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reoccuring girl in my dreams Anonymous 8971

i posted this a few months back but it was almost immediately deleted and i have no idea why, so i'm trying again.
whenever i have a bad dream, there's always this girl in the background of them. they usually aren't even typical nightmares of monsters and death. the dreams at the least of me being inconvenienced- for example, just some nights ago, i had a dream that i almost got bumped into the road while waiting for a bus, and when i looked back, the person who bumped me was that girl. that is the closest that she's ever actually been directly involved in my dreams, usually, she's just hanging around in the background. like i'll dream that i'm hurrying to get ready because i'm late for something and i look outside and she's a pedestrian on the sidewalk, etc.
i used to have vivid dreams about my sexual assault, and she'd always be there too, even though i never saw her during the real thing. i have never seen this girl in real life. she is incredibly average, and unnoticeable in a crowd- the only reason why she's significant is because she's always there in my bad dreams, for some reason. she's been here forever and honestly i never thought much of it but now that i make this correlation i'm kind of freaked out- i told my friend, and she suspects that it's someone i wronged in the past that's haunting me. why is this girl who i've never seen irl haunting my dreams?? i'm open to anyone's theories.

Anonymous 8972

I think it’s because there is a dream journal thread already at >>3081

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