
Anonymous 11085
Any tips for having sex with big guys? My new boyfriend is 6'2" and 300 pounds, I'm 4'11" and 100 pounds. I don't really like being on top but I also don't wanna get Fatty Arbuckle'd. He's a virgin if that's relevant.
Anonymous 11089
>>11085doggy, oral, get him to lose weight and build strength so he doesn't crush you in missionary
Anonymous 11090
why on earth would you date a man who is 300 pounds. I can't even imagine. Generally I would not date a man who can physically dominate me but I can still appreciate the aesthetics of men who are tall and strong. However there are no aesthetics to appreciate in a tubbo. Please get standards.
Anonymous 11091

>>11090holy fucking shit its even worse than I imagined
Anonymous 11092
>>11085>I don't really like being on top but I also don't wanna get Fatty Arbuckle'dThen leave. Get some damn self respect and find someone who isn't a physical threat to your safety.
Anonymous 11093
>>11091He used to weigh more, but he lost like 15 pounds in a week after I made him go vegan. I suspect he'll always be fat though, he likes eating.
Anonymous 11094
>>11093Everyone likes to eat. Not everyone eats to a pathological degree to the point where they border on morbid obesity. Seriously why are you dating him?
Anonymous 11095
This is clearly a fat virgin moidposter fishing for fapfodder.
Do not engage nonas
Anonymous 11097
>>11094He's part of my social circle and has been hitting me up for months. I had no interest in him and mostly ignored him until last month. I was raped and he asked me how I was feeling. I ended up getting really trashed on box wine and asking him if he wanted to eat me out. I didn't remember it until the next day and he was texting me all these sweet nothings. I figured I might as well roll with it since he's really nice to me. Also, he gives me stuff and agrees with everything I say.
Anonymous 11099
>>11097So his response to your sexual trauma was to offer you sex. Sounds like you have a real winner here nona.
Anonymous 11100
why on earth you want to date a man, and worse, an obese-fat-whale man ? have some shame. grow up.
Anonymous 11101

This is him. He honestly carries his weight pretty well, but that doesn't change the fact that he is BIG and heavy.
Anonymous 11102
>>11097I… anon I…
>>11101For 300 pounds he doesn't look THAT bad, sure, but ya know, you are only going with him because he gave you some attention because you are going through trauma from rape. I mean, what do I know. I don't know you or him IRL. Maybe he is a good guy, maybe he is right for you and maybe fat guys are your thing. But you should really take the time to contemplate upon this and on why exactly you are going with him
Anonymous 11103
>>11097>>11102Oh yeah I forgot to ask. Was he also drunk? Because if he wasn't as plastered as you then that's pretty fucked
Anonymous 11104
>>11101>posting his irl picsYou are either a troll or retarded.
You can do so much better than this.
Anonymous 11105
>>11101even the quintessential stains all over his shirt.
Anonymous 11106
>>11103No, he doesn't drink. I don't think be actually noticed though. I am an alcoholic and sometimes people don't notice when I'm drunk even when it would be expected for them to point it out.
I actually broached the subject of my level of intoxication on that night, as well as the fact that I was kinda cheating on my previous boyfriend with him. He was unhappy about me being drunk and discourages me from consuming alchohol in the future. He told. E he did not care about me cheating on my boyfriend because he got what he wanted, which was to date me.
I know it was shitty of me to do that to my ex-boyfriend. After I told him I was raped he contacted the police without my permission, and they were hassling me about it. I lost all attraction to him because of that and broke up with him a week after I got with the guy this thread is about.
Anonymous 11107
>>11105The stains are because he's at work and has a job that involves getting dirty
Anonymous 11108
>>11106Ok I can't even process this. Everything is wrong with this. Just everything
First of all, he didn't respect the relationship you were in, which is a lack of respect for you
Secondly, neither did you obviously
Your previous boyfriend cared about you, that's why he went to the police. It sounds like he got emotional over it to the point he had to do something. I'd be angry too but in the end I'd know where that action came from and could forgive him
And thirdly, it's sort of a no shit thing to say but you need to come off the drink or you are gonna keep making dumb decisions and fuck your life up, if not kill yourself before you can do that. I've seen it too many times, sorry I just had to say it. It's awful to witness
From how you have described it all, it just looks like you betrayed your boyfriend who cared about you and downgraded for an obese opportunist
Anonymous 11109
But anyways you never asked. You wanted to know how to have sex with a mammoth without being ontop. Well, you could always hang him off the ceiling in a harness or something shit idk. How ever you do it you are gonna need some special equipment or something
Anonymous 11112

My bf is 6f3" and weights 325 pounds and I am 5f6" 105 pounds so I can give you some tips. First of all if you are thinking seriously about staying with him you have to build up his stamina so that he will be able to stand for long enough for you in doggy position if you really want it, something like riding bike is good for it as it's not so demanding to start with and builds leg muscles just fine. Secondly if you want to have missionary sex with him being on top i recommend buying a good, soft mattress - even if he is lying on you without withholding himself you shouldn't feel any discomfort in fact for me it's just the best part of sex when he's lying exhausted on me and I am totally covered tightly by his body. I'm not really sure how is your boyfriend in size department but the fat also accumulates around the base of the penis so if he's like 4 inches short it may be inevitable for him to lose some weight in order to be able to perform most of the positions. About the diet, you said you made him go vegan - tbh I would recommend you to make him eat more proteins in food like lean meat and less junk food so that he builds some muscles - more muscles->faster metabolism->more fat burned.
As a side note I won't really berate you for what you did but I feel like the circumstances of your meet up were a little bit unhealthy and it feels like you weren't fully able to properly judge the consequences of your doing.
Anonymous 11113
>>11112Junk food doesn't help you build muscle. He can eat high protein foods without it being junk food. He also needs to exercise to maintain his muscles, he might loose fat super easily at first but once he starts getting at a normal/slimmer weight he will start burning muscle for calories too. His TDEE is around 2800 calories per day just make him eat 1000 less and in theory should burn 2 lbs of fat per week.
>fat accumulates around the base of the penisHoly shit lmao. Thats disgusting.
>>11109I know the perfect thing
https://www.fanevalleystores.com/products/30452/shoof-daisy-lifter-cow-sling-standard-completeImagine the pig-like grunting noises he makes during sex.
Anonymous 11117
>>11113>Junk food doesn't help you build muscle. He can eat high protein foods without it being junk food.uh read again what she wrote
>Holy shit lmao. Thats disgusting. well not really if you have normal weight/only a little bit overweight bf because then it kind of produce a nice cushion so you don't smash into his bare pubic bone with your vulva
>>11112>>11085i wonder what is your reason to be with such a guys? is it your preference, some kind of fetish or maybe something else? because I see that it can be a little problematic later in life when he gets problems from all obesity-related health problems
Anonymous 11118
Getting into shitty situations voluntarily and expecting things to go well: another thread
Anonymous 11119
I have a fat husband. I kinda like it. When he was muscular and thin I'd get sick of the googoo eyes other women would give him. Now there's a nice layer of fat on him he's invisible to those types but I get to enjoy him and his penis of course all to myself without fear.
How did I convince him to gain weight? Easy. I just asked him to and bought him pizzas. An obedient moid is an excellent moid.
Anonymous 11120
>>11119>I get fat guys because I'm insecure Anonymous 11123
>>11090I think it's cute. They're like big soft teddy bears.
Also sometimes his tummy rubs against my clit when he's on top and it feels really nice :). I love big boys sm.
Anonymous 11126
God this is fucking gross and all of you are nasty
Anonymous 11128
>>11123Shut the fuck up you grotesque freak. You make it God awful for other women encouraging men to be fat stupid swine.
Anonymous 11129
>>11102Yes he does he looks disgusting. All of you just settle and have ridiculously low standards. You'll settle for anything.
Anonymous 11132
>>11129Liking fat guys = being a pickme for fat guys literally
Anonymous 11135
this entire thread is hilarious, although more proof that fat fetishist are weirdo retards
Anonymous 11137
>>11128I'm not encouraging anyone to be fat. I'm just explaining why some girls like big guys. :)
Anonymous 11139
>>11137Imagine being so starved for affection that even a big guy with a messy shirt fits the requirements for a relationship, go figure
Anonymous 11147
tell him to lose weight
Anonymous 11175
>>11101this is disgusting holy fuck even has the stained shirt why didn't you spoiler this you retard
>he carries his weight pretty wellHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
Anonymous 11176
>>11097>agrees with everything I say.is this a redflag?
Anonymous 11180
>>11097>asking him if he wanted to eat me out>he was texting me all these sweet nothings>he gives me stuff >agrees with everything I sayseems like a perfect sub material, just buy a strapon and lock his cock in a cage
Anonymous 11197
>>11113Junk food does help to build muscle, if you ingest 5k calories like whales do, then you get enough protein to grow muscle if you work out. No matter if its garbage processed food. Its not as good as healthy food but good enough.
Anonymous 11258
>>11197this, my ex bf who was lean and muscular literally did things like eating 2 full bars of chocolate after gym or a whole family-sized pizza and was still athlethic and slim
Anonymous 11281
>>11258Because he was consistently burning calories each day by working out. The big dude with a stained t-shirt isn't doing any serious workouts other than flipping the thumb on a joystick
Anonymous 11345
This is unquestionably, the worst thread on this entire website.
Anonymous 11348
>>11345>when you hate yourself so much you start dating fat guys Anonymous 11383
OP here. He dumped me and then immediately started hitting up my friends, including one who's married. :( I guess I increased his confidence.
Anonymous 11384
>>11383He doesn't look too appealing so I don't think he will succeed :)
Anonymous 11387
>>11383you're dumb as hell and i hope this is real so u can fucking learn to not be a retard again. this ALWAYS HAPPENS when a woman out of a man's league dates him.
Anonymous 11394
moids are a dime a dozen, I'll get a new one.