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Things you’re ashamed to say are hot to you Anonymous 12143

Post your shameful kinks, ignore male posters

I think giant women are so hot but I hate giantess fans and never wanna be associated with them

Anonymous 12153

Do you mean like, realistically giant (6'5-7'0) or like fee fye foe fum type?

Anonymous 12154

There's a kind of socially unacceptable isolation to being a woman with a male-typical fetish. You're not supposed to talk about how deviant you are as a woman in the first place, but compounding that with male association, in the current environment where a normal sex therapist would try to get you to take testosterone and bind your chest…

Anonymous 12155

Big dicks, big cumshots and really deep voices

Anonymous 12156

Also shota ironically, although thats more of a fantasy than a irl thing

Anonymous 12161

Mommy/Daddy kink, which slowly turned into an incest kink. Also spanking and choking.

Read between the lines why I have these all together, and you'll get why I'm ashamed to be so into these.

Anonymous 12162

Why are those shameful kinks? They are very vanilla, most wouldn't even consider them as kinks to begin with.

Anonymous 12163

tack on cuckqueaning and breeding for me. we can be ashamed together.

Anonymous 12164

What aspects of those things are good for you?

Anonymous 12165

Why would you be ashamed of this, that sounds like the most healthy thing ever.

Anonymous 12166

Sex therapists IME just tend to enable it.

Anonymous 12171

i both love and hate discovering this was a thing

Anonymous 12179

I have been called a slut by my friends irl and porn sick in this board

Anonymous 12180

Sounds like you need better friends and to not listen so much to people on imageboards.

Anonymous 12195

I've never understood this one - can someone explain the appeal? Is it like a humiliation thing or what?

Anonymous 12196

okay chud

Anonymous 12198

For me, it's a little bit of humiliation - but mostly a kind of switch-worship of my bf, with a little internalised racism. I only want him to fuck white girls prettier than me so I can hear them squeal and moan in pleasure as he dominates them and imagine him getting them pregnant. Then I want him to get rid of them like cheap hookers and smother me in love and affection and devoted sex. I feel petty often, since the girls I choose for him tend to bear a striking resemblance to the ones who tortured me in high school. I think it's mostly about using him as a tool to feed my ego while degrading other women, which seems really unhealthy, but feels fucking amazing.

Anonymous 12199

>vicarious sex with your high school bullies
…that's, uhm. You do you I guess.

Anonymous 12201

you've got some issues, nona

Anonymous 12204

Is he white?

Anonymous 12209


There's the compersive aspect and the humiliation aspect, like both can happen simultaneously. You want to do everything for your man, love him more, give him more, more than what you can alone. So you want him to date other girls, touch them, kiss them, fuck them, help him fuck them, even know from them how good of a lover he is. You feel pride in his accomplishments, happiness from his happiness.

Then there's the humiliation part, towards self or other vixens. You can't satisfy him alone, he does so much for you, says you are the only one for him, but you know deep down he deserves better. So you let him meet prettier girls, thinner girls, they go on a date. He feels so confident after scoring with her, he takes control and brings her home and take her right on your bed, while you hide and do nothing. Humiliating others would be like >>12198 says, he fucks those girls but still comes back to you, his true love, something they can never give him.

My fantasy is watching him fuck the girl's brains out without mercy while she begs him to stop and cum already. Then I arrive, look at the teary eyed girl and ask her why she couldn't make him cum. Then I caress my husband's chest, he takes me in his arms while he's still inside her, and have a deep kiss. And then he instantly cums inside her. In that moment, the girl realizes her place. My mind is sick, I know.

Anonymous 12210

I frequently mock him for looking remarkably like a soldier/athlete who starred in one of those Aryan fitness propaganda films the Nazis produced.

I do find the humiliation aspect less attractive, but I won't lie; when they think he's cheating and they get really into it, it completely bypasses my ego and is incredibly hot.

Anonymous 12211


Have you met one of his gf? How do you choose which woman he dates or does he choose them and later you approve them?Does he think your fetish is weird?

Anonymous 12213

I scroll through dating apps with his account and find women I like the look of. Blonde, very pretty, thin, with good genetics/plastic surgery etc. I
largely pick them for their looks, but if they're overconfident and a little bitchy, that seals it. I'll string them along with non-committal flirting and some partial nudes until I can get my bf to indulge me and then set up a meeting. The texting back and forth is usually what makes me choose one of them, and I usually choose the most entitled and unpleasant one, with all her self-worth wrapped up in her sexuality. I want to be a cruel dominatrix, but a few times I've had to call it off after their meeting because they present themselves like my usual types, but it's all just an act to find men who'll validate and give them desperately needed affection for a few nights.

He absolutely thinks it's weird and it took months to talk him into it, but he agreed because he loves to see how much I adore him after. He still feels guilty, like he's betraying me, but we're kind of in a routine and it's more like a girlfriend indulging her boyfriend with anal once or twice a month.

Anonymous 12214

Nona that sounds like an anime plot, girl takes revenge on entitled stacys with the power of her boyfriend's dick.

>had to call it off after their meeting because they present themselves like my usual types, but it's all just an act to find men who'll validate and give them desperately needed affection for a few nights

Im glad you see through their overconfidence facade, realize they're merely acting and vulnerable inside. They aren't the ones who deserve it

Anonymous 12215


I feel shame just thinking about it but…
Getting drunk with a older woman who treats me like a little girl, calling her Mami or mommy, having her calling me a "sweet little girl" or "my lovely girl".
Trusting her to get numb while she fucks me and the only thing I can do is moan and tell her that I'm going to cum.
Then going to sleep in her arms.

Anonymous 12221

you really pick women for him and he just goes along with it? i have to know how that works, like do you watch? listen through a door? do you ever tell him to have pity sex with women you don't humiliate? asking that last one for a friend

Anonymous 12224

didn't think I'd see /cuckquean/ in cc

Anonymous 12225

I pick them, they meet on a casual date, then arrange to meet for sex. He gets final veto power after meeting them. He's used it a couple of times; most recently because the one I picked was incredibly cruel to a waitress and he refused to even touch her after that. If they're desperate, I just let them down gently. He's doing this for me because it's extremely sexy, and he'd refuse to sleep with someone else because I felt bad for them.

They arrange to meet in public for drinks, then he invites them home. I wait in our movie/games room which is right under our bedroom, while they flirt and kiss, then go to bed. Our walls are very sound-insulating, but I can hear everything through the floor. It's impossible not to start playing with myself when he gets up to speed and I can always tell when he starts pinning them down and I can hear the muffled, gasping moans. They usually go for about an hour or more, at which point he makes an excuse and immediately ejects them, kicking them to the curb still frazzled, shaky and smelling of sex. I've seen them bewildered, angry, even crying as they have to stand on the street and wait for an rideshare or taxi, but almost every single one asks to come back and do it all over again.

Anonymous 12226

I suspect there's some overlap between here and anoncafe, which had a fairly active and predominantly female cuckquean board

Anonymous 12238


what happened to the anon who wanted an asexual bf? this gif reminded me of you lmao

Anonymous 12244


how would he get hard if he's asexual

Anonymous 12245

It all works physically but he doesn't particularly enjoy it mentally, more like a meh ok use my junk whatever

Anonymous 13199

Calling the guy daddy during sex. I didn't think it was something I was gonna do kek. But you know when I'm in my normal state I'm always like, what was I thinking. But then I keep doing it. oh well.

Anonymous 13200

Omg this, I thought it was gross and then my ex convinced me to try it when we had sex. By the end of that session I saw the merits of his argument lol

Anonymous 13201

I want my own little harem of like 2-3 guys. It would be hot if they were related like brothers or cousins. They wouldn't fuck each other or anyone else, just me. I'd pretty much be the centre of their attention.

Anonymous 13202

I like yiff, sometimes.
I don't like 3d porn, it's retarded and made by men for men, but most of 2d porn like hentai and rule34 is just as retarded and male-centered.
I know, most of yiff is shit as well, but surprisingly, there's relatively big number of actually female lesbian artists who know how to draw women's body properly. I don't mind animal head and some weird coloration slapped on top of it. Too bad, most of them eventually revolve into gendie shit and start drawing trannies and girlcocks

Anonymous 13203

I want to be gang banged

Anonymous 13209

What appeals to you about it? Like, are you more the 'all the dicks at once' type or the 'multiple people in a line to fuck me' type?

Anonymous 13213


Hypermuscular men.

Anonymous 13215

>visiting internet friends overseas
>renting a huge place so we can all hang out
>towards the end of the trip as everyone is taking flights and trains out
>just me with three guys
>have a moment on the couch where I ended up laying across two of them
>third mentions he's jealous of our threesome
>start getting ideas about a gangbang
>being shared around by 3 cute guys
>having them compete to use me
>get very cozy with two of them
>make out with one as the others sleeps
>consider waking them up to join in
>quickly realise how gross a gangbang would be
>the logistics alone would make it a nightmare
>lose all interest in sex
Gangbanging is one of those fetishes you really need to stare down the barrel of to realise you're not actually into it and just like it for one or two particular elements.

Anonymous 13220

Sorry. I saw this late. But yeah, having the sole attention of multiple guys.

Anonymous 13222

like actual bodybuilders? or just in anime form

Anonymous 13250


I have many embarrassing fetishes through the years (I had a bad case of pornsickness as a virgin) but the one I always come back to is cuckqueaning. It’s not the humiliation for me though: I want to be the one in control of it all and I want to watch + participate which isn’t very queany of me. Also as I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten more sadistic so you can use your imagination.
These factors combined make it go from “cool gf that lets me fuck other women” to “dude wtf” so let’s just say I’d never let a man know about this.

Pic very much related

Anonymous 13254

Premature ejaculators. Maybe because it’s humiliating for them.

Anonymous 13255

I love guys that are a lot bigger than me, ik that's not really usually a kink, but I mean like 6'6+, I'm 5'1 so it would be a ridiculous size difference, and having a guy call me kitten and sweetheart and fuck me too hard in front of all his big hot friends while they stroke their cocks to me begging for help. Twisted, ik.

Anonymous 13256

Same, I like the thought of a bunch of hot guys grabbing at me and holding me

Anonymous 13304


>I’ve gotten more sadistic
Is this you?

Anonymous 13308

No but it’s nice to see a kindred spirit

Anonymous 13311

emo boys turn me on so much, emo skinny asf boys who looks like jeff the killer…

Anonymous 13319

I don't care if this is fake, I am enjoying reading this immensely

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