
Anonymous 86558

hehe first in the new terf thread
Did anyone catch the 60 minutes episode on detransitioning? I have not had a chance to tune in yet but I have been hearing a lot of mixed reviews.
Anonymous 86570
reddit troon.jpg

Found this image from a troon subreddit. Reddit troons are a plague to society.
Anonymous 86575
>>86558it got redone to be a generic "trans health" segment sadly
also holy fuck anon that image
Anonymous 86577
am i wrong for thinking i'd be 100% okay with trannies if they could auto-magically insert their brains into the body of the sex they want? so much of my problem with it lay in that we have to go along with the delusion that a man could ever be a woman, and vice versa
the surgeries are also really inhumane-seeming to me. why would you, as a doctor, ever agree to put a wound inbetween someone's legs. my fingers are going numb just typing it out lol
Anonymous 86578
>>86577Honestly, even if you could technically do that, I'm pretty sure the brain would be already plagued with male socialisation.
Anonymous 86580
One of the few good things about trannies is that you can easily ID them as men 99% of the time. Imagine if we had perverted men literally running around in the bodies of women?
Anonymous 86586
>>86580> Imagine if we had perverted men literally running around in the bodies of women?idk anon, it seems the thing that makes someone a woman is having the body of a woman. if a man gets a female body, then he's a woman.
Anonymous 86590
>>86577They'd probably get off to that. Haven't you seen the tweets about wanting to have a uterus just to get an abortion? All the more harder to clock and avoid them, too.
Let them mutilate themselves if they see fit to do so and let them live with the consequences. The tide will turn eventually.
Anonymous 86592
>>86586>if a man gets a female body, then he's a woman.If a porn addicted man, who pines after a body of a woman due to a sexual fetish, acquires a 'female body' he's a man. A woman is born in a female body, she doesn't "get" a female body.
Anonymous 86593
>>86577Same reason it's legal to do body mods like pic related. If you believe people own their bodies, they should be able to modify their property.
Anonymous 86594

>>86593Forgot pic
>>86592Not even if he magically gets his mind transported into a natural, XX-carrying, capable of full reproduction female body? Are you arguing his brain will always be male in that case?
Anonymous 86596
>>86594>Are you arguing his brain will always be male in that case?Men and women have different brains. A neurologist will be able to tell the difference. What people seem to not understand is that those differences do not contribute to the "feeling of gender". So the transwomen have "women's brain" and transmen have "men's brain" argument is irrelevant. Btw, while we are at it, just because male and female brains are different it doesn't mean it's now time to claim one is superior to the other or else this conversation will get retarded pretty quick as more self-proclaimed neurologists will pop out. So yes, if you swap a scrote's brain into a female's body, he will remain a disgusting scrote.
https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-2007-1003334https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/gbb.12643https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13569080310001612789 Anonymous 86597
>>86596>they are different>but absolutely equalThis seems to be blatantly contradictory.
Anonymous 86598

>>86578 said.
Also I would be fine with troons if they didn't insist on changing names and pronouns. I don't find them all that different from people with tattoos/piercings/plastic surgery. They might be insane but people can do what they want with their body.
Anonymous 86599
>>86597They function differently. I do not see how you could miss my point like that. I did not imply that male brain = female brain.
Anonymous 86600
>>86599If they function differently they are by definition not equal.
Anonymous 86601
>>86600Yes? What is your point? That a scrote's brain is better then? This is not what I am implying.
Anonymous 86602
>>86601Oh so you're implying that women's brains are better. That makes sense.
Anonymous 86603
>>86602I am implying that they function differently, and that is all. I am not applying any value to each brain. You're making me say things I'm not saying.
Anonymous 86604
>>86603Well are you not saying they are not equal?
Anonymous 86605
>>86604Yes, but for some reason you seem to think "not equal" implies one has to be better than the later. I am just pointing out the difference functions of the brain and how TRAs hijack this into claiming those same differences contribute to "the feeling of gender".
Anonymous 86606
>>86605If they are not equal, then one has to be better at some things then the other. For instance, one of your articles makes the claim
>n particular, women and female rodents have been shown to have higher HPA axis activation in response to stress and lower negative feedback.15, 16 Similarly, other regions, such as the hippocampus and the amygdala, have higher activation for women in response to negative emotionsHigher activation means more activity means that women are superior at being behaviorally affected by negative experiences, and that men are worse at that in respect. Is this not true?
Anonymous 86609
>>86606Some parts of the female brain are gonna be more effectient at a certain specific task than those same parts of the male brain. What is your point, again? This is like comparing male body strenght to female body strenght and do the retarded claim of "males are superior because on average they are strogner than women". Plus this whole conversation becomes even more ridiculous when we take into account brain diversity in each individual.
Anonymous 86612
>In that case depending on the situation one brain on average is superior to the other, correct?
If you really want it to sound that way I guess in that case yeah. But it isn't extremely relevant in the end because we do not judge brains based on each tiny situation where one excels and the other doesn't.
Anonymous 86613
>>8661290% it's a moid who wants to jerk off to the idea of us being inferior
Anonymous 86615
>>86613Says the troon enabling moid mentioning "different brains" in this thread.
Anonymous 86617
>>86606If you take into account all the things that men/women are better than the other at, you will see that men and women balance each other out. There's no "one is superior to the other" because they are not supposed to compete.
Anonymous 86619
>>86617>If you take into account all the things that men/women are better than the other at, you will see that men and women balance each other out. Having taken a look I can only see that women are superior to men on all the domains that matter. You're full of shit moid.
Anonymous 86620
>>86619NTA but I don't even necessarily think that's a moid take. Sure it's a little "uwu we complement each other" that I heard from growing up catholic but most social species don't have inter-sexual competition in any regard. Females don't generally compete with males, and add that to the fact that we're an extraordinarily cooperative and social primate species, it doesn't really make sense for one sex to be amazing at something that the other is terrible at (beyond impregnating/giving birth ofc)
Anonymous 86621
>>86617>If you take into account all the things that men/women are better than the other at, you will see that men and women balance each other out.This sounds pretty homophobic.
Anonymous 86622
>>86620>Females don't generally compete with males, and add that to the fact that we're an extraordinarily cooperative and social primate species, it doesn't really make sense for one sex to be amazing at something that the other is terrible at Just because the two don't compete with each other doesn't mean that the two sexes can't be incredibly varied in performance on certain tasks. Sure, before the modern era, men and women were relegated to certain tasks and thus didn't need to compete with each other. Enter into the modern world where men and women are working side by side at all times of day and they are by definition competing with each other now.
Anonymous 86625
Oh look the moid posting brains studies made a new thread, what miraculous timing >>86624
Anonymous 86628
>>86622Exceptions exist but they're nothing more than exceptions.
Anonymous 86629

Was excited for the new thread but there’s tons of grade school tier moid posting. Sad.
Guess the subreddit pic unrelated is from
Anonymous 86633
>>86606you sound retarded. sunsets and flowers aren't equal (meaning they aren't the same thing) but they both have the same value of beauty
Anonymous 86636
>>86633>sunsets are as beautiful as flowersBullshit. Prove it.
Anonymous 86639
>>86577If that were possible I wouldn't be surprised to see everyone hopping the gender border for whatever self-serving purpose.
Anonymous 86643
>>86594I'd argue that he was born a man, has experienced life as a man, the entire reason why he chooses to have his mind "magical transported" into a female body is because he is a man.
This is a lot of whatsaboutism, a situation which is, and will always be, impossible.
Anonymous 86660
Whenever stigma around female reproductive health or just stigma around the female reproductive system in general is discussed I always see trannies inserting themselves into the conversation to say they are being excluded and it really frustrates me.
Anonymous 86674
>>86652>>86670Cat radfem anon being based as always.
Anonymous 86678
werent there studies about brain sex being not real and most of the people having a mosaic brain (composed of male and female traits)? h
Anonymous 86688
>>86598I don’t even care about the names and the pronouns. Like I’m never going to consider you a woman but whatever I call you whatever you want. Shit, I’ll call you a fucking chair if you want.
Just don’t force women out of their spaces by larping as one of us.
Because at the end of the day, their nothing more than eunuchs.
Anonymous 86689
>>86688And that’s only if they get their dick chopped off.
If not, they’re still a dude, dude.
Anonymous 86698
>Men have also created the vast majority of technology and art throughout history
like I care what beasts do in their free time when they aren't butchering us for talking "out of turn", boohoo a few women insulted male achievements online
I hope you get paid for this
Anonymous 86710
Not even close.
Anonymous 86711
Men literally do not have more endurance than women, and were only the ones creating tech and art (or most of it, women were always excelling) because they were literally beating women who tried to do anything outside child-rearing in most civilizations. Imagine outing yourself this hard.
Anonymous 86715

Spoiler is a trigger warning for people who have been groomed online.
Anonymous 86777

elliott page posted a shirtless pic yesterday, and while all the wokies were in "OMG YASSSS KING" mode all I could think about is how many neurodivergent and gnc teenage girls are going to see it and start planning double mastectomies
Anonymous 86781

>>86777seems shopped and she still looks tiny and cute. Look at her cute skull size for fucks sake lol.
The only thing I can picture in my mind is a real moid pinching her cheeks treating her like a cute girl and she getting mad as fuck because she cannot be a moid, anyone can beat her frail ass the fuck out lol.
She even has some tats for faux badassery, what a little bitch you cant make this shit up lmao. Real men don't need copes, just like real women who can accept what they are.
Anonymous 86786
>>86781Who's the fighter in this pic? Hot and no tats.
Anonymous 86787
>>86786Google says Steven Thompson.
Anonymous 86788
>>86781she is 5'1, she will never look like a man for that alone. that's literally <1st percentile for men.
Anonymous 86789
>>86788Without context I would just assume that was a manlet / under aged boy
Anonymous 86813
>>86781Being a man doesn't make you special hun.
>>86777It's so stunning how the same men complaining about body hair on women proceed to complain when women then transition. Notice how none of the comments about EP are about her bodyhair.
Anonymous 86823
all of these are gross but the last one is especially fucking disgusting and weird
niggas basically saying ''yea hahaha i can rape kids because children can have kinks too''
Anonymous 86831
>>86829So that’s who they make BBC porn for…
Anonymous 86885
>>86777why would anyone want to be a 5 foot 1 moid? it's terribly sad how she'll only be considered a little boy at best
Anonymous 86891

Based on the muscle density in her limbs, it is fair to assume she probably photoshoped her abs. There's also a fair possibility that she simply had abs injections (it is a thing).
Anonymous 86898
>>86888>>86891My money is on abdominal etching tbh
Anonymous 86901
>>86898Same. She has the means to not half-ass the transition. She barely even has the horrifically visible masectomy scars troons tend to flaunt as a cope. (She has them, but it's obvious they'll fade and was done by someone who knew what they were doing.)
Anonymous 86902
>>86893He has a pretty male brow ridge.
Anonymous 86904
Wait a minute, you're completely right. The muscles of the abs don't blend smoothly with the other muscles of the abdomen.
Anonymous 86906
>That six-pack looks photoshopped
Holy crap I knew something was super uncanny about the photo but I couldn’t think of what it was (other than the fact I knew it was a TIF). Thanks anon
Anonymous 86922

>>86893There's a thread on /tttt/ right now about his manface and theorising that he's off hormones…
He's 22, by the time he's 25 his transformation into a man will be complete.
Anonymous 86923
>>86922oh wow I though schafer went "natural" but those are totally implants lol
Anonymous 86926

>>86893>>86922Lol is that the troon from Euphoria? I used to think he actually passed. Hollywood magic I guess
Anonymous 86933
>tranny tries a gotcha by pointing out how all attention-seeking trannies are banned
>go on any other website
>even remotely criticize trannies and it's an instant ban
>a million places that stifle any discussion of the topic
>one place on the internet bans trannies
>heh… GOTCHA! snowflake terf can't handle an opposing opinion!
Why? Is it brain damage on top of mental illness? It's good when trannies dislike certain opinions, but not the other way around?
Anonymous 86935
>>86930Why are these HSTS being pushed so much now? It’s always young troons too
Anonymous 86936
emma ellingsen.jpg

>>86930>19yrs old>25" waist 34" hips Man body proportions, face slapped with makeup. Let's see what he looks like when he's 25, shall we?
Anonymous 86941
emma ellingsen2.jp…

>>86939>19 yrs>25" waist 34" hipsNot hard for a literal teenager, drugged up since 13, to look andro
Go dilate
Anonymous 86942
>>86941>>86936>25" waist 34" hipsNot defending the troon but I don't get why you keep quoting this specifically. It's troon tier because of how tall he is, but those measurements would be fairly normal on a shorter and skinny woman wouldn't they? I just don't like insults that could make actual women feel bad about their bodies.
Anonymous 86945
>>86933It’s stupid because they aren’t even banned for identifying as trans, they are banned for being male.
Anonymous 86951
>>86893Looking like a woman doesn’t make one a woman, so I don’t see the point in trying to spot the tranny, because it really doesn’t matter
Anonymous 86953
>>86951Then why are so many other anons posting about not-passing troons?
Anonymous 86955

>>86942I checked the management this troon is signed with, and didn't find a single model with 9" difference between waist and hips; all the models with a smaller waist than his has WIDER hips. He has male body proportions, the puberty blockers, hormones, and make-up, hasn't changed that. That was my only point, that if we're going to be superficial ("This is boy" whilst sharing superficial images of men) that all the hormone supplementation, filters, fillers, and make-up in the world will not change a male body. Women will always have female bodies, they have nothing to feel bad about.
This troon is 19 and, just like Hunter Schafer, his male body will continue revealing itself as male.
Anonymous 86957

>>86955> and didn't find a single model with 9" difference between waist and hips;Hip-to-waist ratio is (as should be obvious) the ratio not the raw difference. Emma here is obviously scrawny, but his waist-hip ratio is higher than an average US woman. Granted amerilards are fat, but don't go pontifcating about raw numbers when it's the ratio that actually matters.
Anonymous 86958
>>86955Yeah, casual glance at Heartbreak Management has all of their models with statistically above average waist-hip ratios compared to the average woman.
Anonymous 86960
>>86959Why the fuck do you care if a moid is fucking himself over when he's 8? They're fucking disgusting either way.
Anonymous 86961
>>86957Didn't realise the average American was also 5'10"?
Shorter women have a smaller distance between their waist and hip bone, hence why it's more common for shorter women to have a smaller difference between the waist and hip.
25" waist and 35" hips = 0.71
25" waist and 37" hips = 0.67
Who's more curvy? And why is it the latter, even though they have a lower waist-hip ratio?
Anonymous 86963
>>86961>Shorter women have a smaller distance between their waist and hip bone, hence why it's more common for shorter women to have a smaller difference between the waist and hip.Cool, irrelevant. For these purposes all that matters is the ratio. Unless you have a char that matches the average hip ratio to height? Feel free to enlighten me with a cross-reference between the two.
>Shorter women have a smaller distance between their waist and hip bone, hence why it's more common for shorter women to have a smaller difference between the waist and hip.
>Who's more curvy? And why is it the latter, even though they have a lower waist-hip ratio?See I was worried about this lingual bullshit. If I say the moid has "below average waist-hip ratio" then it's taken to mean "he doesn't have as high a ratio as we do". If I say the moid has "an above average waist-hip ratio" then it's taken "his waist is closer to his hips then ours our" when all that matters in the end is that the moid has a distinctly feminine waist-hip ratio and other factors are irrelevant because when you physically see a human you don't see "ah yes his hips aren't more than 8 inches different then his waist, that means he's a boy" you only see the fucking ratio as a relative guidepoint.
Anonymous 86967
>>86960Because it's a child's passing whim facilitated by irresponsible, immoral adults into lifelong problems? I get that you hate trannies but you need to be consistent.
Anonymous 86968
>>86967The only thing I am consistent about is hating moids. I don't care if they fuck up their body with hormones as long as it's nowhere near me or other women.
Anonymous 86969
>>86963>when all that matters in the end is that the moid has a distinctly feminine waist-hip ratioYet, he doesn't when compared to other models in his agency (who are of similar stature and waist sizes). There's little point comparing a 5'10" man with a 25" waist to the average 5'4" American woman with 38" waist.
Men have HIGHER waist-to-hip ratios - he has a higher waist-to-hip ratio than women hired by his modelling agency who have the same height and waist size as him.
On the chart
>>86957 here Ellingsen's hip measurement isn't even included kek whereas every other model at Heatbreak Management is captured.
Anonymous 86973
>>86969Men have HIGHER waist-to-hip ratios - he has a higher waist-to-hip ratio than women hired by his modelling agency who have the same height and waist size as him.
Oh. I'm sorry, I completely misunderstood. I thought you meant he didn't have a feminine WHR compared to normal woman. You meant compared to fucking supermodels. Gotcha.
>On the chart >>86957 here Ellingsen's hip measurement isn't even included kekWomen like Heide from the same agency aren't also on the same chart because obviously they had to draw the line somewhere retard. What's important is the ratio.
Anonymous 86974
>>86969I'm trying to imagine what it takes thinking it's a dunk pointing out a moid has a better WHR then the majority of non-supermodel women.
Anonymous 86977
>>86960So true but a gc male is always better than one that does subscribe to gender bs
Anonymous 86979
>>86969>he has a higher waist-to-hip ratio than women hired by his modelling agency who have the same height and waist size as him. The average male has a WHR of .96, he has a WHR of .73. To state that this is masculine of him is borderline retarded as he's in the .1% of men for how low that WHR is. What's even more surprising is that he's still statistically better-than-average for his WHR compared to biological woman. Arguing this moid who has a better WHR than most women is somehow masculine is fucking retarded and distorted body shaming of the highest order.
Yes he will always have Y-chromesomes, that doesn't mean his WHR isn't by definition feminine.
Anonymous 86980
>>86974Wow, a supermodel troon is more healthy than the average overweight American?! You don't say! It's healthy for both men and women to have a lower WHR.
>>86973>You meant compared to fucking supermodels.Yeah, no shit? He is a fucking supermodel. And if he has a higher WHR than the average of his fellow female models, it stands out. He's not the average female model in the agency.
>>86979I repeat. Why are we comparing a supermodel, with a 25" waist to obese/overweight women (and 0.96 is the average for overweight men. Male models at his agency, who've gone through male puberty mind, have 0.85 WHR. It's healthy for men to have low WHR) The average American woman has a 38" waist now. Obviously compared to unhealthy women who don't depend on their looks for livelihood, he has a lower WHR. Not as low as actual female supermodels though.
Anonymous 86981
People like shitting on annoying people, and there is also some degree of fear that trannies are going to roll back women's rights or push women's place in society further down than it is already.
Anonymous 86982
>>86979>check my WHR>.72tfw barely better than a troon
Anonymous 86984
I mean there are other spaces you can but most of them are highly misogynistic. I think this is the only one that's a women's space
Anonymous 86986
>>86979The argument that my points about his WHR being higher than others in his industry (who he tries to emulate) are offensive to average women is ridiculous. It's like saying trannies in sport with relatively higher test than their competitors is offensive to women with PCOS/hormone imbalance. Being overweight and obese, as the average American is, is a health condition; they are not comparable with the population of underweight-lower weight models Ellingsen is competing with.
>isn't by definition feminineHe's a man. A man who's been put on drugs since he was 13. His WHR isn't, by literal definition, feminine. A lower WHR is healthy in both sexes and yes, on average, women have lower WHR.
Contextual details matter, which is why I didn't bring up the WHR at all, only compared the raw measurements.
Anonymous 86988
>>86986Women aren't either obese or skinny supermodels though. His WHR isn't "feminine" like the other anon said, since ratios don't have genders, but it also would not be out of the norm for a decent portion of healthy-weight women. Most American women at a healthy and normal (not average) BMI would have comparable ratio. As for the raw numbers I don't think they're out of the question for very thin women. I could probably have about the same if I became anorexic for a month or so
Anonymous 86989
>>86986I don’t even know what the debate is here. He’s a man. His proportions don’t change that, and it’s ridiculous to even bring them up because his WHR is not characterizingly feminine nor is it masculine. In fact I have the exact same hip and waist measurements as a woman.
Anonymous 86991
>>86988>since ratios don't have gendersOh, then you're admitting it's irrelevant because, since it has no gender, it has no bearing on whether someone is female or male. Gotcha.
Anonymous 86992
>>86991>since ratios don't have gendersDo raw inches in waist or hip have genders? Because that's what those ratios are based off of.
Anonymous 87000
>>86991I wasn't the anon that said it did
Anonymous 87005
>>86999>moid clicks catfish with clickbait title> “buhbuhbased tranny?!?”>hits subscribeAnd that’s how Robbie got his career (:
Anonymous 87008
>That six-pack looks photoshopped, too
Oh God I just noticed. Poor girl, I hope she can slowly return to sanity without torturing herself so much
Anonymous 87009
>>86999he is somewhat self-aware and not fully delusional and does acknowledge he has a problem and took this as a way to better himself, or so he perceived, i do not fully buy into his crap but he's miles above the average troon
Anonymous 87046
Oh yes. I should have been clearer. I’ll call them whatever they want but legally sex offenders shouldn’t be able to change their names.
Anonymous 87067
furry art.png

That cat artist is Louis Wain :-)
This cat artist is Alfred Mainzer
Anonymous 87248
>>86999>good production values>well articulated>moderately attractive>makes videos on controversial topics>talking head videos that are super fast and easy to produce which youtube lovesAll you need to succeed in youtubing.
Anonymous 87249
Even if you only post facts like how sexed brains have been debunked or how troons attack rape shelters, tumblr deletes your account. Facebook also bans you for posting anything gender critical, and being pro women brings you under suspicion. Meanwhile, anything that isn't straight tranny worship gets you permanently banned on reddit. Reddit down right hates women. Which isn't surprising considering several of the power mods (the ones who manage and mod several hundred subreddits) are troons. And their most recent hire, Aimee, is a child raping troon and you got banned for mentioning his past or name.
So this is the only real place you can vent about the fact that women are treated as lower class citizens and that men wearing make up and dresses are not more oppressed than us.
Anonymous 87252
Because women never care enough or have enough time to moderate internet forums and websites, unlike troons, who for all their negatives, can at the very least spend all their time rabidly defending themselves. The downside of being a woman with a life is that you will live under the tyranny of troon mods who don't on most other websites.
Anonymous 87257
I'm slowly becoming more and more intolerant of troons. Last night one of them came on to another forum I frequent and started spam posting pictures of murdered women and telling us all they hope we get raped. Funny how the distinct scrotoid trait of wanting to rape and murder women into submission still exists in those "women"
Turns out they're infamous for this shit and has cow threads about the on other forums
Anonymous 87259
>>87257Btw everything has been archived about this event, if you need me to post the archives I can.
Anonymous 87260
>>87257Yeah i also saw that he has his own thread. When people starting posting pics of his face, it was totally what i expected him to look like, so ugly kek.
Anonymous 87261
>>87257That sounds extremely F'ed up, how long will people keep going along with their madness? I tell myself it is impossible it will last for much longer and more people are bond to eventually see the truth and that most are already just putting up with their shit for social pressure, but I see no end to it. The zoomers seem so brainwashed that most of them will hail troons as gods
Anonymous 87262

>>87260>>87259>>87261Some pictures of out brave and stunning "lady" in case anyone needs to avoid them in the girls bathroom. Watch out, they want to rape and have a history of stalker tendencies that have been well documented. Such a kawai owo yandere anime waifu
Anonymous 87264
>>86939>>86941>>86930>>86936How can anyone even believe that that's a girl when he has a face of 16yo boy? Kek
Anonymous 87270
>>87259please do, i don't know what event you're talking about and i like to archive this kind of stuff
Anonymous 87271
>>87270The event was a bunch of troons from /lgbt/ raiding the lolcow mtf thread. Though, massive trigger warning for gore and pictures of dead women.
lolcow MtF thread:
https://archive.is/RKUyl /
https://archive.md/JZi8p (both are archives of the same thread)
/lgbt/ threads:
https://archive.md/wRURn ;
https://archive.is/gOcKeTruly an ""uwu woman"" moment from the troons, having gore at the ready on their computers.
Anonymous 87273
>>87272“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”
― Margaret Atwood
Very ironic since these same people started posting pictures of dead women that were most likely to be sex workers from third world countries who were probably killed by men.
Anonymous 87274
>>87272> “waaaahh I’m a victim why are terfs such meanies?”>spams gore and rape threatsIf this doesn’t make the libfems peak I don’t know what will
Anonymous 87278
>>87248There aren’t any high quality TERF you tubers unfortunately (mostly because being a TERF is niche though)
Anonymous 87280
>>87278YT is also very prone to removing any contant that even so slightly disagrees with the general ideological inclination of those who run it
Anonymous 87282
>>87280People can and do post videos about random culture war bullshit and get away with it. The reason why we don’t have more TERF rantsona videos is because there aren’t enough TERFs
Anonymous 87283
>>87282as long as they keep it low profile and mostly respectful yes (but still, the algorithm does push "dissident" youtubers downwards), but the troon question is radicated in such a toxic environment that all discussion tends to degenerate quickly and when mass flaggings and flame wars start YT of course picks the troons' side 9/10
Anonymous 87286
>>86960Because they are the same people who will invade woamns spaces and coerce woman who do not want to have sex with men to have sex with them.
Anonymous 87287
>>87278There's no TERF channel because what would it be about? Troons all day? You can say
>no, being TERF isn't just about troons, it's about feminism and the threat troons are to feminismBut in that case you don't want a TERF youtuber, you want a feminist youtuber who happens to do anti-troon videos from time to time occasionally.
Being an all anti-troon channel is boring as shit. Hell, taking a casual look at Blaire White's video catalog is basically what a TERF channel
should look like, but you can't market a TERF channel for the same reason you can't market a racist channel.
You can't only be anti-X and be a good channel. Anonymous 87289
>>87271lmao. when angered they revert to men.
Anonymous 87292

they’re such fucking liars kek being a “trans girl” puts you at the top of the top of the protected class totem pole whereas women are at the fucking bottom which you can see in the lack of backlash to the women who are doxed, threatened, and attacked by “trans girls”. I’m so tired of them acting like they ever try to blend in, they never fucking do on purpose and it’s about time someone calls them out on it
Anonymous 87296

> "do i pass! i want to be a cute girl uwu!"
> 5 minutes later: "terfs are so dumb, cis women actually are just like my own degenerate male behavior"
> 10 minutes later: "why can't i be seen as a cute girl?"
Anonymous 87298
>>87296This is one of the most poorly constructed screenshot "gotchas" I've ever seen. Truly the left can't meme, even when they're dunking on troons.
Anonymous 87299
>>87298You just read the caption then scroll down I don't think it's supposed to be a meme
Anonymous 87302

Why are so many troons left-leaning? (and not moderate left, but self-described "far left")
Need of acceptance? Need to get back at bullies? Tendency to lean towards extremism?
Anonymous 87303

>>87302Every second troon has an hammer and sickle in his twitter handle
Anonymous 87304
>>87302There's a fair amount that are right leaning. They're just either quiet about it, or they're openly right leaning and are repressing.
Other than that, because you're less likely to run into someone who wants to exterminate trannies on the left.
Anonymous 87305
>>87298Truly you're retarded. It's not a meme, it's a compilation image. Go back to /pol/.
Anonymous 87306
>>87304The right leaning troons are on discord. The left leaning troons are on twitter.
Anonymous 87307
>>87305Can we not fight there is no need to be rude please.
Anonymous 87310
>>87303What is it with troons and rape?
Anonymous 87312
>>86942I'm short (5ft) and these are my exact measurements, not counting occasional 1" fluctuations. Not sure why the measurements are the point of critique here since it's not uncommon as the measurements for XS or XXS dress sizes. There are so many things to criticize trannies for that don't also apply to real women
Anonymous 87323
cope: the video
Anonymous 87324
what, are you a troon? a smegmoid? not everything is a meme. i just wanted to make an example of them mansplaining how "cis women are" and then how wrong they are (i.e, how 'male' their perspective is and how they refuse to listen to women)
Anonymous 87325
>>87305thanks anon, moids from /tttt/ were talking about cc here and so that would probably explain the overly aggressive autist
Anonymous 87338
not sure if this is the right place to ask but can someone link the current gender critical lolcow thread? everything ive found was active one year (or more) ago
Anonymous 87339
>>87338I'm pretty sure we don't have one anymore. Some ass on the mod team banned threads they didn't personally like
Anonymous 87497
>>87302Justification for their inherent violence.
"I'm bashing the fash, I'm bashing TERFs, it's not that I'm just an inherently violent male, it's justified."
Anonymous 87498
>>87338they don't have one anymore, it's banned along with the manhate threads
Anonymous 87681
>>87655I sometimes wonder if trooning out is a desperate attempt to bail on the patriarchy. They're too cowardly to be raving uber masculine dickheads, so they tuck their cock between their legs and hide with the "oppressed" so they don't get crushed.
Just a thought. I often used to always chalk it up to a fetish (and 99% of the time it IS a fetish) but I've been thinking about this possibility too
Anonymous 87682
>>87681No it makes perfect sense, you got a hyper-competitive male competition going on and most of the time these losers would have just been labeled weirdo and left to languish alone. Suddenly gender ideology arrives and now low-status males get an easy out from their more aggressive superior counterparts and retreat into the feminine as a form of coping.
The fact that autists are more likely to troon out further reinforces the argument, since socially retarded guys are more likely to completely fail on all fronts of masculinity, and furthermore, completely mispercieve their relations to other people. They percieve themselves failing as men, and are giving the option of accepting status as a low value man, or escape into troondom because gender ideology shows up and says "don't worry autist, you fail to understand and fit in with other men not because you're a failed low status male, you're just a girl! That's why you suck at socializing with men and find them so alienating." Cue trooning out.
Anonymous 87683
>>87682i disagree that they fail at masculinity. they're often very aggressive people prior to trooning out, even with other males. i think other males just realize they're too socially retarded to even treat as competition, or that they're actually autistic, so they often go without their deserved beatings.
Anonymous 87684
>>87682What do we make of female-to-Male fakebois? I've never been able to figure that one out. Imagine choosing to be a moid on purpose
Anonymous 87686
>>87684The grass is always greener on the other side
Anonymous 87687
>>87686Maybe. Though I've noticed fakebois seem far less likely to get a penis stuck on to them than a troon is to get a neovag
Anonymous 87696
>>87684Some here will vehemently deny that female competition for social status exists, but for anyone who is willing to admit it exists, the resolution becomes clear. Yes, there are girls who are less attractive than other girls. Yes, those girls will be perceived as lower status by both women and men. Since the majority of intra-sex competition for women is based on physical appearance, you get girls physically reject their bodies and property as women. "I hate being viewed as a low status female, men still view me as a disgusting piece of meat, but only the ugly ones bother to interact with me." This can be further exaggerated by sexual trauma. Cue self-hate of the traits women perceive as carrying femininity (the breasts, the womb) and the fervent desire to escape their status as women in a society that oppresses, demeans and objectifies us. There develops an understanding that the reason she hate being perceived as an object isn't because it's inherently demeaning, no, it's that "I'm not a woman, that's why I don't like my breasts and men's comments on them. It's not because men make my life insufferable, it's that other women enjoy this feeling and since I don't I'm not a women." Cue escaping their femininity as a form of coping.
Anonymous 87697
>>87696>bodies and property*properties
Anonymous 87701

>>87681>they tuck their cock between their legs and hide with the "oppressed" so they don't get crushed.Yes.
I was a tomboy who went to a small alternative school almost exclusively comprised of boys, and let me tell you that the competitive imperative is brutal. You are incentivised to learn to play rhetorically dirty and learn good put-downs.
A retreat into a private imaginary identity, which you pretend is your 'real' identity, absolutely makes sense. You can tell yourself that the put-downs from other boys aren't actually about you.
I think this was one reason why I became a furry. Having a private subcultural persona a way of pretending that the put-downs of your public persona aren't actually about you.
One of my friends from that school later trooned out, too.
Anonymous 87705
>>87249Ot, reddit has a very serious problem with mods, either they are troons or they are mostly people like vaush etc, you get the idea
Reddit spreads so much false news despite having """deboonk""" audience, at least in popular subreds
Anonymous 87707
>>87249AFAIK Aimee Challenor is not a kid fiddler.
Aimee was however groomed by online diaperfurs, and probably their actual child-rapist father, David "Baloo" Challenor.
Anonymous 87708
>>87707his husband is a diddler though too. he was probably molested by his dad and is likely a wannabe diddler if not an actual one, if he's gravitating towards them and ignoring the seriousness of it enough to literally marry them
Anonymous 87710

>>87708We can in any case be sure that Aimee has made their bed and is lying in it (and lie-ing in it.)
Anonymous 87719
I noticed my post was dumb and deleted it, you are right
But i disagree on trannies being covert rw and larping as leftists on twitter, leftists aren't any less misogynistic, mist of tjese redditors and others on different social media are leftists and lean from moderate to far left
Anonymous 87721

>>87707He's an enabler at the very least, friendly reminder this is the house he's lived in for years with his kid-raping father. Not only is there absolutely no fucking way in hell he was "unaware" of a child being there, he was proven to lie about not knowing about his father's charges as he pulled strings for him to be granted a position that involved working with kids. He's a slimy piece of shit.
Anonymous 87724
>>87705Tumblr is a troon pandering shithole. You'll see plus sized women post to r/fashion and get told to change a million things, but when a smelly balding moid dressed like a fucking Disney channel teen in the mid 2000s everyone licks their asshole calling them a beautiful woman
Anonymous 87725
>>87724I find no social media today different from that
Anonymous 87731

imagine David here lecturing you on why lesbians are demons for not accepting "transbians"
Anonymous 87736
>>87731I can't tell if that's an enbie LARPing as a man or man who has ridiculously small shoulders.
Anonymous 87737
>>87736He's a man, his shoulders look small because he got himself ridiculous breast implants and as you can see in the pic he's been waist training.
Anonymous 87742
>>87737Wouldn't waist training make his shoulders appear bigger?
Anonymous 87745
>>87737i think it's a woman. god help me if i'm wrong…
Anonymous 87750
>>87742It gives the illusion of more hips which offsets the shoulders
Anonymous 87758

>>87736>>87745>>87752It's shooping/surgeries/posing, this dude has had a ton of surgery. Note he's also wearing a corset/waist trainer (gives the illusion of a waist/hips) while sitting on a bed (makes him look "thicc"). In a more neutral pose he looks like he is, a mentally ill moid.
Anonymous 87760
>>87758if he understood he was a man and these were just body mods to him like the other body mods he has I wouldn't mind and would even think he looks kind of cool
Anonymous 87762

>>87753>34H expandable shapeshifting bimbo milf with hentai inspired body mods Why did I have to read this sentence with my own two eyes? Was the photo itself not bad enough?
Anonymous 87799
Anyone else feel like troons will start hanging women's murder statistics over our heads to make a point about how chemical castration and hrt should be readily available to whoever wants it? Its been proven that castration and the reduction of testosterone in men will make them docile and less sexually motivated, and theoretically less inclined to commit rape and other violent crimes. Troons don't need any more encouragement to publicly threaten women online, so applying this to real life isn't too far of a cry. I'm probably being paranoid but this sort of behavior is encouraged and rewarded so it leaves me to wonder how far it'll go.
Sage for schizo ramble
Anonymous 87801
>>87800no, this guy has a less downturned nose
Anonymous 87814
>>87799I honestly think they wave around those statistics to hurt our feelings and that's pretty much it. It's like a more covert way of saying "shut up, foid, get killed/raped"
Anonymous 87828

Have any if you heard of sissy baby pansy?
They're a person who got a penectomy. The balls and cock were removed, albeit for medical reasons rather than fetish reasons (allegedly), and despite the removal he is still out here posting pictures of himself eating shit mixed with baby food and humiliating himself in public.
Chopping da pp off does not chop the degeneracy off unfortunately
Anonymous 87834
>>87731Now remember ladies: if you’re going to wear a corset, please tie it correctly. Laces tied around the waistline damages your expensive corset and is not aesthetically appealing.
Anonymous 87860
>>87856I’m done. Let me guess, parents (specifically mum) were a little too into the new identity?
Anonymous 87866
>>87860idk if you watch the parents they seem like christian normie hick mentality probably more afraid of having a gay son than a "daughter". seems like homophobia tbh.
Anonymous 87882
>>87866But why would any of that be a thing at fucking four years old? That has never made any sense to me.
Anonymous 87885
>>87882likely bc people say things like "this is for girls" and force kids to adhere to strict gender roles and relate them to biology, so the kids then say "well then i want to be a girl", etc. then in some cases obviously like jazz jennings you have a parent who obviously wanted him to be trans
Anonymous 87979
>>87860Let me guess, you've read the Desmond is Amazing kiwi farms thread?
My first thoughts were "theres a Wendy involved" too anon. It always seems to be mum who is a little too into attention. Gypsy Rose Lees mum did it, Honey Boo Boos mum did it, it's always fucking horrible to see a mother prioritize attention over the wellbeing of their child
"Trans acceptance" my sandy butthole
Anonymous 88027
>>87979A transgender child is like a vegan cat, everyone knows who is making the decisions there.
Anonymous 88063
absolute truth, based as fuck
Anonymous 88087

>>86556Effeminate fags are like the Uncle Tom's of men. Like at least trannies are unbashedly a fetish, but fags are the absolute most subversive of the bunch, trying to make their way into women's spaces, and the worst part is they are usually welcomed with open arms
Anonymous 88088
>>88087being an uncle tom of men is a good thing tho…
Anonymous 88089
>>88087If someone said "uncle tom of men" I would think they just supported women honestly lmao.
Anonymous 88092
>>88089That's because they do. Anon is just a paranoid tard. Otherwise men wouldn't hate effem guys so much.
Anonymous 88159

My heart breaks for these poor children
Anonymous 88160
>>88159this dude tries to flirt w his own father on facetime since he trooned out too. there's a lot wrong here.
Anonymous 88190
reimu oh i hate th…

>>88159This kinda stuff blows my mind. I don't remember, as it feels like forever ago. Were gays as bad as this when it was the soup du jour? I feel like it wasn't nearly as bad, but maybe my experience is coloured differently because I'm a faggotdyke.
Anonymous 88196
>>87684It's just another kind of self-harm. Most of those girls wouldn't have gender identities if their pro-ana tumblrs hadn't been banned.
Anonymous 88204
>vintage clothing hobbyist
>trying to buy foundationwear
>every 3rd review is a tranny or crossdresser getting off
Anonymous 88206
>>88202I have body dysmorphia so I can relate to this a lot but geeze they can't conceal their hate for us for two seconds even while they want to be us.
Anonymous 88208
>>88202>Saw a cute gym thot wearing nice tight gym shorts and sports brathe porn brainrot is terminal. just nuke moids ffs
Anonymous 88236
Sometimes I wonder what normal Japanese anime-enjoyers think of their medium's association with so many crazies in the West.
Anonymous 88238
>>88236>normal Japanese anime-enjoyersWhy are you stating contradictions of terms? The average person who watches seasonal anime in Japan is a NEET or hikkimori. They are just as much crazy weirdos as westerners are crazy weirdos.
Anonymous 88288

>be a male with a mental illness and you get free jewelry
Wish I would've seen this when it was posted so I could've larped for some earrings.
Anonymous 88290
>>88288it was only from a few days ago you can still larp for free stuff
Anonymous 88292

>>88288no one is going to buy clip on earrings for more than $2, especially not ones that look like a 12 year old made them
Anonymous 88298
>>88292The entire troon aesthetic is 12 year old girl though. How they manage to sexualize but also infantize women at the same time is ridiculous.
Anonymous 88327
>>88288Didn't famous trans lolcow Dayton Hypernova try to build a business on this exact idea? It was like payment optional if you were trans and wanted to dress like the guy from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Anonymous 88445
What's the end goal for us? Because I feel as if though there's no way to reverse any of this. Trans identity only exists via the power of the internet so of course they can invade and take over every space on the internet. I have no faith that things can change, look after your family and friends Anons.
Anonymous Admin
Stop engaging, read the rules.
Anonymous 88649
>>87758I checked his Twitter. Why did he look so much like a /pol/ skinhead and now he’s this… abomination
Anonymous 88654

What do you all think of Lierre Keith and Women's Liberation Front?
Also, have you ever heard of Metoidioplasty? It's a FtM surgery that gives the patient a micro-penis – wild stuff that the normies don't seem to know about yet.
Anonymous 88655
>>88654I don't like her takes on vegetarianism and veganism but other than that she's okay
Anonymous 88688

This is Hyper Kyuun. Hyper Kyuun takes oestrogen and insists on being "female passing", but identifies as a "cis Male bisexual trap". Hes one of those types who are known on /lgbt/ and consider his crowd to be the better version of a woman. Absolutely seethes over women, frequently comes to lolcow to call the farmers fat legbeards despite being a moon faced cock eyed fuck.
Fits the the HRSTS genre of troon that was debated on yesterday. And fuck, you should see the "woman" he calls his girlfriend
Anonymous 88690
>>88688If he's dating another transbian that makes him AGP not HSTS. HSTS date cismen, not other troons.
Anonymous 88695
>>88690Hes attracted to straight men. There are plenty of Discord screenshots of him talking about wanting right wing straight guys to fuck him, which is confusing but not surprising
Anonymous 88701
>>88688>>88700yes, it's his "onahole"/"girlfriend" (he literally wrote onahole), this is his twitter. he's a "femboy inclusive lesbian"
https://twitter.com/lol1swat Anonymous 88704
>>88695bruh, he's attracted to anything. he's dating a troon but yeah a lot of these troon dating troons are attracted to masc "cis" guys too because they get off on envisioning themselves as a woman who is getting fucked by a normal guy, it's affirming of their larp. these dudes are basically just attracted to anything because it is not the person they are attracted to. outside of the troons who started out as gay, these dudes will fuck anything because the attraction is not to the person, but to themselves and their role/relation to the other person. the other person is simply a prop used to validate their larp. this is not normal sexuality where the sexual focus is actually even on the other person.
Anonymous 88706

Tbh Hyper Kyuun isn't as bad as their friend, Cafe Beef. They're way more openly awful
Anonymous 88707
>>88445>what’s the end goal?Radicalize others. Make sure people know they’re not alone with their apprehension towards the trans problem. Medically, shit will hit the fan eventually (kinda like how a lot of drugs from the mid 20th century aren’t on the market anymore for a reason) but it’s about validating others feelings about troons until that happens.
Most people don’t like trannies if you ask and they know they’re not gonna get yeeten over it. Even liberal minded, “let people enjoy thing” types only support it because they haven’t thought about it too hard and it’s considered the nice thing to do.
Anonymous 88708

Hyper Kyuun and their partner. Kek at the lingerie thigh highs
Anonymous 88710
>>88708The one on the right is actually cute. What is he doing with the fatty bridgetroll on the left?
Anonymous 88714
>>88710Anon, how are you typing if you're clearly blind? Hes a tic tac headed /lgbt/ poster with a receding jaw
Anonymous 88715
>>88710Het standards are so bleak, my god
Anonymous 88716
>>88714>>88715NTA, but I don't know what you guys are talking about, the guy on the right is 5/10 at the lowest, his face hasn't gained that troon fat and he looks fine. Would probably clean up really well.
Anonymous 88717
>>88714>>88715I'm attracted to men who look like fags because they don't want me. Also this
Anonymous 88718
Skinny leafy chin greasy bangs tic tack head
Kim Jong Un moonface big head eyes so far apart they're in different hemispheres
Anonymous 88719
>>88717except he doesn't look gay at all. he looks like a trademark greasy, androgenic alopecia afflicted, disproportionately large headed straight man with facial disharmony and atrophied legs.
>>88716anons, please. i can almost guarantee you guys are much more attractive than this guy and yet this is what you guys are claiming would look good. this is why men are so entitled.
Anonymous 88720
>>88719>anons, please. i can almost guarantee you guys are much more attractive than this guy and yet this is what you guys are claiming would look good. this is why men are so entitled.Unlike you, I deal in moids that exist as opposed to the ones who don't. This being the case, compared to the average moid, he looks fine.
Anonymous 88721
>>88720the average moid that isn't fat and 45? no, i disagree. i think he looks far worse than the average moid his age.
Anonymous 88722
>>88721Well, feel free to continue in ignorant bliss. I'm glad you've managed to avoid looking at the ugliest of moids at every age in your life.
Anonymous 88724
I promise you that the blond one is a classic example of "well I'm not attractive as a man, so maybe I'd make a pretty girl?"
Anonymous 88783

I like to spend 5% of my free time observing Twitter troons. It's like going out on a safari without ever having to leave my home.
Anonymous 88786
>>88706the funniest thing is how cafebeef is openly suicidal
he's literally coping
Anonymous 88790
He’s not homophobic, he just hates women.
Anonymous 88794
>>88786Good, hope the fag cuts his Adam's apple off and bleeds to death. Cope seethe dilate etc
Anonymous 88796

>>88786youd be suicidal too if you actually looked like this and had to cope with the fact that reality doesn't allow for snow filter abuse, kek
Anonymous 88798

Beef us proof that beards are just push up bras for men
Anonymous 88802

>>88797different strokes, i guess. i would be suicidal if i looked and acted like fat edmund kemper with none of the charisma but with all of the misogynistic sociopathy
>>88798already losing his hair too and hiding behind that beard hardcore.
>>88800it's not, that's a flattering pic. i cannot find one candid of this man but even w filter abuse you can tell when he isn't making faces to hide his jacked mouth situation, it looks all wrong, yet he's out here saying women need to kill themselves before 40. nice.
Anonymous 88811
hell yea u know it bro
Anonymous 88821
My autistic older brother has just come out to me as trans and I honestly have no idea how to handle it. He didn't outright say he was but when I asked (politely mind you) he became upset, started hyperventilating and sort of mumbled some things which seem like a yes. I said some supportive things because I feel I can help him more to sort his shit out if he thinks I don't hate trannies outright.
It honestly makes me so angry that modern society can ruin a man like him in this way. He's socially awkward, extremely insecure, has never had a relationship and is easily led. All this shit out there on the internet convinces him this shit is his problem and it honestly makes me want to cry. He's a very gifted programmer and quite well off financially as a result so if he were around some more life affirming people he could and should be much happier than me. I desperately want to tell him to get his shit together but that will only make things worse and make me the enemy or whatever. Literally my worst fucking nightmare. Anyone been through anything similar and have any advice?
Anonymous 88825
>>88800>>88802Why are you posting trannies from 4chan?
Anonymous 88826
>>88821please don't encourage him and don't act by your own emotions, you should persuade him into understanding that this is a life changing choice that wont have any positivity out of it and is only a trend that will last 10 years and by the time he turns 30 theres no way back, this isn't just your typical tranny hate post but for his own genuine well being and not to lead to a terrible future, and don't take any " but i-im happy this way!! " excuses from him, not only its delusion but that faking can't work in the next 10 years of his life, remind him that it's not worth making a mockery out of yourself and cosplaying as something you're not for eternity just because it has been a trend these few years with non-fully brain developed 13-25 yo's
alot of them will or may get hit with self awarness when they get hit with age
Anonymous 88831
>>88826Yeah good advice, I know I should try and think clearly. He hasn't made any long term irreversible choices yet or seen a doctor or anything. I think he's almost too scared to make those choices, so I'm hoping I can lead him to the conclusion he's just depressed and confused before it's too late. I'll turn up the heat more if it looks like he's going to do anything stupid. I think it's mostly the fault of the weirdos he's around all the time and the internet. He's actually 29 but in many ways still has the social skills of a teenager because of the autism. It's mostly not him I'm angry with, he can't help it. It's the industrial complex that's been built up around convincing vulnerable and depressed men they're women.
Anonymous 88835
>>88826>remind him that it's not worth making a mockery out of yourself and cosplaying as something you're not for eternity just because it has been a trend these few years with non-fully brain developed 13-25 yo'sAutists who troon out tend to already be miserable, telling him he'll be a mockery of a person will present to him either the choice of a life that will be miserable as he currently views it, and now you're telling him he'll only a mockery in the other solution he found. Do I need to explain why this choice you've set up for him may not be the most helpful to someone who is (likely) already feeling suicidal?
Anonymous 88837
>>88821>Anyone been through anything similar and have any advice?If he's trooning out, there are two paths concerning the development, either he's been feeling this way since he was a child, or it's a recent development. I would recommend talking it out with him concerning which is the case. If it is the former, you're fucked, get over it and move on. Those troons have been trooning out since the 1960s when there was zero public support for them, and will continue to do so regardless of "industrial complex influence". If these feelings are at all a recent development, you may have a shot. Ask him why he believes he is trans or not specifically. How does he know that he isn't just depressed in general? Would he be able to tell the difference? Maybe he's having other problems and he should really try fixing those before trying this very permanent life changing decision. If he still argues that he's gender dysphoric, ask him if he thinks he needs medical intervention specifically. It is normal to feel dysphoric about your gender, but that doesn't mean you have to intervene medically. What specifically about his gender bothers him, why? Does he feel like society has a lot of high expectations for men and he isn't fitting them? Is it physical? Please listen and try to understand the source of his troubles. Your goal here is to actually discuss his problems with him.
Your main disadvantage here is that as an autist, he is relatively numb to his own emotions in general, and he's going to go for very concrete actionable ways to correct said emotions once he does identify them, correctly or not. He'll also be very certain in any conclusions he's already come to, so there's little you can do to fight said conclusions, what you have to attack are the assumptions that got him there.
In the end, he is his own person, who will make his own decisions, and if he feels as if you are trying to make decisions for him he's going to reject your advances. You have to go into this with the full expectation that failure is a possibility and be 100% okay with the results either way. If you try too hard to "fix him" it will actively harm your chances of doing so.
>>88831>It's the industrial complex that's been built up around convincing vulnerable and depressed men they're women.That's right, he has zero self-autonomy in this context. There's no way he's trooning out to solve a problem, he's just been brainwashed at all. He'll feel completely empowered if you explain this to him. /s
Anonymous 88839
>>88835well what is your solution then? surely you know better considering your statement, if he's in a depressive state choosing a " solution " he found to put him in an even MORE insecure and depressive state aside from his 'tism would be better? there's surely a better option out there to help him out of his state, and that's not being influenced by mentally ill failed for life perverts and groomers and discord trannies who were abandoned or molested as a child and are on the internet trying to bait and recruit other naive autists into falling into the same filthy and failure of life rabbithole they have ended up falling into, i think he should move away from using the internet for a while
Anonymous 88840
>>88837>well what is your solution then?>>88837
>if he's in a depressive state choosing a " solution " he found to put him in an even MORE insecure and depressive state aside from his 'tism would be better?Objectively? No. But you're not dealing with objectively, you're dealing with subjectively, and subjectively, he's decided he's so miserable at this point that trooning out (which if he is autistic and hangs around other men knows is absolutely mocked and most think it's disgusting) means even with full knowledge that most troons look garbage,
it's still preferable to his current state. His life so unbearable to him at this point that being a walking mockey is
already preferable to being himself. Alas, the future is nebulous, and there is hope inside him that he won't be a mockery. You can say he's guaranteed to be one, but that doesn't make his current life more bearable, you're just telling him the solution he found is garbage. Therefore still leaving the original problem unresolved.
Anonymous 88842
>>88840welp, if he's self aware and that he likes the mockery and wants to be a failure on his own and acknowledges it, then i can't as an outsider really do anything here
Anonymous 88843
>>88842Wew, just because I want to make sure, you don't work for anyone suicide hotlines do you? Can't imagine that line of thought gets you anywhere with a suicidal person.
>well, guess if death is preferable to life there's no place for me to judge. Anonymous 88846
>>88843there's no need to be passive-agressive darling, there's twitter for that which i think will suit you better
i still fail to see you make any good points aside from you repeating the same thing over again
>he's an autist who wants to troon but he shouldn't actually be stopped from being a troony but at the same time ask him why he wants to be a troony and his life is already a misery and unbearable and has stage 7 of depression yada yada alright, so where was your solution again?
Anonymous 88847
>>88846>there's no need to be passive-agressive darling,This reads like a troon wrote it, and you've already been passive-aggressive yourself.
>alright, so where was your solution again?Well first off, realizing that internet strangers that know nothing about this person other than he is
>autistic>a programmer>trooning out>29 years old>friendlessand expecting them to know what to do for his exact situation is not going to work. Only methods to arrive at solutions can be provided because we aren't engaging with the troon and we simply don't know the autist.
The only method I know of that can actually help someone arrive at the solution is to talk to the autist and see what problem he is trying to solve by becoming a troon, and come up with alternatives. As much as the manhaters on this board may seem to fail to realize, men do in fact have emotions and aren't murder-rape machines, and they can be fucking miserable. His situation is unique to him himself, and he's the only person who can help get himself out of his hole. Her job trying to talk the autist out of a mistake is to make sure there are no alternatives or underlying problems.
If she goes into the situation 100% trying to fix him with certainty, she will fail, because she will render him an object and not actually engage with him trying to solve his problems.
Anonymous Admin
Please keep in mind that we have a rule about singling out individuals to talk about, especially when they're prone to joining the conversation.
Anonymous 88856
exactly, it’s like they base their entire understanding of women on Mean Girls or something.
Anonymous 88859
>>86577Where would they get these bodies from? There would be woman farms where they grow women in little cages to the age of 13 and then they'd implant their brain into a minor and engage in paedophilic acts because they're disgusting.
Anonymous 88860
>>88859Also even the thought of a tranny having access to a female body is vile to me. They'd misrepresent our entire sex, they'd appear on TV and say things like "I'm a woman and I'm okay with sexual harassment!" or something equally as gross and manly.
Anonymous 88870
>>86577anon, this is a horrible idea. this would be horrible.
Anonymous 88872
>>88870why? i think it would solve the whole issue
Anonymous 88887
>>88875One time a middle aged moid told me he used to steal his own mums hosiery and watch himself in the mirror as he wore them and coomed in them. He was also a sissy
Anonymous 88912
>>88831yikes, transitioning at 29.
thank god you're in his life to try to talk some sense into him. He's brainwashed.
Anonymous 88914
i do think its true that most women compliment troons as a courtesy rather than an honest truth. it's kind of like telling a kid good job after they show you shitty macaroni art
Anonymous 88921
>>88914Most compliments towards troons aren't genuine. They literally can not dress themselves or do makeup. It's like the transgender community have a ban on putting on eyeliner without leaving a two I ch space between the liner and the lash line
Anonymous 88934
>women who abort should be executed, because they rejected our sacred duty of producing life>women who don’t birth children should be banished, since they refuse to do their duty>domestic violence is a good thing, nothing gets the point across like a fist to the face, trust me, us women need reality checks once in a while>i think we should be barred from education, we’re too emotional to understand academic subjects, just look at me>we shouldn’t be able to go outside without a male guardian, because i lust after every man i see >we should be married off as soon as our periods start, because that’s the nature’s sign of fertility, trust me i’m a woman Anonymous 89049
where do I go to meet up with other TERFs IRL?
Anonymous 89061
>>88654>Metoidioplasty>MetOIDioplasty Anonymous 89062
>>87799Chemical castration for violent/mentally ill men is actually a good thing because it prevents them from breeding and thus passing on their violent tendencies. If we castrated rapists, murders, pedos, and sex offenders, the world would be a safer place for women.
Anonymous 89064
Just because we can't castrate all of them doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
Anonymous 89119
>>89049I would genuinely love to know. I'm trying to find every TERF space available online, but the actual thought of meeting an irl TERF seems like it just wouldn't happen.
I know you're out there you fucks and I'm going to find you and I WILL befriend you.
Anonymous 89120
>>89119There has to be a way that you can subtlety let others know that you're a terf/radfem just like them.
Anonymous 89123
>>89120Talk about how hyenas function socially. Radfems will recognise the meme immediately
Or if you REALLY want to have a serious shot at it, wear a wristband of the original lesbian flag without the orange stripes added in. Non terfs reel back in horror at the idea someone would have a lesbian flag without having orange for troon inclusivity, whereas terfs will do finger guns at you upon seeing the signal
Anonymous 89124
>>89123>Talk about how hyenas function socially.Isn't that a male coomer fetish
Anonymous 89125
>>89124It was a meme in radfem spaces for a while
Anonymous 89149

>>89123I think the suffragette flag/ribbon would be very appropriate for the current times as a terfy symbol. A few days ago a woman was charged with a hate crime for posting a suffragette ribbon on Twitter (a TRA said it was a noose so it felt threatened).
TRAs also love shitting on the suffragettes and calling them literal nazis.
Anonymous 89151
>>89149I can't actually believe what I'm looking at. Has it really gone this far? They can stage symbolic hangings, but degenerates have to be defended from pieces of string?
Anonymous 89152
>>89151GoFundMe also suspended her fundraiser for legal costs. But worry not, all the costs were covered in less than 24h.
Let it radicalize you.
Anonymous 89160
>>89155Oh God, they really look different when you take off the glasses. They've got one of those face that only really "work" with glasses
Anonymous 89232
>>89155Did you remove these on PS? just wondering
Anonymous 89269

>>88783>>pic related>> “I’ve never seen an ugly trans person, only ugly cis people everywhereThat audacious LIE tho
Anonymous 89278
>>89232Someone on lolcow did, it's from the femboy thread
Anonymous 89309

I am baffled by the speed in which troons are able to get surgeries- they are always bitching online about how long and terrible the process it in order to get surgery, but I'm beginning to understand that it is just a blatant lie.
I girl I knew in high school converted to "enbie" status last year and got her tits chopped off within the month. She hadn't been going to any therapies, and bragged about how the surgeon booked her two weeks from her first appointment. Oh, and they just… threw her nipples away. straight into the trash. Now she takes "sexy" body horror pics for insta looking like Kyle XY just without the nips instead. (and gruesome scars)
I know she was sexually assaulted by her mom's ex husband because her sister told me about it. I caught her molesting one of our friends at a sleepover once- utterly sexually deviant likely due to trauma. Her sister is equally off the rails bc of the same thing, and instead of suggesting therapy, the doctor just mutilated her. It doesn't even take a lot of digging to know the girl is mentally unstable, and the doctors literally only care about making $$$. It's fucking vile, and the whole troon positivity shit with doctors is just exploitation en masse of the mentally ill.
Anonymous 89313
Vastly decreasing their numbers is better than doing nothing.
Anonymous 89316

This is one of the backend creators of ravely. He identifies as trans. These jokes honestly write themselves.
Anonymous 89320
any rec for tra/modern qweer books? i have tra friends who kinda know im a terf and i mostly want to come across as super well read (and i ofcourse want to be kek). i've read butler, serano and a few novels but thats it
Anonymous 89324
>>89309wasn't there once a reddit thread where a bunch of ex FtM explained that they transitioned because of abuse? The reasoning was, transitioning helped them become less attractive and receive less male attention.
The thread was immediately nuked of course, but there were like 4 people who had the same beat-for-beat story to tell. I am very interested to know if this is a recurring theme in FtM transitions.
Anonymous 89327
>>89324>transitioned because of abuse?Is it possible to accept that it is possible to be born in the wrong body while also admitting there are people who are transitioning for the wrong reasons?
On one hand you have totally normal people who feel that they need to make themselves appear as the other gender to feel normal. On the other hand, you have isolated nerds with niche hobbies who feel very lonely and decide to transition to join an overly positive and coddling community and to use Trannyism as an excuse as to why they're so different.
Anonymous 89335
>>89324I have literally never met a FtM who wasn't raped. I know six now. Like, at some point you have to realize that this is a pattern.
>>89327The thing is, I don't think there's any such thing as being born into the wrong body. There's no science that proves a soul. I think women are incredibly uncomfortable with the cage they have been forced into, see men don't have to live in the cage, and so some think they're men because they believe that they, and only they, don't belong in the cage.
There are people who legitimately believe they're Napoleon, yet we don't give them control of France in order to relieve their dysphoria.
Anonymous 89342
>>89335>There are people who legitimately believe they're Napoleon, yet we don't give them control of France in order to relieve their dysphoria.We don't give them control of France because bigots don't want them to be based
Anonymous 89344
>>89335>There are people who legitimately believe they're Napoleon, yet we don't give them control of France in order to relieve their dysphoria.France didn't give Napoleon France to control, why would we give it to a douple-ganger when the original didn't receive it?
Anonymous 89345
>>89335>There's no science that proves a soul. You don't need to prove the soul, only the concept of identity. What's your resolution to the John Money experiment in that case? For all the grandstanding I see people absolutely decrying how it was conducted, what is the conclusion you draw from the evidence?
Anonymous 89346
>>89345Consider this -
Anon posited that every FTM she has met has been raped. In John Moneys experiment the twins both testified that he sexually abused them and had them reenact sexual positions as children. So even in the case of whats his name he was being raised as if he were female but still had the experience of being sexually abused and wanted to become a man.
Anonymous 89348
>>89346Are you arguing that David Reimer who was surgically scarred into having "female" genitalia and forcibly given female hormones was so sexually abused that he trooned out from being "female" to male?
Anonymous 89350
I've met several trans people during my lifetime and pretty much all of them were sexually abused. The ones who didn't tell me they were abused told my friends instead. It is a pattern. I genuinely believe trooning can be, in some cases, a response to sexual abuse
Anonymous 89351
>>89335>>89350>>89327>>89324I really like this discussion about female trooning being caused by sexual abuse as a repeate pattern, there's one problem I have though, why are they trooning
now? I am 100% certain we can all agree that sexual abuse didn't pop into existence a half decade ago, it's been going on since humans were humans. That being the case, why are they trooning out
now? Assuming sexual abuse causes trooning, you should have seen trooning out far more consistently in the past.
Anonymous 89356
>>89351social contagion for some of them, pressure to transition, along with the abuse situation. every lesbian i knew irl is now a troon. seems people won't stop pressuring lesbians to transition. i've been pressured that i'm trans (wtf) solely for my opinions and disposition, and i'm not even a lesbian. i see it happening to them and the pressure lesbians face to internalize ladybrain crap, especially if they're not hyperfeminine
Anonymous 89357
>>89356>social contagion for some of themWhat does this mean?
>pressure to transition,I assume this goes with the first part.
>i see it happening to them and the pressure lesbians face to internalize ladybrain crap, especially if they're not hyperfemininePressure from who?
Anonymous 89367
>>89357I find it hard to believe anyone would ask this in good faith unless they've been living under a rock, but here you go.
>What does this mean?ROGD is a relatively new phenomenon but it has been noticed by all major gender clinics. Young teens are trooning out in increasing numbers, especially young females, and usually entire social groups at the same time. It is clear that there is a social contagion aspect going on here.
>pressure to transitionThey see their peers transitioning, the same peers they flocked around precisely because they have common interests/experiences. Young girls troon out or become "they/thems" because they don't see themselves in the stereotypical female role, they explicitly justify their transition through this, thus lead the other teens in the group to do the same at the cost of losing friendships/invalidating their identity. There's also a power aspect to it. Transitioning gives people the power to police others' language, demand attention and monopolize all conversations at their will.
>Pressure from who?It is the basis of troon identity. The "born in the wrong body", "boy with girl brain" bullshit that has been repeatedly debunked by neuroscience. You can see zoomers making Tiktoks about how it's weird that a lesbian ids as a female, how male troons are hecking brave and valid because they like seeing their skirt go spinny, how lesbians like ellen page are brave and such manly male men because they cut their hair short.
A dad was arrested because his daughter was transed by the school without his knowledge. Gender non-conforming toddlers are being transed by their parents. Trans ideology only stands if it sees "cis" people are complete NPCs who lack personality and follow all norms expected of their sex.
Anonymous 89370
>>89367>ROGD is a relatively new phenomenon but it has been noticed by all major gender clinics. Young teens are trooning out in increasing numbers, especially young females, and usually entire social groups at the same time. It is clear that there is a social contagion aspect going on here. I believe I understand this part, but it sound like you explained what Rapid-Onsent-Gender-Dysphoria is rather than explain what a social contagion is and how we would know it's present.
>They see their peers transitioning, the same peers they flocked around precisely because they have common interests/experiences. Young girls troon out or become "they/thems" because they don't see themselves in the stereotypical female role, they explicitly justify their transition through this, thus lead the other teens in the group to do the same at the cost of losing friendships/invalidating their identity. There's also a power aspect to it. Transitioning gives people the power to police others' language, demand attention and monopolize all conversations at their will. Okay, so then peers transitioned, because their peers transitioned, because their peers transitioned, but where is the origin point? It doesn't matter how well you document where a disease is spreading if you don't understand where it comes from.
>It is the basis of troon identity.So it's coming from other troons? From "cis"people? From psychologists? Who? You're talking around the social sources, but who exactly is causing all this? Is the argument that male troons started causes females to troon out just out of the blue?
Anonymous 89372
On one hand, I think 'gender' is nonsensical because 'gender' is just a bundle of stereotypes people want you to follow based on what's between your legs. It means nothing to me…
On the other hand, I do find myself wanting people to ID as either a 'man' or a 'woman' without following said stereotypes? Does this make sense? It's hard to think about.
Anonymous 89375
>>89370do you have ears or eyeballs? yes, psychologists, are you serious? every medical professional is pushing this garbage because it does literally nothing to disrupt the status quo. this is conservatism in pretty packaging. this entire concept enables and falsely solidifies neurosexist theories, which men have been seeking to do for millennia. scientists and medical professionals who don't agree with transgenderism and ladybrain/manbrain crap are blacklisted. this entire stupid thing is a gift for men.
Anonymous 89378
>>89370If you're asking what is igniting all of it it is profit, simply. Pharma companies, surgeons and psychologists are making a huge amount of money with this. Consider that a trans person is going to have to be medicated their entire life, and will most likely "need" very expensive surgeries. There's an entire trans industry.
Add to that the professional activists and organizations that need some social cause to keep getting their bucks. When most LGB fights have been fought and won, they needed to add the T to keep their jobs (take Stonewall as an example).
Anonymous 89380
>>89375>do you have ears or eyeballs? yes, psychologists, are you serious? Alright, so then does the example run like this then?
>one girl is abused and having problems>girl sees psychologist>psychologist states that the girl may actually "be a boy" or at the very least "not a girl">the girl decides that she is "not a girl">her friends all decide that they aren't girls too because the first girl had troubleAm I understanding this correctly? Reading up from earlier in the thread, are these friend groups comprised solely of sexual abuse survivors who didn't know the other members were sexual abuse survivors, or did they know?
>>89378>If you're asking what is igniting all of it it is profit, simply. Pharma companies, surgeons and psychologists are making a huge amount of money with this. Consider that a trans person is going to have to be medicated their entire life, and will most likely "need" very expensive surgeries. There's an entire trans industry. Ah, see, now I can grasp this. There's a group of powerful elites that talked it out with each other and decided that pushing for trans ideology was profitable. This shadow cabal then started pushing aggressively in other areas with the assistance of
>professional activists and organizations that need some social cause to keep getting their bucks.leading to the current situation.
The argument runs then that
>shadow cabal decides that troon ideology is profitable>shadow cabal funds and pushes the T in LGBT acceptance in psychology and other areas>psychology nabs and runs with it, unwittingly enabling the shadow cabal>the psychologists diagnosed some of those with sexual abuse issues with gender dysphoria>prescribe transition as a solution>the girl infects her classmates and friends via social contagionI am not trying to be sarcastic, just trying to make sure this is the argument being put forth as to why this is currently the case. Supposing this frame, did the shadow cabal of pharma companies predict the social contagion effect, or is it just a case of lucky coincidence for them?
Anonymous 89381
>>89348Well, yes actually. It's insane but this is a literal once in a lifetime case.
Anonymous 89383
>>89381>Well, yes actually. It's insane but this is a literal once in a lifetime case.Well I assume it's insane because surgically altering a young boy, feeding him pills doesn't make him a girl, but then, if he doesn't have the right hormones, doesn't have the right genitalia (anymore) and doesn't have the socialization, what makes him think he's male? If I follow your logic he's "denying his being locked in a cage by being feminine" by escaping into being a man, but he isn't in the cage in the first place, right? Cause he was a man?
Anonymous 89385
>>89380Unironically yes. You can give it a silly name like "shadow cabal" if you want, but it is undeniably what is happening.
>did the shadow cabal of pharma companies predict the social contagion effectIt is not very difficult to predict, as it fits directly with the zeitgeist of the generation. Consumerism and identity politcs leading to commodization of identity itelf. Teenage trends are the most banal thing in the world. And companies profiting from it are too.
Do you have a better explanation for the large number of teenage girls deciding they are actually men? I'd be quite interested in knowing. I have yet to hear an explanation as to why trannies, as they exist now, have been exceedingly rare in history in all societies around the world.
Anonymous 89386
>>89383highly doubt there were never any hints of the reality, ever. that's a tough secret to keep and being that their form of therapy included sexual abuse, i don't doubt the process of hiding a massive secret like that was not botched either
Anonymous 89387
>>89351>why are they trooning out now?probably because
>queer people aren't lynched in broad daylight anymore>more opportunity for people to live (somewhat) independently in general>less pressure to marry/rear children by modern society>hormones got super cheap and easy to acquireBottom surgery still sucks, though. No idea why anyone would want that. The results just straight up aren't good. It's frustrating to talk about this with liberal friends – apparently they haven't seen the pictures I've seen.
Anonymous 89388
>>89380>Am I understanding this correctly? Reading up from earlier in the thread, are these friend groups comprised solely of sexual abuse survivors who didn't know the other members were sexual abuse survivors, or did they know?that happens sometimes, yes. iatrogenesis isn't that rare. like some other claims of mental illnesses, claiming transgenderism secures a reliable and heavily socially supported form of social currency. as far as sa survivors go, no, it's probably not that entire friendgroups are formed from sa survivors, but maybe. suicide is literally contagious among teens, this is extremely well documented. i'm not sure why you're questioning this when the social contagion is very visible.
Anonymous 89389
>>89380Also, as to sexual abuse you are missing the key component there.
>psychologist states that the girl may actually "be a boy" or at the very least "not a girl"It's not that psychologists will tell abused girls that they are men systematically. But a known effect of sexual abuse is feelings of derealization, depersonalization and dissociation from the body, often accompanied by disgust for the own body and specifically genitals/secondary sexual characteristics. These can definitely be causes for gender dysphoria. Psychologists are now pushed to adopt an "affirmation only" approach to GD without exploring the issues that might be behind it. In the case of a young female it is absolutely crucial to understand if sexual abuse might explain these feelings.
Anonymous 89391
>>89389it's definitely a thing where they do question that their symptoms could be the result of x, and plant a seed or suggestion that it might be the case. probably doubly so for butch women and girls or women and girls who internalize misogyny either just generally or as a response to misogynistic abuse of any kind.
Anonymous 89392
>>89386In that case that explicitly contradicts
>>89381>>89346because David Reimer would, in this scenario, know he is male from the start. Furthermore, if he already knew, then why was the news so shocking?
Anonymous 89393
>>89392>In that case that explicitly contradicts >>89381i'm not that anon
Anonymous 89394
>>89387>>queer people aren't lynched in broad daylight anymore>>more opportunity for people to live (somewhat) independently in general>>less pressure to marry/rear children by modern society>>hormones got super cheap and easy to acquireWait, so people would have started trooning out earlier if these conditions were met earlier? In that case it sounds like all of these have been disaster for mankind as opposed to a boon.
>>89385>Unironically yes. You can give it a silly name like "shadow cabal" if you want, but it is undeniably what is happening. If you don't know "who" is doing it, but you know "they are organized and in a group", they are, by definition, a cabal. I only use shadow for emphasis. You are either arguing the cabal exists or doesn't.
>It is not very difficult to predict, as it fits directly with the zeitgeist of the generation. Consumerism and identity politcs leading to commodization of identity itelf. Teenage trends are the most banal thing in the world. And companies profiting from it are too. But somehow no one could predict other social contagions in other areas? Or should I start looking in other questionable areas for similar patterns? If it works once, what exactly stops it working elsewhere?
>Do you have a better explanation for the large number of teenage girls deciding they are actually men?If I had to guess, it would be that the problem dismantling gender was supposed to solve, instead multiplied it as an issue. With the dissolution of what it means to be male and female in society pure social codifiers, you've lead to an instance where what was previously a healthy stage of self-questioning and exploration in adolescence where one "rages against the machine" to suddenly have no machine to rage against, thus, the individuals in question on the male side push and push and push until some form of wall is met, and in the female case, retreat from areas of abject horror by abandoning what is one of the most terrifying human experiences: being female. Gender roles and stereotypes were not important because wearing a dress is important to being a woman or liking trucks important to being a man, but rather, the song and dance these cultural institutions were putting on was to hide the absolute disgust and horror of the human experience, both as aggressors and agresed on.
Where once a girl may have questioned why she should be obligated to where a dress, now you find a girl who questions why she should have a vagina because that's the first wall she hits, the biological one.
>>89388>It's not that psychologists will tell abused girls that they are men systematically. But a known effect of sexual abuse is feelings of derealization, depersonalization and dissociation from the body, often accompanied by disgust for the own body and specifically genitals/secondary sexual characteristics. These can definitely be causes for gender dysphoria. What I'm unclear, are treating gender dysphoria as a legitimate illness in this context, but with a solution that is
not transition, or are we attacking the diagnosis of gender dysphoria in the first place? In other words, are we condoning the concept of gender dysphoria in general, or just transitioning as a "solution"?
>i'm not sure why you're questioning this when the social contagion is very visible.Because again, it doesn't matter if you the see spread, if you can't treat the source of the problem. If I take at face value that the social contagion is the principle factor, where does the contagion come from? The answer I have received in the thread is that it comes from a psychologist at some point. We can blab all day that teen girls are trooning each other out, but with no way to prevent the catalyst the observation isn't useful.
Anonymous 89397
>>89394>are we condoning the concept of gender dysphoria in general, or just transitioning as a "solution"?We are all different people so we have probably have different opinions on this. For me it is clear that gender dysphoria exists and is a legitimate diagnosis. What I disagree with is "affirmation-only" models where these people are lied to and told they are "neurologically" the opposite sex or that they can turn into the opposite sex with drugs and surgery when that is simply untrue, instead of searching for possible causes for this feeling and treating those instead. With that said, I believe transition is a possible treatment for some adults with permanent GD who don't respond well to any other approaches. However, even these people will never ever be the opposite sex and we should not normalize lying nor throw away women's single-sex spaces for their sake.
Last, but not, least, most trans rights activists don't actually give a crap about all the medical nonsense and just see gender as some ethereal congentital "essence", as seen by their demonization of the medical system as "gatekeepers", and just use the diagnosis as a way to fund their surgeries and hormones while in their eyes "wink wink hint hint" it's all about "identity", and not a disorder.
Anonymous 89399
>>89397>For me it is clear that gender dysphoria exists and is a legitimate diagnosis.so are you saying you believe in "born in the wrong body" syndrome, like, neuroanatomically? or just that you can experience dysmorphia, essentially? if you experience dysmorphia, it doesn't need its own diagnosis that attempts to legitimize neurosexism and bunk brain theories.
Anonymous 89401
>>89399>>89398No, not in the slightest as I said:
>these people are lied to and told they are "neurologically" the opposite sexI mean the feeling of dysphoria is real, it is possible to feel disconnected from your body and like you should have been born as the opposite sex, as it happens with other dysmorphic conditions (anorexia, BDD, BIID…).
But this doesn't mean that you're "neurologically" the opposite sex, just like people with BIID are not "neurologically" amputees and anorexics are not "neurologically" fat.
>if you experience dysmorphia, it doesn't need its own diagnosis that attempts to legitimize neurosexism and bunk brain theoriesAgreed, but medicine and especially psychiatry loves to compartmentalize that's where we are now. I could write this in stone and pretend to be a time-traveller who knows what is going to happen in the future, but I am sure "trans-race" and "racial dysphoria" will be a thing eventually. It is the exact same thing.
Anonymous 89404
>>89377>these vile perverts have slithered into our education system Anonymous 89450
this is maybe the cringiest tiktok performance i've seen from a troon possibly ever. men are horrible people.
Anonymous 89458
No. He has BPD, trannies seek attention they are extremely likely than besides the dysphoria they got other psychopathologies, they are extremely mentally ill. No wonder why societies have always ended up exiling them.
Anonymous 89474
are you like some post left twitter user or something or what
Anonymous 89481

Something tells me that the woman is a man and the man is a woman
Anonymous 89485
>>89481Snapchat is always on some bullshit.
Anonymous 89498
>>89481Kek you posted this b4 I could
Anonymous 89502
>>89345>You don't need to prove the soul, only the concept of identity.Why would I need to prove something that goes against lived reality? Anorexics believe themselves to be fat. That is their identity, yet I would fight against insurance paying for them to get ribs removed, liposuction, and gastric bypass. It is a temporary solution that does not treat the underlying mental illness.
>What's your resolution to the John Money experiment in that case?My resolution is to ignore the crackpot theories of a child rapist with a sample size of two.
>>89351I think that's a valid question and the answer seems to be this is the only time in history that society has allowed it. Never before have women been allowed to disappear from being marked female as much as they are now. Being truly male passing comes with all the social perks of being male.
>>89370>You're talking around the social sources, but who exactly is causing all this?Society. In the same way that our society causes eating disorders in women, society is causing women to think, "Well I'm not a dumb bimbo slut, and since society says that all women are stupid sex objects, I must not be a woman." Women and girls get pressure from TV, magazines, internet, music, etc.
Anonymous 89503
>>89372Of course. This is what all radfems believe. That biology makes us something, our sex, and that has a huge impact on our lives, but it doesn't mean we have to conform to the stereotypes and expectations placed on us because of our sex. So a man can wear a dress and women can wear pants, but a man cannot give birth and a woman cannot produce sperm.
Anonymous 89537

I'm surprised there's no discussion here yet on Maya Forstater's ruling. She's gloating and she deserves it.
>>86569Late response but here is a link.
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/transgender-health-care-60-minutes-video-2021-05-23/Anonymous 89549
>>89502This post made me think about something. Society has always wanted women who don't conform to norms to just disappear. They were always seen as defective and useless, not real women. This is really just a modern solution for it. Just let them erase themselves from womanhood, they'll even thank you for it. Let them self-sterilize. It's tragic, really.
Anonymous 89587
I think you misundetstood me, anon. I find it deplorable, of course. I just think the disdain society has ways had for gnc women explains this phenomenon, it's what I meant.
Anonymous 89866
https://boards.4channel.org/lgbt/thread/21022076Tbh threads like these peaked me like no argument could.
Maybe because
>they’re full of AMABs on 4chan bitching about AFABs that they deem unfuckable/priviledged, just like all the other AMABs on that websiteor it’s
>the ”got-mine-so-fuck-yours” leech mentality, because it shows that even MtF anons don’t actually believe in dysphoria deep downLastly,
>inbf 4chanIt’s the only place where the T community talks, mask off, nothing held back.
Anonymous 89877
>>89866God this stuff is cancer, how did the gay rights movement go from liberating gays and lesbians to this bullshit?
>honestly, being on crystal.cafe, 4chan, and ovarit has not been good for my mental health>tfw i need to get off the site but i still come back Anonymous 89878

>>89877Ah, same. I love the internet, especially Crystal Cafe, but it's a horrible start to the day. Many things to be stressed about. I go outside, and it's just grass and sky. Much nicer.
Anonymous 89886
>>89877I want to just forget all about it but then I remember if I have a child I'll probably pass on my autistic genes and that's the kind of person they prey on the most. Fucking hell.
Anonymous 89895
>>89878lol i wish crystal cafe was the most stressful thing in my life, this site is relaxing in comparison to reality
Anonymous 89964
>>89878lol wut u talkin bout. I love this shit wit a cuppa coffee. It’s hilarious
Anonymous 89973
>>89925(ntayrt) that's not a tra book tho
Anonymous 90089
I fucking know
It’s super sad imo. Usually I don’t pity trannies since most are failure men or butch lesbians with internalized misogyny that 100% chose their gross bodymods but the children who get sucked into it make me sad. I get some libfem buying into this trans meme and supporting her teen kid blindly because it’s the nice thing to do but this is straight up munchie shit and it needs to fucking stop.
Anonymous 90097
I'm shocked reddit allows that subreddit to exist, so many mods are TIMs that they usually stomp out any sign of varying from the party line.
My heart breaks for all those young women. Had I been born twenty years later, that could have been me. I wish I could gather them up and hug them. Let them live on my farm and find themselves before having to face the world again.
Anonymous 90110

>>90097yea, it's been a target in past for takeover. this is from a detrans woman who i think was a former mod.
https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1288947357393059840.html Anonymous 90130
Has anyone shared/brought the kikomi saga to CC?
Anonymous 90139

There is no social contagion
Anonymous 90262
While I don't agree with the first paragraph, I 100% agree with the last one.
Anonymous 90264
>>90259What an ugly deluded man.
I have a question for some of you. Do any of you openly present as anti troon in your life/work? I work in a male dominated industry that has a recent influx of trooning out (mostly awkward autistic programmer sock dudes who make…the ugliest women. Some of them dress like 50s grandma's with brightly coloured hair. It's jarring) and honestly I'm at my breaking point. Late 2019 I had HR complaints from a troon because I avoided the bathroom he used and I made him 'feel bad' because I never engaged him like other women in our studio. The entire meeting I wanted to scream that it wasn't my place to play handmaiden to his poor feefees but I refrained. Luckily COVID and being pregnant meant I got to work from home but I kinda stress about going back and part of me really wants to just be out and loud that I don't think troons are women.
But I'm worried about my job. I like what I do and our industry is so twitter focused that people talk and you can get cancelled for dumb shit.
Anonymous 90268
>>90264No, doing so would be social and career suicide. I'm in the healthcare field and have opposed the "sex is a spectrum" crap out of scientific integrity but it still didn't sit well with the woke types.
Anonymous 90281
>>90268>>90264It's so sad that we're at this point. It feels so difficult to get gender critical opinions out there without a lot of anonymity. It will be really devastating to see the full extent of the damage in the coming years, seeing as there's little we can do to stop it.
I regret ever siding with TRA's, I have always thought it was an illness but assumed there was no alternative to their treatment. I'm so heartbroken for all the women who couldn't reconcile with their gender and the way the world has misrepresented and showed contempt for us.
I'm so devastated that society has chosen men's feelings over the safety of it's women.
Anonymous 90282

>>90139this stuff scares the hell out of me honestly. makes me want to dig a bunker and line my hat with tinfoil. how can i have children knowing this stuff is lying in wait for them in schools and hospitals?
Anonymous 90285
>>90282If you had of shown a younger me the top picture in the white dress I would have told you that I would give the world to look like her. What a shame. Wasted on a trend
Anonymous 90308
Because to be a woman who is truly awake is to be in agony. Despite being better than men, we are treated as inferior creatures in every way.
Anonymous 90429
I saw this posted on lolcow and I thought some of y’all would want to see it
Anonymous 90439

>in all seriousness, the only reason I can think of for how someone could come to that conclusion is that they aren't judging tw by the standards women are actually judged by. E.g. possibly the most genuinely gorgeous tw I've seen is Valentina Sampaio, pic related– Valentina became a VS model, but compared to the other models you can see the lack of hips
Anonymous 90441
>>90439my point isn't to tear Valentina down (again, I just said I think Valentina is gorgeous), my point is to say that if pic related were just a "normal" woman, she would be judged relentlessly for how she doesn't have all the right proportions– no hips, no curves, etc. etc. But since it's a tw, we go "yaas girl."
Anonymous 90442

>>90439Smoke and mirrors, anon. You can make an ogre look like a moderately attractive woman if you give him ungodly amounts of professional makeup. And even so, that model only looks good in a high fashion model sense. He has a very masculine face, but I guess that's good for the runway. Makes an ugly woman though.
The prettiest trans male I've seen is that blond Danish/Norwegian, but it's probably just filters.
Anonymous 90445
The "No tranny passes" is a huge cope. I live in a country filled with these HSTs subhumans and some of them do manage to look indistinguishable from women. Especially if they're taking hormones from a very young age
Anonymous 90446
>>90445They never ever do, anon, unless they're teenagers. Kim Petras had SRS as a minor and is looking more and more like a moid. I've literally never seen even one example that is not drowning in makeup and filters.
Anonymous 90448
>>90446I see them every now and then IRL and although a lot do not pass, some really do. I've recently came across IRL this gay guy I went to school with who is now a tranny and he has really managed to look indistinguishable from a woman
Anonymous 90451
>>90445I don't think it's a cope. Realistically speaking most people just haven't met a lot of trans people and obviously perfectly passing trans folks wouldn't ping anyone's radar.
Anonymous 90453
Do you think this tranny entering a female bathroom would ping anyone's radar? Idk if he passes IRL but judging by this video of him without makeup he does seem to pass in overall. I think most people would just assume he is a girl with a somewhat big head but a girl nonetheless
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u444OxbhMssAnonymous 90463
>>90453laughed my ass off at the thought of "average norwegian male"
Anonymous 90470
>>90463It's not funny that our society allows freaks and normalizes them. A male must be masculine, and a female must be feminine. If you break those natural rules, society becomes dysfunctional, hedonistic and degenerate. I laugh at freaks too but i feel bad about society.
Anonymous 90473
>>90470yea I know I already saw you in the other thread but honestly who cares
Anonymous 90475
>>90453That's the one I mentioned above. He's the only tranny I have seen who actually passes (and is Stacy tier), but honestly it's just because he's very young.
Anonymous 90476
>>90453His face shape looks more like a 12 year old boy's then like a woman's to me, kinda like Jazz Jenning's face. I probably wouldn't pay enough attention to notice that if he were in the female bathroom, though. As long as he minds his business and keeps his dick hidden.
Anonymous 90477
>>90453Head looks like a boy's to me, but maybe I would clock them if I didn't know as a very masculinely faced woman. IRL, who knows though, I'd probably clock them.
Anonymous 90478
>>90445I see them where I work all the time and even when they have somewhat feminine faces it's so obvious their body is male.
Anonymous 90527
>>90446I actually have seen one that passes but she was FtM.I saw her around for two years before someone told me. I was really shocked, but seeing old facebook photos she looked extremely masculine before transitioning. Just the one, though.
Anonymous 90532
>>90531oh sorry, i think you're referring to someone you've met irl?
Anonymous 90576
>>90448Btw my friend found out her ex is fucking him on the down low. Tons of scrotes secretly fucking trannies out there, especially the "right wing trad masculine" types most would never suspect of. Beware and do not touch scrotes, they are subhuman and carry AIDS
Anonymous 90578
>>90576>"right wing trad masculine" types>most would never suspect of?
Anonymous 90585
>>90576>>90527That's the thing: for the vast majority of TIMs, to women, do not pass. It's just too easy, we know our bodies well, our mannerisms, and most TIMs masquerade as a caricature of a woman rather than an actual one.
Men have a harder time telling the difference visually, because in his mind women are the caricature the transgender person is playing: all women are their stereotypes. "Woman" is just make-up, dresses, vanity, shallowness- and a feminine-ish silhouette- to him. Present most men an "incomplete" version of a "woman" and his mind will fill in the blanks, he will not search for masculine features (unless they're hard secondary sex characteristics), only see the feminine ones, and delude himself into believing it's the real deal or may as well be, because it makes his peepee hard.
Even then, the majority can't really fool straight men anyway lol, only those that have dropped a lot of effort and money on their appearance.
Anonymous 90589
https://twitter.com/NikitaDragun/status/1404890312296701957?s=20nikita got outed to a man he tried to take home. god his ass job looks terrible
Anonymous 90590
>>90585>moids are not attracted to women, they are attracted to sexist stereotypesgod this makes me want to just forget they exist.
Anonymous 90591
>>90585Yeah but their minds don't literally mistake trannies for women. Deep down they know trannies are men and this is exactly the appeal to them. Scrotes aren't attracted to women, but to makeup, dresses, etc things that are associated to women instead. They do not seek female companionship or genuine love or connection with somebody of the opposite sex, but simply role play instead. They just want someone to play the submissive girly part so they can play the breadwinner masculine one and feel good about themselves
Anonymous 90596
>>90591Knowing this, how can anyone be straight? How?
Anonymous 90655
These men are not simply gay, they are worse than that. Men attracted to trannies are scientifically called gynandromorphophiles (GAMPS) and they are very common. In fact, "transgender" is one of the most watched porn categories by men who identify as heterosexual. Research says GAMP men are attracted to both women and trannies, but most are ultimately more attracted to trannies and sometimes "feminine individuals with penises" in overall. Some researches on gynandromorphophiles have even concluded that heterosexual men in overall have a capacity for some attraction to male transgenders. In one of them for example, when researchers were conducting a study about it in Samoa, where male transgenders (fa'afafines) are socially accepted, they had trouble finding control men who had never had sex with one, thus concluinding that heterosexual men are especially prone to engage in sex with feminized men if it is socially acceptable to do so. I've also read that it is very common for rich men to have more than one wife in the philipines or thailand and one of them is often a tranny
Anonymous 90656
>Teenage transvestite escort who’s slept with 300 married men in 5 months and made £40,000
Are you ready to marry moid subhumans and quit your careers to be traditional housewives to all those traditional scrotes out there sisters?
Anonymous 90746
>>90655Ew ew ew. This takes all the hotness away from the idea of the Greek athlete stud having romantic sex with his apprentice boy at the thermal springs, in sweet masculine sensuality. Men will just put their dicks anywhere. Gross moids.
Anonymous 90847

>little girls are also kinky
where is he? I just wanna talk.
Anonymous 90848
>>86990When I first saw Blaire, I thought he kinda passed. But now after seeing him with more surgery, it's just an uncanny valley. Blaire isn't a woman, but you can't call him a man that's for sure.
Anonymous 90866
>>90848>Blaire isn't a woman, but you can't call him a man that's for sure.This. I love using he/him pronouns to refer to TIMs because it makes lurking trannies seethe but it’s not like I see him and think “man”. I see him and think “tranny” which is honestly worse. Robbie should’ve just stayed a feminine gay guy.
Anonymous 90898
>>90470nice bait kek (or alternatively, go back to bootlicking right wing moids)
Anonymous 90899
>>90848I find Blaire White to be one of the most detectable trannies out there. He just looks extremely fake and ugly. He is also one of the pathetic ones out there too
Anonymous 90900
>>90429i thought lolcow banned terf threads, maybe i should go there if people still post these type of stuff
Anonymous 90901
>>90900they did mtf and ftm cow threads are all that's allowed
Anonymous 90905
>>90453he passes but he wouldn't be a model if he wasn't a troon
Anonymous 91226
terf rin.png

Made a terfy edit of an ugguu twanz Rin
Anonymous 91261
Oof I wonder why trannies are obsessed with posting on CC. It's not like it will turn them into real girls, just like HRT, makeup and spinny dresses won't…
Anonymous 91286
>>91261they have no other way to deal with their anger, i assume
Anonymous 91302
>>91293Because it kept attracting raids from /lgbt/ and some people felt that the misanderist views being put foward were too extreme/insensitive
…"well guys I have a boyfriend hes not like your abusive shitty ape moids blah blah and my trans friend totally isnt a lesbian hating danger to womens safety lalala"
Anonymous 91303
>>90531Why do their names always end with "den"? I met one in real life who was also named Kaiden. I met another one named Jasper. Why do FtMs having trouble picking actual men's names?
Anonymous 91307
Most ftm people choose cool anime names because they're usually huge fucking dorks. I met one called Xenovive (zeno-veev). Its always "Jackson" or a name that sounds like a Final Fantasy sword
Anonymous 91311
lots of reasons
>they view it as part of a culture war that attacks their gender
>they view it as the world having gone insane
>they think children may be corrupted
>they think children may be molested
>they think women may be raped
>they view it as glorification of mental illness
>they see men competing in women's sports as unfair
>they hate men and don't acknowledge transwomen as fellow women but as invading men
>they're religious and view it as a sin
>they like mocking people and see transpeople as some of the most vulnerable and easily mocked
>they believe transpeople serve only to enforce gender stereotypes
Anonymous 91322
>>91293>>91302Tbf, they were right. I’m sure we wouldn’t get so many moidposters if crossboarding trannies weren’t obsessed with shitting up the place
Anonymous 91337
>>91322But that's exactly why they do it. They think that they can screetch and shit up the place and we'll stop talking about things they don't like. That's how they go about their daily lives and how they got any political power, throwing temper tantrums.
Anonymous 91342
>>91337That's how males have always operated. Screaming and shouting until they get what they want even well into adulthood.
Anonymous 91414
According to what?
Anonymous 91417
>>91414My expert opinion having lived as an actual female and not a self-fetishizing porn star ever since I was born.
Anonymous 91470
Mtf names are fucking strange. A ftm will always picks names like Jackson, Aiden, Loki, names that sound pretty or match up with a character they identify with.
Mtf jump straight to fucking Bambi, Draculaura, D'licious
Anonymous 91472
>>91470>Mtf names are fucking strange. A ftm will always picks names like Jackson, Aiden, Loki, names that sound pretty or match up with a character they identify with.This is bullshit, the majority of FtMs choose something stupid like "Jaxon", "Xian" or "Ayjax", there's a preponderance of special respellings of normal male names, or using strange letters just for the fuck of it.
MtFs pick stupid names too mind you, but TiFs are just as braindead.
Anonymous 91475
>>91472As someone who has their own experiences of seeing girls on Tumblr being gigantic dorks forever then suddenly changing their name to Peeta and putting their binder on display, the fictional character name thing among ftm is absolutely common
Anonymous 91502

Remember Jazz? This is Jazz now. Feel old yet?
At least he knows there's something wrong about his eating habits and don't pretend it's healthy to be grossly overweight.
Anonymous 91519
>>91502I've heard rumours that he has aged out of his trans phase and developed BED from the stress of wanting to detransition.
Also, does anyone have any info on the rumours that Jazz has a problem with pathological lying and that it causes drama behind the scenes
Anonymous 91529
>>91470Or "Lilith". If I ever see a "Lilith" I automatically assume it is a troon. Which is hilarious because Lilith was the one who wasn't made from a mans's rib.
Anonymous 91542

>>91529They also really like the name "Alice". It makes me kek whenever I see a troon named that because all I can think of is Alice from Superjail.
Anonymous 91646

>no i will not be competing as a man, why do you ask?
Anonymous 91666
>>91646Jesus, jaw on him like the blade of a shovel
Anonymous 91727
I'm sick of fucking troons on tinder
They heavily edit or filter their pics and in real life they look like fucking men
They also act like men
They're disgusting
Anonymous 91747
>>91502He was literally groomed from early childhood by his psycho mother (who is obsessed with dilating his ruined neovagina). Now he's man with stunted growth from hormone blockers and a collapsed experimental vagina because they couldn't even use regular axe wound procedure due to him having a babydick from the blockers. Literally a walking failed experiment, I can't even hate him, just see him as a sorry abused child. I'd eat myself to death too.
Anonymous 91772
>>91727Mtf troons heavily filter themselves on Tinder to meet men and then get surprised when the men fucking murder them out of rage
Anonymous 91818
>>91542Kek of course they'd also love the name of a little girl character made by a pedo.
Anonymous 91851
>>91747>the person that should protect and love him the most actually brainwashed him and turned him into an an abominationWhat the fuck is going on with the world?
Anonymous 91853
>>91851A slow and steady march towards equality, what else?
Anonymous 91868
>>91772Kek. You're delusional if you actually believe those moids didn't know the trannies were trannies and how they actually looked like before having sex with them
Anonymous 91900
>>91747I smell a lawsuit in the future when he realizes.
Anonymous 91914

Anyone else TERF so hard they became homophobic?
Anonymous 91918

>>91914I know gay men are still horrible to women and invade female spaces, but I never expected to read something like this. Of course it would be Japan though.
Anonymous 91919
I hate it when trannies try to make everything about themselves, I was venting to a long time friend about how my feelings of loss are manifesting as the urge to have a kid and my newly trannied friend asked if he'll suddenly want babies now that he's taking hormones. This is what I get for trying to expect normal human conversation from somebody who has just joined a cult.
Anonymous 92592
John Money QRD.jpe…

Friendly reminder about the modern origin of gender theory and trannyism
Anonymous 92602
A tranny freak got kicked out of a spa in CA after exposing himself to little girls
Not sure if links are allowed but
https://worldstar [dot] com/video.php?v=wshhuXx691hYg0GW4YXX
Anonymous 94344

>>86556>we just want legal marriage rights>we just want a gay sex parade>we just want to serve the millitary in peace>we just want to force religious bakeries to design a cake with sacrilegious bullshit on it>we just want to be women
>NOOOOO gay rights wasn't a mistake. ppl transition because of internalized homophobia!! ppl transition because gendered society tells them they can't be feminine boys or masculine women
> J. Michael Bailey argued that both "homosexual transsexuals" and "autogynephilic transsexuals" were driven to transition mainly for sexual gratification, as opposed to gender-identity reasonsOnly TIFs transition for gender identity reasons. All MTF transition for sexual reasons and eliminating gender won't change that
Anonymous 94398
>>88196Oh my god. finally someone said it.