>>29606Oooh, I wouldn't have guessed you were a newbie. I honestly found the painting to be so enthralling, not only from a pure aesthetic standpoint, but also how it begets a desolate and melancholic emotive response out of me.
Nevertheless, it still has some amateurish pitfalls, chiefly amongst them is the stylistic clash. I think Holo is a bit too detailed, especially if it is intended to be an impressionist landscape painting; likewise, the snow seems flat and "fuzzy" - it almost looks like a tacked-on afterthought, which is a shame since an alternative brush could have easily ameliorated the issue.
Frankly, I thought the thumbnail was more appealing since the compression obscured the aforementioned problems. I'm certain that a few touch-ups in Photoshop could have a similar uplifting effect.
Regardless, I simply adore your mountains, and the rendering of Holo's hair (and fur). Really, don't beat yourself over some minor nitpicks; I've purchased many pieces that were technically inferior to yours. Besides, anyone with an iota of painting experience could definitively tell that this is far from an afternoon hack job.