
Scared of losing my virginity Anonymous 10585
Does virginity matter?
Virgin anon here. I am the quietest one in my friend group and I've never felt a strong attraction to anyone, recently I've noticed a change in one of my closest friends, she seems more confident and outgoing than usual but without that innocent attitude like before. She told me that she lost her virginity after a party last week, and now frequently invites me to spend the afternoon drinking with her "friends" at her apartment. One of them looks at me weird and has already made some advances (he's kinda cute though) and she's even encouraged me to give him a chance (since he's a virgin too.) The problem is that the thought of something penetrating me is kind of scary, I've always been kind of embarrassed even when I used two fingers once just to know what it felt like, plus I'm afraid the experience will end up changing me somehow, what do I do?
>does having a dick enter you hurt?
>does losing your virginity change you in any way?
>does size matter?
Anonymous 10586
Hook up with another autistic anon
Anonymous 10587
Seems like you don't want to do it, don't push it because of your peers
Anonymous 10588
>>10587I keep thinking about it though, but i'm just so unsure that i feel like no matter what i choose, i will just end up regretting it later.
Anonymous 10589
Don't feel pressured into something you don't want to do.
Don't go hooking up with the first cute guy you see because of societal pressure.
You do what you want when you want and no moid is going to make you do otherwise
Anonymous 10590
>>10585No it doesn't matter much but what matters is if the moid knows how to eat out. Don't let any peneration happen without anti-conceptives and without being eat out first.
Anonymous 10591
Yes it hurt like a bitch for me.
Anonymous 10592
You sound like you're underage.
Anonymous 10593
Don't go for a random moid just because of peer pressure. Wait until you find a good bf with which you are comfortable.
Also, make sure you aren't used by them, most guys are mongs that just see you as a fleshlight.
Anonymous 10594
>>10592I mean a lot of people that are still virgins at this age (assuming early 20s since alcohol is involved, but could be wrong) sound like children spreading rumors on the schoolyard when it comes to sex. Humor her, if not for her sake than for your own.
Anonymous 10595
>>10590Does this mean i have to give oral too? I think it would be weird for both of us.
>>10591How bad? Is there anything i can do to minimize it?
>>10592I'm 20
>>10593How good can i get at reading them? I think I'm ok at separating the jerks from everyone else.
Anonymous 10596
I'd say its important because your body is important. I dont think that losing your virginity makes a woman a whore (thats only for male interest) but it matters to men and women - meaning it does have a value, good or bad, high or not, it has one. And Id say you shouldnt throw away something of value for a random man, also because it goes mainly in their interest.
Its fine to be sexual, but going back to being cautious about sexuality and casual hookups would ne great, only that it should be women who do this and in their own interest. Don't let men take profit of your body and sometimes vulnerability. Especially if it can be backlashed at you. Despite the "hook up culture" women still get shamed for their sexuality.
One of my friends was sexually active quite young. She was often hurt by her boyfriends. Psychologically i mean. She always was the one who sacrificed the most for her relationships. And men took and thats it. And after the relationship ? It wont be them who will be shamed. We give and we give and what do we get for letting men take our time, our minds, our body and our exclusivity ? Nothing, we lose.
Having a relationship or having sex with a man is dangerous for a woman and we are forgetting that while women keep being victims because of that.
Anonymous 10597
Also consider that if you ever feel in love with a good and serious man who actually invests in a relationship with you by more than with his money, you might regret it.
I didnt lose my virginity but i did other stuff despite not wanting it - only out of devotion, and I regret it so much. I feel dirty because I feel used. I already felt like that before meeting a good man. It just feels wrong letting people take something from you then go on with their lives with that and with pride while you're left just used.
Anonymous 10598
And without all my annoying points just don't do it if you're not sure and you dont know well this boy. You dont knwo if he might say stuff about you after, trashtalk you, you dont know if he will abuse you, etc.
If you really decide to have sex for some reason at least take the time to know who you want to do it with.
Anonymous 10599
>>10598>he might say stuff about you after, trashtalk youNot the one you were replying to, but that's laughable in this case. He's a virgin, what's he going to say, his hand was better?
I don't disagree with your points that moids can be cruel and abusive, but presumably he's in as compromised/odd of a position as she is. I've heard stories about "practice girlfriend" talk, but at the same time this doesn't seem like he's scoping out prey. Hell, I'm surprised he even made an advance at all given so many of them lack anything resembling a spine. Again just want to say I'm not discrediting what you've said or that your suffering shouldn't be an example for other women.
Anonymous 10600
>>10595I won't rehash what has been said earlier, but you sound pretty naive and unexperienced so please take your time and consider carefully what YOU want and why you want it : do you want to feel like your friend who seemed more confident afterwards? Do you want to prove to them or to you that you can do it? These are not valid reasons, in my opinion, to 'lose' your virginity. Even if the first time is way overblown by most people and women are unfairly shamed for it, I have enough friends that regret their first time to tell you that waiting out for someone that care about you and respect you is the better choice.
Now to answer your questions (ntayrt by the way) :
>Does this mean i have to give oral too? I think it would be weird for both of us.You don't have to do anything. What do you want to do? It's normal to feel unconfortable as it's something you've never done before. If you feel like trying, go ahead, but please don't (and never) force yourself to do anything sexual that you don't want to do. You will get nothing out of it except regrets later on. And yes the first time will probably be weird and awkward but everyone needs to start somewhere.
>How bad? Is there anything i can do to minimize it?Depends on a lot of factors. Mine was a bit painful but nothing too bad, and it was totally painless after 2-3 times. To minimize it you have to be well lubricated so if you're not wet at all it will be harder so don't be afraid to use lube, spit or whatever. He shouldn't go straight into you, foreplay is important to relax and get into it. Fingering especially will help 'loosen' you up and adjust to the feeling, but then again don't do anything you're not confortable with.
Anonymous 10601
If he’s a virgin, it’ll probably suck anyway for you. Why give a moid pleasure for free?
Anonymous 10602
>>10596>>10597>>10598>>10599>>10600Thanks! You've given me a lot to think about.
>>10601It's not about "giving" anything, it's about seeing if trying something new is worth it.
Anonymous 10603
>>10585Don't put too much pressure on yourself to something or not. You can also try dildos, that way you only have to deal with you and not another human. Now to answer your questions
>does having a dick enter you hurt?Usually yeah, but that's where everyone is different and foreplay/lube are really important.
For me it was a nightmare, it hurted so bad we had to try it 3 times. It was bad.
>does losing your virginity change you in any way?It did for me, I was less innocent afterward
>does size matter?Nah, girth and shape does tho. If it's too fat, it's gonna hurt. Same if the angle is weird.
Anonymous 10604
>>10595It was one of the most painful thing I have experienced. I didn't bleed too much afterwards but then some days later a period-tier amount of blood came out of nowhere.
Honestly if I were you I would use toys to break my hymen or whatever. Going through this with a random moid who is not your bf wouldn't be fun.
Anonymous 10605
>does having a dick enter you hurt?
For me, slightly at first because I still had my hymen but not really. I still have my hymen actually, its abnormally thick septate hymen that I stretched myself before sex by fingering over a period of years (it only takes maybe a few weeks to stretch out though).
>does losing your virginity change you in any way?
No, not really. Same as I was before, its just progressively become easier for me to talk sbout sex which wasn't easy at first. Only people who having sex will change is retards who think losing your virginity gives you some sort of value and status, so they'll puff their chests and walk around like they're hot shit. Teen behavior tbh
>does size matter?
Only had one dick but I'm gonna say yea. I used to masturbate with the handle of a hairbrush, which was much thinner than my BF's cock, and the thickness felt much better. Idk that lenght matters as much as thickness, but I do like the feeling of him going in deep but my vagina is only maybe 4 inches deep so it matters less than thickmess IMO
Anonymous 10669
Not OP but I'm bumping her thread because I'm also an anxious virgin. Are there any tips to make sure it's as pleasant as possible for the first time? I will take ANY helpful tips even if they're weird. Lube ofc. Honestly would it be better if I were a little tipsy? I have sex anxiety if it wasn't obvious.
>>10592This pisses me off. Judgmental and nonconstructive comment.
Anonymous 10675
>>10669 >>10585
it could go either way: you could save yourself for that perfect partner who loves and respects you and is also a virgin…but the sex ends up more fumbling comedy than fantasy romance come true; or you could "get it out of the way" with an experienced friend who you like but isn't your soulmate…but it could still be bad, because sometimes the people and/or parts just aren't a good fit (literally and/or figuratively).
…and anywhere in between those two scenarios could also be bad…but,it could also be really good. two virgins can fluke into some good sex by virtue of curiosity and enthusiasm. two swingers can both be the worst sex that either ever had, in spite of their experience. some of us save and build it all up and then end up losing it at a rando party in high school or college or work…which can also be terrible or great.
like a lotta things in life, it's a crapshoot. like a lotta other things, practice makes perfect (or at least better…so, that will change you).
other than the already posted "don't get pressured into it"/"motion of the ocean"/"girth more than length" comments i agree with, my advice would be:
you shouldn't go into your first time with the goal of it being your "best" time; after all, everything else would be downhill from there. nobody made their best figure-8 the first time they wore skates. sometimes they fall down and cry and hate it…but still end up winning olympic gold someday. just try to have fun and try to enjoy it. the thing a lot of others have mentioned about being with someone you can trust will make you more comfortable (mentally and physically), and hopefully you can both have fun and enjoy it, even if neither of you win the Best Sex Ever trophy in your first go together.
good luck!
Anonymous 10700
>>10675Just saw this. Thank you anon. I honestly think I will take edibles before I lose my virginity because I am scared. I've been talking to a guy and he's not a virgin but his body count is just 1 (his ex). I feel like I'll be too stressed to enjoy it. I don't wanna die alone. Is is normal that I, as a straight woman, don't like looking at dicks? I never want dick pics or nude pics from guys.
Anonymous 11155

I'm nearly 29 and still a kissless virgin who never had a boyfriend. I'm worried I'll never find anyone to do have sex with because I'm scared of doing anything for a bunch of reasons: scared of getting accidentally pregnant, scared that my religious and crazy parents will find out somehow and try to harm me (especially because I'm not religious and want to avoid guys from my race at all cost because of how sexist and violent they usually are), scared of STDs, scared of falling for the wrong guy and being disappointed, etc. On top of that my libido is decreasing and the very few times I masturbate I barely feel anything. It's super frustrating and I feel like almost nobody can really relate to this whole situation among the women I know irl. I'm not sure what to do anymore at this point. What do? I hoped I could have a chance when I was living in Japan but the pandemic started soon after I moved there and cockblocked me. For once in my life cute guys my age were flirting with me politely and didn't mistake me for an easily manipulated teenager.
Anonymous 11164
>>11155It's funny but I was kind of similar to you before losing my virginity at 26
>a kissless virgin who never had a boyfriend>scared of getting accidentally pregnant>scared that my religious and crazy parents will find out somehow >scared of falling for the wrong guy and being disappointedWe were both virgins and we are still each others only partners so I didn't have to worry about STD's, the best advice I can give you is to just do it with a man you would like to spend your life with, when we finally had sex I was kind of mentally prepared to become a mother in the worst case and to raise a child with him if I become pregnant. I don't worry about my parents anymore as we moved in together before having sex.
>On top of that my libido is decreasing and the very few times I masturbate I barely feel anything.It changed with time but to truly orgasm I still have to guide him more or less and he must use both his tongue and hands and even then it's pretty hard. Nevertheless when we have PiV sex I don't cum most of the time but i really enjoy making my man happy, his closeness etc. ant that's what makes it enjoyable for me.
Anonymous 11656
>>11164>the best advice I can give you is to just do it with a man you would like to spend your life withVery late reply but whatever. That's exactly what I want, but I never have opportunities to meet men irl and it seems like online dating is so prevalent that my only hope is to download twitter. Even my very religious, stuck up older sister uses tinder to have dates to potentially find a long term bf. The issue is that from my own experience irl the kind of men I absolutely want to avoid the most tend to be the most interested in me, and they tend to be Muslims with daddy issues. The guys I could potentially be interested in avoid me like the plague because they assume I'm a crazy Muslim based on my race. My big sister dated White guys several times and they dumped her because they were worried their White, Catholic parents would disapprove of them having a Muslim gf so it's not just my imagination. I even had the exact same issue with friendship my whole life, where preachy Muslims would assume we're automatically best friends forever for no reason and they'd treat me like shit for not fasting during ramadan because I ruined their expectations.
How did you meet your bf? Irl, online? How long was it between the time you met and the moment you started dating?
Anonymous 11659
>>10700I just think you haven't loved a man yet, which is why you don't feel ready or want to see that
Anonymous 11663
>>11656NTN - I guarantee you there exists a plethora of White guys who be excited to date you and not have any weird family shit or creepy baggage to worry about - the trick is just finding them.
If you're trying to find a guy who isn't a POS, the trick is to look in places where you would imagine your ideal guy spending his time rather than looking in the stereotypical places everybody tell you you're supposed to meet guys (clubs, online, etc.). If you ideal guy is athletic, join a gym or take up jogging and see who you run into. If your ideal guy is a putterer who works on little projects around the house or hobbies in the garage, look up DIY classes or hobby clubs at the library or community center. And so on.
Anonymous 11719
>>11663> there exists a plethora of White guyswhite moids = moids + racism
Anonymous 11722
>>11719This is ironically one of the most racist posts on this website.
Anonymous 11727
>>11726Be racist all you like, but you need to at least recognize the irony in accusing an entire race of being racist.