Anonymous 11082
What breast size do men prefer the most? Areola size? Also post stories/ encounters were you feel like you where treated differently for having bigger/smaller breasts than someone else
Anonymous 11083

if there is one thing i can say with full confidence is that i like how soft my boobs are when my nipples arent erect and im just chillign comfy, it's literally relaxing to feel how soft they are. FUCK MOIDS. their opinion will never stop me from liking my awesome boobs way until i die! your boobs worth =/= moid opinions
and thats just facts.
Anonymous 11084
I’m not really sure about the first two questions, although in hindsight I think girls in school didn’t like me because I developed quicker/was bigger than them. I got dirty looks in gym class a few times I think LOL
Anonymous 11110
Obsession with large breasts is really a litmus test for IQ and impulse control. Brief interest in extremely large breasts is pretty natural, but if it extends to staring, constant attention/remarks, fetishizing ect. then you're dealing with a low IQ coomer. That said, if you can find an average moid who can accurately judge cup size while the subject is wearing a bra, I would be genuinely impressed, because thus far I've found their understanding of shape and size to be entirely informed by porn, causing them to massively over or underestimate.
Anonymous 11328
Men have no idea how bra sizes work, so I would ask them how many handfuls they would prefer. You could tell half of them "wd40" and they'd be like omg so hot. All of my exes would say a bit more than a handful. However my sample size is 4. Lol
Anonymous 13398
you could defy the laws of physics and biology and somehow have a negative cup size and any decent man would love you regardless of how big your boobs are cups haver with a boyfriend who said he loved big boobs before we became a couple
Anonymous 13404
>>13398>a moid dating a woman with an aaa chest oh boy, I'm not even going to go there
Anonymous 13405
i dont give a fuck what men prefer, love my massive tits even if they make clothes shopping kinda annoying