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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 3339[Reply]


>Do not post gore, shock images, hardcore pornography, etc. unless it's pertinent to the discussion. Don't make threads just to dump any of this content.


/nsfw/ is not an exception to this rule. Please report porn dump threads. I'll be cleaning up this board more from now on, please focus on conversation rather than spamming files.

Anonymous Admin 4504

Update: I'm starting to remove the imagedump threads, so save what you want to keep.

Also, there is now a ban on all shotacon posting. Needless to say, the same thing goes for any lolicon imagery, though that hasn't been as much of an issue.


Are there any secrets to finding out if a guy is hung before seeing him naked? Anonymous 6849[Reply]

I prefer much more well-endowed men (7" and thick and up) and smaller men just can't do it for me. I've been disappointed bringing back cute guys only to see they are a waste of time.

I've checked bulges but that's not always reliable. I've been in clubs and gotten a quick feel dancing but that's not reliable either.

I heard height and penis size are linked, but I'm not sure if that's true.I know really fit guys are bigger so that helps. Is asking for a shoe size too obvious, or is there something else I need to know?

Please share your secrets!!!
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Anonymous 14655

>If there is a definitive way to fix it, why wouldn't you?
There isn't. All that crap you mentioned doesn't work and is just a scam. There is a surgery that severs some of the ligaments and allows for some additional length at the cost of having it just flop around. Its time to face reality and leave because you two will never be sexually compatible.

Anonymous 14663

>sexually incompatible
That's usually just cope for guys with small dicks to feel better about themselves. Also, no, it's not a scam. There are mountains of photo evidence, not to mention the fact that you're not being sold anything, so how exactly is this a scam? The only part you can buy is a dick pump, which is like $40 and unlike a gym membership you only have to pay once. I'm not about to break up with the only guy that has ever made me cum, all he needs to do is some stretches and that's it. If you want to wallow in ypur internalized misogyny and put up with men's shrimp dicks, be my guest, but I'm not about that.

Anonymous 14667

You're the only one who is complaining your moid is too small for you. If that stuff worked why isn't every moid walking around like he's smuggling a sausage factory in his pants?

Anonymous 14668

NTA but I have looked it up and every moid who has done it swears by it. But it is a very long and laborious process and there are risks of permanent erectile dysfunction and injuries

Anonymous 14671

>"trust me bro" moidsource
lol, lmao even. Have fun trying to break moid's dicks ig.


Anonymous 14666[Reply]

Describe the best sex you’ve ever had? And why was it the best?


Horny Thread #2 Anonymous 14614[Reply]

Post in here when you're horny and state what you want to do and/or have done to you!
Previous thread: >>3046
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Anonymous 14645


I want to hold her hand whilst we’re walking and then very quickly bring it to my lips, look her in the eyes, kiss it, and let go. we would go on as if nothing had happened but as soon as we get back to hers she would, hurriedly lead me somewhere, turn around, and kiss mine, all over. Then we’d kiss each-other everywhere

I also love to imagine untying her hair and letting it cascade down her shoulders and breasts, then playing with it and drowning myself in it, because she almost always wears it tied up. Whenever she lets it down I go fucking crazy, it is thick , long and wavy, but I want to be the one to do it.
If I imagine intimacy with her too strongly it takes me hours to stop. It would probably be too much for me if it ever happens

Anonymous 14646


Do you ever fantasize about someone else masturbating you?

Anonymous 14661

I've been medicated since high school (anxiety paranoia etc) and I'm now one month totally unmedicated it's so awesome I feel alive again and I'm horny for the first time in forever it's like overwhelming. I was standing next to this scrawny guy yesterday who was shorter than me (but not hot) and it made me start daydreaming about someone who was smaller than me AND hot that I could bully until he cries and then fuck him about it.
Why do men have to insist on being dominant just let me bully you then break your pelvis and then you cook me dinner and say thank you. Bastards.

Anonymous 14662

I want his dick just staying still in me while I grind on him/touch my clit and come a few times while also edging him/prolonging his erection. I want him sweaty and begging me to move, or get to the point that just the squeezes from my own orgasms bring him there.
Unclear if this will translate to real life because he orgasms pretty easily but over time I think it's doable. I can wait until May….for my perfect sexual (and romantic) partner I can wait until May..

Anonymous 14665

My partner has been toying around with the idea of recording sexual audio, but he keeps backing out from cringe. I need goon material and I don't know what to give him.


Anonymous 14650[Reply]

Is it normal to find oral sex disgusting?
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Anonymous 14653

I find it disgusting too. Porn has normalized it to such a degree that it’s expected in every relationship now

Anonymous 14657


Take all of them under the shower

Anonymous 14658

sucks to be you

Anonymous 14659

I think it’s retarded that oral is more common to give to men, when it makes so much more sense for it to be the norm to give it to women? I wouldn’t have so much disdain for it if things were more equal. It’s straight up laughable, given anatomy AND the orgasm gap. I remember reading a post where some handmaiden vented about how she let her newly-bi bf experiment and found out he was sucking dick when he never ate her out even though she sucked his dick.

I don’t respect women who partake in this unless they’re in a loving, reciprocated relationship - doing it for every man is retarded, especially if you don’t personally enjoy it.

Anonymous 14664

>mfw my boyfriend eats me out on a daily basis while I never had his dick in my mouth even once
Just can't stop stylin' on you girlies. Best part is, he's not even a sub. Being held down while his tongue makes you have an excircism tier orgasm is heaven. At this point I just feel bad for you.


Anonymous 14654[Reply]

I pegged a guy (my bf) for the first time today and it was awesome

Anonymous 14656

My bf has been seen naked by other girls it drives me mad now

Anonymous 14660


You on the left


What you get when u eat out a woman on her period Anonymous 13293[Reply]

Anonymous 13296

Muntan Duw

Anonymous 14648

A mouthfull of chicken liver


Are male escorts worth it? Anonymous 14625[Reply]

I'm an extremely horny, sexually frustrated virgin and I wanna pay a male escort to lick my pussy and make me cum. To those of you that have hired them, are male escorts worth it?
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Anonymous 14629


Ask a friend and see if he's down to eating you out.
You can't expect noobs to be good at eating out tho but good points for trying

Anonymous 14632

I literally don't know anyone who would eat me out, no male friends.

Anonymous 14635

You need to lay off the gooning if masturbation doesn't work anymore

Anonymous 14638


Ok, then ask a female friend who's not prudish and is open minded, if possible, or tell her to bring a Magic wand or any vibrator and then you go

Anonymous 14640

>paying a moid to go down on you

your doing it wrong. they should pay you


Anonymous 14636[Reply]

You ever read this?

Anonymous 14637

I haven't, but I can imagine the smell

Anonymous 14639


Smell fetish is peak especially when it's Yuri


Anonymous 14524[Reply]

Why are men such whores?
35 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 14621

>when he's number 15 for you and you are his first:

Anonymous 14622

>i delibaretly chose a slut for a bf and now i am angry
>how can this be happening to me

Anonymous 14631

the return of harems. i feel like there are a lot of women out there who would be willing to share one highly desirable and wealthy man with other women than settle for the trash that the majority of moids are.

Anonymous 14633


>The 6'10" sports star said,
>"When you think about, like, mental health, and how important that is,"
>"I need, like, a harem."
>"A sex doll that looks just like your wife is about mental health."

Anonymous 14634

Real answer:
Males invest less on reproduction, especially mammal ones by default because they don't have to give birth and then feed their offspring with milk. Because of that the best strategy for males is to breed with as many females as possible, because their reproductive investment is only ejaculation. Mammal males are literally wired to be whores because its the best reproductive strategy for them, and when needed to fight other males so it is them who only reproduces with those females. This is why men have always cared so much about virginity of their wives to barbaric levels but rarely applied the same standards to themselves and other men.

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