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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

lc bunker thread 1…

LC Bunker Thread #15 Anonymous 280589

A bunker thread for all the beautiful amazing intelligent farmers to revel together & rejoice in the strength of our community.

Previous bunkers used during this most recent outage:
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially using this thread:

Our home has been inaccessible for over 24 hours at this point.

There is a resident baiter/infighter from the fandom or fujo threads spamming the bunker threads here. Thankfully, CC mods are a lot more active and better at deleting. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.

Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait for Cerbmin, disgusting traitor to the nonas, to get off his lazy fugly failmale fat ass and pay the god damn server bill.

Anonymous 280596

i’ve seen seasons come and go from winter sun to summer snow

Anonymous 280597

6 bunker threads in… how many will we have by the time LC is back up…?

Anonymous 280601

collapse into dust…

Need it back

Anonymous 280603

it kind of defies all odds that these threads are as comfy as they are

Anonymous 280604

tea anon, if you have any such place l near you i recommend going to a brick and mortar store that sells loose leaf tea bc they will usually let you smell it and can help you make a decision based on what flavours you like, whether you like milk and sugar etc.
also never drink lipton tea it's the worst

Anonymous 280605

Anonymous 280606

When you were very small what were your favorite songs? Personally, I loved Big Girls Don’t Cry by Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, Changes by David Bowie, Jump Around by Cypress Hill, and I Want To Hold Your Hand by The Beatles. That Beatles song is the earliest memory I have of music. Better question, which is the earliest memory you have of a song you can remember?

Anonymous 280607

Most of the weirdo anons on LC don't know about the bunkers on CC so we can live happily here without their wickedness destroying our joy

Anonymous 280608

Reminds me of the shaymin days.

Anonymous 280610

We're still in the Shaymin days no matter what she calls herself

Anonymous 280612

i did not say any of those words i just said that loving your child doesn’t have to do with them committing a crime

Anonymous 280613

shaymin wouldnt let lc die right at the time shayna comes out with her own fleshlight

Anonymous 280614


i'm feral for my demon husbando pls lolcor come back so I can hornypost

Anonymous 280615

We are?! How do you know? I’ve never paid a lot of attention to the site’s behind the scenes stuff

Anonymous 280616

pretty sure that "ew boymom alert" was just a silly joke (I keked anyway)

Anonymous 280617

who let the dogs out

Anonymous 280618

It’s like a secret hang out that only the cool kids know about.

Anonymous 280619

The lore is crazy, kek only oldfags remember Ian, the first admin

Anonymous 280620

Joni Mitchell Big Yellow Taxi

Anonymous 280621

I loved Venus and Cruel Summer by Bananarama, The Unicorn Song by The Irish Rovers, Hey Mickey by Toni Basil. There was a lot more but I can't really remember them now, when I started branching off from my parents music I remember being obsessed with the Tatu song All The Things She Said kek

Anonymous 280622

he can be my demon butler

Anonymous 280623

Nona, don’t worry, that’s how most would read it. I feel she’s trying to bait you or is simply too blinded by her hatred of men.

Anonymous 280624

Idubbbz was the first admin

Anonymous 280625

I did a talent show performance to Hey Mickey when I was 8

Anonymous 280626

joshua connor troon

Anonymous 280627

you're overthinking it and i hope you dont have children

Anonymous 280628

alanis morissette and no doubt. I haven’t heard “just a girl” in like 30 years but I listened to that CD so much I can sing the entire song word for word right now.

Anonymous 280629

id pay to see that recording kek

Anonymous 280630


Favourite outfit?

Mine is the one with the tall red hat with a feather in it.

Anonymous 280631

unknown (1).png

I want lolcor to come back, but I'll definitely miss how fun these threads are. No infighting or annoying summerfags. It's really nice.

Anonymous 280632


Light husbandofags unite

Anonymous 280635

maybe we could all just stay here and take over the site? the lolcow occupation of crystal cafe

Anonymous 280636


Anonymous 280637

Kek I totally forgot about remisa. I like that better. Light x Ryuk is good too

Anonymous 280638

Far right. They’re all so pretty

Anonymous 280639

Nonnee elaborate

Anonymous 280640


Anonymous 280641

That'd be fun. I'd feel bad for the miners though.

Anonymous 280642

Anonymous 280643

I’m not a newfag but since what I’d read was difficult to verify, I stopped paying attention. How do we know Shaymin is still at the helm?

Anonymous 280644

I wore a custom cheer uniform with custom pom poms, I didn’t choose the song and I actually hated the lyrics after I found out Mickey was a boy and not spelled Mickie. I thought I was singing about a girl.

Anonymous 280646

crystal cafe is a little dead, i think so far they’ve appreciated the traffic we’ve brought

Anonymous 280647


im always amazed at how people manage to do passion projects like that. this mf has been doing regular updates since 2005

Anonymous 280648

Anonymous 280649

Samefag but I was convinced that the part “guys like you Mickey” was “gals like you Mickie”

Anonymous 280650

Aww, but what about
> It's guys like you, Mickey

Anonymous 280651

t. Ciel

Anonymous 280652

I had a cat named Mickey growing up so I would always just imagine I was serenading him when I'd sing along kek

>2 million words
>50 faves and follows
My worst fear tbh

Anonymous 280653

Confession: I wrote Danny elfman rpf when I was 15 and it got over 5k hits

Anonymous 280654

Precious, Nona.

Anonymous 280655

what's the fandom?

Anonymous 280656

That's fair. I'll accept a Lolcow cc coup

Anonymous 280657

Are you by any chance stana from radtumblr?

Anonymous 280658


i desire him carnally

Anonymous 280659

Tbh, even just one fave and follow would be enough for me.

Anonymous 280660

does the shirt say…

Anonymous 280661

No, is she into oingo boingo?

Anonymous 280662


Bootleg sylvanian family I found on a store a few days ago

Anonymous 280663

Yeah just fucking rub it in

Anonymous 280664

Who is this man please enlighten me

Anonymous 280665

what do you think is their dayjob?

Anonymous 280666

What is the sexual appeal of danny elfman, may I ask? I know some other women who like him and I don't really get it.

Anonymous 280667

Farmers and miners can coexist, can't we?

Anonymous 280668

i can't imagine being attracted to him but i love you and your psycho person taste in music nona.

Anonymous 280669

neon white

Anonymous 280670

The lamb is cute but it also has satanic energy.

Anonymous 280671

Is this twink early metallica?

Anonymous 280672


We definitely can.

Anonymous 280674

Hong Kong or Macau?

Anonymous 280675

tag yourself.png

tag yourself

Anonymous 280676

my period just started and im dealing with the worst cramps ever right now im going to kill someone

Anonymous 280677

Maybe it’s the way the lamb standing but they look eerie to me.

Anonymous 280678

are you a miner?

Anonymous 280679

Oh no I thought it was dykes…

Anonymous 280680

I really thought it was a bunch of women hanging out in a basement. L for me

Anonymous 280681

I hate whenever this shit gets posted on lc

Anonymous 280682

Mayura, always and forever
Very cute.

Anonymous 280683


this cd was my life

Anonymous 280684

im so sad i miss the tinfoil thread …
digital witch for sure

Anonymous 280686

I'm mutuals with that chick selling those what the hell lmao. She has legit schizophrenia and used to post some weird shit on toyhou.se

Anonymous 280687

I need it

Anonymous 280688

it's a silmarillion and xena crossover. apparently the main cast is OCs

Anonymous 280689


mongolians have the best traditional clothes
i also love hmong outfits

Anonymous 280690

I lurk here occasionally, but no, I'm just a farmer.
Sorry nona.

Anonymous 280691

Wow racist much

Anonymous 280692

Surely you mean she resells Casinha Feliz toys, not that she made them, right?

Anonymous 280693


His voice is kinda hot. In some music videos he’s actually good-looking for a ginger. He has that sleazy spaz personality like Jello Biafra. He said his favorite taste is pussy. Looks like he would let you sit on his face for hours. He’s fit. I’m not attracted to him anymore ever since the scandal. Also there’s a lot of younger female oingo boingo fans who would have sex with his current grandpa self, very gross to me.

Anonymous 280694


this is me with my roving gang of butch lesbian cyberbullies, fear us.

Anonymous 280695


Anonymous 280696

I’m not rubbing it in, I orphaned the work on AO3.

Anonymous 280697

Light is love, light is life - God from the bible probably

Que fofo! Casinha feliz é um nome mais bonitinho que Sylvanian Family

Anonymous 280698


i miss /m/

Anonymous 280700


Anonymous 280702

Literally me and my wife

Anonymous 280703


I just want to shittalk celebricows please LC

Anonymous 280705

>basex, based or bacon
Damn your guy's shirts go hard

Anonymous 280706

territorial style.…

Does anyone else window shop on Zillow when they're bored? I like looking at all the different houses and dreaming.

What's the architectural style of your dream house? I've been obsessed with New Territorial style homes in New Mexico for a while now.

Anonymous 280707

That's moechannel.net/onlinepetclub right? I think she mass orders them from a warehouse but she does come up with the plush and keychain designs (not the character designs). She's one of my personal cows but unfortunately she DFEd before I could save anything so anything I'd say would be hearsay based on a shitty memory.

Anonymous 280708


Anonymous 280710

É claro que é.

Anonymous 280711

which one are you

Anonymous 280712


Anonymous 280713

It’s not about these fuckers right? I’m going to have a heart attack

Anonymous 280714

Holy nostalgia kek. Someone stole this cd from me.

Anonymous 280715

Leave Gackt in the cave he belongs in

Anonymous 280716

you took to the time to make that and you wanna call someone cringe?

Anonymous 280717

the hedonist kek

Anonymous 280718

I thought it was cute.

Anonymous 280719

No I just wanted to post pretty moids

Anonymous 280720

Anonymous 280721

We're all cringe here.

Anonymous 280722

>which is the earliest memory you have of a song you can remember?
If there are any Canadians out there you know this song from Concerned Children's Advertisers kek. It would play every hour or two with the commercial of the boy running away from all the girls that want to kiss him but he can't because he's too fat or unhealthy or something.

Anonymous 280724

corny but (real) craftsman

Anonymous 280725


Anonymous 280726

I haven’t been on AO3 in forever and I found this woman with the strangest rpf pairings. Why is Peter Steele fucking Danny Elfman?

Anonymous 280727


I can fix him

Anonymous 280728

>y-you took one second in paint.net to make that? how embarrassing, hah unlike me who only cropped it…
doubly cringe

Anonymous 280729

We listened to this in elementary PE sometimes in the late 90s until the Hamster Dance came out and then it was only that at my school for some reason KEK

Anonymous 280730

You still get to carry the pride

Anonymous 280731


me n the bechdel thread girls waitin for lc to come back online

Anonymous 280732

RPF is so wacky. Why would these two even be in the same room

Anonymous 280733

If the site is still down tomorrow I'll make a Minecraft server for us all kek

Anonymous 280734

Nta but you're definitely the cringe one here

Anonymous 280735


Who was the worst husbandofag? (rancefag doesn’t count)

Anonymous 280736

Holy fucking shit the nostalgia

Anonymous 280737


Bring back the strange synopsis posting

Anonymous 280738

read the room and stop killing the vibe

Anonymous 280739

Every Shadowfag

Anonymous 280740

Nemu but she was also the best

Anonymous 280741

Still going to say rancefag

Anonymous 280742

>no infighting
Did you just get here or what

Anonymous 280743

A while ago I saw someone shipping Walter White with John Cramer and calling it "cancershipping" kek

Anonymous 280744

Rancefag needs to kill herself I'm dead serious

Anonymous 280745


Anonymous 280746

Nta but we're all farmers, why are you trying to make some anti bullying PSA. It's cringe

Anonymous 280747

minecraft house.pn…

my minecraft house kek i didnt think anyone played it still

Anonymous 280748

me and the bechdel thread girls getting ready for our group eevee cosplay

Anonymous 280749

i have only seen 29 summers

Anonymous 280750

Where do you find this shit nona

Anonymous 280751

She doesn’t even like Ranch anymore

Anonymous 280752

cringe culture is dead tag

Anonymous 280753

Cool ranch doritos are my favourite too

Anonymous 280754

That is literally my dream

Anonymous 280755


Bladee nonnichkas where are you

Anonymous 280756

Its the most popular game in the world what kekk

Anonymous 280757

I just logged out of playing with my friend like 20 mins ago
Omg yes please !!!

Anonymous 280758

When I was 13 I had a vaporwave editing app and there was a section entirely of bladee stickers. I thought he was some random ugly white guy

Anonymous 280759

She only liked him in the first place because she was a flaming pickme. When husbandofagging stopped getting her attention she moved onto the next phoney obsession that would.

Anonymous 280760

ebichu singing.png


Anonymous 280761

I’d love thaaat

Anonymous 280762

Is it really that fun? I just don’t see the appeal.

Anonymous 280763

It’s calming. It’s also fun when you play with your friends and work together to survive.

Anonymous 280764


Anonymous 280765

nooooooo you guys ruined the unconventional males thread

Anonymous 280766

i <3 bladee.jpg

Kek I want Bladee stickers

Anonymous 280767

mc home 1.png

post minecraft houses

Anonymous 280768

You don't get his cuteness

Anonymous 280769

True and I’m not afraid to agree

Anonymous 280770

I miss the Pete Burns and Dave Vanian posters

Anonymous 280771

I would never play single player, but it's one of the more fun games when you play with friends. My top games that I like to play with friends are: Minecraft, Don't Starve Together, Stardew Valley, & Starbound.

Anonymous 280772

i wish my boyfriend liked minecraft and dont starve more i dont like playing them by myself

Anonymous 280773

Interesting. I haven’t been much of a gamer for the last few years and none of my friends are into gaming kek. The last game I played was one of the yakuza games. I just assumed Minecraft was some weird little kids game.

Anonymous 280774

>cheap ass plushie is 40$
I can’t take it anymore

Anonymous 280775

The app is called R4VE

Anonymous 280776

sad cat.jpg

I'm going to sleep soon and I'm scared that when I wake up tomorrow the site is gonna be still offline….. What if the tinfoilers were right… What if it's a weekend with Lolcor?

Anonymous 280777


Maybe this is a sign that I have to stop being such a gossipy bitch, because no milk for 2 days has me stressing out. How am I supposed to feel better about my shit life without laughing at someone else's worse shit life?!

Anonymous 280778

I think for a lot of Zoomers it's kind of like their Pokemon, one of those classic childhood games that a lot of people will still like as adults.

Anonymous 280779


If they weren't sold out I'd consider buying the OS-tan one not gonna lie.

Anonymous 280780

Thank you nonne I'm going to make Bladee posters now

Anonymous 280781


here's mine from a survival playthrough I started, she's still in-progress.

Anonymous 280782

i love dont starve but only solo and i am also not very good at it

Anonymous 280783

Do you not have a personal cow? I have one i check on every so often

Anonymous 280784

I just saw the dreaded tif no tit chop fanart of my husbando and I just want to jump off a bridge

Anonymous 280785


You'd be surprised kek, me and 5 of my friends have had a Minecraft server going for like 2 years at this point and it's still fun. This is part of our town.

Anonymous 280786

he hasn't looked like that in a hot minute. how do you reconcile his marc jacobs tranny phase?

Anonymous 280787

My longest was in DS Together with my friend, we made it to day 297 and we wanted to kill ourselves when we managed to die so close to day 300.

Anonymous 280789

Yeah but it’s not fun when you’re not shit talking about them with a bunch of other people

Anonymous 280790

I love it!! Roofs like that are so cool kek I never have the patience for doing them

Anonymous 280791


Weird how this nobody goes on a 20 hour meth binge just as lolcow is down

Anonymous 280792

I'm such a pussy. How do women online feel confident enough to publicly thirstpost about male celebs? I can't even do that anonymously. I feel so embarrassed.

Anonymous 280793

left is autism fakers and right are true autistics

Anonymous 280794

how many summers/winters have you seen?

Anonymous 280795


This one always make me feel

Anonymous 280796

Damn that’s cool. I guess I can see the appeal now kek
The big blocky texture weirds me out for some reason though and I grew up on blocky games kek

Anonymous 280797


Anonymous 280798

with the containment thread slowing down i am terrified i am going to die alone

Anonymous 280799

Kek this is true.

Anonymous 280800

They're pretty easy to make when you get the hang of it, you have to always put an upside-down stair under every block anyways so you can use them to maneuver. I don't often do western-style roofs so I was pretty surprised how easy it was actually to do on survival kek

Anonymous 280801

I do, but she's in the phase of temporarily getting her life back together, so I can't laugh at her antics at the moment. I usually read old threads when she isn't being particularly milky. It's not just the milk either, I hate online mommy spaces and the lolcow baby containment thread is the only place i don't feel like I'm judged or walking on eggshells.

Anonymous 280802

He finally took a shower nonnichka we are going back don't worry

Anonymous 280803


Hi, I'm here for the job interview.

Anonymous 280804

Isn’t this from a troon fetish comic

Anonymous 280805

I hope n0nnies are milk collecting for when were back

Anonymous 280806

i was already embarrassed enough of liking yakui's music

Anonymous 280807

Are you dying tonight?

Anonymous 280808

>Fake autists are usually temu addicts
>Real autists

Anonymous 280809

>I hate online mommy spaces
Literal cancer I stg. It’s one of the reasons I stopped bothering with social media kek

Anonymous 280810

Screenshot 2024-08…

Dude, is that fucking blackface?

Anonymous 280811

The lack of infighting, minimodding, bootlicking, and error-riddled posts whiteknighting cows pretty much confirms that two posters (or sockpuppets) either are mods or they are sleeping with the mods.

It's nice without all of that going on. Kind of makes me think a lot of infights are inside jobs.

Anonymous 280812


i wish he was my sugar daddy

Anonymous 280813

i dont like online mommy spaces or mom forums but i do wish there was a place i could talk with other moms like myself

Anonymous 280814


This thread is the ultimate liminal space. Hurry nonnitas, the sky is waiting for us

Anonymous 280815

I learned baking for my ADHD

Anonymous 280816



Anonymous 280817

im here for you, we can decay together

Anonymous 280818

I thought Viv said he was black though

Anonymous 280819


why did they do it nona

Anonymous 280820


Ty for the tip. I've been working on this bridge for ages because I'm tired of going around this stupid lake in front of my house to get to the good mine

Anonymous 280821

it would go along with the conspiracy(?) theory of the site being run by wrecking troons

Anonymous 280822

i hate how troons and pickmes ruin everything. Me-tan is mine.

Anonymous 280823


daft punk frotting ao3

Anonymous 280824

hamster dance reim…


woooaaaah, woaaah, woaaaahhhhooo~

Anonymous 280825

in my mind if a male can objectify a woman without fear, so should we
it honestly isn't as exciting as you think it is

Anonymous 280826

that's so pretty! it's gonna look so cool when the copper start oxidizing

Anonymous 280827

i have truly brainrot i thought they looked like anthropomorphic ballsacks until i realized they were supposed to be hamsters im so sorry

Anonymous 280828

I agree, one of them really rees about women's anatomy and pregnancy, it would make a lot of sense for a troon to be obsessed with that stuff

Anonymous 280829


I need a California fairy tale bungalow, or possibly a cute small Victorian house.

Anonymous 280830

so should i just email him and ask for his zelle at this point?

Anonymous 280831

Ew put the helmets back on

Anonymous 280832

I lucked out and organically found a couple of moms that are similar to me. We are super close and get together a lot. Anytime I reached out online about something, at least half of them would be nasty.

I joined a car seat group on Facebook once and it was probably the most toxic shit I had ever been a part of/witnessed (and I’ve been on LC for 10 years kek)

Anonymous 280833

You don't know the hamster dance meme?

Anonymous 280834

i relate with blackpill anon but they are annoying in how they try to overtake every thread

Anonymous 280835

she said half creole which isn’t even black (or even a race)

Anonymous 280836


Moids deserve to be sexualized

Anonymous 280837

watching my favorite chinese lady on youtube

Anonymous 280838

i can still hum it by heart after hearing it in 2006 which is why i know the brainrot is deep

Anonymous 280839


Daft punk yaoi hits different

Anonymous 280840

Self pitying rains down hard when you're doing cool things in your life but you have no friends to tell them about it

Anonymous 280841

I’m so tired, why does this damn place have no lentils. I need my soup to support my body.

Anonymous 280842

i'm about to have a panic attack (not because of it being down) i need some music to jam to while it happens, can i please get some music reccs? something ethereal or bjork-sounding

Anonymous 280843

You guys are right

Anonymous 280844

nona this is beautiful, what country is that in?

Zillow stresses me out, I don't really want to go through the process of buying a place, it looks really stressful. I just want to do some great act or make an amazing discovery and then some rich person says: "anon! you have contributed so much. I have this little house in a place with lots of animals. Please, accept my gift."
And i take it and then we are friends and we go on trips occasionally to look at weird DDR museums in people's houses and crumbling communist sculptures.

So that's my very viable plan for the future. I actually do have talents, but which one would attract the attention of some rich woman?

Anonymous 280845

This is embarrassing but a couple years ago I almost put together a Yakui cosplay, I stopped cosplaying before I could. It would have been cringe then but I think the universe was stopping me from my face forever being associated with another thing zoomers appropriated. Those plushies just look soulless.

Anonymous 280846

maybe some barley instead? it's also high in protein and fiber

Anonymous 280847


i stepped on a small piece of glass and im going to urgent care tomorrow

Anonymous 280848


>Those plushies just look soulless
Are the charms better or still soulless to you

Anonymous 280849

I'm excited for it to turn blue kek, I love that you can tell how old a build is just by the copper colour. It makes the place feel more lived in.

When I make the server tomorrow (if LC isn't back up) what biome should we choose to build Cowtown in?

Anonymous 280850

Andrew White, Heart of the Celtic Guitar (trust me)

Anonymous 280851

macaroni union

Anonymous 280852


whoa OH OH whoa OH OH whoa OHHhhhHHH

Anonymous 280853


Thanks for the suggestion! If they also nutritionally rich, I’ll add them instead

Anonymous 280854

This reminds me of one of my biggest pet peeves with the Hazbin Hotel fandom, and western fandoms as a whole.
>"reeeee how dare you say this character is black they don't look black enough TO ME"
And their idea of "black" is based on some retarded caricature.

Anonymous 280855


She's still assmad about nona pointing out her nails are dirty

Anonymous 280856

To be fair, my friend was shocked as fuck when I mentioned that she said he was black.

Anonymous 280857

My period is so fucking close I feel like barfing and shitting myself

Anonymous 280858

why would anyone minimod when there’s nothing to mod? but yeah you got it I am actually sleeping with the mods

Anonymous 280859

are these official or fanmade?

Anonymous 280860

Whole album utabiko by ichiko aoba feel better nona

Anonymous 280861

Hope it’s not serious and will heal soon! Was wound disinfected?

Anonymous 280862

Pretty sure they're fanmade.

Anonymous 280863

Anything by Jon Hassell calms me down and takes me to another world, his music is very illustrative and hypnotic

Anonymous 280864

Get an extra sticker for me on the way out

Anonymous 280865

>15$ for a fucking RUBBER STRAP

Anonymous 280866

That's just the art style though IMO. Like, no one made a problem of Vaggy being Hispanic(?) IIRC. Plus, they're demons and angels with decidedly non-human features

Anonymous 280867

Anonymous 280868

i’ve paid 45 dollars for one

Anonymous 280869


Fanny being cringe again, not really milky but funny to me
>Tradwife phase
>very demure
Kek the fucking tranny tiktok meme

Anonymous 280870

The gloomy bear one is sooo cute

Anonymous 280871

i've payed 40 for a rubber strap before

Anonymous 280872

I find new age genre relaxing, thanks to Tunesday nonas

Anonymous 280873

i need the null/laika thread like i need air

Anonymous 280874

Idk anything about new cutter/tumblr trend, but “very demure and very mindful” sentence kinda stuck in my head

Anonymous 280875


Country or county? I have fun looking at this style of house and the little neighborhoods in California that have a lot of them. It's just a dream to own one someday.

Anonymous 280876

s I'm mcfreaking losing it, does anyone have new milk on fanny/laika?

Anonymous 280877

It’s not the art style or what objects they decided to manufacture it’s that I know exactly what type of person the maker is to make merch of this assortment of characters in 2024. To be nitpicky these are kinda boring.

Anonymous 280878

Anonymous 280879

Anonymous 280880


I loved making pictures like this when I was in middle school kek

Anonymous 280881

Non nies is censored?
SAME, KF is doing absolutely nothing to bring in new milk

Anonymous 280882


This dude’s backstory has been going on for way too long now and I’m bored now but it’s an accurate depiction of retard scrote brains that obsess over the one that “got away” or their first loves they obsess over and wish were manic pixie dream girls

Anonymous 280883

I don’t know what’s up with CC on my computer but there’s a weird ban glitch that says I got banned tomorrow (?) for no reason, and then when I appeal it it says I’m not banned. First lolcow and NOW cc?? And then when I try to post the gif I made of the exchange it says “unknown file extension” lmfao great job cc staff

Anonymous 280884

So they weren’t bothered what Black guy is a serial murderer (annd cannibal?) and Spanish (Portuguese?) guy is the pimp/rapist? I thought this would be obvious ragepoints

Anonymous 280885

christmas mayura.j…

Eh, I don't really see the issue with it. Not every girl can afford to spend 500 bucks on a crappy 3 inch tall Mayura figure.

Anonymous 280886


me and my friends wanted a bunch of gold so we made a little outport in the mesa for mining

Anonymous 280887

Is this La Jolla?

Anonymous 280888

If they’re in hell (I know next to nothing about the show) wouldn’t they all be terrible?

Anonymous 280889

code compiled so i'm rewarding myself with a grilled cheese

Anonymous 280890

What bread and cheese(s) are you using?

Anonymous 280891


Which one of you larpers is this

Anonymous 280892

Wanted to ask did you photoshopped it. But it’s a dumb question.

Anonymous 280893

That’s a male

Anonymous 280894

Bon appetit anon

Anonymous 280895


potato bread and pepperjack

Anonymous 280896

Yes I photoshopped it.

Anonymous 280897

Sounds yummy

Anonymous 280898

Ntayrt but I do sour dough and habanero jack cheese

Anonymous 280899

Anyone wanna trade picmix again

Anonymous 280900

Fantastic choices. I wish pepperjack was easier to find here. Bon Appétit, Nona!

Anonymous 280901

Kek cool

Anonymous 280902

what if it never comes back

Anonymous 280903

Also a great choice! Monterey Jacks are impossible to find here but they’re so good for grilled cheese.

Anonymous 280904

Anonymous 280905

We take over Crystal Cafe

Anonymous 280906

I don’t think gendies care

Anonymous 280907

Hush, Nona.

Anonymous 280908

I'm sure another ib will take it's place if the worst-case scenario happens. Or like >>280905 says.

Anonymous 280909


I was about to finish this animation but there is a bug in the program or some shit and it doesnt work, and my friend who knows more about the program is asleep right now. FUCK.

Anonymous 280910

honestly wouldn't mind at this point, these threads are so fun

Anonymous 280911

Looks like a typical sf Victorian. They are so cute. So expensive kek

Anonymous 280912


It will probably never come back one day. Eventually you get to an age where you are too old for image boards.

Anonymous 280913

Is this boys abyss? I thought that shit ended

Anonymous 280914

cc will be our home and we will finally have competent mods…

Anonymous 280915

These threads are like a general general.

Anonymous 280916

scarty creature.pn…


Anonymous 280917

this fucking image lmfao

Anonymous 280918

the high traffic is good for my adhd mind

Anonymous 280919

I’m shit at using picmix, can we do a picarts trade? Or picsart for picmix?

Anonymous 280920


im obsessed with christopher walken

Anonymous 280921


I get so antsy when someone doesn’t respond to my post.

Anonymous 280922

>thinks cc mods are compentent
el oh el

Anonymous 280923


he went from twinkmaxxing to evilmaxxing and its so hot

Anonymous 280924

you need help

Anonymous 280925

he looks like he was born looking 50

Anonymous 280926

I wish the ugly moid psyop thread was accessible right now!

Anonymous 280927


Anonymous 280928

normally i don't understand these, but now i see the vision

Anonymous 280929


Where's the ao3 screenshot of the Paul McCartney/John Lennon noseriding fic? It reminded me of a time when I couldn't escape McLennon. Every other post I scrolled past for a good week was something insisting on the homoeroticism of their relationship. It doesn't help that The Beatles really did jerk off together.

Anonymous 280930

She also hates herself.

Anonymous 280931

there was a mom space called scary mommy i think? in the 00s-early 10s. it was tolerable but i do not see any parenting content i like anywhere these days.

Anonymous 280932

My mom used to go on that site to laugh at the posters.

Anonymous 280933


I miss drawing of these frodo on the right

Anonymous 280934

oi my mom was one of those posters

Anonymous 280935

It's fairly possible my mom used to either laugh at or infight with your mom then.

Anonymous 280936

Can we build in a snowy forest I love the snow in game

Anonymous 280937

mclennon nonas rise up

Anonymous 280939


hello dear

Anonymous 280940

Band rpf shippers truly are the backbone of society

Anonymous 280941

> The Beatles really did jerk off together.
Ah, I didn’t need to know this. Why did they (?) share that?

Anonymous 280942

And the difference between post punk and trad goth?

Anonymous 280943

must be a brit thing

Anonymous 280944

>but I don't see the appeal of a thread to sperg about them, to me loving my husbando is a private affair between x reader fanfics and my vibrator
super duper late but the appeal of sperging with others to me is because i have no one else to talk to and it makes me feel less ashamed of my taste

Anonymous 280945


i was deeply influenced by this album cover when i saw it as a child, i didn't have a chance

Anonymous 280946

Your opinions are absolutely terrible

Anonymous 280947

Oh I would love to read on Regret having children thread, parental vents are like the forbidden fruit to me

Anonymous 280948

it was just paul and john and some other guys

Anonymous 280949

beat the meatles.j…

Paul spilled the beans. Don't know why.

Anonymous 280950

I guess post punk is punk that's not inspired by batcave
while trad goth is.

Honestly I probably should have looked at more pics since outside of the example pic it's not that cute.

Anonymous 280951

There's no difference between half these picotrends they're just aliexpress fast fashion/turbomall goth pieces arranged in different ways

Anonymous 280952

Anonymous 280953

SHITwitter is down for me. I don't care about that site, but I used it to see the illustrations of the artists I like. Now I'll have to stick to pixiv and zerochan.

Anonymous 280954

come to brazil…

Anonymous 280955

a real farmer would never do this and every time lc is mentioned on tiktok an angel dies

Anonymous 280956

extremely depressing you must have the constitution of a roman soldier

Anonymous 280957


Anonymous 280958

nta but regretful parents are peak comedy to me, especially if they didn't plan on having kids and refused to get an abortion bc of ethical/religious beliefs

Anonymous 280959


Shayna is at Disney. The image reminds me of that .gif of her wat the airport.

Anonymous 280960

nooo why is my favourite artist retweeting airplane porn

Anonymous 280961

my-image (2).png

And also one for lolita substyles because why not.

Anonymous 280962


finally the weekend & i cant catch up on my threads

Anonymous 280963

To read the accounts or to be a parent?

Anonymous 280964

i genuinely do not think she's ugly but she does have really concerning boobs

Anonymous 280965

Okay everyone I made the past few threads but I'm sleeping now so IDK if I can make the next one GOODNIGHT love you all xoxo please if a new thread is made keep the thread description going thanks xoxo

Anonymous 280966

are you trying to trigger that person who posted in the thread about things you wish you could unhear about how breaking life down into 70 springs, summers, autumns, and winters made mortality feel more real

Anonymous 280967

write your shayland predictions n0nnies
>she gets told to put on a bra and throws a tantrum on twitter
>writes fanfiction about how the mickey mascot wants to bone her
>the princesses tell her shes a totes sexy bimbo
>takes nudes photos in the bathroom

Anonymous 280968

ayrt - reading about regretful parents. like do they hate their kids or what? if so why dont they just pawn them off on the kids grandparents or an aunt or uncle? i cant imagine what kind of mindset you'd have to be in to actual post those kinds of feelings…this is information for a therapist

Anonymous 280969

my-image (1).png

nta but I wanted to do it too

Anonymous 280970


i don't need a thread, my parents constantly talk about how much better their lives would be if they never had kids (it wouldn't), you'd probably die laughing at my house

Anonymous 280971

Planes having sex or humans having sex in/on airplanes? Had they shown signs of degeneracy before? Sorry for your loss, Nona.

Anonymous 280972

KEK airplane what

Anonymous 280973


I just finished the fourth book in acotar and I can’t reeeee about it in the book thread. Life is meaningless when you can’t burden others with your opinion

Anonymous 280974

sinnabunny is posting about drinking moonshine in her sex dungeon if anyone cares

Anonymous 280975

don't worry it's that way at my house too but laughing at it is my coping mechanism

Anonymous 280976

like a sexy airplane with gigantic boobs

Anonymous 280977

does this person think cherry picking means nitpicking

Anonymous 280978


Techwear is just what guys on /fa/ wear

Anonymous 280979

Tell us?

Anonymous 280980


That anon earlier that was zooted inspired me and now im comfy and watching aqua teen

Anonymous 280981

did someone edit in dylann roof on the right or does dude actually just look like that

Anonymous 280982

wtf are you me??

Anonymous 280983

So boring and ugly

Anonymous 280984

They edited him in kek

Anonymous 280985

i will never not laugh at this

Anonymous 280987

I diagnose them with autism, the degenerate kind. I’m also going to go ahead and assume it’s a male.

Anonymous 280990


Anonymous 280991

Anonymous 280992

my-image 7.png

Don’t bully me please

Anonymous 280994

Is lolcow still down?

Anonymous 280995

Anonymous 280996

no we're all just in a bunker thread for fun

Anonymous 280997

Anonymous 280998

I’m heavily considering making a KiwiFarms account as of now. Any advice for people who use KF for being as anonymous as possible? My main paranoia is Google suspending my gmails for using one of the bad evil sites. To clarify more, I have a VPN and I’m looking for a safer alternative to Protonmail as Proton has been shown to leak data. Any additional advice would be appreciated

Anonymous 280999

Thank you CC mods for allowing these bunker threads

Anonymous 281000

>There is a serious problem with the site we are working to resolve.
shit sounds scary i wonder what it is

Anonymous 281001

reminded me i need to actually finish neon white, so many games coming out lately + huge backlog already

Anonymous 281002

don't stoop that low you're better than that no n ny

Anonymous 281003

don't use any personal gmail or gmail for that matter
create a completely new username that doesn't hint to you
just don't sperg out

Anonymous 281004


Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I could read a Hallmark Christmas movie that is just over 200 pages long?” Because this is the book for you.The author chose to focus on the quandary of what present the main character should get her husband for the entire book, and then casually mentions that the sister of the MC is suffering from debilitating PTSD and is now an alcoholic. I imagine this is expanded upon in the next book but it is brushed off so quickly compared to present question it’s laughable.

It was weird the main character gifted her immortal, 500 year old husband a painting of her fursona and he’s cool with it. It’s also weird she painted it literally in what is essentially a bombed out building with boarded up windows.Overall 3/10. I stopped asking questions and I am happier now

Anonymous 281005

i just made a throwaway gmail for it in 2022 and it was fine

Anonymous 281006

Cerbmin more like cerumin in my ears lol

Anonymous 281007

Noo don’t succumb to male based forum, it’s too early to give up

Anonymous 281008

just browse it dude there's no reason to want to get enmeshed with the commentary there. just strain the milk and leave the annoying moid commentary

Anonymous 281009

My friend is coming over in 10 hours and i havent cleaned.

Anonymous 281010

wtf is a whimsical goth?? i hate this baka gay earth

Anonymous 281011

she wants the null thread

Anonymous 281012

Pretty sure it's just hippie goth with a new name.

Anonymous 281013

Is neon white fun?

Anonymous 281014


Anonymous 281015

Screenshot 2024-08…

saw picrel and now i want to reread punpun after some years but i know it'll only fill me with dread

Anonymous 281016

watching White Girls
about to go steal some edibles
feeling terrible but not bad

Anonymous 281017


Anonymous 281018

do it, they have a manhating thread thats pretty based

Anonymous 281019


i love how overtly autistic prog rock is
look at their hands

Anonymous 281020

I made a kiwifarms account forever ago and don't even bother using it now. That site is annoying scrote central.

Anonymous 281021


this lc apocalypse is so calm in comparison to the others. having everyone in one place used to be a bloodbath. nonnettes be tired

Anonymous 281022

I hurt a lizard by accident today trying to catch it and put it outside. I feel so bad.

Anonymous 281023

why? just browse. I'd never comment there with a username hell to nah nah

Anonymous 281024

null's extreme dedication to free speech is endearing

Anonymous 281025

It was pretty much confirmed after that shitshow with the 'Good Moids' thread and the farmhand getting kicked

Anonymous 281026

yeah! really good when you want to scratch that "i need to overstimulate my senses" itch with a game
the music is great & movement is super fun, esp if you're into speedrunning shit

Anonymous 281027

I'll post on kiwi in a blue moon, they got super pissed when I made fun of Vic Migogna.

Anonymous 281028


Its been 13 days since tamers last uploaded. I am tweaking already.

Anonymous 281029

I wish lc had a womb wizard thread, she’s my favorite cow

Anonymous 281030

damn i heard the later books got retarded but that sounds pants on head retarded

Anonymous 281031


Anonymous 281032

I hate his current pony videos, don't even bother watching them.

Anonymous 281033

She actually defended the thread and its users after the scrotes threw a hissy fit over it.

Anonymous 281034

Lottery anon update: we won $5 wooo

Anonymous 281035

I don't get it. Their hands seem normal to me?

Anonymous 281036

kek i hate this so much

It's because his character has voodoo imagery/symbols and they had to cover their asses so that people wouldn't get offended if he were 100% white, so she said "he's mixed" and left it at that kek. Creole people can be French, Spanish, Native American, Haitian, African, or any mix of the above, it's a whole melting pot. Not to sperg but he was supposed to be a well-regarded, famous radio host in the south in the 1930s, I'd imagine he'd "look" white/white-passing with tan skin or something kek.

Anonymous 281037

his level of output is insane what the fuck is wrong with him? i mean i love him but what the fuck is wrong with him

Anonymous 281038


Anonymous 281039


More for me then.

Anonymous 281040

they look like they don't know what to do with them

Anonymous 281041

He and his brother(?) just got that extreme but funny autism.

Anonymous 281042

I feel sorry for this girl shes a sped and didnt meant to come off like that probably.

Anonymous 281043

I like the dudes coat in the middle, they seem like they'd be fun

Anonymous 281044

I tried returning to KF to fill the void LC has left me with today. Casually reading through troon threads and it’s just overrun with scrotes telling women it’s our fault tims exist and that we need men to protect us… from men. Fucking depressing

Anonymous 281045

those are normal hand gestures anon. the word autistic has lost all its meaning when used on the internet

Anonymous 281046

if you listened to the album you would realize that they are in fact autistic as fuck

Anonymous 281047

no i will not listen to them

Anonymous 281048

he needs to speed up because i am suffering from withdrawal already. I want to know where the gay horse yaoi incest love triangle is going.

Anonymous 281049


Anonymous 281050

It’s killstar herbsofaltars fashion

Anonymous 281051

70s bands just autistic like that

Anonymous 281052

is this from that one jill fanart kek

Anonymous 281053

I started vaping again because I'm stressed about my upcoming wedding. I quit nicotine for 2 years! Fuck, this was a bad idea. If I quit again now I can ride out the bitchy withdrawals before the big day

Anonymous 281054

AYRT and do you or anyone else know if a site like tempmail would work? They say “don’t use a throwaway you will need a real email” at the registration but that might just be a scare tactic tbh.

Also for all the ones saying “don’t go it’s male infested” I’m not just going for the cow forums but also the off topic stuff. Like the cows are for sure part of it but also I wanna talk about conspiracies and shit and no offense but /x/ here isn’t doing much for me

Anonymous 281055

I'm gonna listen to a tranny talk about a show I've never watched for 2 hours.

Anonymous 281056

Kek I actually wanna fill it

Anonymous 281057

the male hate thread + ambers thread are the only good things about kf. The rest of it is sewage with insite lolcows and pedophiles pretending to have morals.

Anonymous 281058

No no just quit after the wedding. Trust me it's worth it just to not have those nic craving anger outbursts kek especially at a wedding

Anonymous 281059

such bad withdrawal I had 3 separate shayna dreams tonight fuuuuck

Anonymous 281060

nah the jill one is an edit of that drawing

Anonymous 281061

Does he has a nasal voice?

Anonymous 281062

To be fair 99% of these things don't even fall into the stereotypical 'cringe' zone
actual cringetober would be like a-log standup videos.

Anonymous 281063

I am so down for this. Do we make our own cringe or find it in the wild or what

Anonymous 281064

Anonymous 281065


I wish this wasn't a pain to look at. Some of the prompts seem fun

Anonymous 281066

same , same. Why did this have to happen right when she bacame insanely milky again. Did you see she came out with her own fleshlight?

Anonymous 281067


Anonymous 281068

yeah because you fear their autistic presence

Anonymous 281069

can someone post pics of this or something this is like the third time this has been mentioned

Anonymous 281070

We really should make our art challenge

Anonymous 281071

i saved the password so i can get into it but my account got locked in the year or so since ive logged in so i would say if you ever think youll want to use your account again that you should use a real email but its not the end of the world if you have to make a new account in the future

Anonymous 281072

I posted on LC like 30 seconds before the whole site went down and for a few paranoid moments I thought it was my fault and I broke it kek

Anonymous 281073

Dave looks nothing like that

Anonymous 281074


Anonymous 281075

I thought these were girls at first

Anonymous 281076


thanks for using my janky gif i feel like a super star, i have evolved since then, please accept my new offering

Anonymous 281077

Thats Lars, Cliff, James, and Kirk nonita

Anonymous 281078


missing the heather thread and (most of) the anons in there…

Anonymous 281080

Lily Orchard just sounds weird in general tbh

Anonymous 281081

I absolutely love this, we should do this with the doodle board somehow

Anonymous 281082

god why is it so. greasy

Anonymous 281083

I went to school with him kek

Anonymous 281085

Looks like we found the culprit… Nonas, to arms!

Anonymous 281086

Good grieve we didn’t cause CC servers crush

Anonymous 281088

i put furikake on cottage cheese and i liked it, what are some weird food combinations you enjoy?

Anonymous 281089

i'm gonna fucking barf

Anonymous 281090

doesnt this guy have a thread too

Anonymous 281091

Oh you did? What was that like?

Anonymous 281092

Sammich with chunky peanut putter molasses and mayonnaise

Anonymous 281093

Not sure but there’s a thread on KiwiFarms and there was one on lolcow

Anonymous 281095

Anonymous 281096

this has to be satirical, there is no way in HELL she has a whole warehouse producing these

Anonymous 281097

smarties in milk

Anonymous 281098

anon why are you watching the sister molester

Anonymous 281099

What does that even taste like??

Anonymous 281101

that honestly sounds like it would be pretty good, i grew up on pb + mayo + pickle relish sandwiches

Anonymous 281102

fanny is the only cow that's really grabbed my interest in years, i just miss her thread so much

Anonymous 281103

nta but what do you benefit from that? also how do you put them in like do you just drop the tablets in the milk or do you crush it up into a powder and then mix it up like a milkshake

Anonymous 281104

He's my favorite cow

Anonymous 281105

lightly grilled peanut butter and american cheese sandwich with a glass of apple juice and vodka and a pickle on the side

Anonymous 281106

describe the flavor please, i am disturbed

Anonymous 281107

Canadian smarties or American?

Anonymous 281109

i don’t consider any of my food combinations to be weird so i’ll just name some foods that i love eating together: salami wrapped meatballs, salami wrapped pickles, grilled cheese with lots of carmelized onions, raw salmon with nothing but salt and soy sauce

Anonymous 281110


It’s transcended into so bad it’s good for me. My favorite aside in the entire series is that one example of the husband character being perfect is that he takes birth control so the main character doesn’t have to. Which absolutely kills me since scrotes get ass mad at the unrealistic standards presented in romance books. Yeah he’s rich, incredibly powerful, devastatingly gorgeous, and has bat wings but the real line crosser is the birth control for some people.

Anonymous 281111

The snapshot is pretty outdated, the real good milk started flowing in around the time of the Delicious In Dungeon / Dungeon Meshi videos

Anonymous 281112


Anonymous 281113

I love it so much kek

Anonymous 281114

wow this nasty faggot actually molested his sister..why are all trannies like this

Anonymous 281115


I deleted a row above and added a row below because I'm a negative person I guess.

Anonymous 281116

does anyone have multiplayer games recommendation i would like a social net apart from our killed lolcor

Anonymous 281117

I wanna kiss this vamp kitty’s forehead

Anonymous 281118

what’s your favorite medication you’ve taken?

Anonymous 281119


Anonymous 281120

Stardew Valley

Anonymous 281121

That snapshot is from March, it's the only one available. There is a KF thread as mentioned.

Anonymous 281122

Did you use a VPN? Or is it being throwaway safe enough?

Anonymous 281123

british smarties so i think canadian? the little chocolate things lmao (didnt realise american smarties were different, i definitely dont mean those)
it's really nice! trying not to sound disgusting but it's like making chocolate milk in your mouth

Anonymous 281124

omg just remembered i have ben and jerrys karamel sutra fugggg
i find his voice so grating but im glad you have something to tide you in this trying time
i just finished season 1 i should watch his videos so i can feel like im in his lolcow thread in spirit
salami pickel sounds good as fuck right now

Anonymous 281125

We can do a Town Of Salem game

Anonymous 281126

those fags seem to collab with everyone. They have collabs with vtubers that dont sound legal and have the art skill of 12yos.

Anonymous 281127

Okay yeah American smarties are called rockets in Canada

Anonymous 281128

he’s tryna go trick or treating actually

Anonymous 281129

I haven’t listened to music in 4 years because ever since I decided not to listen to any music written by men (lost several of my favorite albums after the moid was revealed as a rapist or pedophile, all the music from my youth is ruined), I’ve been unable to find more than like 5 songs written by a woman that I actually like and don’t feel like I’m forcing myself to listen to. It makes me feel so hopeless about the world that there are no women songwriters doing anything I like. I’ve lost count of the hours and hours and hours I’ve spent trawling every corner of the internet for something I actually like, and the rare times I’m like
>oh, this one is actually catchy
I look up the details and it was WRITTEN BY A FUCKING MAN behind the scenes. This honestly makes me suicidal. I’m ready to just give up on this world. I hate everything.

Anonymous 281130

I want to play multiplayer stardew with the nonas here

Anonymous 281131

just started playing FFXIV recently and i'm loving it so far, it's nice seeing other people just trot about doing their dailies and yapping to each other

Anonymous 281132

jesus i haven't played since highschool. that would be a ton of fun

Anonymous 281133

I can't even finish reading this post, it's too retarded. I'm getting second hand brain damage just from reading the first couple sentences.

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