Semen Paranoia Anonymous 10873
Look, I know this might sound like a silly thread but I'm genuinely curious if there's other nonas like me. I've had pretty bad sex ed, in the sense that most of it was about the penis and shaming women for even thinking about having sex. They explained all the detailed ways you can get pregnant (have cum on your panties, or on your hand and then you forget about it (i guess) and wipe yourself after peeing and bam impregnated) etc etc… Well. Now I have legitimate semen paranoia that actually prevents me from having normal foreplay with my bf. I can't even touch precum because I know it has some levels of sperm inside it that could potentially get me pregnant. Heck, I can't bring myself to touch his dick because I know this thing is dangerous. I'm pretty sure i'd be paranoid enough even if the male birth control pill comes out. How do you know it's a 100% safety? You can't! I just wonder if there's other nonas that are as scared of semen as I am. This shit is literally the antichrist. I am aware that it's a bit delusional and that this fear I have is the literal product of awful sex ed but still. Honestly I don't even think it's sex ed only. tw: CSA I'm a victim of rape as a kid before I had my period and the moid that raped me told me that his white liquid will make me pregnant. It gave me so much trauma I was forcing myself to run until exhaustion and beating my belly as a kid because I wanted to kill the hypothetical fetus growing inside of me. It's not that easy to get rid off this fear, even with facts about how long it can stay alive on dry surfaces it doesn't help me calm my fear. I'm scared of even shaking hands with moids because what if they have microscopic amounts of sperm on them which could potentially go into me? (I'm well aware these nasty asses don't wash their hands after cumming or taking a pee anyway). I'm also the type to wash my hands excessively to the point the skin around my knuckles is painfully damaged. My hands look like an old lady's and it's so dry. God sorry for this awful vent.
Anonymous 10874
have your bf get a vasectomy, thats the only sure way. And if you ever decide to have kids (im guessing you dont want them from your post, but if you do), it can always be reversed.
Anonymous 10875
>I just wonder if there's other nonas that are as scared of semen as I am.
yes, i even had a pregnancy scare this week because of not getting my period (possibly due to my psych meds) and recent foreplay with my bf when precum could get on my panties (thankfully it didn't and i'm fine)
also nice threadpic, ya lublu tebya nona
Anonymous 10876
>>10874moids are sadly inherently scared of vasectomies but maybe i could convince him somehown it's either that or no sex for a very long time lol
>>10875nona…. same. I've had like 3 pregnancy scares cuz my period comes late when i'm super stressed. I hope you'll be okay too eventually. I hate how much "power" semen has, as silly as it sounds. (ya tozhe tebya lyublyu <3)
Anonymous 10880
Pissing and taking a shower after ejaculation eliminates all potentially dangerous sperm until the next ejaculation. Just have him wear a condom properly and you'll be fine. You also probably need therapy anyway OP.
Anonymous 10881
>>10880I don't trust condoms, it's irrational, what if it rips? What if it's not placed on correctly? How could I know these things? I do think you're right about the therapy part
Anonymous 10882
>>10876If he understands how sperm makes you feel and isn't willing to get a minor procedure done to make you feel better, he doesn't deserve you. Have you sat him down and talked to him about your feelings?
Anonymous 10889
>>10882>if your partner won't get a surgery so you can feel less paranoid they don't deserve you.I don't think you really believe this. If an anon were to post about how her boyfriend was pressuring her to get her tubes tied because he's paranoid about pregnancy, you would rightfully call him controlling and entitled.
Anonymous 10894
>>10889I genuinely feel like not having sex at all is the best option for me. But it's also annoying because I do want to actually have loving sex someday. Maybe I'm delusional?
I also don't trust hormonal birth control either. Even though my mom said the pill worked fine on her without any problems.
I also have a lot of anger about how moids are so scared of the male birth control pill over effects of depression but women's birth control has got a pass despite the side effects.
Anonymous 10897
>>10894You could get a copper IUD. Those are really effective and pretty low commitment since you can always have it taken out.
Anonymous 10901
>>10897i heard these could get quite painful though, are there ways to make them as painless as possible?
Anonymous 10905
You can always use a donor if it can't be reversed.
Anonymous 10906
>>10901I wouldn't know. I've heard it's only cramps that last for a little while post surgery though.
Anonymous 10907
Re: IUD, it seems to be somewhat common for worse side effects to occur including discomfort/pain during sex. (
Re: the semen thing, I once had a "scare" because I had just started giving my first BF blowjobs and a few weeks later I got really nauseous and thought I was pregnant from residual semen (I was not).
Anonymous 10908
I just want to thank OP for making me feel better about my homosexual tendencies. I'm sorry y'all have to deal with that shit.
Anonymous 10912

It feels like you have a pregnancy themed OCD. you're experiencing is surely not a joke.
Medications and therapy will help.
What eventually matters is not assuring yourself that you won't become pregnant, but you learning to accept that you MIGHT get pregnant and learning to bear how to live with that doubt.
You also need help with your child abuse trauma.
Take care.
t. contamination OCD
Anonymous 10914
>>10907I dunno, I'm looking at all those, and they don't really seem that bad to me considering you can just get it taken out if you're having problems. Dunno though.
Anonymous 10918
>>10914yeah it's like any implant. Some people have complications, some never have any. Generally only people who do have complications talk about it online, so complications can be overrepresented. IUDs can hurt like hell to take out though so take that into consideration.
Anonymous 10920
>>10912>>10918Thank you both for your input. I'll look into it. UIDs still sound scary and I'll probably refuse to get it implanted if the doctor is a male.
I do agree that I probably need therapy anyway. It kind of sucks that therapy is so expensive where I live, it's literally the main reason that makes me shy away from even starting it.