Anonymous 120289

I'm used to be introverted friendless slob who desperately wanted human attention and now I'm leader of small student organization (which is part of bigger organization) and God, I'm so tired of these cunts. They all are sick, either physically or mentally. You can't plan shit with them, because tomorrow they're having migraines and mental breakdowns. My boss demands me to find new people convince them into joining my organization. How the fuck I am supposed to do it when no one, no one wants to meet new people and talk with them even for hour. Those fucks talk about how they don't like studying and retarded professors, but when they have the opportunity to skip classes and do something useful they all suddenly choose lectures and shit. They only come for the fun part and never want to help in non fun parts. Screw this shit,
Anonymous 120291
>>120289what kinda organization is it? since you're the leader, can't you just take it easy and make everyone else do the work?
Anonymous 120292
>>120291herding cats is what leaders do, it's why no one actually likes being in charge, just envious of the attention those who are have on them.
Anonymous 120335
This is an absolutely silly vent, I guess it's a pet peeve… but does any one else hate how on threads like "what's the worst thing you've ever done", the replies are always some nonsense like "the worst thing I did to a woman is my mum really hurt when she gave birth to me"… No seriously. What's the percentage of men who've raped, what's the percentage of men who've deceived to obtain sex… apparently something like 50% of german men have purchased a prostitute… Am I seriously led, on male dominated message boards to believe that the worst thing you've ever done is "I cheated on my geography homework because the world map was on the back of my schoolboook" or whatever.
I get that people aren't actually going to dig deep, reach into that deep mental abyss, and really talk about the worst recesses of their mind… or incriminate themselves. But honestly, try to at least post the second or third worst anecdote, not some random zany anecdote which is obviously forgivable because you were 12, and if you want to claim a zany anecdote is the worst thing you've ever done, at least make it a zany anecdote where you unwittingly ruin someone's life.
Anonymous 120376
I'm talking to this guy I met online and at first we seemed to really hit it off, we were able to talk for hours on end about nothing and he seemed to share the same feelings for me. We would have a lot of fun together.
Now after a few weeks of talking he's suddenly started to act lukewarm about me, gives me mixed signals and gives me the shortest answers he can to my texts.
I can't help but feeling hurt, I don't know what to do. I feel like the problem is probably me being too available and clingy.
I feel like the damage is done and that there's nothing I can really do to fix it. I hope I'm wrong but it seems like I'm not.
Can anyone give me advice on what to do?