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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


/img/ guidelines Anonymous Admin 3[Reply]

Welcome to our latest section! This board is for all things aesthetic and visual.

Consider this board an exhibit, an image dump, or a web gallery.
If you're wondering where your thread should go, follow this simple rule:
If your thread is primarily about viewing and contributing pictures, it belongs in >>>/img/. If there is a discussion element to it, pick a related board or >>>/b/.
Crossposting to/from other threads is allowed.

Please utilize the Catalog before making a new thread, and have fun exploring our different board themes!


Guy Crushes Anonymous 2034[Reply]

Post your 3D husbandos
241 posts and 222 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 27349

we all know moids have the minds of moids, just let me suspend belief for ~20 minutes

Anonymous 29137


Damn Christopher Walken used to look like that?!

Anonymous 29165

download (30).jpeg

Since no one else posts here I'll just talk to myself and post whoever

Anonymous 29167


Anonymous 29168


Flood detected etc


food related fashion Anonymous 29056[Reply]

post ur fav food themed accessories gals
3 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29077


Anonymous 29078


Anonymous 29079


Truly one of the greats

Anonymous 29080


Anonymous 29163

lmao fat loser


Cute/Male Anonymous 3503[Reply]

There's something to be said for cute boys too, don't you think? Brother to the cute girl art thread.
319 posts and 309 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29158


Anonymous 29159


Anonymous 29160


Anonymous 29161


Anonymous 29162



Misandry Memes Anonymous 19142[Reply]

I don't have enough in my folder. I'd love to get more. Let's share what we got!
132 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 28234

People don't lose years to prison time for rape, and being sent to jail by mistake isn't even remotely traumatic like actual trauma by rape. Time lost isn't the same metric when the time is spent in the wrong spot (where you get meals and time to work and study) vs time lost from ptsd and related post rape issues which is money spent on therapy if you have the income while suffering from the aftershocks of rape for as long as ptsd ails you. Potentially forever.
And realistically, false rape accusations don't make it past the court phase because for a criminal act you need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in court. It's just such a non issues it's stupid. Most "false rape" situations involve women who didn't report to the police and instead told the community and you have to trust the guy isn't obviously lying and claiming he's been falsely accused. And what good does that do for the woman accusing him? All the revile and hatred that being a rape victim and accuser of a man gets. You don't get coddled, no one helps you or looks to you with sympathy, crying rape won't get you free therapy, and your life lives with the mark more than the guy will because it always blows over after a while for the guy even if he definitely did it cause people would rather support a man than punish him for actions done against women for his whole life. If he'd raped another dude that's the only way he'd certainly have his life ruined by a rape accusation. Otherwise give it a year or two and people will be back to being their public friend and nobody will care about the past accusations no matter how true or at least possible they may be. They'll cope about his reasons, act like it never happened, or how it's a mistake that'll never happen again and the girl should just "get over it cause he's a nice guy".

Anonymous 28237

Tbh if a scrote pisses someone off so badly that they’re willing to derail their life for a while just to fuck up his, he probably deserves it.

Anonymous 29024


Anonymous 29142

misandrist mao.gif

Anonymous 29155

true, moids need to know their place if they dont wanna be falsely accused, just dont sleep with anyone other than your wife and dont sexually harass every women you see. easy


AI Generated Images Anonymous 23336[Reply]

59 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29133

>Thread filled with generic animu coom girls
>Only got bishies during LC shutdown

Anonymous 29148


Automod killed me but you can’t keep me down

Anonymous 29151


Anonymous 29152

what was your prompt like?

Anonymous 29164


>>29152 Here is my prompt on midjourney, I think the chaos function did a lot of heavy lifting cause the other gens were a bit more generic


Anonymous 1202[Reply]

Random image thread, anyone?
461 posts and 438 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29138


Anonymous 29139

Anonymous 29140


Anonymous 29141


Anonymous 29149



Depression n suicidal ideation memes Anonymous 18653[Reply]

Post depressing memes I need em
114 posts and 105 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29112


Anonymous 29132


Anonymous 29143


Anonymous 29144


Anonymous 29145



crystal cafe /art/ thread. Anonymous 21974[Reply]

This is an art thread geared towards those who want to share their artworks, and who would like criticism/tips to improve. If you have any resources/books related to art to share, it goes here as well!

Good Youtube Channels:
Marc Brunet
Marco Bucci

Useful websites:
Ctrl+Paint (ctrlpaint.com/)
Quickposes (https://quickposes.com/en)
HUGE art pastebin (https://pastebin.com/d3D68y3M)
186 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 29111

What drawing/art softwares do you personally use nonas??
I used to utilize Flash CS4, but since it has been discontinued and I even switched to Linux I don’t know what program to use anymore :(

Anonymous 29113

I looked at the thumbnail and thought they were photos and I was confused how can you progress from a tomato to honey. Good job anonina

Anonymous 29114

Thank you so much!! I appreciate that!

Anonymous 29116


Anonymous 29166

i use paint tool sai 2 and i am on the verge of killing myself


Cute GIF thread Anonymous 29089[Reply]

Post GIFs you think are cute!

Anonymous 29093


Anonymous 29099


Anonymous 29102


i love miffy

Anonymous 29104


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