losing virginity to another girl Anonymous 10886
(lesbians only reply pls) what is it like to loose your virginity to another girl?
i wanna lose it to my girlfriend soon and she's going to top me and not use a strap
we're just gonna feel each other's bodies and shes gonna eat me out
is it painful? do you feel any guilt?
Anonymous 10891

I just lost mine to my gf a few months ago and it was really pleasant. she was gentle with me and we went slow, touching, feeling, kissing, and smiling goofily at each other. here’s my advice, because i was so scared too.
Make sure you love the person/are okay being intimate with them. I was ok being emotionally vulnerable with my GF, and this opened the door to physical vulnerability as well.
Take it slow. My gf knew i was nervous and so we took it very slow. it took us weeks to just kiss! Start with just making out, then maybe later feel her up. Ask to touch her breasts, and let her touch yours. Don’t rush it. Go with your bodies’ flow.
With lesbian sex there’s a lot of grey area as to what it “actually is”. Don’t worry about any of this. Everyone has their own definition. Don’t feel pressured to have her use a strap on you or something because that’s what “real sex is” or you think it’s what your partner wants.
Go. Slow. You’ll realize what you like, and it’s important (very important) you communicate in the moment if you like or don’t like something. Progress together. Be forgiving. It might be a little awkward (imo it always is. my gf gets runny noses during and i just hand her a tissue. it’s awkward but it won’t affect you unless you let it. the awkwardness makes the intimacy more real, if that makes sense?)
Forget everything you’ve ever seen in porn. Lesbian porn is for males. You’re women.
it wasn’t too painful for me when we started fingering, i just can only take two fingers. my gf can’t handle any form of penetration because of pain, so we just don’t do that with her. simple as. if it’s painful, say something.
as for guilt… i can’t give you a solid answer. I go back and forth on being ashamed of my sexuality. But in that moment of intimacy with her, the guilt melts away. Remember that feeling, and remember you have nothing to be ashamed of. The guilt is a product of outside expectations. not to be a cheeseball here but homosexual love trumps homosexual shame. You deserve to be loved, especially by a woman.
good luck nonette, tell us how it goes!
Anonymous 10896
Blue is the warmest color kiss.mp4
Anonymous 10904
What is this moid ass threadpic
Anonymous 10929
Sex with guys can cause pregnancy so society's kinda right there, in terms of the weight of consequences.