
Anonymous 5958
What do you think happens after we die?
Have you ever had a near death experience?
Discuss death and the afterlife
Anonymous 5959
The afterlife topic is very interesting. I'd like to know more about reincarnation, I'm inclined to believe in it, although I don't think it's something automatic to everyone.
Also, there's already a couple of threads for discussing near death experiences.
>>3049>>>/x/3049>>630>>>/x/630Anonymous 5960

>>5958You just disappear and your consciousness fades into the abyss
Anonymous 5965
>>5958We are recycled back into the earth and sky. We become both nothing and yet we become everything.
Anonymous 5967
>>5959Yes me too, i’m really fascinated with reincarnation and i think it’s what happens. A lot of NDE stories allude to it
Anonymous 5971
>>5970Huh, never thought of it that way
Anonymous 5972
>>5971The simplest answer is usually the most correct.
Anonymous 5973
>>5972You’re dead when you die, revolutionary
Anonymous 5974
>>5973Trying to push for everything to be exciting and different and revolutionary instead of focusing on what's real is how you end up with trannies. You can keep your flying demons and your hellfire and your men in dresses. No thank you.
Anonymous 5975
>>5974No ones pushing for anything and i don’t even believe in the abrahamic hell you schizophrenic retard. calm down. People have their different beliefs about the afterlife. Consciousness and existing is weird and bizarre as it is, what’s wrong with thinking there’s another level of weird shit after it?
Anonymous 5997

>>5958my mom brought up a good point when I was talking to her about this earlier. She was saying that we aren't concerned or aware of where we are before life, so why is there so much fear about after life? This was making me think that we will either die with nothing, reincarnate with no memory or semblance of this life, or be somewhere so far away that we may as well not be ourselves (ex: high school can make you unrecognizably different, so an afterlife would be infinitely more indistinguishable). It's just comforting to think that there was an infinity of time before we were born equivalent to the infinity of time after we die, and both states are equally irrelevant to our state today. And if our life, which might as well be a fraction of a second in comparison to this infinity, really has a chance to land us in eternal punishment with no chance at redemption, then God would be cruel. This is why I think that even if there is a Christianity-like afterlife, the only way for God to be truly good is if there are chances for redemption after death that were maybe not revealed to us. Our modern understanding of an irredeemable hell either stems from the corruption of man or a corrupt God in my opinion, as the cruelty simply doesn't add up.
Anonymous 5999
>>5997You have to keep in mind that just about no one maintains any serious belief in a hopeless, "fire and brimstone" hell. I've talked to people who claim to and they typically get embarrassed and fold if you ask them a few basic questions about the implications of such a belief.
Even for Christians, hell is nothing more than a literary concept.
Anonymous 6007
>>5958Welp I mind find out soon. I'll keep you posted nonas!
Anonymous 6011
>>6007Lets meet on the other side
Anonymous 6044
>>5958Do you guys believe the whole "brain floods with DMT" thing
Anonymous 6047
What happens to fire after it dies? Is there a heaven, hell, or other form of afterlife for fire? When I snuff out a match, what happens?
Anonymous 6048
>>6044I haven’t looked into it but it explains the before death visions
Anonymous 6049
>>6047Fire goes to hell when it dies obviously
Heaven to us is what Hell is for fire. It's a paradise for fire sprites.
Anonymous 6116
>>6044I can't find it right now but there was some study that attempted to measure the amount of DMT in a cadaver and there isn't enough to cause hallucinations so all that's left in a material sense for a theory is the process of brain cells dying slowly causing a sort of short circuit glitch or something like that.
Anonymous 6128
>>6047What happens to the radio broadcasting station if you smash your radio?
Anonymous 6174
>What do you think happens after we die?
Nothing. Everything just returns to what it was like before you were born. I don't really believe in an afterlife since I'm not religious. Well, only as a sense of comfort for my loved ones that have passed and that bad people, who managed to get away being bad their whole lives, actually have somewhere they go to get punished. I guess those are just the reasons most people want to believe in an afterlife, though.
>Have you ever had a near death experience?
I don't think so. Several times I've been almost hit by a car and miracly survived each time but it wasn't any kind of out-of-body death experience. It did convince me there must be some kind of spritiual power / guarding angel-things out there though. That's just happened to me too often to be a coincidence. I should have turned into a vegetable by now, but the cars would stop just inches away from me every single time and I would be completely unscathed. Other than the last time it happened, when the car did manage to slightly hit my leg and I had to limp on my way to school. Still wasn't a serious injury though because I managed to activate some kind of cat-like resources to dodge edge of the fucking car right as it was pulling up.
Anonymous 6200
i believe in reincarnation. it sucks that we’ll probably never truly know what happens. western society puts too much of a negative emphasis on death though. maybe people would be a little less scared if we approached death differently.
Anonymous 6201
>>6116DMT experiences also differ a lot from NDEs. The only thing they usually have in common is an out of body feeling.
Anonymous 8317
>>6200i kind of think it's better that we don't know. if people knew what happened after death, they would either give up/become apathetic if it was just nothingness, or if there was some otherworld, try to manipulate the dead for their own personal gain. we can't just leave things alone, always got to fuck it up somehow.
but on the other hand, i don't think when we die we just disappear but at the same time i don't think everyone continues on/reincarnates. i have my suspicions that you get a "choice" what happens to you and sometimes i think some people just choose not to reincarnate. personally, i've had some weird experiences like dreams that suggest maybe i've lived more than one life, and i've dreamed of people i've known coming to see me again to let me know they are still "alive", but at the same time…i just don't know, so i try not to worry about it too much.
Anonymous 10789
>>6201Meh possibly, I’ve read a few DMT experiences where they mention having the whole thing happen. Recently I saw one guy say he did DMT and had the whole tunnel of light, light flashing before his eyes, and seeing his family members thing happen. I’ve seen other people describe similar states with Mushrooms as well and having the “life flash before your eyes but being empathetic about it” thing with weed as well. I also heard Ketamine and Nitrous Oxide produce similar experiences. Psychedelics are usually linked to reduced brain activity but what’s that say about “the great beyond” when so many of these trips end up being painful or unpleasant and having sadistic beings? I’ve read quite a few full on NDEs where the person is shoved into a black box if they say they don’t wanna go back and only get out when they agree to and idk what to make of them.
>>6116Yeah that’s interesting. I think it was discovered a part of the brain that has to do with dreaming and hallucinations gets stimulated but strangely enough the people who had that happen were the ones who didn’t see anything. That being said if there is DMT at all produced in the brain who’s to say it isn’t stimulating some part of the brain deep inside in both trips and NDEs? Also I’ve read stuff like this which shows EEGs going flat may not be entirely reliable
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/woman-declared-dead-revives-wake-bangs-coffin-ecuador-rcna88992I’ve got to say I am very horrified to know what the truth is. If it’s the new agey explanation then that means reincarnation is a thing and my human self basically never mattered and I’ll probably have lord knows how many more lives, that wouldn’t be so bad if I could maybe remember them but complete factory reset each time scares me, and I find both the idea of “living x amount of lives until you ‘graduate’ Earth” and “endlessly incarnating onto Earth” to both be horrifying so no peace to be found in the new age spirituality side of it imo. I hear some new agers say that, as spirits, we’re basically addicted to becoming human and that horrifies me as well as the idea of pre-planned out lives that some NDEs talk about. If I assume the prison planet thing is true and all the forced incarnation cases are 100% to be taken at face value then we’re basically slaves forever and it’s one of the most hopeless ideas ever. If I assume it’s just some unknown part of the brain producing it all and the cases of stuff like kids with past life memories are just “DNA Memory” (which btw there’s no definitive proof of cellular memory, just urban legends) then I will never see any of the people I care about ever again once we’re all gone, that’s just it. Maybe the atoms of my body will make up a new one eventually but that’s the only semblance of hope.
I gotta say that no matter what, transhumanism sounds appealing. Scenario 1 maybe we can connect to this “divine realm” and change their minds. Scenario 2 is a “devil you know is better than the devil you don’t” type of deal where maybe we could try honing some strike back technology. Scenario 3 could allow for some kind of immortality. I have to say the scenario I would prefer most would be reincarnation but with some memories of the past life to contextualize stuff and some semblance of continuity between our human lives beyond some oversoul/higher self entity. I wonder if one day we’ll find a spot in our brains that contains past life memories, I think we did find that there’s a spot in the brain that, if stimulated, leads to some kind of future prediction abilities, they’re not 100% accurate so maybe it’s intuition raising type of thing but it could work that way. I have read that scientists are beginning to experiment with telekinesis via brain stimulation
https://neurosciencenews.com/brain-stimulation-psi-telepathy-25460/Anyways sorry for schizo posting but I’ve gone down the rabbit hole way too much and needed to just dump all this out, but what can I say I let curiosity get the better of me and end up constantly reading the r/escapingprisonplanet subreddit
Anonymous 10792
My mother strongly believes in reincarnation. She's done a whole lot of this spiritual stuff and has always had a knack for it her entire life. She's done past-life regressions and fears reincarnation and tries to live in a way that would give her the best karma for her next go-around
Honestly the idea of reincarnation terrifies me. I don't want to ever do this again. I don't care if I won't remember it, I want this to be my soul's last time as a mortal constantly feeling pain and cold and ill and worry. I just do my best to ignore what my mother says because I know I'm certainly not "enlightened" enough to be allowed to escape the reincarnation cycle if it's true
Anonymous 10796
>>10792Your mother sounds very Buddhist, does she identify as a Buddhist or something else? I don’t know what to say about your worry though, I have the same one. I guess it could be kinda nice to maybe live as a house cat or something but I mainly get paranoid about living a life of torture and extreme suffering, partially because of what I’ve already gone through in life and what I’ve seen. Anyways Karma’s honestly kinda dumb as a justice system if you think about it. Punish me for shit I can’t even remember doing? It’s also kinda fucked up. Like the idea that “you mocked the homeless so you should go homeless” or “you raped someone so you should be raped” it’s the kind of system no one would be on board with if it was not in a supernatural context and it’s just spiritual bypassing, same with that higher self / oversoul shit that new age preaches about. The only time I get Karma is when it works as a system of cause and effect because then you’re not trying to imply there’s some morality or that they “deserved it” and instead that this is just what happens as a result of something else. I get this is more about reincarnation in general than specifically death and the afterlife like the thread talks about but maybe we should have a reincarnation general thread for stuff like this lol. Also about past life regressions don’t worry about those, they’re known to be caused by leading on questions and there’s good reason to believe that “regressive hypnosis” in general is just the mind being overly imaginative
Anonymous 10800
>>10796She's not Buddhist. She and my family were Pagan for a long time and she still holds all her beliefs of it, but doesn't practice anymore. Me and my family just got kinda tired of thinking of supernatural things when it ultimately didn't really matter in our practical lives.
Karma truly is horrible though. What system is judging us for our actions? What right do they have to do so? A lot of bad things people do they only did because of their circumstances.
Sometimes I do wonder (and hope) that karma is simply just people having a vain hope that bad people will "get what's coming to them" by some arbitrary set of scales
Anonymous 10802
I hope so. I can't stand this bland loveless existence.
Anonymous 10804
I don’t know what to make of all those near death experiences honestly. The main points in them that I see are either that Earth is a school where we’re supposed to learn lessons (usually about love) and “evolve our souls” or it’s just a playground and we’re here cuz our souls just like going through lord knows what. There’s some others like it’s just an experience for the universe to have or it’s to prove ourselves and teach humanity how to be more loving but I don’t really believe those, they’re pretty uncommon. The most out of the ordinary one I read was where it said the reason souls go here is cuz there needs to be some place darker and without a place like this everything would be in a paradox (like a Yin/Yang situation) and the person who had it said that they never got vibes that we needed to learn any lessons, that karma wasn’t a thing, and that souls didn’t like coming to Earth but understood it had to be done to keep things in balance. Idk what to make of that one since it’s so out of the ordinary and I see many claim there’s no yin/yang paradox and that karma and lessons are a must. There’s also a lot of NDEs where souls are excited to go to Earth, even getting giddy to torment themselves in the next life, I’ve heard some where people say souls are addicted. There’s some pre-birth memories of forced reincarnation as well. And various other things like I read some NDEs where people say ghosts aren’t a thing but I see some people mention their dead relatives popping up in front of them to say bye (that’s a shared death experience) or where they’re told ghosts are a thing. Some mention material attachments make you become a ghost but others say that’s what keeps you in the cycle. Some say there’s no end to the cycle others mention being in their last incarnation, at least on Earth. Some say there’s only one divine being that created everything, others say each universe has their own. Some say Earth is the hardest planet that only advanced and brave souls go to, others say it’s the base level planet and you level yourself up from there. There’s other ones that make me believe these aren’t just hallucinations like I heard one of a Christian woman seeing Buddhist imagery when she literally knew nothing about Buddhism prior. They describe the whole “oneness” thing differently too, some say it’s merging back into the blob, others say it’s more “being individual but still interconnected”. There’s some other strange ones like people being forced back into their bodies when they ask to just stay in the afterlife but some mention actively wanting to go back for the sake of their family and friends. They’re also pretty varied in what they describe as “human limitations” because it seems to be different from person to person. Idk if I truly know what I think happens after and I don’t think anyone truly does. NDEs give us an insight to what may happen but they don’t say anything for certain until we find the technology/magic to study such a divine realm, if one even exists. Kids with past life memories also tend to vary in how they describe the “in-between” space so I think overall none of us truly know for certain. I gotta say that I don’t really believe in the “Earth is a school” concept or the higher self thing, or at least I hope they’re not true. If they are then I have to view all life on Earth as just a meaningless means to an end and useful tool for whatever godly beings exist. I do believe in transhumanism because technology advancing may one day allow us to see how such a place may work or see if we have any supernatural abilities. If you want some good content on this stuff I reccomend Sam Parnia’s “Rethinking Death” documentary on YouTube and Jeffery Long’s interviews on the Danny Jones Koncrete podcast and Theo Von’s podcast
Anonymous 10827
>>10804Something I’ve been wondering about NDEs is if they’re just the imagination. We know past life regression hypnosis is likely BS and is probably just your mind being overly imaginative but there are lots of similarities between the stuff seen under hypnotherapy and NDEs so is it possible that the brain enters a similiar state to hypnotherapy near death? Not saying I believe this or that I don’t want to believe in an afterlife but it’s something that’s been bugging me and honestly under this assumption it either means NDEs are fake or hypnotherapy is real and I’d be more inclined to believe the former
Anonymous 10845
I hope it's lights out and that's it. I do not want a afterlife, I do not believe in heaven or in hell. That's all just weird psyops created to control the masses.
I used to want to be isekai so badly when I was younger. I tried reality shifting before that had a name and a trend on tiktok, but it never worked and I always woke up.
I'd always hoped to wake up in a better life were I would be loved and cherished.
Now I am glad there is nothing because living once is painful enough.
Anonymous 10869
I think I’m biased towards cynicism but I think it’s all over
Anonymous 10878

I'm not sure how nonas find peace in eternal nothingness. I think only having a very shor amount of time to have a chance to experience love, pain, etc any emotion is in itself cruel and unfair. The fact that each person is unique and beautiful (except for 90% of moids) but will inevitably fade away never to be seen again and b e forgotten some day is terrible.
But at the same time i find it hard to believe we just become "nothing". We still don't fully know how sentience works and for all we know this life we have right now is not our sentience's first. Maybe we die and as universe re-births itself so does our sentience. We have a different physical body but the sentience remains. or maybe this is all incorrect…
That's why it's so terrifying, the fact that we don't know. We don't know why the unvierse exists, why the space works like it does. We don't know what it all came from, the planets, the galaxies, and where it will disappear and if it might remake itself. We are just that insignificant
Anonymous 11001

>>10878Long reply but I have many thoughts. I see both sides because every option scares me. Endless reincarnation fucks me up cuz just imagine all that could/would happen (being born in 3rd world countries in the middle of war, tortured with alien technology on a distant planet, maybe even eventually living the same life again, 1914729938029272 bad lifetimes in a row) or just generally having to live through everything ever imagined. Hell scares me cuz endless torture. Heaven scares me cuz you could be there for an astronomical amount of time and it won’t be any closer to ending and could become psychological torture (look up SCP-7179 if you wanna see more about that). You’re right that never existing again is horrifying as well and I don’t know if I believe something like enlightenment exists like in Eastern religion. I just feel constantly pessimistic, cynical, and nihilistic so maybe that’s why I’m not able to stick to any belief. If our existence is finite then nothing we do matters and will be forgotten if it’s infinite then it doesn’t matter if you were Hitler, an average person, or Junko Furuta because all your actions are finite and don’t even remotely mean anything to an existence that goes on forever though I guess that depends on if you believe in a dualistic or non dualistic religion. I agree it’s all very disorienting and religion doesn’t exactly give the deepest answer for why it is this way. I mean hey if reincarnation is real what will this lifetime matter after the universe dies and rebirths itself trillions of times over? I really don’t know how to get out of this mindset beyond just hoping more people understand it and trying to push it to the back of my head, existential dread is not fun