nonas

Anonymous 279964

He's 6'5 irl iirc

Anonymous 279965


Anonymous 279966


Still waiting for the bastards at GS to send out my nendoroid.

Anonymous 279967

Great, now theres chewed food all over my keyboard and desk

Anonymous 279968

The rats are gonna love this

Anonymous 279969

What's some good milk you didn't post because it was a little too stale, it didn't fit any existing threads, etc?

Anonymous 279970


Also in nendotism, Komaeda got pics yesterday.

Anonymous 279971


Anonymous 279972

Nothing feels better than cracking my hips after a long day posting itt. I wish I could figure out how to crack my neck but I can never do it right.

Anonymous 279973


Is this the catalyst for the great rat war??

Anonymous 279974


I like this face in particular so I'll probably display him like this, but I'm hoping to see more custom faces from Chinese people.

Anonymous 279975

I hate you. but kek

Anonymous 279976

KEK you are a fucking gem

Anonymous 279977

looks worse somehow

Anonymous 279978

I bet his dick is YUGE

Anonymous 279979

how do you crack your hips? I can only do neck and back

Anonymous 279980

Anonymous 279981

My pussy and my crack

Anonymous 279983

If lolcor is not available when i wake up i will commit jihad on the trannies inshalah

Anonymous 279984

Anonymous 279985

Komaeda is an uke though

Anonymous 279986

>shayna does absolutely nothing for a week
>right as lolcow goes down she goes to disney world and comes out with a fleshlight modelled after her pussy

Anonymous 279987

Sounds stupid, why pray for a miracle if you're going to go get it yourself anyway. What is the point of it.

Anonymous 279988

Epic LC spoiler fail

Anonymous 279989

delet it before you get perma banned

Anonymous 279990


Anonymous 279991


I thought he was short, with his slim frame

Anonymous 279992


Like this

Anonymous 279993

Komeda does look like white discharge

Anonymous 279994

are you sad

Anonymous 279995

Nona please forgive me I just tried for like 4 minutes to try and explain the movement but I am literally too autistic to describe how to do the move I'm so sorry

Anonymous 279996

liars dont see the light of heaven

Anonymous 279997

You dont curve them?

Anonymous 279998

I don't want to make an account can s update me I'm losing it
She's posting more now that lc is down

Anonymous 279999

I do it lying down and I like kick my legs IDK how to say it kek

Anonymous 280000

I'm weak n0nna I'm getting the fries, but I appreciate you

Anonymous 280001

this worked! you're amazing. I have more things to crack now! wow!!

Anonymous 280002


That clutter.. it's even placed low enough to the ground.. hnnn..

Anonymous 280003

Who's rolling another one right now
Okay well if you're saying fuck it you might as well get weed too.

Anonymous 280004


Invalid and incorrect. Thanks to the powers of your antagonistic shitposting and my raging mental illness, I have given this more thought than perhaps any other living person. That makes me the most qualified person on this board to talk about Komaeda's penis. You can post pics of my love and make fun of me, it's fine. You can all pretend to be me and act like I don't shower, and I can laugh and take a joke as well as the next anon, but every sperg has their limits and you know that. I have spent hours imagining the cool, damp skin of his genitals and some nights have almost felt the weight of them resting on my nose and cheeks. There's a lot of meat there, I know it. Just from the weight alone. He's got a beautiful big schmeat. I will not accept this slander and revisionism.
It's canon, Nagito Komaeda has a monster dick. NAGITO KOMAEDA HAS A GORGEOUS PENIS. It's not toxic, except during the UDG arc during which I'm reasonably sure he was a bit crusty and stinky and didn't wash often. But to be fair to him, where is he going to get fresh hooker clothes or wash his laundry on a blimp full of kids in the middle of a civil war? And I bet he comes in his pants more than average, which isn't a flaw, just the sign of a highly sexed man. And he almost certainly fingers himself, maybe even with Junko Enoshima's corpse hand. I can't justify that for him but it's very sexy so it's fine. Personally I'd still bask in the musk and maybe even taste some of the buildup but I'm aware that it's an acquired taste, like stilton or olives, so I'll let you off for that.
Anyway at other points in his life, he's shown to be very clean and tidy. First thing he does after a plane crash? Has a shower under a waterfall. His cabin during SDR2? Immaculate. The one skill he's actually proud of? His ability to clean. Someone even says he would make a good househusband (Mahiru or Mikan, maybe)? Would you ever suggest that a man who was noticeably stinky or had a cheesy dick would be a good househusband? No. I bet all of the characters were actually rightfully getting a little excited about the prospect of a character who 1) is respectful to women and not a stupid scrote; 2) is not as ugly as the average Danganronpa character; 3) is rich as Croesus; 4) can and will clean 5) is actually a pretty nice guy who just has some problems based on his illness and his past trauma; and finally, 6) probably eats pussy like a man starved.

Also, to the anon who keeps posting lazy sprite art of my boy which looks like it should be a transparent PNG but saved in the wrong format (you know, with the ugly chequered grey-and-white background), get your act together. Pretending to be a Komaeda stan is one thing, but shitty aesthetics on your low-effort, low-value, shitty shitposts when using his image is quite another. At least find some pretty, hi-res (and preferably horny) fanart that I haven't seen yet. Try Pixiv.

Anonymous 280005

I also do it laying down but i bringing my foot to my hip

Anonymous 280006

Nta but I can do it when I'm on the toilet a lot. I don't know how to explain it but you need to keep you hips rigid and find and angle to slowly stretch your upper body into. Hip cracks are bigger cracks than your neck so you should go slow, if you do them too fast they kind of hurt a little.

Anonymous 280007

pixyteri picmix.gi…

Anonymous 280008


I’m phone possting curled up in bed. Who else comfy. Might put on michael wood documentary to fall asleep to

Anonymous 280009

The owner of the Nicole Dollanganger (and Alex G) discord server was outed as an honest-to-god pedophile. He had a flickr account that had a bunch of pictures of elemntary school girls' dirty feet and the insides of their mouths, and he had groomed several minors on the server. He also had an account on a giantess fetish forum website where he wrote giantess scat porn.
Oh, and of course, he was outed as a man pretending to be a woman and/or a tranny.
He was also a mod for a bunch of other musicians' discord servers, including dua lipa, Ariana grande, Jazmin bean, Grimes, and clairo.
I never posted it because he's not really one of Nicole Dollanganer's "calves," and I didn't know where else to put it. Plus, it's fucking discord drama, so who cares, really.

Anonymous 280010

Meeee, let's blaze nonner

Anonymous 280011

White discharge ass hair

Anonymous 280012


Admins please pay the server bill Shayna is at disney world with a tshirt that shows her nipples and i want to discuss it with farmers. This is the trashiest she has been in months.

Anonymous 280013

I know this is a copypasta but the 'Komaeda is respectful to women' always makes me laugh since he pushes the shit out of Mikan so he can be homo with Naegi.

Anonymous 280014

Ngl pixy is kinda hot in a medieval kind of way

Anonymous 280015

I wish, I have weed, like almost an ounce but I can't smoke any of it because my parents disapprove and I live at home.

Anonymous 280016

Sit cross legged 6 hours a day. I tried exercising yesterday and each time I squated, my hips would loudly crack.

Anonymous 280017

>This is what Shayfags consider milk

Anonymous 280018

I would carie anon that sounded fucking crazy!!!! Has Nicole ever spoken to the guy?

Anonymous 280019

anyone else not visit lc for the cows? I feel a bit left out but I can’t get into it

Anonymous 280020


I hate her

Anonymous 280021

how is showing your nipples at a place filled with children not milk?

Anonymous 280022

Anonymous 280023

lmao i love how her melted face looks like it was AI generated

Anonymous 280024

I wouldn't say I hate Jill, I just think she's really desperate to be 14 again.

Anonymous 280025

You should try to find at least 1 good thread to follow on each of the cow boards. A lot of the best keks I have is from reading posts on the cow boards. There's a lolcow for everyone, you can even try the thread rec thread on /meta/

Anonymous 280026

Fine. Let everyone know that I want to hypnotize a stupid, desperate Leon Kennedy by breastfeeding him. See if I care.

Anonymous 280027

I would say I hate her. Last time I drove through Freddy I could smell her dirty ugly aura and it made me car sick

Anonymous 280028

Funniest cow threads? Mine has to be Stephanie.

Anonymous 280029

I love you, nona

Anonymous 280030


In truth, it's a mystery, nobody really know but personally I doubt he's that tall.

Anonymous 280031

Nicole spoke with him to set up an AMA at some point, but they didn't have a real relationship.
He was very active on the HipHopHeads discord server as well (was maybe a mod there too? Don't remember), and that server took massive offense to him being outed as a pedophile. One of the mods there took steps to dox him and report him to the FBI. That mod also claimed that he found evidence that the Nicole Dollanganger admin (went by Nana, Scout, Annie, Nora, among other names) had actual cp.

Anonymous 280032


Anonymous 280033

really enjoying null and r/polyamory right now.

Anonymous 280034

Probably it’s time to be productive and spend free time on hobbies

Anonymous 280035

Why do people yume Hetalia characters when almost all of them are homos.

Anonymous 280036

waaaait this sounds so familiar, any relation to aggy/puppymilk?

Anonymous 280037

corpse husband back when anons were doxing him. Fanny's and shayna's thread now. I wish doxing was allowed like in kiwifarms we have some legit CIA agents lurking around.

Anonymous 280038

Fatvegfemme, Raven, LJ, PT (obviously)

Anonymous 280039


I've never found her to be attractive, I'm not even gay but this image of her lives in my head rent free I think she looks hot in it

Anonymous 280040

NO don't do that stay here with us we will miss you too much

Anonymous 280041

Wtf ever happened to raven?

Anonymous 280042

Screenshot 2024-08…

Anonymous 280043

You might want to check your local mcdonalds and ask for the manager. You will find what you are looking for but less mentally ill.

Anonymous 280044

She bathes in a medieval kind of way.
Get it? Like she doesn't bathe at all. Kek sorry I'm high a bit

Anonymous 280045

I wanna live in this little village

Anonymous 280046

can you stop saying "monolith" it's making my eyes bleed

Anonymous 280047

I like it. it's like a tall building with graffiti collected at the bottom because that's the part people can reach

Anonymous 280049

I’ve wondered the same, not just hetalia but homo characters in general, also, gay men. I don’t get it. Sure if a man is attractive they’re attractive but once I learn theyre gay they are never again attractive to me. Am I just homophobic. This is why I can’t get into bl either even though I wanted to so I could befriend the girls back in high school who would draw their own yaoi so I would have some friends.

Anonymous 280050

We will triumph over him don't worry

Anonymous 280051

Having magnets in the fridge brings back luck, you are the person keeping lolcor down.

Anonymous 280052

Okay? Hivemind? kek

Anonymous 280054

ugh, I just realized how much milk we're losing from the face tattoo bippy polyfag who's melting down because her 22-year-old third escaped her enclosure. she loves deleting her posts.

Anonymous 280055

He looks like a blow up doll. Would.

Anonymous 280056

They are cartoon characters anon, you can fag break them if you want.

Anonymous 280057

Is using salicylic acid bodywash on your butthole okay

Anonymous 280058

That's the part the CHUMPS can reach

Anonymous 280059

Anonymous 280060

His torso looks backwards.

Anonymous 280068

full name and address

Anonymous 280069

I hope someone is archiving.

Anonymous 280070

Don’t mind me, just testing how it feels to post instead of lurk

(Feels like the perfect opportunity to sidle into the room while the door is ajar and everyone’s losing their shit like yeah i’ve been here all along wdym)

Anonymous 280073

im obsessed w/ polyamory have you been watching sinnabunnys stories/posts since the fall of lolcor

Anonymous 280076


this is you

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