
Question Anonymous 10606
Has this ever happened to any of you?
How did it feel and how badly did you take it?
Anonymous 10607
>>10606Girls shouldn't take this personally. If a guy can't get hard it's his fault. It has more to do with him and his nervousness/porn addiction/antidepressants/Adderall/intoxication than it has to do with me. Healthy normal guys don't have problems getting hard.
Anonymous 10608
>>10606I have the opposite situation. I like giving guys boners and then smugly refusing to do anything about it and leaving. (I worry I'll eventually develop a blue balls fetish, though)
Anonymous 10609
>>10606Well I sometimes can stop being aroused even in the middle of the act (its very hard to get and keep me in the mood), so can't really be offended at someone else being that way.
though if I would later discover that its because of porn and not because the boy needs the atmosphere as I do, or is a hopeless romantic, I would definitely get mad. (btw the reason this has never happened is because I've never dated a dude/girl who watches porn) Anonymous 10610
>>10609>I've never dated a dude/girl who watches pornSo you've never dated anyone, got it.
Anonymous 10611
All sex is illegal
Arrest these people for breaking the law!
Anonymous 10612
>>10611You’ll never catch me alive, copper
Anonymous 10613
>>10612You can always be a nun or something.
Anonymous 10615
Yes. Idm but I dislike it when the male keeps trying to continue when it's clearly not working. Pointless imo
Anonymous 10616
>>10606>Has this ever happened to any of you?Closest experience to this was trying to jerk off a guy that was plenty hard and aroused, but he just couldn't cum. Anxiety or something, and he was giving me minimal communication to get him there.
>>10607 is 100% right.
>How did it feel and how badly did you take it?Didn't take it badly at all, but I was pissed off at overworking my hands and arms and having to clean up the mess from trying to do him the favor.
>>10615 Exactly.
Anonymous 10617
>>10610If you have never met a person who doesn't watch porn, it doesn't mean they don't exist.
Anonymous 10618
>>10606unrelated, but what manga is that? i can notice its from oshimi shuzo! that never happened with me tho, im a virgin.
Anonymous 10620
This thread was created by a moid schizo from gnfos.com. Do not reply.
Anonymous 10621
>>10609where do u meet dudes that don't watch porn?
>>10607The man deff is not attracted to you if this happens, though. The whole reason limp porn dick happens in the first place is because they get used to watching nothing but 10/10s, so the sight of your normal body is disappointing.
>b-but he's still attracted! it's just the porn!No, to be attracted to someone is to be sexually enticed by them. If he can't get aroused by your body, he is not attracted.
Anonymous 10622
>>10621>The man deff is not attracted to you if this happens, thoughNice try but Adderall/antidepressants/other meds that affect this obviously have nothing to do with attraction. Plus I am a 10. You sound like a mad boy with a limp dick
Anonymous 10623
It is all about being nervous, it is normal among virgins. Just do some foreplay until he is relaxed
Anonymous 10624
>>10606I would make my ex hard when she showered together and then i wouldn't do anything about it and he said he got such intense blue balls (?) that it felt like someone had kicked him down there that he went into the hotel bathroom to jerk off
Anonymous 10627
>>10608This is not the way. It's dangerous.
Anonymous 10628
I'm not sure why I could, should, or would care. It's disappointing, sure, but there are so many ways sex with scrotes is disappointing. At least this would just be horny frustration, not traumatizing. Stopping after foreplay and cooling down, talking about it a little bit, then trying again some other time/bonding around it is really the least of my worries in the bedroom.
Anonymous 10629
>>10606Yep I didn’t take it personally though, the guy had issues
Anonymous 10630
Lol so many people talking utimate shit here.
Ofc it is normal for a boy he can't get hard sometimes. His body is not a machine and it happens normally. If I were a boy I wouln't like to have sex wiht you and being scared you will think I watch porn 24/7.
Especially when he is a virgin or anything. You never know what is happenig inside him.
Anonymous 10631
>>10609> I've never dated a dude/girl who watches pornI'm sorry to inform you only dated liars moids
Anonymous 10632
>>10606unrelated to your question but this was such an over-dramatic moment in the manga. he needs to just fess up and tell the girl he got too nervous
Anonymous 10633
Some of them say it's not just psychological, but also a physical issue caused by fapping with a "death grip", AKA his penis is conditioned to only be stimulated by extremely tight compression