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training bf to be dominant? Anonymous 11029

when i met my boyfriend he had this super intimidating, professional vibe about him that really turned me on. i finally pinned him down but found out he's a nerdy virgin puppydog of a man. he worships the very ground i walk on and doesn't do any stupid moid shit like watch porn or treat women like they're inferior. overall we have the same values and he does what i tell him to. also he's hot and hung like a horse. i'm very, very happy.

however the only thing lacking is my sex life. i'm really into the caring yet dominating type of man. think of a teacher or doctor role. my man can make me cum but i'm just not sure how to introduce him to the more roleplay/kinky side of things where he plays a character a little bit.

tl;dr how do i introduce dorky virgin to dom life.

Anonymous 11032

You have to fuck him first.

Anonymous 11033

roleplay with him outside of sex, he's probably super self conscious about larping like a faggot in the first place, it's gonna be easier if he isn't naked when he practices

Anonymous 11035

tbh it seems to me like its more acceptable within the context of sex so i'd feel pretty weird otherwise. i suppose i'll give the non sexual faggot larp a try though.

Anonymous 11036

I was in a similar situation.
My bf is a natural Dom. Has a strong personality, is very assertive, can be very intimidating, is very protective and nurturing and has that "vibe." You know, the kind that makes you go "oh yeah, he's always in control."
The thing is, as I got to know him, I learned a few things about him. He deals with trauma regarding pretty much all forms of abuse, he had the whole "never hit a woman" mentality very ingrained into him, he's very self conscious about his body and his strength… so getting him to be the kind of Dom I wanted was quite the challenge.
At some points I kind of felt like I was being unfair to him and pushing him to do stuff he clearly wasn't comfortable with for my pleasure. He even cried once because of it, but we worked things out.
He was always a loving and caring protector-type. Like, the perfect "daddy/mentor" type, without the kink part. Over time, I worked to help him develop a fully sadistic and degrading side that, in all due honesty, makes him the perfect man in my eyes. We're very happy with our sex life now.
This is how I did it:
>Communication. communication and more communication. Explain what you like, why you like it and how you like it AND listen to him when he does the same
>Train his dominant side outside of sex - push him into situations where he has to make decisions for you, ask him to "help" you keep track of your schedule, give up control to him voluntarily
>Ease him into pushing his limits. My bf had a severe aversion to hitting me. So I started by playfully spanking him and saying "wanna get back at me?" before running across the house. This turned into a small game for us, which then became sexual. A while after, I started grabbing his hand and pretending to slap myself with it before saying "harder, master." After he explained his trauma to me, I explained and reassured him that I want and enjoy this. Basically, I trained him to think that hitting me is like a kiss.
>Names, names and more names. Call him "daddy, master, teacher, stallion, beast, king, etc." All the time. Even when you're not in bed. Even in public. And when he calls you "queen, mommy, etc." correct him. "I prefer princess, kitten, bunny, etc." Start with cute names, then ask him to call you the more subby stuff like "slut, whore, cum socket, etc." Then start asking him to use them interchangeably.
>Are you a sub? Act like one. Cook for him, get him his slippers, wake him up with a bj, stuff like that. However, try to do it as a reward. If he does something Dommy, do something subby.
>Just like he worships the ground you walk, do the same for him.
>This is gonna sound toxic af, but… make him feel guilty. Say you didn't cum, have sex with limited time and then ask him to do something outside his limits so you can have an orgasm, etc… This is how I got him to get over one of his biggest aversions.
>Watch media with dominant men with him and say stuff like "You're so much like him, you should do that more often, etc."
>Cosplay. Not necessarily anime cosplay unless you're into that, of course. But if you roleplay as a submissive role, try to look the part. Men are super visual animals. Maid, secretary, doll, etc…
>Educational erotica. This is a bit hard to find, because most of it is just porn. But if you can find something fun to watch with him, go ahead.
>Patience. Do it slowly. You won't get facefucked day one. You won't get tied day one. Go slowly and ALWAYS say "I love you" afterwards. Men love being told they're loved.
I can go into more detail if you want. My beloved bf went from vanilla shy lover to Sadistic Dom in about two months, so it's not impossible at all.

Anonymous 11039

thank you anon!! this is rly good. i'm not terribly into the sadistic stuff but i think i can adapt this to what i need.
we're pretty often in situations where he has to be really tough because we live in the fkn ghetto but it doesn't translate into the bedroom at all. i've been trying to find ways to coax that out of him.

i like the name idea. i've been calling him really small things like "mister" and "sir". he refuses to call me "princess" or "good girl" because that reminds him of children which is pretty fair. he has a lot of trauma too so i'm trying to respect that.

tbh i just recently got him to stop talking in that awful baby voice. baby steps.

Anonymous 11057

why are posters on cc so mentally ill

Anonymous 11059

I like how perverts think 'normal' is an insult. Meanwhile, you're the one dreaming about being degraded by the person who's supposed to respect you - and you disrespect him too by introducing manipulation and 'training' into your relationship.

Anonymous 11062

extremely funny misconception.

a lot of bdsm is unhealthy but what i'm practicing isn't actually that. (look up the acronym). what i'm into is a really common power exchange that most people fetishize but don't know it, so they seek out the real thing and end up in weird age gap relationships or end up fucking older professionals with wives and children. the reason it's not considered an alternate sex practice is because we live in such a patriarchal society that a major power imbalance is just seen as normal. if you recognize that you fetishize this and keep it contained to an act done in the bedroom you're better off imo.

he's not degrading me because that's literally not what i'm into. if you think any sex besides vanilla sex is automatically violent edgeplay involving pain then i think you're just not knowledgable on the subject. i also don't care about disrespecting him because he's a male and i'm dating him so he can cater to my needs.

why did you go out of your way to come to a hidden board and then post in a thread that you don't like.

Anonymous 11070

Ummm sorry for off-topic but the cupcake in the picture- is the frosting- what I think it is..?

Anonymous 11073

i doubt it. i just picked it because it looks funny within the context of an nsfw board lol

Anonymous 11075

Oh okay lol I was fully prepared to be grossed out but I think I still am lol

Anonymous 11195

Why do you want to make him mentally ill.

There's a reason Sadism was a DSM-III mental disorder. A very damn good reason.

And fuck you, dorky guys like the one you described are perfect.

Anonymous 12229

OP has ruined another unicorn man, his next gf is getting choked, whipped and other pornsick shit

Anonymous 13357

Eh try acting submissive/babygirl with him when you're not having sex so you can introduce him to being dominant in bed as well.

Anonymous 13381

this. op you should honestly rot

Anonymous 13393

How come seemingly all the girls here have hot tall respectful boyfriends with huge dicks and only extremely minor character flaws?

Anonymous 13415

Anyone gushing about their bf isnt going to say they're short or have a tiny dick, they're just going to list the positives. Ask about exes and you'll hear more about short, tiny dick, asshole, smells bad etc.

Anonymous 14324


I wish my man was more dominant in the bedroom. For how much of a control freak he is it's kind of disappointing how passive he is in the bed. He doesn't like how submissive I am, he wants a more dominating woman. I tried but he shoved me off.
I can't win.

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