
Terfposting #2 Anonymous 66270
The thread for all your transphobic meme and shit talk needs. Go!
Old thread (reached post limit):
>>59700Anonymous 66280
>>66275ugh i love this series of tweets
Anonymous 66323
Honestly. And even if brain vs body (?) sex was a thing, why not treat the brain? It's a mental illness and it should be treated like one.
Anonymous 66324
>You know you're not a woman and I know you're not yet we're both supposed to pretend you are???
The transgender and you are working with different definitions of what a women is, or, more specifically, what is is to be a part of the female gender. The transgender uses the definition it's defined on the social level to state that, as long as someone feels they are female, they should be treated as one. To state otherwise is to argue there is some innateness to being female that demands that certain social structures should function in certain manners. However, this line of logic is also used by men to "keep women in the kitchen, because they are women".
Anonymous 66325
>>66323They already tried that, it was called conversion therapy and is hailed as a universal failure for doing what it was labeled to do.
Anonymous 66326
>>66325there's a huge fucking difference between forcing a person to conform to their sex stereotype via conversion therapy and attempting to treat dysphoria as a mental illness with cognitive and behavioral therapies. one avenue attempts to annihilate gender nonconformity and expressions while the other respects it and lets the person act as they please while withholding medical treatments. conversion therapy is not some stamp on for any therapy that isn't 100% affirming to the persons gender
Anonymous 66340
images - 2020-07-2…

I hate being a crypto terf. I see people shit talking rads and saying how they're going to kill them and shit, and I don't even dare say anything because I know I'll be scrutinized and may even lose some opportunities like job offerings and such. I kinda envy but I am also proud of a friend of mine that has no problem in saying that she is radical.
Imagine being afraid of expressing concern of women's wellbeing and rights in fucking 2020.
I legit just wanna move into a quieter country were things like these are just not as brought up. So we can focus on real women issues and not fetishes or "feelings".
Anonymous 66343

>>66323History of sex/gender distinction. You can look even further into it if you desire. Really makes you think…
Anonymous 66344
>>66342I am far left, anon, and I made
>>66340TRA is peak liberal identity and individual focused politics with the goal of selling stupid shit (medicine, "woke" merch) and surgeries, so I don't know where you got "far left" from it. It's just repackage capitalism for modern, depressed and confused people.
Anonymous 66346
>>66344NTA but if you're a far left and proud you're braindead retard, just like trannies.
Anonymous 66351
Treatment with anti-psychotics has been attempted in the past, they didn't resolve the issue for trannies.
Hormone therapy focused on increasing testosterone in men and estrogen in women did not resolve the issue for trannies either.
Anonymous 66360
Ah yes, a study with a sample size of 1 is a reliable source of information.
If anything, that only supports earlier discourse during the age transsexualism was in vogue that hormone therapy candidates would need to prove there isn't another underlying illness to be concerned about. This type of situation was already addressed in therapy, but to be fair, the requirement for screening of other illnesses has been dropped in current years.
Anonymous 66371
Zero sources for what? Disproving pimozide? That isn't how it works. I can find plenty of literature for you that supports current measures, but I agree with you that the current measures aren't satisfactory. What do you want me to do?
Anonymous 66374

>>66324>as long as someone feels they are femaleHow does one “”feel”” like a female? I am a female and I have never had these mysterious “female” feelings. I know I am a female because I biologically AM one. Trannies’ definition of “woman” isn’t just a “social” definition, it is a nonsensical one.
>>66325Fuck’s sake, acknowledging that a man cannot be a woman is not the same as a “therapist” telling a gay man that he can just “stop being gay.” Believing you are the opposite sex/gender is a delusion. It needs to be treated the same way as schizophrenia, where the patient’s delusions are not validated.
>>66343Fuck John Money
Anonymous 66382
>>66343I really liked the use of 'gender' as being a synonym for 'sex stereotype.' It was good language for explaining why boys could wear dresses without needing surgery. But then it got turned into explaining why boys who wear dresses MUST get surgery, and now I just say sex stereotype again.
Anonymous 66386
>>66324So if a retard has different definitions of what intelligence is then he is intelligent?
Anonymous 66390
drawn by Progressi…

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Transgender_Day_of_VisibilityI don't understand trannies… Why would they need an entire day dedicated to their mental illness if their original goal was to "pass as actual women?" And if they wanted people to respect them, they wouldn't constantly make edgy shit like this.
Anonymous 66394
>>66390This art style is somehow so clockable too. So many tumblr ~enbies~ and TiFs draw like this.
Anonymous 66395
>>66394Worse yet, that was drawn by a moid that boarded the tranny train.
Anonymous 66396
>>66395What do you mean? All trannies are moids.
Anonymous 66397
>>66396What about females who try to become moids?
Anonymous 66402
>>66386From the retards own perspective? Yes. However, if both of you aren't aware that you're working with different definitions, you'll just talk past each other considering the other to be stupid, when you're really just having a misunderstanding.
>>66374>How does one “”feel”” like a female?I don't fucking know. I can use their language to describe their thoughts but fuck if I'm going to be able to give you the qualia of them. You obviously don't agree with the premise, and they don't agree with yours. So you get to call their view nonsense and feel superior and they get to call your view nonsense and feel superior.
>It needs to be treated the same way as schizophrenia, where the patient’s delusions are not validated.You say this without realizing a basic premise of therapy for schizophrenic's is validating their emotional responses to perceived external phenomena as a starting point, and then helping the patient to discern what is or isn't real from there right?
>>66399That still makes them trannies. Do they get a freepass because they're fellow women and no women could ever mean harm?
>>66372I suppose I was wrong. My research only turns up that multiple people have attempted to discern if gender dysphoria is a subset of clinical schizophrenia and other delusional disorders, all failing to do so.
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01541490Study showing that only 15% of schizophrenics ever even experience this concept.
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/subjective-ideas-of-sexual-change-in-male-schizophrenics/5756933EF6D5A8E0487C57A03A7B35ACMeanwhile, they are multiple cases supporting that if a patient is diagnosed with schizophrenia, and has that schizophrenia treated, their transsexual tendencies tend to diminish.
Single case studies
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2207525/https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1959-07201-000https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/TRANS-SEXUALISM-IN-SCHIZOPHRENIA-%3A-A-CASE-REPORT-Jiloha-Bathla/89e0a9a6cb251ad63c390655e80c277b7ad3ab7c?p2dfSo we have medical basis to claim that if someone were to have both schizophrenia and genderdysphoria, treating the schizophrenia with anti-psychotics could work to resolve the gender dysphoria. However, the next problem begins with stating that a majority of gender dysphoric patients don't fit under the definition of other psychotic disorders(like schizophrenia) with one study showing comorbidity in only a fraction of the cases.
https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ajp.160.7.1332As stated earlier, attempts were made to fit gender dsyphoria/gender identity disorder under the category of delusional disorders back when conversion therapy was in vogue, however, not even people who actually wanted it to be considered a delusional disorder could prove it was a delusional disorder, yet we do find that those who have a delusional disorder can have cross gender delusions as a subset.
Presupposing that, anti-psychotic medications would only help those who are schizophrenic and have cross gender delusions, as opposed to just having cross-gender delusions in the general sense. I guess if we re-define all gender dysphoric patients to being schizophrenics that may work, but the neurology and case characteristics aren't matching by anything I can find over the last 60 years.
Anonymous 66403
>>66402>So you get to call their view nonsense and feel superior and they get to call your view nonsense and feel superior.But their inability to explain what “feeling like a female” means
is nonsensical. It’s not just me saying that to “feel superior.” Their view quite literally does not make any sense. Trannies aren’t “feeling like women,” they’re experiencing gender dysphoria, a mental illness. Gender dysphoria does not make a man a woman.
>You say this without realizing a basic premise of therapy for schizophrenic's is validating their emotional responses to perceived external phenomena as a starting point, and then helping the patient to discern what is or isn't real from there right?What “basic premise” am I not realizing? Of course the therapist should acknowledge that the dysphoric individual is experiencing distress, but no therapist should ever tell a man that he is a woman. Just like no therapist should ever tell a schizophrenic that people from the government are stalking them like their delusions state. You know exactly what I meant and you’re strawmanning.
Anonymous 66404
>>66402>That still makes them trannies. Do they get a freepass because they're fellow women and no women could ever mean harm?NTA but great job at missing the joke.
Anonymous 66405
>>66403>But their inability to explain what “feeling like a female” means is nonsensical.Feelings are themselves are nonsensical qualia, so I don't understand the point. What exactly do you want them to do? Provide empirical evidence they are experiencing a qualia?
>It’s not just me saying that to “feel superior.”Yes, yes I know, and a tranny doesn't say it to "feel superior" either. Yet you'd both state that the other's opinion is nonsensical.
>Gender dysphoria does not make a man a woman.I agree.
>Just like no therapist should ever tell a schizophrenic that people from the government are stalking them like their delusions state. An important first step in schizophrenic treatments is interviewing them and going along with their line of thought, there's no way of doing this without validating the thoughts processes. By merely asking questions, for example (using your example of a schizophrenic delusion) "Why would the government be stalking you?" you are forced to presuppose the patients premise is true until a contradiction is reached via construction. If the first thing you do when a schizophrenic steps into your office is say "Everything you think is wrong, you're delusional, there's simply no way that could be occurring. I understand you're scared that the government is stalking you, but here's why you're wrong for feeling that way."
You're not going to go far in treatment.
The problem with applying this line of thought with anyone experiencing gender dysphoria in the first place is the contradiction can't be reached at any point, since the patient views and feelings on the matter are socially constructed. The man isn't stating "I have a vagina and boobs, I am a woman." Which can be very easily pointed out as a contradiction because he doesn't have vagina or boobs. The man states "I feel I should have boobs and vagina, yet I do not." Which is a fundamentally different psychological phenomena. The man isn't confused on his current state of physical being, like a schizophrenic who believes that his teeth are receiving radio waves when in actuality do not. The man is instead aware his body is that of a man and to him it shouldn't be. The gender dysphoric patients is quite vividly aware that their body is not the way they desire it to be, something distinct from schizophrenia which is a presupposition that the way they currently mentally project the world is in fact the world.
We can now move to the argument that you've stated earlier "the feeling of being female doesn't exist, prove it does", which draws us back to the first problem that they are experiencing a qualia, and to ask them to prove the qualia exists isn't possible. A similar question put to the example given by you, again, would be asking the schizophrenic patient. "Prove that you feel that the government is stalking you." Which is a similarly nonsensical question.
>You know exactly what I meant and you’re strawmanning.What you stated in this post and what you stated in the previous post aren't the same thing.
>>66404I suppose if you find letting trannies be trannies funny.
Anonymous 66406
>>66405>I suppose if you find letting trannies be trannies funny.>transmen are our sisters>transmen>sistersHow the fuck did you come to this conclusion? Calling transmen "sisters" invalidates their delusions, which is the opposite of "letting trannies be trannies." That's the fucking joke.
Anonymous 66407
>>66406>>66396She states all trannies are moids, leading to paradoxical loop where all transmen are in fact transmen, because all transmen are trannies, and therefore moids.
Anonymous 66408
be man do crime.PN…

>>66407yes, high testosterone turns you into an evil violent man, therefore transmen are men.
Anonymous 66409
>>66405God you’re insufferable. I think I’ve talked to you before.
>Feelings are themselves are nonsensical qualiaNah, I can describe my feelings and so can most people. It is not possible to “feel” like a woman. I have yet to see any tranny describe this mysterious “feeling,” that I, a woman, have NEVER felt myself. The only times I’ve seen them describe it, they have used offensive sex stereotypes like “I feel submissive/nurturing/empathetic and/or like makeup and fashion.”
>If the first thing you do when a schizophrenic steps into your office is say "Everything you think is wrong, you're delusional, there's simply no way that could be occurring. Why are you acting like I don’t know this? I know that during the beginning sessions, therapists cannot just drop the bombshell that all of the schizophrenic’s delusions are false. However, there has to come a point during therapy where the therapist acknowledges that the delusions
aren’t real.
>"Prove that you feel that the government is stalking you." Which is a similarly nonsensical question.I have never claimed that saying “prove that you feel like a woman” is a sensical question. I don’t need “proof” for something that inherently is nonsensical. There is no such thing as “feeling like a woman.” On the other hand, feeling stalked is an experience that one can have.
Trannies claim that their gender dysphoria MAKES them the gender they claim to be. It doesn’t. They have this delusion that the dysphoria they are feeling is what it “feels” to be a man or woman,” when it is just their mental illness.
>>66407She’s obviously talking about TiMs, you dense fuckwad.
Anonymous 66410
>>66407Nta but that's how I see it:
>mtf, meaning a scrote who wants to be a big titty loli = tranny/troon>ftm, meaning a girl who wants be a yaoi uke or male kpop idol = fakeboi Anonymous 66411
>>66407Tranny only refers to mtf. I'm not referring to mentally ill women.
>>66410>>66402>That still makes them trannies. Do they get a freepass because they're fellow women and no women could ever mean harm?A freepass at what exactly? Ftms aren't the ones trying to invade women's spaces.
Anonymous 66412
> Some person on art-chat kept talking about "interesting" facts about animals that are related to sex, in the end he discovered the ultimate recpie to viagra that was tested on animals and killed them;
> Then half of an hour brag about being in Nsfw dnd campaign related to Monster Girl Quest, where he proudly says he is one of the humans (hentai main char cliche)
> "Well, good for you dude… I guess" I have to answer because he talks uncomfortably nonstop to a point where he made the whole chat silent, people waiting for him to fuck off
> "Akshually, its a she!"
> I check his connected twitter account
> A fucking trannie
Man… I am tired of this.
Anonymous 66413
>>66409>Nah, I can describe my feelings and so can most people. Please describe to me what feeling sad feels like.
>It is not possible to “feel” like a woman.Of course it is, whether or not that has any bearing on objective reality is a separate problem. I can also feel I have a soul saved by Christ, or am reincarnated from a cat, both would be equally outlandish feelings that can be felt and are felt by people. Saying "[emotion] isn't real, it's actually [emotion]" doesn't mean the feeling doesn't exist.
>Why are you acting like I don’t know this? I know that during the beginning sessions, therapists cannot just drop the bombshell that all of the schizophrenic’s delusions are false. However, there has to come a point during therapy where the therapist acknowledges that the delusions aren’t real.You'd be correct if the patient was experiencing delusions, but again let's state what a delusional patient sounds like.
>I have teeth receiving radiowaves from aliens.And another patient with strange desires
>I should have teeth receiving radiowaves from aliens.The first is a delusion because the physical reality is not matching up with their mental model. The second isn't a delusion. It's strange impulse, it's an outladish want, but it's not a delusion. If I were to compare the closest psychological relative, that would be a paraphilia, where someone is feeling sexual arousal only in the presence of unusual fetishtic objects. Paraphilias aren't delusions though.
>I have never claimed that saying “prove that you feel like a woman” is a sensical question. >>66374>How does one “”feel”” like a female?You asked a nonsensical question knowingly then? That's weird.
>They have this delusion that the dysphoria they are feeling is what it “feels” to be a man or woman,” when it is just their mental illness.Yes I think most trannies would agree with you that the feeling of gender dysphoria is in fact the feeling of being the other gender. That's kind of what the entire condition is about.
Anonymous 66414
>>66413You keep purposely misinterpreting me. Trannies feel gender dysphoria. As a consequence of this, the tranny believes that what they are feeling is “being a woman.” They believe that what they are experiencing means that they are actually women inside. This is a delusion. They truly believe this. “Trans women are women” is a mantra constantly spouted by these people. I am a woman and I have never experienced this vague feeling of “being a woman.” If you truly believe that what trannies are experiencing is the feeling of “being a woman,” please tell me what your definition of “woman” is.
>You asked a nonsensical question knowingly then? That's weird.No, strawman, I never phrased the question, “Prove that you feel you are a woman.” I already know that they
think they feel like a woman. I don’t need that proven to me. My question was, “How does one ‘feel’ like a female?” You know this, but yet again the tranny asskisser purposely misinterprets my points.
Anonymous 66416
>>66409>Trannies feel gender dysphoria. And what does gender dysphoria feel like?
>They believe that what they are experiencing means that they are actually women inside.That's not a delusion unless you take it to mean
>They believe what they are experiencing means that they have ovaries and a vagina.And not
>They believe what they are experiencing means that they are women inside their minds.There's no doubt in my mind that trannies do in fact believe that they are women in their own head. I think only those with a schizophrenic co-mormibidty would state they believe that because they feel they are women they have ovaries and a vagina.
>Tranny AsskisserPlease point out at any point in this thread I've stated that trannies are women. Fuck I even agreed with you here.
>>66405>>Gender dysphoria does not make a man a woman.>I agree.All of your arguments are fundamentally faulty because what you describe as a delusion isn't a delusion. You can't have delusional feelings, it's a contradiction in terms. Now, for any trannies stating "I am a women because I feel like a women." They are stating the premises that they derive their conclusions that they are women via the gender theory taught to them. Of course, you don't subscribe to this theory, but they do, and they've presented their evidence that they are women because of this. That doesn't mean they're delusional anymore than someone stating "I'm so extroverted because I'm an Aries", it just means they have faulty premises for their reasoning.
I don't think trannies are women, that doesn't mean they're delusional though.
Anonymous 66417
>>66416>And what does gender dysphoria feel like?Intense distress caused by one’s wish to be the opposite sex. I WILL admit that I cannot describe the emotion of sadness, so I will take back my statement that emotions can be easily described. However, I still believe that a man thinking that he is a “woman inside,” likely enabled by gender theory pushed by the media, is delusional. Believing that you are a woman stuck in a man’s body is delusion. For a man to believe that he is a woman due to gender dysphoria, is a DELUSION.
Please tell me I am getting through to you.
>There's no doubt in my mind that trannies do in fact believe that they are women in their own head. Yes. That is a delusion. I was not trying to state that TiMs believe they have ovaries or that TiFs believe they have testes.
Anonymous 66420
>>66417>Believing that you are a woman stuck in a man’s body is delusion.How would you disprove they are a women in a man's body? By pointing out their male body? The agree with you, the body is male. What you don't agree with is what they are feeling.
>For a man to believe that he is a woman due to gender dysphoria, is a DELUSION. Please tell me I am getting through to you.You're getting through to me that because someone takes a premise you don't agree with they're delusional, when that isn't the proper use of delusional. Do I think trannies are women? No. Trannies feel they are women, and gender theory states that's enough for them to be women, so therefore they are women. If you don't agree with gender theory, yes, they are wrong, they aren't women. I agree they aren't women. That doesn't make them delusional though.
>Yes. That is a delusion. I was not trying to state that TiMs believe they have ovaries or that TiFs believe they have testes.That's exactly the problem, you state you are talking about delusions, then discount what a delusional person would say about their body. Delusions are when the mental model does not match with reality, but the individual accepts the mental model for truth. To be delusional is to have a women say "I have a penis and testes." Why is this a delusion? Because the woman thinks she has a penis and testes, but does not in fact have penis and testes, she has a vagina and ovaries. A women stating "I feel like I should have a penis and testes" is not delusional, because their mental model matches the reality. Currently, the woman has a vagina and ovaries, she is aware that she has a vagina and ovaries, but desires for this to not be the case.
To have delusional feelings is impossible, it would be akin to saying "I believe I am having constant thoughts of suicide" but the person doesn't actually have constant thoughts of suicide, they just feel like they're having constant thoughts of suicide. I suppose you are correct that trannies may be mislabeling their feelings due to gender theory, but I have no doubt that the majority of trannies are in fact feeling something.
Anonymous 66421
>>66420Fuck, didn't mind the use/mention distinction.
>Trannies feel they are women, and gender theory states that's enough for them to be women, so therefore they are women. Fix to
>Trannies "feel they are women", and gender theory states "that's enough for them to be women, so therefore they are women." Anonymous 66422
>>66419Fuck off tranny.
>>66417See? I told you that tranny aren't delusional. He's fully aware he has a masculine body, he's just disturbed by the fact it's masculine. Granted, I suppose we could classify gender dysphoria to then be not "feeling like a woman", but "hating being a man", but in that case, do negative feelings even occur. "I don't feel like a man" implies some positive assertive statement in it's absence that is what he does in fact feel like. Feeling like you aren't something implies feeling like you are something else.
Anonymous 66427
>>66420>>66422>A women stating "I feel like I should have a penis and testes" is not delusional, because their mental model matches the reality. You’re right, a woman saying that would not make her delusional. HOWEVER, if she were to say “I have gender dysphoria, therefore I am a man. Transmen are men!” IS delusional. Gender theory, in itself, is a faulty ideology that encourages delusional beliefs. A human saying “I am an elephant because I feel like one,” is delusional. There is no such thing as a human having an “inner elephant” and there is no such thing as a man having an “inner woman.”
Anonymous 66428
>>66427>HOWEVER, if she were to say “I have gender dysphoria, therefore I am a man. Transmen are men!” IS delusional.Not unless she is stating "I have gender dysphoria, therefore I have a penis and testes." She's redefined what it is to be a man via gender theory and then goes along with that new definition as for what she is. Your definition disagrees with her's because you don't subscribe to gender theory, therefore all that's left for her to say is "I feel I want to be treated as a man in my social dealings, linguistics and relationships, aka gender."
Stating gender isn't real doesn't do much, even people who defer to gender theory know it isn't real, it's "socially constructed" instead. The two of you don't disagree on that point. I don't think anything short of schizophrenics believe that gender is biology.
>There is no such thing as a human having an “inner elephant” and there is no such thing as a man having an “inner woman.”There's no way to prove or falsify this claim. Technically, everyone but you could have inner elephants and you're only way of knowing about these mysterious inner elephants are people's reports about their state of mind.
Anonymous 66429
Boohoo. Chop off your dick and die.
Anonymous 66430
>>66428>Technically, everyone but you could have inner elephants and you're only way of knowing about these mysterious inner elephants are people's reports about their state of mind.Im going to bed. Goodnight
Anonymous 66431
>>66430Welcome to the field of psychology, where there's no actual way of proving if anyone else is actually thinking anything, but you assume they do anyway.
Anonymous 66433
This could be easily solved euthanizing all the troons in this thread
Anonymous 66434
>>66431>but you assume they do anyway.No, I
know that someone claiming they are something they not is delusion. I will never be gaslit into believing men can be women because they “feel” they are and because they incorrectly redefine words to fit their delusions and agenda, sorry!
Anonymous 66436
You need to stop invading all spaces and try convincing people of your lunacy shit. If you were really women you wouldn't need no justification.
Stop whining with your stupid propaganda
Anonymous 66438
>>66399So if a man thinks he is a woman we all have to treat him as a woman, give him access to women's spaces, and ignore his past AND if a woman thinks she is a man we all have to treat her as a woman and give her access to women's spaces while she acts as a man?
Anonymous 66439

>>66428>it's not delusional unless she is stating "I have gender dysphoria, therefore I have a penis and testes." Bitch, your friends literally say that they have breast milk that can feed babies and get hundreds of likes for that, they absolutely are as delusional as one can be!
Anyway, all of you are disgusting, you will never be like us, die mad kek
Anonymous 66448
>>66439>your friends literally say that they have breast milk that can feed babies They might. Even normal men can lactate in crises, and that milk has been used to support babies until a normal milk supply could be established. I'd want to see some studies done on troon milk before declaring it safe, though. And trans women should never be allowed to breastfeed directly, because they're a bunch of gross fucking pedos who are doing it to masturbate.
Anonymous 66454
>>66448I am aware that males can lactate, it works in theory and practice, but I have never, ever, ever, ever heard of males actually feeding and supporting an infant in real life, or it being done during a crisis. Do you have a source for this?
Anonymous 66456
>>66454>Do you have a source for this?No, just a half-remembered anecdote. If you don't want to believe it, it's probably smart not to.
Anonymous 66463

>>66454She probably saw it here, anon:
https://qrius.com/can-men-lactate-and-breastfeed-babies-naturally/Those stories are all bullshit. Men fetishize breastfeeding since ever, lmao
They prolly got boners just like their troons counterparts
Anonymous 66467
>>66439>>66448It's completely possible for a male to lactate. All the necessary plumbing is there. Now, without any medical intervention or some serious hormonal issues, I don't believe a man can produce enough milk for an infant to live off of, but dump enough Domperidone and they could conceivably.
>>66454Only source I can find is of a 38 year old Sri-Lankan man breastfeeding his daughters being reported by multiple news oulets. Some are dead links, but this what they go back to.
https://www.iol.co.za/news/sri-lankan-widower-breastfeeds-his-babies-96902http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/919_94660,001800010001.htmAnd while I don't trust this source as much, it's basically a link to a whole bunch of other sources.
http://menstuff.org/issues/byissue/malelactation.htmlGranted in the Sri-Lankan man case I have no follow up for how long the children were breastfeed by the widower, their health outcomes, etc., but it's not like male milk is tainted with lead.
Anonymous 66468
>>66433See? Someone actually proposing a solution.
>>66434>No, I know that someone claiming they are something they not is delusion.See, again, no tranny is claiming they currently have ovaries and a vagina, which is your definition of what being a women is. They are claiming they are women because they "feel they are a women" according to gender theory, which, if you subscribe to gender theory, is valid. If you don't subscribe to gender theory, their reasoning and language are faulty, but they're not delusional. At least not more delusional than other categorical thinking.
> I will never be gaslit into believing men can be women because they “feel” they are and because they incorrectly redefine words to fit their delusions and agenda, sorry!Good I agree with you. That doesn't make trannies delusional though.
>>66436How many times do I have to say "trannies aren't women" for you to listen? At this point I don't even fucking care, I just hate to see the term "delusion" abused for political agenda when it refers to a different phenomena.
>>66438>So if a man thinks he is a woman we all have to treat him as a woman, give him access to women's spaces, and ignore his past AND if a woman thinks she is a man we all have to treat her as a woman and give her access to women's spaces while she acts as a man?Nope, they shouldn't be. Doesn't make trannies delusional though.
Anonymous 66469
>>66468>They are claiming they are women because they "feel they are a women" according to gender theory, which, if you subscribe to gender theory, is valid.Gender theory is a flawed ideology that promotes delusion. A man thinking he is a woman because he “feels that way” is delusional.
Anonymous 66470
>>66448>>66454>>66467>lactating menWhere's that anon whose bf has tits?
She needs to see the possibilities.
Anonymous 66471
>>66438The thing that I posted says Transmen are our sisters. Its the JK Rowling approved TREF online store. Its basically saying that females that "transition" to male are our sisters because they are still women lol, they can get preggers and still got the sexual functions of a woman.
Transitioning objectively doesn't exist.
A moid is a moid a woman is a women forever, natural genes decided this battling with it is retarded and absurd.
Anonymous 66472
>>66469No, a man who thinks that because he feels like a woman means that he has ovaris and vagina is delusion, that would be correct. A man believing he is a woman because he feels like a woman because gender ideology says this is valid isn't delusional, he's subscribed to an ideology that may be harmful, but isn't delusional. He's still aware of the objective state, he just uses different definitions of what you're referring to.
Anonymous 66474
>>66472You are admitting that sex is a physical thing. Yes, yes it is. A moid will never be a woman no matter which religious belief system he created for himself.
Anonymous 66475
>>66474Trannies believe sex is a physical thing too. Why do you think the word "gender" was coined?
Anonymous 66476
>>66474>A moid will never be a woman no matter which religious belief system he created for himself.I agree. According to your premises and not subscribing to gender theory that means that from your perspective, it's impossible for a moid to be a women, because being a woman is the state of having ovaries and a vagina. from the moid's perspective, the state of being a woman is a socio-emotional state that is valid as long as the emotional state exists.
If moids actually thought feeling like they are women means they have ovaries and a vagina, I would agree with you they are delusional, but no troons (other than those with a co-morbidity of schizophrenia) share this thought process.
Anonymous 66482
That isn't a delusion though, it's a mental construction. A delusion would be "feeling like a women means I have ovaries and a vagina", a strange desire or paraphilia would be "I do not have a vagina or ovaries, and I should have one, according to gender theory, being a woman is only the state of being a woman. If being a woman is only the state of feeling like one, I am a woman." That doesn't make the moid delusional, it makes the moid's premises faulty.
Stop abusing the word delusional.
Anonymous 66483
>>66475Assuming I dont give a damn about the past of the word gender which was used the same way as sex.
Sure then assuming gender is a mental religious belief thing (which is not but hypothetically), if you are a moid that believes you have a "female brain" then you are mentally ill go to the therapist adn learn to accept that nobody chooses their sex one just accepts it.
Anonymous 66487

>>66476>the state of being a woman is a socio-emotional state that is valid as long as the emotional state exists.But this is incorrect. Women are adult human females. Trannies are delusional and I’m not going to stop using that word.
Anonymous 66488
>then you are mentally ill go to the therapist adn learn to accept that nobody chooses their sex one just accepts it.Of course nobody chooses their sex. Thank you for stating the obvious, something the moid trannies also agree with. However, this has been attempted and failed in the same vein as conversion therapy, so that doesn't seem to solve moid's problems.
>>66487>But this is incorrect. Women are adult human females. Trannies are delusional and I’m not going to stop using that word.Then feel free to keep using a word incorrectly I guess, you sound stupid to anyone who understands what a delusion is, but yeah, nothing stops you from using words incorrectly. Also trannies agree with you that women are adult human females. I suppose we should be more correct to use the term "female" when they describe the emotion then because women obviously has the implications of age tied into it.
Anonymous 66489
>>66488Ah, I suppose the better way to put it isn't that you're using delusion incorrectly, but rather you've redefined it to something else. Just like a tranny does to the word "women".
Anonymous 66490
>>66489>Just like a tranny does to the word "women"You say this, but then you say this:
>Also, trannies agree with you that women are adult human females.So, do trannies believe that women are adult human females or do they not? Go on any social media site and see how trannies react to the phrase “women are adult human females.” They react with rage and call the person an evil TERF. They claim to be women, yet can never give an actual definition for what the word “woman” means. Please, do tell me how I am using the word “delusional” incorrectly. I posted a definition of the word “delusional” and it fits trannies’ predicaments well.
Anonymous 66493

>>66470Thats not possible because they cant breed.
But trans female to "male" can breed I love how "unfair" nature is lololololol.
Anonymous 66494
actually, anon has a good point. if we use the word "delusional" you're validating their bullshit pathology to some degree. they're just disgusting assholes, nothing more. we need not use the word "delusional", because it suggests that they need to be treated with kid gloves, when that's literally the last thing they need. i think we should save "delusional" for genuinely delusional people.
Anonymous 66496
>>66490The original reason the term "delusion" was brought up was because someone in the thread said "we should treat trannies with anti-psychotics". It was then pointed out that trannies do not suffer from the clinical definition of delusions. Example: If a tranny were delusional, and the tranny used the meaning of the word female to refer to the state of "having a vagina and ovaries", then a tranny stating "I feel like a female, that means I have a vagina and ovaries." Would obviously be contradict reality as per
>>66487 meaning that they are in fact suffering from clinical delusions and may respond to anti-psychotics. This is not what is reported in the majority of patients, the majority of patients diagnosed with gender dysphoria state "I feel like I am a women, but I do not have a vagina or ovaries, I do not have breasts, instead I have a penis and testes, I want to have a vagina and ovaries." There's no contradiction in reality occurring here. They accurately report their current physical state (I have a penis and testes) and they report their qualia (I feel like I should have vagina and ovaries like other women). You can't disprove that the tranny feels like they should have a vagina and ovaries, it's an emotional. It can't be wrong as far as you can be wrong for having any emotion. To assume you could be delusional about your own feelings is a contradiction in terms, since emotions aren't a part of reality, but a qualia derived from reality. Therefore, the tranny is not suffering from clinical delusions, they are suffering from, probably the closest relative I could imagine, a paraphilia.
However, now we go to the next part, according to gender theory, the state of being male or female is based on your socio-emotional state. If you feel you are female, you are female as far as gender and gender theory is concerned, you are female. Furthermore, If you are an adult human female, you are a women. Therefore, gender theory teaches the tranny that, because he "feels like a women", and because "feeling like a women" makes you the female gender as far as gender theory is concerned, he is female per that defintion. It would be delusional to state that his sex has changed to that of being female, but that's why the moids use gender. You say gender doesn't exist, but the moids agree, gender doesn't exist, it's a social construct, an idea, a concept, of course it doesn't exist. What exists are the responses to these concepts. If you state "you will never be female(sex)" you are correct, if you assume gender theory is true (I don't) then the moid responds "I am female(gender)" and thus both of you use different definitions.
Again, to restate, all of this occured because someone said "give troons anti-psychotics" which would only help if they suffered from clinical delusions, as the sources stated earlier and the thread and through the clinic term of delusions, troons aren't suffering from clinical delusions. I suppose if we are using delusion to refer to some other state, they may be that, but they're not suffering from clinical delusions.
Anonymous 66498
This mental construction is proof they have a mental construction. One I don't agree with, as do you. That doesn't make them delusional.
Anonymous 66499
>>66493This tweet made me change my mind about tranny surgery. These people absolutely should never have children. It’s for the best if they cut their dicks off and leave us alone.
Anonymous 66500
>>66487Actually using this definition of "delusional" makes it funnier due to the word "idiosyncratic". Because it is a society wide belief at this point that trannies are indeed women, that means the trannies belief isn't "idiosyncratic", as in, unique to the tranny, but is cultural. Leaving us with the problem that since gender dysphoria has been culturally accepted, it can't be delusional by that definition either, by the same means that being Christian and believing that Christ will save you or being Muslim and believing in Allah aren't delusions either.
>>66499You seem confused, if they do cut their dicks off, they won't leave you alone. Instead of trying to have sex with you, they will instead inhabit the same locker rooms, bathrooms and demand access to the same facilities as you due to their neo-"vagina".
Anonymous 66501
>>66494I disagree. Calling them delusional—which they are—invalidates their beliefs, because someone who is severely mentally ill to the point of delusion is not to be taken seriously when he calls himself a woman.
Anonymous 66503
>>66501In the same vein that calling a Christian "delusional" is any real use of the word, sure.
>Haha, I epically powned those christards by stating their religion wasn't real, checkmate Christians. Anonymous 66504
Ms. “I took psychology 101” seems not to have understood that.
Anonymous 66506
>>66501but anon, they don't believe they're women. that's the difference. the motivation behind all of this is just pornsickness and entitlement. painting them out to be delusional in any respect increases the likelihood for sympathy, which they do not deserve. this is not the best way to go about this. people are already prone to "feeling bad" for them.
Anonymous 66507
>>66504As already stated, the original statement about delusions came from the argument about whether or not anti-psychotics would treat women. If you didn't care for that discussion, I don't know why you're booty-bothered about your problem have entered it.
Anonymous 66509
>>66507*would treat transwoman
Fuck, now my terms are getting confused due to everyone else using different definitions willy nilly.
Anonymous 66510
sure, whatever, but they are still using our spaces, scholarships, and private areas as consolation pity prizes. the last thing that is needed is for sympathy to be stoked, even accidentally. people need to understand that this is nothing close to delusion. they're very aware of what they are.
Anonymous 66512
>>66510>people need to understand that this is nothing close to delusion.I agree that trannies don’t deserve sympathy, but I’m not going to let my anger convince me that these are perfectly neurotypical people who “know exactly what they’re doing” and don’t suffer from ideology-assisted delusion. These people are sick, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t disgusting, selfish or malicious.
Anonymous 66514

>>66512>but that doesn’t mean they aren’t disgusting, selfish or malicious.Nobody is saying this. We are saying they are when they are politically and culturally trying their hardest to get into our spaces, not only our spaces but they expect to be treated socially exactly like us and they are objectively not at all like us. You cant treat them the same with mercy with kiddie gloves, they shouldnt be competing with us or robbing us from programs designed to help us because we are objectively physically different than moids. Thats a delusional moid trying to get on the "female" experience right and to get the full "immersion" for him he has to also get all the help we objectively could use because we actually need it, they don't.
Anonymous 66515
As stated earlier in thread, there are some trannies that do have a co-morbidity of schizophrenia and gender dysphoria, and if you gave those specific trannies anti-psychotics, their gender dysphoria would go away. Because those trannies are obviously have clinical delusions.
Anonymous 66516
>>66514Wha, the /feels/ thread told me that women do great in wrestling competitions, how are they losing to a single moid? Was that one anon actually completely wrong?
Anonymous 66517
>>66514>Thats a delusional moid trying to get on the "female" experience right and to get the full "immersion" for him he has to also get all the help we objectively could use because we actually need it, they don't.If you want to start the pity olympics of identity politics as far as "who needs and deserves the help the most", you are going to lose very, very hard.
Anonymous 66521
what should we ciswombhavers make to help our brave stunning transwaman sistahs experience that in a true sense
i have many ideas c:
Anonymous 66523
>>66516Not a moid. Mack is a fakeboi. She wins because she pins both on and off the mat.
Anonymous 66527
>>66512they are perfectly neurotypical. they're only delusional insofar as the average male that allows to be swallowed by their fetishism is. most men are capable of letting their libidos take them to jawdroppingly stupid extremes, and many actually do. they let their libidos ruin their lives surprisingly often. this is just an alternative method in which it happens. they're neurotypical. saying they're "delusional" unintentionally strips them of maliciousness, which is a big motivator, along with general perversion. there's just a totally different way in which people perceive delusional people, vs perverted schemers.
>>66513no, they most certainly do not. this is, again, part of their fetish. men don't live in reality and try to live through fantasy all of the time. that doesn't mean they are delusional, it just means they WILLFULLY attempt to ignore their reality by insisting x, y, or z. they aren't delusional though. they know they aren't having periods. there could be a very, very small percentage of troons that claim to have periods that genuinely think they have periods, but it'd be something like .01%. the ones who insist they have periods are just paraphilic retards trying to redraw reality to suit their fetish and desperately hoping we'll play along with their retardation. this is actually a trait very common in men.
Anonymous 66528

>>66525Whatever they are same concept. Get them out.
Anonymous 66530
Ironically, those are the trannies who know what they're doing. They know it's a fetish but they frame it in a way that makes them look "valid" and own the transphobes.
Anonymous 66532
>>66527>no, they most certainly do not.There are some seriously claiming that their tranny diarrhea cramps are period cramps. Look it up, seriously. They are deluding themselves either to satisfy their fetishes or ease their dysphoria (depending on the type of troon they are).
Anonymous 66538
>>66528A male competing in women's sport against a bunch of women in hijabs has to be the most emblematic image of our era
Anonymous 66547

Yeah, I was very drunk last night when I thought of this, so this argument that I have might not be a good one. But I had the best idea on how to invalidate the tranny argument that they're women simply because of them taking estrogen:
So, assuming for the sake of argument that trannies are women because of their estrogen levels in their blood.
Would this mean, by principle of the thereof and their own definition of gender, that they would become a Man of Steel if each of them took a bullet in their head?
Anonymous 66548
>>66547Alternatively I would say "Iron Man" but bullets aren't made of iron, I think.
Anonymous 66549

What is about Traps which want to be called a woman and treated as such?
Because I noticed there is a increasing number of them on twitter
Anonymous 66556
unknown (5).png

This thread needs less debate and more funny terf posts
>>66549Traps who think dressing like an anime girl makes them women can fuck off. Even if they pass better than the average troon, they're still men, through and through.
The ones who recognize they're still male and are open about the fact they are actng out a fetish are fine, albeit a bit coomerish. If a guy wants to flash his butthole to Twitter and crossplay for clout, fine, but once he starts insisting he's a real girl, he's fucked up.
Anonymous 66560
>>66532they aren't deluding themselves, but using any possible excuse or idea to claim there could be some kind of mechanism they COULD PLAUSIBLY possess that validates their fetish, and their "condition". and them roleplaying amongst themselves doesn't mean they're delusional, just literally roleplaying to please their pricks.
after all, terf, you can't see inside their bodies to know, can you? i mean, you don't even know for a fact that you're XX. /s
this is why you'll see them claiming intersex and microchimerism. they throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks. in the case of more pliable people desperate to please, it does work. you have to realize that their claims will be validated by a lot of women due to socialization alone, empathy, the idea that this is the "new frontier" in science, etc, so it really isn't that bizarre. at the end of the day, if they get what they want, validation, access, approval, and the thought that these women could plausibly be believing them, what does it matter how outlandish the claim is? men have no shame. fact is, they are getting results, so expect the increasingly ridiculous claims to continue. the purposeful and immediate conflation with intersex is very useful to them in many ways, this is one way they use it, and it's actually pretty bog-standard by now. they ALL jump to claiming some degree of intersex in one way or another.
Anonymous 66562
>>66560>the idea that this is the "new frontier" in scienceI really hate that trannies think that their movement is backed by science, when it’s not. They’re so smug about it too.
Anonymous 66568
>>66549>What about TrapsI want to suck one of those moids off while I finger their butts ngl. They are different. I actually like those.
Anonymous 66574

>>66468If I "feel" that I am taller it doesn't make me taller
If I "feel" that my IQ is genius level it doesn't magically give me more IQ points.
And the killer for me?
How do they know what being a woman feels like? They literally can't.
>See, again, no tranny is claiming they currently have ovaries and a vagina, which is your definition of what being a women isDishonest reply; Focusing on the definition
trans reject is to not address the actual point - MtF trannies DO claim they are "real women". If you ask a MtF
"Are you really and objectively a woman?"
they will reply
and might very well get violent, ask for you to be arrested, etc.
This is NOT a variety of categorical thinking, this is a firm rejection of reality despite any evidence, which is 'delusion'.
[discussing how you don't think they are women]
immaterial - if a man thinks he is "really" a woman he believes something that is objectively false.
That's delusion.
Anonymous 66577
>>66574They don't believe they're women though.
Anonymous 66598

>>66574>If you ask a MtF >"Are you really and objectively a woman?">they will reply >"Yes"Exactly. They literally believe that they are women. They believe that gender is this magical innate feeling rather than a social construct. I really don’t get anon’s insistence on not using the word “delusional” when trannies are, in fact, delusional.
>>66577Yes they do. “Trans women are women” is a mantra constantly spouted by the trans community.
Anonymous 66601

i went to daiso earlier today to pick up some stuff and saw the bulkiest troon ever. greasy outgrown hair, awfully tall, and shaped like a fridge. i dont even want to imagine what his face behind his face covering looked like.
how do these people think they can pass, theyre so clockable from every angle.
Anonymous 66602
>>66601We should be careful with the "clocking" because it could turn out to be a woman.
Anonymous 66605

>>66602> it could turn out to be a woman.No. Any woman, even a tall, ugly woman with a hairy face from PCOS, alopecia, and a fridge body does not look like the adult male troon. A woman who “looks like a man” will never look like a man desperately trying to cling to this concept of girlhood.
Anonymous 66611
Recently I have decided that I am no longer going to let myself become friends with any trannies.
I've shown them compassion and treated them like humans, but every single one of them has used this to hurt me, take advantage of me, or attempt to guilt trip and drag me through hell.
I have basic empathy for all humans. I honestly want everyone to be able to be happy in their lives and for people to support each other. This is why I always at least made some effort to treat trannies with human decency and respect. But these people are literal monsters.
Once you fall into their trap, they'll start asking you questions that are set up to make them get mad at you or make you feel guilty. There's literally no good answer to "Do I pass?" because if you lie and say yes they'll accuse you of not being truthful, meanwhile if you tell the truth they will start whining to you about how they wish they could be you and how they will never be a real woman (true) and all this other shit for hours to completely ruin your mood and drag you down. This is just one example. There's so many other ways these monsters get you.
I honestly can't stand it with these monster anymore. They're sick fucks who don't deserve my time or attention anymore.
I guess this makes me a terf now?
Anonymous 66613
>>66611Not necessarily. Im somewhat similar, I dont have anything against tranniea conceptually, but after interacting with them online for a bit I came to the conclusion that most of them are mentally ill attention whores who are always looking for reasons to be offended.
I keep my distance from trannies and am lowkey grossed out by them, but I wouldnt really call myself a terf, the term seems to imply a lot of beliefs about gender that I dont hold.
Anonymous 66614

>>66549>TrapsNo, they're trannies and 3D, and real anime traps always identify as male–with only a handful of exceptions where a trap is actually a TiM.
I'm also a bit worried about the increase of numbers, though. This could potentially
kill the entirety of the femboy aesthetic and male subs as feminine qualities in men get stigmatized, all because of trannies, and possibly increase evil moid behavior and machismo as a consequence of attempting to deviate further from feminine qualities, or so.
Anonymous 66615
>>66614Forgot to add "3D" before >Traps so as to differentiate them from the 2D ones, by the way. But everyone understands either way, I think.
Anonymous 66622
>>66614There's plenty of crossdressers, gay and otherwise that identify as men. While most are pressurized to be trannies some spaces make an active effort to push those types out.
Anonymous 66635
>>66622It's because trannies fear becoming extinct the tranny pills fad passed so quickly when they all realized they are not a magic beauty potion and that the secondary effects are horrible, low feelings of pleasure, dick and ball shrinking, infertility and some small deformed looking tits at most. Really really bad, the only positive effect I can think of is that if somebody has the bald gene it works against it a moid stops balding but so does finasteride and it is much safer.
So yeah. Trannies nightmare already happened, people realized the truth and aint getting on the bandwagon anymore, hardly they get new recruits that commit to the infertility, low pleasure feeling bodily suicide they did.
Anonymous 66639

Someone made a thread with pic related in a reddit for feminine-leaning guys, and it caused immense butthurt among the usual suspects.
They keep up this weird sorta needling but not super overt posting about being trans in unrelated spaces.
It's all "that's cute anon, but wouldn't you want to be like, a cute anime grill all the time? :3", or "DAE despise masculinity and wish they were a girl?". "Maybe you're still an egg_irl desu, but soon you'll hatch and be a cute girl!!"
When anyone tells them to give it a rest, they claim it's bigotry and they're just being helpful like they wished someone else was to them when they hadn't taken the transpill.
Anonymous 66660
Why are troons so obsessed with red hair? Most of the time if I see one that is very fetish-y, him or his oc would have red hair.
Anonymous 66669
>>66660Probably them just being cumbrains since redheads are seen as “foxy” and unique.
Anonymous 66689
>>66660don't forget the pink hair as well. it's like every single one i've encountered online has pink or red hair, or thick bangs.
Anonymous 66690
>>66689The bangs are to hide their receding hairlines. That's why they associate short bangs with transphobia. Short bangs don't hide the hairline, and so can only be worn confidently by real women.
Anonymous 66704
>>66660So are poor people in my country. I think it has to do with low IQ.
Anonymous 66706
troons seem to forget that ugly women/autistic women/etc. don't exactly get to "live out their youth as a woman" either
i guess this is a reactive thing from me against a post i saw on twt a few months ago (where a troon was defending their right to be a "childish girl" because they never got the chance to etc. 1k likes) but i just…i lost where i was going with this
Anonymous 66709
>>66706Also they never seem to consider that some women have manlish faces, small boobs, no nice and feminine fat distribution, but they just deal with it. Trans women insist that not having boob jobs and facial surgery is making them suicidal though, it's like they only see attractive women and see no point in "being a woman" if they are not as pretty as possible.
Anonymous 66711
>>66611honestly same here. i run in liberal circles and half of my friend group is troon aligned and at this point i just smile and nod and avoid them at parties. almost every gathering i go to one of them ends up in a bedroom crying because of 'dysphoria' or depression. the other half is in a fight with another person over something incredibly stupid. they say 'females' are catty but troons, esp those on hrt, are the biggest fucking drama queens ive ever met. even if they aren't eyeing you for transphobia or misgendering they find something else to target you for and it's not worth it. save yourselves the trouble and grey rock them, act like the boringest bitch around so they dont talk to you at all and try to make friends with normies if possible. being friends with gendies is a mentally taxing situation which will bring nothing but drama and pain.
Anonymous 66730
>>66711Stop being friends with them.
Anonymous 66771
>>66730NTA but it's hard to cut out troons if all your friends are liberal/leftist. Being percieved as a transphobe could make you lose all your other friends too.
I'm in a similar situation where a man in my friend group who was borderline harassing me decided to troon out. I try to avoid him whenever I can, but since he's well integrated into the friend group the only thing I can really do is avoid most of my IRL friends. I'm really regretting not telling them about how he made me uncomfortable before he trooned out now.
Anonymous 66787
if you could press a button and all trannies would have a heart attack, would you do it?
Anonymous 66799
So all prejudices aside, what do you think causes trooning? I've only met one troon that didn't seem mentally unhinged, and I'm not just talking about like just them being weird. Narcissism, paranoia, social anxiety, vanity, they all seem to exhibit these traits. It doesn't seem like any headway will be made on it since it would be politically incorrect to study troons in that way.
Anonymous 66801
>>66799There are a few studies from Iran and Turkey that show they're cluster b nightmares, especially the men. Mostly npd, but then again, npd is woefully underdiagnosed in men, even. I suspect it'd be even worse if replicated in first world males. Being honest, I suspect those studies are not probably totally unbiased on part of the researchers given their environment, but the results seem spot on regardless. It's just pornsickness, a disinterest in controlling themselves, and narcissism. I don't think the etiology is really any different from the "normal" maladies in males that are ignored and treated as if it's just part of being part of the range of like, the male experience. Like risking destroying the career you worked so hard to build, despite all the many years and money invested in higher education, just to throw it away by groping your clients. Common, just a different way to ruin your life in order to get off.
Anonymous 66802
>>66799JK Rowling has a good idea of what is happening:
>>66493 Anonymous 66890
>>66799I feel like it is an exact combination of autism, sociopathy and porn addiction given the first has that "altered perception of reality" symptom which explains why trannies like anime so much and believe they are anime girls; the second explains their overall violent behavior and lack of empathy for other people–especially women; and the last one being the obvious that they simply masturbate a lot, so they become too addicted to sex and women–to the point of them beginning to believe they're "women."
No idea how else to explain trannism in men, much less in women, other than what
>>66802 said about big pharma's tendency to give everyone 250+ USD pills and, of course, the shilling of every other industry into forcing everyone to accept trannies "just the way they are
OR ELSE uwu."
Anonymous 66911
Here's something I gotta rant about. The moids that want to claim that dating a "transwoman" doesn't make them gay and wanting to claim that they're still straight? Despite the fact that literally they're dating a GUY in woman's clothing, penis attached or not. I literally had to argue with another person on Discord (a cis girl somehow in support of trannies, ugh) and made the argument saying that any guy who dates a trans is automatically not straight anymore. This disgusting concept of there being a "feminine penis" is complete bullshit and is such a stupid concept. No penis is "feminine" and when you have a penis, you're a GUY, and any other GUY that dates you is GAY. End of story.
Anonymous 66912
>>66911Yeah that meme logic is retarded.
Fucking a tranny = straight
Fucking a femboy = gay
Why. Both would be the exact same way although the latter is a much better partner not in denial of what he is, with no mental illnesses.
You can make easy examples like that. Since "transitioning" doesn't really exist, its a lie it's physically impossible.
Anonymous 66920
>>66911If I knew a guy dated a tranny, that would be an instant dealbreaker for me. Actually, even a guy sick enough to
be open to the possibility of dating a tranny is a dealbreaker for me. There has to be something really wrong someone to do that.
Anonymous 66924
Then that indicates something is very wrong with them… if you are desperate enough to date a troon, there is something wrong with you.
Anonymous 66927
>>66920I second that notion Anon. It would be a dating deal breaker for me too. Any so-called "straight guy" who's willing enough to date a mentally ill trans has got to be mentally ill themselves.
Anonymous 66930
They are porn addicted
Anonymous 66932
>>66930any man who would sleep with a tranny who isn't just closeted homo has had his brains so badly fried by porn and e-thots that he sees womanhood as nothing but implants and surgeries and make-up and baby voice and walking hole.
Anonymous 66975

>>66374>How does one “”feel”” like a female?By getting AGP from porn addiction. Pic related explains everything about trannies to me
Anonymous 66986
>>66975While this sounds good in theory, AGP being caused exclusively by porn would imply that all men inevitably become trannies, which doesn't seem the case.
Anonymous 67001
>>66911I honest to god believe these men are 100% gay but in the closet. They've found some kind of "loophole" that keeps their conservative family/friends happy (or at least they think so, I don't think anyone is fooled by this bullshit) and they also get to have sex with someone who, once their clothes are off, looks completely like a man and fucks like a man.
Anonymous 67007
>>66975also iirc trannies existed before porn, there's plenting historical troons.
Anonymous 67107
>>66493The amount of hate and harassment she got for saying something that wasn't even hateful kinda terrifies me tbh. There was nothing offensive about what she wrote. She even said she has a mtf friend who she considers a woman, and even that wasn't enough for them. They want total, unquestioning compliance.
Anonymous 67123
>>67115That whole account. I so desperately want to think it's a strawman.
Anonymous 67144
>>67116>the only person to visit was the neighbor watching his houseFuck.
Anonymous 67146
For some perspective on how this can affect us as well.
https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Woman-mistaken-for-transgender-harassed-in-7471666.phpMay 16, 2016
Woman mistaken for transgender harassed in Walmart bathroom
DANBURY - Aimee Toms was washing her hands in the women’s bathroom at Walmart in Danbury Friday when a stranger approached her and said, “You’re disgusting!” and “You don’t belong here!”
After momentary confusion, she realized that the woman next to her thought - because of her pixie-style haircut and baseball cap - that she was transgender.
Toms believes the incident happened because of the national controversy sparked by a law that was passed in North Carolina attempting to force transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender they were identified as at birth. Since then, religious conservatives have launched a boycott of Walmart competitor Target, which has said transgender people are welcome to use its bathrooms freely. Nationally, Walmart has been silent on the issue.
Toms, a 22-year-old from Naugatuck who works at a retail store in the Bethel-Danbury retail area around Walmart, posted a video “rant” about her experience on Facebook Friday that had been viewed more than 12,000 times by Sunday evening.
“After experiencing the discrimination they face firsthand, I cannot fathom the discrimination transgender people must face in a lifetime,” she said. “Can you imagine going out every day and having people tell you you should not be who you are or that people will not accept you as who you are?”
Toms said on Sunday that she isn’t embarrassed talking about someone mistaking her for male, just upset that the North Carolina law has emboldened people like the woman she encountered.
“I think this is all just a response. No one was telling these people to be scared of transgender people before. No one was telling them that they should be throwing people out of bathrooms,” Toms said. “As if it wasn’t scary enough for transgender people to use the bathroom before.”
Besides being a pretty normal choice of style for women, Toms’ has a short haircut because she recently donated hair - for the third time - to a program that makes wigs for child cancer patients.
“I’ve had people call me all sorts of names for having short hair. I’ve had people call me a boy, I’ve had people call me a dyke, I’ve had people call me gay.” Toms said. “I’m grateful that that woman only called me disgusting and didn’t physically attack me … I was a victim of transphobia today as a cisgender female because my hair is short.”
Toms said she was supportive of transgender rights before Friday’s Walmart experience. She is close friends with several transgender people, including someone she went to high school with who went from prom queen to identifying as a male.
She thought her video would be seen only by friends and family, and was surprised to soon be getting messages of support from people “all across the country.”
Toms’ video has gone viral in part because of her blunt retelling of the incident and articulate plea for better treatment of transgender people.
“I saw it, and it happened, and i thought to myself, ‘this is unbelievable.’ She said, ‘you are not supposed to be here. You need to leave.’ She flipped me off. She said, ‘you’re disgusting,’ and she storms out,” Toms explains in the video. “She thought I was someone who was transgender. She thought I was a dude who was hiding in the women’s bathroom.”
Toms explains that she was wearing a baseball cap at the time, and she models it on the video. (“I look adorable in a baseball cap!”)
“I get it. The short hair. The baseball cap. I was wearing a plain blue T-shirt. She saw me from the back,” Toms said. But “… at the sake of sounding blunt, I’m not a flat-chested person. I have got something going on up here.”
Jill Marie Hackett, of Bethel, a friend of Toms’, said she did “a very good job with articulating with how she feels about discrimination toward (transgender) people and how this whole madness regarding public restrooms is already turning hostile toward the very women it ‘seeks to protect.’”
Hackett said she was troubled that it happened in her hometown.
Toms said it was just an example of “how amazingly ridiculous how this is becoming as an issue.”
She cited an incident in Texas recently in which a man followed a woman into the woman’s bathroom because he thought she looked like a man and he wanted to protect the women. Like Toms, he had seen a cisgender woman with short hair wearing casual, not particularly girly clothing.
She said what happened to her just reinforces how difficult it is to make judgments about a person, and how pointless considering the “complete” lack of documented incidents of transgender people lurking in bathrooms and assaulting people. In fact, Toms said, transgender people are far more likely to be victims of an assault in a bathroom.
“You’ve probably used the bathroom with someone who’s transgender before,” she said. “These people literally affect their life in no way, shape or form.”
Toms said that she didn’t speak to the Danbury Walmart’s management about the issue, because she lost track of where the woman went after the incident and figured all they’d be able to do is to ask her to be better-mannered. There were no other witnesses to the incident.
Since passage of the North Carolina bathroom law, the Obama administration has threatened to withhold some federal funds from the state, and has issued a separate decree requiring public schools across the country to respect transgender people’s right to use the bathroom of the gender they identify as. It’s been met with pushback in some parts of the country, but not Connecticut, which has had a law on the books for several years that protects transgender rights.
“People hate what they don’t understand and they hate what they don’t know,” Toms said. “And it creates a cycle of disgusting bigotry that reflects back on our nation and makes us look ridiculous.”
Anonymous 67151
>>67146TiMs affecting us was always a thing, sadly. That's kind of what happens when your joke of a "movement" is disgustingly homophobic (and especially lesbophobic), constantly references sexist stereotypes, is filled to the brim with autogynephiles and other perverts.
Just noticed that this article is from 2016. For some reason, I get the feeling this kind of thing happens less and less now. It honestly makes my blood boil that so many women and particularly girls are being taught to accept this kind of shit without so much as questioning it. And you can bet anything they're given an idealistic view of the issue that ignores literally any of the massive dark side of it.
Oh well, I guess that's just the world these days.
>>66799I have this theory that transgenderism is probably more common in socially awkward/mentally ill hyper-online men than any other part of the population. Think about it: these lonely men already see that women get more attention in real life (without any clue how superficial and worthless that attention is), then they go online and that phenomenon is multiplied by orders of magnitude online where, again, women receive droves of shallow sexual "attention."
These men, who likely have multiple mental illnesses already there, are ineffably affected by having witnessing this trend during their developmental days. So it develops as an escapism fetish; picturing YOURSELF as le hot girl getting all the attention is one hell of a reality, and it can be yours, right? Well, no, it can't, but they're young, they're probably interacting with people spouting, or at the very least reading, pro-trans propaganda (yasss egg transition!!, etc), so they get sucked into this thing and most of them never manage to come out.
I used to know a former TiM who told me, in no uncertain words, he detransitioned pretty early into it because he realized he was trying to be something he'd never be. If only every one of them could have that introspection and lose the complete and utter delusion that blinds them so intensely.
Anonymous 67166
>>67116Oh shit I remember reading that post.
>>67123I also want to think it is a strawman and a bot, but I think it is just autism and a strong lack of self-awareness.
He probably even speaks like that IRL and it is certainly not a "because you're behind a screen" thing.
Anonymous 67167
>>67146I seriously hope Toms eventually understood that tranners are not her friends, and notice one day why are bathrooms sex segregated.
Anonymous 67174
>>67167I do not have a follow-up so I don't know whether she eventually understood the underlying intent, mistakenly applied to her, and why the man-in-a-dress crowd should not be allowed into our bathrooms or locker rooms. I just posted her example because the "You are still valid and you deserve love" part of
>>65740 speaks to my heart. We menstruate like everyone else, if we dare to have an opinion on anything we get called a 'fucking bitch' just like AOC and everyone else gets called, if we go into a technical field we are told that our place is in a kitchen just like everyone else is told… The only difference is that we didn't draw posh spice aesthetics from the gene pool, and we don't want that used against us to lump us together with the man-in-a-dress crowd.
Anonymous 67203
>>67174>AOCShe rightfully gets called a bitch. Don't defend this tranny apologist.
Anonymous 67208
>>67203there's room for constructive criticism of AOC but 95% of it is from conservative moids that are jealous that she's more successful than them. don't defend her just because she has to uphold the democrats' party line on lgbt (t specific) rights.
Anonymous 67209
>>67208you mean don't attack her? AOC can be called a few things, but a bitch isn't one of them. she's extremely soft spoken and doesn't even remotely come off like "a bitch" in any respect, she just has passion and motivation. she, and basically any politician, is really in a tough place and honestly so much is on the line that is necessary, alienating voters and constituents and inflaming the media over trannydom really isn't worth it. there's so much on the line.
Anonymous 67213
>>67209i meant don't attack her, my bad
Anonymous 67218
>>67208>she HAS to uphold the democrats' party line She doesn't. She's a bootlicking coward who is perfectly happy to allow other women to be raped to advance her career.
Anonymous 67219
>>67208It doesn't look like she has to, more like she willingly and happily does it. And if she does not support the trans movement, but chose to pretend she does for the sake of politics, then she is nothing more than yet another dishonest politician and that is an even better reason to attack her.
Anonymous 67224
>>67218look at how bluecheck liberals who love harry potter treat jk rowling? you think it's smart for aoc to go full terf? she already gets enough hate from conservatives (over social and economic issues) and hate from centrist democrats over being "too progressive." use your head.
why do you keep bringing up AOC anyway? no major US politician is going to be a TERF or radical feminist no matter how much we may want them to be.
Anonymous 67238
>>67224AOC doesn't want to go full terf. She has never even implied it, instead she's done the opposite.
Anonymous 67258

Who else here has a Grievance Studies degree?
Anthropology here. I learned some interesting things, but I paid too much for it.
Anonymous 67286

Do you feel bad for trannies? I don't. I mean, it sucks that they let themselves get indoctrinated into their cult, but like zombies, once they've been converted, they are no longer their original selves. They gave up their humanity to become a walking cult advertisement, so I don't feel bad for hating them and calling them out. I do feel bad for their old self, though. It's sad that children are having their lives ruined simply because they're too dumb to do their own thinking
Anonymous 67290
>>67286No. But they need mental help. Trying to be something you physically can't should NOT* be seen as a "brave journey" but instead as what it is: a dumb journey full of delusion, unrealistic expectations, ignoring the overall fact that we live in a physical universe and some things are just impossible, magic does not exist no matter if you believe in it's "holy power" like a religious fanatic.
"Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is. And you must bend to its power or live a lie." - Musashi
Anonymous 67327
>>66428>There's no way to prove or falsify this claim.Different anon here. When the falsehood of a belief has been explained to a proponent of that belief to the point where their only remaining intellectual defense is to retreat into unfalsifiability, continuing the belief past that point is a delusion, to everyone in this thread except you. It may not fit your definition of 'clinical delusion', which requires some demonstrable contradiction with some directly measurable aspect of reality, but if that is the medically correct definition then it seems to have been engineered that narrowly for the sole purpose of excluding religion. A claim can be disproved by direct observation, or it can be shown to be untenable by forcing it to retreat into unfalsifiability. Falsifiability is the difference between science and fairy tales. Once a belief has been shown to be untenable by whatever means, unfalsifiability being one of those means, continuing to genuinely hold that belief goes over into delusion.
Note that this refers to the kind of inherent and eternal unfalsifiability present here. It does not refer to temporary unfalsifiability due to our technology needing to catch up to our theory. For example it took us a century to make our first tentative measurements of gravitational waves.
Separately, your claim that the problem with their argument only appears due to differences in definitions, our biological woman versus their gender theory woman, is also false. The problem appears much earlier and makes their argument invalid regardless of whether or not the gender theory variant is accepted. Their argument is:
1. I feel like a woman.
2. Someone who feels like a woman is a woman.
3. Therefore I am a woman.
This is untenable regardless of accepting or rejecting point 2. That's because the real form of point 1 is:
1b. I feel how I believe a woman feels.
To make the jump from 'how they believe a woman feels' to 'how a woman feels' requires assuming the conclusion that they are women, otherwise they have no basis to know how a woman feels. But assuming the conclusion is a form of circular argumentation, and any circularity in an argument renders that argument void. You cannot prove you are a martian by using the assumption that you are a martian as part of the proof. So even if judged purely on logical consistency, as an intellectual exercise, their argument is false due to circularity.
Anonymous 67328
>>67286Yeah, I do. Imagine if anorexic people were encouraged to starve/undergo surgery to make themselves thin. I am never going to understand why we support their mental illness
That being said, by "support" I mean surgery and hormones. Because TBH I see nothing wrong with them posing as a woman online or doing/enjoying more feminine things IRL, it's only when they seriously try to sell the idea that they are a woman that it gets delusional
Anonymous 67329
>>67328Posing as a woman online is the same thing. It's a fulfillment of their autogynephilia, and we all know if they try to say something "as a woman," they often say something that no actual woman would say. It's toxic and is just going to encourage them that they're actually a woman. It's completely possible for anyone, not just TiMs, to effectively believe a lie that they make up if they repeat it often enough to themselves.
Anonymous 67401
I just left a shitty discord server, in part because this dumb bitch called me stupid indirectly. I was going to say something really, really nasty about her spouse. He's a neckbeard who decided to transition so that she couldn't leave him. She was about to.
He doesn't help around the house, is a general piece of shit, and is one of the ugliest dudes I have ever seen. He's going to bankrupt her pretending to be a woman and ruin her life even more. He's also a jealous little bitch and hates that she breastfed her baby.
Whoo glad to get it off my chest.I couldn't talk about it anywhere else.
Anonymous 67421
>93% of the world's population (i.e., the proportion that does not identify as atheist)
This measures conformance to the in-group under societal norms and peer pressure, not deep, genuine belief.
Consciousness is experienced by everyone. We do not have any consistent definition of it but we can measure the complete cessation of electrical activity in the brain.
>You can prove you are a martian in this scenario if you redefine being a martian as feeling as martian.
No, you cannot. You are glossing over the circularity aspect. When you try to state:
1. I feel like a martian.
the actual statement is:
1b. I feel how I believe a martian feels.
You cannot jump from 1b to 1 without already assuming that you are a martian, because without that you have no basis to know how a martian feels. But the assumption is not available for use within its own attempted proof. This is the circularity that invalidates the argument. They like to claim an intellectually consistent position, but even that claim is false.
Anonymous 67484

>>67441>pictureForbidden esoteric knowledge against the Hermaphrodites, the followers of the cult of Hermaphroditus, my child.
Do not concern much about the occasional verbosity featured in this Athenaeum, O Bhikkhunī.
Anonymous 67485

I'm not sure I understand all the fuss, sure some trannies are hideous and/or creepy but that goes pretty much for everyone. I only ever met one tranny irl that looked like a crossdresser but he acted like a regular person, what's the problem with just ignoring them?
Anonymous 67497
>>67485They are unwilling to let us just ignore them. They seek active forms of validation, such as forcing their way into our public bathrooms, locker rooms at swimming pools, changing rooms in clothing stores etc. If you don't understand implicitly why we don't want men in dresses in any of those spaces, I'm not sure how this could be explained to you further.
Anonymous 67498

>>67485Because the majority of trannies aren't women in the body of a man, but men with a fetish for becoming a woman. This wouldn't be bad thing if they sticked to themselves, but they have a massive agency in politics and society and as long as the tranny agenda persists, you're possibly looking at the most sexist thing possible without it delving into genocide territory. The existence of trannies in their current form and agency completely warps the definition of feminism and what it means to champion for women's rights. We're being saddled up with a bunch of coomer freaks who are LITERALLY mutilating themselves to pursue a fetish. Is that what feminism is now? Is it about MEN being fucking pervert freaks and accepting it as them being "real women"? It's beyond insulting and degrading
Anonymous 67504
>>67485Just read the thread. Women's lives can get absolutely destroyed for not supporting them and complaining about these men being in woman's spaces. They cheat their way into woman's sports, jobs, politics, and you have to shut up and validate them or else you're hitler. It would be fine if they had no negative impacts on our life, but that is not the case.
Anonymous 67513
Absolutely based, happy for them
Anonymous 67515
>>66709this is exactly it, though? It was never about anything but autogynephilia.
Anonymous 67522
>>67504I mean yeah the sports thing is absolutely horrible and they should definitely not be able to do that, but I just feel like if I met a troon irl who wouldn't personally be creepy towards me I would just roll my eyes and wear the facade. Sure it is embarassing and bizzare but you will always have men doing shit like this to earn attention and what-not.
Anonymous 67525
>>67421>This measures conformance to the in-group under societal norms and peer pressure, not deep, genuine belief.Alright then, what is the objective way to measure "deep, genuine belief"?
>Consciousness is experienced by everyone.Prove it.
>You cannot jump from 1b to 1 without already assuming that you are a martian, because without that you have no basis to know how a martian feels. But the assumption is not available for use within its own attempted proof. This is the circularity that invalidates the argument. They like to claim an intellectually consistent position, but even that claim is false.You can jump it, you do it everyday. What does feeling sad feel like? Emotions on their basis can not be derived in a void. Emotions are a qualia that you label after you experience the emotions. We can argue whether the person is feeling something or not, or you can argue that someone is feeling something that they mislabeled,but much like arguing about what salt tastes like, you won't get anywhere because it's a sensory experience, which can't be derived logically.
Anonymous 67527
>it's better to lose the spiro than the estrogen
Troons can't even understand their pharma schemes correctly.
Anonymous 67536
>>67525Sensory experiences are closed loops by their nature.
"This tastes like salt."
"What does salt taste like?"
"Salt tastes like salt."
Anonymous 67548
>>67536NTAYRT, I hate these philosophy derails tbh but you can definitely describe sensations and feelings with words or art, that's literally what these fields are for. Salt can taste sour, fishy, electric. Sadness is coldness, detachment, void, sunkeness, etc. It's subjective but entirely separate from what I would describe as the human consciousness, aka universal feelings/beliefs/experiences/emotions. Perhaps using the word sunken to describe sadness would ruminate more with americans than groups in peru, as cultural and linguistic factors definitely effect these descriptors. But describing the abstract is not always a closed loop, especially when tools intervene to help the person communicate.
How this relates to troondom, i don't know. I just studied art history and wanted to give my opinion lmao
Anonymous 67551
>>67548>I hate these philosophy derails tbh but you can definitely describe sensations and feelings with words or art, that's literally what these fields are for. Salt can taste sour, fishy, electric.You haven't solved the root problem you've just moved the steps one part back. Explain to me, someone who has never tasted salt before, what salt tastes like without comparing it to other objects. Describe to me what blue looks like without comparing it to objects that are blue. All sensations get used for comparisons, but at the root of it, the innate sensory experiences remain just that, innate. Describe with all the eloquence in the world what colors look like to a blind man and you'll never actually convey anything to him. You can say "the ocean is blue, the sky is blue, and some people's eyes are blue." and if the other person has never seen any of those things the words are meaningless.
Anonymous 67552
>>67548Furthermore, art itself is a sensory experience. Painting the color "blue" and showing someone else the color blue is not describing the color blue. You're just presenting it. If you're giving someone something salty to eat, you're not describing them what "salt" tastes like, you are giving them the sensory experience of what salt tastes like. You can compose a song that brings people to tears, but you're not describing what "sad" feels like, you're making a sound that makes people feel sad.
Anonymous 67556
>>67552Interesting, I agree with your points on presentation vs description. Art can be both sensory and descriptive, no? If an author were to describe a fishy taste so well that you yourself would taste it in your mind, is the sensory experience not due to the descriptive element? The author tasted fish, wrote the experience down so eloquently that those reading her words would be able to mimic that experience. Mirror neurons and the like. The same vain, the musician who composed a symphony based on their own sadness, which in turn makes others feel sad. Is the descriptive element merely coincidental, does the artists state of mind not matter at all to the end product? In any environment, you will have outliers who cannot experience or perform to standard, such as people with damaged taste buds or blind people. But does that null the common experience of many, nor the evolution which made the brain able to differentiate salt taste from sweet, or red tones from green?
We know how the human eye seperates wavelengths and differentiates colors via rods/cones, and we know the deficiency of these can cause color blindness to particular colors. Because we can define specific wavelengths with color fields, we can test those wavelengths effects on the human body and how the humans describe these effects with their words. I'm not convinced that everyone experiences color differently, because colors have distinct psychological/physiological effects on the human body (heart rate, relaxation, pupil dilation, etc). If someones heart rate goes down, pupils dilate, and muscles relax when exposed to blue, doesn't that mean a person could describe the color blue as relaxing? I'm also not entirely convinced these responses are not affected by culture, as we know many cultures in past and present have different connotations with colors or even lack the word to describe a color wavelength. But I believe certain primates have similar physiological responses to color as humans so…who knows. I can't argue that all words have perfect definitions or descriptors, but semiotics and the like are really mind numbing areas of study
Again, how does this pertain to troons again? I genuinely lost track of these conversations. I'm not gonna pretend to be the smartest or expert in abstract thinking, but it's so easy for conversations like this to become arguments over semantics and, while thrilling to some, have gone way off topic and lost their context.
Anonymous 67558
>>67498>the majority of trannies aren't women in the body of a manNot “the majority.” NONE of them are.
Anonymous 67559
>>67525God, I wish you’d shut the fuck up. There is no such thing as “feeling like a woman” and there never will be.
Anonymous 67571
>>67558That's what I meant idk why I typed majority
Anonymous 67715
>>67556>If an author were to describe a fishy taste so well that you yourself would taste it in your mind, is the sensory experience not due to the descriptive element?You're describing synthesis. This is all covered in David Hume's "Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding", but to make it brief: you are still relying on the subject's sensory experience from which to construct. I can ask you to envision a "gold mountain", you in your mind can then imagine a mountain that is made of gold, but this synthesis still requires you to have an experience or impression of what "gold" is and what a "mountain" is. That doesn't mean you've seen a "gold mountain", but you have probably seen gold, and you probably know what a mountain is. If you've never seen gold, describing it to you as "shiny yellow metal" technically works, but then we get to "What does yellow look like?" and you're back at the start of the problem. You need someone to have seen "yellow" relate it to other concepts.
>Is the descriptive element merely coincidental, does the artists state of mind not matter at all to the end product?Yes, because a musician can feel he is writing a sad song, but fail and accidentally write a happy or unnerving or any other adjective song. His intentions towards the work have no bearing on whether he actually succeeds or not. One can hope that at least trying for these things will assist him, but at the end of the day, the product is the product, and it is separate from the creator. Even assuming he did in fact create a song that does in fact make other's feel sad, notice, he didn't make a "sad" he made a "sad
song", where the adjective is still not the actual object.
>But does that null the common experience of many, nor the evolution which made the brain able to differentiate salt taste from sweet, or red tones from green? You are confusing the physical object for the qualia of it. I'm not arguing that objective reality doesn't exist. I'm arguing that you can not logically deduce sensory experience, or to use Hume's words, "Impressions". Impressions can not be derived logically, you can not explain what salt tastes like without comparing it to an impression of something that tastes like salt. Once you and someone else has tasted salt or something salty though, you can both agree that this is what salt tastes like, and when you next describe something else to taste like salt, you both know what you're talking about. The common experience leads many to just take for granted everyone around them has had the same sensory experiences they have, when it is made aware that they have not, all you get is wild comparisons after that. "This show reminds me of X" or "The movie is like X but instead of Y you have Z" when if you actually wanted to talk about it you would just present the impression to the other person.
>If someones heart rate goes down, pupils dilate, and muscles relax when exposed to blue, doesn't that mean a person could describe the color blue as relaxing?Sure, but if you state "blue is relaxing" you are still assuming the other person has an impression of what "relaxing" is, even then, when you looking at blue you are not looking at "relaxing" or looking at "a relaxing", you are looking at blue and feeling relaxed and describing that response in terms of another response. We can then say yes blue is relaxing, and you tell someone "blue is a color so deep and pure it looks like relaxing" which is a very flowery way of putting it, but you're still not describing blue.
>Again, how does this pertain to troons again? I genuinely lost track of these conversations. I'm not gonna pretend to be the smartest or expert in abstract thinking, but it's so easy for conversations like this to become arguments over semantics and, while thrilling to some, have gone way off topic and lost their context.You are correct this entire argument is because of semantics. The original discussion was whether or not troons would respond to anti-psychotics because they are "delusional", I then stated that troons are not clinically delusional, at least not the one's with comorbity with schizophrenia, and thus wouldn't respond to anti-psychotics. They are not mistaking their thoughts concerning reality for the reality itself. A third party joined and used the colloquial definition of "delusional" which can be used against anyone who has faulty logic (i.e. doesn't agree with me) because troons claim they "feel like women" and they can't be. I responded by pointing out that troons are not clinically delusional. The original example was, troons state they "feel like women", and the troons are delusional for thinking they feel like women. I stated this is not a clinical delusion, a clinically delusional troon would state "I am a women, I have a vagina and ovaries" when any inspection would reveal that no, that troon has a penis and testes. Troons are not stating this when they say they are women, they are stating that they "feel like they are a women", and because the troon gets sucked into gender theory, they then can sate "because I feel like a woman, I am a woman, however, I do not have ovaries or a vagina. Not having ovaries and a vagina makes me sad, I desire to have ovaries and a vagina." This is not a clinical delusion, because there's no way to prove that the troon isn't feeling something that they are labeling "feeling like a woman" or that the troon isn't sad because "they don't have ovaries and a vagina". The troon is very obviously depressed if they've reached out for psychiatric diagnoses, and it is certainly related to them being male if they've reached this step. At best, I would say moids are confusing the impression of "not being a man" with "being a woman" as an antithesis, but even then, that doesn't make the moid clinically delusional. Any implications further from here are a different discussion I don't care to have.
>>67559According to the definitions you are operating in, and for you personally, yes there never will be. If you don't subscribe to gender theory the entire premise is bullshit, and that I agree with. That doesn't qualify troons as experiencing clinical delusions though.
Anonymous 67716

>>67715> I then stated that troons are not clinically delusional, at least not the one's with comorbity with schizophreniaFug.
*at least not the ones without a co-morbidity with schizophrenia.
Also forgot my image.
Anonymous 67725
>>67716Believing that you are a woman when you are not is a delusion. Die mad about it lmao
Anonymous 67736
>>67715Thanks for mapping out your response, I read through all of your points and you certainly highlight something which I either forgot about or didn't understand in my time learning Kant/Hume/idealists. It's no surprise considering this sort of thing requires, in my opinion, extremely crafted and academic language and training. It certainly wasn't easy for me to absorb, but now that you've brought it up I do remember the basics of impressions and phenomena. Didn't Kant use 'beauty' to argue these sorts of phenomena? Wasn't he arguing that beauty itself was indescribable?
Sorry lol, I know this is a troon thread and I previously complained about derailing, my bad, but I want to ask: do you study a particular area of philosophy? Is it kantian?
Anonymous 67743
>>67736>Sorry lol, I know this is a troon thread and I previously complained about derailing, my bad, but I want to ask: do you study a particular area of philosophy? Is it kantian?I would love to talk more, but this is already off topic for the thread. You can reach me at the email in the email field or on dis-cord at AphantasticRabbit#2478 if you want to though.
Anonymous 67745
Cool, I have never said anything about antipsychotics.
Anonymous 67746
>>67745Cool, antipsychotics were the entire reason troons being delusional were brought up in the first place though. Glad to know you didn't actually read the thread.
Anonymous 67750
>>67746I was the person who argued with you about it but i was not the person who brought up antipsychotics
Anonymous 67751
>>67525>Alright then, what is the objective way to measure "deep, genuine belief"?You have it backwards. You were the one who brought up:
> > > I don't know how you're going to cope with the fact that 93% of the world's population (i.e., the proportion that does not identify as atheist) is delusional. >>67336and it was pointed out that this figure is far from well-founded enough to qualify for 'delusion'. It is up to the proponent of that figure to defend it, should the proponent still stand by it. Even if a sufficiently objective measure for "deep, genuine belief" is not available, that is not a free pass to substitute in-group conformance for it, because in-group conformance is not delusion. It's just fitting in. Separately, given our rate of technological progress, it's not at all inconceivable that a sufficiently objective measure will become available once our brain scanning technology becomes advanced enough.
>Prove it.This inherently cannot be in dispute because no one is available to make the opposite claim, because the mere act of making any claim is sufficient to label the claimant as 'experiencing consciousness'. Cogito ergo sum is not entirely dissimilar. Also, I have already said in
>>67421 about consciousness, which you brought up in >>67336, that "we do not have any consistent definition of it".
>You can jump it, you do it everyday. What does feeling sad feel like? Emotions on their basis can not be derived in a void. […] a sensory experience, which can't be derived logically.You can "jump it" in the everyday sense, the approximate way we use when reasoning about things like emotions, where we do not have a set of concepts defined with sufficient rigor to build up chains of reasoning that qualify as consistent proofs. But the man-in-a-dress crowd claims that their proof is an intellectually consistent proof. When attempting an intellectually consistent proof, the kind of "jumping it" that we use in the everyday sense is not available for use. You cannot substitute "how I believe a martian feels" with "how a martian feels" just because you feel like it, and especially not just because you need it to obtain the conclusion. You need to have a basis for making the substitution. If you make the substitution without having a basis, if you "jump it" in the everyday sense, then the 'intellectually consistent proof' claim is forfeited. If you take the conclusion as the basis, which would allow the substitution, then it is circularity that invalidates the argument. On either path the man-in-a-dress crowd claim of an intellectually consistent proof is refuted, and this is what the second half of
>>67327 set out to show.
Anonymous Admin
This thread is for terf memes and shitposts, the conversation right now doesn't really belong here. The Transgender General is full, please feel free to make a new one and move the conversation there. If you report it, I'll put the updated link in the pinned thread.
Anonymous 67762
I'll have to try it out. Sounds fun
Anonymous 67764
>>66799I have observed this too. No idea what accounts for it
>>66890Most of the trannies I knew were FtM's, but they WERE pretty big into yaoi, so there could be that
Anonymous 67765
How would you effectively defeat the 'transwomen are women' argument? Did a report on the history of women at my college, ended up doing half of it on trans "women" due to my professor(continue this in the trans general)
Anonymous 67768
>>67765Ask them what the definition of “woman” is and watch their faces freeze as they try to come up with a definition that makes sense.
(continue this in the trans general) Anonymous 67898
>>67887Why raccoon anon? Why do you do this?
Anonymous 67908
>>67898Either I get my raccoon harem or I'm going to watch the world burn. These are all the available options.
Anonymous 67969
>>67908>wanting harems>not wanting a singular moid to centralize your efforts intopolygamy a shit.
Anonymous 67971
>>67969>not wanting a singular moid to centralize your efforts intoNo because this is the muslim world and the muslim world is sexist and anti-woman. They should go fuck themselves and die. Male culture has to be killed as much as possible when it's oppressive (and it is often).
Anonymous 68012
>>67971Why would women be muslim just because moids are weaker(and cuter)?
I imagine that monogomy would still be a thing if moids were propert.
Anonymous 68042
>>68028kek, just the fact that he thought it necessary to tell someone that he's trans and was at all surprised by their reaction… they really think they look like cute artsy alt girls.
Anonymous 68052
>>68028This guy has hardcore delusion wtf. What the fuck he expected.
Anonymous 68062
'ate trannies
simple as
Anonymous 68350

Is this a thing? i'm not a radfem so i don't lurk their tumblrs but this seems way too insane to be true
Anonymous 68353
>>68350idk but it's hilarious I might start using it just because it makes these moids mad. Not that they can do anything about it anyway.
Anonymous 68355
>>68350It's rudefems doing it, not radfems. But radfems should do it, too, it's hilarious.
Anonymous 68356
>>68350Is it bad in my head I came to the conclusion that's they're hygienic because a neovag is literally a rotting hole.
Anonymous 68357
>>68350Not a thing.
Mere coincidence that all of those tumblr accounts have the same exact ideas in mind and agree with each other (samefagging), or we are seeing what could be called a 'collective schizophrenia attack.'
>hygienic>eugenics termThey are literally doing 'applied fascism' by the sole fact of cutting their dicks off, hah.
Anonymous 68365
>>68350Still can't believe the OK sign meme actually worked.
Anonymous 68366
>>68365These people will fall for anything, unfortunately
Anonymous 68369
>>68350why. does that person. use so many. periods. at random. intervals?
Anonymous 68384

>>68369Annoying typing patterns is a long-term side effect of hrt
Pic unrelated but I hate the people who coom to sissyhypno almost as much as the full-on AGPs. Like watching a distracted driver about to crash into a brick wall.
Anonymous 68449

i was confused and thought this was a post about trannies at first kek
Anonymous 68451

>>68449samefag, i cannot believe the hypocrisy in this particular post, we're the ones grooming children while y'all routinely encourage them to mutilate their body while they're still growing???
Anonymous 68452

>>68449>>68451How is it grooming for teaching someone to love themselves the way they are and that they don't have to jump through a billion transition hoops to achieve their ideal self? It's literally the opposite. Trannies are beyond deranged
Anonymous 68457
>>68449Trannies do more grooming than terfs do lmao. Trannies are everywhere telling insecure pubescent kids how cool and special you'll be by trooning out, presenting it like joining a trendy subculture instead of becoming a life-long patient. Troons are the ones telling kids to buy black market hormones and talk to strangers on Reddit behind their parent's backs.
Anonymous 68459
>>68457>>68449It’s projection lmao. Trannies will openly brag about telling 12/13 year olds to go on hormones and post progress on discord. They don’t like being called groomers by actual women who see what they’re doing so they respond with “no u”. Typical male response.
Anonymous 68471
>>68449Wow, that argument can be used word-for-word against trans people. These people really have no sense of perspective
Anonymous 68476
wtf is this shit.P…

I just saw this shit in my youtube recommended, and I'm shaking. I'm so annoyed lol.
https://youtu.be/O_17-LX36IoSociety has officially crumpled. I don't care if this is made up for TV, how DARE they insult woman kind and have the gall the suggest the notion that a tranny man dressed as a WOMAN could somehow, in any way be more "woman" than an ACTUAL BIOLOGICALLY BORN FUCKING WOMAN!
And the title itself is a fucking joke "transphobe being read to filth". Wooooow
You'd never see a scene on TV with a trans-man insulting a man at some restauraunt "reading him to filth" saying how a trans man is somehow more man than a biologically born man.
Why is it always women who are forced to consent to this nonsense? Why are WE the ones with the dirty end of the stick, forced to cosign these trannies as being part of our own. Men aren't expected to do that for trans men, so why should we?
It's always, without a fault, ALWAYS us women who are treated as the scapegoat. We're insult, harassed, and psychologically oppressed into accepting and coddling these tranny man-children and we're expected to glorify the notion that men with dicks are somehow more women than a real woman, more women than US, and if we see it as any less then we're automatically subjected to misogynistic ridicule. WE'RE the ones who are being oppressed. Not "trans women".
Anonymous 68477
>>68476>Why is it always women who are forced to consent to this nonsense?Probably because women have slowly been turning into the dominant gender (see simp/findom culture) and men will do everything in their power to cling on to the old ways, even if it means doing retarded shit like dressing up as a woman and then insisting they're more woman than actual woman. It's the patriarchy's death rattle
Anonymous 68478
>>68476I fucking hate how this is set up. White woman vs. stunning black transwoman, never mind most trannies are white guys. Men are never portrayed as the oppressors of trans people, even though I hear a lot more men being openly transphobic than women. It's always women who are at fault.
>God may have blessed you with barbies, a backyard with a pony, and a boyfriend named Jake and an unwanted pregnancy that your father paid to terminateAn unwanted pregnancy isn't a fucking blessing, it's a fucking nightmare. Men can't begin to comprehend the terror of accidentally getting pregnant, and having to envision your future crumbling in front of you while you try to get an abortion.
>Your uniform of ill fitting J. Crew culottes, fake pearls, and 50 cent scrunchies cannot conceal the fact that you do not know who you areThis goes doubly so for the tranny. He's the one in a shitty dress, thinking it makes him a woman, but the writers can even smell the irony in that line.
Anonymous 68482
Whats a weeaboo _4…

>>68477>Patriarchy's death rattleLMAO! I love this!
>>68478Exactly! Abortion isn't a blessing, it's a fucking nightmare that no so-called "trans woman" will ever be capable of comprehending because their bodies weren't designed to take on the overwhelming responsibility of having to decide whether or not to bring life into this world. They'll never have to worry over a "pregnancy scare" haunting them as they engage in their sexual moid degeneracy and they'll never have to worry about abortion.
Anonymous 68484
>>68476this is so misogynistic and cliched, it's legitimately disgusting. i really hate the way the class and race issues that would potentially be valid in a situation like this are just washed away with "transphobe!!" and a million terrible and tired misogynistic sentiments. if this situation was happening, you know it wouldn't be because this was a table of men, it'd be because a table of non-white people who aren't "up to snuff" in terms of color and class, are on their "territory". and the awful strawman like anyone uncomfortable with men pretending to be women is necessarily a stuffy white upper class douchebag is so gross and dishonest.
Anonymous 68485
>>68484Exactly, but acknowleging the race/class aspect would allienate well-off white trannies ie. most of them. This stuff is just "pity me" porn for troons, TiM's think that because black tranny prostitutes get murdered, they're gonna get murdered at thier cushy comp sci jobs. They want to believe the whole world is out to kill them so badly, but at the same time they wanna be able to assert themselves over real women. The "Karen" gives them a woman who's just problematic enough so that they can imagine themselves bitching at her, and having it be totally justified in their fictional reality.
Anonymous 68495
>>68482>that poster>those outfits>xtreme autism "its totally not a fetish its my idendidty im a WOMAN"
Trannies are pieces of shit.
Anonymous 68556

Never seen THAT before in the history of mankind…
Anonymous 68566
>>68476Ugh, yt recommended it to me too but there's no way I'm watching that.
Anonymous 68568
>>68561top one looks insane enough to be genuinely unhinged and his discord groups could've plausibly been pushing transgenderism as a reason why he's miserable and suicidal. then again, he could just be a creepy pornsick man with depressive tendencies, but either way, a minority of men who are out of their minds can definitely be vulnerable to the trans pushing as being the cause of, and solution to, all of their mental problems. porn and misogyny is still the primary cause, but there are definitely a few handfuls of very schizo men on the internet that are going to be sucked into this due to the pushing and coercion of their "friends" within gamer and nerd circles.
>>68556literally everything gc people say and predict turns out to be true. i am so tired of these gaslighting fucks.
Anonymous 68576

so, this is "kim" or "magdalena" johansson, a mtf in sweden
>previously named kristoffer johansson
>he was convicted in 2013 for murdering and dismembering his ex girlfriend
>he then trooned out in jail and demanded to be moved to a womens prison due to experiencing sexual harassment in the mens prison
>the state financed his transition and complied, moving him to the womens prison of hinseberg
>while in jail he threatened staff and other inmates with violence and even murder, was very defiant towards staff and misbehaved in general
>he also threatened to kill a rabbit who resided in the establishment, if he wouldn't be moved to his prefered section in the prison
>this is evident in several disturbing letters written by him to other inmates etc
>he has been released from jail 3 years earlier than the original sentance due to "good behaviour", despite his behaviour actually being aggressive and defiant
>he now posts pictures of himself posing with guns on social media, calling himself a "terf hunter" and engaging in various feminist and lgbt groups on facebook
>he has also messeged random women accusing them of being terfs and threatening them
Anonymous 68577
>>68576Why is Sweden such a cuck country?
Anonymous 68579
>>68576No one cares that a man who butchered a woman is now threatening to murder again. Europe is going back in time.
Anonymous 68581
>>68576That is absolutely fucking disgusting. And this is the sort of person the trans community is okay with having to represent them? A misogynistic murdering psychopath?! Absolutely disgusting.
Anonymous 68585

>>68576But it's the TERFs who are literally killing troons right? TRAs continue to gaslight women into believing that FEARING FOR YOUR LIFE FROM MALE VIOLENCE IS TERF RHETORIC.
Anonymous 68611
>>68561>That's who I've been calling.Ouch!
Also, having searched before on that tranny lifeline, I'm pretty sure it was just a money laudering-free green card thing given one of the founder's background as a former H1B
>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Chaubal#ICE_detention_and_releaseHe's probably in some sketchy shit too if he doesn't happen to have applied for a green card after marrying the other tranny.
Anonymous 68614

>>68576>Magdala>>previously named kristoffer johanssonI don't know why, but I have a hunch that his new name has some kind of cryptic, higher level degeneracy than what it is normally seen.
Or, it is a way to disrespect his parents on a new level as he was named Kristoffer.
Anonymous 68654
>>68648Worse than any gore picture posted by the raging moids.
Anonymous 68655
>>68648I'm glad he's in a men's restroom.
Anonymous 68662
>>66801>pornsickness, a disinterest in controlling themselves, and narcissismevery troon ive known has had either one or all off these traits
Anonymous 68663
>>68648Ugh. The way some mtf talk about cis women is so sickening. Just the amount of hate for women… And because they're queer they want to be let into our spaces.
Anonymous 68679
>>68665>antoonsMore like antroons am I right
Anonymous 68681
>>68665Why is BLM often assign to trans people. Like I know they're not mutually exclusive. Like why is BLM looked down upon? It's often taken as a joke or as a unappealing idea. I'm not into politics. So I don't understand why the concept of equality is looked down on. It's not any different then asking for women's rights.
>t. white girl Anonymous 68683
>>68681Because BLM isn't about equality. One black person gets killed by cops and suddenly there's a thousands of businesses getting looted during riots because they can't understand statistics and that police actually kill more white people every year than they do black people. But fuck that, let's burn and steal shit for months because we can. Tell me, what rights are they fighting for?
Anonymous 68684
>>68681BLM and troons go hand in hand due to American Liberaly Identity politics. One's just racebaiting while the other stirs up shit about sex so no one actually pays attention to the fundamental problem of classism.
This is actually a recurrent theme in American culture where Black culture is used as a place holder for the lower class, as opposed to actually complaining about how the lower class is treated.
Anonymous 68687
>>68681>Why is BLM often assign to trans peopleIntersectionality, one of the many retarded things the USA has gifted to the world
Anonymous 68690

>>68683You say that, but I'm gonna have to disagree in the way you're going about it. BLM is definitely problematic, from the way they've already been proven to be funding the Democratic Party- which has been proven to be one of the most racist political parties out there- to the fact that, as you said they loot stores and businesses which have had no involvement in racial issues.
But you can't deny the overwhelming problem with systemic racism of black people. Black imprisonment rates are at an all time high, while only being a fraction of the population, they represent more than half ot the prison population and it is 5.1 times more of an imprisonment rate than white people. And there are a multitude of cases where they are wrongly accused of the crime and are thrown in against their will despite showing no physical evidence of them actually committing the crime (see the Archie Williams story). And if you would look into, you'd see there's an evil scheming reason as to why they do this.
Big corporations such as Mcdonald's and Walmart benefit off of prison industrial work- basically our modern form of slavery. If you truly look at the 13th amendment, you'll see that American never truly abolished slavery. It still very well exists.
>13th Amendment>Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, >except as a punishment for crime> whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States.You see it for yourself, that little clause makes all the difference, it basically means that so long as you're stuck in a prison cell against your human will, then hey you're stuck being a corporate slave for the rest of your living sentence.
This country is totally unfair in its treatment towards minorities and there should be an all around change.
Anonymous 68691
>>68690>But you can't deny the overwhelming problem with systemic racism of black people. Black imprisonment rates are at an all time high, while only being a fraction of the population, they represent more than half ot the prison population and it is 5.1 times more of an imprisonment rate than white peopleThis so much. We should also address the systemic misandry in the legal system, as the overwhelming majority of criminals are men.
>it basically means that so long as you're stuck in a prison cell against your human will, then hey you're stuck being a corporate slave for the rest of your living sentence.As much as I agree with you concerning imprisonment rates, I don't think wage-slavery and literal imprisonment are equivalent. Unless you are stating one creates the other?
Anonymous 68692
>>68691Anon I think you misread me. I wasn't referring to the people who are stuck in minimum wage jobs. What I meant by "corporate slavery" is the fact that they're using unpaid workers in prison, working
in the prisons, to package and process foods as a mandatory form of servitude for their prison sentence. Basically like a factory assembly line, only these are prison workers not being paid and it's basically a form of slavery.
Anonymous 68696
>>68683We hate men and trannies not people of color friend
Anonymous Moderator
This thread is for memes, not political debate.
Anonymous 68702

I love this post, makes me kek everytime I see it
Anonymous 68715
The left can't meme.
Anonymous 68720
>>68719You posted a comic from 2017.
>inb4 "Well it's still after 2016" Anonymous 68721
>>68715it's a comic, not a meme, and it's made by older women, retard
Anonymous 68722
>>68721Did it make you laugh though?
Anonymous 68724

>>68722the purpose of the comic is not to be funny, it's to make a point. that's very obvious. are you mistakenly under the impression that every comic is meant to be funny?
Anonymous 68725
>>68723You're posting one comic out of an overall comedic series as if it proves anything. Though I will admit, the correct term should be "entertaining", not funny, as entertainment need not be positive.
>>68724>It's to make a pointThen why do funny comics exist? What point is a humorous comic making? Even if I were to concede this point, do you think that original comic being mentioned is taking it's premise seriously or is it satire? If it is satire, why is it satire? The art is very obviously low grade and approaching counter-signal and rage comic levels of quality, which is typically reserved only for funny things. It's obviously attempting a punchline with it's final sentence, so it's trying to be funny.
The comic you posted in this one also isn't entertaining. Nor is it stylistically done well.
Anonymous 68730
>I guess it's kinda funny in a "that's so true" way.
You've gotten beaten up and thrown in a cage for being a TERF? It seems to be exaggerated for a "haha so true" type of humor.
Explaining why you are a bad artist doesn't stop you from being a bad artist.
Anonymous 68735

Oh god, this pic reminds me. Have you seen that Youtube video where the 50 year old dad decides to become trans and "age play" into being a little girl and abandons his entire family just to live out his LARPing fantasies? I only laugh because of how absurdly horrendous his situation is.
I just googled it. His name is Stefonknee Wolscht. God as if the bar couldn't go any lower.
https://youtu.be/H4FSCqZcl8gAnonymous 68747

>>68698Unironically speaking, "furry" should be considered a mental illness, since most of them spout stupid shit like pics related.
Anonymous 68768
>>68735why do they always sound like sissy fantasy names?
Almost NEVER just the female equivalent of their name. A troon i know is going from alex, not to alexandra, but to Ashlynne. The fuck?
Anonymous 68770
>>68768The tranny names I run into the most are Lily and Alexis but apparently Alice is the statistically most common one
Anonymous 68778

>>68759LMAO furry was a fucking mistake. The mentally ill should've never been given Internet access.
Anonymous 68782
>>68778Ugggggh ewww. Why do the two best female characters in that Undertale fanart have to be transwomen? Toriel is too motherly to be some guy in drag, and Undyne is most definitely a regular cis lesbian. Notice how there are no real cis women in that drawing and only either cis guys or tranny girls?
Anonymous 68783
fuck this generati…

Ire over trannies "claiming" Mulan as a "trans idol"
>>68782It was drawn by a tumblr "~enby~ uwu"
Anonymous 68883
>>68735>God as if the bar couldn't go any lower.He also happens to have
seven children. I'm pretty certain he is doing that shit in order to leave all responsibility of maintaining the family to his wife alone.
He is a very special kind of piece of shit human being, as he is certainly worse than those who have the same seven children but do not take any responsibility whatsoever.
Anonymous 68902
>>68770I've seen like 2 trannies irl and one of them was called lily kek
Anonymous 68913

>>66412Sorry for off topic post but do you ever wonder why normalfags tend to be so superficial and not actually tell people when they are annoying?
If you respect someone you tell them the truth.
I have seen a example of this IRL when I was younger and this lady had toilet paper hanging out the back of her pants.
No one told her as they were concerned about her feelings being hurt and not about her as a person that deserves to know how people feel about them.
What value does interaction with people have if you are using layers of facades.
Trannies are so insufferable it really is best to never talk to any online if you can help it.
Why are these men even allowed on here? we cannot even have our own IB to ourselves and trannies have full reign on normal internet sites and insular loser communities like r9k.
Anonymous 68914
>>66639> "that's cute anon, but wouldn't you want to be like, a cute anime grill all the time? :3", or "DAE despise masculinity and wish they were a girl?". "Maybe you're still an egg_irl desu, but soon you'll hatch and be a cute girl!!"God, that's creepy
Anonymous 68917
>>68913Because normalfags hate to be told the truth. Sometimes you tell the old lady about toilet paper and she just thanks you, but sometimes she acts offended as if it was you personally who got this paper stuck to her. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to be kind and considerate to random people.
Take trannies as an example. They hate to be told that they are not unique and "valid", when the truth is that they are mentally ill, and it would be better for absolutely everyone, trannies included, if this mental illness was treated as any other one, with therapy and happy pills. But no, they prefer to stay annoying, insufferable, and miserable, because they hate the truth.
Anonymous 68923
renge 2.png

>>68917>Because normalfags hate to be told the truth.They really do not care for the truth and the idea that we are living in a secular society that holds rationality above mystical thinking is simply false.
God never died he just reincarnated into a different form.
Has anyone else noticed that trannies and men who like trannies often do everything they can to push other young men/boys into becoming trannies?
>tranny chaser brainwashes guy because of his fetish>the tranny he made seeks to validate his choice by encouraging others to transition tooAnd this is the cycle I have noticed online at least.
You could argue it is more subtle in non anonymous websites because "only weirdos use image boards" or you could admit that is partly true but a bigger reason is being anonymous allows them to get away with pushing their tranny cult easier.
Look at r9k and the whole
>cant get a GF become the GFmeme.. We have our younger brothers in society who feel unloved either falling for the incel meme or falling for the trnany meme.
>pro tip tranniesYou are not loved as is possible for a man to love a woman and are simply a fetish object.
It is sad.. Zoomers are screwed.
I am just glad my younger male family members are not within this snare yet but they still think it is fine to consume pornography…. which leads to issues…
This problem I am about to mention is not exclusive to normalfags but affects them more.
Test this out: ask someone why they think what they do and they eventually explain to you why they think what they do or flat out admit they have no reason to think what they think but simply accept it in blind faith.
Please note I am not talking about the metaphysical here so no I do not mean ask about god but tather anything including trannies kek
Anonymous 68927

>>68913>I have seen a example of this IRL when I was younger and this lady had toilet paper hanging out the back of her pants.Oh. I remember my HS sociology professor asking what we would do in this EXACT described situation lol (not sure how it fit into the class)
The "correct" answer came from a very sociable guy who suggested he would inconspicuously take the person somewhere to the side and tell them about the toilet paper "with tact."
Not to imply that social interactions have textbook answers, but the gist of it was that doing so in public both embarrasses the other person and potentially makes you look like a rude jackass, pointing out random people's flaws. So it's not even so much about offending that particular person as it is about the perception of your actions from the group. Not looking confrontational and rude. This probably goes doubly so with trannies in irl LGBT groups, where turning them down or expressing discomfort about their sexual advances/behaviour gets one labeled a transphobe and ostracized.
Anonymous 68929

>>68927Let me try to briefly explain my position without getting caught up in the semantics and having to prove myself by explaining my philosophy in every detail.
I would be lying if I said I do not care what other people think of me even if that was how family thought of me because it is the impression I give.
I really do not care what people think of me except a few exceptions(being seen as what I abhor the most is all bit never happens).
I live with compassion for others simply because I know they are suffering as well even if they appear happy.
I tell people things with the best intention if I see fit but do not pick on flaws the example you mentioned is one where I would make an effort to let the person know.
I can rationalize why I should not tell the this other woman what needs to be said in front of everyone and it could be best to ask her to come into the ladiesroom with me but out of no concern of being seen rude myself.
I did not even consider others perception of my action having any merit.
What do I care if strangers have thoughts in their heads? They are without form and invisible.
I am not one of them autistic quirky grills that do not understand social conventions I just choose which to ignore.
Social interactions do not have textbook answers and this is why emotional intelligence testing is flawed as it is insanely complicated what is best to do in a certain situation beyond a stranger and even then you must rely on being able to "guess" their personality based on their posture and clothing etc…
>This probably goes doubly so with trannies in irl LGBT groups, where turning them down or expressing discomfort about their sexual advances/behaviour gets one labeled a transphobe and ostracized.You have identified why the majority is prone to side with the social programming.
It is disgusting how fake people can be.
Do you remember the woman who had a deformity and very bravely made youtube videos and raised awareness about some cause I think based on judging people.
Well I remember that going viral years back and people agreeing she is beautiful etc for no reason than what you stated.
It is conceited to consider what might be thought of you for merely sharing information that could help someone make an informed choice for their own wellbeing.
Anonymous 68944

>>68913>trannies have full reign discord trannies having a bad time on 4chan
Anonymous 68947
>>68946"live rent free in X's head" has to be the most irritatingly stupid buzzword response I know of. that said, that also makes it phenomenal for trolling me, since it genuinely does make me mad.
Anonymous 68951
>>68946telling a tranny moid
>you will never be a womanwhere is the lie?
it might be "harsh" but if a retard asked you if he really has down syndrome is not the truth if you told him that yes he is indeed retarded? Trannies are retarded lol.
Anonymous 68965
>>68952>you’ll buy a ropeman i really wish they’d all off themselves but most of them are too narcissistic to
Anonymous 68976
sad 23.jpg

>i'm sorry I will try again friday
Let us analyse this.
Given what we have known and seen is it a stretch at all to consider the fact the tranny was talking about doing a psyop campaign?
Why would a newfag be getting told to post on chan?
Why would they be getting tranny hate on I presume /int/ without pushing their BS.
These people are fanatic and sadly their efforts are rewarded.
The most vulnerable young men who could very well be our brother and nephews get indoctrinated.
Umm like why did I even bother trying to explain why I think this is so when it is so dang obvious lolz.
I would not even care about tranners if they were not actively infringing on my rights to be myself by literally trying to re-term what being a woman means..
Anonymous 68977
>>68976I think it was /pol/
trannies don't realize that chans are not their personal army, and why would they, given that they have already successfully indoctrinated the rest of the internet
except so far because of their /pol/ indoctrination campaign the only thing I see is the rise of trans-exclusionary rhetoric which is hilarious and makes my day better
Anonymous 68989
cute 1.jpg

>>68977>>68977>trying to make /pol/ tranner alliesOne could argue that it would be smart to leave /pol/ itself alone.
polfags will always be viewed in a hostile nature by normalfags/non retards.
A crucial aspect of indoctrination is a us verus them attitude where you want a minority to always exist that opposes your views as long as you can make them look bad.
This keeps the unthinking sheep in line because the group gets to see how they get treated for disagreeing.
If anything a more organised effort should be made where you indirectly influence /pol/ as they are a bunch of schizos.
>shill thread to slide joos exposed thread#9999I do not even know what /pol/ is like these days I looked for a moment during the elections because there are usually some funny memes posted and I left instantly.
Last I remember boomers from reddit were crossing over from /r/thedonald and the influx of edgy kids would have made the board suffer despite always being shit.
>kekistan meme magig shadily>funny_memefrog.jpguber cringe
Here is a question femanons: Why are trannies so prevalent online compared to offline?
Nearly everyone is a tranner online to the point where experience tells me not to trust people saying they are a female.
Also how can I encourage my younger (teenagers) boy family members to be weary of the rabbit hole of pornography?
Men who watch porn just have to be walking around looking at woman and subconsciously recalling images of the last destitute young woman being abused on camera.
I already seem weird enough and the fact I have failed at life discredits my opinions by association despite in actuality having no direct connection.
>sigh…I wish this place was a bit more active like it used to be..
Anonymous 68993
bakemono recchan.j…

>>68929Yep. And it's even easier to virtue signal like this over the internet (like you've mentioned) where you don't even have to take any concrete actions to actually help the person. (on topic, just reblog a disabled 1/25th native 1/75 black poc tranny donation post, call them a queen and ur done sweaty :) )
I mean, the sociable guy I've mentioned - we don't really know if he'd ACTUALLY help that person if the situation ever occurred - he just had to SAY he WANTS to help them, cause that was the acceptable thing in class - it'd be rude to just let them be, right? And that's just part of the whole group acceptance thing that creates all this dissonance.
>Do you remember the woman who had a deformity and very bravely made youtube videos and raised awareness about some cause I think based on judging people.>Well I remember that going viral years back and people agreeing she is beautiful etc for no reason than what you stated.I don't know if you've heard of Bakemono Recchan (pic related). It's a short manga by the same author that made Oyasumi Punpun and deals with this theme, pretty interesting.
Anonymous 68994

>>68993Would it be true to say no one tries to be rude?
Outside of low quality internet trolls do people purposely try to make others upset? I guess they do.
I ask as I was thinking that I don't really try to make others upset and I am sensitive but I cannot control how others react to everything.. sigh
I read that short manga before >.<
Are there any decent terf forums like at all?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztJkD7-VtksHere is the lady, I think she is brave and nothing against her.
She is trufemcel
Anonymous Moderator
Remember this is a shitpost thread for lighthearted memery. Take the discussion to the terf general.
>>67804Also, remember that emotes and avatarposting are against the rules.
Anonymous 69033
>>68946>>68945What fucking chan is this, even? I can't imagine somebody posting these on OG chan
Anonymous 69035
>>69033"Bunkerchan is a far left lynxchan based imageboard. where users discuss ideologys like maoism, trotskyism, leninism and marxism."
Anonymous 69065

>>69035>maoism, trotskyism, leninism and marxismthe sheer audacity of troons to think that they would just get accepted and be given free shit under communism instead of being diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia and sent far away from normal people
Anonymous 69071
>>69035Those are literal insane people ideologies that are dead for a reason. They are not normal.
Anonymous 69125
i didn't know i was until i read this. it hurts so bad
Anonymous 69127
I want nothing more at this point than to raise a daughter alone, separating completely from men and finding some way to make purpose in this world. We’re all slaves to biology. I’m not even out of college and have found ways to get money, do well in life, have everything in order, but it’s useless. It feels like nothing I do in this world will matter if it’s not passed down to anyone. I don’t even know what to think. At this point, everything I do is done for someone whose name I don’t know and whose face I can’t picture.
As time goes on, transgenderism will only be more and more accepted by society. It will be taught in curricula, and feminism will be bogged down by sexist stereotypes that will never go away so long as delusion is enabled and encouraged by TRAs. Radical feminism will be decried as “bigoted” and hateful, one step less severe than fascism. The patriarchy will hold steady and men will continue to undeservedly dominate women, now wiggling their way into our spaces and literally making womanhood meaningless by the “definition” of mainstream society.
Men take everything from us. Troons are really just a particularly noticeable piece of a sickening puzzle.
I never want to see an alt-righter say women live life on “tutorial mode” ever again.
Anonymous 69128
>implying like most of those are bad things…
You have problems just go to the psychiatrist.
Anonymous 69131
If you want to be a violent sociopath go to the psychiatrist.
If you are a retarded anti-natalist go to the psychiatrist.
I'm 90% sure those retarded absolutes were wrote by a moid. You might be him. Either way I don't care it's so easy to spot dudes always generalizing, they are so retarded. Only these kind of people don't deserve to exist, everyone else that comprehends shit varies & that it depends & it's all context based I'm fine with.
Anonymous 69133
>>69131There's nothing retarded about anti-natalism and it doesn't warrant a visit to the psychiatrist. You obviously are reaching to read the entire pic in bad faith anyways, or you're just stupid.
Anonymous 69136
>>68699>simulated pregnancyWhat is this new devilry? Are they getting morbidly obese to make themselves feel preggers or what?
Anonymous 69156
>>69140>uncooperative future ex-wife>the kidsThis is so sad. Why can't we admit that these people are mentally ill?
Anonymous 69157
Yeah lol in their heads they think they are the pinnacle of "womanly beauty".
Anonymous 69169
>>69156how are they mentally ill? all he's saying is "my bitch wife won't participate in my highly offensive parody of her pain and lived experiences". that's not mental illness, it's just spoiled asshole selfishness. this is a man who pretended to birth a dead baby and announced it to a facebook group of strangers who are actual mothers. some of whom, i assume, have actually experienced miscarriage or stillborn births. this is just selfishness and a desire to force everyone else to participate in his fetish. being selfish is not mental illness.
Anonymous 69178
Mind you, not all types of confidence are always good, and this is something that not all women seem to notice–especially normalfag women, as it seems that CC has more awareness in the types of confidence men have.
For example, it would certainly be perceived 'hot' to see a man being so confident (and happy) to speaking about, say, how he is an expert in Christian ethics with you on a date. But, it wouldn't be so hot in seeing a man being a little too confident in his skills with guns or so, while being or working in a high school with you, or so.
Lets not forget that, as said in the read, TiMs always have some kind of mental illness that makes them have a strong lack of self-awareness–perhaps, dare I say it, a bit of retardness too–so these makes them even more confident than the average man.
Anonymous 69179

>>69178*in speaking about
Pardon my shitty writing. Have a funny picture.
Anonymous 69182
>>69169>>69137I'm confused about this. Is he pretending to have a stillbirth to get off on the trauma porn? Then how does the lactation fantasy work here? I'm assuming he didn't get his hands on an actual dead baby, so I can't wrap my head around this
Anonymous 69184
>>68965Suicide is the final action of a true narcissist
Anonymous 69191
>>68696you want a cookie and a pat on the head?
Anonymous 69199
>>69191that wasn't her point. god i hate people who twist words more than anything.
>>69184it's really not. murder, and murder-suicide is, not just suicide. suicide isn't narcissistic at all.
Anonymous 69205
>>67743hey, you might want to disable discord adds for a bit–this tag was posted on /r9k/ and probably will be for a bit. stay safe friend
Anonymous 69213

>>69182not sure because i haven't followed all of his shenanigans but i know he was on domperidone for sure and was planning on "donating" his "breast milk". (where??? who would want it???) women can and do lactate before birth so maybe that's his deal
Anonymous 69215
>>69169>a man who pretended to birth a dead babyI dunno about you, but that sounds like mental illness to me.
Anonymous 69254
>>69250kek, based, i guess we know where the editors of bbc4 stand on the issue.
Anonymous 69271
I wonder what happened to her
Anonymous 69272
This post exudes masculine energy. It is the culmination of male superficiality, nonsensical and arbitrary rage, callous victim blaming.
Anonymous 69273
>big red in the TERF thread
Was she a tranny? Looks female to me. This is a bad post.
Anonymous 69274
Has anyone else tried to mention some TERF points to anyone irl and how did it go?
I usually keep to myself about all my opinions but wanted to see what someone thought and I felt it was useless so did not bother out of respect for them as they just repeated back trans memes basically.
Anonymous 69276
>>69272it really is. if it's not a man, it's a fool for sure. they managed to drum up extreme and psychotic hatred for anita sarkesian for literally no reason. it doesn't matter how bland and passive your presentation is, they need a scapegoat and someone to bully for laughs. it's pathetic.
Anonymous 69283
>>69274People here know I don't support troons and nobody cares. I think the only good thing about living in latin America is that you can freely speak your mind about anything. You can be racist/homophobic/gay/left-wing/right-wing/feminist/TERF etc and nobody will try to ruin your life over your opinions or ostracize you.
Anonymous 69291
Yeah but unless you are a militant commie people won't stop talking to you over it, and they certainly won't try to ruin your life.
I live in venezuela and a girl from my college classes is a commie and nobody is mean to her or anything. People just laughed when she said communism was actually good. I think she's kinda stupid obviously but I don't hate her for it.
Anonymous 69340
>>69338This is what happens when you do not allow cyber bullying on your platform.
although r9k is full of trannies but it canot help to have a safe space.
Anonymous 69358
>>69338I finally understand why /vp/ talks so much shit about the Fairy type.
Anonymous 69362
>>69338Should be wearing a Snorlax t-shirt…
Anonymous 69363
>>69362Please don't disrespect Snorlax.
Anonymous 69369
>>69358Mere coincidence that the word 'fairy' is a synonym of faggot.
Anonymous 69495
>>69274My closest friends and I have the literal same ideology we developed it separately which is kinda heartwarming. I don't straight up tell people I agree with TERF ideas but i do say what I think if it gets brought up. Most people I know are trans worshiping libs and nobody has shunned me yet? Either they like me a lot or I say logical stuff. Also I recently dated someone who identifies as a trans man but hasn't transitioned in any way and I did kinda bring it up. They just said that they didn't want to discuss gender. kek. I guess us basically being a couple took away the YOU'RE TRANSPHOBIC!!! card.
Anonymous 69859
all terfs should b…

>>69858Hahaha this is normal
Kids these days… am I right, ladies? /s
Anonymous 69860

>>69250Reposting from this video because I couldn't find the original anywhere
(sorry for the shit quality)
Anonymous 69870
>>69858>15Just imagine how many pedos are going after him.
Also, I just google'd Twitter's minimum age requirement and it is literally 13. Why the fuck is this allowed?
Anonymous 69883
>>69882Femboys and cross dressers ftw
Anonymous 69884
>>69883Nobody minds those because those are self admitted men at the end of the day.
Trannies are trash though.
Anonymous 69885
>>69884Exactly. Trannies suck because they're pushing regressive gender roles. Saying wearing a dress and performative femininity makes you a woman. Dudes who dress up as girls for the heck of it are fine, even if they're doing it to get themselves off. At least they're admitting they're dudes.
Trannies, on the other hand, demand entrance to women's spaces. They claim to be dismantling gender roles, but they aren't dismantling gender roles. They're just trying to change their position within the existing gender hierarchy, which must be preserved if they are to reach this goal.
>>69882This post proves it. They suck
Anonymous 69888
>>69886kek the book makes a point to state that Buffalo Bill is actually
not transgender. Written in the 80s and yet ahead of their rhetoric.
Reminds me of the Hannibal TV show in which a butch lesbian was instead portrayed by a very femme, waifish looking actress, made to have sex with a man despite her canon repulsion of men, and the showrunner had the gall to say he imagined her as an ftm because clearly butch lesbians just can't exist, they have to be bois.
Anonymous 69889
>>69882Not relevant, but that highlighting really irritates my perfectionist side.
>>69886My GOD, that is some ugly fucking fashion sense.
Anonymous 69891
Anons, can I ask for help in this thread? How do you communicate to someone that sex and gender are not the same thing, but don’t let yourself be misunderstood as giving any validity to the identity of trannies? I’d like to use this opportunity to explain GC ideas to them, but I’d like to do so without risking being socially destroyed. Does saying “I think gender (as the person I’m speaking to understands it) doesn’t exist if you strip away stereotyped behavior and you’re either a woman (adult human female) or a male or some genetic mutation” out myself? I fear that I’ve worded it poorly that I’d find myself in trouble. Should I just bite my tongue until the tides shift more at least?
Anonymous 69892
>>69886Dude thinks he's a woman but can't even shave to pass as such.
If you accept the woman role, you have to accept every downside of it.
Anonymous 69893
>>69882Suddenly those tiktok eboys who wear skirts for horny teen girls have more respect from me
Anonymous 69894

Anyone else relate, fellow gyns?
Also, the wording of this gives off way too many Elliot Rodger-vibes.
Anonymous 69896
>>69886god, wtf? I have to hope that a lot of trannies can't stand these blatant fetishists either? but then don't they speak out against them…
>>69892I have literally never seen such a hairy arm before. He's got straight up fur.
Anonymous 69915

Middle image is literally a child I am going to puke.
Troons are truly the worst of worst. Ugly inside and out. Pic loosely related
Anonymous 69918
>>69915> ugly inside and outYou hit the nail on the head
Anonymous 69919
Jesus Christ. Dubs of Truth. This stuff is terrifying
I wonder if the tranny community would defend this. I bet most of them probably would
Anonymous 69925
Mothers being lenient on their sons. Or too strict (abusive).
Just the slightest mistake raising them can make them violent, and they're out of control once they're adults since they're a serious physical threat.
Anonymous 69926

>>69925This, I have the misfortune of a childhood friend turning troon. Had a stay at home mother who literally did everything she could while father was mostly absent and cold to him. Guess who he blames for how he feels.
But we’re getting off topic and should stop before the mods yell at us again. Pic unrelated
Anonymous 69934
>>69894>clittiesThere were no biological women whatsoever there. It was a tranner orgy.
>>69891If you're talking with a tranner, he won't see that you have neutral/"good" intentions and will only call you a TERF and probably will want to fight you.
But if you're talking to a normalfag, then try to speak clearly and with a kind voice on what you believe is the factual difference between sex and gender, without obviously speaking in a tone of disdain.
Whether you notice it or not, the way you speak and what you say are pretty important to keep an eye on as you may or may not subconsciouly give a TERF vibe to the normalfags/tranners.
>>69899By looking at someone's art, you just know they have a mental illness by instinct.
Anonymous 69935
>>69891It's a difficult balancing act to walk. Pretty much anything you say will get you branded as a hateful bigot in this point.
The main thing you need to communicate is that you don't wish ill upon trannies, but that you also don't believe them. You want them to get better, but you also view their ideology as regressive.
The main thing to come forward with is: "if gender is a social construct, how can you be born the wrong gender." That's the armor-piercing question you can lead with. And if they say something like "oh we're actually trying to END gender so that people can live as who they ARE," just point out that trannies invented the idea of gender in the first place. That it's a social construct, but it's not a social construct of the cishetero patriarchy. That they knew they couldn't be men or women, so they had to change what the definition of "men and women" was. And that anyone trying to blur the lines between "sex" and "gender" is really trying to obscure the truth
Anonymous 69995

Random tinfoil lol but I swear to god D’Angelo Wallace (youtuber) is a TiF. No one else sees it but me.. if you look at other black TiFs there is a resemblance there. Anyone else see it?
Anonymous 69997
>>69995Are you into tranvestigations? Do you believe in the transpocalypse and the Baphomet agenda?
Anonymous 69999
>>69995this sounded crazy at first but once I thought about it, I could believe it
Anonymous 70056
>>69995Mostly it just seems that African-American woman just look far more masculine as a general trend.
Anonymous 70065

He has big meaty claws what are you talking about, that's probably just an undershirt yeah, also he's six feet tall the answer google gives of 5'8 is wrong he's mentioned it in a video once, so that hurts the theory a bit, not ftm he just dresses a little gay
Anonymous 70070
Black women are literally the race every other ig thot tries to copy
Anonymous 70074
Ehh his browbone tho
Anonymous 70075

>>70074They grow browbones on T. Not saying he is a woman, but he has that tif look for sure
Anonymous 70091
>>69995>>70024kek what is this shit? he has the deepest moid voice ever
Anonymous 70098
>>70091Have you ever heard an ftm after they've been on testosterone for a year or two? Their voices can get quite deep, pretty much indistinguishable from that of a real guy. It's irreversible too.
Anonymous 70106
>>70098You're insane if you think ftms can get their voices are anywhere near 'indistinguishable' there's literally a typical aiden voice
Anonymous 70109
>>70075Does this mean guys with big jaws are high-T?
Anonymous 70110
>>70098>>70106Ftms sound like a mix between frogs and 13yo boys with cracking puberty voices
Anonymous 70154
>>69995>>70065>>70071Are you anons really tinfoiling on D'Angelo being a tranny lmaoo
>>70024That honestly looks like a normal man undershirt, you can see it doesn't stop he has it tucked in, i don't want to discredit your tinfoil or anything but men can have tiny hands or "bigger" thighs…
Anonymous 70254

This is planned parenthood, MA
How much longer are we gonna put up with this? Being excluded from these spaces?
Anonymous 70256

>>69860Speaking of J.K. Rowling, Troubled Blood is turning out to be a pleasant surprise considering that the serial killer villain is now a full on MTF tranny.
Anonymous 70258

>>70254I think they are still pushing for the same principles of eugenics that their founder always wanted tbh, but instead of Black people, it is now trannies and other mentally ill "people."
They were also pretty close of getting cancelled since the BLM fags noticed the founder's background, but they realized it would be a great loss if they dared to cancel them as we would go back 100 years of women's rights if so.
Like, I really fucking hate trannies and their obvious annoying behavior that is born from their mental illnesses, but I sort of understand too that this is a great filter to use in order to kick out the undesirables from society.
However, what I don't like is the government's bullshit on making it illegal to discriminate since it is pretty fucking obvious that some people are not stable nor intellectual enough to have some jobs; would anybody like it if some literal retard became the CEO of Walmart, putting at risk a big chunk of the economy in light of the obvious lack of requirements to be a competent leader and economic strategist?
Nevertheless, bless PP since we probably have saved a trillion or so of tax-payer dollars on not taking care of those "people" who aren't even capable of saying a single word.
Anonymous 70261
>>70258Transgenderism isn't something you can breed out of the population, though. It's an ideology.
Letting them euthanize themselves isn't going to exterminate their cause. If anything, it's just gonna exterminate liberal-minded people.
After enough time, the only people left will be those who hate not only trannies, but also gays and women and anyone who doesn't conform to the most stringent gender roles
Anonymous 70266

>>70260This is the million dollar question that requires a billion dollar answer.
But my two cents is that the patriarchal god cults always wanted to fight against the matriarchal goddess cults out of envy, as the latter, most likely, had a better quality of life than the former–so they simply wanted to either kill these matriarchal cults, or make them have a lower position to them.
>>70261>Transgenderism isn't something you can breed out of the population, though. It's an ideology.Transgenderism has the possibility to be genetical. Google it.
>Letting them euthanize themselves isn't going to exterminate their cause. If anything, it's just gonna exterminate liberal-minded people.No it won't, but it is certainly needed to exterminate them so their ideology does not spread further.
I don't think it will ever exterminate liberal-minded people given the existence of those classical Marxists who hate trannies and know damn well that trannism is part of the capitalist ideology. We just need to bring back the old school leftism that was completely unapologetic in order to exterminate trannies ideologically.
>After enough time, the only people left will be those who hate not only trannies, but also gays and women and anyone who doesn't conform to the most stringent gender rolesNot if we euthanize the trannies, stop their ideology and, most importantly and something I need to develop for a later time, separate sexuality from gender for once.
>>70264Ah, yes, Santa's mentally ill younger brother.
Anonymous 70271

I am so upset why is feminism for men now? god how did it come to this
Anonymous 70275
>>70266> Transgenderism has the possibility to be genetical1) it's a possibility, not enough to go on
2) it's more likely that it's just the mental illnesses that cause transgenderism (bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, BPD) are genetic, not transgenderism itself. This idea that "you can be born in the wrong body" is an ideological one, make no mistake
3) there is also a definite social contagion aspect to it (Google it). This has been documented by multiple papers.
And then of course there's the fact that what you're proposing to do is monstrous. As much as I hate trannies, I don't want to kill them all. I just want them to stop demanding we play into their fantasies.
Anonymous 70281
>>70271>god how did it come to thisEasy. Third wave feminism (early 1990s - roughly 2010) didn't include a sufficient alternative for the role of women in the family, and fourth wave feminism just didn't include family or having kids at all. The definition of what a woman is as such has been so move that a man can now functionally be seen as women in the eyes of the public. Further playing into the LGBT sphere atomized women even further because it's not about equality or equity, it's about whoever is the biggest victim group getting ahead. That just so happens to be trannies.
Anonymous 70282
>>70266>Transgenderism has the possibility to be genetical.Even were that true, it wouldn't matter. You live your whole life up until the point of transitioning getting pumped full of the various chemicals that body creates (testosterone, estrogen, etc). First hand accounts I've read suggest when these people get put on the opposite set of chemicals that it makes them feel psychotic. They will always be defective. Nothing can fix them.
Anonymous 70307
Soyboys prioritize trannies because they can see themselves in them, because they are both (usually white) males. They emphasize with other men more than they do with women or racial minorities. How many times have you seen a male TRA fight as hard against misogyny or racial prejudice as they do for transphobia? Harry Potter is permanently tainted because JK Rowling pissed trannies off, but we don't see nearly the same backlash towards creators engaging in misogyny or even sexual abuse. Soyboys are just part of the overall problem, where people feels men's problems are always bigger and more important than women's problems.
Anonymous 70309
>>70306You know that stonetoss guy is a holocaust denier, right?
Anonymous 70310

>>70309I wish Stonetoss was a Nazi, he'd actually manage to be wrong more often. His only comic showing even hints of holocaust denial is this one, and it's obviously the set up for a punchline rather than an advocation for it's position.
Anonymous 70312
>>70309A broken clock is right twice a day
Anonymous 70313
>>70309Lmao and? How is that relevant to the point being made in that comic?
Anonymous 70314
>>70275You don't have to swallow the "born in the wrong body" dogma to understand sex dysphoria as its own condition. Neurological studies generally point to distinct brain phenotypes among sex dysphorics even before they get on hormones, but it doesn't mean they're
really the opposite sex or whatever. They're just disordered.
I think social contagion is real too, and it's tragic. We sorely need better clinical tools to distinguish "acquired" gender dysphoria/ROGD from the "genuine" lifelong sex dysphoria that treatment guidelines were designed for. I lurk on r/detrans sometimes, and their stories don't usually match the typical ones…especially since detransitioners are mostly women, and sex dysphoria is traditionally more common in men.
Anonymous 70327
>>70275>>70314so if BPD and schizophrenia spectrum disorders are the typical causes of dysphoria does that explain why MtF is the more common form of medical tranny?
Anonymous 70330
>>70327I don't buy a 100% into that theory, but assuming it was true, schizophrenia is more common in men and BPD is underdiagnosed in men. Hence, you would get more schizophrenic types getting social dogmad into being trannies, and men who are BPD, but do not get diagnosed as such, would also latch onto these social dogmatic trends in order to gain acceptance. Again, I don't really buy it, but if it did work, it would probably work like this.
Anonymous 70332
>>70327Actually, I think FtM is the more common form of tranny. The ratio is something crazy like 7.5:1…
Oh you said MEDICAL tranny. Yeah, I dunno. Maybe because theirs isn't the social contagion. Or because bottom surgery is much easier for MtFs than it is for FtMs, since all you have to do is remove the penis and use it to create a hole.
Anonymous 70334
>>70327>>70332FtMs are more common than MtFs except for medical procedures for the same reason that more women attempt suicide, but more men succeed at it.
Anonymous 70346

Gonna post this lovely gem fir the sake of nostalgia and because this was one of the first prehistoric TERF memes to ever exist on the Internet. And will be posting a couple more after this one too.
Anonymous 70347
lochness monster o…

This one's a reference to a South Park episode to those of you who may not get it.
Anonymous 70348
you and me meets l…

lol I miss the internet back in the early 2010's. Memes just aren't what they used to be anymore.
Anonymous 70362

>>70349It's quite ironic, truly. When you search back all the way to the beginning panels of Questionable Content (the comic), you see the main character's earliest sentiments is that he is totally disgusted by the idea of anal sex. But little would MC know, many years later that his own author was going to sell out his own creation and become just like any other generic beta male soyboy and give MC a love interest that's a tranny just to make his comic appear more "Woke" and fit in with the rising trend of PC culture in the brink of 2015
Anonymous 70366
>>70362Why do you assume he would be having anal sex with the tranny?
Anonymous 70368
Ok, so my moid friend is trying to become a tranny and I want to help him.
This all started about two weeks ago, he suddenly changed his name on facebook messenger from his real name to "Onyx" and when asked about it he claimed it's a gender neutral name. Around this time he also started wearing, in classic tranny fashion, skimpy, sexualized girl's outfits (the kind that only trannies and literal prostitutes would wear) in public and making a total ass of himself.
Recently he started posting about how much he's looking forward to having sex as a girl, and also started referring to himself with she/her, he's also constantly using the beauty filter now. Maybe I should've seen this coming, literally the first day we knew each other he told me that he's bisexual and likes traps, and asked if I was bi too (I avoided answering since I felt creeped out). I'm seeing someone who used to be my friend turn into, and I can't think of any better way to describe it, a sex crazed degenerate who I can no longer relate to.
I asked one of our mutual friends for her opinion and she agrees that it's cringe but she thinks he's just going through a phase, I hope she's right, but I still want to try to do something before he's too far gone, but what should I do? I'm thinking about sitting him down and telling him that he's not stable enough to be a tranny (he's on antidepressants) and will probably kill himself if he makes his happiness dependent on passing as a girl, which I'll make sure to tell him he doesn't, but I'm afraid that this plan will backfire. Have any of you done something like this before?
Anonymous 70371
>>70369Moid detected. You referred to a tranny as a "she" even though they're just a dude in a dress
Anonymous 70372
>>70366Lmao because trannies are essentially just gay sissy boys in girl's clothing? And since they're biologically not female, the only "pleasure hole" they have is their anus. And the way they have sex would probably be no different than how regular gay men have sex.
Anonymous 70373
>>70369He’s a man and always will be. Womanhood isn’t a feeling.
Anonymous 70376
>>70368First thing to accept is that you are outcome independent. Whether he does or doesn't listen to you, it doesn't make you a failure or success. If you go into this certain to fail or succeed you're being a dumbass either way.
>I'm thinking about sitting him down and telling him that he's not stable enough to be a tranny (he's on antidepressants)If you actually want him to listen, focus on this part, only this part and ignore the rest. Tentatively state that maybe he should see a therapist or psychologist first, since if he's going to spend money on hormones anyway, he can afford it to just to explore the possibility. Remind him that some trannies do in fact regret it, and if he has a history of mental illness maybe he needs ot be evaluated professionally.
>and will probably kill himself if he makes his happiness dependent on passing as a girl, I don't think this will have the effect you think it does. If he's already on anti-depressants he has moved on from the "I am going to kill myself" stage of thinking to "since I'm going to possibly kill myself anyway, might as well see if this helps" stage of thinking. He's obviously already suicidal and is using this as a possible out. If he's already suicidal, dangling suicide as a consequence will have no effect, other then clue him in to how you view him. Which brings me to my final point.
>which I'll make sure to tell him he doesn't, but I'm afraid that this plan will backfire.How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited feedback on your appearance? I know, I know "I'm doing it for the right reason!", but the moid isn't going to respond to it that way. If he doesn't ask you, don't fucking comment. Are you more concerned with being right or helping him?
>>70372Then why on earth do they undergone genital reconstruction if not to use the surgical wound? They have to dilate anyway.
Anonymous 70378

>>70376I'm afraid you're mistaken. The red-haired character in this webcomic is a pre-op tranny, not a post-op tranny. They don't have the surgical hole yet.
Anonymous 70380
>>70376>Are you more concerned with being right or helping him?I only want to help him, however he's not so important to me that I'll commit social suicide in the attempt, you know how these people are, if you "offend" them even by mistake you risk having your life ruined.
>Tentatively state that maybe he should see a therapist or psychologist firstI know he's already doing this, besides, you know psychologists can't even try to help these people anymore, they can only validate their delusions which just makes it worse.
>How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited feedback on your appearance?Nothing since I'm used to it, but I understand that a moid would probably get disproportionately offended by this, especially if it's a trans moid getting criticized by a cis woman which they see as privileged over themselves.
Thank you for your perspective.
Anonymous 70382
>>70378Cute pic. Why don't miners want these mentally ill people to have a long healthy life with pornsick men that fetishize them?
Anonymous 70383
>>70368> changed his name on facebook messenger from his real name to "Onyx"Why is it always something with a "y" or an "x" in it?
Every time it's the same type of name, with these people
Anonymous 70384
>>70378As to my knowledge the author intentionally left it ambiguous whether or not the tranny has the surgical wound for extra snowflake points and tension. Do you have a comic where the author clearly states the tranny still has a penis or are you just assuming?
>I only want to help him, however he's not so important to me that I'll commit social suicide in the attempt, you know how these people are, if you "offend" them even by mistake you risk having your life ruined.I wouldn't since I've never had the hairbrained idea to try and defuse one while simultaneously not committed enough to give it emotional content.
>I know he's already doing this, besides, you know psychologists can't even try to help these people anymore, they can only validate their delusions which just makes it worse.I don't know this. I still know some psychiatrists that take the matter of defusing a "different gender identity" with "latent schizophrenia". Granted, yes most would do that, but the goal is to at least halt the bad decision if not reverse. It's interesting though that you take the position that the psychologists simultaneously can't help him, but his use of anti-depressants is very much justified though.
>Nothing since I'm used to it, but I understand that a moid would probably get disproportionately offended by this, especially if it's a trans moid getting criticized by a cis woman which they see as privileged over themselves.Good on you to be "used to it", but that still implies you found it unpleasant at
some point and understand the point I am making you arse.
>>70383Because the type of tranny you're actually going to pay attention to is the same type of tranny that chooses a flashy name and not a "normal" one.
Anonymous 70386

>>70384As quoted from knowyourmemes.com
>In 2003, artist Jeph Jacques launched the webcomic series "Questionable Content," which follows the life of protagonist Marten Reed. In 2012, the pre-operative transgender woman Claire Augustus was added to the cast, who subsequently became Reed's girlfriend in the comic. On February 5th, 2015, Jacques published a page in which Augustus undresses herself in front of Reed, presumably exposing her male genitalia.Whether this is true or not, I'm going with what the knowyourmemes site says. The author has published over 4,000 panels of this snowflake comic, I don't have the time nor interest to browse through that much in order to prove one point.
Anonymous 70387

So according to this guy, femaleness in its "barest essentials" is "an open mouth, an expectant asshole…"
Are we ready to admit that this is just a sick fetish? That the MtFs watched too much porn, and the FtMs read too much yaoi?
Anonymous 70389
>>70368What do you get out of your friendship with him? It seems like you've known him to be a creep for ages. Cut social interaction with him to a minimum, and let that friendhsip die off unless you really value his presence in your life for some reason.
Anonymous 70391
>>70384I wouldn't since I've never had the hairbrained idea to try and defuse one while simultaneously not committed enough to give it emotional content.
I think you're missing my point, do you understand why telling a tranny to stop being a tranny is a risky move? Worst case he could throw a huge fit and tell everyone i have "offended" him, the police could show up and arrest me for hate crimes, this isn't something to fuck with, which is why I'm being EXTREMELY careful in picking my approach to this.
>I don't know this. I still know some psychiatrists that take the matter of defusing a "different gender identity" with "latent schizophrenia"I don't want him to be diagnosed with a mental illness, a mental health diagnosis can have more of a negative impact on your life than the actual disease itself, at least where I live, I couldn't live with myself if I did that to someone.
>It's interesting though that you take the position that the psychologists simultaneously can't help him, but his use of anti-depressants is very much justified though.Far from it, I've urged him to stop taking those terrible pills, it's known that he's tried to kill himself with them (probably just for attention since moids generally don't fail at killing themselves, but still) and they obviously aren't working, yet they still prescribe him that shit.
>>70389>What do you get out of your friendship with him? It seems like you've known him to be a creep for agesHe only recently started acting like this, you mean that part where he creeped me out with the sex questions right when we first met? Yeah, that was kind of weird, but he's genuinely a nice person, he's never been anything but nice to me, I just want my friend back.
Anonymous 70397
>>70391Say you used to be attracted to him pre transition shit he'll go back to normal as soon as the possibility for coochie is on the table
Anonymous 70446
>>70397I think this is the best idea.
Anonymous 70450
I don't know if I'm terf, but I don't care what men do to their bodies, if feminine is their thing then they should be able to do that(hopefully they are fine attracting/being attracted to men, though). I just don't think they should call themselves women, even if they totally look like a woman, they are not. Is that weird?
Anonymous 70451
>>70450Also I don't know how to feel cause at least where I live there's a whole lot of FtM trannies, hung out with a few as peers, but I've actually never seen a MtF tranny irl.
Anonymous 70454
>>70450>>70451Not weird at all. Welcome to the club.
And for the record, most of the trannies I've known were FtM as well. Apparently, that's the more common variant. They outnumber MtFs by some crazy ratio like 7.5:1 or something.
On one hand, you can't blame them for finding the trappings of womanhood restrictive. On the other, that doesn't make their beliefs correct.
If there's something you can't be as a woman, then we should fight to make it so that you CAN be that thing as a woman. Even if throwing away your womanhood were possible, it wouldn't be a solution.
Anonymous 70455
>>70454>you can't blame them for finding the trappings of womanhood restrictive. On the other, that doesn't make their beliefs correct.Do you ever confront them in real life? I had a couple "guys" I talked a lot with during some classes in college a while ago and they of course told me they were male. One of them claimed to have some sort of hormonal disorder, but I could totally tell they were female biologically. I just used male pronouns with them to be nice but obviously I didn't really buy it. I don't think I have the heart to confront these people on anything, I feel like it would kill them inside when they clearly have some serious problems. I could not imagine willingly injecting testosterone to turn into a short pizza-faced dwarf if I'm completely honest about my feelings on it.
Anonymous 70474
>>70455I wouldn't confront them due to the fact that it's trendy for these types to ruin peoples lives over being skeptical of this bullshit.
Anonymous 70504
>>70474Same here. I'll come forward with my beliefs one of these days, but not until we have a more well-organized movement for it. These guys will try to destroy anybody who's even just in the wrong place at the wrong time, nevermind someone who's ACTUALLY against them
Anonymous 70538
ellen page is a trans man now apparently
Anonymous 70547
>40 people murdered in one year
As if that’s statistically significant. It’s December. There are so many more actual women who have been murdered and abused. It’s crazy to see a 33yo fall for this shit. What a joke.
Anonymous 70553
I bet my non-existing dollar that it's 120% a PR move because she craves attention
Now she will either set on "they/them" bullshit and won't do shit to even barely transition, or we will get a faux male stealing women's roles. It's a lose/lose either way, the hype will die tomorrow, the consequences will stick for longer.
Anonymous 70557
>>70553I wonder if she’s going to destroy her body with testosterone.
Anonymous 70584

Huge win in the court today, girls.
>LONDON — (AP) — Britain’s High Court ruled Tuesday that children under 16 years old who are considering gender reassignment are unlikely to be able to give informed consent to medical treatment involving drugs that delay puberty.https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/health/uk-court-rules/HYCPEPAHJ3N7GQYZJLF2K33LPA/#:~:text=LONDON%20%E2%80%94%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94%20Britain's,involving%20drugs%20that%20delay%20puberty.