
Things you’re ashamed to say are hot to you Anonymous 12143
Post your shameful kinks, ignore male posters
I think giant women are so hot but I hate giantess fans and never wanna be associated with them
Anonymous 12153
Do you mean like, realistically giant (6'5-7'0) or like fee fye foe fum type?
Anonymous 12154
There's a kind of socially unacceptable isolation to being a woman with a male-typical fetish. You're not supposed to talk about how deviant you are as a woman in the first place, but compounding that with male association, in the current environment where a normal sex therapist would try to get you to take testosterone and bind your chest…
Anonymous 12155
Big dicks, big cumshots and really deep voices
Anonymous 12156
>>12155Also shota ironically, although thats more of a fantasy than a irl thing
Anonymous 12161
Mommy/Daddy kink, which slowly turned into an incest kink. Also spanking and choking.
Read between the lines why I have these all together, and you'll get why I'm ashamed to be so into these.
Anonymous 12162
>>12155Why are those shameful kinks? They are very vanilla, most wouldn't even consider them as kinks to begin with.
Anonymous 12163
>>12161tack on cuckqueaning and breeding for me. we can be ashamed together.
Anonymous 12164
>>12163What aspects of those things are good for you?
Anonymous 12165
>>12155Why would you be ashamed of this, that sounds like the most healthy thing ever.
Anonymous 12166
>>12154Sex therapists IME just tend to enable it.
Anonymous 12171
>>12163>cuckqueani both love and hate discovering this was a thing
Anonymous 12179
>>12162>>12165I have been called a slut by my friends irl and porn sick in this board
Anonymous 12180
>>12179Sounds like you need better friends and to not listen so much to people on imageboards.
Anonymous 12195
>>12163>>12171I've never understood this one - can someone explain the appeal? Is it like a humiliation thing or what?
Anonymous 12198
>>12195For me, it's a little bit of humiliation - but mostly a kind of switch-worship of my bf, with a little internalised racism. I only want him to fuck white girls prettier than me so I can hear them squeal and moan in pleasure as he dominates them and imagine him getting them pregnant. Then I want him to get rid of them like cheap hookers and smother me in love and affection and devoted sex. I feel petty often, since the girls I choose for him tend to bear a striking resemblance to the ones who tortured me in high school. I think it's mostly about using him as a tool to feed my ego while degrading other women, which seems really unhealthy, but feels fucking amazing.
Anonymous 12199
>>12198>vicarious sex with your high school bullies…that's, uhm. You do you I guess.
Anonymous 12201
>>12198you've got some issues, nona
Anonymous 12209

>>12195There's the compersive aspect and the humiliation aspect, like both can happen simultaneously. You want to do everything for your man, love him more, give him more, more than what you can alone. So you want him to date other girls, touch them, kiss them, fuck them, help him fuck them, even know from them how good of a lover he is. You feel pride in his accomplishments, happiness from his happiness.
Then there's the humiliation part, towards self or other vixens. You can't satisfy him alone, he does so much for you, says you are the only one for him, but you know deep down he deserves better. So you let him meet prettier girls, thinner girls, they go on a date. He feels so confident after scoring with her, he takes control and brings her home and take her right on your bed, while you hide and do nothing. Humiliating others would be like
>>12198 says, he fucks those girls but still comes back to you, his true love, something they can never give him.
My fantasy is watching him fuck the girl's brains out without mercy while she begs him to stop and cum already. Then I arrive, look at the teary eyed girl and ask her why she couldn't make him cum. Then I caress my husband's chest, he takes me in his arms while he's still inside her, and have a deep kiss. And then he instantly cums inside her. In that moment, the girl realizes her place. My mind is sick, I know.
Anonymous 12210
>>12204I frequently mock him for looking remarkably like a soldier/athlete who starred in one of those Aryan fitness propaganda films the Nazis produced.
>>12209I do find the humiliation aspect less attractive, but I won't lie; when they think he's cheating and they get really into it, it completely bypasses my ego and is incredibly hot.
Anonymous 12211

>>12210Have you met one of his gf? How do you choose which woman he dates or does he choose them and later you approve them?
Does he think your fetish is weird? Anonymous 12213
>>12211I scroll through dating apps with his account and find women I like the look of. Blonde, very pretty, thin, with good genetics/plastic surgery etc. I
largely pick them for their looks, but if they're overconfident and a little bitchy, that seals it. I'll string them along with non-committal flirting and some partial nudes until I can get my bf to indulge me and then set up a meeting. The texting back and forth is usually what makes me choose one of them, and I usually choose the most entitled and unpleasant one, with all her self-worth wrapped up in her sexuality. I want to be a cruel dominatrix, but a few times I've had to call it off after their meeting because they present themselves like my usual types, but it's all just an act to find men who'll validate and give them desperately needed affection for a few nights.
He absolutely thinks it's weird and it took months to talk him into it, but he agreed because he loves to see how much I adore him after. He still feels guilty, like he's betraying me, but we're kind of in a routine and it's more like a girlfriend indulging her boyfriend with anal once or twice a month.
Anonymous 12214
>>12213Nona that sounds like an anime plot, girl takes revenge on entitled stacys with the power of her boyfriend's dick.
>had to call it off after their meeting because they present themselves like my usual types, but it's all just an act to find men who'll validate and give them desperately needed affection for a few nightsIm glad you see through their overconfidence facade, realize they're merely acting and vulnerable inside. They aren't the ones who deserve it
Anonymous 12215

I feel shame just thinking about it but…
Getting drunk with a older woman who treats me like a little girl, calling her Mami or mommy, having her calling me a "sweet little girl" or "my lovely girl".
Trusting her to get numb while she fucks me and the only thing I can do is moan and tell her that I'm going to cum.
Then going to sleep in her arms.
Anonymous 12221
>>12213you really pick women for him and he just goes along with it? i have to know how that works, like do you watch? listen through a door? do you ever tell him to have pity sex with women you don't humiliate? asking that last one for a friend
Anonymous 12225
>>12221I pick them, they meet on a casual date, then arrange to meet for sex. He gets final veto power after meeting them. He's used it a couple of times; most recently because the one I picked was incredibly cruel to a waitress and he refused to even touch her after that. If they're desperate, I just let them down gently. He's doing this for me because it's extremely sexy, and he'd refuse to sleep with someone else because I felt bad for them.
They arrange to meet in public for drinks, then he invites them home. I wait in our movie/games room which is right under our bedroom, while they flirt and kiss, then go to bed. Our walls are very sound-insulating, but I can hear everything through the floor. It's impossible not to start playing with myself when he gets up to speed and I can always tell when he starts pinning them down and I can hear the muffled, gasping moans. They usually go for about an hour or more, at which point he makes an excuse and immediately ejects them, kicking them to the curb still frazzled, shaky and smelling of sex. I've seen them bewildered, angry, even crying as they have to stand on the street and wait for an rideshare or taxi, but almost every single one asks to come back and do it all over again.
Anonymous 12226
>>12224I suspect there's some overlap between here and anoncafe, which had a fairly active and predominantly female cuckquean board
Anonymous 12238

what happened to the anon who wanted an asexual bf? this gif reminded me of you lmao
Anonymous 12245
>>12244It all works physically but he doesn't particularly enjoy it mentally, more like a meh ok use my junk whatever
Anonymous 13199
Calling the guy daddy during sex. I didn't think it was something I was gonna do kek. But you know when I'm in my normal state I'm always like, what was I thinking. But then I keep doing it. oh well.
Anonymous 13200
>>13199Omg this, I thought it was gross and then my ex convinced me to try it when we had sex. By the end of that session I saw the merits of his argument lol
Anonymous 13201
I want my own little harem of like 2-3 guys. It would be hot if they were related like brothers or cousins. They wouldn't fuck each other or anyone else, just me. I'd pretty much be the centre of their attention.
Anonymous 13202
I like yiff, sometimes.
I don't like 3d porn, it's retarded and made by men for men, but most of 2d porn like hentai and rule34 is just as retarded and male-centered.
I know, most of yiff is shit as well, but surprisingly, there's relatively big number of actually female lesbian artists who know how to draw women's body properly. I don't mind animal head and some weird coloration slapped on top of it. Too bad, most of them eventually revolve into gendie shit and start drawing trannies and girlcocks
Anonymous 13209
>>13203What appeals to you about it? Like, are you more the 'all the dicks at once' type or the 'multiple people in a line to fuck me' type?
Anonymous 13215
>>13203>visiting internet friends overseas>renting a huge place so we can all hang out>towards the end of the trip as everyone is taking flights and trains out>just me with three guys>have a moment on the couch where I ended up laying across two of them>third mentions he's jealous of our threesome>start getting ideas about a gangbang>being shared around by 3 cute guys>having them compete to use me >get very cozy with two of them>make out with one as the others sleeps>consider waking them up to join in>quickly realise how gross a gangbang would be>the logistics alone would make it a nightmare>lose all interest in sexGangbanging is one of those fetishes you really need to stare down the barrel of to realise you're not actually into it and just like it for one or two particular elements.
Anonymous 13220
>>13209Sorry. I saw this late. But yeah, having the sole attention of multiple guys.
Anonymous 13222
>>13213like actual bodybuilders? or just in anime form
Anonymous 13250

I have many embarrassing fetishes through the years (I had a bad case of pornsickness as a virgin) but the one I always come back to is cuckqueaning. It’s not the humiliation for me though: I want to be the one in control of it all and I want to watch + participate which isn’t very queany of me. Also as I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten more sadistic so you can use your imagination.
These factors combined make it go from “cool gf that lets me fuck other women” to “dude wtf” so let’s just say I’d never let a man know about this.
Pic very much related
Anonymous 13254
Premature ejaculators. Maybe because it’s humiliating for them.
Anonymous 13255
I love guys that are a lot bigger than me, ik that's not really usually a kink, but I mean like 6'6+, I'm 5'1 so it would be a ridiculous size difference, and having a guy call me kitten and sweetheart and fuck me too hard in front of all his big hot friends while they stroke their cocks to me begging for help. Twisted, ik.
Anonymous 13256
>>13201Same, I like the thought of a bunch of hot guys grabbing at me and holding me
Anonymous 13304

>>13250>I’ve gotten more sadisticIs this you?
Anonymous 13308
>>13304No but it’s nice to see a kindred spirit
Anonymous 13311
emo boys turn me on so much, emo skinny asf boys who looks like jeff the killer…
Anonymous 13319
>>12198I don't care if this is fake, I am enjoying reading this immensely
Anonymous 13446
My brother. In fairness to me, we only met when I was 16 and we're half-siblings, so I was introduced to an extremely cute guy who had to be nice to me, during a time when I had no friends or self-esteem. It's no unreasonable I might develop a crush, but the taboo aspect does have an allure. We've never actually done anything (not anything serious), but that's getting incredibly hard to deal with as our age gap becomes less important and he becomes even more handsome and mature. I hate being like this, but I can't help it.
Anonymous 13466
>>13250are you the one hurting the other girl or is the sadism combined? also why another girl? why not an MMF threesome where it’s a dude being the third party instead? do you have a lezdom fetish or do you enjoy exercising power play over other women?
Anonymous 13487
Recently discovered a new fetish when a friend suggested I play a RP grand strategy game with some of her friends at a tabletop games store. I managed to manipulate a very cute guy into supporting my claim in a civil war and swearing fealty to me. Giving him orders excites me, but when he voluntarily defends my honour and kills my enemies, it actually turns me on. It became a running joke with the other players and he jokingly followed my commands when we went out for dinner. I had to actively restrain myself from ordering him around so that the joke wouldn't get old. I'm trying to make it a running in-joke, because every time I stub a toe and have him carry me or drop a pen and have him sink to his hands and knees to return it, I feel more aroused than ever before.
Just a few hours ago we were fighting a battle and he broke ranks to save me from encirclement by risking the total destruction of his best skirmishers. We won, but he was willingly subservient to the point of his own destruction. I just spent an hour daydreaming up a fantasy to masturbate to, now I'm compulsively sorting through fanfic and erotic audiobooks to find something that matches this kink. I'm even considering paying actual money for a smut artist's rendering of him servicing my queen-to-be on the battlefield.
Anonymous 13522

I know this is due to peer pressure and female socialization but I've spent my life getting off to violent kinky fantasies that now the thing that excites me most is romantic melodrama during loud touchy-feely sex. My fetish is love nonas and I feel like a dork.
Anonymous 13523
>>13522What's wrong with that? As much as I'm against kink-shaming, I think vanilla-shaming is just as stupid. Also, as an added bonus freaky sex stuff is a lot safer (and more satisfying imo) if it happens with someone you love.
Anonymous 13524
>>13523Nothings wrong with it, I guess I've just surrounded myself with people who think you're boring if you aren't hanging from the ceiling during sex. I like some kinks but they're just so tried at this point. You're definitely right about that last part.
Anonymous 13525
>>13524Just curious, what kind of people are they? Is it an online community you've joined or real life friends?
Anonymous 13526
Eh, I have developed a weird cucking fetish. Yes, I am probably a coomer and moid-brained.
Basically, I have a crush on this one girl, but she is painfully straight, so there is no way of having my chance with her. So I cope by pretending to gush over moids she like, sending her pictures of moids that she would like and imagining her being fucked by random men. If I couldn't pleasure her, than at least I could see someone else doing it.
Anonymous 13530
>>13525Both, fan communities and normie friends with loose morals. I think it's just modern views on sex.
Anonymous 13544

>>12143Sex between parents
Specially if they are hiding from the kids (they're sleeping)
Don't know why I find it so hot, but I guess is the sense of correctness and 'Love' that propaganda instilled in me.
>>13522In my first language missionary is called "mommy and daddy", and I always found it sweet,
Anonymous 13545
Not sex between parents, but I'm kinda ashamed to admit parents factor into it.
I had my boyfriend feel me up while his parents were in the other room and I got way more excited than I should have.
Anonymous 13546
>>13544this isn't weird at all nona, don't be ashamed
Anonymous 13547
>>13544may i ask which language is it? it's kinda cute
Anonymous 13548

>>13547Portuguese. A Romance language, but I don't know if Spanish or French had the same nomenclature for sexual things.
Anonymous 13557

>>13487>>13549okay so here was my idea for composition (10000 hrs in mspaint). sorry for potato mouse draw I have a lot of projects going on but I couldn't get this out of my head.
Anonymous 13560
>>13549I'm playing Elena of Powys, the daughter of an infirm king of the border realm with Mercia. A young and stunning redhead (maxed out charisma), she was practically sold to the king of Gwynedd, who died shortly after the wedding. I managed to lie convincingly to the other players, as well as in-game, about consummating the marriage, so she's known as the Virgin Queen. The king of Gwynedd left behind an heir who's only 10, so most people want his brother, the king of Ceredigion to take the crown and form a personal union. I'm taking the opportunity to claim the son as my ward and become regent so I can draw Gwynedd closer to Powys and form a united response to Saxon encroachment (might marry the son when he's older so I can cement the alliance).
He's playing Owain of Gwent, a scarred, yet dashing blond prince who has a personal grudge against Elena's brother, the current regent of Powys. Initially he joined the war just for the chance to kill him in battle, but I managed an extremely compelling argument both in-game and in-person, so he supported my claim. During our first battle, I was about to be destroyed, but managed to rally a failing frontline into a charge against a scattered pursuit force, which looked like a stroke of tactical genius from the outside. He was impressed and swore fealty to me as queen-regent.
>>13557I love it so much. He would never question me, though; just throw himself headfirst into the river, wonder at my genius for avoiding enemy infrastructure and praise God for preserving my elegant feet from the touch of river water until he could properly clean them with warm, pure drinking water from his own reserve.
You might be prescient, because it's been raining a lot here and he did help me across a ditch filled with water I couldn't cross without jumping. Sadly he just lifted me over, instead of letting me use him as a bridge, but can't have everything I suppose.
Anonymous 13561
Pikachu with a penis the size of it's body slow riding while he zaps me with a giant comedic bolt of lightning every 15 seconds
Anonymous 13582
someone being totally and madly in love with me :3
Anonymous 13583
>>13582You're an absolute degenerate
Anonymous 13605
older men daddy kink basically
Anonymous 13616
>>13605also getting my nips sucked and being nursed especially the idea of being nursed when pregnant
yes I feel degen
Anonymous 13618
cannot explain it but i have a fetish for having my trust betrayed/manipulation? probably stems from trauma or something. it kinda ties into a rape fetish,,, and a incest fetish kind of? most of the porn i seek out usually has some sort of narrative of getting abused by a brother or family friend.
Anonymous 13628
Beach bros. Blonde guys with a tan. I read those NTR fetish hentai just to see these men. I'm very vanilla in bed, most of my fetish is about who I want in my bed.
Anonymous 13629
Saw an anon mention Janitor AI here, gave it a shot, now I'm addicted.
Years ago, I used to be into ERP. Never again, this is so much better. I think I'm turning into a chat bot gooner.
Anonymous 13630
>>13629I'm thoroughly addicted. I carry on long sprawling storylines and then take the logs, break them up POV and run them through AI TTS, lay them over some ambient music for each arc and use them as audiosmut. Currently I'm trying to detox now that I actually have a boyfriend for the first time ever, and I don't want him to come across my partially complete audiobook of a forbidden love triangle threesome with two handsome militiamen in a post nuclear civil war America.
Anonymous 13682
how does someone even become attracted to that?
Anonymous 13697
>>13682I'm assuming messages or imagery got mixed and caused a tingle at the wrong time during adolescence.
Anonymous 13702
>>13629I'm the same way with I don't believe in paying for AI so I rather use free one and work around the censors.
I've been getting into making my own and made a world where my self insert fights and fucks.
With how much effort I put into the stories, to the point where I even started editing and typing long sprawling paragraphs for the characters responses. I feel like I should write a book.
Anonymous 13705
>>13702nona i have to beg,,, use janitor ai if you can! it's free and has no censors. i wasn't a big fan of ai before but using janitor made me enjoy it,,,
Anonymous 13710
>>13705How did you get a free API? I don't want to have to sign up for discord to get it
Anonymous 13719
Honestly, virgins and legal teens (17 in my country.) I love being the first time of inexperienced boys but they're hard to find and it becomes more of a hassle the older I grow (I'm 22 now.) I love to make them insecure about premature ejaculations and tease them about being just little boys who aren't old enough for me (which makes them seethe, a lot.) Sometimes we do mommy or teacher RP. I wouldn't go lower in age even if it was legal though.
Anonymous 13723
I kinda think dating a widower would be hot, or at least romantic in a way. Just imagining some sad guy, not sure he’ll ever know how to love again, and making him feel what it’s like again.
Anonymous 13748
>>12153I apologize for the 10 month late response, but I do mean the fe-fi-fo-fum type. I want to be small enough to hide under her clitoral hood. I'm sorry for being this way.
Anonymous 13750
Noncon or dubcon. Not fully understanding sexual things, and being forced into them. Unfair power dynamics. Manipulation. Confusion between loving and hating something. Humiliation and degradation.
I did some sort of AI chat with all of these aspects involved, and now I feel weirdly complete, like some part of me has been exorcised. I'll probably have to worry about it again later, but for now, the anxiety is gone.
Anonymous 13758
Effeminate and gentle men. Not femboys, not traps. Bidanshis. Men who are like milfy wine moms. I'm talking cunning and motherly attractive dilfs. They'd call you honey and coo at you. Those kinds of guys. Real 'ara ara' type guys. I have always had a thing for this but so rarely have encountered it in media. I get my fix by roleplaying online with friends. Wish I could get cured of this obsession it never fails to get me hot under the collar.
Anonymous 13763

Large stomachs on women sometimes make my monkey brain activate. it’s partly just an inexplicable visual thing and partly because im thin so the size difference is hot.
I only like Farcille as much as I do because western artists often draw Falin like picrel
Anonymous 13769
>>13758Same. They feel so unattainable though since most of them are gay.
Anonymous 13770
>>13765You know what nona… stay ashamed of this forever. That's the ugliest art I've ever seen and I can't believe it turned you on.
Anonymous 13771

>>13770It's not my fault, bimmf art is already hard to come by as is let alone forced bi
Anonymous 13774
>>13763I only like Farcille as much as I do because I have a huuuuge crush on a tall chubby blonde girl. it feels like art like that was made just for me.
Anonymous 13776
I really like the idea of tieing my husbandos up so that they can't touch me then blindfolding them and gagging them so they can't see me or talk to me, maybe even putting on noise cancelling headphones on 'em. Then id lock their dicks up and make them wear a strap on and that's how wed have sex. I also like the idea of forcing them to fuck each other but never letting them cum. Perma blue balls. They are not allowed to cum. Glad I got this off my chest.
Anonymous 13781
I find men cumming on figurines or in sex dolls really hot
I think I get off more to the fact that they have to resort to that
Anonymous 14187
>>12143DILFs, but as in an actual dad. Specially if he has a daughter. I really enjoy it seeing older guys being cute and considerate with girls and women.
Was taking a taxi and the driver was really proud of his "little girl" going to uni, and he showed me a picture of a stunning woman, as pretty as the shine in his eyes when talking about her.
>>13723yep, I get it…
Anonymous 14191
>>13771Fuck, mmf is peak sexo and anyone who disagrees is simply wrong. Forced bi is a nice bonus though
Anonymous 14193
Pegging but only in fiction as a dominance thing with one specific husbando. So it's probably more just my husbando being the kink kek. Pegging irl makes me feel nothing or a mild ick depending on the day.
Anonymous 14210
Identity death or extreme personality change, whatever you want to call it, kek. Brainwashing is also nice, at its core I enjoy the loss of oneself, a very "The fuck happened to you?" type of progress. I don't have a specific theme as a favorite but lately I've been pondering about the idea of a player gyaruo becoming a gloomy goth.
Anonymous 14234
>>12143Period sex
I love sex on my period. It feels like a nice massage on the inside, it's super 'lubed' up. It even helps shorten my flow.
It's a shame that most men are just beyond gross out by the idea.
Anonymous 14243
Lately I’ve been having a recurring fantasy of getting pinned down and raped by monster/monster-adjacent men (like orcs, trolls, etc.)
Anonymous 14253
Humping things. Pillows, the corners of tables, couch arms, all of that. Don't know why but the thought of absolutely crushing my clit against something drives me nuts. Funnily enough, actually doing it doesn't work super well.
Anonymous 14258
>>14234Tell him to use that plastic or silicone dildo on you
Anonymous 14290
>>14258They're afraid of a little blood.
Anonymous 14292
My sister and I, as well as a female cousin, used to kiss our only male cousin when we were kids and I think it broke me at an early age. It was all fairly harmless and we stopped when we realised it was wrong, but now I still think about it sexually and cuckqueaning/sharing a partner or, if I'm being honest with myself, my cousin. My sister doesn't even remember it and my female cousin remembers it happening once and never again, so clearly I'm the weird one for fixating on it.
Anonymous 14300
>>12143I love the idea/fantasy of being a ''cool older woman'' to a cute, shy, younger guy and teasing him about him being younger and being his first love and making him flustered and all that. shota is nice but purely as fantasy like
>>12156 said. Ironically i'm young myself, i'm not too sure where this whole thing stems from.
Anonymous 14303

Eating disorder brainrot related.
It'd be hot to date a guy who not only also has an ED, but is as thin as I want to be, and have him shame and objectify me very crudely (my current BMI is average). He'd make no secret of how much better he feels about himself looking at my body, even though he'd be attracted to me in a caveman way. If he caught me eating, he'd call me a breeding cow, and ask how I'm not embarrassed of my hips or my breasts. He'd get off on knowing I'm ashamed of how I look, squeezing my soft flesh and watching different parts of my body shake while he has sex with me. He'd threaten to get me pregnant just to watch my body change and see all my reactions, but he wouldn't actually do it. I think the "worst" thing he'd do is make me lactate, talk about how much bigger my tits are getting and embarrass me about it. It'd make me feel so sick I'd want to vomit and rip my skin off, but I think I'd love it. He'd also be smug about most people not realizing men can have EDs, and get away with telling people how much he "hates" being "naturally skinny" while actually bragging the whole time.
This is basically unshareable with anyone because it's embarrassing, and trying it out in reality would be too painful. I don't think I've seen anyone else talk about having a similar kink. I think I just like the idea of being triggered and getting validation for all my unhealthy/retarded thoughts mixed in with sexuality.
Anonymous 14309
Sounds hot. How old are you?
Anonymous 14310
>>13719>>14297How does one develop this fetish?
Anonymous 14312
Every time I mention it I get shit, but here I go.
I often fantasize about my bf and other women, usually celebrities that I find very attractive.
Anonymous 14315
>>14311It's shameful and his life story is depressing, but he was really handsome.
Anonymous 14317

>>14315I think he is still very handsome, especially for an old man
Anonymous 14326
>>14310>>14309Funny, one of the janitors must be mad at me cause she deleted all my posts including what you're replying to. The answer is not a fun one, I was taken advantage of by older men in my late adult teens and early 20s (I thought I was being edgy and independent)and now by some psychological messed up reasoning, I desire the inverse to happen with genders swapped. Like I'm owed it. Obviously I wouldn't because it's shitty but it's like a hidden shameful desire the older I get.
Anonymous 14397
I have a lot of lust for this one male YouTuber. He has severe BPD, and often throws fits. I watched a video he uploaded of himself crying, and he looked so beautiful in his sadness that it made me dizzy and I had to hold my head for a second.
I feel like one of those moids cooming over mentally ill women, it's embarrassing. He gives me dacryphilia, I usually hate crying. I want to do a lot of socially unacceptable and abusive things to him.
Anonymous 14403
What in the discord drama is this?
Anonymous 14405
I'm actually crying about this for about a month now Holy crap I feel like shit.
Basically me and my bf were talking about out shitty lives for a few hours and I was telling him about how I was groomed by this one senior in highschool and how it affected me and he tells me he can relate because in hs one guy whom he thought was his friend drugged and raped him and how betrayed and empty he felt for a long time after that.
The bad part is while I listened and imagining this happening to him I started to feel extremely hot and tingly, and later after he left I went to the bathroom and noticed I was wet and just started to fucking masturbate on the toilet and cried after that.
For the next month I basically tried to erase all memory of the conversation but whenever we sleep or shower together i just can't stop imagining him getting assaulted and feeling turned on (doesn't help that he is a very pretty boy so him being naked turns me on normally)
The worst part was on Wednesday we were cuddling and started masturbating eachother and I don't know why but as he was fingering me and sucking my chest I started grabbing his ass and tried to shove my middle finger up his butt and he jumped up and asked me what the fuck am I doing. I said I'm sorry I don't know why I did that, he eventually forgave me but asked me not to do that without even asking him.
Can any of you nonas tell me what the fuck do i do now? I feel so fucking shit and dirty for fantasizing about this, like he opened up about something traumatic and here I am like some perverted moid incel fetishizing his suffering
Anonymous 14407
>>14405being so unable to let go of both the fantasizing and the guilt is similar to OCD behavior. I can understand why something like this would stick in your mind so much but at the end of the day you just have to let it get old and stop engaging with it all the time. learn to fantasize about something else that scratches a similar itch; you’ll always like seeing his violability and objectification but you can separate that from the rape.
and it sounds like you can be pretty aggressive with him as long as you stay away from his butt (I’m almost tempted to give suggestions lol but I shouldn’t), and he’ll never have to know what made you start acting like that. as you get better at ravishing him in ways he likes you’ll start to think of that instead.
Anonymous 14408
>>14407>as you get better at ravishing him in ways he likes you’ll start to think of that instead.But I don't want to ravish or dominate him, I already feel like a monster, I don't want to make him into some sexslave. We are already pretty balanced in the bedroom, we pleasure and spoil eachother, and he has been so patient with me being reluctant to do anything sexual at first and he always asked for permission to do anything if he didn't know whether I was comfortable or not doing anything.
>you just have to let it get old and stop engaging with it all the timeSo it will just like go away after a while? Do you also have experience with something like this (aside from the OCD)
Anonymous 14409
>he has been so patient with me being reluctant to do anything sexual at first and he always asked for permission to do anythingAwww he's a catch.
>But I don't want to ravish or dominate himKinda sounds like you want to dominate him, to be honest. You have to privately reflect on which part of the story aroused you. Is it the vulnerability? The butt sex? The gayness?
Anyway, you're right to feel shitty about the whole situation and if you keep acting different in bed, he will put 2 and 2 together. You will have to quietly masturbate about it and take your thoughts to the grave unless you want to ruin your relationship.
Anonymous 14413
>>14409>You have to privately reflect on which part of the story aroused youNow that I think about it him being vulnerable is really the hot part of it i guess
>>14405OK so if it won't go away, how can I "ravish" him without turning into some sort of freaky dominatrix?
Anonymous 14416

daddy kink but in a sweet soft way and not a ddlg degenerate way. like my boyfriend is older than me and I like it when he comforts and babies me, i wish I could just call him my daddy. just the thought of him calling me his good little girl while he’s inside me just turns me on so much. i wanna tell him but I don’t want him to think it’s gross or make him uncomfortable. helpppp
Anonymous 14419
>>14413>how can I "ravish" him without turning into some sort of freaky dominatrix?Attraction to vulnerability is basically a twisted offshoot of the protective instinct, so taking control of his body would probably scratch the itch. It can be as simple as giving him a massage, telling him what to do, telling him how to masturbate while you watch, having him naked while you are clothed, etc.
Anonymous 14420
>>14419OK that massage method seems pretty hot, he will come over on this week, we'll do if then, I'll go and learn how to do it great until then lol, thank you for the help!!!!
Anonymous 14421
I think desperately horny men are hot.
Anonymous 14422
my parents were abusive and my dad is absent so i can’t resist the thought of someone who’ll love, comfort, spend time with, and take care of me forever. idk, is this fucked up?
Anonymous 14426
>>14422Why does it have to be a "Daddy" though? Why can't it be a hubby?
Anonymous 14428
>>14405I've always felt similarly though not with a bf, just when men talk about being raped or abused it really turns me on especially if it was particularly bad and extra-especially if you can tell it really traumatized him
Anonymous 14430
>>14426probably because my parents are shit and I like feeling taken care of in that way since i never was. idk, how can I bring this up to my bf without it being weird?
Anonymous 14449
Big Dick Bitch dot Com for sure
Anonymous 14459
Giving a rimjob. I fantasize doing this to my bf often him being on all fours and I'm milking his cock with my hand while tonguefucking his ass and him moaning in deep pleasure. Can't help but believe he would lose respect for me if I ever brought it up. I also want to peg him and make him wear dresses for me. He's just so cute.
Anonymous 14463
>>14405>>14459Jesus how do your boyfriends look if you nonas fantasize about them getting raped and wanting to assfuck them? Mine is hairy but well kept, kinde like if a lumberjack walked into a barbershop, and I love his body, but thinking about his butt kinda disgusts me, yeah I like grabbing it once or twice, but like sticking something inside a hairy musky, sweaty moids ass sounds sooooo fucking filthy
Anonymous 14466
Thinking about blackpilled lesbians seething about bisluts is hot.
Anonymous 14507
>>13629I love/hate you for bringing me to the brink of a fetish that has the potential to fuck up the next months of my life.
I gave it a try and I'm impressed how much it can do. So far I've been mainly messing around with it, its funny what happens, when you try to break free from the prompt and do something else. In one interaction I just left and started working an office job, it's really entertaining.
To be honest I'm a little ashamed to write any sexual prompts myself and so far nothing sexually has happened in any of my stories, but somehow just reading the AI trying to reintroduce lewd themes to the story while I mess around and do random shit turns me on so much, wtf?
Only downside is how seemingly most of them can't really come up with any new story developments. It's always my prompts that drive the story forward and I wish that wasn't the case.
Anonymous 14509
>>14463Neither of those anons,
But my boyfriend is small, lithe, and has a cute little round butt. He’s also very clean about himself, showers twice a day and cleans himself with water after using the bathroom. He’s hairy but clean enough that I dont think it makes him a biohazard like some guys kek.
Not sure I want to stick my tongue up there raw but I do love his ass and we both enjoy me playing with it.
Anonymous 14544
i neeeed to be pinned down and dominated by a cute twink. like pushed down in missionary and fucked as hard as he possibly can. even better if he degrades me and makes me call him daddy, ughhhh
Anonymous 14554
>>14544I really don't get the daddy thing
Anonymous 14561
Putting food inside of my anus.
(eggs and whipcream). I have no desire in consuming it after, that's gross and unhygenic.
But something about a man wanting to degrade me so hard by shoving eggs or whipped cream up there, m m mmm
Anonymous 14602
Nona you might be a pedophile
Anonymous 14616
>>14459my bf wears dresses sometimes and fucks me in them and it's so hot. Giving him a bj when he's in the dress will make me cum from sucking. Yes I'm very horny