
crystal cafe /art/ thread. Anonymous 21974
This is an art thread geared towards those who want to share their artworks, and who would like criticism/tips to improve. If you have any resources/books related to art to share, it goes here as well!
Good Youtube Channels:
Marc Brunet
Marco Bucci
Useful websites:
Ctrl+Paint (
Quickposes (
HUGE art pastebin (
Anonymous 22456

i drew this a while back. I always find it easier to finish the face, but the rest of the body gets difficult…
Anonymous 22457

>>22456I'm also struggling with the bad habit of only drawing floating heads. I'm going to try to do some croquis cafe videos this week to force myself to draw whole bodies.
Here's a head I drew from a photo yesterday.
Anonymous 22458
>>22457I feel you… Drawing heads are just so fun
Anonymous 22459

Most of my stuff nowadays is just unfinished sketches and doodles because i can't bring myself to finish anything properly.
>>22456Nona i love this
Anonymous 22461
>>22459I love his little tail on the right!
Anonymous 22476

>>22457I did some quick poses instead. It’s been a long time. I have a lot of issues with judging sizes of body parts in relation to other body parts.
Anonymous 22477
2022:12:31 - Aconi…

I haven't done anything other than trad landscape stuff+studies for a long time, but I drew this a while back. I'd like to redraw it sometime
If you know what it's fanart of.. don't say anything pretend you never saw it…
Anonymous 22478
>>22477I don't know what it's fanart of but I love how full the frills and folds feel!
Anonymous 22495

Op i drew your gryphon character (i think it's a gryphon?)
>>22461Yeaah a lil duck tail, ac villagers are very cute.
Anonymous 22498
>>22477You have really great designs!! Are these on pixiv too?
Anonymous 22505
>>22498Thx ^O^
I don't post my art anywhere publicly rn cause it's kinda scary
Anonymous 22506
>>22459wtf so kawaii
>Most of my stuff nowadays is just unfinished sketches and doodles because i can't bring myself to finish anything properly.What helps me is saving it as a WIP file (like .CSP) or leaving it up on the canvas, and putting it off to the side while I work on new stuff. then working on it a little at time.
Anonymous 22507
>>22506Yeah that's what i meant, i save them as wip files and then take a while to get inspired to finally finish them. (If i ever even get inspired to do it)
>or leaving it up on the canvasPlease noooo, i've lost lots of unfinished works this way because of my pc suddenly updating or something lol
Anonymous 22711
henry martin 1.jpg

>>22507>Yeah that's what i meant, i save them as wip files and then take a while to get inspired to finally finish them.I thinks it's fine to take a while, but if it's becoming a problem to you I'd say the only solution is just to force yourself.
Another thing that helps me is looking at the works of artists who are beloved to me to get inspired.
Like, when I struggle with coloring a piece I look at how my favorite painters use color to get inspired. In regards to color, I like Henri Martin and Edgar Degas a lot right now.
Anonymous 22712
>>22711Wow that painting is gorgeous, do you have a painterly style? I'm curious about how your art looks now.
Anonymous 22719

>>22495THANK YOU!! That's my fursona :D Her name is Mimora, and I haven't decided on a full design for her yet, haha.
Anonymous 22723

>>22719I couldn't take it, i had to finish the doodle of her based on the pic you uploaded :], i like the way she looks a lot
Anonymous 22724

>>22723your art is seriously putting a smile on my face, anon… I've been having a horrible week so far, and this is making me smile like crazy. Seriously, thank you so much!!
Here's a little sketch I did of her to test out a new brush I made. I want to really see if I can do her reference sheet soon.
Anonymous 22725
2023 02 05.png

I’m trying to get better at drawing men and men’s hair. All crit welcome!
Anonymous 22726
>>22719>>22723Aw, both of you have styles that compliment eachother. I like her both ways!
Anonymous 22740

I made this ten years ago before giving up and I want to make art again but can't find the will.
Anonymous 22741
>>22740Very cool style. Who's portrait is it?
Anonymous 22743

>>22741Not a great likeness, I was in a dark place at the time. I feel like I poured my depression and exhaustion into this image.
Anonymous 22744
>>22724I hope things get better for you nona, ik how it feels i also have been struggling with some though stuff these days
>>22726Ikr, we are cool!
Anonymous 22745
>>22743It's good to have a degree of distinction from whatever is your reference.
Anonymous 22750
>>22740this is so cool nona!!!!!! please keep making art, it would suck for an art style like yours to disappear
Anonymous 22781
>>22740Hey, please never give up on drawing… I really like that "pop art" style you've got, it's reminding me of street art. Have you drawn recently at all?
Anonymous 22790
study wip.jpg

so I'm trying to draw a character in this pose, but I'm having trouble. any tips?
Anonymous 22793
>>22790I think it looks good but your skeych is missing the accentuated curve of her back which also what's pushing her breasts up/forward.
Anonymous 22798
>>22781I made that 10 years ago, haven't done much since because it can be hard to get inspired and I've had some tough circumstances. I'm often disappointed with my current lack of technical ability.
I did draw something for a friend a year ago though, not much in the way of supplies so I had to improvise a bit. It was meant to be a crow, she associates them with her father who passed away. I'm surprised I managed to make something that looks okay because my attempts are often bad.
Thank you for your replies because I'm reminded that beyond technical ability, the magic happens when you're in that mindset of "making art", rather than trying to be good at art. I made some dogshit stuff in college but when I just poured myself into a piece of work, it became something that spoke for itself.
Anonymous 22799
>>22456The outline of body honestly isn't that bad
>>22477Very cute
>>22719Cute and epic
>>22725If he is meant to be Asian you've done a good job
Anonymous 22802
>>2279922725 here, the ref was an old asian guy so I guess I hit the mark. Yay!
Anonymous 22828

>>22790i finished it, honestly don't like it all that much. but that's life I suppose. I'll work on another drawing that hopefully looks better than this one
Anonymous 22829
>>22828Im glad that Im not the only furry/anthro character liker here.
Cute character! I like how the hands came out. The side bang thing is a little thick and too clump together for wind to be blowing it. Like it would be more spread out, but that's the only real comment I have.
Anonymous 22830
>>22829thank you! I will practice hair for the next time then :D
I am a big fan of furry characters, but not the community that comes with it… I just like how you can rope together good designs with animal features
Anonymous 22831
>>22828Maybe a little rendering would make it more cool?
Anonymous 22832
>>22830I agree the community is shit and too horny for me. I love furry characters more then humans most of the time, I think some of the character creations that furries come up with to be pretty neat.
Anonymous 22833
>>22830Same here, i love drawing anthro animals but i hate the community since it's full of annoying people or coomers that prey on others. Most of the other women into this stuff always end up trooning out and it makes me sad.
Anonymous 22866
>>22833Also same, got dragged into that “community” as a young teen because I liked drawing animals and anthros. Didn’t last long because I got sick of all the stupid drama plus the fact it seemed like every other week someone in the fandom was outed as a zoophile or groomer.
I wish there was some alternative non-coomer community for people who just like drawing anthros causally. None of the zoophile, groomer, coomer bullshit. But I doubt it will ever happen.
bird anon 22882

>>22866>>22833>>22832I think tabletop communities are the most you can get when it comes to "chill anthro" communities, but there's still groomers. It's a lesser of the two evils situation. It really sucks, I just want to write and draw cool anthros.
Anyways, here's a drawing from me.
Anonymous 23111

>Art bread in 3rd pageBump
>>22882Really like how the feathers look on this one.
bird anon 23118
pungsan study.jpg

>>23111Thank you! the inking was definitely a very tricky part. are you the anon that drew my sona earlier? that penguin suit is cuuute
I've been honest to god, so busy with uni, I haven't felt like drawing at all. I had this but aaah, I have little energy to finish….
Anonymous 23130

>>23118I bet you could tell it's me from the simple style right lol. Also i finished the art i doodled! Not the best but i think it looks kinda good compared to the crappy art i've been putting out lately.
>I've been honest to god, so busy with uniWhich course are you doing? I don't get much about university because i've never done it but i heard these type of things are pricy as hell.
bird anon 23142
>>23130I'm a computer science student. In my country is expensive too… but they give a lot of financial help in my region. I'm very lucky to be going for free
Is this an animal crossing character/oc?
Anonymous 23143
>>23118The hand and fabric feel so natural… Nice job!
Anonymous 23150

>>23142Derwin is an actual ac villager! Good luck in your studies by the way.
bird anon 23151

>>23143>>23150Thank you both so much… I have been so exhausted with my homeworks hahahaha
I just sketched this in a voice call, nothing too crazy. I have a lot of trouble with bodies still
>>23132I like how you draw the neck/torso. Pretty good humans… I'm not good with them myself haha
Anonymous 23152
Glad to see anthros, cool to know there are other non-furry community anthro enthusiasts here
bird anon 23179
nah lol.png

>>23176yea lol it was, I tried getting into it but honest to god, it just wasn't for me, I guess.
I began this drawing yesterday, but I couldn't finish it. Actually… I'm having trouble finishing my drawings, I am considering giving up. I dunno. I want to draw what I like in art… but what's the point if I'm not good at it? I can't get a social media following at all. Just privated my twitter and on the verge of deleting furaffinity. I dunno. I feel really shitty about my drawings for some reason… I get an idea, but can't draw it because I lack skill. Maybe it's just depression…
Anonymous 23184

>>23179>but what's the point if I'm not good at itI mean, do you draw art just to be good at it? Then you gotta study more. Have you ever tried drawing more loosely? Or doing gesture drawings? That may help. Imo your art is pretty good, but i understand how it can feel like it's not the way you want it to look. As for the followers part, i'm pretty sure being popular online has more to do with how you put yourself there than how "good" your art is.
bird anon 23185

>>23184I draw because I think it's fun and I want to put out my ideas… but honest to god I'm really insecure about my skill. Even when I study, I always think the way I form shapes or draw from scratch is "wrong". I have pretty bad hand-eye coordination and my stuff never looks like. Though, I have not tried gestures or loose drawings, I could try those.
I think I'll just forget about the whole followers thing. Sometimes I wish my art can get me a bit of pocket money… but I dunno. Maybe fame is not worth it for me, I'd rather just draw between people I like or small communities like these.
I like your seadramon. I used to be a huge digimon fan when I was younger.
I think I'm gonna try to chill out, or something. I bought 3 art books to see if that can help me a little, 2 are from one of my biggest inspirations. How's everyone doing? Any cool books you anons recommend?
Anonymous 23186

>>23185Social media nowadays make you worry so much about this, i also tend to go through similar situations where i get pissed because i don't get attention/enough likes on something i posted that i liked and wanna show to others, but i try my best to not let it get to me. That's the only advice i have to you i guess, it's not good to worry about likes or attention.
Anonymous 23226

Drawminers whats up? How are you girls doing? This day was really uninteresting, just started raining right now.
Anonymous 23227
>>23226tbh i havent drawn anything recently but im open to some recommendations on what to draw (plsssssssss give me recommendations) :3
ive been pretty bored too i wish there were more fun games to do n stuff :P
Anonymous 23228
>>23227Draw a girl holding a knife very evil-esque!!
Anonymous 23229
>>23227yess!! ill reply when i finish
Anonymous 23231
>>23226Cute Cece! I wanted to draw today but my husband insisted on using my tablet all day. Maybe tomorrow.
Anonymous 23242
sorry if this is a dumb question but is there a CC group drawing thing? I might have missed it
Anonymous 23244
>>23231Was he playing Osu or something?
>>23242From what i know there was one a while ago about cc-tan and in the bunker threads? We could totally create one now though, but we would need someone to be admin of it and delete vandalization by males because that can happen.
bird anon 23258

hi everyone. Haven't felt the groove to draw much today either. One of my dreams is to make cool characters.
>>23242I'd be up to participate… my PC seems to have issues with aggie, though, it doesn't register pen pressures. I still think it'd be fun, though.
Anonymous 23261
>>23179Share your twitter so we can follow you there ^_^, i also have a small following and i would be up to share it, are we allowed to do that here?
bird anon 23324

>>23261Hmm, I'll think about it. I think you can share social media accounts, but it's not advised to due to the shitty people that sometimes lurk here.
My tablet drivers are acting up and I can't seem to fix them. Guess it's pencil and paper this time being.
Anonymous 23325
>>23324oh this is so good AND it's best sf3 girl
Anonymous 23329
Do you ever use a program/software that you always wish had X function, only to find out that the software always had X function, you just never knew how to use it?
Yeah, that just happened to me. Years of digital editing and painting later and I'm still learning about all kinds of functions.
Anonymous 23372

This is really old but i wanted to join in…
Anonymous 23380

>>23261>>23324I'm gonna take one for the team and share mine, the name is on picrel so i can delete it later, feel free to stalk me lol
Also the 2 drawings above are really pretty.
bird anon 23387

>>23378Really digging this oekaki style.
>>23372I like this one a lot, too! Even if it's old, it's still solid.
>>23380I followed you on a private account. I may open up my twitter again when I feel better. Sorry for not posting as much, btw, I've come down with a terrible cold this entire week. I drew this only five minutes, because I just want to post something….
Anonymous 23388
>>23387Share ur tweer then delete it
Anonymous 23395
>>23394I know this is very tumblr-y but idc at this point, what criticism can you take from this?
Anonymous 23396
>>23394Legs are a bit too thin at the knee on the redhead. Could pay a lot more attention to detail overall (idk if this is a quick sketch or not, but there’s lots of unfilled spaces in the shading and gaps/bumps/unsteadiness in the lineart that are distracting)
Also, I know hands are hard to draw, but you should work on them a bit more. They’re too round for the style you’re trying to achieve. I would also recommend changing up the brushes a bit. I think a little more texture would look nice.
I really like the colors though, and their poses and expressions are pretty dynamic and pleasing. Anatomy is sound.
Anonymous 23398
>>23395I think its cute tumblresque, theyre lanky but pretty rather than ugly messes like those other tumblr drawings and its nostalgic
Anonymous 23402
>>23394I can't help but feel a tranny made this.
bird anon 23464

>>23407I'd love to see your art… the bird creature reminds me a lot of celebi.
How is everyone doing? I'm not doing too well, unfortunately. I like to paint a lot of clouds when I feel sad.
Anonymous 23473
2023-03-25 2.png

>>23464Not doing that good lately too, but it is what it is. Still sick from a cold?
Picrel is a painting wip of an oc of mine, but all the humans i draw look weird as fuck, especially the faces and it's bumming me up.
Anonymous 23475

>>23464Not doing well either tbh, everyday is full of pain. Anyway i drew a bunch of cats on my campus
Anonymous 23592

>>23584Thought so.
>>23583Silly fella, robots are fun to draw.
Anonymous 23630

Kind of quick drawing, didnt give it much attention to detail but I still really like it
Based on that picture of the two sisters if it wasnt obvious
Anonymous 23737

i barely ever draw but suddenly had the motivation for this
sorry if not good, im not an artist and just tried to do my best
bird anon 23742

wassup everyone, I'm no longer sick, but I've been crazy tired. honestly forgot about this thread due to being so busy. i don't even think this drawing is considered finished, hahaha….
>>23475cute cats. you draw with pens often? i want to learn how to draw in inks better
>>23592nice to see you around, too! hamtaro makes me nostalgic
do you all think we should make an art challenge or some sort of aggie to draw together in? i think it'd be fun
Anonymous 23983
>>23742Yes i do, but i must admit i dont like my inking skills and a blue ballpoint pen was all i had at the time lol. I guess the trick is to just try it out a couple of times and copy some inking master you like the work of till you pick up some things. But yes i think we should create an aggio… but i dont think it would be active, at least id use it!
Anonymous 24006

I'm totally down for an aggie, just waiting till someone who knows how to manage it creates one, it would be fun.
Anonymous 24240

>>24042Honestly, there's a big chance an aggie wont work out considering the state of the board right now :c
Anonymous 24284
>>24272A whiteboard where multiple people can draw together.
Anonymous 24335
are there any artists you guys look up to?
Anonymous 24361

Just thought that maybe I should finish with this drawing and realised that it turned out too dark to discern all the details without squinting eyes or zooming in..
Anonymous 24362
>>24361Can't you just increase the contrast?
Anonymous 24366
>>24362Yeah, I could, but it feels like doing it would be cheating
Anonymous 24393

>>24361Maybe changing the background color or canvas size could help? I really dig the way you draw by the way.
>>24335There are many but the first one that comes to mind for me is always Nekojiru for some goddamn reason, a few years ago i was kinda obsessed with her work and thoughts.
Anonymous 24439
>>24393Thank you, lighter background did put more emphasis on the character and your little creatures are adorable as well!
>>24413My friend asked me to draw her killing men but I'm not skilled enough to draw that yet ahah
Anonymous 24906
The background looks kinda confusing. Is it meant to be a wall or floor?
Anonymous 24914

I got too lazy to color the clothes, vtuber concept though lol
Anonymous 24916
Thank you nona!!( • ω • )✧
Anonymous 24921
NTN but as far as perspective goes, the tiles could be the wall or the floor depending on how you look at it.
Anonymous 24929
letter - Copy.png

Actually felt like finishing the design ^_^ took a bit of inspo from needy streamer overload
Anonymous 24932
Anonymous 24934

>>24401Thanks minernonaaa :]
>>24439I'm glad i could help and thanks too, but the creature isn't mine it's one of the boards mascots Cece lol!
>>24929Super cute furry, post moar
Long time since this thread got bumped huh, op got a ban and stopped coming here, sad. CC is way too ban happy sometimes.
Anonymous 24936

>op got a ban and stopped coming herewhy did OP get banned?? their art was so cute D:
>Super cute furry, post moarthank you nona ^_^ she has a squad!
Anonymous 24938
>>24936There was some powertripping janny here before going crazy and she got banned by them. You art reminds me of candy it's really cute, are these all your ocs? I like the tiny sparkledog one…
Anonymous 24939

>>24938aw man what the hell >:(
yeah those are my ocs!, they are kinda old, the sparkle dog is kind of a joke-oc I took too seriously and I love him very very much, he's very fun to draw on mspaint, he also had lore but scrapped it because it reminded me of an old friend xP
Anonymous 24952
>>24951I like her. What's her name ?
Anonymous 24953

I love watercolours.
I need to clean my room. I just can't muster up the energy.
Anonymous 24980
>>24953I love it, she has a very expressive face. That orange painting with the flowers looks beautiful too
Anonymous 24988

sometimes my drawings will end up looking pretty
Anonymous 24990
>>24934>the creature isn't mine it's one of the boards mascots Cece lol!Ohhh, I didn't recognise her at first o.o Unusual to see her in this art style
Anonymous 25114
>>24988This is very pretty! Have you added anything else?
Anonymous 25183
Bumping before this thread dies again, any miner wanna request something for me to draw?
Anonymous 25309

Drawminers get out of /ic/ and /i/ and join this thread.
Anonymous 25349

Left or right?
anyone use gouache?
Anonymous 25351
>>25349Nice job, I love the left one! Left has clearer shapes, imo better hierarchy and composition whereas on the right the shapes on the figure is worse and I think gets lost with the rest of the image. Don't forget to squint or take a step back to refocus on the bigger picture.
Anonymous 25359
>>25351Thanks. I agree left looks technically better, but right has .. something that I can't put into words lol.
Anonymous 25375
>>25309Adorable, love the silly face cece makes
Anonymous 25401

>>25375Thanks :D
>>25349Both. I find awesome people that can do traditional paintings, don't remember using gouache other than in school as a kid to play with. I tried watercolor years ago and all my paintings were dogshit.
Anonymous 25506
>>25359forgot to reply, I think the right one is cool too but I think it has the feeling that it is less finished than the left!
Anonymous 25510

squirrel posting
>>25401thank you! i feel the same about watercolor. maybe its because I use cheap paints but I can never get the color right and I can't get the strokes to move in the way I want. With gouache its almost like what i had hoped watercolor could be. Also who is the creature in your drawing?
>>25506ur right lol
Anonymous 25519

here's my best MSPaint drawing
Anonymous 25520
>>25510It's a bunny from Ruby Gloom, i just replied with it to not bump the thread with nothing lol. You really like squirrels.
Anonymous 25530
kemper angelll.png

Recent art that I messed around with for way too long, I just can't figure out what's off with the face. I need to get back to drawing more :(
Anonymous 25534

>>25530forgive the quick n dirty MSPaint editing.
I think the issue you're having with the face is excessive line detailing the closed folds making them appear as unfilled outlines of open eyes. Instead use colors and shading to achieve them as to look more natural. The style you've used here is rather nice but also quite simple so too many details in central places might not work well. I think the way the hair cuts behind the ear looks a bit like hair loss and just a little tuft closing that gap helps a bunch. That's not a big deal tho and everything else here seems fine to me! On a side note idk about leaving a signature on an anonymous image board.
Sorry if I come off as anything like rude or unkind I don't mean to.
Anonymous 25535
>>25534Ah shit, I meant to crop out the name but I think I selected the wrong file. And thank you so much! I'm gonna go make those edits now that it finally looks right :)
Anonymous 25536
>>25535I'm happy to help! Don't forget to delete the other post btw.
Anonymous 25543
>>25530Not to ruin the mood but I checked your instagram account and you're 16. The minimum age of this website is 18 so I don't think it's best to post here at this time.
That aside, good art.
Anonymous 25551

>>25543It's summer miner!
(Last Cease doodle i swear)
Anonymous 25568

Little doodle I did on a random piece of paper in my bag
Anonymous 25649

changed my major from philosophy to art and library science, so i am hoping that my pieces can make people feel something as i’ll be able to dedicate a lot more time to art.
Anonymous 26014

the first blade I did for Swordtember, somehow been managing to keep up with one a day which is nuts to me
Anonymous 26023

Some minor mistakes lol I love drawing sailor moon stuff
Anonymous 27021

unfinished sketch, tried to learn how to shade
Anonymous 27024

Some pterosaurs that I will never finish. Also, pattern on wing membrane is lame, but I realized it too lately
Anonymous 27025
>>27021Do you have a guide or some resources on shading?
Anonymous 27119

>>27025SA, honestly, I'm not the best at shading myself, but I think looking at reference really helps. Picrel is another example I have. when I drew this, I went like "how does X artist do hair?" and went according to the reference. I like purplekecleon's old art for when I want to shade.
Sorry for the late response. I really only started shading a few months ago after years of only flat colors, so my stuff looks rather wonk. I remember reading that shading is also intuitive, another thing that helps me is knowing where you want the light to hit, so I always draw a little arrow pointing to how the light is hitting.
Anonymous 27121
>>27119is this a drawing of a philosopher in bird form? i cant put my finger on who but i feel like ive seen the reference for this…
Anonymous 27122
>>27119Birdnona i thought you left… welcome back
Anonymous 27123

>>27121nah it's just a picture of my original character dressed as my favorite fighting game character, kek. I wish it was a philosopher, I'm not that bigbrained yet.
>>27024hey, I think the bodies came out pretty nice. perhaps you could paint over the wings and have them to be a solid purple color? I think any patterns should go on the body, rather than the wings, like if you're adding stripes, maybe you can give them dark blue stripes.
>>27122Thanks. I don't really post on imageboards that much anymore, I'm much more active on my website as of late. Next time I do a drawing with a lot of shading, I'll be sure to post it here to explain better.
Anonymous 27128
>>27123btw sorry if i weirded you out that time on dms i didn't mean to Anonymous 27159

>>21974i hate drawing, everyday i wanna smash my hard drive with a big rock.
Anonymous 27305

>>27128I'm honestly not sure what you're referring to… but it's been a while back so lmao all is good now.
Was going through my hard drive and found this old picture. gotta bird it up
Anonymous 27316

>>27305this is so awesome.
got into trad art recently. enjoying it.
Anonymous 27317
>>27316Good drawing, but using the word trad is cringe.
Anonymous 27320
>>27317, "trad" in this context has nothing to do with "based tradwives" or whatever such bullshit.
They just meant "traditional art", as in, art that is physical as opposed to digital.
Don't get triggered so easily, jfc
Anonymous 27322
!new decorated kni…

i only draw knights, this was my most recent, war master.
Anonymous 28280
>>22456That’s beautiful! I understand your struggle in connecting the head (really fun to draw) with the rest of the body. The trick is to convince yourself that the hands, torso, legs, and everything else is just as fun to draw as the face
You seem to have a really good sense for form, just don’t forget that line thickness can be used to enhance certain things
Very lovely work!
Anonymous 28281
>>27316Nice values scale! I like how smudged soft it looks.
Charcoal is fun bc you can use sharpness or fuzziness to emphasize certain areas
Anonymous 28946

Trying a japanese brush pen. Not what or how I usually draw. I think if I can work out a technique, I could probably enjoy using one. Any nonas have experience with brush pens?
Anonymous 28947
>>28946ty to the nona from another thread, who I used as a reference btw
Anonymous 29001
glt and tanya.png

cant draw backgrounds so its from google but happyish with how this turned oit
Anonymous 29106

4-5 months worth of progression. Yes, the label is incomplete.
Anonymous 29111
What drawing/art softwares do you personally use nonas??
I used to utilize Flash CS4, but since it has been discontinued and I even switched to Linux I don’t know what program to use anymore :(
Anonymous 29113
>>29106I looked at the thumbnail and thought they were photos and I was confused how can you progress from a tomato to honey. Good job anonina
Anonymous 29114
>>29113Thank you so much!! I appreciate that!
Anonymous 29166
>>29111i use paint tool sai 2 and i am on the verge of killing myself
Anonymous 29175

>>29106same person here.
>>29111Medibang. You have to make it work. I rarely see people use it or praise it for good reason.
Anonymous 29181
>>29116I love krita so much and I see almost no one talk about it, I’m sick of being left out of digital artist memes
Anonymous 29184
>>29166Is sai really that bad? What are the downsides?
Anonymous 29199
Captura de pantall…

furry you dumb you furry furry
Anonymous 29491
Megumi Magical Gir…

Here's a WIP of a design I'm doing for the magical girl version of one of my OCs for a story I'm writing. I'm kind of conflicted about the tail part of the dress, I wonder what I could do to make it look better. It's supposed to be a fairy+mermaid inspired look, with some ballerina touches in it.
>>23737Oops, this post was a year ago but I love how glossy and delicate your artstyle looks, nona!
>>24393This looks adorable.
>>24914This reminds me of that game called pastel girl, such a pretty artstyle.
>>24988I wish I was as half as good as you are at making detailed, realistic looking faces lol, I feel like most faces in my drawings look the same!
Anonymous 29547
>>29184i like sai but no dark mode is what always brings me back to CSP. hurts my eyes too much to draw with that light grey/white UI all the time.
Anonymous 29548
>>29547Hi nona
I know this is out of nowhere but I can help with that
I've bought an addon for SAI that makes it dark mode.
I'd gladly share but is for SAI 2
If you don't have SAI 2 I can give you my license so you can download it and have it legally, I don't use SAI at all so I don't care, I use CSP as my main art app
Anonymous 29581

sketch I did a while back. trying to get back in the groove…
>>29183yo, nice to see you still posting your art here. you still draw cece?
>>29111I second Krita as an art program, it's a jack of all trades too. You can do pretty much anything the other art programs can do, but it's free. Only thing really "meh" about it is that it's got a huge learning curve.
>>29491The tail reads to me more like a "sea creature" rather than a fairy or a mermaid. You can try incorporating a bug-like pattern, or maybe make it look more like fins. (something like a betta, perhaps?)
Anonymous 29583
>>24361Very nice. Her face could use a bit of fixing, but I like the aesthetics of the drawing. I love pixelated sketch art
Anonymous 29585

>>29581Hi and well, fuck, i haven't drawn Cece in a while so heres a doodle, btw is that an oc of yours you sketched?
I'm happy that i lurked here today to see new replies
>>29199Lol you don't even know how to greentext lmaoooo, also i miss you so much btw
Anonymous 29586

>>29585Yeah, he's an OC of mine!
Do you still use tumblr? I sent a message to your blog (if I didn't get it wrong). it's been forever since we've talked, I don't even use twitter anymore aghhhI'm just posting old stuff at this point, lol. I've been mostly working on traditional art as of late
Anonymous 29587
>>29585Cute Cece! Love the charlie brown Christmas tree vibes.
Anonymous 29588
Sem título323.png

>>29586Fuuu i'm sorry about that, i didn't knew you sent me a message, i'm currently away from all social media for mental health reasons but yeah i will still use tumblr and twitter, i promise ill get to you when im back next year.
>I've been mostly working on traditional art as of lateAre you a painter now or something?? That would be cool.
Anonymous 29589
>>29587Thank you so very much yes cece is very cute indeed.
Anonymous 29606

Newbie artist here, tried making a landscape with a character in the foreground.
This is supposed to resemble Kenrou Holo with a rifle in the Yatsugatake mountain range. Why is she there? Long story. Why is she armed? Also a long story.
I spent 5 or 6 days non stop drawing day and night, I don't know, I lost track. This was supposed to be a Christmas present for a friend, but I did not make it on time.
I am ready to hear criticism. I already heard a lot but I am way too angry and tired to fix stuff, and I need to study, so any fixes will happen after a month.
Anonymous 29607
>>29606Oooh, I wouldn't have guessed you were a newbie. I honestly found the painting to be so enthralling, not only from a pure aesthetic standpoint, but also how it begets a desolate and melancholic emotive response out of me.
Nevertheless, it still has some amateurish pitfalls, chiefly amongst them is the stylistic clash. I think Holo is a bit too detailed, especially if it is intended to be an impressionist landscape painting; likewise, the snow seems flat and "fuzzy" - it almost looks like a tacked-on afterthought, which is a shame since an alternative brush could have easily ameliorated the issue.
Frankly, I thought the thumbnail was more appealing since the compression obscured the aforementioned problems. I'm certain that a few touch-ups in Photoshop could have a similar uplifting effect.
Regardless, I simply adore your mountains, and the rendering of Holo's hair (and fur). Really, don't beat yourself over some minor nitpicks; I've purchased many pieces that were technically inferior to yours. Besides, anyone with an iota of painting experience could definitively tell that this is far from an afternoon hack job.
Anonymous 29608
>>29607I beat myself over this because this is a gift to my girlfriend and I wanted it to be perfect
I just didn't manage to draw that which was initially in my mind…
Anonymous 29609
>>29606This is a troony mctroonpants, by the way