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Anonymous 118326

Where do moids get off saying we are are attracted to "dominance"? Like sorry we just want a moid who isn't a total pushover and able to provide for us, that means we are all masochists or something

Anonymous 118327

well 50 shades of gray isn't about a plumber

Anonymous 118333

I think it generalizes all women to say that. There are girls who want cute femboys and soft Kpop idols. Personally, I don’t want the extreme of either, but I do want someone shy and dorky like myself if that makes sense.

Anonymous 118337

It's the porn addiction speaking

Anonymous 118344

Well I'm pretty sure none of us would be pretty happy about our bfs being beaten/raped the living shit out of

Anonymous 118345

Pfffhahaha nobody thinks about plumbers. They think about bishies who ARE NOT weaklings or cowards. Normal is fine who cares about money or power. Normal. A normal house. A normal dog. Normal walks in the park. Fun outings to the restaurant. Enjoying your life instead of living with someone controlling. This is what normal women think about not domination. But i mean fantasy is also just as good. You have to understand this. Fantasy can satisfy a woman so much, because reality with men is just unpredictable shit. I mean its too easy being single.

Anonymous 118346

Provide what exactly? I hope you don’t mean money, because you clearly didn’t learn a damn thing from history if you do.

Anonymous 118347

porn for women.png

IMO it is an eroticized reflection on the sexual vulnerability that underlines the female condition.

There is no sexually charged drama in "being normal".

Anonymous 118360

I agree with him.

Anonymous 118361

what did the comments say, if any?

Anonymous 118364


Here's some

Anonymous 118377

An infinitesimal amount of women are into those quasi-tranniea

Anonymous 118381

thanks! it seems like they all just agree with him though…

Anonymous 118386

graph data is skewed by men/trans self-identifying as women on their accounts

Anonymous 118387

It's really hard to argue otherwise. Women want someone dominant in every aspect
>Physically dominant, women want a man who is tall and large, makes them feel protected
>Want muscular arms and big hands
>Want older men
>Personality wise wants a man is confident, assertive and takes charge
>sexually want a man who is dominant, takes the lead
>Want a man who isn't just dominant over her but dominant over others, eg a boss, social leader (successful streamers for example), sports captains
Tbh everything women want scream dominant

Anonymous 118388

You can have a great personality and not domineering or power-hungry and be normal. Most men who fall in those categories are trying to make up for being ugly or having bad personalities anyway.

Anonymous 118390

You just sound like an astroturfing scrote tho.

Anonymous 118399

The definition of "dominant" varies from person to person. Yes, women like to feel safe when with their partner, because we lack the feeling of safety from our very birth. But 99% of men fail to provide that

Anonymous 118404

Common misconception. Narcissists are actually more popular, powerful and successful. CEOs, celebrities, elite athletes, all have high levels of narcissism.

Anonymous 118405

Those are just narcissists who are successful so they get to feed their ego by receiving more money and attention. There are plenty of narcissists who failed at life and want to make it everyone else's problem.

Anonymous 118407

The reason some women like violent men isn't ebcause violence is thrilling, it's a trauma response typical to those who went through sexual assault/rape. Moids know fuck all about trauma lmao

Anonymous 118410

There are many more failed ordinary people than narcissists. Narcissists aren't insecure, angry people, narcissists are
>Mostly men
>Low inhibition and low risk aversion
>High confidence
>High extraversion
>Low compliance/socially aggressive/disagreeable
>Constantly seeks to be center of attention
>Excitement seeking
>Low empathy/doesn't care about hurting others
>strong desire to dominate and succeed
Narcissists aren't the men sulking at the corners of a party, they're the guy at the center of it who jumps on tables, dances with multiple women and attracts the most attention.

Anonymous 118412


Anonymous 118431

You literally contradicted yourself in the 2nd statement and the fact you don't even realize it is why you don't recognize why guys get this idea to be dominant or else she'll leave you because she got the ick from seeing you be lower on the totem pole from a nother guy.

Anonymous 118432

the thought of my bf getting beaten/raped turns me on actually.. i love weak faggot men so much.. am i cooked..

Anonymous 118433

A lot of women like >>73421 love that their tall/strong bf makes them feel safe, does it mean if the bf gets beaten up and no longer makes her feel safe she'll like him less

Anonymous 118434

I'm trans btw

Anonymous 118435

She will. It's like if you like your bf because he's intelligent but then he acts dumb as fuck. You'll lose the attraction.

Anonymous 118441

im not trans lmao. im just a bad person and like to see males get tortured because its what they deserve, also, i posted that because i wanted to show a woman as fucked up as me exists. anyway i know op said "dominant" but i think more aptfully she meant "sadist" because of the way she mentioned "masochist" in her post. maybe women prefer "dominant" men but in reality outside of porn addiction most normal women arent into "sadistic" types who like to hurt them and make them feel inferior as redpillers enjoy believing.

Anonymous 118452

Anonymous 118454

How is it not

Anonymous 118459

>even like being dominated but simultaneously dislike submitting
??? This is a contradiction

Anonymous 118462

I can only understand this when it comes from a biological point of view. Dominance is a desirable trait and ensures the survival of oneself and their offspring. I don’t think it’s very honest of women when they deny that they have zero attraction to dominance or dominant traits as it’s something humans have evolved to see as desirable. However we live in a post industrial society and dominance isn’t the hallmark of survival anymore. We all know how much of a disadvantage women are at biologically, and it isn’t good to reinstate our dependence on men for survival. Humans should override our primitive side and that especially benefits women. So while I agree that women tend to be attracted to those traits, I don’t agree with the implication as it’s basically “Women being attracted to dominance or wanting to be dominated is common and normal, therefore it should be accepted and is fine.” Dominance itself isn’t the problem—but the implications of it becoming widely accepted in society; lest we return to a time where this was absolutely necessary.

Anonymous 118465

Personally, I think women are attracted to assertiveness rather than dominance. I don’t know how many people actually enjoy being dominated because that inplies being talked over and not being allowed your own thoughts and opinions. Just completely following someone else. I don’t think most women like to submit. But it is attractive to see someone who can speak up for themselves and take care of themselves and others. I think a lot of men confused assertiveness with dominance, but they are quite different.

Anonymous 118467

There's cruel dominance and benevolent dominance, frankly most women want either. Benevolent dominance (or benevolent sexism) is wanting your partner to fulfill all the patriarchal expectations (protecting for the female, paying for her, etc) in return for being a willing (and often submissive) partner.

Anonymous 118468

>And it isn't good to reinstate dependence of men on our survival
If men chimped out tomorrow like in Afghanistan or Iraq, women are screwed.

Anonymous 118470

>>blah blah blah astroturfing

So why aren't men attracted to dominant women? Its not necessary to be dominant just strong but that includes not being a shitbag. There's a difference.

Anonymous 118471

>>Yes, women like to feel safe when with their partner, because we lack the feeling of safety from our very birth.

Not to downplay your life experience but pfffft no we don't

Anonymous 118472

>Men don't chimp out
You don't even need them all to chimp out. If a small group of ultra conservative moids takes over and the rest don't defend women, women are doomed. This is what happened in Afghanistan and Iran. Now women in Afghanistan can't go to school. Doesn't even have to be your own moids. If some moid dictator decides to invade like Putin, it's up to your moids to defend you.

It's not even uncommon in the West. Years of Gardarene policies in Europe, importing millions of ultraconservative Muslim moids who believe women shouldn't be allowed to drive, means most European countries now have a ~10-20% population of ultra conservative Muslims alone.

Anonymous 118473

Forget to add: if they feel like you hurt their fee fees and form nutty manosphere groups they'll elect people like trump

Anonymous 118474

Looking online I think a decent amount of them are, but like 0.1% of women are into submissive men.

Anonymous 118476

That is exactly why celebrities get shit on so much, people often just hate them. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to be with a celebrity if they're just a glorified shitbag. Not all celebrities are like this, but no amount of money is going to make you attractive to me if you're just a domineering swine

Anonymous 118478

You're just regurgitating what you want to believe scrote. Explain why BL is so hugely popular with women. Domineering people make you feel nothing. No matter how sex is with them it makes you feel nothing. Its like being with a dildo. Especially since that kind of masculinity obsessed/ domination obsessed type never looks attractive. They're always the kind of parasite that latches onto a woman and bullies her into believing hes attratctive. Thats the game they usually have to play, because they know their personality and demands and looks are complete fucking burden on the woman. Lately I see how poorly that works though. Women everywhere talk about it. They have to be a mix of masculine and feminine to some degree to truly be attractive.

Anonymous 118479

Well it makes sense since its revealing of a reciprocal relationship and expectations. Men who are obsessed with being domineering just take everything for themselves and its never more complicated than that. Men try REALLY hard to bully you into agreeing that that's attractive to a woman but its always just betraying some level of bad personality.

Anonymous 118480

It's universally known fujos self-insert as the uke.

Anonymous 118483

Stop feeding the moid. It doesn’t matter how many times you tell him he’s wrong, he won’t change his mind. Moids don’t argue to learn, they see it as a competition. They think admitting they were wrong about something is the same as submitting and admitting defeat.

Anonymous 118486

This. The only way to "win" against a moid is to kill him

Anonymous 118543


Nta but you guys know incels kryptonite is yaoi gay porn right? If life teaches you anything its that one priceless truth. They will hemorrhage from the brain, foam at the mouth.

Anonymous 118572

mfw i see a priest…

Yes!! it's true! Incels hate when I sexually objectify fictional sexy men for my female gaze! They can't comprehend it!!! It's hilarious! It's crazy because I can understand how they like hentai and stuff but somehow incels can't figure out how I can like yaoi and try to call me gay but a girl liking 2 guys doing sex is less gay than them liking 1 guy and 1 woman doing sex. They are so fucking retarded.

Anonymous 118573

real af

Anonymous 118601

Obviously. I know a lot of people shit on fujos, but I think they’re the only ones that can create female only spaces that moids don’t want to enter.

Anonymous 118605


I wish this was true. But sadly moids want to infiltrate everything. I have joined places made by yumejos and it goes one of two ways:

1: the yumejo is 'inclusive' so they will allow shit like cuntboys and masectomy scar pooner fake yaoi. This inevitably leads to troon moids shitting up the server.

2: The yumejo hates tranny shit and makes a server with only pure, real yaoi, you would think this would bring in terf true fujos, but in actuality it mostly brings over scrotes. The scrotes wont even be into yaoi and will actually get angry if yaoi is posted there, but usually the terf yumejo is too much of a pickme to ban the shitty scrotes because they were ostracized by type 1 false fujos.

It's fucking awful.

Anonymous 118606

Why the hell would a yumejo run a yaoi server?
The only yaoi spaces I visit are on reddit and even THEY don't have trannies. The yaoi and BL subs are golden. What the heck are you even on about?

You sound like a larper mixing up fujos and yumejos. Are you even serious about larping though?

Anonymous 118607

No need to act so abrasive. I've been into yaoi since before the terms fujo and yume even existed and tend to avoid modern yaoi culture because of what I stated in my previous message.

I thought yumejo meant a mix between fujo and yume. You could have told me that politely.

Reddit also fucking sucks for everything because half the time shit gets banned/censored before I can even see what the hell it is.

Anonymous 118612

Yeah it really depends on the subreddit, most hobby subreddits are absolutely fine. Some are full of moid scum and tranny mods. You don't get any of that in the fujo subs though. Sure you have have male and female fans. But the trans presence is only heavy in places like r/witchesvspatriarchy.

Anonymous 118614

Also a huge fujo since 2001 and I've honestly never seen anything like that in all my days.

Anonymous 120293


Speak for yourself. My lifelong husbando is a plumber.

Ha, you're not the only one, I have similar fantasies. But for me it's not out of man-hate. I think I just feel weak myself and beating/raping a man makes me feel in control. Plus I have very low self-esteem and have never had a bf, so maybe my brain rationalises and eroticises that I'd have to force myself on a man to obtain true intimacy. I also relate to feeling like a bad person for getting off on these things. I'm not sure whether to suppress it for life, or find a bf who'd consent to me doing it.

Not a troon either fwiw

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