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Dilemma Anonymous 10831

so i have a dilemma. basically, i have a gf, and she is a switch. she says that all good gay women should be well-rounded sex wise, as in they should be able to top and bottom. but the problem is i am a huge bottom. i don’t get much enjoyment out of topping. i don’t want to disappoint her though, and i can tell it bothers her.
so…. how do i get myself to enjoy topping? my main problems with it are that i lose energy quickly, have little interest in it, and i just don’t know what to do. i do what she tells me but i feel like i should do more.. help !!

Anonymous 10832

> so…. how do i get myself to enjoy topping?

sometimes we do things we don't like for people we love. everybody has their limits though.

Anonymous 10835

some ppl are fast-switches; as in, they can be a top on monday, a bottom on tuesday, and a top again on wednesday. other people don't switch at all; are exclusively top or bottom. And still other people, are slow-switches, who need to acclimate to a new disposition; but flipping back and forth gives them whiplash. Try out the latter. That is, try being a top exclusively for a while, and see if that works. As for low-energy; diet, exercise, and good sleep will fix that.

Anonymous 10836

I consider myself verse/switch and I think your girlfriend is wrong. If the idea topping isn't interesting to you, you shouldn't feel pressured or obligated to do it, unless you're naturally curious and just need help with that.

Anonymous 10843


> And still other people, are slow-switches, who need to acclimate to a new disposition
i’ve never heard of this, what an interesting concept !! perhaps even one i can relate to. more experience will tell me.

our relationship is relatively new, and i’ve never done any sex stuff before it, so obviously i have a lot to learn about my own interests. i’ve been on my period so i’ve been topping the past week and i’m starting to find what i like….. kind of. usually i don’t get horny at all topping, but the other day i actually did (yay!) (but only for a bit, and after a week or so of practicing)…. honestly it may just come down to practice but ugh i dislike it. i agree with the one nonette saying we do things we dislike for those we love. i want to make her happy! and i believe i can probably find a way to enjoy it while i do it….

any advice on lesbo topping is appreciated, and i can give more details if necessary….

Anonymous 10846

literally being on top of her when she was bent over, one hand on pussy and one hand on her neck. it was enjoyable because 1) i didn’t have to support myself physically so i could focus on her 2) i could be a little rough, esp with holding her neck. it’s nice when she makes noise too, which i tell her often.

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