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Vent thread Anonymous 117577

Previous >>115513

Anonymous 117578

If you had a similar experience before please please help me.
>bf and I started dating 1 year ago
>since then we have had plenty of problems mainly due to me
>I haven’t cheated on him but the first huge crisis was because I got confused on my feelings for a girl coworker
>plenty of micro fights and conflicts over the time because we don’t understand each other, we have different ways of communicate and expressing love
>second big crisis was me telling him I yearn for a ex classmate and I had dreams of him
>I broke with him after this
>oh no no no.jpg
>beg him to come back but now we aren’t an official couple, we refer to each other as bf/gf though
>we still talk, he’s damaged but I’m trying to gain his love and trust
>he’s been distant, we don’t talk for chat except for gn/gm, he’s also busy with work, studies, gym
>told him I feel displaced
>he says he’s focusing on himself and that I’m always feeling like shit so I bring him down
>”work on yourself you need to get better”
>he’s paying for my therapist and other medical appointments
>currently suffering of chronic fatigue due to unknown causes so I don’t work nor study
>today had a new breakdown because he doesn’t talk to me at all, we only saw each other on Saturday and then the chat died
>finally says he doesn’t love me like he used to do
>I knew I love him more than he loves me now but before all the problems it was the other way around
>”do you think you could love me as much as before again?”
>”I tried but I doubt so”
>been crying for hours
>called me, asked him if it’s the right thing for him to end it all
>”I will not break with you in the state you are”
>”you need to get better”

He doesn’t talk me because he doesn’t feel like it. He’s not enthusiastic about me unless we are physically together. He says we always have problems through the chat and it’s true. The relationship it’s crumbling and what’s hurt the most is I don’t have his whole love anymore. I know this is getting unhealthy for me and him but I don’t want to let him go. I adore everything about him, he’s such a nice man. He’s 21 and I’m 23. I think once we mature enough he could love me as much again if I don’t fuck it up. But rn this is tearing apart specially because I don’t do shit for my life except cleaning the house, going to the gym and rot in bed. I feel so tired I can’t do more than the basic.
I couldn’t stand seeing him with another woman I’d rather kys.
Him saying he doesn’t love me unconditionally anymore destroys me inside like I’m being stabbed in my chest.

Please help me. I’m downing here in my misery and it’s also raining fuckkk. Awful day. Be brutally honest or be compassionate. Just help me. I want him to love me. I want to be his priority and I’m no longer am. I used to be.

Anonymous 117579

Why is that toothless, slimy thing suddenly everywhere?

Anonymous 117581

it's a baby hippo

Anonymous 117583

Its name is Moo Deng and it's a baby hippo.
I think it's ugly.

Anonymous 117584

Looks deranged, like its in chronic mental pain. Brave, little soul, someone should put it down.

Anonymous 117586

Started uni again after the first time I dropped out and had a breakdown. Not surprised to say nothing's changed the only person I talk to regularly is the Chinese girl that nobody else talks to. I don't know why it feel so medically impossible for me to have friends or fun or I guess I do know I'm just a depressive hole. AND now I'm home alone with no friends and a cold waaaaa poor me.

Anonymous 117589


I get you nona, I also feel like it's medically impossible for me to make new friends. Whenever I try to talk to new people my brain turns off and I forget any and all conversation topics

Anonymous 117592

Imagine being a contrarian over a little hippo. Embarrassing.

Anonymous 117599

People are allowed to not like things and find stuff visually unappealing.

Anonymous 117605

>relationship is crumbling
im afraid there is no real relationship left, anon. ive been in a similar situation and theres not much you can do. you cannot force something that isnt there and expect things to be the same. youve fucked up in the past and hes totally over your depressoid bull. he seems likes he trying to distance himself and fix you at the same time so when he leaves it wont be such a toll on you.

Anonymous 117609

say "my bmi and weight are x and x. only a damaged person would write this lol"
sounds like you need to learn how to be relaxed around new people, easier said than done

Anonymous 117638


I have issues handling rejection and fucking failure, i cant confront anyone properly at times. also cant believe fucking moids are so insensitive. why cant they just be more emphatic? is it that hard to put away the logical answers knowing that im still trying to process things?

>me and my classmates had to do something for our work group regarding recording a band

>last moment the band just dipped and we had nothing to work with
>teacher blamed us for not bringing the band and seemed like he was just throwing all of the shit on us
>stress skyrockets and feelings of failure go through the roof that i breakdown in the bathroom stall like a fucking maniac
>girl from my group was the only one who escorted me to the infirmary
>still end up depressed after that and feel like my world was crumbling so easily
>teacher tries to talk to me but gave me a motivational speech on like to look for positive things and that its still my fault, great job jackass
>leaves me crying even harder
>another teacher passes by while getting some air and he just laughed at me and tried to do the same thing of putting things on a balance blah blah fuck you
>only person who actually decided to comfort me was the psychologist who was a young woman
>not even a single of my moid classmates in my group gave a shit abt me either

I dont ask anyone to be an empath but i just notice this shit always with moids.

I'm doing just fine with still a light headache, still regretting all of these cuts on my wrists but dont look so bad since they are bandaged. I just dont know exactly why i fear this constantly of failure or cant handle stress so easily. it was fine before but now i simply just spiral so easily that i already overdosed 2 times. im getting professional help but still a few days away from it.

Anonymous 117640

>stress skyrockets and feelings of failure go through the roof that i breakdown in the bathroom stall like a fucking maniac
>girl from my group was the only one who escorted me to the infirmary
Does your school have mixed gender bathrooms? Based on the way your story is written it appears like no men would have been in a position to escort you because they wouldn't have been in the womens' bathroom.

Anonymous 117641

Forgot to tell but after I broke down I went to the recording studio where all my classmates were there, though they all saw my wrists, the only one who took initiative was that girl. I don't mind that much its just that the guys were kinda slow at catching up with me and didnt give a shit at all abt asking me anything. Whatever its all done.

Anonymous 117642

Also no, we dont have mixed gender bathrooms, thankfully.

Anonymous 117648

cute yash.jpg

You can join local clubs relating to your interest, go to the library, or take up volunteer work to find new people. If you have any friends, ask to meet their friends!
I know all of these things seem tiresome but unfortunately, you do have to put in effort in order to create relationships with other people.
I used to have the same problem as you, Nona. I was tired of being lonely and barely having friends until I made the effort to reach out to the people around me. Now I have girlfriend and a whole lotta friends that I love and appreciate.

It might seem hard at first, you won't make friends with everyone, but it will all be worth it in the end. You just need to start taking one step each day to reach your goals of a social life.
I believe in you, Nona!!

Anonymous 117666

I feel like I can’t get along with anyone because I really hate movies and TV and it limits what I can talk to people about. Watching them makes me feel sick and disturbed when I know how the film industry exploits women, and seeing sex or nudity in movies and shows just sends me straight into a suicidal doom spiral because it just drives it further home that all humanity just sees the sexual objectification of women as entertaining. It makes me sick.

Anonymous 117668

They keep calling me animal names and degrading and abusing me.

Anonymous 117670

There's been multiple break-ins nearby and my housemate is gone for the weekend. I don't know how to confidently use his gun, he set up the cameras outside, that are now out of battery, so I can't reach them and I keep nervously using his thermal scope to scan the yard, but I don't know where the charging cable is and it's already down to 50% battery. I just feel really unsafe and I don't have anywhere or anyone else to stay with.

Anonymous 117673

I'm dealing with constant false alarms with smoke detectors and it's stressing me out badly, mainly due to the extremely loud beeping getting on my nerves and giving me anxiety even though I know there's no emergency. Also constantly on edge wondering if it's going to beep again. Some people said dust or insects can trigger it so I cleaned them out and hopefully no more beeping. Would have just replaced right away but there are reports of false alarms with other brands too plus it's expensive.

Anonymous 117677

If your housemate has guns, cameras, and thermal imaging technology, I think they may be a paranoid schizo.

Anonymous 117680

a moid at work is being insufferable and i want to hit him with a stick and a brick.
first he approached me in a mildly non-intrusive way, mentioned by bf so i thought it was ok. i was nice to him so of course now he pesters me endlessly for attention and sulks when i don't give it to him. buys me sweets, texts me, constantly invites me to events after work. the worst is that this slimy detestable scrote has the gall to act like an offended drama queen when i politely refuse his desperate pleas for attention.
my work involves networking and one-on-one spontaneous casual meetings are essential. this shit is not only annoying, it's actually negatively affecting my career. i want to maim him.

Anonymous 117681

HR now

Anonymous 117684

He was in the military, so he's into all that stuff, and he installed the cameras to make me feel safer. I really regret not going to the shooting range with him to learn how to use the gun.I looked it up online, but I don't want to risk screwing it up.

Anonymous 117685

What's your reasoning? Not everyone lives in Japan.

Anonymous 117687

So if my man is being raped to homosexuality, I’m in the right to encourage suicide, right? It’s a better fate.

Men should be willing to fight and die to stay straight, but if they get rapped to homosexuality they become terminal. We love our men and understand that all guys are gays, but they’re supposed to overcome that and find freedom through marriage with a woman. All I’m saying, if I man is rapped to homosexuality against his will; that’s tantamount to murder on the side of the rapist and his death would be a mercy killing.

Fight and die for the union

Anonymous 117688

You're insane and should actively seek help from a professional

Anonymous 117689

no anoushka what is wrong with you

Anonymous 117692

Is this trolling?

Anonymous 117698

I broke up with him but we got back bc the day we broke I went to his job to wait for him to talk. I’m deranged.
He’s clearly less interested in me like before but he wants me to get better because I’m in a dark place mentally and physically which makes me drag him w me. It’s fair and I once was the one treating him like shit while he worshipped me. I don’t know if it’s deserved but is the natural course of things. Good thing
>he doesn’t want to break up, he has faith in me and the relationship
>wants to live together, marry, kids etc but only if I’m mentally stable
>yesterday we joined together to a boxing club
Bad thing
>he doesn’t love me like the first months, probably will take a lot of time (or never) to reach that point again so he doesn’t show love the same way/frequency
He’s busy as fuck and prioritizing himself so why I am so selfish? Do I adore him like never before just because he’s not giving me lots of attention and I’m afraid of losing him? Is he going to get bored of me at some point?
I’m honestly tired of having an ache in my stomach and burning pain in my chest. I want to start enjoying food again. Stop obsessing over his fucking chat. Things aren’t over holy fuck. He loves me, he listen to my crazy rants and reassures me -in person bc he sucks at chat-. We will still see each other weekly…even if I’m more enthusiastic about it than him. If it were up to me I would live under his sheets. I’m frightened of being abandoned. Shaking and crying and throwing, make it stop. The logical circle in my mind
>focus on myself, get better, b more disciplined, IMPROVE MY HEALTH (very important), get job, study
>slowly shift attention to myself and my achievements instead of seething over him replying me 2 hours late
>this clingy neediness disappear, I’m far more composed, I’m not extremely anxious with or without him
>we still together, stonks
So easy to say it but rn in the present moment I want to take my eyes and heart out

Anonymous 117709

you're so right queen

Anonymous 117717

I'm just gonna post this in the emptyness that is this place. It's very tiring to be there for a suicidal friend. Obviously, I won't let go off her because I love her and want the best. But it sucks that sometimes I can't really vent out my frustrations either to keep her afloat. I wonder if there are other people that are friends with depressed/suicidal people out there that feel the same. I just need to hear from people like you if possible. Trying to feel a bit less lonely. I'm trying my absolute best to make it better for her. I guess I wish I could cry a bit too because it hurts to see her hurting like this.

Anonymous 117738

I had an abortion last Friday. Has anyone else here had one? What are your thoughts on the matter? My mom thought it was for the best and I believe she was right, but for some reason it ended up being a really heartbreaking experience. I've always wanted to be a young mother and this was probably my only chance. I'm 19 and I work in a grocery store, my boyfriend is broke most of the time because he's been having trouble finding jobs (he works for a construction company) and I don't have a high school diploma. Maybe I could have gotten my GED before giving birth and then it would have worked out, probably not. I'm still having cramps which are a side effect of the procedure. Now I am desperately trying to think of ways I can prepare myself so that we can have a baby in the next couple of years but my bf doesn't think I'll be ready, he wants to wait. I know he's right but I can't stop thinking. I see babies everywhere now… All I want is to hold my child.

Anonymous 117739

PS. I'm not very good at articulating myself so I'm sorry if I sound like a dummy

Anonymous 117740


Every day that passes by I can't help but think that it'd be nice to permaban some people from existence

Anonymous 117741

wanting to dye my hair dark again so SO badly

Anonymous 117744

What is the likelihood of someone being too busy to text back….?

Anonymous 117745

It depends. Are they a busy person? What do they do for work?

Anonymous 117746

Damn nona.
>it was really heartbreaking
Killing your baby is heartbreaking, imagine that. Did you think at all before doing such a thing, or you just blindly listened to other people's opinions on whether the life inside you should be ended or not? And that your boyfriend was ok with killing his child, instead of being driven to find better, more stable employment to support his family, is scary, honestly. You should abstain from sex if you're not ready to have children.

Anonymous 117747

highly unlikely if it's a moid

Anonymous 117748

If that person spends a lot of the time in the phone even while working then unlikely.

Anonymous 117749

Be gone moid

Anonymous 117750

they work a job where the work shifts are 12 hours and sometimes they’re in areas that don’t have great reception.
Really Nona….? He seemed nice though….
Well we hung out last week and he didn’t really get on his phone.

He hasn’t been great at answering texts since we started talking but now I feel like something has changed. As in, he’s just done answering me and I don’t understand.

Anonymous 117751

if he travels for work I'd say it may be pretty reasonable. you hung out so that's a good sign too

Anonymous 117752

>only moids care about unborn babies!!

Anonymous 117754

If you don’t like videogames that’s fine, but don’t belittle the entire medium just because of moids, some women have been playing videogames since the PS1 era.

Anonymous 117755

I thought so. so I haven’t been super weird about texting. We met in person which is unusual and it was kind of cute how it happened. I feel like I ruined it though…

Anonymous 117756

How did it happen? If he seems nice you can give him the benefit of the doubt, but be careful, especially if you're not experienced with guys.

Anonymous 117760

The only women who are anti abortion are religious crazy people, and it’s probably your parents or your husband who made you this way. Look for resources to help you get out of your abusive relationship, and get therapy if you can. You need to get this brainwashing out of your head.

Anonymous 117763



My ex bf’s girlfriend made a post about me and asked how she can stop comparing herself to me, which I find pretty ironic considering the fact that he left her for me. He emotionally cheated on me with her and started dating her two weeks later. It’s been two years and assuming they have been together for two years, it’s pretty fucking funny to me that she’s insecure about the girl that her boyfriend left behind in the dust. I’m not even that pretty either. What could you possibly be comparing yourself for? Right before he broke up with me, I literally vented to him about how jealous I was of his friendship with her……. and he breaks up with me right after. You literally won.

Anonymous 117764

My family are all strongly pro-abortion and atheists. Imagine being such a misogynist that you think women can only adopt the opinions of the authority figures in her life instead of coming to her own conclusions. Take your own advice and talk to a doctor about your lack of empathy for the most vulnerable members of our people.

Anonymous 117765

We met at work. I work as a cashier, and we would smile at each other. At first, I thought he was just being polite. Then he asked for my number. I don't think he’ll text me back, if I'm being honest with myself. I might have scared him off.

Anonymous 117769

What do you think you've done to scare him off?

Anonymous 117790

can i ask where you saw her post about you?
like how do u know if it was her

Anonymous 117808


I don't know if I should try to get a diving license or not. I think I'd love it and would maybe make a few friends but I don't want to sit on a boat half-naked with multiple middle-aged men for 20 minutes.

Anonymous 117809


Anonymous 117810

Not that anon, but why is an entire family being a pro-abortion and atheist unrealistic? A person largely gets the majority of their beliefs from their own family. Also, I have found that it is usually Americans who argue about abortion in terms of spirituality. In Iceland, people with Down Syndrome are straight-up aborted for instance so that they have almost no people with it (I am not saying this is a good or bad thing, just pointing out that very many people do not care about abortion or don't tie their spirituality/religion to it)

Anonymous 117814

Yeah I’m done being emotionally dependent to my bf. Can’t eat, can’t sleep, chest always hurts, addicted to our few interactions. What the fuck is this. Really. I already have a lot of problems myself and now I want his approval like a child with his parents. This madness gotta stop.

Anonymous 117816

I'm sick of myself for being too scared to cut off people I want nothing to do with. I have this friend who, at times is great to be around, but most other times makes me feel awful. I care deeply for her, but she emits such a potent air of negativity.. like it feels dark, even evil at times. She is the only friend I have, yet I think I would be better off having no friends at all than to be around her.

She cannot go two minutes without speaking negatively of people, even those that are supposed to be her friends. In the past, I confided in her and shared very personal information. I was foolish at the time and didn't understand her true nature. I just know she gossips about me to others. I know she calls me "this bitch" and a "fucking weirdo" because that's what she calls all of the other people in her life. I know that she must have shown other people our texts because she shows me other people's texts to her. If I were to end our friendship, I can't imaging what she would say about me to others.

She's a person who violently latches onto others and then wonders why so few people in her life stay. There were multiple times when, if I didn't answer her texts within 30 minutes, she would walk to my building. She would slam on my bedroom window from outside to get my attention and to let her in, uninvited. It got to a point where I kept my curtains shut permanently just so I could hide from her. Just so I could feel free from her constant surveillance and leave my current location unknown.

When things are going well for her, she tirelessly searches for something to be upset about; whether it be past friendships that ended for reasons that were "not of her fault", or comparing herself to me for pity. If there is nothing negative to be said, she is dead silent. I went out of my way to plan a dinner for us as my treat, and it was the worst dinner of my life. All she did was sit in silence UNLESS she thought of someone to talk shit about. I sat across from her wide-eyed and with an uncomfortable smile on my face because… I was appalled. I have never paid for a dinner so quickly in my life. I wanted to be gone.

If there is something negative to be said, she will talk on and on and look at me for approval… As her friend I try to agree, but in my head I want to kms because I agree with nothing. When she asks me what she's done wrong in each of her relationships (romantic or not), I have no idea what to say because, if I point out what she may have done wrong, she will do the most extensive mental gymnastics to justify her actions. And somehow, even though I KNOW deep down that she was in the wrong, her explanations manage to contort my brain into agreement with her. I never know what to say when she asks for my thoughts on these situations.
It's like facing a once abusive parent now that you're an adult; they directly ask why you think they were such an awful parent, and you stare blankly at them because you can't find the words to say. You second-guess yourself, even thinking, "Wait, was it really that bad? Am I being too sensitive? Am I making this up?", even though you really were abused by them.

I fear that I am no better than her by posting this and I know that the only answer is to end our friendship, but I'm not mentally prepared for her reaction. I go to a small university too, so it further complicates my fear of being gossiped about.

Now that I have re-read this a few times it's really pathetic, but this is a vent thread, aferall. So here it goes

Anonymous 117817

I wish I was hated. I need a rival. I want someone to fight. Someone I wake up each day just to hate back.

Anonymous 117818

>I’m unworthy of someone else love
How to deal with a guy that says this?
On one side I feel like it isn’t worth pursuing someone emotionally unavaliable.
On the other side I feel like I’d be just proving him right by stopping caring about him. And I hate losing.
He’s not a badboy or anything, he’s actually pretty gentle and fun to be around, just extremely broken. Why do I have to obsess over a person like this…

Anonymous 117820

I’m addicted to digital self harm I think. I keep purposefully looking at incels and misogynists and pedos out of a sick fascination with them. I start off laughing at them for being pathetic, but always end up dooming over how horrible they are and how popular their ideas are becoming.

Anonymous 117821

I'd leave if I were you nona. This will never end up in a healthy relationship. Yes you will prove him right in a way but you gotta take care of your own life first.

Anonymous 117828

Tell him that it hurts you that he won't accept your love and that you are willing to give it to him as a gift because you care.
If he still doesn't accept it then leave, he clearly doesn't want to work on his issues and wants to submit to his own self-fulfilling prophecy.

Anonymous 117834

Coworkers are all significantly older than me and treat me like a kid (I'm in my thirties, they're in their 50s)

Can't into discord.

Try to interact with people on tumblr but I can't seem to make the jump to friends.

Anonymous 117835

Should I date a guy who has an ugly face but a really nice body If I also have an ugly face but a nice body? Tbf he thinks I'm beautiful but he's kind of stupid. Are we "looksmatched"?

Anonymous 117837

Never settle for a guy nona. It will eat you up inside all your life.

Anonymous 117838

If I don't settle Ill be alone at that will be worse. my one dream in life is to find love

Anonymous 117839

They're really all like that, aren't they? And I do desperately wanted him to be the one.

Anonymous 117846

I mis him so much. I know he won't be good for me but he's better than most and much better than nothing at all. I feel like I'm throwing away a gem because it's slightly scuffed

Anonymous 117848

You know when a man says something that reminds you "oh well it is a man after all… idk what I expect"

Anonymous 117849

Makes me wish I wasnt perceived. I wish I was a snail. Or a rock. Not a woman. I am sad

Anonymous 117862

When you love someone you adore every part of his face. My man isn’t a conventionally attractive guy but he’s perfect in my eyes because every detail on his face belongs to him

Anonymous 117863

Wew idk what to advise, I bet that’s a very hard situation to deal with. She sounds extremely troubled and deluded to the max. I’ve known people like her but never got close to them. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Worst part must be genuinely worrying about her but meanwhile she’s just there destroying everything she touches

Anonymous 117864

Maybe one day I'll feel this way?

Anonymous 117874

I talked with him and he said he’s better off alone and I didn’t know him for real.
Long story short its over.
I feel like I betrayed his friendship by being too pushy about it. Maybe I was too overwhelming.
Doesn’t help either that he changed his bio to lyrics of that “rose-colored boy” song, made me feel even guiltier about pressuring him.
But that also could be just my anxiety getting the best of me.
Why do avoidants always attract paranoid people like me?

Anonymous 117884

goat simulator.jpg

really just needed to get this off my chest, rough draft, don't care, just venting.

>what is the difference between a game and real life?

i used to post really insane shit on an imageboard because, well, i dunno, it was both fun and depressing at the same time. yeah, i'd get a bit heated, but that was kind of the point (really just search up bait terms in archives and realize that was always the point). after a while, i started to be able to recognize regular posters on the board, and we would have conversations about certain topics that got pretty extensive after a while. (also - i really wish people would keep in mind that individual posts are REPLIES to much larger threads. if you've never exercised """""anonymity"""" maybe you wouldn't get it. if you believed you were anonymous, and came across certain posts online, like seeing your little sister get plowed by an ox, do you really think anyone would have acted "rationally"?)

i probably annoyed the community when i first started using it, and maybe now lel, hence why, after a certain point, it led to me being doxxed. this is the point where i just really disagree with how things happened afterwards:

i do regret having posted a lot of the things i said. but i don't think it's real, and, if someone were to build an entire government structure off of some shitposting site, i would probably laugh my ass off. i learned a lot from the experience but by no means would i actually think the political musings of some random anons rolling a digital blunt would actually translate to real life happiness. at any point, the people who doxxed me (DEFINITELY NOT JUST IP ADDRESSES) could have directly spoken to me, but they didn't.

i also do not hate other women. sometimes i would get goaded into dogfights cus i dunno, people got bored and wanted to see shit happen. it would make me feel really sad if someone actually thought that i do not like other women, and i've posted on crystal.cafe far longer than any other ib. not that I'm assuming cc wouldn't have ever found my posts annoying but i think a miner would have still understood that i am not against my own gender and i enjoy the presence of other women.

anyways. the difference between real life and a game is like having a good accent vs knowing the language itself.

>a good accent

you don't have to know the language itself. you know how it kind of sounds, maybe you've never even stumbled across a fluent speaker completely by chance in real life, but you can get by with a bit of playfulness and wit as long as you know the general feeling of the language.

>knowing the language

you've archived literally every grammatical rule and structure of the language. you're angry at the language and you think it's flawed, almost to the point of wanting to destroy it because you've never practiced the accent itself so much as its grammatical rules.

real life is fun, a bit playful, and doesn't actually hurt anyone. please keep that in mind and respect anonymity. there are lots of people who do and who understand that a bit of competitiveness on digital platforms does not actually translate to real life behavior.



Anonymous 117889

Everything in life is a game nona, but none of its fun past a certain age. Its a sludge that sucks the life out of you.

Anonymous 117890

none of its fun past a certain point. you should be afraid of doxxing and have no attachment to the digital world (again, it definitely wasn't just ip addresses or careless use of an email, it was always meant to be anonymous and low stakes), because the internet is only supposed to be a glimpse into what real life could be.

people doxx others because perhaps they feel they have nothing to lose in real life. its not a good thing to doxx people, and no, this should not be normalized. they do stuff like this to latch onto others and babytrap them.

okay, cool, whatever, but this stops here.

Anonymous 117892

I'm confused what does this have to do with my post? Past a certain point? You mean like after college? After everything starts to go downhill? Because that's what i meant.

I'm not afraid of moid shenanigans like doxxing. No offense but I think living in fear of ANY kind of moid filth, abuse, or blackmail is setting yourself up to live a seriously diminished life. That's what the shitty moids want. If you get close to most of them, it becomes obvious in a lot of little ways how entitled they are to benefit from that kind of background abuse that makes you mentally cucked. Even supposed nice guys are taking advantage of the cultural abuse, gagging, and brainwashing. They have so much entitlement to the filthy depraved ways things have been set up so women are disadvantaged to be preyed upon and have less social power. So that is a nonoption for me. Neither is going anywhere near a disgusting moid.

What are you talking about IP addresses and careless use of emails? You should not have regrets over internet garbage. The internet is a dumping ground for virtually everything. If you don't post it someone else will kek.

Anonymous 117901


i have the most insane victim mentality to ever exist.

i genuinely believe everything i do is somehow justified by some logic-driven reason that i am NATURALLY predisposed to ("obviously"), which is why i just love ruining other people's fun with real life stakes without ever explaining to them why it is that i behave in a way that is very clearly distressing them.

i am not a victim. i will never be a victim lol. not that anyone ever is, necessarily, but i genuinely believe that my lack of transparency fully justifies my means of harming others. i will never say what it is i personally did that harmed others because i am just not a good person, full stop. i need to stop fucking thinking i'm a good person and believing it's my duty to administrate justice. because, based on my background and the things i have involved myself in, i am just as complicit in misbehavior as the people i persecute.

i need to stop latching onto and inadvertently babytrapping others because i suck. i know for a fact the only reason i concern myself with randoms is because i am scared of accountability, and only ever really gave a shit about randoms when they realized i have everything to lose.

i really should just gfm

Anonymous 117904

are you schizophrenic?

Anonymous 117909


reduced sugar edition

Anonymous 117933


Anonymous 117935

one would be very silly to believe you would not document your memories.

they should not touch real life people with a 2000 foot pole.

know what babytrapping is.

Anonymous 117936

respecc anonymity :D

Anonymous 117939

You messed with your boyfriends condom????

Anonymous 117952


If there is a fear, I have it. Societal collapse, rape, a meteor striking. In my mind, Murphy's Law rules. And my consequence? Kill myself before worse happens.

Anonymous 117986

I appreciate it, nona.
I'm trying to figure things out as the days pass. Regardless of how it is done, the end of our friendship will be very tough before things get better… but I look forward to better days!

Anonymous 117994

My mum has been terminally online with Facebook since Covid and I can't take it anymore. Most of her talking to me now is just her ranting about people she gets into e-slap fights with or comments she's read.

Anonymous 117995

I fucking hate my moid neighbor and his ass music taste, the same dad rock songs almost everyday, sometimes I feel like dropping trash and dog shit on his doorstep

Anonymous 117996

I also hate going out with friends only for them to invite the one person I can't stand anymore. Why are you here? You and your bf can kindly fuck off

Anonymous 117997

I have a pretty severe form of OCD that makes me pick at my skin and hair. It is impossible to hide and extremely visible. I don't even know what I can do about it anymore, the meds stopped working

Anonymous 117999

i just think its really cringe when people try to involve other races in things they obviously don't want to be involved in. why do people care so much if you don't want to be in their ingroup/have no desire to? they have nothing to offer you. therefore, they should leave you alone. the only true friendship is symbiotic in nature and consensual, everything else is just cult bullshit.

Anonymous 118036

that one couple that no one likes

Anonymous 118039

I'm having some family related issues and I'm honestly not sure how to handle it. I would really appreciate some advice if anyone got some.

I'm a uni student that still lives with my parents. Their marriage has been falling apart for years but it seems to have reached a new low. My mom always has been a bit of a workaholic, to the point where it has severely affected her health due to her overworking herself and neglecting it. Said health complications took a turn for the worse about a year ago, landing her in the hospital after collasping and getting diagnosed with anemia. It was apparently because of a myoma, making her bleed out everday while making her periods more severe and painful. She's been showing symptoms (like having low energy and looking pale etc.) a while before that, but she outright refused to go to a doctor when brought up. Her collapsing was enough to change her mind at least. My dad didn't see anything wrong with her behavior before the diagnosis and dismissed it as her being lazy. He's accusing her of doing nothing for the household and him being left to do everything (which quite frankly isn't true). Naturally this lead to many arguments between the two.

These arguments started getting worse and worse lately with some financial and familial issues that have come up on top of everything. They're yelling at each other constantly, my mom explodes over small things at this point. The above mentioned health complications (affecting her menstrual cycle specifically) started getting worse again and the huge additional work load at her job makes her more stressed out than usual on top of that. She started going on these rants where she yells at me about how horrible of a person my dad is and how badly she wants a divorce to finally be able to have a normal family. My dad refuses to get a divorce, I assume because he does still love her to some degree but has no way of showing it.

I'm so torn with this and admittedly just tired of being in the middle of everything. I want to be there for her and support her, but, and I feel incredibly selfish for even thinking this, hearing their arguments constantly day in and out is just incredibly drainging, to the point where I started dismissing my mom when she starts ranting about my dad again. My mom can honestly get really scary when angry. When bringing up going to another doctor's appointment or insinuating that she might be overreacting and should probably calm down, she accuses me of defending him and making me out to be the enemy. Which in the latter case, I guess I am, but mostly because I just want things to calm down. Same thing happened, when she wanted to show me how bad her bleeding is during her period with blood running down her legs.

I should probably just move out, but I can't do that with my current wage. Job hunt might take a bit, so I still have to deal with this for the forseeable future.

Anonymous 118040


Are you ESL?
I don't know about races but if some groups are extremely toxic and have, for example, bimbo women catering to chauvinistic disgusting males to the point it makes you feel sick, its only right they be discouraged from breeding so that whole mess gets filtered out of the gene pool.

I mean how in christ did we arrive here anyway?

Anonymous 118042


hi ladiess, does anyone else have a member of their family that is incapable of taking care of themselves due to mental illness? and how does your family deal w it/do they?

my aunt raised me for a chunk of my childhood, so i care for her very much and consider her like a second mother. since then though she's mentally declined. she has bipolar 2 and a few other illnesses, but i know bipolar is the more prominent one. anyway, she currently lives in an apartment for elders, but she’s succumbed to such low living habits. like when making a "meal," she'll open something up and just throw the wrappers on the floor without even looking for the trash. like even raw meat packaging… she has a roach problem bc of this. she doesn't eat proper meals, more like, corn and hamburger meat w barbecue sauce slathered on it.

she's just rotting away, and it’s heartbreaking to see. i've come by her place a few times and deep cleaned it, but it never helps because she just trashes it shortly after. she doesn’t care about herself..

Anonymous 118043

Lonely for a long time so I joined the furry fandom and am immediately making friends. Kind of sad I wasn't able to make friends through church because I tried that for a long time and it never worked out for me. Furries are nicer and friendlier to me than other Christians.

Anonymous 118044


Gee maybe she's being stalked nona

Anonymous 118045

Lmao christians

Anonymous 118046

what… do you even mean..

Anonymous 118047

Tomorrow I'm seeing someone and I was so surprised he wanted to hang out but also.. not happy at all?
I spent most of my life wanting to be desired, to love and be loved, to be in a relationship. I still want it more than ever, and am so touch starved it hurts. And there's nothing wrong with him, he's really nice and intelligent and does all the right things. But I just can't believe it would work, I can't help wanting to avoid everything and run away from it I hate being this way.
I fear the date, I fear texting, I hate small talk, I hate the way he'll initiate touch and I'll have to react thought I DO want it, I guess. It's this avoidance fucking me up, and both the fact that I'll always be unlovable and also the.. normalcy of it all? He's only a year older, and I'll have to play in this game nearly an equal part to his and it makes me feel icky, being an equal partner. In all my dreams a guy will take charge and tell and teach me how exactly because I'm so clueless and confused. And the fact that I'll actually have to talk, flirt, initiate things, be active in the relationship makes me ill.
It's fucked up. I'm 22 and not a weak person. I should be strong and get what I want and these days it is someone to hold me close at night. Anxiety will NOT win.
(also tips would be nice if you went through similar things)

Anonymous 118048

go masterbate to furries again moid

Anonymous 118049

What’s up with this troll calling everyone a man in every single thread? Fuck this site

Anonymous 118050

Because you sound like a dude wanking it behind the screen and it genuinely makes me sick

im not gonna pretend it doesn't anymore im gonna call each and every one of you filthwads out

Anonymous 118051

to be brutally honest, you should stop wanting him to love you. also you sound clinically depressed. break up with him and fix your life, you'll never have a stable relationship if you dont already have a stable life

Anonymous 118052

What’s up with this troll calling everyone a man in every single thread? Fuck this site

Anonymous 118053


I struggle with basic math as an adult

Anonymous 118054

it's literally one retard who keeps calling literally anyone a scrote and i've noticed this happening in literally every thread for months. i thought i was going crazy
stfu she sounds normal

Anonymous 118055

does no one relate to this like wtf. i thought mental illness was rampant in this Hoe. there must be someone with a loved one fucked in the head

Anonymous 118056

Does she though?

This site is overrun with moids posting as women though

Anonymous 118075

Seems like shes very ill and using this tacitcs as a form of calling for help. Its like self harm. But she trashes the place to show people shes not well and need help

Anonymous 118076


I found a new religion
I still follow Jesus teachings but I dont go to Church. Because they just seem so far away from what original Christian teachings.
I made a new life goal of eliminated the evil force buy good acts, thoughts and speeach.

Anonymous 118077

Sorry for the grammar. Posted on phone

Anonymous 118078

I'm 34 and study multiplication flashcards and practice skip counting because I never memorized the times table. I think I'm actually retarded.

Anonymous 118080

if you struggle with memory i can see how juggling numbers in your head could be hard. idk dont feel bad nona. calculators exist to help with that

Anonymous 118085


I forgot to feed and give water to my friend's pet hamster for a week and it died. I lied and said a black widow spider killed it and ants ate it. She blamed herself for leaving the window open.

Anonymous 118086

everygirl i ever befriend online comes out as tif 3 months to 3 years later, it dosent even have to be friend it can also be commenting under my art to the point that now i am starting to have the delusion i somehow causing that

Anonymous 118088

Its her fault for being a bad judge of character. Never have children.

Anonymous 118097


Life has lost its meaning. Its just either sit around with phone all day or work at some stressful place. I dont want kids. Its selfish bringing people into a world like this just because you want to cure your own mental illness. Wished i lived in a tribe where old people were wife and treated with respect
And everyone belived to become a spiritual anaimal after death

Anonymous 118116


I truly feel that if my bf left me, I'd have nothing left to live for. Sure, he predicates my existence and makes life a little less meaningless and all that, but this period of joy is sure to come to an end. We'll graduate, and then we have to go to different continents. When we return, who's to say if we'll still be together? Or if he's already been tempted by other hot and hormonal young women? Which is why I have to steal his first everything. We're already both virgins who's each other's first everything to begin with. We kissed, so there's that.

Viktor Frankl is a damn seller of hokey. Life is meaningless and we're all going to die, so create your own meaning, whatever the hell that means, even if you know that your created meaning is meaningless anyways and merely a human assigning towards an absurd existence, and surrender yourself to love and worship your lover as your personal god, an imperfect deity who will validate your existence and give you a reason for being.

I don't know. Honestly I just live to spite the cruelty of our circumstances in an imperfect world, feeble creatures who have been cursed with the divine miracle of consciousness. Motion is life, stillness is death. It doesn't matter if you're moving or just rotting in bed, we rot all the same, helplessly shepherded and corralled to oblivion by Death the shepherd. We can't do anything to stop Death, so I live to spite him. Spend my life endlessly flipping off Death

Anonymous 118118

You need to learn to love yourself first. It’s hard not to rely on your significant other, but if he goes you have to be able to rely on yourself as well. If not it’s not good for you mentally

Anonymous 118119

ohhhh.. you’re such a piece of shit lol

Anonymous 118122

I!!!!!! HAAAAAATE!!!!!!! MOIIIIDSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous 118123

I'm going to be honest this guy is a fucking faggot. You literally didn't do anything, you just committed thoughtcrime (not an actual thing to feel bad about, you shouldn't have to control your THOUGHTS for him and he shouldn't be jealous of your thoughts.) He is weak as fuck and a pussy

Anonymous 118124


Life without her is so painful. I think I became obsessed, now I can't let go. It's been over a year now, I think. It's over now. How long until I forget, or will it ever go away?

Anonymous 118125

I keep having dreams about my old friend who bullied me in school. She used to grope me in bathrooms and locker rooms and show my cringy autist stuff to guys in our grade. I still feel ashamed of myself, but I hope she's doing alright these days

Anonymous 118126

You are fucked up

Anonymous 118146

I still miss my ex

Anonymous 118147

how long has it been?

Anonymous 118148

>gags people who don't even want to be whistleblowers nor had the intention to in the first place out of their own schizophrenia induced paranoia
>"why don't people want to join my cult anons?"

Anonymous 118158

happi halloween peebol

Anonymous 118160

Over a year and i can't get over it

Anonymous 118161

Well, there was probably a reason you split up in the first place. But if you still have feelings after a whole year maybe it's worth trying to reconnect? There are plenty of stories of nonas reconnecting with past lovers on here.

Anonymous 118167

He cheated and dumped me for her, then deleted all his accounts

Anonymous 118168


>get a funny dm on tiktok from a guy i don't know
>check his profile
>he's very attractive
>check his following
>he follows literally 5 friends
>he doesn't follow any women
>i reply to him
>we've been exchanging a few messages every day for the past week
>he sent me a fresh photo so i know he's real
>he flirts with me and he wants to take me out
>but he texts back after a few hours every single time
>sometimes take 12-20 hours to reply
>meanwhile i always reply to him after 10-60 minutes
>i tried to match his energy to see if it makes him text faster and it doesn't
it's really annoying, my imagination is going wild and i hate it. what's a reasonable explanation for this behavior? i feel like it would be weird to mention this to him this soon.

Anonymous 118174

I'm feeling like shit. I got yelled at to the point of tears for two hours last night by my husband for something I had nothing to do with. Then I got scolded at work infront of a bunch of people. I wish I could go stay in a hotel tonight and relax.

Anonymous 118176

Perhaps it simply means he doesn't check his phone as often as you do. Notifications off is an indicator of good mental health imo. The sooner you go on an actual date the sooner you can get out of this texting phase and evaluate the real human.

Anonymous 118177

What's stopping you?

Anonymous 118178

>Perhaps it simply means he doesn't check his phone as often as you do.
this is probably the healthiest assumption. i just can't help but think that he's texting like 10 girls at the same time and he's just playing me. i'm very average looking and i don't think we have any shared interests. why be interested in me?
>The sooner you go on an actual date the sooner you can get out of this texting phase and evaluate the real human.
i want to but i know i would probably sleep with him if we meet. i'm also afraid that he won't like me in person.

Anonymous 118179

I know it's tempting, but try not to reject yourself before giving things a chance! He's already told you he's interested. Yes, you two might end up being incompatible in person, but you're not going to know any way until you go on the date, so why continue to torture yourself in texting limbo? Rejection is a part of life, but by conditioning ourselves to handle it we can become strong and beautiful.
If you're worried about moving too fast with him, maybe push for a time-constrained day date and have an appointment for yourself later in the afternoon? The appointment could be as simple as playing video games with a friend on discord or something. Probably not a bad idea to have somebody to talk to after the date anyway, to help decompress.
Remember: As nerve-wracking as it can be at first, the only way to get better at dating is to date. The outcome of any individual date is completely unrelated to your value as a woman. You can do it, Nona.

Anonymous 118180

you're simply replaceable, you think that you are the only woman he chats with ? LOL

Anonymous 118181

That sounds very suspicious. I'm not saying he's fake, at the very least an alt account. Following 5 friends and no female friends? Takes up so much time to respond also. he's talking with other girls undoubtedly. Real question is if you wanna keep pursuing him or not. I'd say it's a lost cause.

Anonymous 118182

What denomination is the church you go to?

Anonymous 118184

If you want to date a guy with no other prospects there are plenty of them waiting over on R9K

Anonymous 118185

I'm so incredibly scared that I won't be able to unfuck my life in time, which is dumb since I'm still young and all that but what about all the things I miss out? What if I'm still struggling into my 30s? What if everyone has figured out their friends and families, jobs and such by then and I'm just getting started with life? What then? I know I should be starting with one thing at the time but it's so overwhelming, I'm lost

Anonymous 118188


Anonymous 118199

There is no such thing, or very rarely such a thing, as a complete life where everything is figured out and in its place. Just lots of pieces people keep in place, and other pieces they're trying to get. Usually focusing on the latter and being unhappy for it. Ask yourself what pieces you'd like most right now. Relationship, friends, travel, career? Then focus on that and don't sweat the rest for now. Important part isn't that you get it all sorted, just that you take regular pride and satisfaction in what you have. Just one day at a time.

Anonymous 118203

If your thought is good and your speech good, your actions will be good as well. Then again, speech is verbalized thought so if your thought is good, your speech is good also. The motto should be 'good thought', yet again 'thought' as a maxim already implies good thought and not anti-social or otherwise short-sighted or crooked thought. The Buddha teaches us that thought happens through non-thought, which leads us to (…)

Anonymous 118212

i make imaginary relationships between irl people cus im cringe asf and probably fap to it

Anonymous 118214


I ate a pineapple and now my mouth hurts

Anonymous 118218

anyone else have a

Anonymous 118219

Does anyone else have a constant crave for attention? It stems from boredom and low self esteem. Specifically attention from guys

Anonymous 118221

people who report others lives are very sad and creepy. gang stalking is also pretty creepy.

if this was happening, it would be justified to make a big fuss over it.

Anonymous 118224

I was thinking about posting some people I know irl on a Discord group I lurk. I think they would really enjoy knowing them, I have so much to say about their life, beliefs, and personality.

Anonymous 118226

kidding. that's stupid and unethical.

however, i think most things are reciprocal. and people are more revealing than they think. so don't do that, because i guarantee some people have a lot more to lose even when one is generous and quick to forgive.

Anonymous 118228

Is it possible to have low self esteem because of where you live? I live in a small hick state and whenever I’ve used tinder in the past. I’ll get like no matches. I won’t get hit on blah blah. But when I set my location to anywhere else or meet guys from other places. They’ll be really hot and they’ll think I’m hot. Like???

Anonymous 118231


the only way in which this episode is fair is if every audience member that gets involved is put through the same process.

don't do this shit. don't involve yourselves in this shit.

Anonymous 118233

Femcel rant: I get the same resentment and hatred incels feel seeing promiscuous women or men who mog them. Tired of going outside and seeing women prettier than me and wishing I looked like any of them. It feels worse seeing men being attracted and horny for those women that have a face and body I’ll never have. I just start to hate them especially when they watch porn or sleep around why do they have to be so horny and retarded and disgusting. It’s like those incel posts seething about women always showing their height bias but for me it’s always seeing men being obsessed with big butts and boobs it makes me want to die all the time and I feel so unfeminine and unlovable and worthless. And I can’t even be mad cause it’s just their nature and my looks just suck

Anonymous 118234

he ghosted me after i asked what does he do for a living. was i wrong for asking this before we meet? i want to double text and apologize now.

Anonymous 118235

he engages in redpill shit, trash took itself out

Anonymous 118239

I recently graduated with a master's in communications and I can't find a job. I have six figures in student debt and I don't know how I will ever be able to pay this all off. My father isn't going to help me because I should have gotten a "real degree" real degree meaning STEM, but I don't like math and I don't like moids. Life is so unfair. I worked just as any STEMlord moid and my degree is just as valuable. Why can't I get a good job? I don't understand.

Anonymous 118242

How were the people in communications? My academically challenged elementary school bully majored in that

Anonymous 118243

They were pretty chills. Lots of parties.

Anonymous 118244

I feel bad interacting with people on the internet, they don't realise what kind of person I am

Anonymous 118249

but he's hot.

Anonymous 118256

drove by a fat person today and got annoyed

Anonymous 118259

Ghosting = redpill shit? What? Maybe he just lost interest in this girl who he never actually met.

Anonymous 118265


yeah abortion is mainly good because it's eugenic

Anonymous 118269

I'm not shocked that a moronic edgelord is AI slop fan.

Anonymous 118277

Hes playing mind games. He knows if he waits you will wait for his response and want him more. Dont fall for it.

Anonymous 118278

He thinks you are a golddigger now.

Anonymous 118297

>Hot guy sends a dm
>Becomes obsessed with him
Well sometimes incels aren't really wrong

Anonymous 118298


Why are cults against happenstance?

Anonymous 118299

i hate the election season

Anonymous 118301

le internet is srs bidnes frfr

Anonymous 118304


Trump won and now I feel scared and angry

Anonymous 118306

Yeah that’s what happens in fake degrees, best off marrying an old rich guy

Anonymous 118307

I'm a pretty mean and shallow person.

I think my only role is to deeply entangle myself in other people's lives who I do not know personally, likely with the help of those who are either equally malicious, or woefully naive. Eventually I will be made obsolete, which is unfortunate, but my inability to change is reflective of such a fate.

I don't make anyone I gravitate towards feel anything because I don't really care about other people's feelings in the first place.

Anonymous 118310

people should talk about individuals like this more. it seems they actually like attention and should therefore receive it in a consensual fashion without the entanglement of randoms.

also gang stalk gang stalkers

Anonymous 118319

I'm so tired of election season in the USA. Either I had a surprisingly level headed group of friends back home, or my current circles are absolutely out of touch. I have people legit tell me that:
>The orange retard is going to genocide people (I'm guessing the whole palestine issue doesn't count now)
>Kamala is a super intelligent gracious and good person
>Biden dropping mid race was some 5D chess or some shit
And now that the orange retard won they gone into overdrive. I think they have legitimately gaslight themselves.

He's just a piece of shit politician, he'll do fuck all, like they all do. The biggest consequence of his 4 years was picking the moid who would eventually vote against roe v wade, which had decades to be consolidated into law but no one gave enough of a shit to do.
Seriously, shit will be bad, but the haven't been good for a while. And Kamala wasn't going to do any different.

At least I'm visiting my shithole country in a few weeks and can get away from all the theatrics and dramatics for a while.

Anonymous 118320

Those pieces of shit did that to themselves. They hated trump but they didn't fucking vote. He had 3 million votes less than in 2020.
I fucking hate republicans but democrats are so fucking toothless. If biden had half a nut he would have used that new law that says the president can do whatever the fuck he wanted and put trump in guantanamo bay the second that fat rapist got his 34 convictions.
Fuck these fake leftists. You know how we got these racist shitheads to stop treating melanated people like livestock? The union marched to the sea and burnt down atlanta.

Anyways, have fun in your shithole country.

Anonymous 118321

Got a period stain on the mattress. We were trying to decide whether or not to keep it when we move in 2 months. Now my husband is mad at me. It was preventable which makes me more frustrated with myself. I have heavy padd for night but for some reason I chose not to use one.

Anonymous 118336


I am an absolute retard, I am so very deeply in love with a fictional character to the point I cry almost daily that I can't have him with me irl, it hurts so, so fucking bad and I don't know what to do anymore.
I didn't give a flying fuck about finding a partner before this but now that I got even the slightest glimpse of what it's possibly like I just can't help but hurt because it's not real, a case of craving what I can't have because there's no way in hell I will find a moid irl that will truly love me.
I really want to let go, I want to stop hurting but it makes me feel really bad to even think about leaving him behind.
Fuck I'm pathetic, I've been a mess for the past hour.


Don't keep it, whats ruined is ruined if you can't get it out. and when you move i recommend investing in a mattress topper, it makes the actual mattress last longer and more comfortable, and it just adds another layer of mattress and is less humilating then getting a waterproof cover for under the sheets

Anonymous 118352


im so fucking sick of this shit i thought i struck gold when i met this guy because we have so much in common but he's hot and i'm fucking ugly and i see him following women hotter than me and cooler than me and the thing isn't even that hes hot like its that he knows about sam hyde and watamote he said I remind him of tomoko and in my tiny fucking town in the middle of east jesus nowhere its so hard to find someone like that but he fucking hates me because I'm ugly dude he fucking used me he told me he loved me and wanted to have kids with me liek as soon as he met me and i just thiught to myself "ok hes just an incel whos hot but cant find women because hes autistic and a 4channer so he fell in love with me immediately" but i was nretarded because he was just lovebombing me so he could hit as i found out later. he came over to my place and we had so much fun we fucked an dcuddled and watched the sam hyde video wehre he invites 30 indians onto bill clinton kids podcast it was so funny and then we went to get breakfast and we talked and watched memes and I thought it went incredibly and we said I love you to each other but then he started telling me he's too busy to see me again like…okay. and i know its because im ugly because he FUCKED MY FRIEND AND THEN TOLD HER THAT IM UGLY (needless to say we are not friends anymore.) And i let him cum in me becsuse im a retarded whore. If this asshole got me pregnant i swear to fucking god. someone fucking kill me ive been trying to find another guy on dating apps but theyre all hideous country hicks who listen to zach bryan who the actrual fuck is zach bryan i really want to fucking kill myself right now i will be forever alone solely because i'm ugly if i was hot this would have never happened and he would have seen me again. Im like unironically ugly too im fucking dysgenic i have an asymmetrical fucked uo face it loojs like someone bashed me in the face with a hammer as a baby. i look like frodo baggins. Maybe i should turn lesbian

Anonymous 118355

quit moids. You're worth more than them

Anonymous 118363

Do you have one of those carpet vacuums it helped more than I thought it would.
>Bought one on impulse/minor need
>Managed to save a whole ass mattress after it got soaked in the basement
>Got rid of lot of stains in sofa and mattress
>Improved some older/dry stains, like blood
Honestly even though I don't use it daily or even monthly, it was defenetly worth the investment

Anonymous 118365

I started dating my ex, when I was 18. For a long time, I thought he was “the one” – he was my partner, but also my best friend. But now, looking back, I see that I lost myself in that relationship in ways I didn’t realize at the time. My ex was extremely obsessed with his appearance – he’d go to the gym six days a week, measure his body fat constantly, and had rigid dietary standards that he expected me to follow too. If I ate sweets, he’d make condescending comments like, “You really shouldn’t.” Once, he even pointed at my stomach and said, “This needs to go.” Over time, his comments made me feel deeply insecure and ashamed of my body. I avoided showing myself to him without clothes because I felt unworthy and unattractive. My ex was also deeply controlling in other ways. He had this air of superiority, not only toward me but toward everyone, even his own parents. He treated them like they were his personal servants, even though he was still living with them well into his late twenties. Whenever I suggested that we move in together, he’d act like his parents’ house was the only option, as if I should just “fit” into his existing life rather than build a life together. He’d even bluntly tell his mother to "shut it" when she annoyed him. The emotional neglect was just as painful. I lost a family member during our relationship, and when I got the news, I was devastated. We were out on a walk, and I started crying, but instead of comforting me, he just started talking about TV shows. It was like he couldn’t even see my pain. In that moment, I felt like I was with a complete stranger, someone who couldn’t or wouldn’t acknowledge my feelings. Our intimacy also suffered. I developed vaginismus, which made sex painful, and instead of being supportive, he told me to "figure it out" so we could have "proper" sex. In the end, after everything we’d been through, he told me he thought we should just be friends and go on a break. As if our seven years together meant nothing. It hurt so fucking much to be discarded that way. He once even said he’d love to be a cult leader, and honestly, I can believe it. He needed admiration constantly, even stopping to talk to random people on the street in his hometown because they were “potential voters” (despite him not running for anything). When we broke up, he simply said, "something had to go," as if I were an inconvenience he could just discard. After the breakup, I tried to go no-contact, but his mother still reaches out occasionally, and he even sent me a long message months later. I deleted it without reading because I felt like he only wrote it for himself, to feel better about what happened. Recently, I saw that he has a new girlfriend. I thought I was making progress in moving on, but this discovery stirred up so much pain. I started wondering if he treats her better, if he’s learned from the mistakes he made with me, or if she’s already facing the same issues. It’s brought back feelings of being easily replaceable, like our years together didn’t matter at all. And honestly, it’s made me question my own self-worth all over again.

Anonymous 118366

cw for gross nsfw content, pardon if this isn’t the right bread:

i’ve been noticing that i’ve been delving back into bdsm/hardcore/kinky fantasies as of late, and this includes but isn’t limited to: ‘consensual non-consent’, dark themes, degradation, pain, erotic roleplay (meaning roleplaying in an erotic context as an original character with another partner), ‘monsterfucking’ (meaning that i fantasized about having rough sex with orcs, werewolves, etc), and much more. sometimes, i find myself obsessively checking hentai sites as a compulsion and trying to find if any of it turns me on. ironically enough, i would never do any sort of kinky sex in real life, as i’ve tried it before and i was either indifferent at best or turned off at worst.

but i still can’t help but feel a deep-seated feeling of guilt whenever i indulge in my fantasies. i have never been a victim of sa and the last thing i would ever want to do is romanticize it or get off to it. i just wish i was vanilla or had tame fetishes that didn’t make me feel so ashamed with myself afterwards. i really don’t want to get off to this shit and i feel like such a fucking degenerate loser when i do especially because it goes against my moral code (anti-kink and anti-porn/sex trade etc etc). it also doesn’t make sense to me because i’m decently attractive and can go out and have sex if i do and say the right things so i have no idea why i get off to it in the first place. any advice?

Anonymous 118367

There's a "hidden" nsfw board in case you didn't know. Might be better to post there.

Anonymous 118368

>rough sex with orcs
sorry i know you're venting but this made me laugh

Anonymous 118369

i haven’t really seen a thread on there that’s talking about guilt with regards to sexual fantasies and i don’t really want to clog up the catalog with an unnecessary thread
dw anon i know it’s pretty silly, lol

Anonymous 118378

Thank you. This different perspective helps, even though it feels like changing my own is hard right now, I hadn't really thought about it that way. I hope you all the best.

Anonymous 118391


i have this problem where i just never really say something that makes people feel good and progressive.

Anonymous 118394


TW: societal collapse

is it bad if i like the idea of being a communist?

Anonymous 118395

No, communism is based.

Anonymous 118396

No, it's good nona

Anonymous 118397


>moid made a fucking reddit post about me

He literally made a post asking for help to get a girl to stop texting him so much. He doesn't know that I knew his reddit handle. I've been texting him every day cause I thought we were on the same page and that he liked me as much as I liked him. After I saw the post I blocked him. Idc. Is this what moids call the firendzone?

Anonymous 118398

i le recognize them on le anonymous site

Anonymous 118400


reading minds and offending

if you feel guilty reading a post its because you have such a character flaw. not because of some interpersonal cult drama.

Anonymous 118401

The fact that he had to make a reddit post instead of kindly telling you he's not interested. Good riddance on your part kek

Anonymous 118403

i dont know you i dont know you i dont know you

kill stuffed animals. behead stuffed animals. dissect stuffed animals. dip stuffed animals in a vat of acid.

Anonymous 118406

guys i love blindfolded parties :D
we all have blindfolds on right !!!

Anonymous 118411

I'm hungry and tired and it's cold outside. I want to go home but I can't. I'm stuck at the train station. I just want to relax. I just want to be normal.

Anonymous 118413

I think she had texted him an awful lot to trigger an entire Reddit post, although we don't know the details

Anonymous 118414

I had a moid panic texting me after I ignored his advances, but it didn't occur to me to make a reddit post about it cause that's just pathetic

Anonymous 118417

>he didn't know I knew his reddit handle
Were you stalking him?

Anonymous 118448

blue eyed stare.JP…

So far I've been doing good at not oversharing online anymore. I have moments where stuff wants to leak out though. Gotta stay strong.

Anonymous 118487


Theoscrotes piss me off so fucking much.
Like atheist moids are shithead incels but at least they can't hide behind some bullshit moral justification for their misogyny, they are just bad people.
But I saw some christiantuber who clickbaited me into watching a video where he was covert enough about his gay christian shit for me to click on his shit. He sounded and acted nice and reasonable, but when you looked at the comments he would say vomit inducing shit like "if you don't have at least 10 kids you are a failure"
Easy for you to say, fuckface. Like, even giving birth to ONE child is taxing on the body, and 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage, some of which can cause infertility.
Like what the fuck, faggot? What if your broodmare brainwashed christgroomed tradwife could only shit out 3-4 kids before her body gives out? Would you resent her? Would you cheat on her?
Moids like that need to have a reborn doll surgically implanted into their rectum and force them to shit it out for as many times as they want children.

Fucking shitheads.

Anonymous 118488

no one is actually talking about religion when they say fuck religion by the way.

Anonymous 118489

because, 20 years in the future, people are going to be like, "why the fuck do people hate religion so much. now i hate religion" without ever realizing how amazing studying religion and religious scripture can be.

Anonymous 118490

Oh, I've studied religion.
Morality makes more sense when it's imposed based on philosophy rather than blind faith.
Not to mention, all religions are sexist as fuck and a lot of the fucked up things in the world happened and are happening because of religious scrotes.

Anonymous 118492

if you interpret religious text literally thats a you problem

Anonymous 118495

You do know that being religious isn’t about having 10 kids and being a 'tradwife,' right? There’s so much more to studying theosophy, and I think people should be open-minded and study both Abrahamic and Eastern religions to explore the mystical aspects of the human condition. That guy is just farming for clickbait and money and has his own agenda, especially given the recent political climate, which is like the antithesis of being a spiritually fulfilled human being.
>Morality makes more sense when it's imposed based on philosophy rather than blind faith.
The whole point of theosophy and mysticism isn’t blind faith and dogma but embarking on a personal journey with God or the Absolute.

Anonymous 118500

Why would I choose religion over something more scientific and ever changing like philosophy if I want to ponder the human condition?
Everyone wants to say they "do religion right and the other guy is wrong" but that's the whole issue with religion. It exploits humanities natural curiosity and shuts it down.
Sorry man, there are things in life that offer what religion does but does a better job at it.

Anonymous 118502

I burped as I was shidding while reading posts while I'm kissing some of you.

Anonymous 118503

Holy shit how can you do so many things at the same time?

Anonymous 118504


Ate another pineapple and now my mouth hurts again

Anonymous 118505

after some good old online stalking, I found out the girls who I had flings with in school (we were just teenagers so idk if I'd call them relationships) have both deep in the label collecting and gender kool-aid. I hate it here, I wish it was 2010 or something

Anonymous 118507


Anonymous 118509

When I was a kid, we had religious people come into school and coax us into Christianity. I was, consequently, scared of hell and God and Jesus until I was about 8. Then I saw the Simpsons making fun of God and realized nothing bad would happen if I followed suit. Gradually I rejected religion and "hated" it because I felt lied-to. I was a le epic atheist throughout most of the 2010s and I did things that would probably make some people cringe (I used to cringe, but now I see it as a part of my development).

Coming back to religion afterwards, as neither believer nor atheist, I've been able to accept what I believe true and reject that which is baseless. I don't think I can ever believe in God again, but letting go of labels (Christian/Atheist, leftist/rightist, nationality A/nationality B, gender A/gender B, and so on) has given me a lot of peace with myself. I can appreciate why some people love their religion, and why some people hate religion. At the end of the day, all theologies were made by people, and people are fallible. Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum.

Anonymous 118512

i dont want to enmesh with certain people because they do not seem to like me. they need to find someone for that person they actually like, this "pitting" behavior is fucking intentional. not some harem building technique. die.

gang stalk gang stalkers.

Anonymous 118513

history repeats itself. its cringe and traumatizing, leave me tf out of the situation.

Anonymous 118520


Anonymous 118530

oh wow imagine if this has been going on for way longer than you thought

and when you ask to speak to someone about what happened you get slapped with an NDA and mental health services as if that would solve anything.

Anonymous 118540

My bf used to give me head all the time and he loved it but he doesn’t like it anymore. When I confronted him about it he said “idk tastes change” and I felt like shit so I told him to be more clear. He said he used to eat me out because of the taste but now it tastes sour and acidic. I prove it and it’s true. I don’t really know if my taste was different before since I wasn’t actively tasting it, but we have had some major problems in the relationship so it may be related to this. But I feel so bad about it, I don’t know what to do to improve the taste or if he’s saying the truth at all

Anonymous 118547

If there's problems in your relationship, higher stress can affect yours and his taste. Drinking water, cutting coffee and smokes, and eating pineapple (or taking bromelain which is the enzyme on pineapple that improves taste) can all help your taste.

Anonymous 118549

in regards to the (my) post this nona replied to
why the fuck do my posts get deleted like..?
i literally just said i was sober for 4 days now. did u guys think i was a moid? like the FUCK
i had nowhere to talk ab this small accomplishment. i hate some of u

Anonymous 118550

I think it was due to use of emoticion

Anonymous 118551


i see many posts w emoticons, example >>118406 ….. are they suddenly not allowed….?

Anonymous 118554

why emoticons are banned lmao. definitely not an obnoxious way to write given people have always used them

Anonymous 118555

Anonymous 118559


bait maker
a fun part of stardew valley 1.6

Anonymous 118560

also you can use any type of fish. woah
you just have to place a fish inside. ideally it would not just be any random one

Anonymous 118585

Just ghosted a close online friend in an extremely immature way, wrote a short false suicide note and deleted my alts. LC warned me harshly against this a few months ago when I said I was thinking about it and right now she's posting stuff like "please be alive i have nothing without you i'll kill myself too" etc. Yeah, I don't know what I expected. I do feel a little guilty. I do legitimately think she would be happier dead, though I doubt she actually would even do it.
Tbh I can't really defend myself, I won't even try.

Anonymous 118626

You can take solace in the fact that she definitely walked around with piss and or shit in her underwear for the rest of the day, like the idiot she is.

Anonymous 118628

oh girl don't let that get to you so much. she's just a prick. for every person like her there's a kind person like you

Anonymous 118630

It's okay I've been there. Two years ago I decided I wanted to try opening up more so at this store I went to I complimented the cashier on her makeup and earrings, but she just stared at me and didn't respond. I'm used to people not able to hear me because I speak sort of low, so I leaned forward a little and said it a bit louder this time and she still didn't say anything again. It was very awkward and I just grabbed my stuff, said thank you, and left. I guess it's my fault and a bit strange for expecting a thank you or any response, really. I don't know how this works. I don't try anymore though. It's not like they're there to make friends. Your situation would emotionally hurt me a lot more though.

Anonymous 118685

I know this is a minor thing, but it really bothers me how when my friend was seeing a guy she liked I was so willing to listen to her gush about him and give me updates after their dates and I spent the whole day comforting her when he said he wasn’t interested in dating her. And now when I am excited about a guy I’m seeing, she gives me one word replies. I guess not all things in friendship are supposed to be equal huh.

Anonymous 118686

you can always tell us about that guy instead!

Anonymous 118689


not really a vent

the concept of death cafes is really interesting. plus, i like looking at the posters for them. i think people run away from death only to complicate their anxieties, or, outsource it even (the phrasing used by an article i read about them), and i think thats sometimes true.

its not like i think the world is ending tomorrow, but, it is ending. and also, being surrounded by people who are afraid of it is sometimes anxiety inducing/not comfy even if you still have life left in you.

Anonymous 118691


I'm too broken and toxic to be loved by another human being. I can't even love myself or get close to anyone I like. I'm almost 30 and I feel like my life is already over. I want to blame other people but deep down I know it's my fault.

Anonymous 118703

where do babies come from?

Anonymous 118704

i hope whoever started this entire fucking thing gets it 100x worse.

Anonymous 118705

Never mind on that, lol.

Anonymous 118706

i hope their family is spammed with rape porn for years and they have no idea why it is that bad things happen to them. i hope they are left out of the dark of why they keep getting spammed with rape porn and people molest them mentally with symbolic imagery. just like they do to others.

Anonymous 118707

they should have their mind raped. for no real reason given. just like they do to others.

Anonymous 118709

everyone around them should downplay the horrific shit that happens to them and their family with patronizing imaginary relations. they should go insane and never be able to sleep at night. just like they did to others.

Anonymous 118710

How the fuck do I stop being bisexual? I am so annoyed by it and especially bi cycling, it's so fucking awkward every time you suddenly lose interest to a person, because you no longer like its sex and the whole feelings every time this happens that you're betraying yourself by suddenly starting to like men/women. I don't want to accept it, I want to choose a side for the end of my life

Anonymous 118716

Thank you, you are so kind… I just wanted to gush because I’ve been seeing a guy for a little while and he said so many really kind things about how much he really likes me and enjoys listening to me ramble about random shit I’m interested in and it made me so happy. I’ve been asking him questions to try to figure out whether he’s just trying to say all of the right things to try to get something from me, but based off of his answers it seems he likes me and that’s not contingent upon some expectation that I provide something for him. Of course I am still very anxious that things won’t work out and I know moids are terrible, but so far everything has completely shattered my expectations for how nice a guy could be toward me. I never would have expected something like this to happen.

Anonymous 118718

Why are men so horrible to women who are uncomfortable interacting with boners. It's pretty obvious why women would feel uncomfortable, if say, she had a friendly hug and she could feel an erection, yet men treat women who express any displeasure as some kind of psychotic bitch.

Anonymous 118719


To review the retardation of my mother:
>habitually smokes tobacco
>mostly sedentary
>eats fried foods
And yet
>we can't suffer a normal, regular bottle of Heinz ketchup because of the SUGAR CONTENT threatening our waistlines with those extra 20 calories leaving us with only the option of vinegary la croix or artificially sweetened tomato paste in a glass jar

Anonymous 118724

hey anons. today i realized that i basically get off to individuals getting fucking harassed and gang banged without their consent. i probably will drive someone to suicide one day, because i take the internet extremely seriously.

so anyways, i decided to do the world a favor, take a loaded fucking shotgun, and just blow my brains out when it finally hits me that i did this to a real life person.

Anonymous 118735

Expressing discomfort around a moid’s boner (which is enforcing your boundaries) is very harmful to him, the main character of the universe. He’ll always think it’s rejection, which is the worst offence a woman can commit against a moid. The narcissistic always think other people’s boundaries are abusive to them

Anonymous 118736

>i did this to a real life person
you gangbanged someone without their consent anon?

Anonymous 118737

wait what? first of all, don't kill yourself and second, i can't tell if you meant that you get off to people getting gangbanged as like you watch porn of it or if you actually gangbang people without their consent. i hope you can elaborate

Anonymous 118742

I added a scrote off a dating app to my socials and at first he seemed ok but he admitted he got kicked out of a job due to sexual harassment that he claimed was a bullshit accusation and then got passive aggressive throughout the day because I was busy at work. I asked him why he didn't just talk or send me memes if he wanted to but he said "No I wanted you to talk to me and I don't want to feel like I am bothering" lol k. Then he tried to neg my job when I told him about my hellday saying I'm "replaceable" and to trash my responsibilities and go have fun like his jobless ass revealed–even after I explained I am a company leader and usually have a more flexible schedule and no they would actually super struggle to replace my expertise if I checked out.
I blocked him because he was being such a little insecure bitch and the condescention about my job from a bum who thinks he's better than me for being a broke dumbass just rubbed me the wrong way. Yuck.

Anonymous 118743

It's my senior year and I'm about to fail a class for the first time. I used to take adderal for my ADD. When I had access to medications, I used to have great grades, would study for hours upon hours on end, and work out everyday.

Unfortunately, this year, I lost my insurance and can no longer afford my medications. Now that I don't have them, my life has been passing me by. I've become so lazy and I can barely keep up with my peers. It is absolutely miserable. My grades have dropped dramatically and I've even gained 20 pounds. Even my personality has changed for the worst.

I have no idea what the fuck to do. How do ADD/ADHD people study without their meds? Whenever I try to sit down and read my textbook, my mind refuses to comprehend what's in front of me. I end up staring at the wall for hours upon end.

Anonymous 118744

It's okay to feel this way, nona. I'm sorry you had to go through that experience. I hope that you will be able to fulfill your dreams one day and raise a child when you and your future spouse are financially stable.
Best of luck to you.

Anonymous 118745

i'm very attracted to people who have a strong sense of identity and who are passionate about their interests/hobbies. i think this is because i am the opposite. but who other than a narcissist would find themselves enthralled by someone like me? i have fine qualities otherwise, i'm funny and not ugly. maybe that's all it takes.

Anonymous 118751

I am an asshole.

Anonymous 118754

I’m so touched starved. I had a mental breakdown and punched myself in the face until it bruised. I think I might kill myself soon. The idea of it is getting less scary

Anonymous 118755

i use curse words

Anonymous 118772

Fml. if I get that diagnosis I seriously need to calmly damage some walls. I’ve got no patience for this shit anymore. I’m terrified of the meds, but if that makes my head rest then most welcome.

Anonymous 118778

I'm happy for you! It's rare to find genuine moids with good intentions, it's a good thing you have protective instincts though and tested him a little. How did you two meet?

Anonymous 118789

Why am I being harassed by three different dudes on a fucking holiday? I’m literally hiding in the bathroom at my job, waiting for this dude to just get the hint and go away

Anonymous 118800


I hate my job

Anonymous 118801

This isn't discovery channel you idiot

Anonymous 118803

Jokingly told my dad that he should die already. I'm such a piece of shit.

Anonymous 118814


WHAT THE HELLS happened to this site? it was down for like .. a WEEK

Anonymous 118815


my death drive is especially high this season.
it seems my trance-like inclinations towards utterly destructive and ruinous behavior is fatally getting out of control.
dangerous thoughts ceaselessly assail me and i can't keep them at bay for much longer.
this may seriously be the final straw before i do something of which i'll spend the rest of my life regretting.

Anonymous 118816


Don't hurt yourself nona. I actually know girls that took a revolver to the dome.

Anonymous 118825

hate that i developed feelings for a mutual who’s in an entirely different continent over my irl bf. embarrassing af to have a lil internet crush on someone you dont even know

Anonymous 118826

cant stop fucking eating

Anonymous 118827

sic stasi onto stasi

Anonymous 118832


I just saw the ungodly number of hours I put into Pokémon Shield and Skyrim

Anonymous 118839

My boyfriend broke up with me because I told him to appreciate what I did for him more. What's even worse is that it's an online ldr. He blocked me afterward, and he doesn't have any social media, so he's like a ghost now. What a coward. I can't help but miss him sometimes, he was a funny guy.

Anonymous 118840

Realistically and honestly how much can you do for someone online that they need to show appreciation?

Anonymous 118846

He wasn't your bf, he was your pen pal.

Anonymous 118857

This made me chuckle, thank you for the good laugh. Ur too on the nose about that I have to be honest.

Anonymous 118884


im hating college so much lately, im stuck since pandemic in my career and now my autistic ass and my classmate are in a dead end with our project (it was a communitary thing that already is done and succesful since we made and donated handmade wall-mounted games in a hospital basically) but the essay about it got re written lot of times already and we don't know what else write to suceed said task and make the fucking final exam for once

Anonymous 118886

I(m giving up my life long hobby of art at 34. The thing that sucks is that no one will even notice. I'm not even very good.

Anonymous 118887

is it alright if I ask why?

Anonymous 118893

I starter seeing some guy who's drop dead beautiful. We agreed that there's no future cause we really need something else from the person we'd marry and it's mutual. But dan it…we starter sleeping together.

We are now more than ever aware that we'd never work out as a couple but… DAMN it I fully understand what he needs, it's just not in my nature to become it.
I starter loving him just the way he is without the need to actually take him as mine. I think i even fell in love at some point. I want for him to find someone to be happy with but I dont want us to stay friends after. He things it's possible, I know it's not. I'm already cursing my name for the fact that I'll miss him after we separate and we will soon. This is the worst.

Anonymous 118894

Dude you really shouldn't sleep with someone until commitment is established first, it's not healthy

Anonymous 118895

My mom in law is so unhinged. We can't make it up for christmas because it's too close to my due date and she's actually upset about it. She lives two hours away from us and our hospital. If I go into labor around christmas, I'm gonna snark it the fuck up.

Anonymous 118907

>at work minding my own business (front desk at a hotel)
>incoming dude I kind of know because he tried to rizz me up while he was drunk
>says something along the lines of I kept my job
>tell him good for him, give him a thumbs up, giggle because I’m uncomfortable
>mocks my laugh all the way to the elevator
I’m literally being bullied like I’m in fucking highschool again. What is wrong with moids?

Anonymous 118924

My bird died and nobody cares that my beloved pet of almost a decade is gone because she was just a parakeet and not a cat or a dog

Anonymous 118925

I still think about my ex, and probably still love him. He was so sweet and pure and lovely to me always. I miss his esoteric artistic interests and soul. But I have moved on and I am with somebody new who is also lovely to me and I feel such strong guilt for moving on and also for feeling this way when I am with someone new. I feel conflicted and stuck and it’s affecting how open I can be now. Wondering if I can find that type of pure love again. When we were together I had major commitment issues and felt pressure all the time, mostly from myself

Anonymous 118929

I need a long life therapist NOW. I’m insanely jealous (without actual reasons). It may be me projecting. My bf is a nice guy and I was the jerk who didn’t cheat but was thinking about other people. Now I only have eyes for him.
I don’t like him to have social life at all. I don’t like him to go out with coworkers. I don’t understand it since I’m too autistic to attend those shitty hangouts. The group talk, the drinking habit, the loud music. Ennerving. Can’t imagine myself having fun there. But he’s friendly with everyone. He’s the type of guy who gets along with everyone but he’s not necessarily extroverted. Thing is I’m possesive to unhinged levels and I’ve been stalking this girl I found he chatted with in October. She’s from his work. What made me feral was that he texted first saying hello. Asking her if she was feeling better for whatever reason. Then after an unnecessary small talk he left her on seen. He told me before he doesn’t want me to forbid him having female friends. Why the fuck he needs female friends in the first place. He knows every male friendship I’ve tried to maintain has failed because the guy was attracted to me. Then why he needs to talk privately to another bitch. Why does he need to be so easy going with everybody. The other night he organized a meeting in his house and I asked him to be there. I didn’t want to actually coexist with his fucking drunk coworkers to laugh at stupid shit I just wanted to control, to meet the kind of people he sees everyday. When women started arriving I got nauseous. Then I decided to leave to his room because tbh I was too tired to pretend I wanted to socialize and fake laughing. But I got fucking tachycardia at his bed hearing him and his friends laughing. I wanted to be there not to interact but to listen and see everything. Now he’s organizing another meeting holy fuck and he’s online but not replying to me. I’m going to explode.

Anonymous 118931

Do you expect me to read all that shit?

Anonymous 118946


Fucking hell

Anonymous 118949

I’m not ~treating~ him like a slave since I don’t express these deranged thoughts to him. In fact I’m overcompensating for the mistakes I’ve made so I do more for him than he does for me. Today he had to work but since the stupid meetup was over at 5 am he arrived late but now a single message was sent to me. I know he went to work because I asked his mom. And I know he woke up late because I saw his first and last connections, but he didn’t text good morning to me. At all. I’ve said him, without being demanding, that these little details mean everything to me but he couldn’t take a few seconds to text or sent a voicemail. Piece of shit.

Anonymous 118952

>if he wants to explore his options
What’s this supposed to mean? we are in a relationship and he doesn’t cheat. He’s supposedly committed. Not my fault he decided to party until the morning when he had to work today. I’m going to his house tonight and I will talk about this. If you’re used to tell good morning to your partner why would you stop suddenly? even when I told him the little details are important for me?
>be away from your negative controlling influence
I don’t control him you dumbass can you even comprehend what you’re reading? I don’t start fights over this. I don’t attack him for going out. I’m always gentle and “understanding” (even if I don’t) with him. Always tolerating and having patience, that’s why he takes me for granted.
Now, I’ve already stated my thoughts aren’t normal. You sound like a traumatized snowflake who used to have a jealous partner.

Anonymous 118955

Why did you break up?

Anonymous 118971

i'm so sorry you're dealing with all these feelings. it sounds really stressful

i also would get really jealous if my boyfriend wanted female friends. thankfully my boyfriend respects my feelings and is cautious about speaking to other women, and always tells me if a girl hits on him. but, he doesn't like many people at all, nor does he like hanging out with anyone other than me. it's nice, but he's a bit of a loser and sometimes i wish that he was more successful and sociable. it's a double-edged sword.

on your outside, you have constructed a fantasy personality for him to love, and it's not sustainable. he's not in love with the real you, and it's just hurtful and a waste of time for both of you. you should really thoroughly plan out a communication with your boyfriend, and calmly tell him how everything makes you feel, and that you feel bad about it. honestly, just share what you wrote here, but in a way that won't overwhelm him too much. if he gets mad over it, then you didn't lose anything, because then you should probably just find someone more compatible. if he's a keeper, he will offer some solutions for you instead of just breaking up. it can be scary but trust me it's the right decision for the long run. the sooner you tell him the sooner you can move on from how you're feeling now.

good luck!

Anonymous 119010


It messes me up knowing that he'll never love me as intensely I love him. I feel like a loathsome wretched creature foraging through mud and shrubberies for the slightest crumb of affection. On nights when it is just a little harder to fall asleep and the mind is just a little too active after that cup of coffee too close to bedtime, does he think of me the way I do him? Why is it that my existence is so predicated around this idiot? Why does he seem disgusted when I show the slightest bit of affection towards him, but afterwards he sprinkles the tiniest bit of affection to keep me going like sprinkling a trail of cheese to a mousetrap? This is so pathetic. I want to learn how to love less

Anonymous 119013


The only constant is suffering

Anonymous 119019

Fucking lost my period again. Alright fine. But then im dysmorphic still. What’s the point. Im pinching and prodding my body. Im hungry. I had lunch and a 200kcal energy bar AND 4 prawns and a large oven baked springroll. I had all my meals. I want my period back. I want to feel like a woman. Now i feel like nothing. I want to say im touch starved (i am) but i don’t feel it. I mean im acutely aware of being deprived of human connection but i have no impulse or craving or yearning to connect to anyone. Im dissociating i think. Lasik is apparently dangerous. I feel blegh. Im trying but im physically tired. Im overstimulated. It’s washing over me.

Religion wise, says, what’s meant to happen happened. Preordained. Radical acceptance is the way and stuff. The pain of my failure’d ebbed away into a pinch. Feels weird. I don’t remember what happened yesterday but i remember what it felt to be a child.

Anonymous 119026

Pmdd + stress + recurrent ed.

Scrote tier the state of this board.

Anonymous 119032

>I feel like a loathsome wretched creature foraging through mud and shrubberies for the slightest crumb of affection
I feel so identified with this. I wish I could stop loving him so deeply. I wish every time he shows to not be the person I want him to be, my adoration for him would deteriorate. And you know what? I think it’s working. I have been crying every week, sometimes every day, since September. It became a trauma now. My body, mind and spirit are all drained and exhausted. I don’t want to ask my partner for the bare minimum just for him to forget about it the next day. Now I understand when they say women get over a relationship faster than men because for them it was over before the relationship ended. I don’t want things to end but my efforts to make us work are single handed. I just want him to see I’m giving him the best of me. The absolutely best I could ever give to somebody.

Anonymous 119038

because of my fear of commitment, and because we were long distance, met online and by the time I met him in person I already loved him, but I didn’t feel as physically attracted to him as I think I should have. looking back it feels so irrelevant

Anonymous 119063


Feels like I'm stuck in a rut of abusing sleeping pills and writing autistic and gay mlp fanfics

Anonymous 119065

I know this is a vent but I've been there. I didn't recover until I went all in.

Anonymous 119068

i wish my brain were normal. i wish i could function normally. some people are not meant to live long. some people are meant to die young and that’s ok. that’s how the world keeps on going. and even if it isn’t, the world will still keep on going. i don’t think i have much time left and it saddens me. i hope i can at least accomplish a few of my goals next year.

Anonymous 119078


I'm 26, unemployed, no degree and no marketable skills. How fucked I am?
It's not like I'm totally useless, I do all the cooking and most of the cleaning at my parent's house. I've tried applying to part time jobs but I never get an interview. Still I feel like a leech, there's this overwhelming guilt I feel constantly.
When I was 18 I promised I'd kill myself if I didn't have anything done by 29. There are still three years to do something with my life and I don't feel like there's anything I want to pursue.
It sucks because it's not like I didn't get access to education, I just didn't fit anywhere at university. Sometimes I get jealous of my friends who got degrees and are working or getting a master's, which is a disgusting feeling to have.

Anonymous 119079

is there something stopping you from getting a degree now even if you have no interest in it
im 20 just getting started for a vocational education, alot of my classmates are my age and your age
no ones hiring these days unless you have a post secondary degree so dont blame yourself for no responses
im not really interested in getting a degree or super fancy job i would be satisfied with a blue collar job, and im not motivated about anything other than leaving my family and town because i hate it here
ur not fucked, u need to find something to get you moving

Anonymous 119080

I've been in 3 programs at 3 different departments for different amounts of time. There's this long lasting burnout I feel constantly. The energy I had from 18 to 23 is gone, I don't think I'd be able to keep up.

Anonymous 119081

does anyone else have a mom who keeps implying that you're fucking your own brother for some reason

Anonymous 119089

What about a career based qualification, you work more and study less
And it's usually a fast path, you could finish in 6 months if you're really trying to get it over with
For my vocational training I do it from home while working on tech skills, I haven't experienced burnout so I can't say anything that can help with getting out of that rut
I'm just lazy and it works for me

Anonymous 119090

Adding on, maybe the comparison bit is what causes you to be in your state of mind
You seem really demoralized about your situation because of your age
Which is valid
But what else can be done
You need a job, feel like you're leeching of your parents and that everyone's ahead
so you have kind of given up is my vibe
You have hunger in you to strive for something but you let shame be what leads it I think
but with that you will feel like a failure before even starting and feel like quitting, its a feeling I understand
its just gonna be a cycle
I don't want to sound like a tiktok motivation video but
I hope it works out nona the world is shit these days don't blame yourself or feel guilty over a situation you cant change
There's alot of adult learners out there with the same thoughts, much of HE dont prioritize people that have been out of learning for a long time so your concerns are understandable

Anonymous 119095

I think you hit the nail on the head. I'll do some research on vocational training and see what's available around here.
If you don't mind saying, what are you studying? How's your experience been so far?

Anonymous 119100

I'm seeing the guy I like today to celebrate something in MY life and I was actually going to bake him a pastry as a show of affection. I've been meaning to do it for a while, but now I'm just thinking about how much he flirts with other girls online and now I don't want to make anything. I have too many dietary restrictions to eat the thing I wanted to make myself anyway. But I just wanted an excuse to make it. What do I do s

Anonymous 119107

In the agriculture sector, I only need to have a apprenticeship position for the hands on stuff which i havent dont yet just focusing on learning GIS, not needing to talk to people most of it even when starting working because most of it is just being on field
I don't have real time online classes just a meeting every few weeks on call and during tests and presentations which you can time yourself since most students are working or have families
Overall it's pretty relaxed I recommend it alot
Hope you find something that fits you nona!!!

Anonymous 119108

Crying on my lunch break. I need a hug.

Anonymous 119114

Anonymous 119120

i periodically scream internally
>Leave me the fuck alone. I can't even handle my own shit so I far from having any mood to deal with any of yours anyway.
…with no one actually bothering me regardless since it's just my own messed-up feeling inside that incites that.
rel is seriously not meant for me, holy fucking shit.
i just sat down trying to have brunch at a hotel but the manga i read yesterday fucked up with my feelings so now i have no appetite yet again, as per, my friend's gf told me that this doesn't happen to her because "she's an adult" and eats even when she's upset about her bf. i just seriously fucking can't.
xoxo. hang in there, nona.

Anonymous 119121

does anyone else feel like they're pretending to be a woman. like you're an alien puppetting some meat sack that vaguely looks like a woman. or am i just autistic.

Anonymous 119124

I kinda want to drop my hyper fixation because the fandom is getting more and more retarded with time but I realized I'm still in no condition to be alone with my thoughts at night so…

Anonymous 119125

I'm feeling miserable everytime I think I'm never gonna get out of my house and eventually my father will get sick with old age and every single person around me it's gonna expect me to be his caretaker. I FUCKING hate this life they always tried to impose on me, I've hated it since I was a little kid. Sometimes I want to someone to save me so bad I wanna scream it at the top of my lungs but also I've never learned how to ask for help lolol

Anonymous 119128


I really want to too. I feel like the only reason I jump from obsessions is so I can run from being a lonely with my thoughts. But I really want to get away from the internet and I want to stop waisting my time consuming media. It's been so hard to make myself do the things I used to love doing. I want to get back to sewing, drawing l, and writing for myself, yet I keep finding myself obsessed with scrolling.

Anonymous 119130

s I am so dumb. I was too focused on this stupid bread that I showed up late and kinda fucked up his plan, then was randomly argumentative and difficult for no reason. He was so patient and did everything to not upset me more even though I deserved it. Now im worried he'll decide he's too mature for me.

Anonymous 119132

I hate companies that email like "Free Delivery This Weekend!" but then it turns out it is only free delivery if you order more than $25 of food… who is ordering that much it is such a scam

Anonymous 119134

I assume its people ordering from slightly bougier places on DoorDash/UberEats. The upcharges on delivery apps plus inflation push the prices up. That, or fat people fat peopleing.

Anonymous 119135

>who is ordering that much

Anonymous 119139


my 21 year old friend is online dating a 32 year old crypto bro. she’s really excited about this new relationship despite the age gap & his weird online presence. he’s coming to our state to visit her next month… i honestly find it repulsive, especially the fact that he doted on her virginity within the first few weeks of getting to know her. i almost want to cut contact w her because it’s so frustrating to watch/hear about. i want to be happy for her but it seems so irrational

Anonymous 119219

>Like teasing socially awkward men at parties to make them leave
>Try to make fun of them for stuttering, being awkward, calling them incels digging into their dating history, stuff like that, I smile and use a cute voice they never even get angry it's hilarious
>Always did it, no one ever had a problem with it
>Recently got confronted by my girlfriends, they say my "bullying" is actually making the attractive guys not want to talk to us
When did guys become this soft? Like I thought they screamed racial slurs at each other while playing video games why do they lose their shit like this over a little joke? Did I miss the memo or something? Am I supposed to be nice to creepy guys now?

Anonymous 119221

I just feel fucking done.
I've been in a rut for a few years since getting out of college, I was too mushbrained after finishing to go into my career straight out after finishing. I've just been oddjobbing since 2020, living at home. At some point I started coming out of my brainfog fugue state and vaguely wanting to start doing all the things I should have been doing with my life, but I had no money, my friends had all left, I had nothing to work with. So I spend a couple of years just in a kind of vague terrified despair, treading water with no idea what I could do. I applied for a bunch of jobs in my field but nothing ever came of it beyond a few first and second round interviews. It wasn't really a place of wanting to do things and be things, it was more a case of not wanting to be where I was.
And then last year my bitch of an aunt died, and she left her estate to my two cousins. But the cousins are nice people, so they said, listen, we'll rope other relatives in, split it up across the family. It's not like Lottery winner money but I'll get maybe 25K, it's a lot of money to work with to turn my shit around. So I get fired up, for the first time in a very long time I'm making serious plans, I'm like, OK, the house will sell pretty quick, probate should be granted in Marchish, so I can have a nice summer, get my motorbike license like I always wanted to, then aim to be in a masters program starting in September, if not a masters some kind of training to get me moving in my career etc.. I am at this point the happiest I've been for literally years.
But then. First the solicitor in charge of the estate inexplicably waits until after the grant of probate to put the house up for sale. So it's not even on sale until late March. And I'm like, OK, so the summer plans are fucked, but the house should sell pretty quick, and then like 6-8 weeks for conveyancing, I can still get it in time for something in September. Second, though, the estate agent puts the house on the market for nearly €150K, when similar properties in the area are going for like 110-115 max. Nobody bids. And he just leaves it like that for 6 months, way overpriced, he gets an offer for 90K, refuses it without even asking the cousins, gets an offer for 110K in September, it falls through. I'm getting strung out at this point because I'm still in a low paying job I hate, my plan is in smithereens, but there's still a program in Leicester I could start in January if it comes through, so I'm still hanging on with just my fingernails.
Fast forward to now. The house still isn't sold. The estate agent finally lowered the price, then lowered it again. It's currently up for 89K with no bidders so far, so he could have taken the 90K bid back in June and we'd be done by now, I'd be in a different place finally advancing myself after years of stagnation. But instead I'm going into another Christmas broke as fuck with no prospects. Even if the house sold tomorrow the conveyancing will take a couple of months so I can't start anything in January. Which means, I don't know, I don't know what I can do. I could hold on and start a masters next September but the prospect of waiting another 9 months to study for another year isn't something I want to face. I've wasted so much time already, I need to be moving now, I need to START. Living in the murk of general desperate depression was not as horrible as being in this place of having gotten out of that and then fallen back into it but with the added spice of the frustration and the ambitions that I didn't have for so long being stoked up and then denied. For no other reason than these people won't do their FUCKING JOBS.
Nothing has broken my way for so long, and then this came along and it felt like my break at last, and then it all turned to shit like everything always does, because for whatever reason good things just cannot happen for me. And there's nothing I can do about any of it, I'm not executor or direct beneficiary so I can't do anything to change the situation, I just have to sit here watching these incompetent chucklefucks stealing months and months of the life I finally woke up and realised I wanted to live.
/vent, merry christmas

Anonymous 119222

Based nona, socially awkward men have such a pathetic and cringeworthy behavior I can't help but feel repulsed every time I see one.
Calling it bullying is pushing it but looks like you should cool it a bit, I mean if hot dudes don't approcach you because of it you probably went way overboard with the teasing, they usually don't care if you make fun or beat up the incel so idk, maybe they really are soft.

Anonymous 119223

nona moids are in a general state of massive self esteem crisis right now and have been for several years and being mocked by a woman is for a lot of them literally the most terrifying concept they can imagine. And you seem to not be engaging in playful banter, you seem to be deliberately targeting insecurities like a fucking asshole.
>Am I supposed to be nice to creepy guys now?
what's creepy about them?

Anonymous 119224

>Actually defending ugly moids
This place really went to shit huh?
>what's creepy about them?
Acting desperate, acting nervous, not taking care of themselves, being manchildren, the smell, being too quiet, avoiding eye contact, being completely lost whenever we're not talking about video games and cartoons, being sweaty, fat, balding and ugly, the rude way they'll just stare off into space and say nothing sometimes for some reason, that retarded look they give you when going non verbal off the za then whenever they talk it's to make some cringeworthy joke that gets a few polite laughs.
They are literally a waste of space and make every social gathering worse, I don't think I am a "fucking asshole" for making these people leave when all they do is hurt the vibes and take up space, they don't even look like they're having fun if anything I'm helping them by showing them their place in the social ladder, this way they can go back to playing on the computer and leave the normal people alone.

Anonymous 119225

well nona your own friends are telling to not to be such a fucking asshole, maybe the inept moids aren't the one killing the vibe, think of that? Brainrotted radfems seldom do.
>the rude way they'll just stare off into space and say nothing sometimes for some reason
yeah what could that reason be

Anonymous 119227

I'm literally just a girl
a girl with lived experience of what it's like when someone close to you leans in a little too hard on internet discourse and takes it back out into the real world. your friends are trying to help you nona, please let them, for everyone's sake.

Anonymous 119229

Well then you came to the wrong place bucko

Anonymous 119231

i made this post too like a month ago

Anonymous 119232

OK can I have €25,000

Anonymous 119233

>They are literally a waste of space and make every social gathering worse, I don't think I am a "fucking asshole" for making these people leave when all they do is hurt the vibes and take up space, they don't even look like they're having fun
You are an asshole nona but you make a point, why do these douchebags even go out if it's to look pathetic and depressed and fail at every social interaction they stumble themselves into, doesn't seem very pleasant for them, better to let them know early that they're not getting any pussy tonight to spare their suffering, every time I'm at a party and see one of these awkward incels it just bums me out, it's like looking at a crippled and sick dog.
Boohoo poor men are scared of being made fun of by women, next you'll tell me they're oppressed? Like I get that this nona is being a bitch but cmon there's no such thing as a self esteem crisis, just shitty men coping with the fact that they'll never reproduce.

Anonymous 119235

I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think anyone normal posts on an image board lol

Anonymous 119239

>not getting any pussy

What makes you think they have those expectations? Maybe they are just there to socialize.

Anonymous 119247

ur doing a public service and probably sparing other less confrontational girls the misery of being trapped in the same room / conversation as them. godspeed soldier o7

Anonymous 119248

I’m a neet shut in and am not any better than the moids that Stacy bullies. She wouldn’t even target me because I don’t have a dick. But I’d try to break out of my shell and go to parties like that only to get neglected at best or mocked at worst. Let ‘em self improve, I say, every social interaction is a learning experience for shut in neets like me and the bully victims.

Nona is a normie Stacy bully, plain and simple. Dunno why she bragging on here about going to parties, CC is normie central now probably due to tiktok zoomies and twitterfags

Anonymous 119249

how do you figure this when other girls are literally directly asking nona to stop doing it

Anonymous 119254

white moids calling each other racial slurs and faggots means nothing compared to actually nitpicking their insecurities lol also fake and gay post, real girlfriends would just not invite you to hang out with the attractive guys

Anonymous 119263

Why would you even give them that much attention in the first place? By spreading negativity you only poison your own mind. Also negative attention from women is of higher value than no attention to moids. You shouldn't be giving it away for free. Ignoring them completely is what will really destroy them.

Anonymous 119276

> being too quiet, avoiding eye contact
damn that's just social anxiety. you would've hated my ass if i was a moid

Anonymous 119295

ughhhhh i only want to be around likeminded people and cc isn't it, no where is. i hate banter i only want civility and amenity. NO FUN ALLOWED!!!

Anonymous 119296


Anonymous 119300

>i hate banter i only want civility and amenity
Try a church

Anonymous 119303


my life is so boring
i wake up early to make my bed & breakfast, brush teeth, scroll for hours.
boyfriend comes home for lunch, leaves 30 min later.
i scroll for hours.
he gets home around 4 pm. we talk for a little, he games until dinner with youtube as background noise while i scroll some more. after i make dinner he continues gaming until bed time while i scroll till bed time. wake up & repeat.

it’s all so pointless
we are sitting in silence now as i post this & he games. idk what else we would even do that sounds enjoyable. park?? pointless. i don’t know what else there is. life feels like a waiting game till death rn. FIRST WORLD PROBLEMZZZZ

Anonymous 119304

unironically yes. get your ass up and take a walk with him. better than doing nothing

Anonymous 119305

tbqh people who talk a lot are so cringe to me like, going into active discords and seeing people with like 1000 pages of messages and irl people too, i just don't get it. like bantering and being interested in each other and discussing relationships growth and maturity and drama ahahah im such a freakazoid

Anonymous 119310

Fix your attention span

Anonymous 119335

google "free attractions in [your city]", pick one or more, ask him if he wants to go because you've been in a bit of a rut. If he doesn't want to and doesn't try to find a way to make it happen (sorry I'm so exhausted this week, let's do it next Sunday) you should start doing things alone and think about what you want from this relationship. I was a hardcore screen addict and complete shut-in for over 8 years and will never date a gamer again, it leads to an endless feedback loop of rotting. You deserve to have a life and interact with the world around you.

Anonymous 119342

images - 2024-12-1…

I seriously don't know what to do about anything anymore not that I want to anyway.I'm just floating in this plane of existence. Even the virtual world is a paaaiiiiinnnnn and I keep getting mini heart attacks when met with any adversity. I'm convinced someone like this shouldn't even exist I have literal no place in this world to be. I feel like throwing up just thinking about it. As long as it's "me" it won't work out, as long as it's me it's already messed up, there's no work around I can't run and leave myself behind

Anonymous 119353

I know this feelings too well…
My boyfriend doesn’t like to go out at all. When he’s outside he’s doing something punctual. Job, studies, sport. I’m spending a lot of time at his house since he doesn’t come to mine very often anymore. It’s a rule that he will sit his ass at some point and game for 2 hours while I’m rotting on his bed wishing for him to give me attention or take me out to the park.
I even started to get interested in gaming just to get more involved with his hobbies. I love him so I care. I ended up finishing 2 games, it was a fun experience but my selfish side wished he wouldn’t play at all.
I expressed him how shit it made me feel to make the effort to visit him almost every day just for him to spend it gaming and he has made some changes since then. So try to talk to him about this but don’t attack him. I even told my bf I feel bad having to talk about this topic bc I don’t want to sound controlling.

Anonymous 119354

You need to get a therapist or do some serious psychedelic drugs. I believe in you babe. You can do this, baby steps

Why do you love him? He doesn’t sound like he loves you. Not saying that to be mean. You need to cultivate some dignity and start being mean to him every time he neglects you or dump him. There’s plenty of other men who would be happy to buy you things and eat you out, even if you’re ugly or something

Anonymous 119357

Suddenly remembered a very beautiful girl who was at my HS. I Googled her expecting her to be a model or live out some dream life I wish I had, but she's completely normal. Very beautiful, and entirely basic. Nothing about her stoked feelings of envy in me the way they did back when we were in school. I don't know what point I started imagining everything in the world must've been better for her, but it's a weight off my shoulders to be reminded everyone's just different and doing different shit in life. Jealousy is a waste of time.
She was never cruel to me or vice versa, we didn't share any classes. I just remembered how pretty she was and feeling a mix of awe and an internal sense of shame/insecurity.

Anonymous 119359

i just want someone who would get it. i feel so alone with my beliefs

Anonymous 119367

sometimes, when you are feeling down, it helps to hear about other peoples problems and feelings, it can pull you out of your depressed asshole
vent to her

Anonymous 119370

HAHAHAHAHA holy shit. It's Christmas. My dad is comparing someone with daughters who all have bachelors degrees, multiple other jobs (1 is a teacher, 1 is in sales, the other one works part-time at the family business and as a gymnastics coach) and has their own business (a boutique), saying he they have "basically the same work ethic" as my brother who is a 23 year old NEET who has never even applied to a job. My brother literally said a few months ago if my mom put up some vending machines in the area he wouldn't even refill them or go to Costco to get the supplies and keep all the profit. And he said that my brother going to the gym is basically the same thing as going out and getting a job as a competitive gymnastics coach. He said their work ethic is basically the same. I think the one in sales still does bartending on the side. This is because they're STILL salty from 3 years ago that their dad didn't want to hire my neckbeard brother into his business (he didn't even apply, he had no job for him, my mom just wanted them to hire him on her word and create a random position for him basically). When I said he probably doesn't think it's his responsibility for him business to be social services, that's when he brought up his daughters.
My parent's views of what's considered a respectable and thus "real" is EXTREMELY narrow. These are the only “allowed” jobs: Accountant, doctor, nurse, engineer, or a highly competitive, high barrier to entry technology job. If you express interest in any other career, you will get FUD'ed about it. If you choose one of these jobs, they're going to constantly tell you to do one of the others. Finally, if any stranger works any job other than those select few, they will get shit-talked for eternity and be considered as good as uneducated and unemployed.
Aha. I'm not even going to say anything. God help me.

Anonymous 119377


I hate being 27 with no kids. Make it stop. I'm so worried I'm just going to waste away with no children because I'm poor and mentally ill. I want kids so bad. I want to be 18 again. I hate it all. I'd give anything to be younger.I feel like I've wasted the best years of my life. HELP



>go to lcf
>All they talk about is wanting to fuck luigi
>Go to cc
>All they talk about is hating luigi

Why can't women just have a moid free space. Even when it's just women it seems like all they want to talk about is males. I'm sick of hearing about males I just want to get away from males!!!! I want to create an imageboards website where males aren't allowed to post or be mentioned (not even by misandrists or radfems) but idk how to make one

Anonymous 119380

Make the next 7 years great: visit some parts of your country, travel abroad a week a year, go visit nice cities, take public transportation, drive the car, go the disco some weekends, drink some alcohol, go to some parties, go to the gym regularly, participate to a BBQ, swim in a swimming pool, take up jogging, join a martial arts class, try out things you've never tried before
And don't hold you back

Anonymous 119381

There are specialized threads which pass the Bechdel test.

Anonymous 119382

Are you okay…?
Try eating something else, I think it will help you-

Anonymous 119383

It would have died like 1 week later so it doesn't matter. Hamsters always try to die in the dumbest ways possible. The only reason they are not extinct is us humans.

Anonymous 119384

hate when people can't get a hint that they should leave because they have nothing in common with people around

Anonymous 119385

I’m just so fucking lonely, it’s tiring. I’ve started talking to myself all the time, I constantly have this strong feeling in my throat and I fell like killing myself.
First time in my life I ever genuinely formed a friendship with a person and I love him but he’ll never love me like I love him, no one will. The way he reacts to me makes or breaks my day. I sometimes wish I was never friends with him in the first place

Anonymous 119389


I found a dollar on the sidewalk

Anonymous 119390

I actually can't get over this. I didn't mention this but when he said it, he brought gender into it, implying their dad have some sort of preferential treatment for women. It's been clear to me that he and my mother's view is that if man is a bum it's the world's fault, but women have to meet the highest standards to be considered legitimate. Where does this fucked-up logic even come from, because it's not in line with traditional gender-role based misogyny to excuse men being bums? "At least" with traditional misogyny there's accompanying expectations of male responsibility, but what the fuck even is this? God I fucking hate like 80% of the population.

Anonymous 119392

I'm so depressed I want to kill myself

Anonymous 119393

My twin killed himself and I'm so lost ever since. I don't know who I am, I can't live without him, I can't do this. I can't cope anymore nonas… I want this pain to be over.

Anonymous 119397

OCD is killing me. I'm tired, this is awful. There is no scape, not even in killing myself
Why was I born like this?

Anonymous 119398

Anonymous 119403

idk what sort of ocd you have but when I really struggled, I found it helpful to try and do things "right" the first time. that and focusing on hobbies and other things helped me.

Anonymous 119404

I wish those LC VPN users would just leave this site

Anonymous 119423

wait this might be incredibly helpful .. i’m not op but can you explain your thought process in this? i’m trying to see if we experience the same pattern of thinking

Anonymous 119427

wait this might be incredibly helpful .. i’m not op but can you explain your thought process in this? i’m trying to see if we experience the same pattern of thinking

Anonymous 119461

she left me here, she left me here.
you are a bad perskn, the way you left me and how you keep leaving me makes me feel disgusting. i feel like i should hate you and your kind but i just cant.
i want to stop caring about you i want to stop thinking about you, you are so full of yourslef and I think you would like this, the same way i know you loved when i was all over you

i want to hate you, my scape plave is not working anymore and its your fucking fault.

hkw could you break my heart like this? i boosted your ego too much, i want to hate you so fucking bad

Anonymous 119466


Is it so unreasonable to expect an I love you without having to ask for it? An I love you too has less weight than an unprompted ily. It'd be so easy to make me happy. I know having to ask for it implies some sort of defect within me, essentially revealing my clinginess, dropping down on my knees pleading for affection. But after such a naked vulnerable plea for affection, I get.. nothing. Almost as if my clinginess was unreasonable in the first place.
I need a drink

Anonymous 119467

I get so deeply annoyed when my boyfriend even mentions another girl, even when he just says "she". I can't help but get mad at him and i'm not sure how I can get over this

Anonymous 119468


What's your boyfriend's bodycount?

Anonymous 119469

zero but I can't get over little comments he's made in the past. He called his cousin and brother's gf pretty and it really bothered me but despite him apologizing and explaining he didn't mean it in a weird way, I keep thinking i'm not as pretty as the women he considers attractive.

Anonymous 119478

I really thought cc was down for good and it made me realize how lonely I am.

Anonymous 119487


No, it's not unreasonable to expect an "I love you" from your partner without asking for it. In any relationship it should be pretty standard to give your partner an "I love you" without a reason other than you wanted to say you love them.

Try talking about it with your partner. Explain to them your thoughts and feelings. If your partner is not open to loving you the way you want to be loved, as sad as it is.. then maybe they are not for you. Same way you should be open to loving your partner the way they want to be loved within your boundaries.

Aside from occasional disagreements and whatnot between me and my partner, when things aren't heated we are always sharing "I love you's," even if we are just doing our own thing.

I'm probably just as clingy as you, if not more, nona. I understand how it is. I hope everything works out.

Anonymous 119526

Despite being an introverted agoraphobic neet loser, I really feel a strong urge to travel like never before. Unfortunately I dont have my passport and live in a country where you need to list 2 non-related people who have known you for years on your application, sort of like job references but for a passport. Basically those 2 people have to be willing to be called and will be asked about you, so you have to ask people if you can list them on your passport application.

My doctor and dentist, either long retired or passed away long ago, so I cant ask them to be my passport references. I dont trust former classmates, who Ive long lost contact with anyway, to say yes. Or they might say yes then sabotage it by saying bad things about me. So I have no one. Neighbors all have moved and the current ones barely know me. The current neighbors probably have a bad image of me anyway, because my brother doesnt fix the property, and I heard a neighbor complaining about this to another neighbor.

But a relative found a lawyer that can skip past this 2 references part. The only problem is that my mom insists on doing all of our passport applications at once via the lawyer, but my brother has not got his passport pic and doesnt want to fill out his application. For the past decade, esp last couple of years, once in a while I ask my mom and brother to please get our passports done, but they either roll their eyes at each other or say they will and then dont.

I feel like a prisoner in my own country.

Anonymous 119541

I'm really jealous of people who have nicely furnished homes. I have 0 furniture besides my bed and I hate it.

Anonymous 119553

Holy shit I am going through the same thing rn pretty much
I also treated my bf like shit while he worshipped me and he actually ended up in a psych ward due to it. Honestly it's all so complicated but I told him one big lie (nothing about unfaithfulness or anything) that has completely shattered any hope we had of rebuilding the relationship because he has 0 trust in me and refuses to do shit for the relationship because he is "in so much pain" like yeah me too… And I actually have more reasons for it than him. I can't help but see him as a pussy I'm NGL. He used to be pretty hopeful and admitted to his mistakes before that lie but after it he sees me as an evil manipulator that ruined his life even though he is like 10 years older than me. He accepts no fault of his own whatsoever and refuses to go back to the way he used to be because he was "weak" and he won't "bow down" to me or "crawl before" me anymore. God I just want him to become submissive and patient like before. I never wanted to hurt him honestly I was just fucked up and desperate. I wish I had seen the signs earlier

Anonymous 119554

Mr Crawling from Homicipher does this exact thing to me

Anonymous 119557

What was the lie?

Anonymous 119559


i have a crush on a lesbian mutual i have literally never met in my life but i cant do anything about it bc im in a loveless relationship with a moid. in hindsight its better i just leave it alone and pretend it never happened.

Anonymous 119560


what is compelling you to stay with this moid if youre not in love ??
not judgement, but a genuine question of curiousity

Anonymous 119561


does anyone have a fear of slowly become a female sexpest (minus the sex lol)? when i hit it off well with a man irl i'll ask for their instagram/etc, and they always happily oblige, but never actually interact with me on said social media. i also just asked my online mutual of ~2 years to play a game (that we both like) and i'm completely unable to tell if he actually wants to. basically i'm worried that i'm becoming like a man who can't read the room and decipher between friendly exchanges vs flirting??

Anonymous 119569

i cant lie its mostly because of financial security and because he’s basically the only irl friend i have at this point.
i dont really have any other close friends other than the ones online, most who live far away. if i broke up with him, i’d be absolutely isolated.

Anonymous 119578

images (2).jpeg

I can't even post on lolcow anymore because my nigel stalks lolcow looking for my posts. He already found two in the past, he recognized the situations I described and then he said he wanted to have a serious conversation with me and he was basically guiltripping me for writing about our relationship and talking to "total strangers" about us. I have nobody to vent irl about problems in my relationship and now I can't even vent on a fucking image board.

Anonymous 119580

Nona, he sounds like a controlling psycho. Very worrying behavior.

Anonymous 119587


Im so fucked up romantically is driving me insane. I pushed my last bf away and i dont know why.
>recovering after two failed relationship when they cheat on me
>meet moid in app. Scared bcs app but the connection is real
>the love blossoms quick and he is a walking green flag
>he is virgin at 34 because some issues but primary he was waiting for a real connection to have sex. I pooped his cherry
>only problem is he lives 4 hours away but travels every weekend to see me and sometimes comes all week when his work schedule allows it
>he starts therapy to better himself to be with me
>nevertheless i start to loathe him or his visits bcs i dont know
>i push him away more and more but he keeps being affectionate and always helps me
>after dragging it for a couple months we broke up. I cry a lot he cries a little but we remain amicable
>some weeks later he comes for some of his stuff, sees me down and takes me to dinner. We have so much fun but i can feel him physically distant. This man would always hug me and take my hand but now all of that is gone.
>when he leaves me at my place i start to cry and he hugs me, kiss my forehead and tells me everything will be fine
>after comforting me he leaves and i just cry myself to sleep
Why the fuck im like this? This man would cross hell to be with me and i just couldn't stop thinking "i dont love him anymore". Maybe i work too much.

Anonymous 119588

Maybe you don't really know what you want. Leave that guy on his own path.

Anonymous 119598


im similar in the way i recieve/ give love, nona
i know its because i was neglected and such growing up , but why do you think you react to love this way?

Anonymous 119600

i had the perfect girlfriend and i fucked it up

Anonymous 119611

I'M SUCH A TIMEWASTER! I love to waste time and be silly, except I'm getting tired of it now. I have all the time an unemployed person has whilst also being a wagie, and yet I squander it!! What will become of me!!!!

Anonymous 119613

Tbh they’re all on lolcow, most come here when lolcow is down, this site seems to be secondary

And if they’re not on LC they are either on reddit 4chan or some other social media, this place is dead if you ask me, and I make posts frequently, and sometimes I forget what posts I have left, there was this one post I made like 3 years ago and someone brought it up and bumped it and I was shocked to see someone actually replied to me after all those years. Just seems pointless to write something into the void if no one replies within a week, like 3 years?? Wow

Anonymous 119614

You have to post more often to attract more users

Anonymous 119650

I feel bad for being disgusted at my boyfriend for being a bislut. He used to chronically beg strangers for esex and it revolts me. I want to break up with him but I can't. I'm scared of being alone and I wanted a future with him. Yes, I know I'm pathetic and horrible. I really fucked up with this relationship.

Anonymous 119652

Dont fall for the psyop aimed at convincing women to accept a gf/wife role with a nonstraight man. These men want to parasite off of a womans value in their life (love, labor, status, etc). The bar for men is already in Hell, they could at least meet the heterosexual relationship standard of being straight.

Do you really want to be close with a man who has other mens bodily fluids and feces on him? Ew. Dont fall for societys shaming tactics, or fear mongering about being alone. Pets, friends, and family exist independent of men, and even then, peace of mind while being alone is preferable to the wrong moid.

Its okay to be disgusted at coomer degeneracy. Men certainly shame women for certain sexual behaviors, so men should be shamed too. Nonstraight men hate women even more than straight men, as theyre jealous that women attract men sexually. Your bf might even turn to transitioning, or other deviancies. Are you willing to risk discovering that about him one day?

Find a straight man if you want a future with a man, else you risk catching aids or gonorrhea etc. Certainly, no man is worth that.

Anonymous 119656

I hope someone can answer this q. I really want to see more alternatives in the future.

KF rant: Besides lc, all I know of is the KF man hate thread, but its a forum, not an imageboard. Sometimes, people there are cliquey over stupid things like join date. Once in a while it has great info, and the sentiment is much needed, as woman hate is normalized on major sites and IRL. Ive read nearly all 1030+ pages. But the drawbacks take away from its potential.

– I prefer imageboards, when they dont ban VPNs that is. One reason is its not treated as taboo to be a non normie/introverted woman. On KFs Man Hate thread, a lot of the commenters come off as normie women with social lives, which I know could be untrue but still.. Theres an oddly repeated belief/theme among many of the Man Hate thread comments, that only "terminally online" moids are a problem, that women are all social butterflies, and only men struggle with making friends. I cant relate lol.

– Theres also an odd racial ingroup mentality of blonde/blue women among some, not all, Man Hate thread commenters, who hate on women with different traits than them. Short women are made out to be pickmes. Then theres the uncalled for spergouts against Greeks, or when a poster called Mediterraneans subhuman mudpeople. Yet that same poster would find it divisive, if it was pointed out that if her ancestors were moid vikangs, they r aped and pillaged, and lived in literal mudhuts without literacy - totally not subhuman /s. So, I assume not all women are welcome to hate on men in that thread? I dont understand what the source of such a strong hate is, but its very disappointing. I wanted women of various backgrounds to come together to hate on all backgrounds of men. Men stick together, women should too. But not at this rate, thanks to some divisive women who are doing the enemys work for them.

– They also gang up on someone if they think too much outside the box. For example, I felt bad for the poster concerned about tech moids threatening and acting on their desire to replace women with artificial wombs. Like the other posters could have just ignored her posts and moved on, if they didnt like what she had to say. I scrolled past it just fine after I got the gist. But no, they had to gaslight her as insane, and put her down in various ways.

– So much of the Man Hate thread was wasted on issues that dont directly affect womens real lives, ie fiction or off topic/non man hate discussion. Meanwhile, women are under threat. Our spaces and our rights are being taken away, or there were none to begin with. Real problem solving could be happening in that thread. But no. Some dumbass just had to mention fiction for the nth time, to derail actual useful life improving info, for the next 5 pages. 1 place out of very few on the internet about man hate, and so much of it wasted on stupid fiction crap. Priorities.

– To Hell with that cat hating bitch with the fugly tomato pfp. How dare "she" hate such beautiful, loving, and pure creatures sent from God to make consent-hating moids seethe. Only moids and moid minded scum hate cats.

A rant about the VPN ban on lc:
–Women asking relationship advice about a creepy or abusive scrote,
–leaving a cult that demands death as punishment for leaving,
–or saying that a man is a man no matter what,
are all real world examples of why a VPN ban is stupid at best, and subversive at worst.

Theres a reason that a VPN is advised for women on domestic abuse shelter websites, its for her security. It might not be the kind of abuse thats obvious or poses an immediate danger, either. A lot of women are gaslit, unsure if something is abuse, and might want to ask people on an imageboard about her situation, rather than asking friends or family.

Even American women with free speech posting under real IPs should value VPN usage. If her controversial opinions and IP info were to be leaked, she could face IRL harassment from rabid moids, negatively impacting her career, and more. Moids are more foaming at the mouth than ever to punish women for daring to want rights or express things they dont like. A VPN isnt fool proof but it helps somewhat.

Anonymous 119659

>I feel bad for being disgusted at my boyfriend for being a slut.
and don't feel bad, slutty moids are the worst

Anonymous 119661

I feel like my bf loved his bpdemon ex more thab he could ever love me, and now I don't know what to do anymore. I'm sorry for being pathetic

Anonymous 119662


Just find a bf without any exes

Anonymous 119663

But I love him, but yeah. I've been considering it

Anonymous 119664

>But I love him
Stockholm syndrome

Anonymous 119670

Personally Im not going on sites where there are known trannies. Ick.

I just use a browser add on/extension. I avoid ones based in certain countries like ch.na or is.r.l (I think they own hoxx vpn) due to cybersec concerns. Then I cycle through whichever ones work, last month none of them worked on lc, not sure if any of them do now.

Anonymous 119686


i feel so pathetic sometimes because i've been stuggling to make friends for the last 4/5 years, ever since i finished high school back in 2019.
seeing my old class mates thriving and enjoying their time with other people makes me upset.

No i am not single, i have a wonderful boyfriend who i've been with for 4 years, he is honestly the best.

But i really need female friends and i struggle so hard to find people who are into j-fashion and aren't troons or snowflakes

does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on where i can make friends…i am in Australia which is the worst part, literally like 2/3 people exist here. lol fmll, i am pathetic.

also this is my first time posting on c.c, i usually use 4chan…sorry

Anonymous 119690


snowflake as in gets offended easily over words and slurs ect :) id like a female tomodachi :>

Anonymous 119691

Yeah, i already appointed a therapist to see if i sort myself out on the relationship issues. The guy is free but i admit i will die of jealousy if he lands another girl soon.

I honestly dont know. As i said i already got two other long term relationships (they cheated) and this was my third one. I must admit this last guy was the sweetest, most caring and smartest of the three. I dont really know anymore

Anonymous 119693


thank you for the welcome!! there is a lot of asian people but they tend to be mostly chinese and korean (not that it really matters), i will also try pacebook as well, thank you for the suggestion! West EU, like Medeterranian?

Anonymous 119698


will do! n yes i knew what you meant when u said pacebook hahah, i had a look and sadly everything i found was inactive, hopefully with the resurgance of jfashion more groups come to light

also those areas are really beautiful; jealous, bet its so nice and cold there rn, hope youre all snuggled up and warm :D

Anonymous 119699


its sadly full of troons or overly sensitive people

Anonymous 119700

I'm in Australia and I've struggled making friends too, it's hard when the country's population is so small. Where do you find Japanese clothes? Do you just shop online?

Anonymous 119701


hey anon, u can add me on discord: mfalex and i can explain how i get j fashion with links so i dont spam the thread if you'd like, just as long as you arent a troon

Anonymous 119713

I'm trying my best I wish someone would be nice and encouraging instead of making fun of my shortcomings and stupidity. I'm honestly trying but I just get punished for it. Even when I do things right I don't get any recognition. It's all lose-lose.

Anonymous 119714


I was drunk and went to the atm for $100. Later realized I left the money at the atm.

Anonymous 119726


does anyone else have a close friend who is progressive and obsessed with politics and you don’t know how to act about having very opposing views because she’s not tolerant and extremely pro trans rights and the likes?? i just keep my mouth shut but it’s annoying as fuck when i see the irony in all of her actions

Anonymous 119731

imo u guys have very different views, i think maybe yall are better of not being friends, just imo

Anonymous 119732

bro wtf are u waffling, r u cooked?

Anonymous 119735

I really find most men disgusting. I use tumblr and share photos of myself (nothing gross) and atheistic things. I like interacting with the other girls using the site. It makes me feel cool , as lame as that sounds. I just had an actual predator follow me. It makes me feel gross about myself like I’m doing something wrong

Anonymous 119736

bro u just called someone's vent 'baity'. There is a very obvious reason why you don't have any friends.

Anonymous 119737


>checks site called lolcow.farm
>there's no discussion of actual cows and instead there's gossip about random e-bitches

Biggest scam in my life

Anonymous 119741

how do people like your friend exist lmfao

Anonymous 119743

thinking about selling my game pc to buy a gun.
there's this huge forest next to my place, no one is going to find me if I go far away, walking in a dense forest for a few hours… maybe days, no one will ever find me.

Anonymous 119744

I don’t think your friend realizes how insane she sounds to people who don’t follow politics. You have my sympathies. It’s very difficult to reason with people like her.

Anonymous 119745

I was thinking about someone else lataly since I'm not satisfied with my relationship. I never cheated and I would never cheat. I feel guilty just for thinking about someone else. And my bf told me that last night he dreamed that I cheated on him with some guy. Fuck that is creepy

Anonymous 119750

yeah feel you

Anonymous 119762



Anonymous 119763

nona, slow down on the brainrot.

Anonymous 119764

Kinda happy moment but I just found out the "girl" who feuds with me is wayyy uglier than me, and is also a troon

He makes weird sexual comments to me "no one wants to breed with you" "I'm going to pump your mom" has a weird obsessive interest in my personal life and constantly calls me mentally ill and tells me to go to therapy because of my "incessant self loathing" and "repeated willingness to touch the hot stove"

I just kinda feel vindicated knowing what he looks like behind the screen.

Anonymous 119768

honestly no she doesn’t notice. or at least doesn’t notice for like 4 min straight lmao. and she asks why i’m not saying anything

she said we are probably going into breeding camps after a long rant ab trump and was dead serious

update: she just asked me to spot her $30 for a vape. girl go to work!

Anonymous 119786

she's not a neet, she works at a call center though so you can try that. but she has called in for a month straight and somehow managed to not get fired bc of her "Disability", POTS (symptoms: Dizziness, Fainting, Fast or slow heart rate, Anxiety, Excessive sweating, Fatigue, Headaches, Chest pain, Shakiness, and Brain fog.). so she requested to work from home bc she ultimately refused to go in bc she just hated working (don't blame her but its an easy ass job) and it was approved but even her first week of working from home she's called in.
anyway tldr, call center.

Anonymous 119823

Fuck. Me and my boyfriend are both weebs and I feel this way too. You’re not alone. I stopped being interested and even hating series we liked together because of this. I’d like to imagine he feels familial towards them, like a sister or daughter(as the characters are younger) but my bpdfag mind runs wild that there’s something deeper and more sinister going on.

Anonymous 119833

im too autistic to talk to the men around me in my field + interests, but the men outside of here feel dumb. it's like pulling teeth trying to date a dude who thinks my work is some magical mystical science-y shit but the guys I actually work with are 5-10 years older than me or just young and stuck up about it. id totally be okay dating a chick that doesn't know any math but they dont seem to be into me so wtf do i even do. why am I like this lol

Anonymous 119858

Sometime in the past few days I lost a necklace I was given for ny birthday. No idea where it slipped off, maybe when I was walking. It was expensive and I didn't even have it a year. I feel so undeserving and irresponsible.

Anonymous 119867

stop weaponizing kids. unless youre okay with 15 year old boys being groomed or being sent to war pipe the fuck down

Anonymous 119868

I can't sleep. I hate my major yet I have no other choice but graduate as I'd hate to see my parents disappointed. And I can't just change my major because everything is just too complicated. Also my best friend is a nymphomaniac and keeps ditching me to hookup.

Anonymous 119869

I feel like I failed a test today.

Anonymous 119873

I hate when I'm having a conversation on here and the posts get deletedb presumably because it was a moid.

Anonymous 119877

I feel so unhappy, I love my boyfriend so much but yesterday he confessed that he'd rather have a STEM girlfriend then me (I'm more of an artsy girl, I don't know anything about STEM) because then they could do fun tech projects together and talk freely about tech and not have to explain everything even if I do try to understand. Now I feel like I'm robbing him of a life he could have with someone else.. and he said he prefers me over any woman but I don't know if I believe him

Anonymous 119880

My bf is also in stem and I always wondered about if he’d prefer a stem girl too but he always denies it. If you keep pestering him and finding out his type and it turns out it isn’t you and he just “settled” for you because you like him more than he likes you, id just dump his ass. Get yourself a guy who views you as his dream girl and won’t give you up or compare you to anyone or anything

Anonymous 119889


I'm slowly becoming radfem after discovering Andrea Dworkin

Anonymous 119892

You just have to accept this is what politics does to some people, you yourself are even affected by it otherwise you could meme on her or just listen and laugh but instead you seethe in silence. Just tell her Elon musk is your favorite pro Indian nazi or that you love trump so much you’ll vote for him a 4th time

Anonymous 119897


Everyone tells me I have to change but I have no idea what to change about myself, or who they want me to become. No matter who I am they'll get mad at me anyway.

Anonymous 119900

Am I a terrible person? I loath my boyfriend’s nephew. He’s three and a menace. I’ve never been around him in person. But he bites, hits , and spits. He's loud and just all around aggressive. He’s big for his age and I mean big. I don’t like children to begin with but I mean I really hate this kid. anytime he’s around I refuse to be on the phone with him.

Anonymous 119906

Unpopular opinion but some kids are just born nasty, and they grow up to be nasty adults. It’s taboo to say this out loud but everyone knows it deep down

Anonymous 119909

He literally said they’re waiting for him to grow out of it. Like are they fucked in the head? He’s gonna get worse. The little shit is throwing lamps at people. Like??

Anonymous 119913

Yeah that kid’s gonna be a spoilt psychopath. With good, competent parents they might be able to discipline his behavior but he clearly has enabling ones

Anonymous 119914

I’m fucking sick in the head. I woke up my bf in the middle of night because I was using his phone and I entered the chat with his scumbag best friend. I saw my bf told him “I don’t feel like going with her” about a bike race I insisted on going with him (he never wants to go outside with me and usually I was rotting in bed while he played vidya). I snapped. I screamed to him he was a liar, he shit talk me behind my back. Then I vented all the frustrations I have accumulated about him and us. It was a shitfest holy shit.
I ended up breaking up with him 2 days later just to pray him to come back (I usually do this every time I dump him). Now he’s for real he doesn’t want me back. He’s done, I overwhelmed him with my obsessive love. Yeah for the last 3 months my life revolved around him. I was too demanding I think and he has no emotional intelligence. We aren’t compatible but I adore him. I would give him my eyes. So I told him to wait for me while I heal. He also gave me money today for a medical appointment that could determine an important outcome on my health.
So yeah I’m suffering but I was always suffering during this relationship, specially since October. I admit the sex was the best part and the only time I wasn’t overthinking like a mental patient. Just pure instinct.
Fuck this shit I hope the realization hits harder for him 1 month later since he’s your typical avoidant-attachment-style-moid.
I did a lot for him let me tell you. Cringe ass, mommy gf ass type of shit. Just to get him back heh. He will miss that. He will miss my every day presence on his room and life.

Anonymous 119915

I got yelled at for being stupid again. It hurts because I was pretty excited about how today would play out but I'm crying instead.

Anonymous 119916

sending love and hugs nona. hope you can get away from those gross people

Anonymous 119918

>I was pretty excited about how today would play out
I'm a bit jealous, its been over a decade since last time i felt such optimism.

Anonymous 119929

I spend over half my nights pretending an anime character is hugging me and telling me he's going to take care of me. It helps but I feel pathetic for it.

Anonymous 119939

I want to break up with my boyfriend but I owe him and he's the only person I have here and I don't know what to do I just keep telling myself I'm young and it's okay if I'm confused. He's going to hate me after I do it.

Anonymous 119940

outing myself as a zoomer i guess but i fucking hate being a senior this is the loneliest i've ever been and yet this is the one year where you need at least a few friends to do all the mandatory "fun" sendoff activities with. fuck that. and whenever i try to put myself out there half the time its an event or group i was never intended to be a part of and i end up embarrassing myself. i can't wait to go to college and get a fresh start away from my stupid tiny school. i'm just waiting to hear back from one of the decent colleges i applied to, if i get in maybe i can just switch to homeschool for the rest of the semester? idk. if i don't get in i'll just suicide probably.

Anonymous 119950


going to college dosen't guarantee getting friends, if you struggled with it in high school you'll probably struggle with it a lot in college as well. you have to really, really put yourself out there if you want anyone of note

Anonymous 119957

I wish I had friends. The last friendship I had only lasted a month and before that I didn’t have any friends for like four years. How do you even make friends as an adult? Where do you go online to make friends? I don’t know and I’m getting so lonely it’s about to eat me alive

Anonymous 119961

esxuze et moi.png

I'm an nobody ''''artist''''who was friends with this weird tomboy, we had a fall out about 4 years ago and I mostly gone about my life unfazed.
I keep posting art and the shitty songs I like but something's weird. I am a nobody with all my followers being inactive or bots but when I post an obscure song I like and go to listen to it later I see a +1 like or -1 dislike that isn't from my account, I thought I image it so I took a screenshot and that is true, all my posts get 0 likes so is that her??, I am not the type to make friends since I grew up all alone and she was the first and last online friend i ever had, I just hope its my imagination or is just a weird coincidence or bug that every obscure song I post gets a +1 or -1 from an account that isn't mine.

Anonymous 119962

Finding like-minded people has become difficult. I see traitors everywhere. Distrust prevents me from befriending a stranger, because i recognize the state of society as bad and i recognize most people as part of the problem.

Anonymous 119963

sounds like you might need to go outside nona

Anonymous 119964

The only thing awaiting me outside is disappointment.

Anonymous 119965

Anonymous 119966

I honestly don't know if it's a gift or a curse. I get excited about the stupidest shit. But it generally leads to disappointment when I get yelled at. But if I didn't have this stubborn positive streak I probably would've killed myself by now.

Anonymous 119979

anyone else acutely worried about bluesky? i hate what it's doing to my mom. a mere eight years ago we were mocking QAnoners on Facebook, and now i'm observing paranoid behavior very akin to that from her (just of a radicalized left-wing flavor). i realize the state of the world is scary rn but i don't think a human was meant to bear this much awareness of it and paranoid surrounding things that don't necessarily directly affect them.

i've never touched the site and i don't plan to (that extends to all social media barring this kind) but, it sucks to see a family member get sucked into this. it's like tiktok wokeism dialed up to an extreme i never anticipated from her (she was pretty level-headed before this year). the stress is contagious as well. idk. just worried. anyone else?

Anonymous 119981

i fear living alone. i know i have to and i know i can. in a way the uncertainty of it all is exciting. but still, i'm going to really miss the stability that comes with having someone to ground you wherever, whenever, and without expecting anything in return. i'm going to miss not feeling like i need antipsychotics or mood stabilizers to get through the really rough patches. i'm going to miss having someone that benefits from me being stable, someone to maintain appearances for. but this is for the best, i know this. it's exciting.. but it's also very scary. i guess that's integral to the human experience, though; uncertainty and a limitless number of possibilities. i don't even know what i want to feel out of this or what solution i'm looking for. it's all a blank slate now. i think things that carve out the future will just have to happen to me and i'll figure it out as those things come.

Anonymous 120002

Almost 26 and life has not gotten better at all. Even after finishing college and working full time I still have the same anxieties and insecurities I've had since I was a child.
Really considering ending my life but since my brother left the family I'm all my parents have left and they'd be heartbroken. Every day feels like a chore that I do purely out of habit. I cry every night thinking about how much I want to die and how nobody besides my parents will ever truly care about me. I don't know how long I can tolerate this before I snap and just get my life over with. What a waste.

Anonymous 120004

Social media is evil. It’s designed to be addictive and it collects a lot of sensitive information about its users. Facebook even flat out admitted it was conducting experiments with its algorithms to manipulate its users into being happy or depressed.

I’m sorry your mom got sucked into it, nona. It happens to many many people.

Anonymous 120020

This is not normal and most likely a pathological thing. A therapist and a psychiatrist are necessary. Take the first step.

Anonymous 120021


My bf is an extrovert and I'm an introvert and it's been causing problems since we moved in together last summer. I've told him that the amount he talks drains me. He is aware and tries to be mindful but he just absolutely loves to talk constantly. I snapped last night because he said he was going to go to bed after he finished his round in the video game he was playing, so I thought I would finally get a crumb of quiet alone time, but then when I said I wasn't tired and would stay up, he said he was going to keep playing his video game. We got in an argument and have now talked for like 3-4 hours collectively about this at this point but what it really comes down to is that I want more alone time and he wants more time together. It feels like I should be grateful that I have a bf who loves to be around and talk to me, and it's not like he doesn't listen to me when I speak, he's a great listener and is always encouraging me to talk more. But I'm just not built that way, I grew up in an extremely quiet household with two sisters where no one talked much and everyone kept to themselves. He grew up with four brothers who were constantly talking and yelling over each other. I also have depression and constantly deal with low energy and motivation whereas he is always up and doing something. I love him so much, he's a wonderful man and we are compatible in so many ways but we are just so mismatched in this realm. He's been super quiet all night and even went to bed early and honestly it's been so fucking nice. But it's obviously unnatural and feels like he's partly doing it because he's hurt/upset that I feel the way I do and snapped on him.

Anonymous 120022

Have you tried establishing clear boundaries nona? Like telling your bf “We can spend 1 hour chatting and socializing, but for the next hour we spend time apart in peace and quiet”? It also sounds like he’s smothering you, he needs people besides you to be extroverted with otherwise he’ll suck you dry.

Anonymous 120023

Thank you so much for responding to me nona. I do set some boundaries and go lie in bed on my phone to try to recharge, and he respects when I need to do that. But it never feels like enough, and I can get anxious and resentful if I have to put a time limit on it. The weird thing is that he gets tons of social time partying with his brothers on PS5. But he still tends to suck me dry. We share an apartment and he can be super loud when he's talking to his brothers, which he's also mindful of when I ask him to quiet down, but it's just a lot. He literally needs to be asleep or out of the house for me to feel like I'm fully recharging. Maybe I just need to wake up earlier, sucks though because I'm not a morning person. I'm grateful that he's receptive when I try to be communicative of my needs, it's just hard because he has needs too and they can conflict with mine.

Anonymous 120025


Theres this moid at work ive been crushing on for about year now. At first I didnt think much of him since it was pretty obvious he was a 4chan type
>this freaking goober was autistic enough to sneak a discreet loss meme into a professional powerpoint that would be seen by like 100 people
but over time he really kinda won me over. Hes a little stand offish but hes always super helpful to everyone on his team, he even bought everyone small treats for christmas(he tried to leave early but I caught him leaving little giftbags on everyones desk during lunchbreak.)
We send eachother memes but Im akward as hell and whenever I talk to him its always me rambling while he listens, I even appologized one time because he looked annoyed but then smiles at me and tells me Im the only one he doesnt mind bugging him. Doesnt help hes alone most of the time so I can't slide in discretely like I do with my other coworkers who hangout in groups. I hate myself because I'm 25 and this damn 4chan moid of all moids with flooffy hair makes me feel like a schoolgirl all over again…

Anonymous 120026

I just wish I was normal

Anonymous 120027

congrats on getting a 4cuck bf

Anonymous 120028

We've only hung out once outside of work and it was because our manager took us out for drinks, I dont even know if he likes me that way. I know its a bad idea but I havnt been in a relationship since HS and its been a long time since I felt comfortable around someone. Hes also not active on social media so I can't even creep and see what else hes into so its really annoying…

Anonymous 120037

Ts Pmo sybau gng lol

Anonymous 120039

Anonymous 120041

So does everyone else

Anonymous 120046


Fuck why is so hard to find normal people these days. I'm a diet racist with lgbtfatigue and its so exhausting having to mask around these far lefty bitches 24/7 or ill get dogpiled for saying something slight off cuff. But at the same time I've no interest in alligning with actual neonazi malignant poltards who dont realize the ideologies they prostrate to would have had them killed in times they were actually enforced. I miss the 90s/000s when we all pretended to like eachother and shit just worked…

Anonymous 120047


Lets hope sanity becomes fashionable again.

Anonymous 120050

Right before COVID a bunch of my friends moved abroad to London and left me behind. In the last couple of years we've been reconnecting, but it feels like they all turned into the same person, they've all adopted the same young affluent aggressively progressive London professional outlook that doesn't tolerate any form of wrongthink. And I'm like, what happened, we used to get drunk and debate race realism, now you just regurgitate whatever outragebait you saw on twitter. They were talking about Trump on the whatsapp a couple of days ago getting all mad about USAID, I pipe up very mildly like "Aren't a lot of these programs just social programs in europe and stuff tho" and suddenly I'm getting it from all sides. I don't know how to relate to them any more. And it's really bitching me up because on the one hand I miss my friends and want to rebuild those relationships, on the other I don't feel secure with these people, I feel like if I'm open with them they'll just close me out because I'm not inside the hivemind.

Anonymous 120054

My neighbors are mad at me for yelling to loud too often. I'm so embarrassed. Luckily they're not going to file a formal complaint.

Anonymous 120055

why do you yell

Anonymous 120060

Now he will live his life freely without my tantrums, overthinking, jealousy, begging for kisses and hug and affection….Deep down I’m waiting for his message. I will for a long time. But I know this wasn’t healthy for us. Our time is over. The beautiful moments were amazing but they’re few in comparison to all the soul draining crap. The sex was the best. I miss his skin, his hands, his dick. I kissed every part of his body like he were a sacred angel. Now it’s over. I will not be the one kissing him anymore. This is for the best, yeah…

Anonymous 120065

I have had too many guys ask me to have threesomes with their girlfriends and them. Like why

Anonymous 120091


I don't know if this is the right place to say it, and I feel I'll be shunned down and be told that I'm an idiot, but… Nonas, I'm so tired of being a woman. I hate being a woman, I hate how everyone and everything just hurts me beceause I can't defend myself, because I'm a stupid, no good for anything, ugly woman.
I wish I was a man just so that life would be easier. I could have more friends, I could be respected and could say whatever and nobody would argue against me, I could be strong, my mom would love me more because she likes my brother more than me. I hate being alone and having nowhere to go because I'm no good as a femenine woman, but I can't fit in with men either.
How am I supposed to like the fact I'm useless at what "women are supposed to be"? Pretty, femenine, charming, lovely, every woman I know is femenine. But I feel like I just fail so hard at everything.

Anonymous 120095

you are totally not an idiot for feeling any way. everyone experiences self hatred in some way at some time of their life. im really sorry you feel that way about yourself and women. you CAN learn to defend yourself. you will learn in time how to brush off criticism. maybe you can talk to your mom about how it seems like she treats your brother better than you. that must hurt. you dont have to be a super girly girl to be a woman either. you are what you are, and i hope in time youll learn to love and appreciate yourself!

Anonymous 120098

Don't troon out

Anonymous 120110

>I hate how everyone and everything just hurts me beceause I can't defend myself
Men who cannot defend themselves exist. You would only become one of them. Your brother would still be the golden child and you would still be the problem because mothers only have one favorite, not two.
>I could have more friends,
Men do not have friends, demographically. Male friendship is a myth, kept alive by fujobait and PTSD-distorted fictionalized war memoirs.
>I could be respected
Nobody would respect a man who cannot defend himself and who requires the withheld-love of a mother who only fully boymoms his golden child sibling.
>and could say whatever and nobody would argue against me, I could be strong,
You are assuming that you would have a steroid body and mental spine despite a lifetime of maternal preference towards a brother which will reliably cause severe reduction in dh-testosterone production even during critical developmental years, not to mention every other thoroughly studied "challenge to status" effect on testosterone you would need to endure by and before puberty. You are wrong. The only "improvement" that would be made to your life would be constant incessant sexual intrusive thoughts which you would be unable to actualize because you would still be the inferior specimen even in your own household because, again, you would be one of the worthless men who cannot defend himself. And that is of no value to anyone, particularly not a mother. Mothers start to love their sons when those sons start exerting violent power over other children, including their own. Maternal love for sons is by nature wicked and must be reduced, tempered, reconditioned and socially controlled more thoroughly than any other kind of love. You would not escape this wickedness and there is no reason to assume you would be of the few chosen to be a principal beneficiary of it instead of one of the many to be harmed.

You are correct to only concern yourself personally with men who are dissimilar to yourself in predisposition, in action, and in status. Wretches and worms are of no concern to anyone, and are genuinely beneath you. But you are only correct to wave away that multitude because you are better than them as a woman, not because you would be better than them if you were recast as a man nor because a chance to be better would be open to you. You want to become a man because you think that you are too weak to succeed or to endure without the love of at least one woman, that woman being your mother. You are not being honest with yourself about the psychiatric disentigration that you already see in men who are also not strong enough to succeed or endure without the love of a woman, as that disentigration far exceeds your own.

Anonymous 120125

Why did the council approve next door to be basically a halfway house this retard is screaming at 1am about how he just got off of murder charges and how some guy is a pedo and he'll smash his fucking head in and keeps banging around
fuck off oh my fucking god

Anonymous 120126

I really wanna date a guy from there but they seem mentally unwell and I will probably fuck up my life

Anonymous 120127

Nah, Id just watch my man getting raped #fujocuck

Anonymous 120129

Why do you want a robot bf?

Anonymous 120130


>bf takes clothes (ALL OF THEM) out of our room
>stores them in THE LIVING ROOM
>i ask "hey babe can you move them while i take a shower, your sister is coming"
>comes out of shower
>"well i didnt know where to put them, theres nowhere to put them"

Anonymous 120131

This. I went here to talk to other nonas about history or anything and all they talk about is men

Anonymous 120132

I got drunk again. It made me introspective. More introspective. It always does. I always think it won't. It can't be helped; I can lose myself in myself and I can lose in the world myself, but lose myself in another I cannot. The world fascinates. I vacillate. Others are unknowable, for once they are known they become repulsive. They always do. I always think they won't. I'm sobering up again.

Anonymous 120157

1699977523929370 -…

why me why me
i want to fuck a man, someone I've only met twice










i hate this i hate love i hate myself and i hate men

Anonymous 120160

Why do normal women have to pretend to be weird or have mental illnesses? Like is that hard to just have a personality and be like an interesting person? It’s genuinely driving me insane. I would give anything not to be as mentally ill as I am. To just be able to slide by just because I’m attractive. What are wrong with these wh*res?

Anonymous 120174

I'm supposed to go sober but I don't want to.

Anonymous 120183

You should commit suicide

Anonymous 120196

No, she shouldn't. You should get off cc.

Anonymous 120197

She absolutely should. This is a lizard person who takes pleasure in torturing people and cannot see the fault in themselves, this is a pathological narcissist, and she's not going to improve with age, this kind of person is beyond redemption and will continue to spread misery and plant the seeds of hatred and distrust wherever she treads. God forbid she ends up having kids at some point, the best course of action for everyone would be to end it right now, and I say this sincerely.

Take note of that kind of pattern of thinking and learn to recognize it and avoid having people like this in your life for your own sake, trust me.

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